HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-05-15-REC-att-copy F- Back Central Office FAQs: 05-15-2024 Julie Hackett• hace 12 minutos • Wednesday, May 15 at 4:11 PM • Lexington Public Schools May 15, 2024 Dear LPS School Community: Some community members have expressed interest in learning more about designating square footage for the Central Office in the plans for a new or renovated high school. Town boards and committees engaged in a lengthy 2+ yearlong process, carefully weighing the pros and cons before finalizing plans to integrate the Central Office into a new or renovated high school. This memo aims to clarify our decision-making and address community members' questions and concerns. 1. Problem—Why is the Central Office considered in plans for a new or renovated high school? 2. Process—What decision-making led to including the Central Office in the plans for a new or renovated high school? 3. Overcrowding—If the high school faces future overcrowding, could the square footage designated for the Central Office be converted into classroom space for students? 4. Athletics—How will the relocation of the Central Office minimize the projecYs impact on student- athletes and residents who utilize the Center Recreation Complex outdoor facilities? 5. Cost—Will adding square footage for the Central Office in a new or renovated high school cost more ' than renovating the current building at 146 Maple Street? On behalf of the School Building Committee, I hope this communication is helpful. Much time, effort, and thought went into devising the best and most cost-effective solutions for the Central Office to better meet the needs of our students and the community. I want to thank everyone who participated in this collaborative effort, which we believe will lead to the best possible outcomes for all involved. Sincerely, � �..��..� Julie L. Hackett Superintendent of Schools CENTRAL OFFICE FREQUENTLY ASKED QUESTIONS 1. Problem—Why is Central Office considered in plans for a new or renovated high school? The Old Harrington building at 146 Maple Street currently houses the Lexington Public Schools Central Office. In 2022-2023, the Town finalized a 10-year Capital Plan. The LPS Central Office building has been rated an `F'in the Town's Capital Plan. Moreover. the cost to remediate many structural and mechanical problems is estimated at$15- $19 million, approximately the same as building new. The structural and mechanical failures include a failing roof, poor HVAC systems, the need for window replacement, etc. LDAArchitects and Accruent, LLC developed the Facilities Conditions Assessment estimate, indicating that the repairs to remediate these structural and mechanical failures would be at least $15 million. This $15 million investment does not address other needs like moving walls or realigning interior spaces for better working conditions, which would increase the price tag to approximately $15 - $19 million. Given the hefty price tag of renovating an older building and the documented need for more athletic fields (addressed in question #3), Town staff and various boards and committees began exploring options. We engaged in a lengthy process to determine the best path forward; ultimately, the preferred solution is to include additional square footage for Central Office in the plans for a new or renovated high school. Replacement Value of #cf i ; Letter Grade Asset Grou � Grou FCI Cos#of Grou Assets� FCI of Group' of Grou r HIGH SCH�OL $ ---...-.--168,&23,718...$- ----50,227,439; 6 � _ 0.298 D -SCHOOLS-Extept High School $ 359,746,713 : $ 38,530,216 : 10 �.�____ 0.107 B Botivman Elementary School 5 24,400,545 5 4,027,277 1 d.165 B Bridge Efementary Scnool $ �3,890,746 $ 3,854,106 1 Q.161 B Clarke Middle Scfiool $ 55,150,360 $ 6,935,317 1 0.126 B Diamond Middle Schoo! $ 72,119,137 5 5,530,949 1 0.077 B Estabrook Elementary Schooi $ 31,498,829 $ 6,576 1 O.00d A Fiske Elementary School $ 36,190,851 S 3,207,934 1 0.089 B Harrington Elementary School $ 35,213,305 $ 3,062,d62 1 0.087 8 Hastings Elementary School $ 45,812,553 $ - 1 - � lexington Childrens Place $ 13,d92,�92 $ 915 1 0.000 A LP5 Central Administration S 22,317,89Q $ 11,903,680 1 0.533 F .....................................g.................. ....,_:............I......'...... _—,....................,...... .:__ ..:.__..;.......................... -Other Town Buildin s $ ' 131 851 376 $ 16 997 935 ; 9 Q.124 i B ---------•---------------�------------��------__ _------�----�----------...-----�--------------�---..t....._•-------•�-------_-----........._..�.----------------•----- �HIGH SCHOOL Modular $ 8,341,593 : $ - 2 - , A Grand Total $ 668 563 400 $ 105 755 590 27 0.158 B- Chart 2: School buildings Please note: The table above is intended to show the condition of the school facilities and the letter grade each received. The LPS Central Administration building is an `F'building, and the amounts listed above are assets and not costs associated with remediating structural and mechanical failures. 