HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-04-24 SB Packet - Released SELECT BOARD MEETING Wednesday,April 24, 2024 Select Board Meeting Room, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA 02420 - Hybrid Participation� 5:30 PM AGENDA PUBLIC COMMENTS P ub lic c o mments are allo wed fo r up to 10 minute s at the b eginning o f eac h me eting. E ac h s p eaker is limited to 2 minute s fo r c o mment. M emb ers o f the B o ard will neither c o mment no r re s p o nd, o ther than to ask questions of clarif'ication. Speakers are encouraged to notify the Select Board's Office at 781-698- 4 5 8 0 if they wis h to s p eak during p ub lic c o mment to as s is t the C hair in managing me eting time s. SELECT BOARD MEMBER CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS 1. S elec t B o ard M emb er Anno unc ements and L iais o n R ep o rts TOWN MANAGER REPORT 1. Town Manager Weekly Update CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approve and S ign Proclamations • Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacif�ic Islander(AANHPI) Heritage Month • Mental Health Month • Natio nal P o lic e Weel�/P eac e O ffic ers Memo rial D ay • National Public Works Week 2. 2024 Limous ine Lic ens e R enewals LIMOUSINE Boyadjian Limousine Service- 447 Lowell Street(2 vehicles) D&O Limo LLC d/b/a D&O Limo - 3402 Main Campus Drive (1 vehicle) 3. Approve S elect Board Meeting Minutes • April 3, 2024 S elect Board • April 8, 2024 S elect Board 4. Ac c ep tanc e o f B enc h D o natio n- G allagher Tennis C o urts ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. Discuss and Approve Prioritized Intersections for Rectangular Rapid Flashing 5:45pm Beacons (RRFBs)Along the Minuteman Bikeway 2. Discus s P olic e S tation P ro ject Budget for S o lar C anopy/Batteries 6:OOpm 3. Review Request for Quotations Submitted by Executive S earch F irms for Town 6:15pm Manager S earch and Vote C andidates to IntervieW 4. 2024 Annual Town Meeting 6:45pm • Discus s AT M 2024 Artic le 45: Indigenous P eoples Day(C itizen P etition) • Select Board Article Discussion and Positions ADJOURN 1. Anticipated Adjournment 6:SSpm Meeting Packet:https://lexington.novusagenda.com/agendapublic/ *Membe�s of the public can attend the meetz'ng f�om thei�compute�o�tablet by clicking on the following link at the tz'me of the meetz'ng: https://zoom.us/j/99739813810?pwd=bEZZNE9HK3MyY lAvcWcSdONsQOJIQ T09 iP ho ne o ne-tap: +13092053325„99739813810#,,,,*153496# US +13126266799„99739813810#,,,,*153496# US (Chicago) Telephone: � +1 309 205 3325 US • +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) • +1 646 931 3860 US � +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) Meeting ID: 997 3981 3810 Passcode: 153496 An Act Relative to Extending C ertain S tate o f Emergency Ac c ommo dations:http s://www.mas s.gov/the-op en-meeting-law T he next regularly s c heduled me eting o f the S elec t B o ard will b e held p rio r to 2024 Annual To wn Meeting on Monday,April 29, 2024 at 6:OOpm via hybrid participation. Hea�ing Assistance Devices Available on Request ��� All agenda time and the o�de�of items a�e app�ximate and � � ��,,, subject to change. Recarded by LexMedia AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Select Board Member Announcements and Liaison Reports PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: S elect Board Members LR.1 S UMMARY: P leas e s ee the attac hed S elec t B o ard Memb er Anno unc ements and Liais o n R ep o rts fo r the Ap ril 24, 2024 me eting. Und er this item, S e lec t B o ard M emb ers c an als o c o mment o n any ad d itio nal p o ints, rep o rts and concerns. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 4/24/2024 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � ��:r��.��,��:��������:�./���m�������������Fl��i�:r��m:�������m���.::...������������I����.������ �.��������:���"�� .�:������:����� IC����.������� Select Board Announcements and Liaison Reports—April 24, 2024 Joe Pato: School Building Committee (SBC) • The SBC will hold a coordination meeting on Monday 4/29 to review Preliminary Design Program (PDP) alternative drafts (design options), review cost estimates and taxpayer impact update. Information on the massing studies used for the cost estimates is available at the following URL: < https://dwhit- my.sharepoint.com/:b:/�/personal/j�reco doreandwhittier com/EbKTCQ4uKJ5LrwJLyo4tLcwB4UNl 66HG5-EW-I�DFVTi8A?e=1VV6rm > AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Town Manager Weekly Update PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Jim Malloy, Town Manager TM.1 S UMMARY: Attached please find the Town Manager's Weekly Updates for the weeks ending on: • April 12, 2024 • April 19, 2024 SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 4/24/2024 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �����c���..��������,�:-��"�,�"�,� �:.w�:������. IC����� � �.n�.���.���.:J��,�������.�����-�,,,�,'� �:�����:n�� IC�:n���r��� ������� ���� ��..;�^ � ��' ...... �� �N � � �' �l �� I� � ����u � .. ;��, � ry ,�, �l� '� � " � ��; .�� ��,i �� I uu �' ,TM"'.,ii I ;��W J �� , � ., w��tP�i �, �«�M�I�P��"p� ,�r�`� ��"��"�����'� � °''`��.������.��,��>*.;�' ��,W�� � �uu����p ir� �������_�. ��- N�^���wunu�ir�,u..u��. • Town o L exzn ton g Town Manager's Of f ice James J. Malloy, Town Manager Tel: (781) 698-4540 Kelly E. Axtell, Deputy Town Manager Fax: (781) 861-2921 MEMORANDUM TO: Select Board FROM: Jim Malloy, Town Manager DATE: April 12, 2024 RE: Weekly Update The following is an update of activities for the week ending April 12, 2024: Town Mana�er Updates: • RRFB's along the bikeway—Attached please find a memo outlining two options based on the Select Board's discussion at the last meeting. As stated in the memo, the recommendation is to do the first four proj ects as a base bid and the remaining proj ects in prioritized order as add alternates. This is scheduled to come back before the Board for consideration on 4/24/24. • Attached please find the agenda tracker for upcoming Select Board meetings. Innovation & Technolo�y: • AV Update - The Select Board Meeting Room is complete. Parker Room is currently closed for construction and the new system should be up and running on April 1 Sth (with trainings happening that week). Community Center AV work has been designed and we should start ordering equipment by end of the month. We are currently negotiating contracts for the remaining rooms. Health Department: • Aerial Application to Control Mosquito Larvae - The East Middlesex Mosquito Control Proj ect will be conducting a helicopter application of the biological larvicide, Bti (Bacillus thuringiensis var. israelensis), to control mosquito larvae. Wetlands currently being evaluated for this application in Lexington include Tophet Swamp and Great Meadows. One helicopter application will take place between April 16, 2024 and Apri124, 2024. The Bti will be applied in a granular formulation by a helicopter flying low directly over the wetlands. Residents do not need to take any special precautions for this application. Bti is a natural occurring bacterium found in soil, and is classified by the EPA as relatively non- toxic. Bti is target specific and only affects mosquito larvae and a feW closely related aquatic 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE�LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420 insects in the fly family. Bti breaks down quickly in the environment. The product to be used is VectoBac GS (EPA Registration#73049-10). For further information contact the East Middlesex Mosquito Control Project at 781-899-5730. • National Public Health Week—We celebrated National Public Health Week April 1 st through April 7th. The Health Department held many events throughout the week, in collaboration with other departments. A "Dose of Nature"walk was offered, in collaboration with the Conservation Department, complete with giveaways for the participants. With the help of the Human Services department, a blood pressure clinic Was held at the community center. There were also a number of classes offered through Recreation throughout the week as well as a screening for"Below the Belt," an education film that addresses endometriosis and widespread problems in women's health. Close 90 people were in attendance for this important film and discussion. • Medical Waste Disposal - Lexington Public Health held a medical waste disposal event on Saturday, April 6. There was a total of 44 residents that participated, with increased participation from the previous disposal event in October(36 participants). While dropping off their items, the participants were given informational flyers about upcoming events. As always, the Lions Club of Lexington assisted with this event. • Narcan Training and Distribution- The Health Department held our first Narcan training as part of National Public Health Week. Participants attended a presentation explaining opioid overdose, risk factors, the function of Narcan and how to administer Narcan in an overdose situation. Participants Were provided their own Naloxone Rescue Kits, Which contain 2 doses of Narcan, CPR masks, gloves, Fentanyl test strips as Well as local and national resources. The Health Department also continued our collaboration with Lexington schools, the Lexington Police Department and Human Services to provide naloxone from the state's Community Naloxone Program (CNP) in multiple locations throughout the town. Using Opioid Settlement Funds, ten SamBox units were purchased and the START group is working to identify locations throughout town for installation. Sambox units are surface-mounted enclosures that provide access to lifesaving naloxone in an easy-to- recognize cabinet mounted in central locations throughout town. • Kelliann Coleman, RN, attended Heath Resources in Action's educational cohort called Improving Overdose Safety at Work: A Public Health Learning Cohort. This learning opportunity focuses on opioid overdose awareness, prevention and response. As the overdose crisis accelerates, many organizations struggle with how to address overdose within their communities in a practical way. This cohort helps participants gain new perspectives to address stigma associated with overdose, including changes to language, behaviors, policies, and environment. ������� ���� ��..;�^ � ��' ...... �� �N � � �' �l �� I� � ����u � .. ;��, � ry ,�, �l� '� � " � ��; .�� ��,i �� I uu �' ,TM"'.,ii I ;��W J �� , � ., w��tP�i �, �«�M�I�P��"p� ,�r�`� ��"��"�����'� � °''`��.������.��,��>*.;�' ��,W�� � �uu����p ir� �������_�. ��- N�^���wunu�ir�,u..u��. • Town o L exzn ton g Town Manager's Of f ice James J. Malloy, Town Manager Tel: (781) 698-4540 Kelly E. Axtell, Deputy Town Manager Fax: (781) 861-2921 MEMORANDUM TO: Select Board FROM: Jim Malloy, Town Manager DATE: April 12, 2024 RE: RRFB's Along the Bikeway Based on the Select Board's discussion at the last meeting, staff is providing two options for the Select Board to consider. Staff continues to recommend Option 1, but understands the concern the Select Board has raised and asks that the Select Board approve one of the two listing of priority intersections as follows: O�tion 1 O�ption 2 (1) Hancock Street (1) Merriam Street (2) Meriam Street (2) Revere Street (3) Revere Street (3) Woburn Street (4) Woburn Street (4) Fletcher Avenue (5) Fletcher Avenue (5) Westview Street (6) Westview Street (6) Bow Street (7) Bow Street (7) Fottler Avenue (8) Fottler Avenue Under either option, intersections (1) through (4) will be bid as a base bid and the remainder of the intersections will be bid in order as an add alternate option (we will do them in order as funding allows). Should you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks. 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE�LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420 . . . , � , . � , e < � � . � r . . � � � H�alth I�/Ionth ' , � a Expiration 5/1 (��� Lirr�o�all s�t; ��y�dJi�n �r�nu�l L�rr��u��ne L�c�r�se R�n�wals 24-��pr�24- 0 0 Lir�c�usin�5�rvice�all set) . � � Recreation voted on 3/26/2024 to approve a bench Acceptance of Bench Donation at 24-�pr�24 0 0 donation from the Battle Green Tennis League for the Gallagher Tennis Court bench to be placed atthe GallagherTennis Courts Frorr� Elain�Tur��� , � , PLACEHOLDER- ' Dat�for�ff�rdable H�usin�Tru�t 24-�pr-24 0 0 In any�vent, I vv�s or�ly app�int�d f�r a or��year terrr� , , s s , , Ir�tersecti�ns for R�ctan�ular R�pid �o�rd ask�d f�r this t�corn�back for furth�r 24��pr�24 15 1 Fl�shirr��e�cons�I�r��I�llir�ut�rr'an discussi�r� bef�re appr�vin� �ik�w�y Sandhya lyer is seekin�directi�r� �n th�future�f the Lib�rty Rid�m Sh�is r�corr�rn�ndin�th�t th�T�vvr� s��l� Discussion on the Liberty Rid� 24-�pr-24 15 2 on�additi�nal y�ar frorr�J�s�ph's Transp�rtatior� (2025-26)and th�n s��ki�n to purch�s�a tr�ll�y�r�d . , . , , . , . s s 1 . . _ _ . � . � s . . . . _ _ � � s PLACEHOLDER- ' Trans ortation Carnrnittee 29-�pr-24 0 0 ��tstar�din r�ir�ut�s r���d t�b�turned int�th�TC� p ( � ) ,Appr�v�S�lect�o�rd C�r�r�itt�� �pp�ir�tr�ents fr�rr� IVl�rch 2024-re�ruitrr,er�t for A �ir�trrtients 29��pr�24- 0 0 ��ri�us b��rds�nd c�rr�rriitt��s pp � , . . . . . � � - - EE EE L DE NO M TING IF TOWN M TING CONC U S -Sel�ct�oard�erticle C�iscussion and Positiarrs Approv��ne-D��y Liquor Lic�r�ses- L����C�Il�bc�r�tive is h�stir��the�r�nu�l Lexin�t�r� . - � . , , ° _ _ , , , The Select Board will reorganize at the first meeting eor�anrz�tr�n o t e �►�r 6-May-24 5 1 after Annual Town Meeting concludes Tufts research team will present results of town-wide Z�ro Waste Surv�y R�sult 6-May-24 20 2 survey. Maggie Peard-lead . _ _ The Select Board heard a proposal to install street art , , at the intersection of Kendall and Farmcrest and was Street�rt Pr�pos�d Pra��ct Fir��l 6-May-24 10 4 supportive.The residents have worked with TSG and are now ready to seek final approval to do the work over the summer of 2025. This will be to review applicants and make Dis�uss �pporr�t Town li�lan��er Searcl� , 6-May-24 20 5 appointments to the Town Manager Search Committee Review of 2023 and Preview of 2024 , 6-May-24 15 6 Farmers Market PLACEHOLDER-Review and Appr�►ve Connrnrtt�� I�le�tin�Conduct IV�rrn 13-I��y�24- 15 1 Follow up from 12/18/2023 meeting P�Ircy PLACEHOLDER-R�vi�w TA�Resp�n�� 13�1�/I�y�24 20 2 t�AHTC Re �rt PLACEHOLDER-�ppro�e Select��ard �ornrnrttee�ppointrnent-Fund f�►r as a member to the Fund for Lexington Lexin ton-Tru�t�es of Public Trusts 20-May-24 0 d Board re resentin the Trustees of the Public Trusts � p g . , ' The Green Communities program is expanding to include a "Climate Leader Community" designation. Applications open this summer and Maggie is working to make sure we have all the pieces to be able to . , . , apply. Designation will mean we would have access to Discuss/Approve Modifications to the . . . . 20�fVl�y-24 10 2 larger grants that we could use on municipal building decarbonization projects,among other things. Maggie Peard ran our Fleet Electrification Policy by DOER to see if it meets their requirements and there are a couple very minor edits they suggested to be extra careful that it will meet their requirements. ������� ���� ��..;�^ � ��' ...... �� �N � � �' �l �� I� � ����u � .. ;��, � ry ,�, �l� '� � " � ��; .�� ��,i �� I uu �' ,TM"'.,ii I ;��W J �� , � ., w��tP�i �, �«�M�I�P��"p� ,�r�`� ��"��"�����'� � °''`��.������.