Commissioners present: Bebe Fallick, Lisa Baci, Duke Bitsko, Philip Hamilton, and Joyce
Miller. Absent: Angela Frick and Dick Wolk.
Others present: Marilyn Nordby and Linda Gaudet.
Chairman Miller called the meeting to order at 7:50 p.m. in Room G-15, Town Office Building.
High School Drainage Plan - 201-438
At a previous meeting Dan Vallee stated that the installation of the entire drainage system cannot
be completed for two years because of project phasing. He reviewed a temporary drainage plan
to mitigate stormwater runoff from the new pavement installed on the Waltham Street side of the
parking lot. An orifice on the existing pipe will reduce the speed of stormwater outflow through
the pipe. Overflow or backup will be directed to a detention pond which will serve as a
temporary storage area. A 10x20 by 6" deep spillway filled with crushed stone between CB 257
and the storage pond is also proposed. The contractor does not plan to install curbing along the
access driveways until next spring. The Commission required that the curbing must be installed
by April and they approved the proposed temporary solution pending the Town Engineer's
approval. The installation of the 11-inch orifice and surface storage area should be completed no
later than October 31, 2000 The Commission requested that a plan and a work schedule with
specifics be submitted to the Office.
It was moved, seconded and voted(Ms. Baci abstained)to approve as a field change the
proposed interim stormwater mitigation system as stated above, and to require that the curb
along the road south of building A be installed by April 15, 2001
HEARING, 32 LINCOLN STREET J Rhodin,Addition - 201-476
Present: Mac McDowell,Noonan& McDowell, Jeffrey Rhodin, applicant. Others are listed in
the file.
Mr McDowell presented a plan for the construction of an addition, garage and driveway to an
existing home at 32 Lincoln Street. The addition is located 80 feet from the Bordering Vegetated
Wetland. The wetlands were flagged on 5/8/00 by LEC and the report is on file. Runoff from
the yard and roof will be directed to an infiltration and leaching trench to mitigate an increase in
stormwater runoff during all storm events. A test pit was dug to determine the soils information.
Mrs. Miller read the engineering report which finds that the design was prepared using standard
and accepted engineering practice and concurs with the engineer's methods and conclusions.
In response to questions from the Commission Mr. Rhodin said that the wetlands line has not
changed much from his previous submittal. The infiltrator trench, constructed in 1993, will
continue to be used. No trees will be cut. The neighbors are at a higher grade so should not be
It was voted to close the hearing.
Executive Session
Commissioners Baci, Bitsko, Fallick, Frick, Hamilton, Miller and Wolk voted to go into
Executive Session for the purpose of approving minutes, and discussing potential litigation and
land acquisition.
The meeting reconvened in open session.
Discussion -Fiber Optic Cable Installation, Bikeway - 201-464
Ben Ghiringhelli and John Gorham of Adesta Communications asked the Commission for
approval to locate the staging area at the Bow Street public parking area for the work involving
the installation of the cable in the Bikeway The area is near Monroe brook and will require
installation of hay bales and silt fence between the guardrail and the brook. They said that only
two pieces of installation equipment will be parked in the area, but will be outside the 50-foot
buffer zone. The Commission expressed their concern about leaks from vehicles and felt that the
parking area should also be protected. Ms. Nordby said that they had submitted a good spill
prevention plan that provides for inspections and emergency responses. The work will be
completed early in November.
It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the location of the staging area.
Irrieation System - 201-477
Present: Brian Gilbert, DPW, Don Chisholm, Lexington Recreation; and Bill Kuriger, W E.
Kuriger Assoc.
Mrs. Miller read the Engineering report which is on file.
Mr. Kuriger submitted two sets of revised plans. He reviewed the plans reflecting the changes
made on the Commission's site walk on Saturday The locations where the underground
irrigation system will be installed are at golf holes 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 The plans depict the locations
showing the heads further from the wetlands. The line between holes 4 and 5 will be moved
further from the wetlands. All trenching will be restored to fairway conditions within 48 hours.
There will be no disturbance of the existing bordering vegetated wetland.
It was moved, seconded and voted to close the hearing.
Emereencv Order Ratification-Pine Meadows Golf Course/Unner Pond
It was moved, seconded and voted to ratify the Certification of Emergency to permit borings
necessary to obtain information for the design of the replacement for the existing dam which has
sprung a leak. There is concern that downstream flooding, pollution, erosion and damage from
sedimentation will occur if this dam were to fail. There will be approximately six test borings
covering a 100-foot area.
CONT'D HEARING. WINNING FARM. 4-lot subdivision/roadwav - 201-441 to 445
Ms. Etsell of Winning Farm Trust requested a continuation of this hearing to October 3, 2000 It
was moved, seconded and voted to continue the hearing to October 3
Order of Conditions, 128 Maple Street (201-4751
It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Order of Conditions for 128 Maple Street as
Certificate of Compliance - 118 Marrett Road - 201-381
It was moved, seconded and voted to issue a Certificate of Compliance for 118 Marrett Road.
Extension Permit - 33 Hayden Avenue,narking lot - 201-412
Mrs. Miller read the letter requesting a three year extension. Under the Commission's
regulations the commission issues extensions for one-year periods only Therefore, it was
moved, seconded and voted to issue an Extension Permit for the project at 33 Hayden Avenue
for a period of one year.
Order of Conditions, Reed's Brook - 201-470
Mrs. Miller read a personal statement for the record outlining the issues and concerns about this
It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the Order of Conditions for the Reed's Brook
project as amended.
Site Visits - 10 a.m., Saturday, October 3 - 58 Solomon Pierce Road, addition.
The meeting adjourned at 10.15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda A. Gaudet