( Minutes - March 8, 1972
The meeting came to order in the Legion Room at 7 30 P M. The Chairman noted
that the TMMA information meeting was being held tonight at the High School and they
would be expecting the presentation of our articles on the Warrant. As Mr Howard
had just stepped off the plane from Paris, Dick Michelson was selected to make the
presentation. The LBC feels we should emphasize that we are suggesting a Town
Memorial for the year 1975 not a museum. King distributed copies of his Estimate of
Expenses for the Bicentennial year 1975 which will be used in our presentation. This
estimate though general was thought to be reasonable.
The minutes of the February 23rd meeting of LBC were corrected as follows
Page 2, Paragraph 3 should read "The establishment of an historical
Commission as provided by statute to receive funds for such a memorial
was discussed " (Delete "as Concord has done")
Page 3, Item 2 insert "starting in 1972" after "warm months"
It was announced that there had been a commitment from the Centennial Legion
for the 19th of April, 1975 Mr Edgar was not present as expected, but we will
receive such a commitment in writing.
Due to conflict with Town Meeting nights, the LBC decided to hold the next
meeting at 7 00 P M. , March 22 and to have additional meetings as the events warrant
Bob Reynolds voiced the need for a vice-chairman on LBC to coordinate things when
King is absent King said that he is working on expansion of LBC to include such
a person.
Warren suggested that our meetings in the future be scheduled by subject
Fnrah1;ehneat-nf the rate of_April_19-th_as_a_Nariona-lHoliday for 1975-and-/-or
as a State Holiday from now on was suggested as an area of immediate attention.
Present were King Howard, Warren Butters, Dick Michelson, Roland Greeley,
Bob Reynolds, and Becky Nussdorfer
The meeting was adjourned at 8 30 P M. as Dick and Roland took leave to attend
the TMMA meeting. Special attention by LBC and attendance if possible was urged
for the hearing with the Appropriations Committee on March 13, 1972, at 7 30 P M.
Our warrant articles will be presented at that time
Respectfully submitted,
Becky Nv sdorfer, Secr tary (Ca)