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20 De-!;tube P'l
Iresent Butters, E H.Clarl.e, ,aton, 4ann, LUI,augnt 'tt fl iolvli : ;1.
Russo ;'aa.lcvitno Turner. Also Judith faah: LT' Ob
Samuel Sains, SuperJnte1'ldt.x1 of Minute=^-Man ti.erioor,1 Tee):nl a].
Vocational Iligh School,
sir. Sains was present upon invitations to inform tue Oommis.;ion i':1''R2VHS
of i'iinute-Manp&ans, with particular reference to opportunities
for minority group students, 'iI.,ORSTY
ST U Uli!1TS
Selection will be made by the local school committees, a numbe,
of seats being allotted according to local census of student
Minute-fan is prepared .,o receive students from all ],evels whacevei
their needs. There will be no cnt, ant.e requirements at all
METCO students might presumably be selected by a local school c,,mmit .;oe
However, there exists an .Agreement among the towns which stipulates
that students must be residents and that tuition students will be
taken only if seats remain alter all rei,ula:, students have boon aocomo-
dated. This casts some doubt on the feasibility of seating, •i±TCO stu-
t -dents, as well as those from Hanscom and from Lincoln, whose high Jchoel
students normally attend Bed.'o 'd High winch is outside the Minute-Man
district. This legal question must be resolved
The ,gr.•agram of the ..chool will be designed to expose students to all
aspects of the world of wo :k and what is needed to succeed herein
while preparing *hem to pursue al occupation upon graduation There
will be particular emphasis on traiAlng in relationship; with people
Ten program Coordinators will be assigned students, whom they will
follow all four years, They Will Ucrve au ombud.amon, as well as guidance
counselors, helping students in setting goals and evaluating p '.tress
Teachers willbe orgaized in clusters, pxividing .L team approach to the
program of each student.
The school will open with 450 ninth graders, possibly including a few
specially groomed 10th graders The first year will be exploratory
all students will spend five weeks in each of seven areas, for three
hours each day. The remaining 3 ' hours will be spent on the th,'ee R2s.,
human relations, business concepts - ba ,ic, training to s'o-°ti.iy people
in the world of wo.r..kc
In the second years students will concentrate in 3 or 4 areas, working
toward the big decision to be made :Coa the third years when each must
select among 50.55 different occupations or a cluster of occupations.
The fourth year consists of a work .study prog,am the Coordinr tors
developing job opportunities fa all students it is 'ecognized that
college is pa.t of the world of yore, that some ocuunatio._s 1;ill_ rec1Ui:,0e
further education,, and students who enalify *.'rill. be „roomed foJ. college
There will also 'be a program ''.or special students. handicapped jtudents
will be given priority in the la4°ge swimming pool w_iere regular students
in physical. therapy and related fields will learn to work with them
Mr. I1ann raised objections to labelling and segregating children at the
c;hth grade level. To avoid this the two high schools ought to be
completely integp aced,
4 Ill
r S2 Z'e �x5.115 did not "P(1 vPl i.> as pSi.v_. ;0 T' !' J.i hut! ,.. I. 7. J. AC.
r'was what was best for the child Competent COM' I .il W1 �.
parents a..d students will ( uld(. them into us mo c ta.''' t .) ( -1 i'
Expressing his appreciation c the iii ,r 'Fv U '1 LOM 74 Sa :on
that he would be happy to work :with the ComW s no
1'•.$ ilicheJEan reported that Ars Totman had 1'esi ;nod and .b:d1l!3:5'.ni A i li
that the Selectmen had appointed l ' Lillian I ,•,a.cL rt'hu.:c
to replace her as representative o T',i'•it,
Nr. Michelman continues to consult wit•7 EDO r .lLtive to the. 00,M1 CT
feasibility of contract provii"ions)R fox cmpioyment of onk, J'I NC;
minority group workers on the library addition and too Fro-
posed remodelling, of the 0ential Fll .ra Station It was
VOTED: To authorize a letter to the Board of Selectmen r'ogue.3ting a
warrant article, to be moved if condi .ions warrant, r3eakin1, O. 000
for recruitment and training of tfll.Llority group wo 'kers in connection
with these two projectb.
?1r Miehelmen reported that he had cs7nta. ted the Chairman of SCATTERED
LEE in regard to the proposed work session and that the SITNS
Authority seemed not to want to have such a SOPSiou at this
Mr Kann reported that the . arish Council had unanimously ST. BRIC ID';i
approved submission of a warrant article seeking RH coni.nl,a HOGSILC
for itsA projected subsidized houaing deteclowent. he said
LCSR members would be Invited to a parish inio7.'mation rr,eeti_ni;
it was agreed that LCSR ou6ht to be concerned about educe- CINORTTY
tional opportunities to' mine ity studenta :Cron] Be 'ton t ST1JDE8T
the M•linutem.Gian Tli;•h School~ Id )ally ,. it was ..tc3t; the
recional school should itseli solicit MB'T7O :students The
following steps will be taken
m. Mr. Mi che.lman will investigate tl'e authorizing legislation and the
Agreement to clarify legal questions.
• .firs. Glance will bring the mat er up at the next i4.L','TCO
aloetin She i s Secretary ox the Council,
,' r, Turner will discuss the Lr. tier with hi_'3 wile, who is Lexington' s
.-IETCO Coordinator
LCSR will try to mare contact with groups similar to LCSR in other
towns in the Minute-Man J]i_atrict
- Mr Mann will discuss oux concerns with Lexington 's membex. of the
ainute-i'.an School Committee Erik Eol.lo ‘Chr-tstensou,.
NEXT MEETING 17 January 1973