HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-06-03 SB-min SELECT BOARD MEETING June 3, 2024 A meeting of the Lexington Select Board was called to order at 6:30p.m. on Monday, June 3, 2024, via a hybrid meeting platform. Mr. Lucente, Chair; Mr. Pato, Ms. Barry, Ms. Hai, and Mr. Sandeen, were present, as well as Mr. Malloy, Town Manager; Ms. Axtell, Deputy Town Manager and Ms. Katzenback, Executive Clerk. EXECUTIVE SESSION 1. Exemption 6: To Consider the Purchase of Real Property 2. Exemption 4: To Discuss the Deployment of Security Personnel or Devices - Security Planning for Dignitary Visits for the 250th Anniversary of the Battle of Lexington Celebration 3. Exemption 6: To Consider the Value of Real Property – Parcel 68-44 Located on Lowell Street VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded, by roll call, the Select Board voted 5-0 at 6:33pm that the Board go into Executive Session under Exemption 6: To Consider the Purchase of Real Property; Exemption 4: To Discuss the Deployment of Security Personnel or Devices - Security Planning for Dignitary Visits for the 250th Anniversary of the Battle of Lexington Celebration and Exemption 6: To Consider the Value of Real Property - Parcel 68-44 Located on Lowell Street. Further, Mr. Lucente declared that an open meeting discussion on this item may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the Town. The Select Board exited Executive Session at 7:33 pm, and reconvened to open session at 7:36pm PUBLIC COMMENTS Sarela Bliman-Cohen, 17 Dane Road, asked that the Town set a budget for the new High School project. She asked the Board to instruct the School Building Committee to direct SMMA to come up with lower cost alternatives. She expressed concern regarding a lack of communication and transparency. There are many people in Town that are unaware of the High School project and the cost. She proposed a town hall th meeting quarterly. There is a design session scheduled on June 6, and she requested that members of the Board attend. She stated that she approached Town committee members and asked to have a meeting with them but only a handful responded. She believes that there should be emails to access these people through. SELECT BOARD MEMBER CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS 1. Select Board Member Concerns and Liaison Reports No additional comments at this time. DOCUMENTS: Select Board Announcements and Liaison Reports - June 3, 2024 TOWN MANAGER REPORT 1. Town Manager Weekly Update Mr. Malloy thanked Town Counsel regarding his work on a Town Meeting Article. He noted that the Town pool opened today. The pavement markings around the Battle Green streetscape were scheduled to be completed later this week but may get pushed to next week, due to the weather. DOCUMENTS: Weekly Update 05-24-24; 05-31-24 CONSENT AGENDA 1. Record Select Board Committee Liaison Assignments To record the Select Board Members committee liaison assignments as proposed to be effective July 1, 2024. DOCUMENTS: 2024 Select Board Committee Liaison Assignments 2. Accept Select Board Committee Resignations  Town Celebrations Committee - Steve Cole, Jr.  Fence Viewers - Julie Krakauer Moore To accept the resignation of Steve Cole, Jr. from the Town Celebrations Committee as a full member effective immediately. To accept the resignation of Julie Krakauer Moore from the Fence Viewers effective immediately. DOCUMENTS: Resignation Letter - S. Cole, Jr. 3. Approve Select Board Committee Appointment  Town Celebrations Subcommittee - Steve Cole, Jr. To appoint Steve Cole, Jr. to the Town Celebrations Subcommittee for a one-year term set to expire on June 30, 2024. DOCUMENTS: 2024 Town Celebrations Subcommittee Application - S. Cole, Jr. 4. Approve Town Manager Committee Reappointment  Council on Aging - Dr. Jyotsna Kakullavarapu To confirm the Town Manager's reappointment of Dr. Jyotsna Kakullavarapu to the Council on Aging with a term set to expire on May 31, 2027. DOCUMENTS: Application, Resume 5. Approve and Sign Comment Letter Regarding EEA No.16654, L.G. Hanscom Field North Airfield Development To approve and sign the attached letter regarding the proposed North Airfield Development at L.G. Hanscom Field . DOCUMENTS: Updated Proposed Letter to Legislators Regarding Hanscom North Airfield Expansion 6. Application: One-Day Liquor License – Dana Home Foundation, Lexington Community Center, 39 Marrett Road  2024 Dana Home Foundation Awards Reception To approve a One-Day Liquor License for the Dana Home Foundation for the purpose of the 2024 Dana Home Foundation Awards Reception to be held in the Dining Room of the Lexington Community Center, 39 Marrett Road, on Wednesday, June 5, 2024 from 6:00pm to 8:00pm. DOCUMENTS: 2024 Dana Home Foundation Event Layout, 2024 Dana Home Foundation Procedures for Serving Alcohol 7. Application: Battle Green Permit – William Diamond Junior Fife and Drum Corps, Battle Green, 0 Massachusetts Avenue  Fife and Drum Corps Jam Session To approve the request of the William Diamond Junior Fife and Drum Corps to use the Battle Green on Wednesday, August 7, 2024 from 7:00pm to 8:00pm for the purpose of a jam session with a Fife and Drum Corps from Plymouth, Michigan and the Middlesex County 4H juniors from Concord, Massachusetts. 