��,��>*.;�' ��,W�� � �uu����p ir� �������_�. ��- N�^���wunu�ir�,u..u��. • Town o L exzn ton g Town Manager's Of f ice James J. Malloy, Town Manager Tel: (781) 698-4540 Kelly E. Axtell, Deputy Town Manager Fax: (781) 861-2921 MEMORANDUM TO: Select Board FROM: Jim Malloy, Town Manager DATE: April 19, 2024 RE: Weekly Update The following is an update of activities for the week ending April 19, 2024: Town Mana�er Updates: • Sustainability and Historical Preservation—There have been two issues that have come up this year, one involving a resident that was seeking to replace single pane windows with more efficient windows and the solar canopy at the Police Station, as well as discussions of solar canopies at other Town-owned parking lots (that are also in the Battle Green Historic District) that have created a need to discuss the intersection of historic preservation and environmentally sustainable efforts. I am recommending that the Select Board, Sustainable Lexington, Maggie Peard, Sustainability and Resilience Officer, the Historic Districts Commission and the Historical Commission have a "summit" similar to those with have on the budget (there may be value in also inviting the AC and CEC since this issue has impacted a Town capital proj ect). From that meeting, a good avenue forward once it has been discussed would be to create an Ad Hoc Working Group to review the Town's Bylaws and propose a bylaw that takes sustainability efforts into consideration in relation to historic preservation. I have tentatively added this as the topic for Board discussion on the June 3, 2024 Select Board meeting. • Attached please find the agenda tracker for upcoming Select Board meetings. Police: • The Lexington Police Department is proud to announce our participation in the Blue Envelope Program. The Blue Envelope initiative represents a collaborative effort aimed at fostering a safer and more understanding environment for drivers with autism spectrum disorder during traffic stops. This program emerged from a partnership between the Massachusetts Chiefs of Police Association, the Massachusetts State Police, Advocates for Autism of Massachusetts, and The Arc of Massachusetts, alongside input from individuals with autism and their families. 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE�LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420 Here you can find both tips of drivers on the autism spectrum and tips for law enforcement interactin�with drivers on the autism spectrum. The Lexington Police Department had sought the input of inembers of The Turing Club which is a community of neurodivergent students who meet regularly to discuss the unique challenges they face, as well as to initiate advocacy and awareness proj ects in the community. The core idea of the Blue Envelope is straightforward yet impactful. It involves a specially designed envelope that holds a driver's essential documents license, registration, and a contact card. However, its significance goes beyond just a storage solution. The envelope features critical communication guidelines on its exterior, specifically tailored to assist law enforcement officers in recognizing and adapting their approach when interacting with a driver who has autism or other neurodiversity. This initiative addresses several key objectives: • Enhancing Understanding: By providing officers with immediate, accessible information about autism, the Blue Envelope aims to promote empathy and patience, leading to more positive interactions. • Reducing Anxiety: Traffic stops can be particularly stressful for individuals with autism. The Blue Envelope serves as a visual cue that helps officers adjust their communication style, thereby reducing anxiety for the driver. • Streamlining Communication: The guidelines on the envelope offer practical tips for officers, making it easier for them to communicate effectively with individuals with autism, even in high-stress situations like traffic stops. • Encouraging Preparedness: For individuals With autism and their families, the Blue Envelope is a tool that encourages preparedness. By keeping their important documents in the envelope and understanding how to present it during a stop, drivers can feel more confident and secure. The Blue Envelope is more than just an envelope; it's a symbol of our commitment to inclusivity and understanding. It represents a step forward in ensuring that every driver, regardless of their neurological differences, can experience a sense of safety and respect on the road. Through this program, we aim to build bridges between law enforcement and the autism and neurodivergent community, fostering a culture of awareness and compassion that benefits everyone involved. These envelopes are available at the Lexington Police Department or local State Police barracks. For more information on this program, please contact Detective Jeff Chaisson at ��� ��� � �� � �� � � � �or click on the following link: ��� ��// ���.��� v/��� �,,,,,, ��,���/ ��.��,,,,,, �� � �,,,,,, � ��. „, i, i / � � ',o/i oiiaiii////ii//// .. ......... i iiii iiiii�ii � i �� i�� �/iiiiii// iir / i // i //%ri i%/// �� . �iiir � G i//�� � �� i//i/�� i ii�� / , // /� iif �i/oi / a%ii/i iii� �N{/� //ai �� �,iii iiri ��/i / �i , /� �I�I�n�������iil�l�l���/� �/i� � ir/////ii ��j / � �� / i„,, , . .. .. 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The conference attracts International tour operators and receptive operators like Emirates, TripAdvisor, Expedia, and many more. With 60 plus tour operators and International media from the UK, Ireland, Germany, Italy, Mexico, Japan, and Belgium, the conference was successful with 30 plus one-on-one meetings, tour bookings, and hotel inquiries for the 250th year and beyond. , � � � ; , ,„,�f :�,;,, ;�1� �, �/���%, ,,�; / �//, jj�// i� ����i/%i J iiiii/ %%�' „ , iii/ii�%%%�iiiiiiii ii � `���iri�/ j/,,,,,,,,;,; ;�> � � �i��i�!iii�i�i�u���i i,�,�i " ���,ii//,,:%i i„iii ,,,, ,�iiiiiv,;%C�o%%!i/r�� ,i'!%'//J%n'/�;%r :✓,r �,/�r i i:��,�,,,,,���„,% ri/!%c/, %//� „�///% ,i," -,, 1�:. >� �//r/,,,/%%//J%/i/////,///////,��%,��,M`//%IJII"%/%!%/.'i%!/I!/fJ1D i/� �x/�,°„�;,,,,,../��// j% ,l� , �r „�„��„�.i�wyx��J�nar rcu���./// �rri,rvrrry➢�'r2rry�yr ra�i�i ;�%i ,,,;,/f �%%�%%%%%%//%%%/ii////i ,ii� �/i i� ,,, , ii%j,,, � '� ��,� ,,r�� � ��f y//i i i / � �� i�i �j/�; / � ���j i'�i/ii/���/ ��� i � � //%/ /� �/� /�����i �/ ��� % � � //���� � ��j� � 1 f" �` �(�. � �/i %iii/////iiiii//� /%/��iiii� �q /� ��,/. r � ��� ii iii�/%///%j///////���iii � � j i�� r i F f�� „//�r/���,,,.: �� ,/i�;�,����� i � .;� � ' , // i�/ . � . �k � j �� �y�� I � � �� %� �j�/,/// j i,, lNidd�+�I�mdG„�u�(rt(, %i � Y e p���wa� %���� d u a 1� l"r�� 7 iii/r �i�� �l�� y ��l�2r�l�/ij j������/� . � � i�� /, �r�/i�f�� d�i= , fNl"M,4iNbAi!N;,�k�1N'Wb I 5�9/ ��// �/�/�� i � „ i� ir ,� %� � ��'���y ��� i °„�; . , i�,��f(J�i/'/i���/� 'p� ����������� � � � . Po(�1��rli :I /,9�.i�N /���/��/ ����� ����///��11J/�� ���%%%�� ; /� �//�j���iiii I� i„�rl`,/�i��r�� i � r �/�iiv/lii�iii� a���i�� �a��aiuu� l irir���iy ^ i�, ,' ����� iir�i i%%' � wf i l��j�/�� guwrw�`�d?�?Oa v%i i ✓ir ��"k"+�I�'U / r �'�1N�� rv�m �, ' H°M"����r41� � ' /�r°/���r��ftl�iiiiii I�r�?���i�i i0/'� /�% �&r �,�" �`»r �� �j _ y/i/i��ii �ii% ������ Ilui �'�1D'!�muu f�� e%1 ���,��/ i ,���Ir i✓/i ii///�//��i�iUf '� �, ��, , ,/ % � 1' f�� �Nry„�//rGlri✓lWf(r�1�� �t�r� � .�/"v / /i i ��',� �'%// � �ii i , °rr✓ iyr ��jn� � � rmrir�yy9� �aF/OI1D0J1��frtf ,',r�i�'tlf��'. r � °1� �'�� irrr�lrl �iyi�j( y� ,i ��f �i!iiii/dra �� �ji �� ���`� ` ,,��� i��i%i' ��!�ir�j, �`1%IJY�o��� �i�� i�' °� ���� ,�iu�'��✓ f��� r �!,y�a� m�a y //�� I�ii�i a i%/,��(.�Y,,,���f..1 � � �� �l�rrr�/Ir�y"�i'/ ���� �..�fyJw� y�ii� �r%,�i� �j,/i�j", � f�EO���, i ���y,��i�%�ii�'�� �� �� (�° in� ���4'a�i/� � '�r �� ff/i%/,i��irrr�dF� N,i' �� /N �. �����J�`����✓/� � �l`F � �ji�r ����� � ro�v�e " i o�/�11r�1N����'., a,,, r � �. i; P�!;� � ,« • Visitors Center Update—The Visitors Center is pleased to say that Patriots' Day was a great success! The Center opened early at 6am on Monday to welcome the crowd coming from the reenactment, and with additional tours happening in the morning we were able to guide 226 �eople across the Battle Green on Patriots' Day alone. Overall, the Visitors Center welcomed approximately 2,600 visitors through the building over the weekend, and generated over $12,600 dollars in revenue largely from sales of our various tours, Toy Muskets, and Colonial Plush Bears. These statistics are not only useful to evaluate this year's success, but are useful points of reflection in preparation for the 250th anniversary in 2025, with the consistent interest in Battle Green Tours throughout the day being one point in particular to bring into consideration for next year. The reenactment and other Lexington festivities Were also well documented by various news outlets, as seen below by the Boston Globe and WCVB 5: Boston Globe Article: ��� ��// � �� � � � �� / �/ �/� / ��� �� �� � ��,,,,,, �.�� ����,,,,,, �. �,,,,,, � � �� ���,,,,,, � ���,,,,,,� � / Boston Globe Photos: ��� ��// ��b �� �� � �� / ���1 ���/� / �� � ��� �s�,,,,,,.� �,,,,,,� �� � ��,,,,,, ��� �,,,,,,��-� ��,,,,,,� ....��.�� ��/ � C anne 5 V1 eo: ,......:....��� �m ��� m �� d� ::::::::::::�� � _�� Human Services: T�anspo�tation Se�vices Updates • Safe Routes to School - Susan Barrett and the Town's MassDOT SRTS Regional Coordinator, Sarah Ashebir, had a successful meeting with LPS administrative staff last week Who were supportive of our SRTS efforts and expressed a willingness to collaborate with us more moving forward. They also agreed to the following: o They sent student address data the same day to help with mapping SRTS routes. o They have agreed to a district wide family travel survey that will be open for two weeks this May. o They have agreed to host Pedestrian safety classes (2nd grade) and Bike Safety Assemblies (4th grade). They will discuss with Principals at an upcoming Administrative Council Meeting. o They have also agreed to discuss DESE accredited Professional Development for SRTS Pedestrian & Bike Safety with Principals at the upcoming Administrative Council Meeting. By having LPS staff trained to lead Pedestrian & Bike Safety the program can eventually become more ingrained into the curriculum and will be easier to schedule and come more sustainable than bringing in MassDOT SRTS staff. o Our middle school SRTS coordinators, along with our LHS SRTS Ambassador, are working on a Middle School Commute Challenge: Clarke vs Diamond! The inaugural "Dawes Cup" will run the entire month of May! The school with the most student-powered commute miles will win the Dawes Cup Trophy. The top three mileage-getters at each school will also win prizes. • Upcoming Events - There are many great events coming up including Transit Explorers, Intro to Bike Maintenance, Bike Rodeo, MBTA Reduced Fare Card Signups and more. All events can be found at: ......:....:..:...:......:...:..:...:......:...:..:....�..�:............:......:..:..............��:�:....:.:.......:...���.............,�.�..�.............� Please mark your calendars and j oin us for some events such as: o Thursday, Apri126, 6PM-7:30PM: Join us for a night discussing parking with Henry Grabar, author of Paved Pa�adise:How Pa�king Explains the Wo�ld. Event will include a presentation by the author, panelists from AARP, MAPC, and area suburbs, Q&A, and book signing. Maxima Book Center will sell books on site. o Friday, May 17, 6:30AM-9:30AM: Breakfast on the Bikeway, at the Depot Building along the bikeway • MBTA Advisory Board - The MBTA Advisory Board met with General Manager Phil Eng on what was his 3 65th day in office yesterday, 4/9/24. The GM provided updates on everything from slow zones, heavy rail car contract, accessibility, sustainability, commuter rail, bus service levels and more. In regards to restoring bus service levels, while the MBTA has had significant progress with hiring more bus drivers, there is still a need to hire even more. The Advisory Board will soon dig into the FY25 Operating and Capital budgets for the MBTA. Susan will provide an update related to that work. Anyone is welcome to follow the MBTA Advisory Board and,�,�,�� � � � � ,..::::...:�............�::.:...........�, � �. ��. . . . . e . . ; � � � ' � • • • � � / � / / � r �/I�rrr��►rial �ay; �IVHP'I H�ritag� ��IVHPI Heritag� IVl�nth (I��y); I��r�t�l Healtl� IVl�r�th; IVi�ntal Health IVlor�th I��nth (I�i�Y) Anr�ual Lirr��u�in� Li�er��� Expir�ti�n 5/1 (D�� Lirr�o- �II ��t� �oya�djiar� ��rr��nral� 24-�pr-24 0 a Lir�c�usir�� �ervic� - �II ��t ) . � _ _ , Recreation voted on 3/26/2024 to approve a . bench donation from the Battle Green Tennis Acceptance of Bench Donation - 24-A r-24 0 0 Lea ue for the bench to be laced at the Gallagher Tennis Courts � g p Gallagher Tennis Courts, Also need SB to also OK �i��u�s ar��d�ppr�v� �ri�ritiz�d Ir�t�r���ti�r�s fc�r R�c��r�gul�r f��pi� ���rd �sk�d f�r this t� cor�e ba�k f�r furth�r Fl�s�i� ��a���n�Al�r� IUlinut�rr�a�r� 24-Apr-24 15 1 di�cus�i�r� b�f�re � r�vir� � � �� g �i k��r�y . . . . �t 4/10 J�ir�t Me�ting, ��lect ���rd �sked to Discuss P�olic� �`tatian P'r��ect fc�r 24-� r-24 15 2 ut thi� �n anoth�r a �r�da fc�r furtrh�r Solar�ar�opy/�att�ries � p g dis�ussi�n b�f�r�v�ting R�vie�nr R�qu�st f�r C�u�lifica�i�r�s Select Board reviews submissions and vote �ubr°�itt�d Ex�cutiv���ar�l� Firrn� interview consultant candidates at regular for Tc�wn IVlana �r���r�h ar�d��t� 24-�pr-24 30 3 meetin in 2018 one hour was allotted for this g g � . . discussion) 2024�r�r�u�l T��nrn IVI���ir�g -Sele�t ���rd �►rticl� �is�u��i�r� 24-Apr-24 10 4 �rrd Pc�sitior�� �ppr�v� ��I�ct ���rd ��rr�rr�itt�� App�intrr�ents fr�rr� �11�rch 2024 recr�itrr�er�t A oir�trr��r�ts 29-Apr-24 0 0 for v�ri�us b��rd� ar�d c�rr�r�itt�e� pp . . . � _ _ . . . . . . i u i e i y i - pr� J���ph'�Tr�r��p�r��tior� (2025-26) �r�d th�r� ���kir�g t� purch��e a tr�lley�r�d put out�r� I�FP f�r driver/st�r�g�s • • _ _ . . � � � � . . _ _ ' . • • • _ _ . . . ' . . . . _ _ . . ' is�u�sior� �n �nurr��r�t at �Ifry ��rk �e�i�i�r� 1-I�ay-24 10 4 d�cisi�n on th� �el�ct�d rr��r�urr��nt�t ��Ifry ��rk . �AAL's 2024 ���t�r� A�i�r� I r�t�rr��tior�al �pprc�v� (�p�cial Ever�t) 6-I�� -24 0 0 I�lu�i� F�stiv�l liv� erf�rr��nc��/record�d Er�t�rtair�rr��nt Li��r��� - � L Y p r���ic/�J 6/22 �n th��li�it�r� ��r�t�r L�wn . . L���� C�Il�b�r�tiv� i� h�c��tir�g th� ar�nual Appr�v� �r��-C���/ Liqu�r Li��r��e� - 6-I�� -24 0 0 iL��ir� t�r� ��ttl� �r�er� ��C� F��tival ir� th� L���� ��Il��c�ratiore x2 Y g ��pot Lot 6/�-6/9 Approv� (�pecial Event} Er�t�rtainment Licer�se - LA��� 6-I�� -24 p a Liv� b�nd �t tf�� ar�r�u�l L�xingt�r� ��ttle �callalaorati�� y �r��r� ��� Fe�tiv�l �r� 6/� only �ppr�v� Li��r�s�fc�r Pul�li� Er�t�rta�inrr��nt�r� �ur�da� - L���� 6-IVI� -24 0 0 Li�e b�r�d �t th� �n�u�l L�xingtc�n ��ttl� ��Ilab��r�tiv� � Y �re�r� ��C� F��tiv�l on 6/9 �nly Appr�v� ��I��t ��ard IVlir�ut�� 6-I��y-24 0 0 4/10 S6, 4/10 Joint SB, CEC, AC meeting The Select Board will reorganize at the first R�orga�r�izatior� �f th�� �c��rd 6-May-24 5 1 meeting after Annual Town Meeting concludes Z�rc�1n/a�st� �ur�r�y f��sult 6-May-24 20 2 Tufts research team will present results of town-wide survey. Maggie Peard- lead . . . . . . . _ _ . . . ■ _ _ Review of 2023 and Preview of 2024 6-May-24 15 5 confirmaton from Leslie for 5/6 date, Farmers' Market The Select Board heard a proposal to install street art at the intersection of Kendall and Str��t Art �rc�pos�d P'r�j��t Fir��l Farmcrest and was supportive. The residents �► rc�v�l 6-May-24 10 � have worked with TSG and are now read to aa y seek final approval to do the work over the summer of 2025. This will be to review applicants and make . . appointments to the Town Manager Search �i��u��/Appoir�t Towr� IV��r�ager 6-Ma -24 20 7 iCommittee TM Search consultant is to meet ��ar�h ��rr�r�itt�� Y � with th is com m ittee som eti m e between 5/8- 5/17) PLACEHOLDER- ��vi��rr a�r�d Appr�v� ��rnrr�it�e� IV��etir�g 13-I��y-24 15 1 Follow up from 12/18/2023 meeting ��rrdu�t IV�rrr� P�li�y PLACEHOLDER- ��vi�w T�� ��� �r���t��HT� �� �►r� 13-IV1�y-24 20 2 p p r LUHD is asking to have a discussion on �i��ussior� �r� Housir�g In��r�tiv�� 13-I�ay-24 45 3 incentive options (reductions in fees) related to promoting affordable housing PLACEHOLDER-�pprove S�I�ct �oard �ornrnitte�A oir�trn�r�t - as a member to the Fund for �p 20-May-24 0 0 Lexington Board representing the Trustees of Fund f�r Lexingt�r� -Tru�t��� �f h P i Tr �ul�li�Tru�t� I��rnlo�r t e ubl c usts Approv� ��I�ct �c�a�rd �omrr�itt�e T�r� Il�izr�hi is up f�r r��pp�intrr��nt�r� I�e� c�intment 20-I��y-24 0 0 L��HA� t�rrr, �nd� 5/31 pp ( } ��w�r�pti�ns cor�pl�ted the Fl�et El��trific�ti�r°� F���dr�ap, thi� i� � pr��er°�t�ti�r°� Pow�r C�ptions �res�r�tatior� 20-I��y-24 20 1 t�th� �o�rd �r� th� ro�dr��p t� �I��trify th� iT�wr�'�fl��ts ��ntractor h�� b��r� ir�f�rr�ed �f I��y 20 ��tl��d�y t� att�nd The Green Communities program is expanding to include a "Climate Leader Community" designation. Applications open this summer and Maggie is working to make sure we have all the pieces to be able to apply. Designation will mean we would have Dis�uss/�►ppr�►ve Madifi�ations t�► access