2. Process—What decision-making led to including the Central Office in the plans for a new or renovated high school? The Town engaged in a lengthy, 2+ yearlong collaborative decision-making process to consider the merits of including the Central Office in plans for a new or renovated high school. Those involved in the decision-making included Town (municipal and school) staff members, Select Board and School Committee members, Appropriation, Capital Expenditures, and Recreation Committee members, the LPS Master Planning Committee, and various school and community members. Below is a list of important documents representing our community's effort in determining the best path forward. 2021 • Facilities Conditions Assessment 2022 • Comprehensive Study of Athletic & Outdoor Recreation Facilities (2022). • LPS Master Planning Committee Agenda, Minutes & Recording_(09-29-2022) • Space Utilization Studv_(10-13-2022) • Review of FY2024 Capital Plan (11-14-2022), • Master Planning Committee Agenda, Minutes & Recording_(11-15-2022), • MPC Relocation of Central Office (11-15-2022). 2023 • Final MSBA Design Enrollment (01-05-2023). • Central Office Relocation Recommendation to School Committee (03-14-2023) • Central Office Requirement Forecast Report (03-23-2023) • Central Office Land Memo (05-15-2023). • Budget Summit#2 (11-15-2023), 2024 • Master Planning Committee Agenda, Minutes & Recording_(02-15-2023), • Master Planning Agenda, Minutes & Recording_(03-09-2023). 3. Overcrowding—If the high school faces future overcrowding, could the square footage designated for the Central Office be converted into classroom space for students? Yes. The current massing concepts designate approximately 17,000 net square feet for the Central Office that can be used as classroom space if needed. The typical size of a new classroom will be approximately 850 square feet. If future overcrowding becomes an issue, fhe 17,000 net square feet designated for the Central Office could be converted to approximately 15-20 additional classrooms. In March 2022, the Massachusetts School Building Authority accepted our Statement of Interest, inviting us into the capital pipeline. The MSBA then hired an independent demographer who started a dialogue with the district and negotiated with Town staff. Through this process, we increased our enrollment by 275 additional students, bringing the total to 2,395. The MSBA has authorized a final design enrollment of 2,395 students for Lexington High School, which some community members feel is too low to accommodate the potential for future growth. There are several reasons for this concern: • Lexington's upsurge in enrollment history, once tripling in size from 1950-1960; • The unreliability of 10-year projections; • The trend of substantial overcrowding at the high school in the past several years; • The uncertainty of enrollment rebounds related to the pandemic; • The Multi-Family Zoning Requirement for MBTA communities (resulting in Lexington's new zoning ordinance that exceeds State requirements) In our LHS Educational Plan, we asked our Project Team to consider these community concerns, ensuring that the Schematic Design incorporates a plan to build up and/or out should Lexington encounter another significant, unanticipated influx of students. 4. Athletics—How will the relocation of the Central Office minimize the project's impact on student- athletes and residents who utilize the Center Recreation Complex outdoor facilities? The Recreation and Community Programs Department's unmet need for playing time on athletic fields operates at a 2,500-hour deficit, and students are the primary users of athletic fields and facilities in Town. A high school building project without alternative solutions would mean more potential disruption for students post-pandemic. As we examined the financial challenges and opportunities related to a Central Office renovation or relocation, we also considered the likely impact a high school project would have on athletics. The Recreation Committee had just participated in a study to review the Town's athletic and outdoor recreation facilities, concluding that the demand for outdoor recreational space exceeds the space available. In addition to the 2,500 hours per year of unmet recreation needs in Lexington, many of the Town's athletic fields lack lights and parking, and the three fields at Lincoln Park are at end-of-life, with replacements anticipated in 2025, 2026, and 2027. Many years ago, there was discussion about demolishing the Central Office building and constructing new ballfields, but no firm plans were implemented to ensure this happened. The Lexington community, Recreation programs and services, and the many high schooi students they serve would be significantly impacted during the construction of a new or renovated high school. The plan to demolish the Central Office building at 146 Maple Street and construct new athletic fields will address a significant portion of Lexington's 2,500 hours per year of unmet recreation needs. 