HomeMy WebLinkAbout10-25-1972 U/ LCSR. NINUTLS 25 0g,"uobcr 1972 Room Q-15 .. 3 00 '. cu .&BESEITT RPlembc,r,s Guest Brown Mu.Laughlin Lincoln x . Colo Jr Butter,; `Si chetw n Sanborn C ;t'ocD 111, T Claeke Riffin Peter Chalpin Eaten Ru 'Po Daniel dma01 Hathoay Saakvitne Judith Baeur ,'•'Ia:nn Silva Peter Cbal_nir: of the Town Enp, neer Office, re- TRA_NSi0ITPTT0�, viewed the history of MIR and it p 'o a'e ss to date The study grou wa.+ set u?, alter Governor Sargent called a moratorium on. heavy high -ay construction. BPTR has comi,leted its stu:ty of the .5W corridor and .Carrs been working on. the _4W corridor since the sp ing of 1971 Ito aai.r. conenorn is e'.tension of the MBTA Red Line beyond Harvard Bqua u Three alternate routes are under conr3ideration, all terminating at Alewife in Cambridge Under Garden Street v'i , eater Suare nd via t orter Square and Davis Square in Somerville, which to'5Lt i agitating for the last wi.teruacivo All ''vuteu must be cora: lu Dented by bus systems and. narking ..acili,ties J:ark ng at .nlcndle is a major problem a oui.idi.ng to t:ecommodatc 10 000 card r& would be needed and sufficient land is not ava..lable Feeders would he needed from Route 2 and Alewife to the terminal location on the site of Bethlehem Steel and again land is `c.nsufli olent Also proposed is a connection to the Macs Turnpike via the railroad right of way Fees and fare: have not yet boon announced The study also ineluder the possibility ox extending the Red Line to Arlington Conte Mr . Coles Lexington s Representative in the General. Cour aria Charman of the Jo Lilt Oemmittei, on Tram nOL"LL tion. of the Legislature,, spoke about funding l unds e. 13t only for plans and engineering for extension of tue Rad Line to e)lewife Dino, for extension to A 11 tngtou would nEed more funds and. authorize tion would recuinn a 2/3 'vote of U's Le ,isle Lure This Could al most certainly be dci.ea.ted by Lc.31,la.tors from out .ide the arer , at least for the next few yca. s The philosophy of 9ubi c tran, portati o.n as a nese ssu r service mn u t be sold tl t lure CS6a:i t be service to othe? pa Gs et the „tate Mr Cole 'as pessimistic aoout acquiring funds from the federu highway tau t, but onL r:is. tic about acquiring state fund; Mr Brown, Lexington Selectman ,, and member of the Lexington Transportation Co[lmitttee , reported that the Selectmen have asked BTIR to nut into itd report dotal.) concerning possible c ten torn beyond j,lewiie to Route 120 lie pointed out that the usur volume in Lexin ;ton would be small and hence the chance of getting an extension to Lexington was low The problem with respect to the extension to Ilewiie is whether the public would tolerate o-,en cut construction (as opposed to deep bore ) names ary to keen construction cost under control. Uevclo.,ment of a cost allocation formula is important .44 1{3 4 Vi b. 'ci `1 C i., 1 u y. .1 1 .t f 11 , ! .. I .r :!71: f i e r 1' C1�z'.L.1 "' 1'{ i. .i ' iL !F1 '.I V S 1. '1'. %- i,l.'? 1 .i ! f 1, i (, 'lIs s LI 1 i 7,. !:1 i?i.(, -(. 1 ! .i.:. ! , I1 i i' 1 i I< ,C' 7 l 'i .1 1; it '1 0 'i 11 t. (1 7 -P. i; C LC. ,{ I i 'i . 11,01lA(2.r5 !. Id( 37, et, .,t ,i (' i r Y 'S iI 1 :'t• ±1 t '3 -;;;;;IJ -1 f 1 1 .. -±:. .1- 1 I 2 .1- "i ^ 000 pi r E '±, e 'U 7 ,$7 ' is ,o 340 i ti J}, vi ;l' 3 ,( 1! e i. .,11 la q. 'i- 'i 19 i 1 ';;!{ 1, 1'0 9 C'.i. .1 n tic ' i. t t .! -1 1 Sr i.t' '1 1 .. 't-I .u(_ .,113:1 1" 1. 7 ') 7 :j, Di' a ii I t .1 ': P ';t 3- t, 31 -3.1,4 0 11 7-(1 ii 1. ,1 'rl. .11 .i. (.4 ELIC .Li 1 1 JI' 1"u .i5;.4 .C,Iu t)" ig 1 it C.t' i T1 , , ,, c `7 J. •111113.10 C3133 2.0 1 .r A 33.11,/ rI ') i3 1 '1. 0 '7' '1- 'i 1 s V 1 AL 1, i,i. "`ti. rt. VI It r.1 ,., V, t ';J 1; ' -CI U'l. '! 1', i 131;II'1!, '?.%'t. .1c:2.t ,(I 1 1:Si61 .1 ,1'. .1 'Cr .1. I 1- t;i 1, d'p -il " %' 1 'ICS I,), 1i. i r la! d< '1 I. 't :i.. II 1 i, {" 1 I.I' i i. 1 -r• 11 ti 1, ❑!i. I ., .c- II: 1 i. 7. 13 }i l' i' `I FI 1.1 l -1 i 1' I -ill ! l t' i1) (I 1 4; 1 13,0 li '.1 %i1 i' i. ('(I '11a W. 1 (j'1' l D ;1 1 < i I. ! i 1' L 1.; '., 'p 1.1,'•i-y. ± 1 l.i. 1 1 .1 1 IF (! '}'1 H 1S 1 ft :i ':16 I 1 {f" I .7 111 i i i f l' 'i.1. ;'1 e 3" t .r. 'i '.•t. -SC! 'f4 .i ri C. i. T1 -(11 i' i I.v"-i1,_ n 1 i .9 cl Fr '21;1 1 i 1 it I 'r 1 ( ' Yl. 1. ;• i. I. c 1, ,i 1 1. '1 L I„ ;iii: 1 1 I1 1 A .I 0 1' "I" '1 1,'i W 3 40 - The Chairman. reportc,d thLt tha Tooli, Voc Senpol CONTRACT • Committee io conr,ideting seistin. Li an rldvis.7ory CON;-tiPSRE) _s.. • Committee on distribution of the sexes in Staff selection; Employment policies; Student body; and. Employment in the entire area Diane Lund has adicd LUSH to consider „)ror,osinG fnolukien of other minolties in the study. i?articularly at the 3tudont level Mr McLaughl1n rImarked that he though o this had already been done EL wa suggested that the PIHRTVIIS Superintendent Mr Uaincea. be inv ted to talc to us et the no t meeting AL the suggestion of Mr. Tann , members expressed iodation of the effortof Mrs Clarke mnd "Tr, Micholmar during past years The Corresponding Secretany wile directed to fill-1AI- t guests Sor their attendance and their contribution to this meeting The meeting adjcurned at 10 00 p m Rennectfully ubm1ttedl Rh: c T 01 rko c3e rotary pre foul