HomeMy WebLinkAbout1973-01-10-LBC-min.pdf LEXINGTON BICENTENNIAL COMMITTEE Minutes January 10, 1973 The meeting was called to order in the Legion Room of Cary Hall at 7 30 p.m. by the Chairman King Howard Members present were Linc Cole, Roland Greeley, Tony Mancini, Dick Michelson, Alan Adams, Pat Wheatley, Fred James, Miriam Butts, Rudy Fobert, and Steve Politi King noted that Steve is officially a member of our committee and will serve as vice-chairman. King said that in the future LBC can be a little more rigid in limiting guests to the meetings He suggested that there be a cut off date for items on the agenda - the Thursday before the meeting and the Friday before the meeting for guests King has updated the membership list and Steve will update the organizational chart King reported to the committee that today he was in receipt of copies of memoranda dated January 8, 1973 over the signature of Donald G Rhoads, Major USAF of Hanscom Field indicating that "on December 26, 1972 the Chairman of the Concord Board of Selectmen had sent an invitation to local commanders for specific participation in Concord on April 19, 1975 in the Bicentennial parade" This unilateral action by Concord was not in compliance with agreements reached at the November 16, 1972 meeting of the Bicentennial Joint Services Coordinating Committee and so recorded in the minutes of that meeting issued over the signature of Segard L. Jensen Jr , Colonel, USAF Commander L. C Hanscom Field The appearance of non compliance, led LBC to request its Chairman and Linc Cole to arrange a meeting with Mr Finigan and make a report at the next meeting. Next King gave a resume of the preliminary meeting with the Appropriations Committee on December 18, 1972. There was some discussion concerning A C. questions and RcccivaLiuub iiug will have a draft of the a u meeting at the next meeting of LBC Dick has talked to the Director of the Masonic Order, Stan Maxwell They are going to invite the President. Mr Maxwell would like to meet with LBC on the 28th of February 1973 Pat Wheatley displayed the latest stationery design. LBC decided in favor of the buff and blue colors With the address included at the bottom of the page, this design was approved Pat will find out about rates for printing Mr O'Connell was welcomed at 8 30 The subject of the street signs and direction signs was explored in response to the recent letter from Mr O'Connell. He said he had no idea of the practicality of new signs but if the committee thought it a worthwhile project he felt it would be constructive Alan Adams -2- thought LBC should prepare a memo for the Selectmen. LBC should voice its requirements King said that this proposal would be part of the committee recommendations Next on the agenda was a discussion of the site for the N.E Opera Company performances In memos from the Board of Selectmen it has been urged to encourage the N E Opera Company but leaves the problem of the site for further investigation. Parking is a problem at the Lincoln Street site. The problem of the site should be worked out with the Town Manager Town Counsel has indicated that there is a way to solve this problem. Decisions on other site needs have to be made There are other requirements for site use which have to be considered Linc said that } a catalogue should be made of the available land; what land is under what authority, future plans for the site etc Roly Greeley said that the Planning Board had wanted to do such a study LBC should write the PB stating their needs and requesting such a catalogue Roly said he would contact the PB on this At this point Barbara Morganstern, representing the Metropolitan Cultural Alliance interjected the thinking of her group on the dispersal of cultural activities She said her plans would sort of "Coreograph the town for the day" There would be a large range of cultural activities to drain off some of the concentration. King said that activities already planned for the weekend of April 19 tax the capacity of Lexington, he hoped to extend the space of interest over the year Barbara said she hoped to hear of concrete plans in specific towns and to be able to propose to specific Federal agencies for funds King suggested that she work with Miriam Butts on program ideas which LBC is considering. Walter O'Connelldescribed the questionaire form ARBC as very subjective It is prepared as an aid to evaluate requirements of the Bicentennial Committee for someone in Washington who will be parcelling out money King will meet with Walter on this Mr O'Connellproposed a method to organize the task of the Bicentennial Committee to work out the problems of logistics LBC should draw on operating organizations LBC should talk to the Board of Selectmen so that the load can be lightened and given, to the departments existing in the town; The Police Chief should be responsible for vehicle safety; the Fire Dept for emergency first aid and rescue etc I (— Use Use the Board of Selectmen for authorization. King responded that the initial germ of that idea was created thirteen months ago in the formation of the MBLC Captain Lima of the Lexington Police force is in charge of the public safety area of LBC Mr O'Connell said that he was interested in expediting - cutting the total job into pieces King will make this matter part of his meeting with the Selectmen. William Page of Workshop '75 and several members of the group came to inform the committee of their thinking in regard to the Bicentennial. Mr Page gave the introductory remarks He listed the criteria for their proposal as 1. celebrates - reapplies freedom cooperation and other historic concepts 2. permanent value to Lexington and broader community 3 help process of participation in government 4 will it excite interest a. group; b Lexington; c country 5 human fulfillment He said that they had explored 4 project possibilities 1. public transportation 2. civic center 3 augmenting group dialogue (electronic polling) 4 rediscover patriotism Mr Robert A. Harris discussed the reasoning behind the selection of "rediscovering patriotism" as the project they had chosen. The slogan they proposed was "0 Beautiful ' for Patriot Dream" Patriotism, what is it? What mechanism would be used to develop this theme and further dialogue? There could be a multi-media presentation contest, high school essays, slide shows, movies, poems, songs and combinations of these He would forsee judging in a pyramid - by schools, towns, states and National The judges background would include those talented in the media also educators, clergy and gov't officials A suggested time sequence would be to have a Revolu- Liu..a y pc. ud LnOLLLLa. OycC.k t4 Ar.1.—1-3-th l-97-3a—Lexington speaker on the topic of the challenge to rediscover patriotism in April 1974, and complete the National contest here in Lexington in April 1975 (or another month) This would provide a revitalization of patriotism in its true and deepest sense It could have a reunifying effect on a divided nation, something for everybody which is creative and fundamental. It would focus attention on Lexington - contests could continue even after the celebration. We would build on our past glory instead of basking in our past glory Bill said LBC might consider setting up a sub-committee King thanked him and the group for an excellent presentation. He suggested that LBC work with Workshop '75 as a group intact - it could be designated as a sub-committee if necessary Holy Greeley said he would be the liaison with Workshop '75 There was some discussion as to the practical aspects of giving impetus to the project Rudy Fobert suggested active participation as well as intellectual participation. ( (— King asked that Bill put his proposal in writing for LBC and TCC and the Board of Selectmen. LBC will study the project at the next meeting. Roland Robbins, a noted archeologist showed the Committee examples of his excavations and described the procedures he would use if LBC wanted to consider discovering the foundations of buildings known to be on the Green in 1775 He showed through slides the way he conducts his probes, through test bores and "peep" holes and replaces all soil and marks of his day's work before he leaves at night In order to determine the potential of historical interest under the Green would take less than $1,000 He would want school youngsters to help, using small numbers at a time, in any actual digging. LBC is very interested in such a project After talking to the proper authorities on this LBC will again contact Mr Robbins The next meeting of LBC will be held in G-15 of the Town Office Building at 7 30 p.m. on January 24, 1973 The meeting adjourned at 11 00 p m. Respectfully submitted, Becky Nussdorfer, Secretary