to larger grants that we could use on 20-I�ay-24 10 2 the Fle�t Ele�trifi�ation Pc�li�y municipal building decarbonization projects, among other things. Maggie Peard ran our Fleet Electrification Policy by DOER to see if it meets their requirements and there are a couple very minor edits they suggested to be extra careful that it will meet their requirements. T�wr� f�i�etir�g Ar�icle�ubr�issior� Policy Committee will present a proposed 27-May-24 Tir��lin� �i��u��i�r� schedule for article submissions AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Approve and Sign Proclama.tions PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Joe Pato, Select Board Chair C.1 S UMMARY: Category:Decision-Making The S elect Board is being asked to approve and sign proclamations for the following: • T he L exingto n Human S ervic e s D ep artment and the L exingto n Human R ights C o mmitte e are reque s ting that the S elect Board approve and sign a proclamation annually recognizing the month of May as Asian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacific Islander(AANHPI) Heritage Month. There was a request from a resident last year asking that'Native Hawaiian' be included in the title folloWing the update from the White House. White House Proclamation-AANHPI Heritage Month 2023 • T he L exingto n Human S ervic e s D ep artment and L exingto n Human R ights C o mmitte e are reque s ting that the S e lec t B o ard ap p ro ve and s ign a p ro c lamatio n annually rec o gnizing the mo nth o f May as M e ntal He a lth M o nth. M ental health is an imp o rtant fac to r in every ind ividual's o verall p hys ic al health and emo tio nal we ll-b eing. T he To wn o f L exingto n s trive s to highlight the imp o rtanc e o f inental health awarene s s b y reduc ing s tigma, p ro vid ing s up p o rt, educ ating the p ub lic, and advo c ating fo r equal care. • National Police Week is being celebrated this year from Sunday, May 12, 2024 through Saturday, May 18, 2024 and enc o urage s all c itizens to jo in in rec o gnizing law enfo rc ement o ffic ers. P e a c e Officers Memorial Day is celebrated Wednesday, May 15, 2024 in honor of law enforcement officers who have mad e the ultimate s ac rif'ic e in s ervic e to their c o mmunity o r have b ec o me dis ab led in the performance of duty. This�equest includes lowe�ing the Battle G�een flag on Wednesday, May 1 S, 2024. • T he S elec t B o ard is b eing as ked to ap p ro ve and s ign a p ro c lamatio n fo r N atio nal P ublic Wo rks Week, which is being recognized this year from Sunday, May 19, 2024 through Saturday, May 25, 2024. During this week, all citizens are encouraged to join in acknowledging the employees of the Lexington Department of Public Works for their hard work and dedication to the Town. SUGGESTED MOTION: To ap p ro ve and s ign p ro c lamatio ns annually rec o gnizing the mo nth o f May as M ental H ealth Mo nth and A s ian American, Native Hawaiian, and Pacif'ic Islander(AANHPI) Heritage Month. To ap p ro ve and s ign p ro c lamatio ns rec o gnizing Natio nal P o lic e We ek fro m S und ay, May 12, 2 024 thro ugh S aturday, May 18, 2024, with P eac e O ffic ers Memorial Day b eing rec o gnized on Wednes day, May 15, 2024, and National Public Works Week from Sunday, May 19, 2024 through Saturday, May 25, 2024, and to further lo wer the B attle G re en F lag fro m s unris e until s uns et o n Wedne s d ay, May 15, 2 024 in c o mmemo ratio n o f P eac e O ffic ers M emo rial D ay. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: S elect Board O ffice DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 4/24/2024 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type �,(�.�� -.������� ������m����c����������.��:..:�:��������:���ar�����������G��������������fm��:����.�����f�]II� � .�������:�����: �,�.������.� �I���������� ��m��.�����M���������Fla���;����� � "�,���,`� Il��m����.�,�.��:�;������ II����;���������,���������,����� �:�.�G������.� I[��,��������� � %�,��:�,�fi���,�i�������������� ���,;��/.���,,��,�;����,����� I[����r�c�����������y��c��,�����:�����c��rm ����;���.�� ���,�����:�� � :�,���,������������,��=��.�i������:, �����°�� ���������c��,����,�r�fl;��;�i���� .���c;���:����. IC�:�,�����i�;�,� ���������G���� ��'`� . �� �� �����. ��� m � ,�� " f �� r� �'U ���p.`I P'i� x.�r ,��9 '�w J `'�,n -.. �°l, � ,�� �: ���� `� � .. ., �' '���� � ���� u,,���yl,,,,� a� .� �o�i�c ot �.�xinc gto�c, ��.���.��ju��t � � , � i�. �, �N�'�UN���"� u,�°� �'��������a�iN�W�,�"�J�"�� ��'�"" ��— SELECT BOARD OFFICE PRO CLAMATION Whereas: Asian American,Native Hawaiian, and Paci�c Islander(AANHPI)Heritage Month is observed during the month of May to recognize the contributions and influence of AANHPI persons as part of the whole history, culture, and achievements of the United States; and Whereas: AANHPI Heritage in the United States was celebrated at least as early as 1978 and was made into a month-long event in 1992; and Whereas: Lexington is proud to be home to a large AANHPI population that contributes greatly to the prosperity and enrichment of our community; and Whereas: during AANHPI Heritage Month,We acknowledge AANHPI persons have lived and worked in the United States for more than 200 years, and have made significant contributions to all facets of the United States such as economy, culture, education,politics, arts, law enforcement, military, literature, science, and technological developments despite institutional and systemic injustices designed to silence and cover up these achievements and contributions; and Whereas: during AANHPI Heritage Month,we acknowledge the additional determination,hard work, and perseverance AANHPI persons must put forth to be heard and seen and that these additional efforts are a result of inequitable institutional and systemic injustices; and Whereas: despite these contributions and leadership,the role of AANHPI persons in the U.S. has been consistently overlooked and undervalued in education including areas such as math, science, literature, and American history; and Whe�eas: we celebrate the achievements and contributions of AANHPI persons that enrich our history, society, and culture, we must also acknowledge a darker aspect of the AANHPI experience in America, which includes painful stereotypes, structural discrimination, injustices, and periods of hate and violence. These actions come at the cost of the mental health of the AANHPI community and distorts the larger community's ability to recognize the humanity in us all; and Whereas: the AANHPI communities are among the fastest growing populations in Lexington; and Whereas: AANHPI communities in Lexington have shared their rich culture and traditions while representing their communities through public service and advocacy; and Whereas: diversity represents one of our greatest strengths, and by recognizing the contributions and accomplishments of AANHPI persons, our toWn will put our values of inclusion into practice to build a brighter future for all of our residents; and Whereas: Lexington is committed to providing comprehensive support to ensure that Lexington is equitable and welcoming to all people; and Whe�eas: each of us has a personal responsibility to prevent the spread of misinformation, stereotypes, condemn violent acts in any form, support all fellow community members, and rej ect stigma,hate, and bias in all its forms; and Whereas: Lexington is proud to celebrate AANHPI Heritage Month, and commemorate the essential contributions, sacrifices, and accomplishments that the AANHPI communities have made. NOW, THEREFORE, WE, THE SELECT BOARD of the Town of Lexington, Massachusetts, do hereby proclaim the month of May to be annually recognized as AANHPI He�itage Mo n th in the Town of Lexington.We call this observance to the attention of all our residents with the support of the Lexington Human Services Department and the Lexington Human Rights Committee. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have set our hands and caused the seal of Lexington to be affixed herewith on the 24th of April 2024. JOSEPH N.PATO,CHAIR SUZANNE E.BARRY DOUGLAS M.LUCENTE JILL I.HAI MARK D.SANDEEN ����� �� �, � � � �, �� �' ����" � �� � d ��: °�`.� �J � � "'�;�i �� '" � �� � � �� �; �, � ��,�N ��I �i =� ;��,, , � � � ���� �ry �F�� �o�inc ot �.�xir�gtonc, ��c���c��ju�ett� r�:���� ,�>a.,�- ��" ���M� w� � "'����'��.����������"��'���^ �..�;�-:��,�,,���,�,���m SELECT BOARD OFFICE PRO CLAMATI ON Whe�eas: the mental health of every individual is essential to the emotional and economic prosperity of families, neighborhoods, and businesses in Lexington, Massachusetts; and Whe�eas: mental health is a key component of every person's overall physical health and emotional well-being; and Whe�eas: all Lexington residents face challenges that impact their mental health regardless of age,race gender, abilities, ethnicity, sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, or religion; and Whe�eas: feelings of personal shame and fears of social stigma and discrimination prevent many living with mental illness from seeking help; and Whe�eas: stigma can be reduced by increasing the awareness of inental illness and available resources for those suffering from mental health conditions; and Whe�eas: greater public awareness about mental wellness can positively transform attitudes about, and towards, people with mental illness,making it easier for our citizens to seek help; and Whe�eas: with effective treatment,those individuals with mental health conditions can lead full,productive lives; and Whe�eas: prevention is an effective way to reduce the burden of inental health conditions; and Whe�eas: we strive to create a Lexington that supports mental wellness by increasing access to treatment, educating residents about mental wellness and mental illness, and supporting our loved ones as they seek to improve their mental health; and Whe�eas: there are practical tools that all people can use to improve their mental health and increase resiliency. NOW, THEREFORE, WE, THE SELECT BOARD of the Town of Lexington,Massachusetts, do hereby proclaim the month of May to be annually recognized as Mental Health Month in the Town of Lexington to underscore the importance of inental health, early screening,public education, and advocacy for appropriate and accessible services for all people living with mental health conditions. We call this observance to the attention of all our residents with the support of the Lexington Human Services Department and the Lexington Human Rights Committee. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have set our hands and caused the seal of Lexington to be affixed herewith on the 24th of April 2024. JOSEPH N.PATO,CHAIR SUZANNE E.BARRY DOUGLAS M.LUCENTE JILL I.HAI MARK D.SANDEEN � �'�����,. � �r » � ,������ � '�� ,, � �e � ,� �,�" . ��° ,� ,�� �� �����1�� �o�i� �t �.�xi�gro�, �.�.���.��ju��rr� Ei��� � � � x„�, ��� � 4�,� �h� � �, i�� �WW � ;,-,,i�'r w ��� �� -�h � �� �� SELECT BOARD OFFICE �� �����° � �„�w��� �������������������w����� ��� �:..���� PRO CLAMATI ON Whereas: the Congress and President of the United States have designated May 15th as Peace Officers Memorial Day, and the week in which May 15th falls,May 12 to 18, 2024,as National Police VVeek; and Whereas: it is important that all citizens know and understand the duties, responsibilities, hazards and sacrifices of law enforcement agencies and that law enforcement personnel recognize their duty to serve the people by safeguarding life and property,by protecting them against violence and disorder,and by protecting the innocent against deception and the weak against oppression; and Whereas: the 50 officers of the Town of Lexington, Massachusetts Police Department play an essential role in safeguarding the rights and freedoms of the citizens of Lexington and in fiscal year 2023, the officers responded to 15,347 calls for service; and Whereas: since the first recorded death in 1791,more than 20,000 law enforcement of�cers in the United States have made the ultimate sacrifice and have been killed in the line of duty including Lexington Police Officer James J. Hodgdon, III who died on November 4, 1967 at the age of 23 following an automobile accident; and Whereas: Lexington Police Officer James J.Hodgdon,III name is engraved both on the wall of the National Law Enforcement Officers Memorial in Washington,D.C.,and on the Town of Lexington,Massachusetts Police Department Memorial Monument; and Whereas: the men and women of the Town of Lexington,Massachusetts Police Department provide a vital a public service. NOW, THEREFORE, WE, THE SELECT BOARD of the Town of Lexington,Massachusetts do hereby proclaim the week of May 12 to 18,2024 as �'ationaC Po Cic e �e e� in the Town of Lexington, Massachusetts and encourage all citizens to j oin us in recognizing law enforcement officers,past and present, who,by their faithful and loyal devotion to their responsibilities, have rendered a dedicated service to their community and, in so doing,have established for themselves an enviable and enduring reputation for preserving the rights and security of all citizens. BE IT FURTHER PROCLAIMED that we call upon all citizens of the Town of Lexington,Massachusetts to observe Wednesday,May 15, 2024 as Peace O icers �LemoriaCDa � and authorize the American Flag on the Lexington Battle Green to be lowered to half-staff as directed by the President of the United States for the day in honor of those law enforcement officers who,through their courageous deeds,have made the ultimate sacrifice in service to their community or have become disabled in the performance of duty, and let us recognize and pay respect to the survivors of our fallen heroes. IN WITNESS WHEREOF,we have set our hands and caused the seal of Lexington to be affixed herewith on the 24th of April 2024. JOSEPH N.PATO,CHAIR SUZANNE E.BARRY DOUGLAS M.LUCENTE JILL I.HAI MARK D.SANDEEN �u �V��� �,_ ���,�'� �, � M '.u��r i�`�R A" - '��� ��` ",' Yv °'I� �� ���� ��u��I � � N � � � ��: �o�ir� ot �.�xir� tonc �c���.� u��tt� 1r� �� g � � � ��,`����°��r�r� ,. � � ��° � ����� �� �� ��� ���� ���^� �'����V'�"�"� �,� �-^•M�„�,��� SELECT BOARD OFFICE PRO CLAMATI ON Whe�eas: the services of the Public Works Department in Lexington are an integral part of the everyday lives of all of its citizens; and Whereas: the support of the citizens of Lexington is vital to the efficient operation of public works systems and programs such as water, sewers, streets and highways, public buildings, and solid waste collection and disposal; and Whe�eas: the health, safety and comfort of the citizens of Lexington greatly depends on its public works services; and Whe�eas: the quality and effectiveness of these facilities, as well as their planning, design, and construction, is vitally dependent upon the efforts and skill of public works employees; and Whe�eas: the efficiency of the qualified and dedicated employees in the public works department is materially influenced by the knowledge that their work is appreciated. NOW, THEREFORE, WE, THE SELECT BOARD of the Town of Lexington, Massachusetts, do hereby proclaim the week of May 19 to 25, 2024 as National Public Wo�ks Week in the Town of Lexington and call upon all citizens to j oin us in recognizing the employees of the Lexington Public Works Department. