Commissioners present: Lisa Baci, Duke Bitsko, Angela Frick, Joyce Miller and Richard Wolk.
Absent: Bebe Fallick and Philip Hamilton.
Others present: Marilyn Nordby and Linda Gaudet.
Chairman Miller called the meeting to order at 7:50 p.m. in Room G-15, Town Office Building.
Discussion. Clarke Middle School Temporary Modular Classroom (201-439)
Dan Vallee, Asst. Town Engineer, presented a plan for the installation of temporary modular
classrooms at the Clarke Middle School to be used for the duration of the school renovation
construction. The units will be located on an existing grassed area and supported on sona tubes.
After discussion, the Commission directed that a french drain must be installed between the units
and the paved area and that hay bales must be installed between the units and the brook during
the installation. It was moved, seconded and voted (Ms. Baci abstained)to accept the above
plan with the appropriate erosion controls as a field change to the school's renovation plans.
HEARING for ANRAD Lot 3 Hartwell Avenue. Magnus Engineering Services. 8.15 pm
Wetlands boundary
The hearing for the determination of the wetlands boundary on lot 3, Hartwell Avenue, was
opened. The applicant was not present and no testimony was given. Mrs. Miller said that based
on the review of the line at the Saturday site visit, there were outstanding questions regarding the
line as delineated which required meeting with the consultant at the site for more information.
Mrs. Miller read an agreement from the applicant requesting a continuance to June 6. It was
moved, seconded and voted to continue the hearing to June 6, 2000, at 7.45 p.m.
Report - Metromedia—Fiber Optic Cable Installation alone the Bike Path - 201-464
Mr. Bitsko reported that at the Board of Selectmen's meeting the Selectmen voiced a strong
opinion to the legal counsel of Metromedia that a third conduit should be installed along the Bike
Path while they are doing their work to install their cable. Metromedia has not agreed to this
option to date but will review the option again and respond at a future Selectmen meeting.
Order of Conditions. Rte. 2/95 Level (3) Communications. Fiber Optic Cable - 201-468
It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to approve the Order of Conditions for Level (3)
Communications as amended.
Order of Conditions. 57 Solomon Pierce Road - 201-465
It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to approve the Order of Conditions for 57
Solomon Pierce Road as amended.
Minutes Lexington Conservation Commission 5/23/00 Page 2
Certificate of Compliance. 66 Solomon Pierce Road. Lot 1 Pheasant Brook Estates
201-153 and 201-168
Ms. Nordby explained that it is necessary to issue these Certificates to release the lot from the
subdivision Order of Conditions and to release the lot from an Order where it was denied to clear
these from the chain of title. There is an outstanding Order(201-211) for the construction on the
lot for which a Certificate of Compliance cannot be issued until the Conservation Restriction is
Ratify Certificate of Emergency 12 Ingleside Road
Ms. Nordby reported that a boulder from the bikeway rolled into a drainage swale behind 12
Ingleside Road and is blocking the stormwater runoff from flowing from the area and is causing
flooding on the adjacent property DPW will remove the boulder It was moved, seconded and
unanimously voted to ratify the Certificate of Emergency for removing the blockage.
Ratify Enforcement Order - 44 Lincoln Street
Ms. Nordby reported that an Enforcement Order was issued to Denis LeBlanc at 44 Lincoln
Street for site work within 100 feet of the wetlands located at the back of the lot. It was moved,
seconded and voted to ratify the Enforcement Order for 44 Lincoln Street.
CONT'D HEARING. 53 Ledaelawn Avenue. R. Heingartner/A. Newmark, addition 8.30 pm
Present: John Noonan, representative; Amy Newmark and Robert Heingartner, applicants.
This hearing is continued from a previous meeting on May 9 John Noonan presented the
revised plan. The revision included shortening the driveway by 14.5 feet and pulling the erosion
control further from the top of the bank. A test pit was dug and perc test performed. With this
information they found that only one drywell is required. Roof runoff from the entire rear
portion of the house will be directed to the leaching drywell, thus reducing the rate of stormwater
runoff from the impervious surface.
Mr. Heingartner said that he had hired an arborist who recommended that the silver maple tree in
the area of the proposed leaching nit should be removed. This will allow the leaching nit to be
moved further from the roots of the other two trees which will contribute to the health of the
remaining trees. Mr Heingartner submitted the information from the arborist.