5. Cost Will adding square footage for the Central Ofifice in a new or renovated high school cost more than renovating the current bui/ding at 146 Maple Street? No.Adding square footage to the new or renovated high school for the Central Office will cost approximately the same as renovating 146 Maple Street. As previously noted, the structural and mechanical failures af the Central Office (Old Harrington) wi/l cost$15- $19 million to address; this is approximately the same amount($20M) the cost estimators identified for adding the additional 17,000 net square footage. At the Annual Town Meeting, Town Meeting Members overwhelmingly approved the total costs for the renovation of 173 Bedford Street ($6M). Please note: the renovation of 173 Bedford Street would have taken place with or without the temporary relocation of the LPS Central Office to this location. The Lexington Police Department is housed in this space now, and the amount approved for the renovation is a typical expense each time a swing space is newly inhabited. Additional items awaiting Town Meeting Members' approval in FY26 include the demolition of the Central Office building at 146 Maple Street ($1.65M) and the construction and installation of new athletic fields ($6.18M). LEXINGTON HIGH SCHOOL GIRLS' SOCCER PROGRAM: CORPORATE SPONSORSHIP PROPOSAL May, Zoz4 _ ���: � � ��� g TABLE OF CONTENTS �� ; �� ¥ �; �� ; Current State and Context ���; ��� ���_ � ���, � ��� 4 �� ¢ Why are we here? �� � ��� � .,a ry � ' Proposal Description ��� � ,��a �' �`� �� �!: ���F � �� � Proposed Execution -::r� ri;� �: 4 ' f..�i: �` Local Businesses Targeted ��, i �x �F j S ��; i: � `; ` ��: '4, �# Current State and Context As the Lexington High School (LHS) Girls' Soccer Program has evolved, so has the Booster organization af�iliated to it. We are now an incorporated non-profit entity with a Board and governance documentation prepared to tackle the future growth and financial stability of the Program. The needs of the Girls' Soccer Program are many. Fulfilling these needs has become more dif�'icult as inflationary pressures have challenged us to think creatively and incorporate non-traditional fundraising activities to the program. Hence the proposal of corporate sponsorship in being presented to you today. �Xlhy are we here? According to a Park and Recreational Facilities Policy, "it is forbidden to �ost, paint, af�x, or dis�ldy any sign, notice, placard, or ddvertising device; or engage in business, sell, or expose for sale, or give d�,vay ccny goods, a,uccres, or circulars exce�t �,vith the prior vuritten consent of the Board or its desi,�nee." s We, the LHS Girls' Soccer Boosters, are asking for an exception and/or written consent be granted to us, the Gir1s' Soccer Boosters Club, to implement and execute a Corporate Sponsorship Program, be able to display such advertising and receive donations from aforementioned sponsors. Proposal We intend to use the fundraising strategy of Corporate Sponsorships via local Lexington business to raise funds for the LHS Girls Soccer Program. The Corporate Sponsorship will take the form of q.x8 ft. banners displayed at Lexington Fields during LHS Girls' Varsity and Junior Varsity soccer games. The sponsors would provide a donation in order to display their banners. By participating as a Corporate Sponsor, the Program: z) acquires the needed funding to operate while local business 2) receive the exposure via advertisement and 3) a tax write-off as a donation to our non-profit organization. Proposed Execution The Corporate Sponsorship will be implemented by the Boosters and executed by Erik Larson, parent and Girls' Soccer Booster Secretary. Timeframe: Zo2q. Fall MIAA season and post-season (September-November) Duration: Girls' Varsity & JV games (2-4 hours). Note: Banners will be displayed and then removed after each game. Banner size: q.x8 to q.xzo feet vinyl rectangle signs Banners' Location: Lexington Fields, for example, hung on the softball field fence behind and to the sides of the far end goal. See next page for image. - -- ,.. _ .._,:, .,��� - _.._. _._. .�.,.t ,:_ �;, �, � -� -- — — �, ��,�- �- ,��� ,,,. � ""�p-=..,. ^�� , �,.� �'`"" ' ,`� � �a"'�`� � `��;� .. �...._ , , _;'• .a�.E.�.'+C�= .._ ..- �. . _...._�.�-:-,......-.........._»._..»._.��...:.�.rws.n . „�. . _ _ . .. . . . ,:\ , .. ': .. .; � �' ._ ....1'-._._ � _ . . _' ' � . .. . .�. ��'�,. .,y,,..„.- -�� . .. . �� � .... -... .. . �_.-.......... . ._.. A� . .... . _ .. . . ,_, . ,�..: .. .__.._` _.,_„-.. ..._. _ �� ... .. � . ..�. �.� ..__ .�._..�___ _ „ ..:�-�.__. �.f '�.. . � .�.....,..-...�a.v+.++�a....�, .._. . .. . �. . . . . _ _._. ......_.__...._ -.._.._ _-_ -_" . . .. 