8. Approve and Authorize Town Manager to Sign Inter-Municipal Agreement To approve the FY25 IMA Amendment between Lexington and RHSO as attached. DOCUMENTS: RHSO IMA Amendment FY25 9. Approve Select Board Meeting Minutes  May 6, 2024 Select Board  May 13, 2024 Select Board To approve the following set of minutes:  May 6, 2024 Select Board  May 13, 2024 Select Board DOCUMENTS: DRAFT 05062024 Select Board minutes, DRAFT 05132024 Select Board minutes 10. Application: One-Day Liquor Licenses - Tapped Beer Truck, 35 Hartwell Avenue (4) Xenon Property LLC Company/Tenant Event To approve four One-Day Liquor Licenses for Tapped Beer Truck to serve beer and wine for the purpose of a Company/Tenant Event to be held in the rear parking lot of Xenon Property LLC, 35 Hartwell Avenue, from 3:00pm to 5:00pm on the following dates:  Thursday, June 6, 2024  Thursday, July 11, 2024  Thursday, August 8, 2024  Thursday, September 12, 2024 DOCUMENTS: Tapped Beer Truck Event Location Map 11. Application: Entertainment License - Association of Black Citizens of Lexington d/b/a ABCL, 1875 Massachusetts Avenue  4th Annual Quock Walker Day Community Celebration To approve an Entertainment License for the Association of Black Citizens of Lexington d/b/a ABCL for the purpose of providing live musical and dance performances as well as radio/recorded music for patrons of the 4th Annual Quock Walker Day Community Celebration to take place on Saturday, July 6, 2024 at the Visitors Center Lawn, 1875 Massachusetts Avenue, from 11:00am to 3:00pm. DOCUMENTS: ABCL's Quock Walker Day Community Celebration Event Map 12. Approve Fiscal Year 2025 Cost-Of-Living Adjustment (COLA) for Non- Represented Employees To approve the FY25 COLA for TNON staff at 2.0%. DOCUMENTS: FY25 TNON List VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Select Board voted 5-0 to approve the Consent Agenda. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Discuss Community Profile and Job Description for Town Manager Search Advertising Ms. Hai and Bob Mercier, Municipal Resources, Inc. (MRI), presented the proposed draft Town Manager recruitment materials. These will serve as the job posting and initial introduction materials for the Town Manager Recruitment. In addition to approving the substance, the Board is being asked to approve the return date of July 8, 2024. This would provide for approximately 30 days of advertising and recruiting. Ms. Hai noted that there will be public listening sessions on Wednesday June 12, 2024 in the morning and evening. Mr. Mercier stated that he plans to advertise in the six New England Associations, the ICMA, and all of the minority groups noted by the Town. Mr. Sandeen asked that sustainability and affordable housing goals be better reflected in the document. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Select Board voted 5-0 to approve Town Manager recruitment documents as presented (subject to revisions discussed by the Board) and with final approval by Ms. Hai, and to post the materials by June 6, 2024 through July 8, 2024. DOCUMENTS: Town Manager Recruitment Profile 2. Presentation - Single-Use Plastic Bottle Phase Out Policy & Discussion on Draft Policy The Board heard a presentation on the draft policy from students from LHS who have been working with Sustainable Lexington and Maggie Peard, Sustainability and Resilience Officer. This is a draft policy for the municipal side, and this will also be presented to the School Committee. Mr. Malloy stated that Saff believes the date to initiate a plan for each department should be modified stst from July 1 to September 1, to provide the Senior Management Team an opportunity to develop a plan. The Board discussed adopting this as a Board policy at a future meeting. DOCUMENTS: Plastic Bottle Phase Out Presentation, Plastic Bottle Phase Out Policy 3. Zero Waste Survey Recommendations Maggie Peard, Sustainability & Resiliency Officer, reviewed some recommendations that have arisen from the Zero Waste Survey, including Pay As You Throw. There are a number of supports and