HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-02-01-CONCOM-min.pdf MINUTES - LEXINGTON CONSERVATION COMMISSION FEBRUARY 1, 2000 Commissioners present: Lisa Baci, Duke Bitsko, Angela Frick, Philip Hamilton and Joyce Miller. Absent: Bebe Fallick and Richard Wolk. Others present: Marilyn Nordby and Linda Gaudet. Chairman Miller called the meeting to order at 7 45 p.m. in Room G-15, Town Office Building. Continued Hearings Discussion - Commissioners noted that having to continually schedule continued hearings without presentations for large projects such as Winning Farm and Old Smith Farm is disruptive to basic meeting scheduling and a problem for abutters. It was decided that hearings for large projects should not be randomly continued and should be scheduled only when material has been submitted and reviewed by Engineering. Extension Permit Starwood Lexington-Sheraton Inn (201-3911 John Farrington,Attorney, and Julie Campisani, General Manager, were present. Mr. Farrington explained that the original Order of Conditions was issued for the property in ( 1992. In 1997 there was a new submission and a new Order of Conditions issued. An Il Amendment of the plan, which addressed the concerns of the Design Advisory Committee about moving a parking area off an existing pine knoll so the trees would not have to be destroyed, was submitted and approved by the Commission in July 1997 If the Commission is reluctant to extend the Order for three years, they would like to have it extended to expire on May 16, 2001, concurrently with the Special Permit by the Board of Appeals. The Hotel will honor the commitment for the walking trail connection to the National Park. Mr. Farrington said that although the Flatley Co. had not been actively involved with the Marrett Road project, Starwood wants to be and is in the process of getting all the information together so they can coordinate with the project. Ms. Baci recalled that the Commission reluctantly agreed to some conditions that were undesirable and wondered if the Commission had an opportunity to comment on the latest Board of Appeals decision. She pointed out that at the time the last Order was issued, there were several important issues to be negotiated at the front of the property regarding the driveway and landscaping, and she would like to know the decisions that have been made. Mr. Farrington reiterated that the hotel has signed all the documents required of the hotel regarding giving land for the Marrett Road project. The work on the Marrett Road side of the hill is a separate project from the Sheraton work. That work is under the jurisdiction of MHD and DEP Ms. Baci wants to look at the entire parcel and the wetlands to see if anything significant has changed before agreeing to an Extension of the Order. Mr. Farrington said that the 1997 wetlands line on the Sheraton plan was identical to the 1992 line and was approved by the Commission in 1997 The original wetlands flags are gone but will be replaced prior to any work on the property Mr. Hamilton suggested that the Extension should be permitted to the Board of Appeals deadline in MINUTES LEXINGTON CONSERVATION COMMISSION 2/1/00 PAGE 2 May of 2001,but after discussion said perhaps a one-year extension might be sufficient at this time. Mrs. Miller asked that no trees be cut until the project is underway in compliance with the Order. Julie Campisani, manager of the hotel, said that Starwood acquired the hotel on September 9, 1997 There is a commitment from the hotel to do the construction as originally planned and they are trying to get all the permitting in line to start the work. Starwood has a strong understanding of what is happening on the property and Ms. Campisani has walked the property with State representatives. Ms.Nordby reported that she attended a pre-construction meeting with MHD for the Rte. 2A road widening project. Representatives from MHD and their construction contractors, DEP, Cambridge Water Department and the National Park also attended. Rachel Freed,the DEP project manager,ran the meeting and directed that the construction be done in compliance with the Superseding Order of Conditions and the plan developed in the mediation agreement. A final set of plans incorporating all the work on the Marrett Road side of the Sheraton property will be submitted to the office. It was decided not to issue the Extension Permit until the next meeting when the MHD plans will be available for review by Commissioners. Mr. Farrington said that he will provide more information for the project at the next meeting. Cont'd. Hearing. Winning Farm. Winning Farm Trust(201-441/4451 8.25 p.m. Mrs. Miller read a request from the applicant to continue the hearing to February 15 It was moved, seconded and voted to continue the hearing to a time when the revised project material has been submitted and reviewed by the Engineering Department. The applicant will be so notified. The applicant should notify abutters when the hearing will be continued hearing. Cont'd. Hearing. Old Smith Farm, 160/170 Wood Street, Wood St. R.T (201-4571 8.30 p.m. The hearing must be continued because of lack of information. Therefore, it was moved, seconded and voted to continue the hearing to a time indefinite until information has been submitted and reviewed by Engineering. Certificate of Compliance, 5 Tavern Lane - Det. #99-22 It was moved, seconded and voted to issue a Certificate of Compliance for 5 Tavern Lane. Certificate of Compliance, 286 Emerson Road - BL-392 It was moved, seconded and voted to issue a Certificate of Compliance for 286 Emerson Road. Minutes - It was moved, seconded and voted to approve the minutes of January 18, 2000, as submitted. MINUTES LEXINGTON CONSERVATION COMMISSION 2/1/00 PAGE 3 Rte. 2A/Marrett Road Proiect - 201-326 Ms.Nordby reiterated the information regarding the pre-construction meeting held last week. She said that Rachel Freed was very emphatic that the requirements in the Order be followed because much money and time was spent on the mediation to resolve all the issues. Ms. Freed emphasized that all necessary information, including revised plans, had to be submitted to comply with the Order before any construction could begin. She said that she was the project manager and would be watching and directing all work. The only responsibility of the Commission is to watch for violations. Ms. Baci expressed her concern that some of the details in the mediation agreement were not worked out satisfactorily It was decided that Ms. Baci would review the Superseding Order and then it will be decided if a letter to Ms. Freed is necessary It is important that the Commission stay in touch with Nancy Nelson of the National Park during the project. Ms. Baci noted that the National Park received a letter from MEPA regarding Crosby's Corner at the end of Rte. 2A. Ms. Nelson thought there might also be a MEPA letter regarding the Rte. 2A project, but as of the meeting date had not found it. Ms. Baci will follow up with Ms. Nelson regarding the letter because one was not received in the Conservation Office. Assisted Living Facilitv/Minuteman Regional H.S. - Discussion took place regarding this proposed facility which will be located in Lincoln. Although Lexington will be providing the water and sewer connections and will get the fees for that portion of the project, there will be no other involvement with Lexington other than traffic on Rte. 2A. Ms. Baci suggested that we ask our HATS representatives, Kay Tiffany and Peter Enrich,to keep us informed of all Conservation issues regarding the project. MACC Annual Meeting - Duke Bitsko and Marilyn Nordby will be attending the Annual Meeting on Saturday, March 4 Site Visits - The site visit for 35 Woodpark Circle will take place on Saturday, February 12, at 10 a.m. The meeting adjourned at 9:35 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Linda A. Gaudet Secretary