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Business Types Targeted for Sponsorship As part of a thoughtful, community & youth-centered Corporate Sponsorship Program, we would target: • Lexington-based businesses only catering to youths and their families • No businesses in the alcohol, drugs (dispensary) or other adult entertainment • No political or partisan signs or messaging Lexington businesses that have expressed an interested in participating are MA France, Qdoba, William Raveis, Lexington Dental, among others. Thank You for our time and consideration. v From: noreply@civicplus.com Subject: Online Form Submittal:Contact Us-Recreation Committee Date: April 11,2024 at 11:19 To: recreationcmte@lexingtonma.gov USE CAUTION:This email came from outside the Town of Lexington. Do not ciick links,open attachments or respond to the email unless you recognize the sender, you are expecting the communication and you know the content is safe. Contact Us - Recreation Committee Your Name Ben Daugherty Your Email coachben_C�_playitforwardbasketball.org Subject Basketball Partnership Message Hey , This is Ben Daugherty, I'm the founder of Play it Forward Basket- ball, a youth enrichment program designed to instill confidence in kids through fun basketball clinics coached by former elite-level college players. Is your team looking to partner with a basketball program? Our program partners with Rec centers and YMCAs to create com- munity building events and run awesome basketball events. Our coaches backgrounds as well as our marketing efforts are a good way for facilities to get new local basketball players to come to their facility. We're very familiar with the vendor/contractor process, and could start whenever best fits your facilities schedule. Let me know if it would make sense to hop on a quick call about this. Many thanks! Ben Daugherty coachben @ playitforwardbasketball.org (216) 744 3266 www.playitforwardbasketbal I.org Email not displaying correctly?View it in vour browser. From: Melissa Battite mbattite@lexingtonma.gov � Subject: On Behalf of the Recreation Committee to SBC Date: April 16,2024 at 17:01 To: James Malloy jmalloy@lexingtonma.gov, Kelly Axtell kaxtell@lexingtonma.gov, Melissa Battite mbattiteC�lexingtonma.gov, Julie Hackett jhackett@lexingtonma.org, David Pinsonneault dpinsonneault@lexingtonma.gov, Mark Barrett mbarrett@lexingtonma.gov, Michael Cronin mcronin@lexingtonma.gov, Suzie Barry sbarry@lexingtonma.gov, Joe Pato jpato@lexingtonma.gov, Jill Hai jhai@lexingtonma.gov, Mark Sandeen msandeen@lexingtonma.gov, Doug Lucente dlucente@lexingtonma.gov, Carolyn Kosnoff ckosnoff@lexingtonma.gov Cc: Recreation Committee recreationcmte@lexingtonma.gov, Suzie Barry sbarry@lexingtonma.gov, Kathleen Lenihan klenihan@lexingtonma.org, Deepika Sawhney Dsawhney@lexingtonma.org, Rod Cole rodec@comcast.net, Julie Ann Shapiro jas@shapiroelderlaw.com, Rick DeAngelis fjdeangelisi @comcast.net, Christian Boutwell boutwellchristian@gmail.com, Renen Bassik rbassik@gmail.com, Lisa O'Brien Immobrien@gmail.com, cfantasia217@gmail.com, claireshethma@gmail.com, Weiwei Li Iww318@gmail.com Hello, Please see attached memo being sent on behalf of the Recreation Committee. Thank you, Melissa Melissa Termine Battite,CPRP�Director Town of lexington �Recreation and Community Programs A: 39 Marrett Road�Lexington, MA 02420 P: (781) 698-4801 Spring/Summer Programs—Open for Registration! Creating Community Through People, Parks& Places �N; �, _ ,, _ � ;...._._.. , :,,._ , �.E'�It1C��t711 _,,,. � ::� When writing or responding,please be aware that the Massachusetts Secretary of State has determined that most email is a public record and, therefore,may not be kept confidential. �� ae= Rec Comm Memo...24.pdf From: Melissa Battite mbattite@lexingtonma.gov � Subject: Sending on behalf of Recreation Committee Date: April 16,2024 at 17:25 To: Kathleen Lenihan klenihan@lexingtonma.org, Charlie Lamb charles.lamb@gmail.com, Marilyn M Fenollosa mmt.fenollosa@verizon.net, vbuckley@rcn.com, Glenn Parker glenn.parker@comcast.net, jonhimmel@verizon.net, cfavazzo@Imp.com Cc: Recreation Committee recreationcmte@lexingtonma.gov Hello, Sending the attached memo on behalf of the Recreation Committee. Please share with your respective board and committee members. Thank you, Melissa Melissa Termine Battite,CPRP�Director Town of Lexington �Recreation and Community Programs A: 39 Marrett Road�Lexington, MA 02420 P: (781) 698-4801 Spring/Summer Programs—Open for Registration! Creating Community Through People, Parks& Places �__ '� ._ 1.