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, we have set our hands and caused the seal of Lexington to be affixed herewith on the 24th of Apri12024. JOSEPH N.PATO,CHAIR SUZANNE E.BARRY DOUGLAS M.LUCENTE JILL I.HAI MARK D.SANDEEN AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: 2024 Limousine License Renewals PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Joe Pato, Select Board Chair C.2 S UMMARY: Category:Decision-Making T he S elec t B o ard is b eing as ked to ap p ro ve the 2024 Annual Limo us ine Lic ens e renewals. T he S elec t B o ard O ffic e is in rec eip t o f all required d o c umentatio n, favo rab le ins p ec tio n rep o rts fro m the L exingto n P o lic e D ep artment and d ep artmental reviews with s ign-o ffs fo r the renewals o f the fo llo wing b us ine s s e s ho ld ing a Limousine License: LIMOUSINE Boyadjian Limousine Service -447 Lowell Street(2 vehicles) D&O Limo LLC d/b/a D&O Limo - 3402 Main Campus Drive (1 vehicle) SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve the 2024 Annual Limous ine Lic ens e renewals for the fo llowing bus ines s es: LIMOUSINE Boyadjian Limousine Service -447 Lowell Street(2 vehicles) D&O Limo LLC d/b/a D&O Limo - 3402 Main Campus Drive (1 vehicle) Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: S elect Board O ffice DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 4/24/2024 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Approve Select Board Meeting Minutes PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Joe Pato, Select Board Chair C.3 S UMMARY: Category:Decision-Making The Select Board is being asked to approve the following set of minutes: • April 3, 2024 S elect Board • Apri18, 2024 S elect Board SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve and release the following minutes: • Apri13, 2024 S elect Board • Apri18, 2024 S elect Board Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: S elect Board O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 4/24/2024 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � � � ��� ��������.��,_� �,������=�.� .�:�����I4""��"(�(�a���(�%�����,;��,�;�,.����:��������ar����.���,�� � ��:�.�.�9�f�(�(��"�,��:�,�����;��,�,����:��°�����m����m���.� �:�:�������� IC�������� SELECT BOARD MEETING April 3, 2024 A meeting of the Lexington Select Board was called to order at 6:OOp.m. on Wednesday,April 3, 2024, via a hybrid meeting platform. Mr. Pato, Chair; Ms. Barry,Mr. Lucente,Mr. Sandeen, and Ms. Hai were present, as well as Mr. Malloy, Town Manager; Ms. Axtell, Deputy Town Manager. and Ms. Katzenback,Executive Clerk. PUBLIC COMMENTS None at this time. SELECT BOARD MEMBER CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS 1. Select Board Member Concerns and Liaison Reports The Board agreed to review any extra items, if there are any, at the end of the meeting. TOWN MANAGER REPORT 1. Town Manager Weekly Update Nothing additional to report at this time. DOCUMENTS: Weekly Update 3-29-24 CONSENT AGENDA The Board agreed to pull item#4: Approve Request for Quotation/Proposal Document Regarding Executive Search Consultants for Town Manager Search, from the Consent Agenda for further discussion under Items for Individual Consideration. 1. Approve Select Board Meeting Minutes -February 12, 2024 Select Board To approve and release the February 12, 2024 Select Board Meeting minutes as proposed. DOCUMENTS: UPDATED DRAFT 02122024 Select Board,UPDATED DRAFT 02122024 Select Board 4.1 -edits shown 2. Approve Town Manager Committee Reappointments • Commission on Disability- Leonard Morse-Fortier • Recreation Committee - Claire Sheth To confirm the Town Manager's reappointments of Leonard Morse-Fortier to the Commission on Disability with a term set to expire on October 30, 2026 and Claire Sheth to the Recreation Committee with a term set to expire on May 31, 2027. DOCUMENTS: Morse-Fortier, Sheth 3. Approve Select Board Committee Reappointment-Historic Districts Commission-Paul O'Shaughnessy To reappoint Paul O'Shaughnessy as a full member of the Historic Districts Commission representing the Lexington Chamber of Commerce for a five-year term set to expire on December 31,2028. 4. Approve Request for Quotation/Proposal Document Regarding Executive Search Consultants for Town Manager Search This item was tabled fo�discussion until late�in the meeting. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Select Board voted 5-0 to approve the Consent Agenda, items#1, 2, and 3. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. 2024 Annual Town Meeting • Select Board Article Discussion and Positions Ms. Axtell noted that that Planning Board took a vote on the two amendments for Article 48 Amend Zoning Bylaw- Short Term Rentals. The Planning Board voted in support of both, with a preference toward the Shiple amendment. The Select Board took positions on the proposed amendments to Article 48 Amend Zoning bylaw— Short Term Rental. For the Kaufman amendment, as a stand-alone amendment, four(4) Board members were a `Yes,', and Mr. Pato was a `No.' For a merged Mr. Kaufman and Mr. Shiple amendment, all five (5) Board member were a `Yes.' It was noted that the Board was unanimously in support of the main motion Article 48. Mr. Sandeen noted that he has changed to a"Yes"on Articles 50 Amend Zoning Bylaw-Inclusionary Housing For Village And Multi-Family Overlay Districts. Mr. Lucente noted that he was a"Yes" on Article 47 Amend Zoning Bylaw- Signs. DOCUMENTS: Select Board Working Document-Positions 2024ATM, Atr 48 motion, Art 48 S. Kaufman amendment 1, Art 48 S.Kaufman amendment 2, Atr 48 T. Shiple Amendment, Moderator's Proposed schedule for ATM 2024 -as of 4-3-2024 2. Update on Police Station Proj ect and Budget for Solar Canopy Mike Cronin, Director of Public Facilities, gave an update on the Police Station Proj ect. There is a concern that, due to design considerations,there is not sufficient funds to build the solar canopy and install batteries. He reviewed three potential options. He stated that his preference would be to allow the contractor to continue with the steel work on the proj ect. The field and parking underneath can then be utilized, while putting out an RFP for the the solar panels and integration of the battery. Mr. Pato asked about the risk for this proposal. Mr. Cronin stated that he believes this will actually lead to better pricing and other opportunities. Mr. Lucente asked about some of the double contingencies within the budget for the proj ect. Mr. Cronin agreed that there is some conservativeness in the budget,but this continues to be refined. Any funding found will be moved toward the solar panel portion of the proj ect. Mr. Cronin noted that he has requested$889,000 in ARPA funding for the battery portion of the project. Mr. Malloy stated that there is flexibility in delaying the solar and battery component in terms of better knowing the contingencies of the proj ect. Congressionally directed spending funding is also being sought. If there still are not sufficient funds through all of the methods,this proj ect will need to go back to Fall Town meeting to request additional debt authorization. Ms. Barry asked that the finance committees be looped in on this information. Ms. Hai asked about how likely it will be to get better pricing while delaying in order to lower the overall cost. Mr. Cronin explained that battery prices are not currently favorable, specifically for municipalities. It is believed that the batteries are currently approximately 50% overpriced. Regarding the solar panels, it is believed that the cost is being overpaid five or six times per watt. The hope would be to go out to RFP for these again by the end of the summer to see What pricing looks like again. Mr. Sandeen agreed with the option to complete the steel structure while waiting for a competitive procurement procedure in hopes of lowering the cost of the panels and battery. Ms. Barry asked hoW long the steel structure may be in place prior to the rest of the proj ect being completed. Mr. Cronin stated that the steel structure should be completed by late summer/early fall. The RFP would then be put out for solar and battery procurement. It is hoped that those items could then be added in late fall/early winter. Mr. Lucente stated that he does not believe ARPA funding is the right thing to do for this proj ect. This was a very public proj ect that was decided upon by the community. Mr. Pato stated that he Would agree with the option proposed as, otherwise, the proj ect would likely be delayed to the point of incurring more impact on operations for the Police Department and for the general public. Ms. Barry stated that she would like to have more time to consider this and hear from the finance committees. She agreed that ARPA funding is not appropriate for this proj ect. Ms. Hai agreed and noted that she was leaning toward the option presented. She also wanted the impact on abutters of extending the construction time period to be considered in the final decision. It Was agreed to schedule a Joint meeting soon with the Capital Expenditures Committee and Appropriation Committee for a discussion on this presentation information. DOCUMENTS: Presentation 3. Discuss Semiquincentennial Commission(Lex250) Invitations to 250th Anniversary of the Battle of Lexington Celebration The Board decided to table discussion on this item and agreed to take it up at a future meeting, if deemed necessary. 4. Approve Request for Quotation/Proposal Document Regarding Executive Search Consultants for Town Manager Search The Board discussed the proposed RFQ and the timeline for the process. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Select Board voted 5-0 to approve the Request Quotation/proposal with any edits deemed necessary and to authorize the ToWn Manager to release the Request for Quotation/proposal for an Executive Search Consultant for the Town Manager search. DOCUMENTS: Recruitment RFQ 2024 draft, Recruitment RFQ 2024 draft redlined ADJOURN VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Select Board voted 5-0 to adjourn the meeting at 7:06 p.m. A true record; Attest: Kristan Patenaude Recording Secretary SELECT BOARD MEETING April 8, 2024 A meeting of the Lexington Select Board was called to order at 6:OOp.m. on Monday, April 8,2024, via a hybrid meeting platform. Mr. Pato, Chair; Ms. Barry, Mr. Lucente,Mr. Sandeen, and Ms. Hai were present, as well as Mr. Malloy, Town Manager; Ms. Axtell, Deputy Town Manager and Ms. Katzenback, Executive Clerk. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. 2024 Annual Town Meeting • Select Board Article Discussion and Positions Ms. Axtell explained that the two amendments for Article 48 have been combined into one, with the language Mr. Shiple submitted. Mr. Pato stated that he is a"Yes"with this change. Ms. Axtell stated that the Moderator has asked if the Board would be willing to consider Article 24 - Appropriate Funding For Semiquincentennial Commission to taken up at the Annual Town Meeting on April 10, 2024. Ms. Barry stated that she would prefer this Article not be moved in the schedule. Regarding Article 49: Amend Zoning Bylaw—Permitted Uses and Development Standards, Mr. Pato, Mr. Lucente, and Mr. Sandeen updated their positions to a"Yes." DOCUMENTS: Select Board Working Document-Positions 2024ATM, Moderator's Proposed schedule for ATM 2024- as of 4-4-2024, Art 48 Revised Amendment S. Kaufman,Art48motion 2. Discuss and Approve Prioritized Intersections for Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons(RRFBs) Along the Minuteman B ikeway Ross Morrow, Assistant Town Engineer, explained that the Board voted to approve $250,000 to install as many Rapid Flashing Beacon(RRFB) at street crossings along the bikeway as possible. The Town has engaged an independent engineer to design and prioritize the intersections based on need. Once the Board approves the locations,DPW and Engineering will �nalize the design and move this proj ect from the Participatory Budgeting forward. A decision needs to be made if the RRFBs will be installed based on priority locations or if the Board wants Staff to forego some intersections. Motion sensors would likely not be appropriate for the street crossings along the bikeway, as they may lead to false flashing. Mr. Morrow reviewed the proposed RRFB locations along the bikeway. It is unclear if the amount of money will cover all eight locations. The proj ect will be bid assuming that the first four crossings will be covered, with the next four prioritized if funding allows. Betty Gau, Chair of the Bicycle Advisory Committee, stated that the Committee agreed with the ranking as presented. She noted that all of these crossings really require flashing beacons, as there have been accidents and people hit in many of these locations. Hancock Street was designated as the most dangerous intersection on the bikeway. In response to a question from Mr. Pato, Mr. Morrow explained that,to the best extent possible, all signs will be placed on the right-hand side of the person approaching the intersection. In response to a question from Mr. Sandeen regarding safety concerns about installing push buttons in opposing travel lanes,Mr. MorroW said that staff would look into motion activated sensors if push button activation was not feasible. Dawn McKenna, 9 Hancock Street, stated that she has an obj ection to the first two signs proposed. The proposed sign on Hancock Street as the designated high accident area does not make sense as there were zero accidents between 2020 and 2023, only one a year prior to that in 2019, and one in 2018. Her house is supposed to be in a historic, quiet setting and the proposed light will flash into her home. The front side of her house has been encompassed with lights and this proposal will only add to it. As this intersection is still being redone, she asked that this be reconsidered. The data does not show this is needed and it will continue to inundate her property. Ms. Hai asked if the light on the sign will only be activated when the button is pressed. Mr. Morrow agreed. Ms. Hai stated that she would oppose motion activated lights adj acent to residential areas. Mr. Pato agreed that he would like motion activated lights to be a last, and likely not acceptable, option. Mr. Lucente asked if there is a way to shield the lights from residential properties. Mr. MorroW agreed that there is. The sign on Hancock Street will be tWisted away from the properties as much as possible. He is also looking into lights that are dimmer at night. Mr. Pato also suggested screening to nearby properties. Ms. McKenna stated that people walk in this area at all hours and will use this lit sign. Also,there is not a way to twist the light so that it will not shine into her house. Mr. Lucente recommended tabling approval of the sign on Hancock Street until the angling of the light away from nearby residences can be further studied. There was a maj ority agreement on this suggestion. Mr. Sandeen expressed concern regarding potential life safety issues associated with putting off addressing the number one priority as presented by Staff,the Bicycle Advisory Committee and the consultant. The Board agreed to bring this back for a vote in approximately one week. DOCUMENTS: Memo from Ross Morrow,Assistant ToWn Engineer,Design Plans,Presentation 3. Request to Add Parking Restriction for REV Shuttle Adj acent to Brookline Bank, 1793 Massachusetts Avenue Susan Barrett, Transportation Manager, explained the request to move the Rev Shuttle drop off spot from in front of the Depot Building to a spot in front of the Brookline Bank. The proposal is to reserve these two parking spots only on Monday through Friday from the hours of 7 AM to 9 AM. At all other times, the parking would be open to general parking. This is proposed as a one-year pilot proj ect. Mr. Sandeen asked about where the Rev shuttles currently park and where they would park if the proposed spot is occupied. Ms. Barrett explained that the space is directly in front of the Depot building on private land owned by the Historical Society. Susan Rockwell, Lexington Historical Society, stated that it was assumed that permission had been given for this current arrangement. This arrangement created an issue for people coming to the Depot and it was determined it would be best to make other arrangements. There have been recent interactions between the Rev drivers and people legitimately visiting the Depot. The proposal would be a solution. Ms. Barry suggested that the proposal be monitored by the Police Department until the community becomes used to the new parking arrangement. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call, the Select Board voted 5-0 to approve reserving two parking spaces for The Rev Shuttle, adj acent to Brookline Bank on Depot Square for the hours of 7:00 AM to 9:00 AM Monday through Friday. DOCUMENTS: Presentation 4. Review and Approve Town Manager Search Screening Committee Charge The Board reviewed the amended draft Town Manager Search Screening Committee Charge. VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded,by roll call,the Select Board voted 5-0 to approve Town Manager Search Screening Committee Charge as proposed, allowing staff to make non-substantive edits as necessary. DOCUMENTS: Proposed TM Search Screening Committee Charge, Proposed TM Search Screening Committee Charge-Redlined EXECUTIVE SESSION 1. Exemption 6: To Consider the Value of Real Property—Muzzey High Condominiums VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Select Board voted 5-0 by roll call at 6:48pm to enter Executive Session under Exemption 6: To Consider the Value of Real Property-Muzzey High Condominiums and to not reconvene in open session. Further,it was declared that an open meeting discussion may have a detrimental effect on the litigating position of the Town. ADJOURN VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Select Board voted by roll call 5-0 from the Executive Session to adj ourn both the Executive Session and Regular Meeting at 6:59pm. A true record; Attest: Kristan Patenaude Recording Secretary AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Acceptance of Bench Donation- Gallagher Tennis Courts PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Joe Pato, Select Board Chair C.4 S UMMARY: Category:Decision-Making T he B attle G re en Tennis L eague wo uld like to d o nate a b enc h to the To wn o f L exingto n in memo ry o f F red L evins o n to b e lo c ated at G allagher Tennis C o urts. T he R ec reatio n C o mmittee has reviewed their application. At their March 26, 2024 meeting the Recreation Committee voted in favor of this donation and the ins tallatio n o f a b enc h at G allagher Tennis C o urts. This now comes before the S elect Board for their acceptance of donation. SUGGESTED MOTION: To ac c ep t the d o natio n o f a b enc h to the To wn fro m T he B attle G re en Tennis L eague to b e lo c ated G allagher Tennis Courts in the designated area as described in the proposal dated March 26, 2024. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: S elec t B o ard O ffic e/R ec reatio n D ep artment DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 4/24/2024 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � ����,,������c�m�� II�,����� .�:��,���,,������:�m����,�c:�m�� ��"�:�.�����;�����°"J�."�,,���m����:�:���,�`�m"��C�"�� �:������:�ll�� ��.�����&���� ��u���t��uu���u ���p��VN. r�������U�I�,,'�� � rF4'�i�rr,'�l1R!'�" ��'� �,�� rr,�iiw �I�Y�.��'1�Y��+T'�%mb �I �l r 4� ����� ^ppI�I 9p�;���;�, 6'��� ,m� ���IIIIN�� ..R����M�m�r�m��'" �d�wuiumuidiouiou�foi������N�nr � �"� � � ,, 1 ���,,N'��;;,�M°�v����v"""���,,�:'���"���4J����d����M'`� �"qu k;;"N�°,u N11,�,�.�y- �: MEMORANDUM To: James Malloy, Town Manager From: Melissa Battite, Director of Recreation & Community Programs Date: Ap ri I 19, 2024 Re: Bench Donations at Center Recreation Gallagher Tennis Courts • The Agenda Item/Title: Bench Donation in accordance with the Select Board Policy for Naming of Facilities and Placement of Memorials. • Vote/info/update: This item will request the vote of the Select Board to approve. Summary of presentation: The Recreation Committee requests the Select Board accept the donation of a new park bench to be placed at the Center Recreation Complex adjacent to the Gallagher Tennis Courts in memory of Fred Levison, who served over 25 years on the Battle Green Tennis League Board in addition to being an active player. The Recreation Committee voted the following during its March 26, 2024: Rick DeAngelis moved to accept a bench donation with approval of the language on the plaque and the placement of the bench by the Recreation Director. Christian Boutwell seconded. The Recreation Committee voted 6-0 to approve this motion. • Timeline Summary: The presentation will be approximately 5 minutes for questions and or comments. • Implications of action/non-action: Taking a vote/action will allow the installation of the one new bench at the Center Recreation Complex Community Park. • Materials: All presentation materials are enclosed. • Support: Recreation Committee. Thank you and please let me know of any questions. Cc: Recreation Committee Creating Community Through People, Parks& Places March 26, 2024 To the members of the Lexington Recreation Committee, RE: Request approval of Bench and Plaque installation at the Gallagher Tennis Courts — Fred Levinson The friends, family and supporters of Fred Levinson request your approval to install a park bench with a memorial plaque at the Center Recreation Complex adjacent to and facing the Gallagher tennis courts. The donated bench is in memory of Fred Levinson. r sery n th ar f L xin t n's ttle r n T nnis L u n h s a n active r f r y rs. ss y c r 7, , ft r y a r I n ttl ith c nc r. is ic ti n t L xin t n's t nnis r r n his r niz ti n I s ills r y t its succ ss. Fred was very involved with the scheduling as well as moderating issues that came up amongst members throughout the season. He managed to handle these various conflicts with intellect, humor, and wisdom. as hi hly r r TL r r, n t ithst n in , s not a L xin t n r si nt. n rin Fr in this y is a fittin tri ut s h i th s irit f v lunt ris n s rts ns i . , , , • , � � , • � , • !! 1 Il 1 ' The bench is identical to the ones already by the track: DuMor Bench 6 ft., hunter green paint, cedar recycled plastic seat and back, #143-60p1. The bench is purchased and supplied by O'Brien and Sons of Medway MA, ,������,s„�,,,, I�irii ,,,,,,ir� ,,,,,,� ,,,,,,�„s,,,m„�,,,,,,,,,,,,,ir�,,,,,,,,..Th e be n c h wo u I d be s h i p ped to t h e town of Lexi ngto n. 1 , � , � �� �,� ,, , , , �. ,, �; , ,,�,,,,, , � � ,�, �� ,, %��;, ,, ,,,, , ' I , � ���i��o�,/,������ � o, , � �d: ��� ,��;, %i %i ��� �;;, � ,% ;;,i' �% f� ���c���„ i .,a,,,,:,,,;, „t„-„ ,, � ' �, ,,,�,�;�il e i mJl�ll� ' i ,;:�l�'N�i�,'rvrr"�rri�»�"; / I ,�; i i e i ! ,,�, �d.�w e,;i� v, ��,, ;,� ��J l!�"�% % ` °'; ', �, % v / / ( /'J ' . ,, � ,,,,,„ // /�l / i, ;,,,,, , � �,,� ,,,,,; ;,, ,. , „ , „- � ,, � , � ,,;, �� , „ , � � /�/ ,, i, �, �,, � � f�� � ,; , ,� �,Y �� � �, ,i �, � / � � _, i i � ,,,. � � < � / � , � � ?, � � ; I � � , , � / � i � I �/ , 1 , � ,, ,� f r , > ,/ „ r, i� � , ,/ �� / 0 0 ,,, i � , , � , � ,, � , � , ,, , � �� � � r , ��� � , � ,,� ,,�, ,,,, , , � ` � � , „ ,�"� � , , 1 �� � n,�r �i ,� � � �, ,.. , ,, �" � i �, � i� � ,,, l� i, i„� _,,r� 1 ��� � , ��,� ,� ,/,., i � � , , 10 ,,� u / , � , ,�; f , � � � . � �,/ l ,. , , ' , ,,,1 � � �/�f � i ; ; ��,,�� � ,,; l� I �/i ,, ;,.,.,,.; , , �� ,0. i/� � � �" ,,,,� ,.,:..J i�� � ��r/�, ;,� ':;; ;,,,% � �; ; ,� , ���, � ,,�� ;,i,,,,1 , , ; „ , � /%�i��(� , ; �;,, ' � �,, ! � �ir� �; ii,���� ��„,��, � ��, , �,, � f � ` � � l rr ,o , ; „ ; � �_, ,;, 1 � ! �.,; ��,1��„�/�'°�1, � � ,,,;��; � ,� ;, ,��,, ; �„%,, ��, ��,, �,1 ��,��,�i,,/,�„ „; ,Y �,;,, ��;� �<� ,� ��,,;;; , �� �, ,, „, ';� "%��, � �nl�„»,� ,,� � ,�;�,, ,� ;,,���,� �,:;, . ��, ,,� /„ 1 i "�ar,,,,,, N1; � � „ � ��. , f � � �,. ,, �,, itllr�, � � � � �;. ,f '11�1� �Ma� � � ?% �i, i ��i�;' %ii�r/ � ��<,, riiifi � �� ��� ,,, ,''�„i Y„ , INl��il J�1/f��ii, � . �f „ ; (j/' �/j2 ',��.„,,,,,;,,,,;�� ,,� ,� �i,-,:. m' ; °,, ,i; � ,, i,,' ��/���o,/, �s` �, . ,. ��,.��,�,- ��/%O% ;,,,;,. ,�„- ��;';� �/�// ,,-,; � ;, ; ,�„ ;, , �i�%/�i/i i";,,, /%�.. rii r� �., , � � �,�, ���� o„ � �. f/���///ii//��� � ! i� �'� t, ,';� ir;;' " ",;;,,,,, '�i/i���/l�i �: ��/ii/�/�j ,.,�i/%�, /i//„" , , ",�! „.j ,�;,"' ," ��,% ;> �l �/�.: ��mr*°:', / //r vii r/ i �, /���i�/��/��i i��i,� /0,;' i%,,,-���oi//, ,, v „,'' „' ',;'; ����"� � � .�� ������ii���ij��/i%i i���//%/i� i,,,/ i�i��� ,i%� ;;":;'� � . . ... ����'i p�%%�i0���j% �:/�/��/i���i'l� ,�1�,„i;,,,�,,,,, .„,�,i „i , . ,, ,,, ��,, ... . , „ �� ' „ � ,,. ���,.,, u.,,,,,,, ,,, � � � The bench will include a dedication plaque. The plaque is made by DuMore Inc and imbedded on the bench's back support. The background of the plaque would be black with silver tone writing embellishment. The plaque will have the following text: . � , . � c' ' I " . Page 1 of 2 The bench installation will be on a concrete pad if required (similar to existing walkways). We are hoping the town will provide the installation. The location we are requesting is by the four courts reserved for Battle Green matches where players can gather,tie their shoes, or watch matches, as noted in the following photo. View of Gallagher tennis courts on Worthen Road, Lexington `' ,,, i�i/,�/,� / �r� � ,,�'�'' �,„�l „ , ,, %/ �� ' // „� � J I/ i�',,o ( ji�`��?�iiiio � ��ii i ��(,;�,�����!� ��ii �,.:.:,,, J',,. %i/f/ /'��'% ��ff ���/�///!����Yl�i'J!, i I i f " I Il 1 //'1 1� r� / r ����i� % f� ` � � llf j;��' /�j��� ���i�i�f f ��%,/,i �/%� I YIII�IVI�I�����ti��I������VY�I j1M�1 ,:� ti ` o� /�,���11 /, � '��f i ri �������/ Ilal��iYl Illulllll i�iii�il��ll���ll �.��l/ /f��j�,, /�� �� /� �/ S�, � � �j���j���,1/J�/ �� � �� r� : � ro osed location for the 1 Il� �'�� ' � ' p p (�� ip/ 1�%/r ��I�°ti�����/���/�j,/ / ////f^r � i/i ,a yl/6�Q�j/ l � /�l � y i%%//f�/� �����ii/%���z-!7���„ ; �,��� ;� ����f- ///�%/%%//�f��/f �'� �:' ��j;j�rf . . ,,; , ���/�,,, ��i��;�/;,, ; � ,,� ,i,i,,,/,i1„ bench, facin tennis � / ,i� ;, � �� ��il� , � �,,� ,,i,� �� /-,J���f�1 ��j/�../i�i / f�l���i%� i/m�� 'i�J,�b„� /��� ���/'.���� 'r,i, i I�� �i I �� %/// on1' ,0 �� �� �'� /%��!��� : �i�:i��'��° ��i///,/,!% %i/ � �� j��� /�%f/������' /��// — �,,°� ����i��'���� ��„ r,���i�/������ // CO U rtS 7 $ � � � �,. � , fr�,/� �t�� ��� ;,,,�,,,'r t%„ ,, l�ri�� i��r,�l �� �� ,,��, �, � "i /�� , ��� /f f� �°��'j'��//J ✓ �i���,� r�� �(OIeJ ���1, 'f �I?9 �P/��'ll�� �(��l � � � /` �� ��ll/�f ��Jf����I��i�� Ji�J� �'���J ��I��JI��V/ /�, / �l �pil�l i ;, ' �.��f ;��� r �l �,r i�m� � ���i � ��� >/ �;%"%�� " f �� �i� ���y i i���i r, %� �,,/'/� �//��i� �l a/��i i r'� ii � 1 � ��� r /�' -i� � / a�� �1��'�a I�U mii ��'uu l ���l��i' % ��1 �I�� �� � �� �, �� � r >J�1 �%. ��.; �/��` " ,k�' �/1' �� y. i��j i� %�f �/% � lf/ ���/// �� I ����llr/ ii il'n�r' %//��' ��� �/jo�� ri%/!� � ',� �1��i���/ �%���� �f� �i�lli�i'li�u I �° I � ',�� �i�i, � i��/��' i'�� V i� ,,�`; �%��%%�/1�'��� ' I�i i e i '��/"������� �y�/ �' ��,a. �� ��%��/� /, �' �i���',,,;;i J If the Committee approves our proposal, we will submit an application to Lexington's Bench Program. The bench and plaque will be delivered by O'Brien and Son's, with the estimated cost not to exceed $2,109. To pay for this, we will organize a fundraiser with Fred's supporters. We thank the Committee for your time considering our request. Respectf u I ly, Mimi Woodman (508) 728-4953 Battle Green Tennis League member ,i��..li...ii�...iii.......................................................I�...............!�........ ::...........................ii�.........................:........:�,��,...i�.............:�. Mona Altschuler (781) 424-9272 Battle Green Tennis League board member �,� ,ir��..............ii��.........................................:�...................................�...................iir....... ......,�iir�� iii ��, iir� Page 2 of 2 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Discuss and Approve Prioritized Intersections for Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacons (RRFBs) Along the Minutema.n Bikeway PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Ro s s Morrow,As sistant Town Engineer I.1 S UMMARY: Category:Decision-Making Attac hed p leas e find an up d ated memo randum with re c o mmend atio ns fo r ac tio n b y the S e le c t B o ard (two options), one with Hancock Street included one without Hancock Street included. Town Staff continue to recommend to include Hancock Street and will present at the meeting. Also, attached is the updated recommendation from the Bicyc le Advisory C ommittee. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve installing RRFB's at the following street intersections (in order of priority): (insert the streets the Board decides to include in order) FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 4/24/2024 5:45pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type �::����,�� IC����� IC���r�.����c:�:���7i.����������;�.���� ���:������.���� � w, � �:�����,���� C...���������:�:������;���������m����,���:��� �:����,�� IC����� ����������� �:� �..�. � IC�;����.����.��r����C�,,,,"�,'�.���.����°�� ����m���; �::�.���� II�w�rv��� � �:..::���m����.��;�����:�°�;�;�,1.������,�r���r���;������;�,�c���.��.�,;���;������ �::�.���� II�,������ � �����������,���;�c���fi���:������,,,,,���:�,������.�c� I[��;��m��� �:.������ II��Fl���� � �������i���� �:.:����;�° II�������� ������� ���� ��..;�^ � ��' ...... �� �N � � �' �l �� I� � ����u � .. ;��, � ry ,�, �l� '� � " � ��; .�� ��,i �� I uu �' ,TM"'.,ii I ;��W J �� , � ., w��tP�i �, �«�M�I�P��"p� ,�r�`� ��"��"�����'� � °''`��.������.��,��>*.;�' ��,W�� � �uu����p ir� �������_�. ��- N�^���wunu�ir�,u..u��. • Town o L exzn ton g Town Manager's Of f ice James J. Malloy, Town Manager Tel: (781) 698-4540 Kelly E. Axtell, Deputy Town Manager Fax: (781) 861-2921 MEMORANDUM TO: Select Board FROM: Jim Malloy, Town Manager DATE: April 12, 2024 RE: RRFB's Along the Bikeway Based on the Select Board's discussion at the last meeting, staff is providing two options for the Select Board to consider. Staff continues to recommend Option 1, but understands the concern the Select Board has raised and asks that the Select Board approve one of the two listing of priority intersections as follows: O�tion 1 O�ption 2 (1) Hancock Street (1) Merriam Street (2) Meriam Street (2) Revere Street (3) Revere Street (3) Woburn Street (4) Woburn Street (4) Fletcher Avenue (5) Fletcher Avenue (5) Westview Street (6) Westview Street (6) Bow Street (7) Bow Street (7) Fottler Avenue (8) Fottler Avenue Under either option, intersections (1) through (4) will be bid as a base bid and the remainder of the intersections will be bid in order as an add alternate option (we will do them in order as funding allows). Should you have any questions, please let me know. Thanks. 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE�LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420 /�``�� �� !�', '�`"t • , _..._ �� � Town of Lexington, Massachusetts , , _ ._ w .��, ;'� �� � �� � ',++�, �� ' �� i�� �,� � � ;� Bicycle Advisory Committee � , � � ��� � % ��"� c�' %' �� � ,, j , � ``� A��L L�" ,,�"� �. . � �M���.���.C��'��, BETTY GAU,CHAIR DAVID ARMSTRONG MATTHIAS BEEBE .JAMES CADENHEAD SUZAN CHEN SARAH H EWS .JAMES MICHAEL O'CONNOR RAM REDDY THOMAS SHIPLE Date: April 17, 2024 To: Lexington Select Board CC: Jim Malloy, Town Manager Re: Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB) Review The Bicycle Advisory Committee (BAC) is charged with advising the Select Board with all matters relating to bicycle routes and bike policy. Ensuring Lexington is safe for bicyclists is the Committee's primary focus. We are also charged with "Articulating and responding to the concerns and interests of abutters, commuters, and other users of the Lexington bicycling facilities". In our March 14, 2024 meeting the BAC reviewed the DPW's original proposal for installing Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFBs) at bikeway crossings. BAC requested the DPW raise the Revere Street crossing to a higher priority because it is used by students biking and walking to Diamond School. Cars travel at speeds over 30 mph on Revere Street and the sight lines at the bikeway crossing are challenging. The DPW responded to our feedback and listed the Revere Street crossing as the number 3 priority for construction of an RRF6. At our April 11, 2024 meeting the Bicycle Advisory Committee voted unanimously to reaffirm its support for an RRFB at Hancock Street with high priority. In 2014, the Toole Design Report listed Hancock Street as the third most challenging crossing on the entire Minuteman Bikeway. The first two most challenging crossings were in Arlington and both have been addressed with signals and painted bike lanes since the 2014 report. This makes the Hancock Street crossing now the most challenging crossing along the entire length of the Minuteman Bikeway according to the Toole Design Report. The Committee discussed this crossing and acknowledged the high speed of cars that travel along Hancock Street, the poor sight lines and the proximity to Lexington Center as reasons for the crossing to be a difficult challenge. At our April 11, 2024 meeting we reviewed the DPW proposal again and agreed with the RRFB prioritized list that define the order of the locations to be approved for construction. 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420 /�``�� �� !