HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-02-29-CONCOM-min.pdf MINUTES - LEXINGTON CONSERVATION COMMISSION -FEBRUARY 29, 2000 Commissioners present: Lisa Baci, Duke Bitsko, Bebe Fallick, Angela Frick, Philip Hamilton, Joyce Miller and Richard Wolk. Others present: Marilyn Nordby Chairman Miller called the meeting to order at 7.45 p.m. in the Selectmen's Meeting Room, Town Office Building. Minutes—It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to approve the minutes of February 15, 2000, as amended. Reports Hennessv's Field was transferred to Conservation by the Selectmen at their meeting last night. Oil Product in Willard's Woods Brook- Ms. Nordby reported that there was a large amount of a petroleum product flowing in the Willard's Woods Brook last week. The source was traced to a heating oil tank located in the basement of a house on Longfellow Road. The exact failure of the system is yet to be determined. School Proiects—Ms. Baci said that she had learned that construction at the High School may begin as early as April. She spoke with Mike Melnick, the engineer in charge of the project, about the Commission's concern about how they were staging the construction and told him to contact Ms.Nordby to coordinate the work. Ms. Baci also said that she had learned that they were removing the oil tank much later in the process than earlier anticipated and that the plans for traffic circulation are still being developed. Ms. Nordby said that she and Mr. Melnick had met that morning and reviewed the Order of Conditions in preparation for beginning the work. Ms. Baci said she had also learned that they were installing temporary classrooms at Clarke which were being placed on already impervious surface. Ms. Nordby said she had signed off on this because there was no impact because of no change to impervious surface. This should be noted as a field change in the file. Site Visits - The site visit for 35 Hayes Lane will take place on Saturday, February 12, at 10 a.m. The site visits on the Bikeway for the Metromedia project will be divided into segments with different Commissioners attending. Chairman Miller will review the plans and make assignments. MINUTES LEXINGTON CONSERVATION COMMISSION 2/29/00 PAGE 2 HEARING. ANRAD Harrirwton School Wetland Boundary 8 p.m. Present: Brian Gilbert, Superintendent of Park & Trees. Mr. Gilbert reviewed the wetland line shown on the plan. The Commission had inspected the delineation in the field on Saturday with the wetlands biologist and had no problem with the line. Mr. Gilbert said that they want an approval of the line now to help them redesign the athletic fields to accommodate an additional soccer field. He felt they would stay outside the 100-foot buffer. Mrs. Miller said that the biologist suggested that it might be possible to make the depression at the edge of the wetland into a vernal pool. It appears that the depression may have been isolated from the rest of the wetland at one time,but is trenched now to permit it to drain. Closing the trench and directing the drainage from the new construction to the depression would allow the area to function as a vernal pool. The Commission would like to explore this further. It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to approve the wetland line. BIKEWAY ADVISORY COMMITTEE'S PRESENTATION Prior to the hearing for the installation of the cable in the Minuteman Bikeway, Mrs. Miller announced she was proposing an unusual procedure. Because of the interest in this project, and because there is no other public forum for non-conservation related questions, she would set a period of 15 minutes for questions and comments from the audience and the Bikeway Committee not related to wetlands. She stressed that the discussion will have no bearing on the Commission's determination of the wetlands issues under the State Act and the By-Law for Wetlands Protection. The Metromedia representatives agreed with this procedure. Prior to the discussion,Paul Orr introduced those present representing Metromedia. Jerry VanHook, Chairman of the Bikeway Committee, read the statement he made at the Selectmen's meeting to inform the Selectmen of their concerns regarding Metromedia. Discussion with the abutters followed. Chairman Miller strongly urged Metromedia to arrange a meeting with the abutters to discuss their issues. HEARING. Metromedia(MFNI Cable Installation in Minuteman Bikeway 8:45 p.m. Present: Paul Orr,Permitting Manager and Mark Heaney from SEA Consultants; Peter Pratt, MFN Network Technologies, client of MFSNT Adessta; Alan Mandl, MFN Legal Counsel, Steve Shea and Tim Smith, MFSNT Adessta. Mr. On presented the proposed project to install two conduits in the Minuteman Bikeway in Lexington from Bedford to Arlington to hold fiber optic cable. He reviewed in detail 13 sheets of plans where the work falls under the jurisdiction of the Commission. Mr. Orr pointed out the location of the wetlands line, the hay bale location, the alignment and method of the conduit installation. The installation methods proposed are open trenching or directional boring. Directional boring will be used at culvert crossings close to the surface or in areas subject to impact on wetlands, or damage to the pavement of the bikeway They would MINUTES LEXINGTON CONSERVATION COMMISSION 2/29/00 PAGE 3 like approval of the wetlands lines. When trenching is used, the trench is 11/2 feet wide and no greater than 42 to 52 inches in depth. At either end of the bore holes there will be sending and receiving pits covered with handholds. Manholes are used only at street crossings. Handholds are used to pull cable through the conduit, manholes can be accessed by a human. In response to questions from the Commission, Mr. On said that directional borings can be any size according to how the project is engineered. The cost of increasing the size to accommodate three conduits rather than two could be significant. The Commission commented that the alignment of the conduit sometimes appeared to be too close to the wetlands and sometimes crossed the bikeway closer to the wetlands