Commissioners present: Lisa Baci, Duke Bitsko, Angela Frick, Philip Hamilton, Joyce Miller
and Richard Wolk. Absent: Bebe Fallick.
Others present: Marilyn Nordby and Linda Gaudet.
Chairman Miller called the meeting to order at 7:50 p.m. in Room G-15, Town Office Building.
Cont'd. Hearin¢ for Amendment, Level (3) Communications, fiber optic cable - 201-468
Present: Peter Potvin, Kiewit Construction, and Michael Ball, ENSR.
PB Network Services, on behalf of Level 3 Communications, has requested an Amendment to
the Order of Conditions for installing fiber optic cable within the Rte. 128/I-95 right of way The
Order authorized the cable installation within the highway median. The Mass. Highway
Department has directed Level 3 to relocate the cable in the 10-foot wide paved southbound
shoulder of the highway Project Manager Peter Potvin reviewed the project and showed a
sample of the cable interduct to be used. The trench will be dug in the middle of the shoulder
area. Erosion controls will include the installation of silt fence along BVW and silt sacks in
catch basins, and hay bales surrounding catch basins; this will comply with the Cambridge
Water Department's request for extra protection in wetland resource areas near the access area on
Rte. 2. The trench will be 60 inches deep and 18 inches wide. All trenches will be closed and
the area paved at the end of each workday
The Cambridge Water Department will attend the pre-construction meeting.
It was moved, seconded and voted to close the hearing and approve the Amendment to the Order
of Conditions for the project.
25 Vinebrook Road- Field Chance - 201-413
Mr. Tropeano, owner of 25 Vine Brook Road, requested permission to remove a blue spruce tree
adjacent to his house. Because the tree is a potential danger to the house, the Commission voted
to approve as a field change the request to remove the tree.
HEARING FOR AMENDMENT 87 Hancock St. Hancock Farms R.T Site revisions 201-446
Present: Gerard Maloney, applicant; Dylan James, Meridian Engineering.
Mr. James presented the plan for modifications to the proposed site development on Lot 1 The
owner plans to renovate the existing structure, eliminate the previously proposed addition and the
impervious driveway, and construct a basketball court area. The proposed work will be
contained within the limit-of-work line previously established. An infiltration facility is
proposed to collect all stormwater runoff from the dwelling and court area. A gravel driveway is
proposed. It was concluded that if a future owner paved the driveway, there would still be a
decrease in impervious areas on site and the drainage could handle the change.
Mrs. Miller read the Engineering report which states he concurs with the drainage design and
calculations submitted.
Commissioners noted that the limit-of-work line, which is 50 feet from the wetland line,will not
be moved. There is a Conservation Restriction area on the lot. The closest point for the basket
ball court to the wetlands is 87 feet. It was noted that the topography drops off to the rear which
will limit the use of the yard.
It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to close the hearing and approve the amendment
to the Order of Conditions with a condition that a landscaping plan must be submitted for
approval showing a vegetated or structural amenity that will provide a barrier between the
activity area at the back of the house and the buffer between that area and the wetlands.
CONT'D HEARING, Dunham St. Lot 1 R. DuPont - 201-474
Mrs. Miller read a letter from Roger DuPont requesting a continuance of the hearing to October
3, 2000. It was moved, seconded and voted to continue the hearing to October 3, 2000.
CONT'D HEARING, 128 Maple Street, J Eliades, single-family house -201-475
Present: Jack Eliades, applicant; Susan Eliades; and Mary Trudeau, representative.
Ms. Trudeau reviewed the revised plan showing the house, the wetland line, and the test pit
location. The hay bale line will be extended. Ms. Trudeau submitted a letter from a certified
arborist which stated that digging for the foundation would damage the root system and
severely weaken the maple tree near the house making it more susceptible to storm damage and
become a serious hazard in the future. The outstanding engineering issues have been addressed
by the applicant.
It was moved, seconded and voted to close the hearing. They agreed to submit a landscape plan
before the Order of Conditions is approved.
Discussion-Diamond/Clarke Middle Schools - Stormwater Treatment Equipment
Mr. Nicolas Reitzel of CDS Technologies, Inc. discussed with the Commission the applicability
of using CDS Technologies equipment for stormwater treatment at the Diamond and Clarke
Middle Schools. He said that he would like approval from the Commission to allow his
equipment to be substituted for the Stormceptor system initially approved on the plan
specifications. Judith Nitsch Engineering is evaluating the critical requirements of the
equipment, and some further technical issues must be addressed. He submitted some
supplemental material about their equipment. The Commission decided that approval will be
conditioned on a positive technical review and response from the project engineer as well as the
Town engineer. Mr. Reitzel said a full package for review will be submitted shortly
Certificate of Compliance - LCA Tennis Court - 201-421
It was moved, seconded and voted to issue a Certificate of Compliance for the tennis court
project at Lexington Christian Academy
Lexineton Christian Academy Athletic Fields - 201-288
Ms.Nordby reported that David Langseth has completed his review of the water quality
monitoring data and has concluded that additional water testing should be continued and be
conducted at least twice a year. Mr. Langseth's formal response will be sent to LCA.
Reed's Brook Preamble Discussion
There was discussion by the Commission and Gary Fallick about statements to be included in the
Preamble. The water testing parameters were discussed.
Site Visits - Pine Meadows for the irrigation project will be at 10 a.m. on Saturday; 32 Lincoln
Street will follow
Hieh School Proiect - 201-438
Ms. Baci reported that at this time there is no drainage mitigation and the curbs have not been
constructed as required in the Order of Conditions. Ms. Nordby reported that Dan Vallee will be
submitting information for review shortly
The meeting adjourned at 9:50 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda A. Gaudet