�', '�`"t • , _..._ �� � Town of Lexington, Massachusetts , , _ ._ w .��, ;'� �� � �� � ',++�, �� ' �� i�� �,� � � ;� Bicycle Advisory Committee � , � � ��� � % ��"� c�' %' �� � ,, j , � ``� A��L L�" ,,�"� �. . � �M���.���.C��'��, We discussed the concern of the Hancock Street abutter that the RRFB light will shine directly into the interior of their house. The Committee members discussed the concern and had previously researched alternatives that were also discussed during the meeting. The alternatives to an RRFB are listed as follows: 1. In-roadway flashers such as described in the following link: �// mli r / - r I -i -r - i -li t-i I- 2. Speed bumps on either side of the crossing such as the ones on Middleby Road at the crossing by Bridge School. 3. Traffic calming street mural such as displayed at this link: https://v�rww.newhavenindependent.orq/article/traffic halts for murals The Committee discussed and reviewed these alternatives and the consensus was to maintain a standard solution using RRFBs at all Minuteman Bikeway crossings in an effort to uphold consistency along the Minuteman Bikeway. The Committee also reviewed the DPW's Hancock Street at Minuteman Bikeway Crossing Improvement Concept, June 1, 2020 desiqn that moves the Hancock Street crossing 10-12 feet down the street away from the roundabout as part of the "S" curve construction. The new design of that crossing will move the RRFB further away from the house at 9 Hancock Street. In summary, the Bicycle Advisory Committee reaffirms our position to have an RRFB at the Hancock Street bikeway crossing and agrees with the priority list proposed by the DPW that it should be the first priority location for an RRF6. 1625 MASSACHUSETTS AVENUE LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420 � � �,���",�3�,�-_--�-�-__.����;M , � � � _,����,. • ���� �� �� � Town o Lexin ton �� � � ������ g ,� ,� � �. ,� «� � �.�� �� '� � u.a�, �,��� Department of Public Works � �� ;,/ ����� ����'���`w����� ��' Engineering Division �y,������"����', John R. Livsey, P.E., Town Engineer Tel: (781) 274-8305 Ross Morrow, P.E., Assistant Town Engineer Fax: (781) 274-8323 MEMORANDUM TO: Select Board Office FROM: Ross Morrow, P.E., Assistant Town Engineer DATE: April 4, 2024 RE: Pedestrian Crossing Beacons along Minuteman Commuter Bikeway o Agenda Item/Title Pedestrian Crossing Beacons along Minuteman Commuter Bikeway o Whether a Vote of the Select Board is being requested,whether this is an update on a previous item or if it is for informational purposes only and what you need from the Select Board (directional guidance, approval, etc). No vote is being requested. This is an informational presentation for an update on the project and directional guidance is welcome. o A summary explanation of what is being presented including costs and funding source, plan for public outreach, impact on department work/goals and any alignment with the Select Board goals. A summary explanation of what is bein,���esented Through the Participatory Budget process, funding was approved to design and install pedestrian crossing beacons at roadway intersections along the Minuteman Commuter Bikeway(MMCB). There are 8 unsignalized roadway crossings (the Seasons 4 driveway was not considered as the driveway approaches are under stop control, the Depot parking lot driveway as also not considered as there are several other proj ects that may affect that crossing). The design consists of installing rectangular rapid flashing beacons (RRFBs) powered by solar where feasible, or a hardwired power connection when necessary, on a black sign post. The beacons will be push button activated. Below is the prioritized list of the locations, which also defines the order of the locations to be approved for construction. This ranking is based on the recommendations of the design consultant and input from the Lexington Bicycle Advisory Committee (LBAC). HSIP—Highway Safety Improvement Program (identifies high crash locations) 210 BEDFORD STREET•LEXINGTON,MASSACHUSETTS 02420 ADT—Average Daily Traffic AC—Alternating Current (meaning the RRFB may require a power connection, not just solar) FHWA—Federal Highway Administration 1. Hancock Street—The proximity of the crossing to Lexington Center, as well as the ADT on the roadway, the potential for other distractions, and the potential for increased speed leaving the congestion of Route 4 and the Mass Ave corridors presents this location as a high priority. This includes potential distractions for the bikeway users who, for many, of just entered the bikeway from the center parking areas and Hancock Street represents the first maj or roadway crossed. Location is candidate for solar-powered RRFB with certain alignment of solar panels. (Note, this crossing was ranked as 3rd most difficult to cross for the full length of the MMCB, after Arlington Center and Lake Street, in the 2014 Toole Design Group Report Navigating the Bikeway) 2. Meriam Street—This location is within the HSIP Bicycle Crash Cluster. In addition, its position within Lexington Center is key for movements next to the parking lot. This location also provides ease of installation with no significant obstruction and a clear southern sky for solar-powered RRFB as preference to the Town. 3. Revere Street—Cut-through traffic roadway with traffic attempting to get through fast. Location lends itself to higher priority as focus may be on the speed of travel being a straight-a-way road. Location is an AC-powered location based on tree cover to the south. 4. Woburn Street—On the edge of the HSIP cluster, the location is across a mainline roadway and directly adjacent to a cross-street. The higher ADT on Woburn lends itself to the installation and there is sufficient room to install with ease. This would be an AC-power location as the tree cover to the south is substantial. 5. Fletcher Avenue— Similar to Meriam, the location is within a separate HSIP Bicycle Crash Cluster and also a key location adj acent to parking. The similarity has ease of installation as a solar-powered unit with the clear southern sky. One challenge is a need for tree trimming north of the cross walk to get visibility to the beacon southbound. 6. Westview Street—Although on the outskirts of Town, the location of the crossing is on a curve with an abrupt change in direction of the Bikeway. The installation will help with visibility as the tree cover in the area is very heavy and therefore somewhat dark even during the day. Location would need to be AC-powered. 7. Bow Street—ADT at this location is expected to be low (comparatively) entering the residential area. Most likely would not meet the FHWA uncontrolled ped crossing guidance for RRFB installation; however, the location is still beneficial based on the curvature of Bow Street just north of the crossing (location is a solar-powered candidate with clear southern sky). 8. Fottler Avenue - ADT at this location is expected to be low (comparatively) entering the residential area. Most likely would not meet the FHWA uncontrolled ped crossing guidance for RRFB installation; however, the location is still beneficial based on the low visibility/ darkness with adjacent tree cover. Solar-powered candidate as the south sky only needs some tree trimming, particularly the west side. Pro s/C ons: Pros: Crossing beacons, and specifically RRFBs significantly increase the safety for crosswalk users. Per Federal Highway Administration (FHWA), RRFBs can reduce pedestrian crashes up to 47% and increase motorist yielding rates up to 98% (see attached pamphlet for more detail). Cons: There will be a minor increase to DPW operating costs to pay for the power(where solar power only beacons are not a viable option) and the future maintenance of the beacons. Costs and fundin,�sou�ce $250,000 was previously approved for this proj ect. $24,000 has been allocated for the design and the remainder is available for the construction of the beacons. The construction contract will be structured to include the first 4 locations based on the prioritized list, with the option of adding more locations (in the prioritized order) as funding allows. Im�act on de�a�tment wo�k/goals and anv ali�nment with the Select Boa�d�oals• This project increases the safety and accessibility for the users of the MMCB. o Timeline summary The proj ect is in the final design stage. We anticipate completing design and advertising for construction in May 2024. Lead time on the beacon equipment is unknown but we expect installation of the beacons to happen this calendar year. o For items where action of the Board is being requested, a statement of the implications of taking the action vs. not taking the action. No action is necessary. Thank you i i o 000 � moi moo ii miiii I —•— • • • °• s i��i��i���l�} �� i Iiv.Ii�l�il'i�;�i!I���Pl,li�lill�l�lll°�i�����i19� I u 1�llllll Illllll �� °�� . . ,,. �a ,//��,�, i����,,, / ��,� ,, � ,� , :,/ ;;,,iiiiiiiiii�iii� Rectan ular Ra id � g p r r I r tri r i i i r r ri r i t r , t i ' i t r ri r i i I I r i I ti i I tri � ..�,.,.,�,,. �,,,�������� ri i it i r ri r r t r II , � r r I , r r i i i II tri � actuated Rectangular Rapid Flashing Beacon (RRFB)to accompany a pedestrian warning sign. RRFBs consist of two, rectangular-shaped yellow indications, each with a light-emitting diade(LED}-array-based light source.� RI�FBs flash with an alternating high frequency when activated ta enhance conspicuity of pedestrians at the crossing to drivers. Safety Benefits: Trans ortation a encies should refer ta the Manual on Uniform Traffic Control I�I�F� n r p g � � C� ����� Dev�ces(MUTCD)far information on the application af RRFBs. �rashes u p► t�: � Applications Cansiderations � .z fC�r �destrian crash�s.4 The RRFB is applicable to many Agencies should. � types of pedestrian crossings but is • Install RRFBs in the median rather RItF�� �t�r1 irlGr�q�� rYtC3t�riSt particularly effective at multilane than the far-side of the roadway crossings with speed limits less if there is a pedestrian refuge or yi�ldirlt� t'qt�� up� tC�: than 40 miles per hour.2 Research su ests RRFBs can result in motorist other type of inedian. � gg � yielding rates as high at 98 percent • Use solar-power panels to eliminate (vari�� by speed limit, number at marked crosswalks, but varies the need for a power source. af lane�, crossing c�istance, depending on the location, posted • Reserve the use of RRFBs for and time af day),3 speed limit, pedestrian crossing locations with significant pedestrian distance, one-versus two-way road, safety issues, as over-use of RRFB ,��1���k��������� °� 3 �� � and the number of travel lanes, treatments may diminish their � f���� ������/��' / ,�,���,,,/�i� , ����ii RRFBs can also accom an school or � ,;;�,,,;�,�!�%�� p Y effectiveness. ;; i /i%i� %" �i i ��/ ///i�-��/""// �' D r//�/iiiiiii/iiii,i i � �i�,=r ��/ /�/!3i, / i%' /iii,!�/;„ ����,,� , ,,, , ,�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, trail crossing warning signs. f�!/i��%/fi �, ,,,,,,,,�i i��/ //�/�i �' ����/� ���/,,,, �,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,;����;,, A encies shall not:� /i�� r���/���,� %iiii���/,,, , g � �� ;i,%,%/,�j,,,i% ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, � , ��r�,�,,,,,,,,� ,,, l RRFBs are placed on both sides of ' %;��''��j�"f�;�� ��� �� • Use RRFBs without the presence of -' �°�"""'�� ������`�� a crosswalk below the pedestrian ��������� crossing sign and above the a pedestrian, school or trail crossing �������������,,� � ,�, ,,. diagonal downward arrow plaque Warning sign. pointing at the crossing.� The flashing • Use RRFBs for crosswalks across pattern can be activated with approaches controlled by YIELD pushbuttons or passive(e.g., video or signs, STOP signs, traffic control Rr�FBs used at a trai�crossing, infrared) pedestrian detection, and signals, or pedestrian hybrid source: ��B should be unlit when not activated, beacons, except for the approach or egress from a roundabout. For rr�or� inforrnation on this and oth�r FHWA Pr�v�n Saf�ty ��ur�t�rm�asures, �leas� �i�it htt�s://hiq,m,hwc� s.dc�t._e�ovl saf�t /�rov�n-SC�f�t�-CC'l�lllt�f 1 Manual on Uniform Traffic Control Devices(MUTCD),Chapter 4L.FHWA,(2023). • ' 2"Rectangular Rapid Flash Beacon"in PEDSAFE:Pedestrian Safety Guide . ■ ' and Countermeasure Selection System.FHWA,(2013). ■ ■ ■ ■ 3 Fitzpatrick et al."Will You Stop for Me?Roadway Design and Traffic Control ' Device Infiuences on Drivers Yielding to Pedestrians in a Crosswalk with a Rectangular Rapid-Flashing Beacon."Report No.TTI-CTS-0010.Texas A&M • Transportation Institute,(2016). �" ���,�� 4(CMF ID:9024)NCHRP Research Report 841 Development of Crash Modification �����,��.. F H WA-SA-21-053 Factors for Uncontrolled Pedestrian Crossing Treatments,(2017). �������'����N��+������������ �� /si� �if� �� r���B�ir i�y ,� ,.,�r i���N°��yi���+r;� �. � ...... � �l!i�1 � �I� f � ,� i � V � 1 /u� V l� � �� d>/f%��J��d t��'� u��rrll r �d����� �' � i /�.�m, i� u i i r��rf a% 1r'� 'i( � , „ ,,'i U � ( ���,���`�1� ���j���%'�� m' '.��. P rti ,j�. � , _ y 1�1� " S� "�„� � 1� i //� f�a i/J� 1 I � � � � a 6��;�0JP�iPob�1NOMD ���y/ �� �� �'i i ��%� I'��g��°4J�µ�„a�' IN`�. � ��ly nl. '�i /r��J �, :Il���ry� i�r ` �, �� I �, �J; �',��( �y f�l r�}� �����17 1uc�1J�.. 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' � � \ � � \ � \ \ � \\\ \�\; _ � �- a �� \��\� \\\ ��\�: \ �., �\�\.�:r_ Q LEXINGTON � HANCOCK STREET AT MINUTEMAN BIKEWAY � CROSSING IMPROVEMENT CONCEPT o SOLAR PANEL(IF SOLAR POWERED) W11-15 JUNE 1,ZOZO � � RECTANGULAR RAPID FLASHING TEC RECOMMENDATIONS: N BEACON(RRFB) � � TWO FACING EACH DIRECTION& a oNE FACING oPPOSING BEACON 1. THE BIKEWAY CROSSING LOCATION REQUIRES COMPATIBILITY WITH ADA/AAB ACCESSIBLE RAMPS DUE TO EXISTING � SIDEWALKS ALONG HANCOCK STREET.WITH A NEED FOR THE BIKEWAY TO ENTER THESE RAMPS AS CLOSE TO a ��� W11-15p W/W16-7p PERPENDICULAR AS POSSIBLE,TEC RECOMMENDS UTILIZING SMALLER 30-FOOT BIKEWAY CENTERLINE RADII AT EACH a �� POINTING TOWARDS ENTERING APPROACH.WHILE THE MASSDOT PPDG RECOMMENDS MINIMUM 36-FOOT RADII(12 MPH DESIGN SPEED), CROSSWALK � r OTHER BIKEWAYS,SUCH AS THE BRUCE FREEMAN RAIL TRAIL,DO INCLUDE SLIGHTLY SMALLER RADII OF 30-FEET. � FLASHER CABINET � � 2. THE BIKEWAY CROSSING ALSO SERVES AS A PEDESTRIAN CROSSING.THE RECOMMENDED,MORE PERPENDICULAR, w REALIGNMENT INCREASES SAFETY FOR VISUALLY IMPAIRED PEDESTRIANS USING THE CROSSWALK. � ADA COMPLIANT Z PEDESTRIAN � PUSH BUTTON WARNWG SIGN(R10-25) 3. TEC RECOMMENDS THAT THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON CONSIDER INSTALLATION OF AN RRFB ASSEMBLY AT THIS Z N LOCATION DUE TO THE LIMITED AMBIENT LIGHTING,PROXIMITY TO THE HARRINGTON ROAD AND BEDFORD STREET 14'PEDESTRIAN POLE INTERSECTION,AND THE RESTRICTED VISIBILITY OF CYCLISTS AND PEDESTRIANS USING THE PATH BY APPROACHING p 3"PVC SIGNAL CONDUIT TO VEHICLES. � U OPPOSITE SIDE OF STREET BASE Y (IF A/C POWERED) 4. TEC RECOMMENDS THAT THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON CONSIDER INSTALLING DECORATIVE BOLLARDS,OR SIMILAR a INFRASTRUCTURE,TO DENOTE CROSSING LOCATION ALONG BIKEWAY. Q `�' ROADWAY = I �. rn .:.. � 0 H M REFRESH THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKINGS IN NOTEs: _ 00 ADVANCE OF CROSSING ��� MASSDOT STANDARD SD3.010 � 1. THE BEACON SHALL PROVIDE FLASHING OPERATION UPON ACTUATION. (PRE-CAST OR CAST IN PLACE) T RAF F I C S I G N S U M MA RY Z RELOCATE W11-1�a' ADD W"I'I-'I5p � � 2. FLASHING OPERATIONS SHALL COMPLY ADD W16-9p` � WITH SECTION 4L OF THE 2009 MUTCD. SIZE OF SIGN ��,� °, �� ° �[/; (in) COLOR � RECTANGULAR RAPID FLASHING BEACON � /�,� IDENTIFICATION �, � �'�� �' NUMBER �- � , ���� � � ��C-�- WIDTH HEIGHT LEGEND BACK- LEGEND BORDER �_� � __ GROUND � ; .� ��:� �. � � ���,�\ � NOTES: ADD THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKINGS IN , ADVANCE OF ROADWAY � � 1. LIGHT BLUE PATH LINES AND ` < CROSSWALK REPRESENT PREVIOUS �:� � � TowNOF�ExiN�TONcoNCEPT. R1-1 36 36 �' RED WHITE WHITE ' `\�,, , � � .