financial assistances available through Mass DEP that the Town could consider pursuing to implement this type of program. The results of the test study have been brought both to the Sustainable Lexington Committee and the Waste Reduction Task Force. Both groups stated that they want to see a well thought out, phased plan of how to approach implementing some of these strategies. A short-term action item to consider would be the “free” phrase in the Town bylaws regarding waste collection, which became a problem implementing Pay As You Throw a couple of decades ago. Dave Pinsonneault, DPW Director, explained that the price keeps going up for disposal in the trash collection industry. Fewer companies are doing manual collection and most of them will want communities to be on an automated system. The State is looking to close additional landfill/transfer stations, which will then force items to be taken out of State, leading to higher disposal costs. The Town needs to consider how it will approach trash, recycling, food waste, etc. collection into the future. The Board could review the proposals under the FY27 budget. Mr. Sandeen expressed interest in the curbside composting recommendation. He suggested that moving forward with curbside composting first may make other recommendations more feasible in a phased approach. Ms. Barry stated that she would like to see larger community engagement in this conversation. Mr. Pinsonneault agreed that there will be community meetings and public input. Ms. Hai stated that she believes the Board should take the read of the community regarding the will to change the bylaws, which currently state that the Town will provide a suitable place or method for free public disposal for the inhabitants of the Town. Per a previous summary judgment on this topic, “free” in this context precludes direct charges to Lexington residents for rubbish collection. Mr. Pato noted that this judgment was from 20 years ago and the Board could consider if it wants to ask the community at this time if it would like to reconsider change. Mr. Lucente stated that, regarding Pay As You Throw, he would like to consider the diversity of what people can afford. This could be punitive against those that may have larger families or may have financial hardships. This concept sems in stark contrast to other policies and where the Town is headed. There are other proposed strategies that he is more comfortable with, such as curbside composting. Mr. Pato noted Mr. Lucente’s concerns but stated that metered disposal actually does reduce the generation of trash in households. This could be coupled with considering some form of financial assistance for family size. Mr. Sandeen suggested that if more people start using the curbside composting, the Town may be able to start doing alternate week trash collection. This could have some significant benefits, both from an economic perspective, as well as from a trash reduction perspective. Mr. Pinsonneault agreed that many strategies could be used together to achieve the goals. Peter Kelley, 24 Forest Street, stated that he believes Pay As You Throw is a bad idea. It costs more time, more money, and a tremendous amount of aggravation. The Town’s present trash collector is doing well, and he suggested moving toward dual streaming. One of the real problems in recycling is all of the material is being contaminated. He expressed an issue with Lexington talking so strongly about zero waste but also considering a multimillion-dollar high school project. Lin Jensen, Town Meeting Member Precinct 8 and Sustainable Lexington Committee member, expressed support for Pay As You Throw and noted that exemptions could be made for certain residents. The Town has a Zero Waste resolution and plan that should be considered. Dawn McKenna, 9 Hancock Street, stated that she does not believe Pay As You Throw should be considered at this time. In other municipalities that exercise this, much of the trash ended up in municipal barrels. She stated that she also is concerned about every other week pickups. She stated that a lot can be done from an educational standpoint. Laura Swain, Town Meeting Member and President of Lexington Zero Waste Collaborative, stated that the Collaborative supports expanding the curbside composting program and switching to a Pay As You Throw program. There should be more visible options available as part of the program. She stated that she believes Pay As You Throw is a more equitable process, as there is currently a charge for trash pickup included in resident taxes. This means that a small family, low income or not, is paying for the trash disposal of a very large family, low