HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-04-25-CONCOM-min.pdf MINUTES - LEXINGTON CONSERVATION COMMISSION APRIL 25, 2000 Commissioners present: Duke Bitsko, Bebe Fallick, Angela Frick, Philip Hamilton, Joyce Miller and Richard Wolk. Absent: Lisa Baci. Others present: Marilyn Nordby and Linda Gaudet. Chairman Miller called the meeting to order at 7:50 p.m. in Room GA5, Town Office Building. 10 John Poulter Road - This is a continuation of the discussion held at the last meeting. At the request of the Commission the owner, Dmitry Fonarev,presented a landscape plan for his back yard which borders the Vine Brook. This work is designated as a minor activity in the Riverfront under the Rivers Act. He proposes to remove three trees, one of which does not have a healthy root system which will cause it to come down soon. One of the trees near the brook will be replaced with an apple tree. He agreed to enhance the vegetated edge along the bank of the brook with shrubs and shade trees to compensate for the other trees removed. Mr. Fonarev also said that he was opposed to using pesticides and fertilizers on the back lawn and agreed to comply with the Commission request not to use them. The Commission approved of Mr. Fonarev's proposal as discussed above. A letter confirming the details will be issued for the record. HEARING. 57 Solomon Pierce Road, P Weichselbaum. Addition 8:05pm Present: Fred Russell, engineer/representative; Paul Weichselbaum, owner. Others are listed in the file. Mr. Russell presented the proposal for the construction of a 24'x28' addition and a 14'x14' covered porch onto a single-family house at 57 Solomon Pierce Road. Two areas of wetlands have been identified on each side of the property and the proposed work will be located about 60 feet from an edge of BVW The majority of the new addition's footprint will be located within +re-existing-asphalt drivewayA-portion-of-the-existing asphalt will-be-removed-with-the-result of a net decrease of 125 s.f. in impervious cover when the project is completed and therefore a decrease in peak stormwater discharge rates. Comments from Commissioners followed. The Commission discussed the minor widening of the driveway near the garage and are concerned that a location for snow storage be as far as possible from the wetlands. The Commission suggested an enhanced vegetated border be installed along the entrance driveway and front lawn to protect the wetland. No engineering report was necessary because there was no increase in impervious surface. John Carter of 55 Solomon Pierce Road submitted a letter for the record with his comments objecting to the proposal of Mr. Weichselbaum. He noted that the plan did not comply with the Pheasant Brook Estates subdivision deed restrictions and any submissions to the Lexington MINUTES LEXINGTON CONSERVATION COMMISSION 4/25/00 PAGE 2 Conservation Commission should be prepared by T&M Engineering, the original subdivision engineer. Commissioners noted that the deed restriction/covenant from Pheasant Brook is not under the jurisdiction of the Commission. Mr. Carter stated that the roof overhang, which was not shown on the plan,would increase the impervious area. He is concerned that there will be additional runoff directed toward his lot. In response to these concerns, Mr. Russell said there are no proposed grading changes that would direct runoff towards Mr. Carter's property,but there are no runoff controls because there was a reduction in the impervious surface. Even with the minor driveway widening, there is a net loss in impervious surface. Mr. Russell suggested that the Commission could require that a foot of crushed stone be placed around the perimeter of the home to control the runoff from the roof. The owner could not answer the question of where snow would be plowed because last winter, the first they have lived in the house, plowing was not required. The Commission reviewed the Conservation Restriction plan showing the boundaries of the restriction. Mr. Hamilton suggested that the applicant continue the hearing to revise the plan to show the roof overhang and a proposal to mitigate the runoff from the roof This will permit the applicant the flexibility to propose a drywell or crushed stone, or another viable method to control the stormwater. With the applicant's permission, it was moved, seconded and voted to continue the hearing to May 9 at 9 p.m. CONT'D DET #00-4. 35 Haves Lane. P Johnson. Drainaee/sinele-familv house and street widening 8.20 pm A memo was read stating that the applicant has agreed to a continuance of the public hearing to May 23, 2000. It was moved, seconded and voted to continue the hearing to May 23, 2000. CONT'D HEARING. Winnine Farm. Winnine Farm Trust. 4-lot subdivision 8.25 pm 201-441-445 _A-letter-was-read-from-Winning-Farm-Trust-requesting-that-the-hearing-be-continued-to-May-23 2000. It was moved, seconded and voted to continue the hearing to May 23, 2000. 8.30 pm HEARING. 