Commissioners present: Lisa Baci, Duke Bitsko, Bebe Fallick (9:05), Angela Frick, Philip
Hamilton, and Richard Wolk. Absent: Joyce Miller.
Others present: Marilyn Nordby and Linda Gaudet.
Vice Chairman Hamilton opened the meeting at 7:50 p.m. in Room G-15, Town Office Building.
34 Middlebv Road Discussion—DET #99-23
Attorney John Farrington represented Todd Cataldo, the builder, who was unable to be present.
Mr. Farrington explained they want to revise the site plan to install a pool with pool deck in the
yard behind the house. The purchaser, who is moving from France, could not attend the meeting
because he is not in the country Mr. Farrington believes the work, as related to 310 CMR
10.58.(6) Wetlands Act, Exempt Minor Activity for the conversion of lawn area to pools,
can be considered a minor field change. Within the scope of this exemption, it is more that 50
feet from a bordering vegetated wetland and although the house is new, there was a house
existing on the lot prior to 8/7/96. After discussion,the Commission also determined that the
nature of the existing buffer itself provided certain protections. There is a 10-foot drop between
the building platform and the wetlands at the back of the property, and there is a buffer of natural
vegetation at the top of the slope. The Determination issued for the project requires that a 40-
foot natural shrub buffer be maintained between the lawn and the top of the slope. The patio for
the pool is then 10 feet from this required buffer. The Commission decided that the following
conditions should be added to the Determination: a permanent buffer of shrubs and groundcover
should be installed at the front edge of the buffer to give an attractive border to the lawn area,
and pool water should not be discharged into the buffer zone. It was moved, seconded and
voted to approve the construction of a pool with additional landscaping as discussed above as a
field change.
HEARING. HAYDEN RECREATION CENTRE. 24 Lincoln Street, Drainage for expansion
of skating facility and narkine - (BL-4231 8:10 p.m.
Present: Ingeborg Hegemann, Andrea Surabian, BSC, Gary Larson, landscape architect, Don
Mahoney, applicant. Others are listed in the file.
This project is for the proposed expansion of the Hayden skating building and the redesign of the
small existing parking area. The project is filed under the By-Law only for compliance with the
By-Law Rule Section 5, Performance Standards, (2) Increase in Runoff,because the drainage
from the area flows into the Upper Vine Brook via a Town drain line. It was noted that this is
the same drainage system that serves the High School. The Commission has recently approved
extensive work on that system under the High School improvement project. The project is
described in the NOI dated 3/7/00.
Gary Larson presented the plans and reviewed the existing and proposed conditions. The
building expansion is needed to bring the ice rink up to standard to facilitate the skaters
competitive opportunities. The drainage plan proposed provides mitigation for the runoff from
the additional impervious surface and treatment for this runoff which is not presently taking
place. Mr Larson reviewed the design changes to the building and the parking area which
includes improved landscaped area.
Andrea Surabian reviewed the drainage component of the project. There will be 7,000 s.f. of
new impervious surface (3,000 s.f. for the building and 4,000 s.f. for the parking lot
reconfiguration). A closed stormwater drainage system will be installed to supplement the
existing system. There will be a new connection point to the existing municipal drainage system
in Lincoln Street. A proposed recharge basin will mitigate and actually cause a decrease to the
rate of runoff from the increased impervious surface. Oil and water separators will be installed
in all but two of the catch basins which are located in the area where the ice is dumped. There
will be no increase to the pre or post volume in runoff.
Mr. Hamilton read the Engineer's memo noting that all their concerns have been satisfactorily
In response to questions from the Commission requesting detail of the route and destination of
the runoff from the site, Ms. Surabian displayed a map of the town drainage system. It showed
the lines that carried the runoff from the site to Vine Brook. It also illustrated the connection of
the High School drainage system to this network. In response to other questions, the Hayden
management will maintain the drainage system and be responsible for cleaning the catch basins
and oil and water separators. A proposed maintenance plan is in the NOI. The Commission is
concerned that oil and water separators are not proposed for the catch basin located in the area
where the snow from the rink is stored. Ms. Hegemann commented that the impervious surface
has not changed in this area,but agreed that they should be reconstructed and gas and oil hoods
installed. Possibly one of them could be eliminated.