���ttgtc�Fr� _� ...,. When writing or responding,please be aware that the Massachusetts Secretary of State has determined that most email is a public record and, therefore,may not be kept confidential. Q.o1 �� ___. Rec Comm Memo...24.pdf From: Melissa Battite mbattite@lexingtonma.gov Subject: RE:Bathrooms or Porta-potties near softball/baseball fields? Date: April 25,2024 at 17:10 To: bonnietenpas@gmail.com Cc: Peter Coleman pcoleman@lexingtonma.gov, Christopher Filadoro cfiladoro@lexingtonma.gov, Recreation Committee recreationcmte @ lexington ma.gov Hello Ms.TenPas, Thank you for your email. The Center Recreation Complex and Lincoln Park Community Parks both have permanent, seasonal restroom facilities. The Center Recreation restrooms were just renovated in 2023. The restrooms are located at each Park in a central location for park users. The use of portable restrooms is in place at 6 locations throughout town that do not have permanent facilities on site. Park users limiting their fluid intake certainly is not something that should be needed, given the restrooms are centrally located and very easy to find on site. The restrooms are open seasonally from approx. mid-April through mid/late November, weather dependent to prevent the water lines from freezing.The doors are unlocked 7 days a week from dawn (7am) to dusk(8:30pm). Should you find the doors locked during these times and seasons, please contact us in order to rectify the issue. The Community Center number is 781.698.4800 and have staff available Sa— 9pm (Mon-Fri) and Saturdays 9am —5pm. Should there be an issue outside of these times,the non-emergency police line can be called and someone will contact us to remedy the issue. That number is: 781-862-1212. Access to public restrooms is something that has been raised as a concern town wide. The Visitors Center during renovation now has public restrooms to support activity at the Center of Town. At this time, there is not a plan to introduce additional portable restrooms at Lincoln or Center. Thank you, Melissa From: Bonnie TenPas<bonnietenpas@gmail.com> Sent: Saturday, April 20, 2024 2:52 PM To: Christopher Filadoro <cflladoro@lexingtonma.gov>; Rec Dept <recdept@lexingtonma.gov> Subject: Bathrooms or Porta-potlies near softball/baseball fields? USE CAUTION:This email came from outside the Town of Lexington. Do not click links, open attachments or respond to the email unless you recognize the sender,you are expecting the communication and you know the content is safe. Hi Chris and Peter, I left a message for you both (Parks & Recreation) regarding the lack of bathrooms near playing fields such as center court 2 by the track field, as well as the baseball fields at Lincoln Park. My n�ioctinn ic thic• �uc�uvii i� uiw. How can we get bathrooms and/or clean porta-potties near these playing fields ...situated by_ trees with some privacy from all the spectators...and convenient? Myself and others are aware that some members of our Lexington teams, guest teams, umpires, grandparents, parents, bus drivers and etc. are limiting fluids before and after games,just so they don't need to sprint across several fields to find a bathroom...which can be locked at times! Limiting hydration is not at all healthy for our athletes, guests and others. Can you both chat about this scarcity of bathrooms issue and let me know how to go forward to recify it? That would be much appreciated. Thank you very much! Bonnie TenPas, grandmother&45 year resident of Lexington 781-861-9072 Sent from my iPad Bonnie TenPas 781-861-9072 When writing or�esponding,p/ease be aware that the Massachusetts Secretary of State has determined that most email is a public record and, therefore,may not be kept confidentlal. From: Melissa Battite mbattite@lexingtonma.gov Subject: RE:practice field Date: May 2,2024 at 14:08 To: Martin, Naomi nmartin@lexingtonma.org Cc: Peter Coleman pcoleman@lexingtonma.gov, David Coelho dcoelho@lexingtonma.org, Recreation Committee recreationcmte@lexingtonma.gov Hi Naomi, i have been by the Practice Field several times since last week, and the temporary lights appear to remain in the same location and have note been moved to the side and or removed/returned for the dates for the home meets. Based on the Rec Committee's vote and safety concerns, can you please share the plan for the lights for the remainder of the season? It will be helpful to understand as the steward of the property given the potential hazards. Thanks very much, Melissa From: Melissa Battite Sent: Friday, April 26, 2024 4:17 PM To: 'Martin, Naomi' <nmartin@lexingtonma.org> Cc: Peter Coleman <pcoleman@lexingtonma.gov>; Coelho, David <dcoelho@lexingtonma.org> Subject: RE: practice field Hi Naomi, The Recreation Committee met earlier this week and voted to approve the temporary lights at the Worthen Road practice field. The vote is: Rick moves toward approval for the use of portable lights subject to a requirement that the lights be moved and placed safely so as not to be a hazard to students crossing the field or for maintenance of the field. Based on the above—please ask the coaches to move the lights to the sidelines after each use until they are picked up or used again. Let me know of any questions. Great day today for Lexington & Special Olympics. Have a nice weekend, Melissa From: Martin, Naomi <nmartin@lexingtonma.org> Sent: