HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-04-29 SB Executive Recruitment Firm Interviews-min Select Board Meeting April 29, 2024 A meeting of the Lexington Select Board was called to order in the Select Board Meeting Room of the Town Office Building at 9:00 a.m. on Monday, April 29, 202. Mr. Pato, Chair; Ms. Barry, Mr. Lucente, Ms. Hai and Mr. Sandeen were present, as well as Ms. Katzenback, Executive Clerk. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Interview Executive Recruiting Firms for the Town Manager Search The Board interviewed the following four consulting firms for the Town Manager Search: Municipal Resources Inc.(MRI), GovHRUSA, and Raftelis. Each firm was asked the following questions:  Tell us about the two most recent, successful town manager recruitments you and your firm have completed for a community you deem similar to Lexington, and what efforts you made to ensure a diverse pool?  What other Town Manager searches is your firm currently performing in Massachusetts or New England? How will those recruitments or other projects your firm has ongoing impact our recruitment and timeline?  Tell us about the experience and qualifications of the staff who will be assigned to the Lexington recruitment? What is the expected breakdown of principals vs associates and support staff?  Tell us how your firm will solicit for interested candidates, including how you may reach out to individuals who may not otherwise be considering the Lexington position. Please include any specific outreach beyond ICMA, MMA, etc.  How would you advise the Board to ensure the best possible search screening committee? What characteristics, experiences or criteria do you think would be particularly useful that we ensure are represented?  What is the most important questions you believe the Town Manager Screening Committee should ask a candidate? How would you advise we gauge their ability to work effectively with our state representatives, work collaboratively with an active citizenry and lead a highly professional staff?  Do you think the Select Board should consider ‘non-traditional’ candidates, such as a current or former elected official (mayor), a retired military command officer, or a chief executive officer of a not-for-profit organization?  What have you advised other municipal clients regarding paying for travel expenses, for the Screening Committee interview; for the Select Board interview, for candidates outside of Massachusetts?  Are there any aspects of the approach we have outlined in the RFQ for consultant services that you would advise the Board to reconsider?  We are almost out of time – is there anything else you’d like to add; why you and your firm are the best choice, given our goals for this recruitment? Each firm was allowed to ask questions of the Board. 2. Select Executive Recruiting Firm for the Town Manager Search The Board deliberated to select the preferred consultant for the Town Manager recruitment. Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Select Board voted 5-0 to award the contract for executive search consulting services for the Town Manager's position to Municipal Resources Inc. (MRI) and authorize the Select Board Chair or their designee to negotiate the final terms of the contract and sign the contract on the Board's behalf. 3. Discuss town Manager Search Screening Committee Appointment Process This item was tabled to be taken up at the 4/29/2024 6:30pm Select Board Meeting. ADJOURN VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Select Board voted 5-0 to adjourn the meeting at 12:10 p.m. A true record; Attest: Kim Katzenback Executive Clerk