Commissioners present: Lisa Baci, Bebe Fallick, Angela Frick, Joyce Miller and Robert Wolk.
Absent: Duke Bitsko and Philip Hamilton.
Others present: Marilyn Nordby and Linda Gaudet.
Chairman Miller called the meeting to order at 7.45 p.m. in Room G-15, Town Office Building.
A letter from the applicant was read asking for a continuance to March 28. Therefore, it was
moved, seconded and voted to continue the hearing to March 28.
Minutes - It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the minutes of February 1, 2000, as
Certificate of Compliance (Partial). 11 Saddle Club Road 201-434
Ms.Nordby reported that the owner has requested a Partial Certificate of Compliance for the
work on the house which has been satisfactorily completed. The treatment of the pond has not
been completed. Therefore, it was moved, seconded and voted to issue a Partial Certificate of
Compliance for the house addition only for 11 Saddle Club Road.
Stone Meadow Driving Ranee/Golf Course - Mrs. Frick reported that she has noticed 10-15 big
culvert pipes piled up along the lower driving range and 15-20 small pipes along the fence. They
do not appear to be impacting any wetlands at this time, but the area should be monitored to
prevent activity that would impact the wetlands.
Hayden Woods - Ms.Nordby reported that a lady notified the office that last Sunday she had
witnessed an all-terrain vehicle racing through the trails in Hayden Woods. After getting stuck
in the brook, it was removed with a backhoe that was parked at the Driving Range. It left heavy
tire tracks as far as the playground at the end of Valleyfield Street. She did not yet have any
information from the Driving Range about this activity
Site Visits - Will be held on Saturday, February 26, starting at Harrington School at 10 a.m.,
then to Douglas Road.
Metromedia/Fiber Ontic Cable Installation The site visit for the installation of the fiber optic
cable along the bike path was discussed. The bike path is 7 miles long and it would be
impossible to do this in one site visit. The site visits should be broken up into segments, and
perhaps Commissioners will take specific segments to inspect. The site visits will be scheduled
at the hearing. Ms. Baci requested that Metromedia compare their wetlands line with the line
done on the last Bikeway plans. Mrs. Frick,the Commission's representative to the Bikeway
Committee, recommended that we notify Jerry VanHook, Chairman of the committee, of this
Cont'd. Determination#00-3. 35 Woodnark Circle. D &M. Nokes. addition 8 p.m.
Present: Mrs. Nokes, applicant; Tom Nigro, Sunspace Design. Others are listed in the file.
Mr. Nigro presented the plan for the construction of a sunroom addition to the house at 35
Woodpark Circle. The addition is approximately 55 feet from an isolated wetland. It will be
located over and within an existing porch with an increase of 40 square feet of roof area. The
foundation for the porch will be rebuilt on sona tubes. A small drywell trench is proposed to
mitigate for the increase in runoff.
Mrs. Miller read the Engineering report which recommended that the French drain be built with
the top of the stone at the existing grade. Mr.Nigro said that he will comply with the Engineer's
recommendations. Commissioners agreed with the wetlands flagging. They also requested that
erosion control be installed near the work area.
It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to issue a negative determination with
Proiect Impact. Mystic River Watershed Meeting - Mrs. Frick reported that she went to the
original meeting in Winchester. Since Lexington is not affected by this watershed, Lexington
doesn't have to be involved in meetings.
Reed's Brook Project. Arlington
Present: Fred Vanderschmidt, FEMA, Greg Kellner and Brian Donovan, URS; Keith Turi,
Mass. DEM, Kevin O'Brien, Town of Arlington; Michael Lelyveld and William Toth, abutters;
Gary Fallick, Associate Commissioner.
Mr. Vanderschmidt was present at the meeting to explain FEMA's role in the Reed's Brook
project outlined in his February 4th letter to the Commission. FEMA had awarded a Grant to
Arlington to assist the Reed's Brook project for flooding mitigation. FEMA is not a permitting
agency It provides funding for projects that require permits from agencies responsible for the
local wetlands protection. It endeavors to assure that any activity it funds obtains all local
permits in accordance with the National Environmental Policy Act and does not cause damage to
the environment. They work with several organizations including MEMA, DEM, DEP and the
Army Corps of Engineers. FEMA, MEMA, and DEM are working together with Arlington to
bring this project to fruition. There are time limits for expending disaster money and to keep this
grant active, they did a Draft Environmental Assessment on which Lexington Conservation had
commented as FEMA hoped they would do. Due to the mediation,no action was taken after the
initial Draft was issued and comments received, because they thought there might be changes.
Since the mediation has been completed,they can now proceed with their assessment and want
to coordinate with Arlington and Lexington during this process.
In response to Commission questions, Mr. Vanderschmidt said they will study the project in its
entirety to determine potential environmental impacts and will be working with DEP and the
Corps of Engineers. The next draft assessment, for which a public meeting will be held, may be
completed by the end of March. FEMA expects additional comments. Mr. O'Brien said
Arlington plans to submit the Notice of Intent for work on the brook in late May and anticipates
dredging to start next December.
Michael Lelyveld asked about the sequence of disbursement of the funds. Funds will be
dispersed to the State. A contract will be written with the Town of Arlington. There are many
layers of requirements that must be met, including all the permitting. The funds will not be
dispersed by the State until all the contract requirements are met. If they are not met,the funds
will revert to the Federal Government.
Lisa Baci said the Commission is concerned about environmental impacts related to downstream
flooding and that it may be awkward if FEMA does their Assessment before the Commission
issues their Order of Conditions. Mr. Vanderschmidt said that they will be reviewing our By-
Law for their Assessment. He will be looking at the same information as the Commission,
although the Commission will be more specific in their review of the Notice of Intent. They will
look at the models on the 100-year storm events.
Mrs. Miller thanked Mr. Vanderschmidt and his accompanying group for this informative
Sheraton Extension Permit 201-391
Present: John Farrington, Attorney; Julie Campisani, General Manager; Mike Barry, Engineer
for this property
Mr. Farrington discussed with the Commission the relationship between the Rt. 2A widening
project and the pending Sheraton remodeling project. He reviewed that latest plan from the
MHD for the road widening work. The plan shows the new location for the driveway and
drainage plan developed to protect the downstream watershed. The State has taken some land by
eminent domain for the Rte 2A road widening project from Sheraton. He reiterated that the high
pined bluff will remain. He was surprised that the landscaping plan proposed for the upland
area at the front of the site was so generous. The snow storage area will be on the ledge side of
the driveway Julie Campisani said there is a significant portion of land that cannot be changed
because of existing wetlands.
After discussion, it was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to issue the Extension Permit
to the Sheraton Lexington Inn to expire May 16, 2001 This is the same date as the expiration of
the Board of Appeals' Special Permit.
It was voted to adjourn at 9:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda A. Gaudet