Wednesday, April 17, 2024 10:51 AM To: Melissa Battite <mbattite@lexingtonma.gov> Cc: Peter Coleman <pcoleman@lexingtonma.gov> Subject: Re: practice field USE CAUTION: This email came from outside the Town of Lexington. Do not click links, open attachments or respond to the email unless you recognize the sender, you are expecting the communication and you know the content is safe. Good Morning- The lights are for the track meet last week, with the weather and darkness they were needed on an emergency basis to get the meet in. They were a one day rental. I have asked about pick up all week, but with the marathon and other big events this week, they are just slow on the pick up! We will likely need them again next Thursday for a one day delivery for the meet on 4/25. Thanks Naomi On Wed, Apr 17, 2024 at 10:41 AM Melissa Battite <mbattite@lexingtonma.gov>wrote: Good morning,just getting caught up on a few things after being on vacation. I didn't see anything about the approval of three sets of portable lights at Worthen Road. Is there something you can share regarding whose lights they are and what the plan for use etc., is? Based on the current location, it appears that that field is now off-limits for all other use. If this is not through athletics or recreation, please let me know if you happen to know who has coordinated the lights, thanks very much Sent from my iPhone When writing or responding, please be aware that the Massachusetts Secretary of State has determined that most email is a public record and, therefore, may not be kept confidential. Naomi Martin Director of Athletics Lexington Public Schools From: noreply@civicplus.com Subject: Online Form Submittal:Contact Us-Recreation Committee Date: May 3,2024 at 14:42 To: recreationcmte@lexingtonma.gov USE CAUTION: This email came from outside the Town of Lexington. Do not click links, open attachments or respond to the email unless you recognize the sender, you are expecting the communication and you know the content is safe. Contact Us - Recreation Committee Your Name Andrea Myers Your Email nycdrea@gmail.com Subject pool question Message Hi, I'm a swimmer who be staying in Lexington for the summer and looking to find a pool that accepts non-members. I see that your pool does accept non members but they must be accompanied by a member. I'm wondering if you happen to know of another pool in the area that accepts non-members without having to be accompanied by a member? Maybe even a public pool with lap lanes?Thank you for taking time on this! Best, Andrea Myers Pittsburgh, PA Email not dispiaying correctly? View it in your browser. From: noreply@civicplus.com Subject: Online Form Submittal:Contact Us-Recreation Committee Date: May 6,2024 at 13:22 To: recreationcmte@lexingtonma.gov USE CAUTION: This email came from outside the Town of Lexington. Do not click links, open attachments or respond to the email unless you recognize the sender,you are expecting the communication and you know the content is safe. Contact Us - Recreation Committee Your Name Doreen Karoll Your Email dkaroll@hotmail.com Subject 1 st LPC Open House of the year Message Please join us on Saturday 5/11 at the 1 st LPC Open House of the year at Clarke Middle School 2-5pm. Meet your Pb-loving constituents and join us in the fun. Your discussion at Rec Dept meetings wili be better informed, if you experience the sport LPC-style. Email not displaying correctly? View it in vour browser. �����g�s �:� a�. • Lex�ngton REt:RCATICIiJ h COt�LNIJNITI' �l u�— � Town of Lexington Recreation and Community Programs Melissa Battite, CPRP Tel: 781-698-4800 Director of Recreation and Community Programs Fax: 781-861-2747 Recreation & Community Programs May 2024 Report ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ Save the Dates & FYI: • Saturday, May 18th— LHS Baseball Boosters K Cancer Event from 10:OOam-9:OOpm at Center#1 • Wednesday, May 22�d—Summit re: LHS Building Project • Saturday, May 25th— Discovery Day • Saturday, May 25th-Monday, May 27th—USTA/MIAA singles tennis tournament at the Gallagher Tennis Courts • Tuesday, May 28th— Farmers' Market opens for the season • LHS Building Project Community Survey—closes May 16, 2024 https://my.thou�htexchan�e.com/scroll/652845318/welcome Updates & Old Business � Melissa Battite met with representatives from TSG (Transportation Safety Group) to review the current parking at the Adams Park, specifically the accessible spaces near the playground and the parking over all at the site. Staff will continue discuss and determine next steps for additional signage to prevent illegal parking. • During the monthly capital/operations meeting with DPW, the condition of the Center#1 batting cage was discussed. Chris Filadoro, Parks Superintendent will look to have staff or a contractor address in the coming weeks. • Installation of the Emergency Call Box has started at the Center Recreation Complex and will