� _ - =, CONSTRUCT ADA/AAB COMPLIANT RECONSTRUCT SIDEWALK AS NECESSARY ACCESSIBLE RAMP FOR BIKEWAY �(� TO MATCH INTO NEW ACCESSIBLE RAMPS RELOCATE R5-3 &SIDEWALK RFJ-3 Z4 Z4 I1��T�R WHITE BLACK BLACK CONSIDER INSTALLATION OF RRFB ASSEMBLY YEHI�LES MODIFY RADIUS TO 30'&ADJUST W/12"TS POST CROSSING JUNCTION TO NORTH W/W11-15(x2)-[RELOCATE 1 EXISTING] W/W16-7pL&W16-7pR ADD R1-1 W/PED PBN&R10-25 CONSIDER INSTALLATION OF RRFB ASSEMBLY ADD R1-1 '""' � �� � '� R10-25 9 12 �� WHITE BLACK BLACK W/12"TS POST �- �� ��µ W/W11-15(x2)-[RELOCATE 1 EXISTING] � � �t MODIFY RADIUS TO 30'&ADJUST ����� � W/W16-7pL&W18-7pR y��` CROSSING JUNCTION TO NORTH �� W/PED PBN&R10-25 ` CONSIDER DECORATNE BOLLARD W/ CONSTRUCT ADA/AAB COMPLIANT ACCESSIBLE \ CROSSING NAME"HANCOCK STREET"(TYP) FLUOR. RAMP FOR BIKEWAY&SIDEWALK- � ADD THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKINGS W � RECONSTRUCT DRIVEWAY TO MASONIC ADVANCE OF ROADWAY W��-�5 3O 3O YELLOW/ BLACK BLACK � GREEN LODGE TO MATCH WITH ADA/AAB ACCESSIBLE RELOCATE R5-3 RAMP.MAY REQUIRE SHIFT IN DRIVEWAY. � FAVEtv1El�T Td 6E RElI�QVED, ,� � : �, �����A�����s? FLUOR. �\ W11-15p 24 18 ���y��. YELLOW/ BLACK BLACK �� �� \ �BIKEWAYEDGE XI11V GREEN REFRESH THERMOPLASTIC PAVEMENT MARKINGS IN � ADVANCE OF CROSSING \ 4"SYLTHERMOPLASTIC FLUOR. \ ; �� �; �2��sTOPUNE W16-7pL 24 '12 � YELLOW/ BLACK BLACK � � � �w����� GREEN ' � r �:. C c� ���� �_ FLUOR. �4'�5'�4'�50' W16-7pR 24 12 � YELLOW/ BLACK BLACK NOTES: BIKEWAY EDGE GREEN � 1. PAVEMENT MARKING3 AS PER MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES(MUTCD). RET W11-15:� 2. PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE THERMOPLASTIC. ADD W11-15p FLU�R. 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RRFB F NDAT N HALL BE P T NED AT THE MMED ATE ED E F B KEWAY T MA NTA N ���� ���\�:-\��������\, \ OU 10 S S OSI 10 I I G O I O I I .� ��\�_�\�\ ��� � � �� � ��..��� � � � \�`� �`� �� ' , �_ � ,, \����\�\\��������� �� �_`. ����:����\��������������,��,. 10-INCH ADA REACH FROM THE BIKEWAY TO THE PUSH BUTTON. � � �,��� ����� � �.. , 2. THE RRFB INDICATIONS SHALL BE ROTATED AS NECESSARY TO BE VIEWED IN THE CENTER OF THE LANE UPSTREAM. �� � :� 3. ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE THERMOPLASTIC. �� � - � ,�� � 4. ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS DAMAGED BY SAWCUT OR WORK SHALL BE REPLACED IN FULL BY THE �� CONTRACTOR. �_ ti 5. LIMIT OF GRADING/AREAS OF LOAM&SEED NOT SHOWN.ASSUME XX SF BASED ON LOCATIONS ; � � OF RRFB AND CONDUIT. � � � � � � � � \ � �� \ \ � \\ � �\ �\ � � \ �� :� � _ � \' � \� � \� \:\ \ � �� \ �� �;� � �� �: �� � � � �;\ � \ \� � �,� � � ` � \ \` \ �� � � i � \` \ - � � �\��\ \ �\����o�: \ ` '�� � ��c \�� �. �\ \ �.�_ � RET EXIST W11-15 �� W/PROP W16-9p � � (125 FT SOUTH OF CW OFF PAGE] ��_ �� 0 20 50 100 ; SCALE: 1"=20' GENERAL SYMBOLS �\ , EXISTING PROPOSED DESCRIPTION � �� LEXINGTON , � � MINUTEMAN BIKEWAY CROSSMGS � POST CIRCULAR ; � RRFB AT REVERE STREET � �;i= � HYDRANT \ \ ` SHEET 8 OF 10 0 „ _- —�— UTILITY POLE � � TREE RET EXIST W'11-15 �806.� �� v W/PROP UU16-9p \ `V Q TRASH BIN j200-FT NOi?TH OF CW OF�PAGE) � ` � O❑ WATER FOUNTAIN W/CEMENT CONCRETE FOUNDATION m o; � � ; � o m , TRAFFIC SYMBOLS '� `\��~\ �' EXISTWG PROPOSED DESCRIPTION m ` \\ o �� � a \\ \\\� N � PRC3P SAI�(CUT{TY � �� \ �� �: � � ��� RRFB FLASHERASSEMBLY � � \���; � � \� �; ��� � O �\ � � SIGN AND POST \ � � ��`�� �`'�����\�� �''� \ ` � \` ��\�: o::: ��\��� , y ��\.\. �\ \ �� PULL BOX 12"x12"OR AS NOTED , ;�� �� � � � � � � `� ����� � � ;�� ; � � :�s� \ \.. — — — = 3"SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT �`~\��� � � \ \ - - - �o.` � �:i� ° \������\; � � �� 3 ��\� �' ���� � �����\.. � .\� \� ��\ �'� ���\\> \�. � �. � \�� \��`\�' RET EXIST[JP' ��. , ` �" ���` �\"� PROP SERUICE CQ{��CT��*1 � ��` �� � � ���� \����,.. � ABBREVIATIONS ` �� _���`�;�� � � , ca \ ����� �� � � W/RIS€R,WEAT}iERH��,&DISCONNECT �����° a �\�� ����`.. ��,; ��� �� s���i��� ��. .� ..� :,�� ��r��� �� . ��0���� c \� ��\\� \' \\�� GENERAL � � �, �\; ��\ � o R&R EXIST W11-15 T�R;f2FB, :. \� , ' � �� �� \�\ ���. �\�\�� .0 ���\.\'\\\\a ' \��� �� �` .' ��, L _' �_ CEM CEMENT R&R EXIST W16-7pL TO RRFB;��\`� � �\� �\� �� = P�OP 12"�1�PB �� � � � �i\ �� `�`_ ��. � � i��. ..��.: . �.\:�..: :i:....� ,.��\ ' �\\ ;���. �.:����� .. \����� �� . ��. �.;., ����' in CONC CONCRETE R&R E�CIST BIKEWAY TO RRFB ���..; ��� `� �., ;� �.� ;\� `� �,� o ���� �� ��� � `� ,,\ o� � ���\�, �\ �, �. ��; \ ,. � �. � �:. �. ��\��\...:� �\ :� :�,�; ..��� ti. y��ROE'3 5CH 8Q I��fC CUNDUIT TYP �. ����o\� �? CW CROSSWALK �,��,� � \� `���� �: " { ) �� \�� � � N \:� �\.: �'�\ .,�� �:.�,� ��\ 3 c \: ��.: + \� \ '� �:�_ \\.. �: \�s EXIST EXISTING � PROP A/C PUWERED RRFB�;.,, >�\� ;�� ,\�; ���.�:, ���; ,�_ ':��� � �: ��\ ,��\� \�o� �\�, �:\ �\\ _ _ � < :���`\ �� ��� \ �� W/R&R W11 15,W16-7 L,&'BIKE � FND FOUNDATION p ;.�:' ' �: �� �� �'� \\�.; �`—���`ti,`: ' � . ��Y ��.... . ��� `\ ;�\ � � � \ :.�\�� ; `� , �\ \ � �\\�\ TEMP'F2ELOCATE EXIST TRASI-�����?l��\\ ,; m PBN PUSH BUTTON W/PROPW� „\ � � _�„° �:: �������\;::; � �: ��� o ` � �\ �\. �\� � �� � � �� i:\�. �\\\��:. � \ �. � � \��� �\�. ��..�o� �\\ ,,�� �.i.��: .:\�\ \ ��z _.� W/PROP�1�-7 R �� �., � � , :\. ��� � ,.� {� �� �� � �� �� \�..a �\`:��., \:. �\ �� a' PED PEDESTRIAN \� " ,�� v �\. �� � ;���. �\ .. �..�. ��' �\�\; �: �� �\: :�:.�� �� �� \\ - �� :.� � �� �\..���:, ����� �UUf PROP PED P �R1tl 25 � .�\ ,� < �: ��. ; �� �����,� >, � �l � �\ �� �„� R�S EXIST R1.� \ � �v��\ � PROP PROPOSED �. `,O:�� ��� ;t. �::::: \\... �� � , m : ,�%` \`� �":: . \ �, �: ��\�.... \ .��. ��. 3 REM REMOVE {�l BACK CORNER OF R,4ArtPj ���. �\ ,� � \\RET EXI�T F��`-3 `\\ ;\� � �:� \� �`� /",�a �' `�\ \ ���\�\� ��� ;\ � ��� W���OP R1-1 �� \\'= Y RET RETAW ����\�\� �,� \� � \� ` �\ \\���� m R&R REMOVE AND RESET "'�'-%i�f \\�� �����°�~ �\�\\\ ° /i��.,+"- �\ `�� ti.� `\. ��\\... R&S REMOVE AND STACK � -�' � ���i \= ���,�� �����\�,, : � � RRFB RECTANGULAR RAPID FLASHING BEACON •+> SL STOP LINE \\ �`� c �\~ \����,� , � ST STREET 1 �I � �VIINUTEMAN COMMUTER BIKEINAY � TYP TYPICAL , � UP UTILITY POLE \°\ \ \ ;`: NOTES: \ ���`� \\ �' `�; ����� PROP A!C POWERED RRFB \\\ \� \ 1. RRFB FOUNDATIONS SHALL BE POSITIONED AT THE IMMEDIATE EDGE OF BIKEWAY TO MAINTAIN � `. ; � W/R&R W11-15,W16-7pL,&'BIKEWAY' 10-WCH ADA REACH FROM THE BIKEWAY TO THE PUSH BUTTON. � R&S EXIST R1-2 \ �� ���\ W/PROP W11-5 \; �� � � ;:\ � � � �.� - �� �;RET E�lST R5-3 ��\ �\ �:��, Wl PROP W 16 7pR �� �` ��, ���\ ' W/PROP PED PBN&R10-25 2. THE RRFB INDICATIONS SHALL BE ROTATED AS NECESSARY TO BE VIEWED IN THE CENTER OF �,T EXIST"REUERE ST"SIGN ����,. ��� THE LANE UPSTREAM. �\\� ��\. �� AT BACK CORNER OF RAMP � \ UUI PROP R1-1 \�\.� �\ � � �. �\� � \�\= �`< ��.. ��\��� \ : 3. ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE THERMOPLASTIC. ����\�\ �: � ��:\ � R&R EXIST 1/#�1-15 TO RRFB ��\�\�, ��\�� �� R&R EXIST W16-7pL TO RRFB o� � 4. ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS DAMAGED BY SAWCUT OR WORK SHALL BE REPLACED IN FULL BY THE \�.�;: �\ �: � ��;. , `�\\, , ,, ��.�.� .� � �:. ' R&R EXIST'BIKEWAY'TO R B � CONTRACTOR. ��\\�� \ ��'`� ��...,, \�, �e RF �, \ �\��� ��; �<,.���� �� �� �\ ��\. �.�� � \�: � ��� � �,�� �. �\\\\\: ; \ � �;�, 5. LIMIT OF GRADING/AREAS OF LOAM&SEED NOT SHOWN.ASSUME XX SF BASED ON LOCATIONS � ���: � , �\\� �� �,� �; ��� \�� �. . , � OF RRFB AND CONDUIT. �\\ \ \ ��\\\ � \ �\\ \ \ \\``' ` �\� \�: \ � ��" � � �� \� ��\ � o� \ �.... �\�..,. ���� .�\\\ � �� \�:`��'.:\��� �\�� \`' ' �o���\� \� '-::�� � ���� �\ �� �o� �� \ �� \: \� � ;�\\\�\�� ��� �' �����\ \ � � �� �,� �, �\ � � \�.. ' �\� �\ ���:� \ � \ \ \� �\� � �,���\\ �����\ s \�\�\S\ ���� �:' � \ �: \���� � \ ��� ����� �� i ��\� .....�, ..��\. �.' ,s= ���� � �� �.. � �.�,':_\\� .� ��\:� .�\�\� �� ����� .,\: .��. ':�.�\\\\• .;�.� � .,:\ .��;��..i .�:�: .�,��.: :-���\\.�\ ��� �.\: �� ,..��;�\\�. .�o\�\ .y\. �. \ \� \ \ � .o�:.�. �.�\�\. :��\�j\�� .::..�: �� �:\��\� \\� \�.. ��c\�..�c.�.: ::e �� �\��.. ��\�.� ... \ .. \�.,;� ��\��� ��.. ���.-\�` �\ �\��. �\\��•�\�. ::\\ �,�; :�\�������\�.�\�\'��.,.�:�\�:.\:� �� �,\.`� \,:'\���; �' \\ \ O\ � �; � � \.�\\ � ��::��� ���\�,.\ � \� ����� �\�� _��� \� \\\\. ��; o� ���; ��,.� �,:��\ ��,�\\, �.��.� .��, � � � .��,\.�\\ y,\\, � �. �\��. ��\\.�� �\\\ �� _: ��� ��\� ��\��:��:.� �����`�:.���� � �\\\� � ,� \��\�O����\\�.���� �\\\�� � � �: ���<' �, , ���;�������� �\\����� � ��\ �' �_ Q�� ���\.. �\�O\\\ ��� � `\�,:i�:\����\� �\\\,\ �.. ����� \�.. `�\ ��:. ��� �\\ \�\��' ��. \�\�. ���\� �\�. �\�� �.�,: � \ �\:. �,� �\�:� ��.��\\�.; > ���� �  �; � ��� �;:� ��:�. ,�\ �,,..\�::: \��.� � � �, ��..\ �.; ���� .�. � ,\� �.�\.\��:::: �..�� °�, <.��� �� �� �� \,\� o: �\�,��� ,:�.\� _. :� � � ���, ti�, �\� ,\ \��� ��,. �:\. \\� �> �.; �, �.,: \::. � ���� -- \� > \�\�. \ �.: �� .. �\��.\ � ��`��� 's � \\' ��' ��� \\ ���' �'' �\������ � ,� � " \\` �� � \ �� \\�\� � � ��,.� \�����. .�. ��. � ;�' �\ �::.;��;��� ,. . \ .\� \. �\�. \� ��O �������\�yy�\ � ��\. �..����...� � \�x': �\�\ �` \' \� \�\ ` � \: i \��\ �` y�\��\�\��� o�� � \ �� � \� � � \�� �;i �_ . �.. ii:� .:e�\\\ � . .,�o��ti`�s..�����\� ��,�\ � ,� \�.� ��::.:� '\� �� \�. \ � ������\�.:t � :\ �' � \\\,`.�. `\� \\:i: \\���'�\�:�\\\���.. ,\ � .\: p\ :�� \\\." \\��� \�� . \�\ 3��\� �,\�\\.� \ � ,�.. � �. \\� ��� �. . ��.o\��� �c�\\,�.::��.•\�•�\ O �� �. \.. ;�\\. �' � ..\ �\...\�� .�\: ���� �� �\ :.\ t:�' ::'.� \..\ .\ . `� �\\� .��� :\�� �:\,��� � ��\ �. �� � �� \\ \ ��\ �� \;� ��� ; \' � ��. � � � �\.\ �� \ ��. \ � ,��:., �� � ��� �, � \: � �, ,... � \ ��,,. � �� � ,, ,, �� �� � ,,� .,, � , � - - � � �, � � �' �� \ � .��. \ � ,�� �� � � 0 20 50 100 �„ �� �\� \ , � � �:� ,.:. \��� \�;� �� ,� \\ � �� ��� ` �; � �� ; _-�\ � � ��.� \,, �, \�..; ,� � � �. \\.�., � , �\. �., \. �.. ,, �� , .� �_ \� ,.. \ � \.. � � . � �� �..,\ �.���,. �. �. � �:.. ��\�.., �� °\~ .o�� �� :��<\\ �\\��:: SCALE: 1"=20' LEXW GTON TRAFFIC SIGN SUMMARY MINUTEMAN BIKEWAY CROSSINGS � SIZE OF SIGN(in) TEXT DIMENSIONS(in) NUMBER COLOR NUMBER OF SIGN SUMMARY&CONSTRUCTION DETAILS m IDENTIFICATION UNIT AREA TOTAL AREA a NUMBER LETTER VERTICAL ARROW OF SIGNS gACK- POSTS (SF) (SF) SHEET 10 OF 10 N WIDTH HEIGHT LEGEND HEIGHT SPACING RTE.MKR REQUIRED GROUND LEGEND BORDER REQUIRED N `m 3 � R1-1 30 30 �� 1 8 RED WHITE WHITE (5 ON EXIST 6.25 50.00 NOTES: � POST) o 1�. SEE 2009 MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES FOR STREETS AND HIGHWAYS FOR TEXT AND LEGEND � � 0 DIMENSIONS. " R10-25 9 12 �T� 16 WHITE BLACK BLACK (16 MOUNT W/ 0.75 12.00 � a �mc RRFB) 2. THE MINIMUM MOUNTING HEIGHT OF POST-MOUNTED SIGNS,MEASURED VERTICALLY FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE SIGN TO u�,s THE TOP OF CURB OR SIDEWALK,OR THE ELEVATION OF THE NEAR EDGE OF TRAVEL WAY,SHALL BE 7 FEET UNLESS � OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. W11-15 30 30 � �� FLUORESCENT gLACK BLACK (16 MOUNT W/ 6.25 106.25 � YELLOW-GREEN RRFB) °' 3. A MINIMUM OF 3'-0"PATH OF TRAVEL CLEARANCE,EXCLUDING CURB,IS REQUIRED WHEN PLACWG SIGNS. a �, 0 �@ W16-7pR 24 12 � 16 FLUORESCENT BLACK BLACK (16 MOUNT W/ 2.00 32.00 a� YELLOW-GREEN RRFB) DEPTH AND SURFACE a 1 TREATMENT VARIES(SEE � W16-9p 24 12 AHEAD 16 FLUORESCENT gLACK BLACK �14 W/EXIST 2.00 32.00 PLANS) ` YELLOW-GREEN W11-15&1 W/ EXIST SURFACE a PROP W11-15) U M � ���� ���� I SOLAR PANEL ORIENTED FOR OPTIMAL � � SUNLIGHT CAPTURE EXIST SURFACE � T 3 � � NEMA ENCLOSURE FOR CONTROLLER(SIZE MAY , 07 VARY) EXISTWG MATERIAL SUITABLE FOR � REUSE� � � � W11-15 SIGN(TYP.SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS � 2'(MIN)TO FACE (FACING EACH DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC) o rn� M � � OF CURB 6"DETECTABLE METALLIC WARNING � � DUAL RECTANGULAR YELLOW LED BEACONS IN NEMA � o 0o TAPE CONFORMING TO CURRENT � ENCLOSURE • � APWA STANDARDS � (FACING EACH DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC) � SEE DETAIL A 3"SCH 80 PVC CONDUIT � W16-7P SIG � � � (FACING EACH DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC) � � � � � O SAND BEDDING(M1.04.0) 6'(RECOMMENDED) R10-25 SIG - <10'(MAX)TO FACE OF CURB APS PUSHBUTTO � (SEE NOTE 5) � z _ � �10"(MAX)FOR SIDE REACH TRAFFIC SIGNAL POST& � �� � �� ��.� � PEDESTAL ��$„ 1.5%* I 1"(MAX)x 45°CHAMFER(TYP) �M,qX� COMPACTED SUBGRADE�� � NOTES: *EXISTING MATERIAL OBTAINED FROM EXCAVATION THAT IS DETERMINED TO BE SUITABLE, AND APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER SHALL BE USED.BACKFILL SHALL BE PLACED IN LAYERS � TRAVEL WAY CUR ADA COMPLIANT SURFACE NO MORE THAN 6"IN DEPTH AND THOROUGHLY COMPACTED.BACKFILLING TO A POINT 2' OVER THE PIPE SHALL CONTAIN NO STONES LARGER THAN 3". DETAIL A:DUAL YELLOW BEACON EMENT CONCRETE **SOFT OR UNSUITABLE MATERIAL EXISTING BELOW THE REQUIRED BEDDING GRADE SHALL 1'-8" FOUNDATION BE REMOVED AS DIRECTED AND REPLACED WITH SAND,GRAVEL,CRUSHED STONE OR OTHER 2"(MIN NOTES: SUITABLE MATERIAL AND THOROUGHLY COMPACTED. ILOT LIGHT 1. RFFB MUST PROVIDE RADIO ANTENNA FOR DUAL ACTIVATION. 2. CROSSWALK AND ADA-COMPLIANT RAMPS NOT SHOWN. CO N D U I T TRE N C H - � � SEE PLANS FOR LOCATIONS. 3. ACCESS TO ALL PEDESTRIAN ACTUATED CONTROLS SHALL BE N.T.S. ADA/AAB COMPLIANT 5°(MIN) 5"(MIN) 4. "0.5%CONSTRUCTION TOLERANCE FOR CROSS-SLOPE. 7"(MIN) RECTANGULAR RAPID FLASHING BEACON (RRFB) N.T.S. ����� � � �� ��� : , ����_���: �� � � � �� � , , �� ���. , �`� �. �� , ��� �� ° 9 s�� , , �,... .. �, �,��. :�� z � �� _ ; � \ ,� ��4 � �,..; `� `�� '�� �_� �����. ,_ � .�..,, �.�': %.��`��.� � . ..:',:: �'`. �::, �£.� � �.�.;���� .,. '�' ��. . . . �_ � �� £ i � � � � � a� ��� � � ��k '`z:."� .: c �. _�.-. �_.. - ��. . _ �a�. ... ...... 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DESCRIPTION i�i 1 TITLE SHEET&INDEX N 2 TO 9 GENERAL PLANS R R F B AT R4A D WAY �R 0 S S I N G S � � 10 TRAFFIC SIGN SUMMARY&CONSTRUCTION DETAILS � PLAN OF a a MINUTEMAN COMMUTER BIKEWAY AT VARIOUS LOCATIONS � a IN THE TOWN OF CONSTRUCTION NOTES: LEXINGTON 1. THE CONTRACTOR SHALL CONTACT DIGSAFE(1-888-DIGSAFE)A MINIMUM OF � 72 HOURS PRIOR TO ANY CONSTRUCTION TO VERIFY THE LOCATION OF ALL M IDDLESEX COU NTY � EXISTING UTILITIES BEFORE COMMENCING WORK,AND SHALL BE FULLY � RESPONSIBLE FOR ANY AND ALL DAMAGES WHICH MIGHT BE OCCASIONED �, BY THE CONTRACTOR'S FAILURE TO LOCATE AND PRESERVE ANY AND ALL � �N°ER�R°�N°�T'�'T'ES. PRELIMINARY PLANS � _ 2. PLANS ARE BASED ON AERIAL IMAGERY AND FIELD OBSERVATIONS. THESE PLANS ARE SUPPLEMENTED BY THE MASSDOT�CTOBER 2017 CONSTRUCTION STANDARD N� m DETAILS,MASSDOT TRAFFIC MANAGEMENT PLANS AND DETAIL DRAWINGS,THE 1990 STANDARD � 3. WHERE AN EXISTING UTILITY IS FOUND TO CONFLICT WITH THE PROPOSED DRAWINGS FOR SIGNS AND SUPPORTS,AND THE LATEST EDITION OF THE AMERICAN STANDARD � WORK,THE LOCATION,ELEVATION AND SIZE OF THE UTILITY SHALL BE FOR NURSERY STOCK. 3 ACCURATELY DETERMINED WITHOUT DELAY BY THE CONTRACTOR,AND THE Y INFORMATION FURNISHED TO THE ENGINEER FOR RESOLUTION OF THE N m CONFLICT. � E � 4. ALL MUNICIPALLY OWNED UTILITY STRUCTURES(CATCH BASINS,DRAW � MANHOLES,WATER GATES,ETC.)SHALL BE RETAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR �i UNLESS DIRECTED OTHERWISE. \ rn 5. ALL PRIVATELY OWNED UTILITY STRUCTURES(GAS GATES,ELECTRIC � /TELEPHONE MANHOLES,ETC.)SHALL BE RETAINED BY THE CONTRACTOR UNLESS DIRECTED OTHERWISE.THE CONTRACTOR SHALL COORDINATE WITH PRIVATE UTILITY COMPANIES FOR THE ALTERATION AND ADJUSTMENT, AS NECESSARY. 6. AREAS OUTSIDE THE LIMITS OF PROPOSED WORK DISTURBED BY THE CONTRACTOR'S OPERATIONS SHALL BE RESTORED BY THE CONTRACTOR TO THEIR ORIGINAL CONDITION AT THE CONTRACTORS EXPENSE. 7. THE TERM"PROPOSED"(PROP)MEANS WORK TO BE CONSTRUCTED USING NEW MATERIALS OR,WHERE APPLICABLE,RE-USING EXISTING MATERIALS IDENTIFIED AS"REMOVE AND RESET"(R&R),AS APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER. 8. THE TERM"MEET EXIST"MEANS TO MEET BOTH THE EXISTING ALIGNMENT AND ELEVATION. PROJECT LOCATIONS 9. ALL EXISTING TREES WITHIN THE PROJECT LIMITS SHALL BE RETAINED AND PROTECTED WITH TREE PROTECTION UNLESS INDICATED OTHERWISE ON THE DRAWINGS.ALL PROVIDED DIMENSIONS REFER TO THE DIAMETER AT BREAST HEIGHT. 