HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-10-17-CONCOM-min.pdf LEXINGTON CONSERVATION COMMISSION OCTOBER 17, 2000 Commissioners present: Lisa Baci, Duke Bitsko (8:05), Bebe Fallick, Philip Hamilton, Joyce Miller and Richard Wolk. Absent: Angela Frick. Others present: Marilyn Nordby and Linda Gaudet. Chairman Miller called the meeting to order at 7.45 p.m. in Room G-15, Town Office Building. Diamond Junior Hieh School—Drainaae Discussion - 201-440 Present: Peter Kelley, Building Committee; Dan Vallee, Town Engineer; Josh Alston, Judith Nitsch Engineering. Dan Vallee explained that an existing drainage ditch between the school and the wetlands on the north was incorporated into the proposed new drainage plan for the school renovation. This ditch is shown on the original 1959 school plan and was constructed in 1960. The elevation of the bottom of the ditch is higher than the outlet pipe. Because of this, and the lack of maintenance, the ditch is no longer functional. The silt must be removed to allow the new drainage system to function properly They propose lowering the elevation of the ditch to 195 to allow the drainage system to work. The ditch will be riprapped and grass lined with a conservation seed mix. In addition, a large willow tree blocking the channel must be removed. The Commission asked for a management plan to maintain the reconstructed ditch, including an annual inspection. Mr. Vallee submitted a plan. After discussion, it was moved, seconded and voted to approve as a field change the reconstruction of the ditch including the removal of the willow tree and to require that the Operation &Maintenance Plan for Diamond include the maintenance of the ditch. This will be confirmed in a letter to the applicants. (Mr. Bitsko arrived at 8.05 p.m.) HEARING. 6 BROOKWOOD ROAD K. Fuchs/E. Lokos, addition (201-479) 8:05 p.m. Present: Ellen Lokos and Klaus Fuchs, applicants; Fred Russell, Engineer; Leo Gameau, wetlands consultant. Fred Russell reviewed the plans for the construction of an addition to the existing house at 6 Brookwood Road. He submitted revised plans. Construction activities will be conducted within the buffer zone to BV W, Bank and Riverfront area. The wetlands are 52 feet from the proposed addition and 41 feet from the edge of the deck. The stormwater system is designed to mitigate runoff generated by the new addition and a portion of the existing house. A catch basin equipped with a sump and a grease and oil separator will be installed to trap pollutants from the driveway Erosion control will be installed along the edge of the existing driveway The shed located at the MINUTES LEXINGTON CONSERVATION COMMISSION 10/17/00 PAGE 2 top of the brook bank will be removed and the vacant space will be planted. Wetland plantings jwill also be planted along the side of the driveway, along the bank of the brook. In response to a question from the Commission, there will be an increase in impervious surface but a net decrease of 582 s.f. in impervious cover contributing to runoff for proposed conditions, which will result in a decrease in peak stormwater discharge rates after construction. Mark Savage, abutter, asked if the proposed drainage mitigation trench will be considered a wetland in the future, if it would drain into his property and why is it located near his property Mrs. Miller replied that the trench is not considered a wetland and there should be no negative impact to his property Fred Russell said there will be no impacts temporary or permanent on the Savage property The trench is located as proposed because this area has the most favorable soils and the runoff will be infiltrated into the ground. Mrs. Miller read the Engineer's Report which stated the design was prepared using standard and accepted engineering practice, and he concurs with the engineer's methods and conclusions. Ellen Lokos submitted a petition signed by neighbors supporting the project subject to the Commission's approval. Mr. Savage said that after hearing the responses he also supports the project. It was moved, seconded and voted to close the hearing. DEP CIRCUIT RIDER. Gillian Davies Gillian Davies gave a short presentation to explain that there will be a series of monthly educational meetings beginning on 10/31/00 for Conservation Commission members and agents. These meetings will begin with an educational presentation on a topic of relevance and interest followed by a question and answer period. The meetings will be held at various locations in the surrounding vicinity The two Northeast Region Circuit Riders are Gillian and Mike Abell. Commissioners and agents are welcome to call them to discuss problems at any time, and questions may be brought to the monthly meetings as well. Questions should relate to the Wetlands Protection Act in the surrounding watersheds. Gillian gave handouts to Commissioners which listed issues which might be discussed. She asked that topics of interest be sent to her. LEXINGTON CHRISTIAN ACADEMY WALKING TRAIL 8 45 p.m. Rick Waitt, Meridian Engineering, and Dr. Koops, LCA Headmaster, attended. Mr. Waitt reviewed a sketch plan showing the potential location of a walking path linking the school with residential lots on Lowell Street that the school recently acquired. These lots are at 114 and 118 Lowell Street. George Hall,the school's attorney, has asked if the Commission would be receptive to a settlement of the Appeal in Superior Court involving an amendment to the final plan deleting the Bartlett Avenue parking area and substituting this pathway LCA wants to avoid filing a new NOI for this work. The Commission noted that Mr. Hall's letter was incorrect in that it stated that the new parking area pavement would be outside the 100-foot buffer zone and the riverfront area. Mr. Waitt explained that the 400-foot long, possibly five-foot wide path, MINUTES LEXINGTON CONSERVATION COMMISSION 10/17/00 PAGE 3 would meander through the woods through major trees. It would be easier if the path were paved, but other materials could be used. Dr. Koops said they have arranged for overflow parking at other locations to meet the requirements for the enrollment. If the Commission agrees to the path, they will come back with a detailed plan for the path. Their plans for the use of the lots on Lowell Street are uncertain, but one house may be demolished and the area used for parking. They may use the houses for temporary offices during the construction of the school. Another possible use might be employee residences. Mr. Waitt said the wetlands have been flagged as shown on the sketch plan as submitted. They are in the process of cleaning up the trash and debris from the property on the Lowell Street lots. Selective brush clearing is needed at the back of the properties because the vegetation is very overgrown. It was decided that the Commission must look at the site. Fill and brush clearing may require a RFD Mr Waitt will call for a site visit when the trash is cleaned out. The Commission needs time to consider the viability of a path. The wetlands line must be approved first. Worthen Road Site—Sr. Center This site is under consideration for the Sr. Center. Commissioners believe that about one fourth of the site may be wetlands. Because of the high groundwater, the site would require 4-5 feet of fill. CONT'D HEARING. WINNING FARM, 4-lot subdivision/roadwav - (201-441 to 4451 Mrs. Miller read a letter from Winning Farm Trust requesting that the meeting be continued to October 31, 2000 Due to a lack of a quorum on that date, it was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to continue the hearing to November 14 ORDER OF CONDITIONS. 58 Solomon Pierce Road - 201-478 It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Order of Conditions for 58 Solomon Pierce Road as amended. Minutes It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the minutes of August 8, 2000, as submitted. It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the minutes of September 5, 2000, as submitted. It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the minutes of September 19, 2000, as submitted. Certificates of Compliance It was moved, seconded and voted to issue the Certificates of Compliance for 12 Cutler Farm Road 201-447 55 Ledgelawn Avenue - 201-410 10 Maguire Road - 201-398 MINUTES LEXINGTON CONSERVATION COMMISSION 10/17/00 PAGE 4 Town Report Photo It was decided that the photo would be taken on Sunday,November 5, at 2 p.m. at the Lexington High School Worthen Road parking lot. Executive Session - Commissioners Baci, Bitsko, Fallick, Hamilton, Miller and Wolk voted to go into Executive Session for the purpose of approving minutes. The meeting resumed in open session. The meeting adjourned at 9:30 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda A. Gaudet Secretary