income or not. Also, a low-income family who may be making fewer purchases is paying for the disposal of all the items that somebody has delivered to their house on a daily basis. Ricki Pappo, 16 Blossom Crest Road, stated that she saw a very visible change in the trash of people in her neighborhood when Pay As You Throw was previously utilized. Pay As You Throw was only difficult because the Town did not change the bylaw, but it was otherwise not a difficult process. This was a good way to change people’s habits. Mr. Lucente stated that additional discussion on this topic would occur at a future meeting. DOCUMENTS: Tufts Zero Waste Presentation, Pay as you throw webinar presentation slides The Board took a brief recess. 4. Presentation – Internal Equity Audit by Tangible Development Dr. Bree Becker, Tangible Development, presented major themes and highlights from the Town of Lexington DEI Assessment Report. The presentation is an opportunity to get a high-level view of the assessment findings and will be useful on its own, as well as serving as a guide to reading the full DEI Assessment Report. The delivery of the report with its recommendations marks an important milestone in the Town of Lexington's DEI journey. DOCUMENTS: Executive Summary- Tangible Development 5. Council on Aging Request for Authorization to Designate Lexington an AARP Age-Friendly Community Dana Bickelman, Director of Human Services, explained that the Council on Aging is seeking the Board's support for their application to AARP to have Lexington designated as an age-friendly community. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Select Board voted 5-0 to support the application for Lexington to be designated as an age-friendly community by AARP. DOCUMENTS: AARP Letter from Town Manager, AARP Presentation 6. Review Recommended Amendments to Draft Council on Aging Charge The Board reviewed the proposed amendments to the Council on Aging charge and made suggested comments/edits. There was discussion regarding if any changes to this charge would or would not require Town Meeting approval. The Board agreed to have Town Counsel feedback. DOCUMENTS: COA Charge Changes Draft 7. Discuss 250th Anniversary of the Battle of Lexington Celebration Invitations to Lexington's Sister City Antony, France Ms. Barry explained that the Semiquincentennial Commission (Lex250) has requested that the Board th discuss the possibility of inviting Lexington's Sister City, Antony, France to the 250 Anniversary of the Battle of Lexington Celebration in 2025 and consider the prospect of funding for the visit. There was consensus that an invitation letter should be sent to our sister city Antony, France. Ms. Barry recused herself from agenda items 8&9 and exited the meeting at 9:53pm. 8. Approve Collective Bargaining Agreement - Building Maintenance Division Union (AFL-CIO Mass. State Council #93, Local #1703) Mr. Malloy explained that this is the Building Maintenance Union Contract for FY25-27 that the Board previously discussed in Executive Session. The highlights of this contract are:  COLA - 2.0% for FY25; 2.5% for FY26; and 2.5% for FY27  Other wage adjustments based on comparative analysis of similar communities  Increase in longevity pay  Other changes in language related to hours, light duty, snow season, and holidays. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Select Board voted 4-0 to approve the FY25-27 collective bargaining agreement between the Town of Lexington and the AFSCME Local 1703 Building Maintenance Division and further to authorize the Town Manager to execute the agreement. DOCUMENTS: Memorandum of Understanding 9. Approve Collective Bargaining Agreement - Public Works Union (AFL-CIO Mass. State Council #93, Local #1703) Mr. Malloy explained that this is the Public Works Union Contract for FY25-27 that the Board previously discussed in Executive Session. The highlights of this contract are:  COLA - 2.0% for FY25; 2.5% for FY26; and 2.5% for FY27  Other wage adjustments based on comparative analysis of similar communities  Increase in longevity pay  Other changes in language related to overtime, meal allowance, license stipends and snow/ice events VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Select Board voted 4-0 to approve the FY25-27 collective bargaining agreement between the Town of Lexington and the AFSCME Local 1703 Department of Public Works and further to authorize the Town Manager to execute the agreement. DOCUMENTS: DPW MOU ADJOURN VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Select Board voted by roll call 4-0 to adjourn at 10:00pm. A true record; Attest: Kristan Patenaude Recording Secretary