Commissioners present: Duke Bitsko, Angela Frick, Philip Hamilton and Richard Wolk(left at
8.15). Absent: Lisa Bach, Bebe Fallick and Joyce Miller.
Others present: Marilyn Nordby and Linda Gaudet.
Vice Chairman Hamilton called the meeting to order at 7.45 p.m. in Room G-15, Town Office
CONT'D DET #00-1 5 Ledeelawn Avenue. Andover Renovation Solutions 7 45 p.m.
Present: William Penny, Andover Renovation Solutions; Julita Kussmaul, owner Others are
listed in the file.
This is a continued meeting to review the revisions which were required by the Commission to
the Notice of Intent and the plan that was presented at the January 4 meeting. They included a
more definitive description of the project on the NOI, relocating the stormwater leaching system
to protect major mature sugar maples on the lot and extending the hay bale line. The new plan
incorporated the changes. The drainage system was modified to include two leaching systems
rather than one. The runoff from the side addition and the rear of the house will be directed to a
leaching chamber in the back yard, and the runoff from the front addition will be directed to a
leaching chamber at the front of the lot. A soil study was done and the information reflected on
the plan. The leaching chambers are located well above the seasonal high water mark.
Mr. Hamilton read the Engineering Report which noted that the elevations of the proposed
leaching chambers should be identified and that a maximum feasible separation should be
maintained above the seasonal high groundwater elevation.
Mr Penny said the leaching chambers will be 18 inches below grade with one foot of stone
below them which is well above the water table. He will submit a plan to the office tomorrow
with the elevations of the leaching chambers noted.
It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to issue a negative determination with
conditions pending receipt of the plan with the notation requested.
It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to issue the Certificate of Compliance for 25
Fairbanks Road. Mr. Thenen has offered to give Commissioners a tour of the house if they wish.
Minutes - It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to approve the minutes of January 4,
2000, as amended.
DET #00-2. 113/115 Concord Avenue. A. & G. Kazazian. 2 single-family houses 8 p.m.
Present: Bill Hubner,Architect; Anahid and George Kazazian, applicants. Others are listed in
the file.
Mr. Hubner presented the plan which includes the construction of two single-family dwellings
and a common driveway Leaching basins adequate for the 100-year storm events are proposed
for drainage mitigation. The back of one of the dwellings is very close to the boundary of the
100-foot buffer so there will be some disturbance of land within the buffer zone during the
construction. This area will be delineated with a limit-of-work barrier as shown on the plan. For
the 100-foot buffer they propose the following: the first 20 feet will be landscaped with lawn and
trees; within the next 20 feet there will be only selective clearing leaving major shrubs and trees
or trees that will develop into major trees; and the last 60 feet will remain untouched and provide
a natural dense vegetated buffer, much of which is the invasive species such as Japanese
Mr Hamilton read the Engineering Report which finds that the plan complies with the drainage
The Commission agreed that the natural buffer should be as wide as possible. Mr. Bitsko
pointed out that the invasive species are difficult to eliminate and it will take 2-3 clearings to do
so; planting trees may help support eliminating the species. He also noted that there are wetland
seed mixtures available to plant in this area. If the applicant decides to do additional work, they
should submit a plan for review An additional filing will not be necessary
It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to issue a negative determination with
(Dick Wolk left the meeting.)
Cont'd. Hearin¢, Old Smith Farm, 160/170 Wood St. Wood St. R.T (201-457) 8.20 p.m.
With the applicant's consent,this meeting is being continued to February 1 in order that a
quorum of members be present.
Postal Service - Caleb reported that there is $65,000 of the original $90,000 left from the fine
paid by the postal service for polluting the Cambridge Reservoir from the construction of its
facility in Waltham. A Federal Judge is allowing the funds to be used for environmental
education. The Mass. Environmental Trust is responsible for dispersing this money Mass.
Audubon had the winning proposal and over a two-year period will develop curricula for middle
and high schools focusing on wetlands protection and understanding the functions of wetlands
and the impacts on drinking water. There will be a training program for teachers in the
surrounding areas and the Hobbs Brook Res will be an example. Teachers will be given a $500
stipend during the education process. Mass. Audubon will also contribute funds and will search
for further funding to make this available to others. The program will begin in May
Discussion—Brian Gilbert—Harrineton School Soccer Field
Mr Hamilton gave a brief history related to this discussion. The Recreation Committee decided
that the Town needed another soccer field to accommodate the growth in the program. Hennessy
Field was their first choice, but being very controversial was eventually transferred to
Conservation. When this was done, there was an agreement that the Town would find another
location for the field and it has been determined that the best location is at the Harrington School
on Town-owned land. The Commission is committed to work with the Town to see this happen.
Brian Gilbert showed the Commission a master plan he had developed for the Harrington athletic
field which includes soccer and baseball fields. The land has already been surveyed as part of
the school building project and the wetlands have been flagged. The wetlands and the 100-foot
buffer zone are shown on the plan. His plan requires reconfiguration of the existing field and
additional site work. The work will include some major grading and removal of fill from the
site. He said he has put a lot of work into the proposed plan and would like to go forward and
requested direction on how he should proceed. It was decided that a Determination should be
filed as soon as possible for the approval of the wetlands line. Ms. Nordby will help Mr. Gilbert
with the filing. Mr. Bitsko will walk the site with Mr. Gilbert to review the plan for the fields.
Mr. Gilbert said that he is also reviewing the plan with other concerned Town committees,
including school and recreation, within the next couple weeks.
DET #00-3 35 Woodnark Circle, M. & D Nokes 8:45 p.m.
Ms. Nordby reported that this meeting has been continued to February 15 because of lack of
Discussion - 15 Sunny Knoll Terrace - Det. #99-2
Cedwyn Morgan of Hydro-Environmental Technologies, Inc. (HETI) explained that the
Commission issued a negative determination in March of 1999, allowing the installation of a
remediation system associated with a fuel oil leak at 15 Sunny Knoll Terrace. Because ground
water is not high enough, which is needed to accomplish the mitigation quickly, they have
requested authorization from the EPA to change the plan to use`BioSolve"to treat the area. He
also needed approval of the Commission for this change. However DEP will not approve the
plan until they are able to evaluate additional data. Therefore the BioSolve program is on hold.
They will proceed by removing as much of the contaminated soil as possible from under the
basement slab. The Commissioners had no problem with this procedure, but HETI should
request a meeting with the Commission if they eventually decide to go forward with BioSolve
flushing project.
Hardy Pond Brook Proiect - Ms.Nordby reported that she received a draft report from the
Army Corps of Engineers on their investigation of stream channel cleaning methodologies to
reduce flooding. It may provide information for one of the missing segments of the Hardy's
Pond Brook cleaning.
759 Waltham St. Project - 201-431 - Ms. Nordby reported that all work required in the Order
of Conditions had been completed with the exception of removing the doors from the lower level
of the garage. Mr Carroll, or his manager, Anthony Guarino, will be in to talk with the
Commission on February 15
Site Visits Since Commissioners have already visited the Old Smith Farm site, Mr. Hamilton
said he would take Mr. Bitsko on a tour of the site.
It was voted to adjourn at 9:30 p.m.
Respectfully submitted,
Linda A. Gaudet