In response to a question from Kenneth Reich, 23 Lincoln Street, abutter and Town Meeting
member, Mr. Larson said that there will be substantially more vegetation installed as a result of
the project and he again reviewed the landscape plan. He confirmed that with the increase in
impervious surface, there would be a minimal reduction in the overall runoff off the site and the
runoff will now be treated which was not done before. He reviewed the function of the infiltrator
system proposed for installation as part of the drainage plan and pointed out on the plan where
the runoff would be treated before it reaches this facility About 70 percent of the runoff will go
into the infiltrator system where it will be stored to slowly recharge into the ground. There will
be no overflow onto the site. Ms. Surabian again reviewed the drainage mitigation plan at the
site by tracing the drainage flow for each catchment area to its respective catch basin. Tom
Coffman, 31 Lincoln Street, asked what the plans were for the possible expansion of the upper
portion of the Hayden site and if this proposal was just a segmented piece of a much larger
project. Mr Mahoney responded that there are no plans to expand or renovate the upper building
right now
It was moved, seconded and voted to close the hearing.
CONT'D DET #00-4 35 Haves Lane. P Johnson. drainaee/single-family house and
street widening
Mr. Hamilton read a letter from the representative, Larson Associates, agreeing to a continuance
of the hearing to April 11, 2000. It was moved, seconded and voted to continue the hearing to
April 11
CONT'D HEARING. Old Smith Farm. 160/170 Wood Street. Wood St. R.T (201-457)
Mr Hamilton read a letter from James Gaklis, the applicant, asking for a continuance of the
hearing to April 11, 2000, at 8 p.m. It was moved, seconded and voted to continue the hearing to
April 11 at 8 p.m.
MINUTES - It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to approve the minutes of March
14, 2000, as submitted.
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE. Snrinedale Estates - 201-5
Ms. Nordby explained that a Certificate of Compliance was never issued for a subdivision built
in 1973 on Springdale Road (off Bates Road). The issuance of a Certificate of Compliance is in
order to clear the title for all the lots. It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to issue
the Certificate of Compliance for Springdale Estates.
CONT'D HEARING. Winnina Farm. Winnina Farm Trust. 4-lot subdivision (201-441-445)
Mr. Hamilton read the letter from Winning Farm Trust requesting the continuance of the hearing
to April 25, 2000. It was moved, seconded and voted to continue the hearing to April 25, 2000.
(Bebe Fallick arrived at 9.05 p.m.)
ORDER OF CONDITIONS. MFN. Bikeway Cable Installation - 201-464
The Commission reviewed the draft letter from the Engineering Department to the management
company for the bikeway, Transit Realty Associates, and noted the conditions in the letter
relevant to the Order
It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to approve the Order of Conditions as amended
for the fiber optics cable installation on the bikeway
Greetings - The Commission unanimously agreed to recognize Chairman Miller's birthday and
in her absence, extend belated birthday wishes to her.
Community Preservation Act - Mrs. Frick reported that on behalf of the Commission, she is
sending a letter to the Secretary of EOEA, Robert Durand, to urge legislative action for the
implementation of the Community Preservation Act. Copies were sent to Conference Committee
Members and Director of the Community Preservation Coalition along with copies to Rep. Jay
Kaufman, and Senators Fargo and Haven. This Act, if passed and adopted by the Town, will
enable Lexington to raise money needed to save open space and provide housing that residents
can afford.
Fletcher Avenue Land Use Committee—Report to Town Meeting - Ms. Fallick reported that
the report and Proposed Memorandum of Understanding will be distributed to Town Meeting for
their approval.
Stream Channel Cleaning in Mass. US Army Corns of Engineers - Ms. Fallick(for Gary
Fallick, Associate Member/Reed's Brook) and Mr. Bitsko asked for copies of this report.
Engineering Review of Proiects - Ms. Nordby reported that the project manager/engineer for
the school projects has resigned. The Town Manager has assigned Asst. Town Engineer, Dan
Vallee, to this position until a replacement is found. Since Dan is the engineer who reviews all
the projects that come before the Commission, the Commission should be aware that there may
be a need to use outside consultants for the review process if Engineering is unable to do the
H.S. Proiect - Ms. Nordby reported that she will be attending a pre-construction meeting with
the contractor and the Permanent Building Committee tomorrow They will be reviewing the
Order of Conditions.
Ms. Baci is concerned about the timing sequence for the project and mitigation for the additions
at the High School if they are completed before the relevant drainage system is installed. A plan
must be submitted addressing all the outstanding concerns including details for sequencing of the
project, drainage details, and mitigation for roof runoff.
Executive Session - Commissioners Baci, Bitsko, Fallick, Frick, Hamilton and Wolk voted to
go into Executive Session for the purpose of approving minutes, land acquisition and possible
The meeting resumed in open session.
CERTIFICATE OF COMPLIANCE, 4 Brandon Street - 201-429
It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to issue the Certificate of Compliance for 4
Brandon Street.
The meeting adjourned at 9:55 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda A. Gaudet