when it did not seem necessary Mr. Orr said that in some of the areas where it appeared close,there really was a separation of 10 or more feet because the bikeway is elevated significantly higher than the wetlands so there was enough area between the asphalt and the berm to trench without impact. If the elevation was lower and wetlands were abutting each side, then they would absolutely bore. The Commission pointed out that with a steeper slope next to the work area,the potential for impact on wetlands was greater. There was also concern that if the work was too close weakening of the slope next to the wetland could occur. These areas will be reviewed carefully on the site walk. The maximum length feasible for boring is 500 to 600 feet. A slurry composed of Bentonite clay, an inert non-hazardous non-toxic is used to carry back solids. It is used widely in this country and the Army Corps of Engineer considers its use to have zero impact when working within a wetland area. The drill can be easily redirected or a new bit can be installed for specific use if obstructions are hit. A large amount of ledge would preclude the use of directional boring for the installation of a small utility placement such as this. Mrs. Miller read the Engineering Report that had been given to the applicant. This report is on file. Additional comments from the audience included: Jerry VanHook said he found 11 places where the alignment crossed the bikeway and hoped that this could be reduced significantly He noticed an unnecessary jog in alignment near Ingleside Road involving the alignment nearer the wetland. He asked if the manholes and handholds were on the pavement. Harvey Bingham was concerned that the proposed trenching on the raised stretch of bikeway west of Bedford Street where there is a fence does not have enough room between the pavement and the fence, and there is a danger of erosion or undermining the embankment. This may require boring. The site walk will help determine which method should be used. The MBTA will require that Metromedia pay for all restoration to any disturbance made on the bikeway The Town Engineering Department is responsible for making sure that Metromedia complies with their contractual obligations to MBTA. Mrs. Miller said that the Commission will establish a schedule for the site visits with Metromedia representatives. Residents may join them. There will be no notices issued for the continued hearing, but the office may be called for confirmation of the hearing. , MINUTES LEXINGTON CONSERVATION COMMISSION 2/29/00 PAGE 4 The applicants submitted material responding to the review letter sent to them by Ms.Nordby They also submitted two additional sets of plans and the color-coded plan to be used for the site walk. Metromedia agreed to the continuance of the hearing. It was moved, seconded and voted to continue the hearing to March 14 at 8.15 p.m. Dick Wolk left the meeting at 9:20 p.m. HEARING. 6 DOUGLAS ROAD.Newell Construction Co. single-familv house 9:20 p.m. Present: Mr. &Mrs. James Edgerly, property owners; Daniel Ward and David Romero, Commonwealth Engineering; and Joe Butler,Newell Construction Co. Daniel Ward presented the plan for the demolition of a single-family house and the construction of a new home. The property abuts the town of Woburn. The closest point from the house to the wetland is 65 feet. A drain easement runs diagonally through the lot from Douglas Road to the back of the lot where a concrete pipe daylights and drains stormwater from Douglas Road. The existing driveway will be removed and the new driveway will be located on the other side of the lot. They propose installation of a stone dust terrace behind the house and some landscape screening between the driveway and the lot line. The dwelling was located to stay off the drain easement. Mrs. Miller read the Engineering Report approving the proposed stormwater mitigation system. In response to questions from the Commission, Mr. Ward was not certain of the area drained through the pipe. Mr. Edgerly said there is flow from the pipe only during rainy weather and in the spring; it is dry 80 percent of the year. The hay bale line also establishes the limit-of-work line. It is the lawn which is very flat. The commission suggested establishing a buffer between the lawn and the wetlands by permitting natural vegetation to reclaim the area, or provide a planting bed that would provide a buffer to filter pollutants that might be transported by stormwater from the lawn to the wetland. It was pointed out there is a clear divide created by the topography Ms. Nordby will work with the applicant to develop a protective buffer. It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to close the hearing. Cont'd. Hearing. Old Smith Farm. 160/170 Wood Street. Wood St. R.T (201-4571 8.30 p.m. A request from James Galdis was read for a request to continue the Hearing to March 14, 2000 to enable the Town Engineer time to review additional material. Therefore, it was moved, seconded and voted to continue the hearing to March 14, 2000. MINUTES LEXINGTON CONSERVATION COMMISSION 2/29/00 PAGE 5 Reports Mrs. Miller said she had inspected the site at Clarke School with Chuck Walton after he had called the office to report that he had cut some trees at Clarke School and planned to cut three others. Chuck and Brian Gilbert have agreed that in the future they are to notify Conservation before trees are cut. She also inspected and gave permission for other dead trees to be cut at Pine Meadows. Brookline Infant Toddler Center Plan Revision(201-4261 The Commission reviewed and approved the change from a stone pathway for the construction of a ramp from the parking lot to the auxiliary barn at the site. The change was required by the Architectural Access Board regulations for handicapped access. The change was reviewed by Engineering who found no stormwater drainage implications. It was moved, seconded and voted to accept this revision as a field change. The meeting adjourned at 10.10 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Marilyn Nordby Conservation Administrator