Mrs. Miller noted that the entire lot is within 100 feet of the riverfront. According to DEP,the
Commission may approve riverfront projects where there is improvement to the existing
conditions. Under existing conditions the runoff from the roof and the driveway flow toward the
brook. This will be reduced and diverted under the proposed plan. It was noted that the row of
natural vegetation at the top of the bank will remain as is. The Commission concurred with the
arborist's conclusion to remove the tree.
Mrs. Miller read the Engineering report which finds the revised drainage design, supporting
calculations, and soils investigation data acceptable.
It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to close the hearing.
Minutes Lexington Conservation Commission 5/23/00 Page 3
CONT'D HEARING, Winning Farm, Winning Farm Trust, 4-lot subdivision/roadway 8:50 pm
201-441 to 445
Mrs. Miller read a letter from the applicant requesting a continuation to the June 20th meeting.
Therefore, it was moved, seconded and voted to continue the hearing to June 20, 2000.
CONT'D DET #00-4, 35 Haves Lane, P Johnson, drainage/single-family house and street
Mrs. Miller read a memo from the representative requesting a continuation of the public hearing
for 35 Hayes Lane to August 8. Therefore, it was moved, seconded and voted to continue the
hearing to August 8, 2000.
CONT'D HEARING, Old Smith Farm, 160/170 Wood Street, Wood St. R.T 9 pm
Present: Fred Russell, engineer/representative; Jim Gaklis, Wood St. R.T
Mr Russell explained this is a continuation of the hearing held last October. During the last four
months they have been working with the Engineering Department to overcome their concerns
regarding the drainage system. With the final plan there will be a reduction in the amount of
flow and volume from the existing conditions. All concerns previously raised by the
Commission have been addressed. The Planning Board conditionally approved this project with
a plan to fill the depression to meet their standards of a depth of no more than four feet. This
will require filling five to six feet of the depression. To compensate for the flood storage, a
subsurface infiltration system will be installed under the fill in the basin. In addition, other
detention units are sited at other locations. The depth of the water in the depression during a
100-year storm will now be three plus feet.
Additional information provided in response to the Comission's questions includes: the slope of
the depression will be graded at 3 1 and will be sodded immediately to prevent erosion; the
existing cedar trees around the depression will be protected except in the area where equipment
will be brought in to work in the depression; stormwater in the depression from a 100-year storm
should dissipate in three to four hours, if it does not,this would be an indication that the system
was not functioning properly; grading will direct the runoff from the western most slope around
the back of the proposed houses and into the detention basin; and the rate and the volume of
runoff from the site will be reduced and for the most part existing flow patterns will be
maintained. A major concern of the Commission was maintenance of the drainage system. Mr
Russell said that overflow on the site would signal a failure in the system. Mr. Gaklis said that
the development will be condominiums and the association would be responsible for the roads
and the drainage system. The Commission directed that conditions must be included in the
Order that require the developers to develop a maintenance plan,to be approved by the
Commission, and that the owners will be required to maintain the system and keep records of the
systems inspections and maintenance for six years. This maintenance requirement is to continue
in perpetuity There should be a condition, that occupancy is not permitted until the drainage
Minutes Lexington Conservation Commission 5/23/00 Page 4
system installation has been approved by the Commission. The trees removed around the
depression for construction should be replaced.
Mrs. Miller read the engineering report which noted the latest plans dated May 5, 2000, appear
to meet the bylaws for stormwater mitigation.
Mr. Gaklis said there is about 100,000 s.f. of open space that will be deeded to conservation.
The Commission asked for granite bounds to mark the legal boundary After discussion, Mr.
Gaklis said that he would donate $5,000 to start a Trust Fund for the maintenance of the common
open space. They will restore the Gail Smith Gardens, as directed in the Planning Board's
Special Permit, to the best of their ability This will be overseen by Ron Wood.
It was moved, seconded and voted to close the hearing.
ORDER OF CONDITIONS, Old Smith Farm - 201-457
It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to approve the Order of Conditions for Old
Smith Farm, 160/170 Wood Street, as amended.
MINUTES It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the minutes of May 9, 2000
Cotton Farm. Marrett Road - The Commission reviewed a preliminary plan for the proposed
subdivision at the Cotton Farm. There will be a filing with the Commission for this project.
Site Visits will begin at 10 a.m. at Hartwell Avenue (meet in the parking lot of the Hartwell
House); then go to 250 Lincoln Street. The Reed's Brook site visit will be held after the initial
Commissioners Baci, Bitsko, Frick, Miller and Wolk voted to go into Executive Session for the
purpose of approving minutes.
The meeting returned to open session and adjourned at 10.15 p.m.
Respectfully submitted.
Linda A. Gaudet