6 Lake Street. Herrin¢ Construction. Demolish and reconstruct sinele-familv house Present: Dylan James,Meridian Engineering; Gregg Moore, LEC Environmental Consultants; Bill Herring, Herring Construction. Others are listed in the file. Mr. James presented the plans for the demolition of an existing dwelling and the construction of a new single-family house at 6 Lake Street. The wetlands have been delineated on the property with the edge generally at the bottom of a stone wall. The net increase in impervious area with the new plan is 650 s.f. A leaching facility designed to infiltrate 1000 square feet of impervious area which is more mitigation than required. MINUTES LEXINGTON CONSERVATION COMMISSION 4/25/00 PAGE 3 In response to questions from the Commission, Mr. James pointed to the test pit detail shown on the plan which indicated that silty soil was found on the lot which might clog the infiltrator system over time. Therefore, this soil will be removed and replaced with one that will work with the system better. The grade around the new house will be raised about 1 '/2 to 2 feet to accommodate an acceptable depth for the installation of the infiltrator system. In response to the Commission's concern regarding the impact of runoff from the lot, Mr. James explained that there is a retaining wall on the right side to protect the neighbor and the left side will to the back of the lot. The roof runoff will be collected in the leaching pit and the rate of runoff reduced because of the collection of runoff from the additional 400 s.f. Snow will be plowed to either side of the driveway The Commission noted that the lawn goes all the way back to the wetland line, and suggested a protective vegetative buffer of at least 25 feet be established. Gregg Moore said with respect to planning for a vegetated border,the vegetation at the base of the stone wall was 50/50 wetland/upland plants. The buffer vegetation would be upland plants. The Commission confirmed there are no objections to the present location or use of the gazebo which will be in the 25-foot buffer planting area. Mr. James confirmed that the driveway width was proposed to accommodate parking a car without blocking the entrance to the garage. Mrs. Miller read the Engineering report which finds the leaching system was designed with acceptable engineering practice and the engineer concurs with the methods and results. Comments from the audience followed. Steve Barbera, neighbor at 28 Columbus Street, stated he gets water in his basement now He would like to be sure that he is not impacted by more water. The abutters were concerned about the pipe, installed by the Town, which is no longer effective in draining the depression. Mrs. Miller assured him that the Engineer's report confirms there will be no increase in flooding due to this project. The Commission will explore restoration of the drainage with DPW Ms. Berges,the seller of the property, said the lot is currently very wet because of the weather, but that it is usually dry and completely dries out in the summer. T+was_moved,_secondedand voted_to_close_the_hearing_ Post Office Fines - Caleb Warner, who will no longer continue as an Associate Member because he is moving out of Lexington, asked who would be taking his place as the Water Department liaison. There should be representation from the Town at the meeting to be held May 2 for the Drumlin Farm project that will be financed with the fines from the postal service. He will try to find someone from the Five Fields area to replace him. He will turn over his files to the Office. Wright Farm Property - Mr. Wolk announced there will be walk of the property on Sunday, April 30, at 10 a.m. L MINUTES LEXINGTON CONSERVATION COMMISSION 4/25/00 PAGE 4 Planning Director's Retirement Party - Mrs. Fallick announced that the Planning Department is arranging a party for Bob Bowyer on Friday, June 2 or 9 at the Library from 5-7 p.m. It was agreed that the Commission should speak at the party Daisy Wilson Conservation Area Steward's Clean-un - Ms. Nordby reported that the Stewards wish to clear the northwest section of the meadow between the cross trail and the stone wall of the invading berry vines and weed plants. This is an ongoing project and they clear a different section each year. The Commission gave their approval of this project. Orienteering Discussion. Whipple Hill - The Commission feels that to permit this program, the organizers should publicize the project and organize the parking so that it does not impact the surrounding neighborhoods. The CLC and the Stewards should be notified of this event. The participants are not to have exclusive use of the conservation area during the event. All of this should be clarified with Mr. Dangel. The Commission should be given a free map with the rights to copy it if we wish. It was decided to ask Rosemary Green, Whipple Hill Steward, for her comments about having such an event. It was the consensus of the Commission that approval be given for the Orienteering event subject to positive responses to the above matters. Site Visits - A site visit was scheduled for 53 Ledgelawn Avenue on Saturday, May 6 at 10 a.m. Commissioners Bitsko, Fallick, Frick, Hamilton, Miller and Wolk voted to go into Executive Session for the purpose of approving Executive Session minutes and potential land acquisition. The meeting resumed in open session at 10 a.m. Senior Center - Mrs. Fallick reported that the Selectmen have set up a Senior Center Siting Committee to make recommendations for the project. Bebe is on the Committee. Any questions regarding this should be forwarded to the Selectmen. It was voted to adjourn at 10:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda A. Gaudet, Secretary