be located outside of the Restroom Building. It is expected to be completed within the next week or two. � During the April 9, 2024 Recreation Committee meeting, members requested information on the dimension/sizes of the fields at the Center Recreation Complex. Dave Pinsonneault (thank you) has provided the following information. o Center 1 Baseball Field: 91,000 sq.ft. o Center 2 Softball Field: 64,000 sq.ft. o Seasonal Soccer Field between C1 and C2: 78,000 sq.ft. www.lexin�tonma.gov/recreation recdept@lexin�tonma.gov 39 MARRETT ROAD,LEXINGTON,MA 02421(office) 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE,LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420(mail) o Practice Field Area: 61,000 sq.ft. o Football Field: 58,000 sq.ft. o JV Baseball Field: 110,000 sq.ft. o Center 4 Little League Field: 44,000 sq.ft. o Center Track Field Area: 70,000 sq.ft. *not expected to be impacted with LHS Building Project • Approximately 576,000 square feet of field space Therapeutic Recreation: • Spring inclusion requests continue to grow—64 requests, 33 unique participants, 20 unique programs o Seeing an increase for inclusion requests in half day trips (middle school) • Adaptive Tennis has begun with a total of 20 participants ranging in ages from 6- 18 • Adaptive Quickball is a new adaptive program that began on Monday, May 13th and will introduce participants to the fundamentals of baseball. Pro�rams & Services • The Adult Softball League began on Monday, May 6th and will run through mid-August. There are 7 teams in the league this season. � Staff are in the process of onboarding seasonal staff and volunteers for the upcoming summer. An orientation with the summer leadership staff will be held on Friday, May 17th and the camps/clinics/tennis staff orientations will take place during the week of June 17tn Bud�et& Capital The Select Board unanimously approved several of our ARPA requests For a total of$364,600.86 in funding. • LCC Outdoor Tent— $9,750.00-Thank you Christine! � Staff Training— DEIB— $2,000- Thank you Hemali & Kate! � VR headsets— $4,850.86-Thank you Laura &Tim! � Outdoor public WIFI at the Town Center, Lincoln Park and Center Rec—$188,000 -Thank you Tim! • Mental Health Clinician—$160,000 -Thank you Dana! In addition—two consent agenda items were approved. • Proclamation for Park & Recreation Month in Lexington during July 2024—Thank you Tom! • Acceptance of the "Happy to Chat" bench donation from Rotary Club of Lexington—Thank you Christine Projects • The Muzzey Field renovation project is underway and anticipated to be completed in June. • The contractor (Heimlich) for the Lincoln #1 Field Renovation/Lincoln #1 & #3 Athletic Lighting Project will begin mobilization on Monday, June 3rd and the project is anticipated to be completed by late August. The Pressure Injection Footings (PIF) are anticipated to begin on June 10tn o Staff have been in contact with stakeholders (LHS, LYL, LUSC) about relocating the goals and equipment at Lincoln #1 and #3 on Sunday, June 2nd before the project begins on Monday,June 3�d • The Fiske Fields renovation project will go out to bid over the summer and is tentatively scheduled to be completed in Fall 2024. • Justin Playground installation is still on pause awaiting the Conservation wetland delineation report • FY2024 Pine Meadows Improvements to restore cart paths at the 7th and 8th holes will begin shortly and be completed by the contractor Cassidy. • FY2024 Pine Meadows Equipment—the new topdresser that was ordered in September 2023 arrived earlier this month. • FY2025 Pine Meadows Improvements to replace the Fuel Bays has been posted on the state registry and quotes are due no later than May 15, 2024. The work will be awarded and scheduled for sometime in July or August. Parks, Fields, & Facilities • Aquatics o De-winterizing the Pools and Bathhouse began the week of April 22"d. In the coming weeks we have inspections scheduled with the Building Inspector, Fire Department and Board of Health. o Orientations/trainings are scheduled on the following dates: ■ May 20t" Aquatics Leadership Academy hosted by the MRPA for our aquatics leadership staff. ■ May 215t All Aquatics Staff Orientation, including visit from Officer Chaisson ■ May 22nd DEI Workshop for all staff and Customer Service Representative Training ■ May 23rd Labor Counsel presentation for all staff and tentative finance presentation ■ Lifeguard in-services will take place May 28th and 29tn ■ This season we'll be offering a CPR/First Aid/AED training for any aquatics staff in need, hosting a Lifeguard re-certification class and offering a WSI course for our instructors • Athletic Fields o The summer field schedule will be completed by the end of May. o Staff will meet with representatives from the United Cricket League (UCL) and LHS Athletics to discuss the cricket pitch at the football field/Center#3 on Tuesday, May 14tn • Hard Court Surfaces: o