Commissioners present: Lisa Baci, Duke Bitsko, Bebe Fallick, Angela Frick, Philip Hamilton,
Joyce Miller and Richard Wolk.
Others present: Marilyn Nordby and Gary Fallick, Associate Member.
Chairman Miller called the meeting to order at 7 45 p.m. in G-15, Town Office Building.
Cont'd. Hearing, Reed's Brook Cleaning (201-470) 8:50 p.m.
Present: Alan McClennen, Director and Kevin O'Brien, Asst. Director of Dept. of Planning and
Community Development, Town of Arlington(Applicant); Jennifer Doyle-Breen, Metcalf&
Eddy; and Michael Lelyveld, abutter.
Mr. O'Brien submitted a copy of the memorandum that he submitted to James Sprague at DEP
The memo was written to address Mr. Sprague's concern that the replication pond was located at
the edge of the detention pond where the purpose of each area, and therefore, design and
maintenance would be different. He was concerned that the replication area would also perform
a dual duty as a sedimentation basin. Mr. O'Brien said that the replication area will be subject to
the fluctuations in the water level as most bordering wetlands are, and should behave no
differently than the natural area it replicates. They propose to install a berm between the
replication area and the detention pond to minimize the potential for sediment to enter the
detention area, however, it will be hydraulically connected to the detention pond to maintain the
water level in the wetlands. The proposed replication area is about 900 feet from the section of
brook in Lexington that is being cleaned,but it is at the same elevation and serves the same
stream. He reiterated that the replication area could not be built in Lexington because of the site
Mr. O'Brien said that the Arlington Conservation Commission has not closed the hearing on the
Amendment to their Order preferring to wait until Lexington had closed so the conditions can be
somewhat coordinated. The goal is to do the Lexington work this winter. Mrs. Miller reiterated
that-the_Lexingtansegment of_the_br_aok was-being_cleaned-befar-e_the_landfll wark is_started in
response to the Lexington abutters who are the appellants in the appeal to the original Arlington
Conservation Order of Conditions. This schedule was written into the Settlement Agreement.
In response to Mr. Lowry's questions about using the machinery called a Linkbelt to clean the
brook instead of a Smally, Mr. O'Brien said that the company manufacturing the Smally was out
of business, but the Linkbelt was a very similar type of machinery Mats will be installed to
distribute the weight of the equipment and protect the terrain in the work area. The dredged
material will be removed from the immediate site in cement buggies that run on a track installed
on the mats. It will then be loaded on trucks and taken to the assigned dump or storage areas.
Michael Lelyveld said he understands he cannot continue to raise objections when the case is
closed. However, he continued to express concerns on almost every aspect of the project on
what he feels future unknown impacts may be. Mrs. Miller assured him that if the decision to
cap or not cap the landfill changes any of the aspects of the project in Lexington, Arlington will
have to refile or file for an amendment.
Ms. Baci said that she understands that all parties in the mediation group have the rights to
comment on any DEP action regarding the landfill capping through the public process. The
Order of Conditions must address a requirement for continued water quality testing in Lexington.
Mr. Fallick said that other issues to address are an Emergency Spill Plan and future maintenance
of the brook channel. Mr. O'Brien said they must have a signed agreement with the abutters
before the work can be done and a copy of this agreement has been submitted to the
Commission. In response to Mr. Lelyveld's concern about the pipe in Reed Street, Mr. O'Brien
said that the system was approved by Lexington's reviewing engineer. He understands that the
pipes in the system were very flat, but that all engineering standards for size and grade have been
met. Arlington has a maintenance plan for the drain pipes and Lexington can require
maintenance of their segment in the Order. He also said that the brook water coming into
Lexington will not be in contact with leachate from the landfill on completion of the project.
The current flow is now in more contact with leachate and has not tested that dirty Their current
testing information will be given to Mr. Fallick for review He noted Lexington will be
responsible for maintaining the section of the channel in Lexington.
The Commission will walk the wetland line on Sunday, August 20,to review it for approval.
Issues to be addressed in the Order include following Dennis Lowry's suggestion that the area
along the brook not be disturbed with grading and the natural vegetation be allowed to
It was moved, seconded and voted to close the hearing.
Minutes - It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to approve the minutes of July 25,
2000, as corrected.
Certificate of Compliance - 35 Woodnark Circle (DET #00-31
It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to issue the Certificate of Compliance for the
netermination-0fApplicability-issued-for-work at 35-Wood-par-k-Circle.
Conservation Restriction- 66 Solomon Pierce Road (CR#831
It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to approve the Conservation Restriction on the
property at 66 Solomon Pierce Road. (Pheasant Brook I, Lot 1 —201-211)
The meeting adjourned at 10:20 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Marilyn Nordby
Conservation Administrator