The Lexington Pickleball Club officially began their season on Monday, April 29tn o The Adams, Clarke, and Valley Courts were soft power washed during the week of May 6th. Clarke was cleaned on May 6th, Valley on May 7t", and Adams on May 10tn o The USTA is partnering with the MIAA to reintroduce the MIAA singles tennis tournament. Lexington has been selected as a host location and the tournament will take place at the Gallagher Courts on Saturday, May 25th-Monday, May 27tn • Playgrounds o The first series of playground inspections for the season have been completed. Sports Council • The most recent Sports Advisory Council meeting was held on Thursday, May 14th. Topics discussed included the LHS School Building Project, a check-in on the spring season and preview of the summer, review of the FY2025 fee schedule, and updates on the current and upcoming capital projects. Community Center • Recreation and Community Programs was awarded $17,900 by the Dana Home Foundation to fund the Forever Fit Program for Lexington Seniors, along with associated equipment costs and a monthly cardio room orientation. The awards reception will be held on June 5. • The deadline for the Cultural Canva program is June 1St. We are still seeking artist to help transform the walls of the Community Center into works of art that celebrate Lexington's rich history and diversity. This project is sponsored by a grant from the Lexington Council for the arts. • Over 30 middle school students from Clarke and Diamond attended Kimball Farm on May 3�d for ice cream and fun. • During the month of April, the Community Center had over 13,200 visitors. • The rear entrance to the building has a new railing installed along the accessible ramp. This was installed as a safety measure to prevent trips and falls when entering and exiting the building. � � Wa�����k,;t�,��� �������`"��,�;4����, ���m e�`R;,,,�+^���� ����'a q����@�'�k�,��. ,�"�4' �;.\�;��,A'k} �=a*�4Rti� 'e ���t �'!°�'��\�k;` �. . 1 �a� =�� �� � ����- :� �� � ,�. ���.r -. ��'�''- " A �^� .+„ -* Y � �` r \ � ; ������' � ��� ^ t t .i::s �! ��� � ,r� �rt� -r ��� ��` � d, �� � ����bl-�': :- � ..� � �B �; ±��� _ i i �1 � m � �� ���k���..,c"3�1 -- -...�,..y:{�.�.,--. . � � � � �-�u, ._. � , .���,.:�,'...:.�'... ������,�i.. ���.:.� . �� '" *4�#"��sp'm s� ��" .. . .. , $' e�y ; �����`'"`. ���r'.�,, � ,..,��` �.. �� � ���? . ��.o- ���� ,.�' .f._�_^'_`'�,--._.� . � Marketin� � May Constant Contact had an open rate of 74% (11,370) and a click rate of 8% (1,167). • Over the past 30 days the online brochure was read over 1,200 times with an average read time of 6 minutes. • In the past 30 days the MyRec page has had over 275 users. • Visit the Recreation and Community Programs table at Discovery Day on May 25th! c�^n'��� :�'e }l�. � Lexington RECRGATION&COMMUNITY r a oc r„�,�i s � May 15, 2024 To: Recreation Committee Fr: Melissa Battite, Director Re: Reservoir 2024 Season The 2024 Aquatics Season is scheduled to open during the week of June 3, 2024. As a follow up to the February 29, 2024 Recreation Committee which included a presentation on status of the Reservoir Bathhouse Capital Project was shared. The 2024 Aquatic swim passes went on sale in March of 2024, which includes access to both the Town Pool and the Reservoir beachfront. The Reservoir is scheduled to be open on Saturdays and Sundays with hours of operation 12noon — 6pm between June 8—August 18. Staff continue to work on non-swimming activities that can be brought to the Reservoir Park to increase use of this resource and respond to findings of the 2020 Community Needs Assessment. The Assessment identifies that the community would like more outdoor recreation, environmental/nature activities and non-swimming water activities such a fishing, kayaking, etc. Staff have been actively working with the Department of Public Facilities (DPF) to determine what improvements can be accomplished with the existing appropriation. DPF has indicated that improvements to the building can begin as early as June, which will include two ADA restrooms and a customer service office and storage space. DPF is available to mobilize once a date is confirmed and once the project begins, it is expected to be completed within a few months. Mobilizing in June will require the Bathhouse to be off line and fenced off during the summer months. This does allow members to use the waterfront, with a minimized beach area. The building offline will require the use of portable restroom on site and a storage container for the staff supplies and equipment. The recommendation to mobilize the improvements to the Reservoir Bathhouse in June 2024 with the site modifications as stated above. Thank you. Creating Community Through People, Parks& Places . t 3, ......4,,..;,¢ .. � . .; ._ y ,,.: s ��,. a1 . n��*.... ".� ,s...-.;. ,t.,. !h �'X". . _ ,.`y..... .-.,,�,. „�. . . s. y��vq- '',,. 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