10. AN UNOBSTRUCTED PATH OF TRAVEL WITH A MINIMUM WIDTH OF 3'-0" (EXCLUDING THE WIDTH OF CURB)SHALL BE MAINTAINED PAST ALL OBSTRUCTIONS(UTILITY POLES,LIGHT POLES,SIGNS,MAILBOXES,ALONG LEXINGTON DRIVEWAY OPENINGS,ETC.) 11. ALL AREAS BETWEEN THE BACK OF SIDEWALK OR CURB TO THE LIMIT OF GRADING,OR AREAS DISTURBED BY THE CONTRACTORS OPERATIONS 03-18-2024 PRELIMINARY PLANS - SHALL BE RESTORED WITH 4 INCHES OF LOAM AND SEED. O 4OO �OO �ZOO 1600 DATE DESCRIPTION REV# SCALE: 1"=5000' �� ���� TEC,Inc. 282 Merrimack Street 311 Main Street 169 Ocean Blvd,Unit 3 2nd Floor 2nd Floor PO Box 249 Lawrence,MA 01843 Worcester,MA 01608 Hampton,NH 03842 978-794-1792 508-868-5104 603-601-8154 www.TheEngineeringCorp.com GENERAL SYMBOLS �,\ �' \����� — �����`� ��������\ ���� MINUTEMAN BIKEWAY CROSSINGS EXISTING PROPOSED DESCRIPTION � �� \ ` � � LEXINGTON � POST CIRCULAR �� �� „��� �`��`��� ����\\ RRFB AT BOW STREET g � HYDRANT �� ~� �\ o � �:. � � ` � SHEET 2 OF 10 - -�- UTILITY POLE RET 1�11 15 � � , W/PR�P�16-9p ~ � \�� \ N � TREE Q TRASH BIN �� ��� :: � � ��� ❑O WATER FOUNTAIN W/CEMENT CONCRETE FOUNDATION � \ � M ���: � � � � � � o Q �` -o TRAFFIC SYMBOLS � '�� � z o EXISTING PROPOSED DESCRIPTION \ \ ` a �{�}� RRFB FLASHER ASSEMBLY � 3 � SIGN AND POST , � � � PULL BOX 12"x12"(OR AS NOTED) �' o a _ _ _ = 3"SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT � �\, � �\�� `, � ���� � ���� \ \�\ �. s �,, �� � ABBREVIATIONS � \ _ \\ �\' \ \ � GENERAL � � ������\`` ����::� � \\\ � � �� Q � �� RET E ��P � . c:i �\� �\ \� \��, ` \ �\ �\� �i� �, '�� � � \� \ CEM CEMENT \�\� ,.;. � � � � � ���� �,� ���\� �� � � � \�~� � � \\ � R&R EXIST W11-15 TO RRFB ,��� \ �� CONC CONCRETE �� � � ��� 07 CW CROSSWALK �\� ; \� �\ R&R EXIST W16-7pL TO RRFB RET'EX��\\ ��� \\� \� � �� �� � EXIST EXISTING R&R EXIST'BIKEWAY'TO RRFB �� FND FOUNDATION RET EXI -�\ \\\� `�\�� � � �\ ������ ��\�ti �� 3 HMA HOT MIX ASPHALT \�RET EXIST'"BC) \`� �\� \ \ m ��\\\\ �` ��� �\� ����� Y PBN PUSH BUTTON f2&R R5-3 \ � \\\\\\\\\,\ @ PROP SC�LAR POWERED RRFB � ��` \ � PED PEDESTRIAN �; W/R&R W1�-15,W16-7pL,&'BIKEWAY' �� � ��� " � PROP PROPOSED W/PROP W1�-'15 � REM REMOVE �� UVl PROP W�6-TpR � �I � � � W/PROP PED PBN&R90-25 � 6, RET RETAIN / (LOCATED 1N F1LET,4REA AT BAC�\�BIKEWA�] v R&R REMOVE AND RESET �� \�\��� ��. �� ���:: � � R&S REMOVE AND STACK \\ �� � � MINUTEM�� \ RRFB RECTANGULAR RAPID FLASHING BEACON `\ � / SL STOP LINE \ � � ��° � COMMUTER 8, ST STREET ,�� RET EXI R1-1_L/�-: � ��\.�O � ��� s �u� SW SIDEWALK R&R:EXIST R5�TO P-5Y'UST ��e � , \ \ ����� TYP TYPICAL �� " �� UP UTILITY POLE \� PROP SC)LAR POWERED RRFB RET EXIST'MASS AUE" ���\ ,��/!R&R W11-15,UV16 7pL,&'BIKEWAY' PROP 8'HMA SW � �,;�ET EXIST WOODEN POST \�� \ , \ `� \\�\\�� � �.:.. � W/PROP W11-15 (APPRO,C 150 SF] ' \�\� NOTES: � ` W/PROP W16-7pR � ` _` - _.,._.<, �� � � �5 T0 RRFB ~��p; W/PROP PED PBN&R1' PROP H��A C_'' � ` R B \'���' \� ���, �: 1. RRFB FOUNDATIONS SHALL BE POSITIONED AT THE IMMEDIATE EDGE OF BIKEWAY TO MAINTAIN (BACK ED�E OF BIKEWAY-4 FT OFFSET FROM EDGE ,;�, (APPRUX, ,��B 10-INCH ADA REACH FROM THE BIKEWAY TO THE PUSH BUTTON. \�- �T�`�� ; � \\\ �\�\����� \� �� � � . __... �.,_��... �c_..��,.T. �.�....., ���.�,�. � � „_ 2. THE RRFB INDICATIONS SHALL BE ROTATED AS NECESSARY TO BE VIEWED IN THE CENTER OF ;..�_, � � - - - b � \:��, � � ,\:, \�� \� ��: �\ ��_ THE LANE UPSTREAM. \ �, �� ��� , \\ \\\\ \\ \\ �� �� �\ , ��� ��� ,.. 3. ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE THERMOPLASTIC. �� � =�E�EXIS�IP � � 4. ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS DAMAGED BY SAWCUT OR WORK SHALL BE REPLACED IN FULL BY THE � CONTRACTOR. � ��� 5. LIMIT OF GRADING/AREAS OF LOAM&SEED NOT SHOWN.ASSUME XX SF BASED ON LOCATIONS � `� OF RRFB AND CONDUIT. � � �. W , � < � ��me �.:- �, � � � � � �,` �. ,r ��� � �� � �� �� , � F �, ` _����� �-- � � � �� -� ���- , �, � �� ��� �\; 0M �� � , s� W e�� � ���� �� \� ,. � � � o �. � , � O �..,.�; \�\\\ ��,���\� `\\\�\.�, \ \ RET W11-15 \ �� °'�� �������` � �, � W/PROP W16-9p \ �� \ � r(150-FT SOUTH OF CW, AGE] �' ' ' � 0 20 50 100 \ � �\\����\s ���` \ �� � ' s � � \ \; � ��� ����� � �' ��� �°. � , SCALE: 1"=20' ����� , � ��_ ��e� ��_ �,. GENERAL SYMBOLS � � �� LEXINGTON EXISTING PROPOSED DESCRIPTION � ,. MINUTEMAN BIKEWAY CROSSMGS � POST CIRCULAR �� RRFB AT FOTTLER AVENUE � �;; � HYDRANT �� �t��T EXIST W1'I-15 SHEET 3 OF 10 0 - -�- UTILITY POLE � � �!I PROP W16-9p, TREE � N Q TRASH BIN � O� WATER FOUNTAIN W/CEMENT CONCRETE FOUNDATION �LI o� �\\\��\' � � � o TRAFFIC SYMBOLS < ��� �' \ � a ��� �� \� � EXISTING PROPOSED DESCRIPTION �,._,������ �� ��, �������„ � �������\ Q �� \ \ \ � RRFB FLASHER ASSEMBLY ���o��� ������� � �\' �` "' �� �..; _ � � � � SIGN AND POST \:.� �" ` W � � � PULL BOX 12"x12"(OR AS NOTED) � \�\�\ �, �� _ _ _ = 3"SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT ' \\\ \ � � �, �~�' `.� �` � � �� ���� �\\ ��\� ��\ �\ � � �, '; ��` � \:�: \�\ �: RET EXI "� � �L. � \���\ 3 \\ \\ \ \ : � � �EXIS'�UP'. ,c�; � ��; ` �� �\�� � � ABBREVIATIONS �' � �, ,�,,.�� ��� \P�\������2VICE�f�NNE�T10N �; ` \ �`. \\� \�: \�� �� . ��� �` `��`� ���` �; ``��\ �' �ISER WEATNERHEAD,&DISCONNECT `� GENERAL � � �� \\; ��\ \�\ ��� � m ��� � � ��� \. � � �� � `\ \ �� ��o�� ..s..���O�� a CEM CEMENT ` ` � �� '\ \; ���� ` c �������. ����.�� ��.\� \���� \\\�a� ��. ~\\`.:: _ :�:. �����.,- �� �, O ��� .,o\\��� \�,, �,... � � . 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Y R&R REMOVE AND RESET „ I��1 < M'�V V�EMAN m R&S REMOVE AND STACK ��� I °CpMMUTER BIKEVI/AY ; , „ - ` 1 R&R EXIST W11-15 TO RRFB � RRFB RECTANGULAR RAPID FLASHING BEACON R&F�E�iS�W16-7pL TO f2RFB� � SL STOP LINE \ � � � � \�� '` � ����� � \� �� ;�� �, - , � � ��.., � s ,�; � ST STREET = ` ��-�. \���: ��� �\:� R � ; ��\.. \,\ � , .. .�\ ��; PR�1`.:� � �s. i \\\\\�:: ��o�: �,.. ,�\.. .���.,: _: � �, \\\ ��\���\ \� . \�\:\�. ..�\ ... ; � , SW SIDEWALK ;��, \�� \ :-�������R�t� �-15;V1116-7pL,;&BI:� <,�\ � �o���� l..�����.,>�, �.0�\. � ������� � � � � TYP TYPICAL ; \� < ;� ��.... �: \� WI P�P W1��-15 �� � \ _ UP UTILITY POLE , S EXIST R1-2 a-, _��\\�� �\ � �_ �� _ ��"� ��o_���\� WI P`ROP U��f'>-?�R ��� � � R&R EXIST R5�3' �5 RC?ST � � �. WI f'R�P PED PBN&R1Q\2� ,� ���� _ ;. �.;� ��� � ��.:; �� �� ,� �, NOTES: �� WI P�€?P R'1-1 ` �� ���� �"' � 8 ��GE OF B�l�WAY-5 F�OF���T FROM EDGE O�ROAC��, �. �, ���� ��' � �� ����� PROP SAWCUT(TYP� R&R E?fIST W11-15 TO RRFB \ \ \ 1. RRFB FOUNDATIONS SHALL BE POSITIONED AT THE IMMEDIATE EDGE OF BIKEWAY TO MAINTAIN � ,,: ,, ` �{I T W16 7>L TO R " °� ��:, : \����. �y\�.. ... . � \��: \��,': �;+��R� ����:::i � ...;��.:,:�:`��a � ��...o � 10-INCH ADA REACH FROM THE BIKEWAY TO THE PUSH BUTTON. ;�o°� �� ���' �E�,\�BIKEWAY'70��������� �\\ �\� � PROP A/C f'OV�ER�I�RRFB �' \ 2. THE RRFB INDICATIONS SHALL BE ROTATED AS NECESSARY TO BE VIEWED IN THE CENTER OF \������` 1N/R&R W11-15',�,16-7pL \ ' THE LANE UPSTREAM. �\�� ��� \�� W/PRt?P W'11-15 ``\ �� ° � ��� �. ��� �� � `� W/PROP W���7pR ��� 3. ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE THERMOPLASTIC. �\ �� W!Pf2QP PED PBN&R1t1-25 RET EXIST R7-1 ` jBACK FDGE O�BIKEWAY-5 FT OFFSET FR��EDGE OF�;OAD] 4. ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS DAMAGED BY SAWCUT OR WORK SHALL BE REPLACED IN FULL BY THE ��� ' � ` CONTRACTOR. ` � � � `\ � �: \\\\\\\ \ \� 5. LIMIT OF GRADWG/AREAS OF LOAM&SEED NOT SHOWN.ASSUME XX SF BASED ON LOCATIONS � ` �' �� OF RRFB AND CONDUIT. �, \ � � �\::` �\ \�� � � \ �� �� � � � \ \ \� ���\ � �.�O\\�� � � y\ �\�\���.. \� ��\'� \��, �\ \ � �� � � ��� �� � � . ��. o�\� �. � � ..�.... \ ��. ,� �� � V�s�.�.,� ���\ �� . �' �\\ � � \� \ � �\ \ -` �� � �� \��. ...� ' , � ... � �\���� �:\\\~\\\\: \ �\ ` � � � \\\\� \ ;; ��y��\ � � � \ � ����. �. ��:'\\� �� � �� e REI�XIST W11-15 �\ ° � � �` \ W/P����'��-9p � � � � 0 20 50 100 ;: SCALE: 1"=20' ,,����: � .. . ��.; ; � � \ \\ ;, �� ` � � �� � \\\���\ ��' LEXINGTON �� �� `' � R&R E�IST W11-15 TO RRFB \� `� � ` �. "� �\\ � � �,,� , ,; ,;���, ,. � � � \\ _`; O R&R E�IST W1&-�pL TO RRFB \��\: �� MI GS ��� � ' � �� A� �f NUTEMAN BIKEWAY CROSSIN `��\ � �lifA_"�I'j R&R EXIST���CEWAI�"TO RRFB = RRFB AT WOBURN STREET � ~���� \ '`� � ~���� " � � R&R E��T"'W�?BURN ST° n \ SHEET 4 OF 10 � � , . � � F� � � � � � F ,� � �� �;, �\\ � � �; �, ; 'Q6,�-9.�, ��; �, ET ,������ ; tRE � � � � \ � \ � PROP 3„SCH 80 �� � G`� ������ ` °' Q ` z PVC CONUIT(TYP) �y D �I� �� ��'�����`� �� � �� \ ��.,., � ��„ � �.. � z ����", RET EXIST UP � � PRC?P SERVICE CONNECTION m ����� �\�\ o ����� W/RISER,UVEATHERHEAD&DISCONNECT RET EXIST UP � �������`\ a � ��� � , \\��\,... PROP SAWCUT(TYP) PR�P A!C Pt7WERED RRFB �- � ..� W/R&R W11-15 V�l�-7pL,&'BIKEII�FAY' ' °' �:� ��pR�p���_�5 � RET EXIST MA-R2-8 a W/PRQP W16-7pR � � RET EXIST W11-15 � UU/PROP PED PE3t�l&R10 25 �o� \ `0 �� � W/PROP W16-9p - (LOCATION AT APEX] '`" ° �II � � �400 FT EAST OF CW OFF PAGE] \ a � � c �, o � �- � U \. � i � <., � � •- � Q � \\ � \ ��� \�\\�\\.�., U � " \ � . . �. � \�� � �.:�...�... : � � � _ \ � � �� � \ ` � �__ ; \ \ �c�F.'EX�ST R'��� ml � \\ �� \\�. \ `� -�\\ � �\ \ \\. �\ �\'\� � \ \�� ��� a' �����EXIST R5 � - �� '_ ; � �� `�,: �� �&R"UUOBURN ' >, ���.�� "., `:� ���������� ` � ���.� :�: , \ ��� \ �; ��� � 3 � \ �� \ � � � � �. \�\� y \ ; `�,°,\� �\ � ��:. ���: � m � � �� <. \ `: � �. \ ��� � ,�, �... , � � ,:. �, ,�_�: .:,�� � � ,�,, �.,\. \ > , � �, � .. , � ��..�� ��:� _ , � �� � �. ��. \. \� �,. -. .; � �.� \. �., ���,,, .��., �\. � ��� �\� ,...�.�.\� \ , \\�� �. ._ �_� � R& IST 1�T: � � \\\\�.\.. \ ,. , co �. <.. \\� �, �\. � .. . ��\ � ��\ �. �� \... \: �\ � \�.. �:: � � ����\. �� s � \�. \:\:. _: �\.\�.��� � �,:.��, �_ �. � . ` �. \�� \, \� �.,\ � �.� , � �� ; ; �� � ���� � � ;,\. \�,. �,, , � ,: , � ,: , �� �.. \ ��� _ �.. 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NOTES: ABBREVIATIONS GENERAL 1. RRFB FOUNDATIONS SHALL BE POSITIONED AT THE IMMEDIATE EDGE OF BIKEWAY TO MAINTAIN 10-INCH ADA REACH FROM THE BIKEWAY TO THE PUSH BUTTON. CEM CEMENT GENERAL SYMBOLS CONC CONCRETE 2. THE RRFB INDICATIONS SHALL BE ROTATED AS NECESSARY TO BE VIEWED IN THE CENTER OF EXISTING PROPOSED DESCRIPTION CW CROSSWALK THE LANE UPSTREAM. EXIST EXISTING � POST CIRCULAR FND FOUNDATION 3. ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE THERMOPLASTIC. � HYDRANT HMA HOTMIXASPHALT ;:-- -�- UTILITY POLE PBN PUSH BUTTON 4. ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS DAMAGED BY SAWCUT OR WORK SHALL BE REPLACED IN FULL BY THE � TREE PED PEDESTRIAN CONTRACTOR. Q TRASH BIN PROP PROPOSED Q WATER FOUNTAIN W/CEMENT CONCRETE FOUNDATION REM REMOVE 5. LIMIT OF GRADING/AREAS OF LOAM&SEED NOT SHOWN.ASSUME XX SF BASED ON LOCATIONS RET RETAIN OF RRFB AND CONDUIT. R&R REMOVE AND RESET TRAFFIC SYMBOLS R&S REMOVE AND STACK RRFB RECTANGULAR RAPID FLASHWG BEACON EXISTING PROPOSED DESCRIPTION SL STOP LINE �}� RRFB FLASHER ASSEMBLY ST STREET � SIGN AND POST SW SIDEWALK TYP TYPICAL � PULL BOX 12"x12"(OR AS NOTED) UP UTILITY POLE _ _ _ = 3"SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT � 20 5� ��Q SCALE: 1"=20' GENERAL SYMBOLS ^: " �.. EXISTWG PROPOSED DESCRIPTION � LEXINGTON • MINUTEMAN BIKEWAY CROSSMGS POST CIRCULAR RRFB AT FLETCHER AVENUE � � HYDRANT SHEET 5 OF 10 � , - —�— UTILITY POLE � ,, � TREE ����;� � ��; v �. Q TRASH BIN - _ ��� c� .`......: �e,\RET EXIST W11-15 � �� . ��� � .�' ❑O WATER FOUNTAIN W/CEMENT CONCRETE FOUNDATION = W/PROP W1,9 '�� � �180 FT � � \ �.�.. �\�. W �� o , � ��.> � �.:� �� \�., �� � < ��.� \ TRAFFIC SYMBOLS � �s, .. ', �� �..,. ���:� , � � \������,\.,. � �-� �' �..,., � o������'` \ a � ,,.. �. \ `,:. EXISTING PROPOSED DESCRIPTION ,, � � ""� ; �� v , RRFB FLASHER ASSEMBLY "' s� � SIGN AND POST ~ �� PULL BOX 12"x12"OR AS NOTED ~� T ` ��" ❑ � ) �\ r ��� _ _ _ = 3"SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT m � � � � � � ^ 3 ��? ♦i a ABBREVIATIONS �,\ ���� RET EXIST R7-1 = a � m �� GENERAL �� � o CEM CEMENT �\��� O��� ��., � _ �\\ � � � � L � ��\� �� � � \ :� �, � ��� CONC CONCRETE ����s\ � \ s � `,:,..� \��� � CW CROSSWALK , `������~� ����� \\'� ��������s\' �\;�\ ° EXIST EXISTING � � � m ~\ \�\ � ��� \� N \� �\\\'O���� �\� Z \ o FND FOUNDATION ��� \ ��� \� _ � �` \\: 'C R&R EXIST W11-15 TO RRFB ;���,�� � HMA HOT MIXASPHALT � �� : rn � m �� �\ R&R'EXIST W16-7pL TC7 I�: �`` \��`���"�_ � PBN PUSH BUTTON \\ ��� _, � � ���\�� �, � �.� � PED PEDESTRIAN ����� ` R&R EXIST'BIKEWAY'TO RF� � ��\ ��o�, � ������ \�\��\��� ��._ � ,\\���, �� ����\��� � @ PROP PROPOSED �,�; � � \�� �\����\�����, � ^�\ Y REM REMOVE �� ��� , PROP S(}L�4f����1�ER�[�� �� _'���\ RET RETAW ��\\� � �- \� m �\\ �`� Vl�/R&R�1'l'��; � � ������ � � `�:;�.\�����:�. RRC? ��1������ ���\��� \, m R&R REMOVE AND RESET '� ,, \ ��\\ \ �� ��'� ��„ � �\\��, � � �� ��� �. � ��������� � ���:. a��i �,�\ PRQPW���;R �: ��,���..._ \ �., _ � � R&S REMOVE AND STACK �; ���\. � � ��;�,�: ��� o�... � o, ��.., � \ �� �� � ����:� ���..:�\.��. ,.�. � � �; �\\�: _ \���.�\ \��., _ � � �\ \:`lPR�P PE : N��1�25 �� �� � o��� , RRFB RECTANGULAR RAPID FLASHING BEACON �\\��� �� �� �� ~'�" �.��`\� � �� � ��, 8AC Y-5 F CNI��� ���� i � ,,� t K�����. �' E� �� � � M�NV TEMAN ��� °�. � SL STOP LINE �\ �, � �;� ���. � �� ' �` � ` \ �� � ��!�� ` G ROA \ rn ST STREET �� \\ \` \ � sw sioEwa�K COMMUTER B/KEWA>Y � ���' '� � �� TYP TYPICAL , � `����„--RET EXIST"FLETCHER AVE" UP UTILITY POLE � � R&S EXIST R1-2 \ R&S EXIST R1-2 R&R EXIST R5-3 TO P5 POST R&R R5-3 R&R EXIST R5-3 TO P-5 POST \\ NOTES: \ � WIPROP R1-1 ` W/PROP R1-1 ` � � ' ��� +, \ ,REM\\ MARKINGS(TYP) \ 1. RRFB FOUNDATIONS SHALL BE POSITIONED AT THE IMMEDIATE EDGE OF BIKEWAY TO MAINTAIN � �� � � � �\ ��\, ` ��`���� �\ e �_ `� �. ��:. ���� 10-WCH ADA REACH FROM THE BIKEWAY TO THE PUSH BUTTON. �`� �\ � ���� ��. �:, �' , ��: \��\� �� ���� ���` ��� �� '� � ��� ��\' �� �� R&1�F���3 \\ ���..�� �;: � � �. '�\�., .:�: \ �,�<_.� :\\� .� . \ � \����; . � �ti� �, ..�����., �� \ \ \�: ; � � \��.:\0��, �. � �,. y�. �� � \.� ���_\ .\�..� � \ �. <:. ��.:��..;,�\ 2. THE RRFB INDICATIONS SHALL BE ROTATED AS NECESSARY TO BE VIEWED IN THE CENTER OF �.. �� � ' ��\\.\... � �\..� � : \. �< ��\.�\� , > � � �:.. ;. �. � ; �\�� �� ��� \ � �, �O �� �\ `\. \ �; �:; � � � � ��� \���..�\� �� ������:� `;� ��' �\ �� \� � �. �� `;�S�. �e..... �\� �� THE LANE UPSTREAM. '� -����. �-��;� , O , �_ �c \����� ��.. .�..:.,. �::�. � a�. . � .:: ��...���\ �.. � �, � , � � ���� �� ��.: -,. � ��� ��\ �� \\�� � . ��� R&REXI�W1\� RF�FB �°�-� � �:� � ����\\���\�� > � \� �. � � �.. \ �� ��. \ \\� ;�- '��������� _�,',.:...;. ���. ��: �. � �\ �, `\ \ ��\ >� EXIST 6ARR " `� �� � �. � �� � \. ����; : � �.,:.� I W16-7'����0 B � :\ � �., �� � ��� .��. R&t3 EX ST p ��.. \._, �. �� .�� \���` �� �...,,. ,: �\ � ��, � ���> �. � ,.,.�\.�\��� � ��.� 3. ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE THERMOPLASTIC. ,..�: "� ,�, , �, � �.. ��\,��\\\\��� , �,:., i ..�_�..: �����`:�:.� PR�...�#2�7�fERED RRFB \�; �\ �\�� R&F��XIST'BIKE Y '� FB � ���\\\\ �� � ,. ;:, `\\� �\�\�. �� ��' ��; :�� ���' WI F�&;1(V'11-15,U�1.:-�L,&BIKEW, "���� \�� �:��.,�� �: �� ���� \�>.��.��.� :� ����� � �\ 4. ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS DAMAGED BY SAWCUT OR WORK SHALL BE REPLACED IN FULL BY THE �����\ ��;; .���\" �� CONTRACTOR. � „ � �� V�l PROP'�"1"1-15 �, � � � W/PROP W'16=TpR �:� � �� \��PROP PEC��BN:�0-25 5. LIMIT OF GRADING/AREAS OF LOAM&SEED NOT SHOWN.ASSUME XX SF BASED ON LOCATIONS ' �,.��\ ° `' � � \,\\�� R&R 4AR�E R�?�K TC� EST OF RRFB AND CONDUIT. �� � RET EXIST U� `;tLOCATIQN AT APEX] �� -��� \;�\�� ,_ ,..... ��� � , � RET EXIST PARKING SIGN ��� �� � ;�` \ \�' � \'� '\\ � � �\\ � � \ ��� � \\ �\ \ � ���\ � � `� IST�/11-15 ���� � VV"16-9p -TH OF C W OFF PAGE] 0 20 50 100 � ���,,,,, � ��,,� � SCALE: 1"=20' ,,. � GENERAL SYMBOLS �__ ~ LEXINGTON � � EXISTING PROPOSED DESCRIPTION � �����\, MINUTEMAN BIKEWAY CROSSMGS � RRFB AT MERIAM STREET � � POST CIRCULAR � �: � HYDRANT SHEET 6 OF 10 ��6 , ?� :� � � - -� UTILITY POLE 2 ��, �� � TREE PROP W11-15 � PROP W16-9p � � ��� �� � � �� � �� Q TRASH BIN (180 FT NORTH OF CW OFF PAGE& �, �\�� ���~ ,��\� � ��,� � ❑O WATER FOUNTAIN W/CEMENT CONCRETE FOUNDATION I �� ��, \ � NORTH OF�XIST UP ��,, � � � � � ��,sp\�� \ �� -o TRAFFIC SYMBOLS � \ \ � � �.����� ,.�� � _..` � � o W � a EXISTING PROPOSED DESCRIPTION �i �}� RRFB FLASHER ASSEMBLY � � SIGN AND POST ������� y � � � PULL BOX 12"x12"(OR AS NOTED) S � \��\ �� Q _ _ _ = 3"SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT \� �� � �\`:, R&R EXIST W11-15 TO RRFB W 3 ABBREVIATIONS ��``\\,� R&R EXIST,W16-7pL TO RRFB � RET EXIST R7-2a a ��� 'R&R EXIST'BIKEWAY'TO RRFB c � � GENERAL \\\ \�� \ \\ \ \\.\\ � RET EXIST BARREL a CEM CEMENT ��\`��� P�P SI�LAR POWERED RRFB � ,.� ��...,.��.����� , ���� " � RET EXfST lJP ` �PROP SOLAR POWERED RRFB,� �� e� o CONC CONCRETE �`�� �� W/R&R V�11-15,W16-7pL,&'BIKEWAY' ` �W11�����6 \\ � �" CW CROSSWALK ;\�,, •,� W/PROP W11-15 � � �� � �\ i -� � �\\\��� �OPW1��'15 ��.. � N EXIST EXISTING � \� , W/PROP W1'6-7pR ��o� �� � OP W1G\7 R �� �� � � � �-- \�; p �� � � � U FND FOUNDATION \\� ��� WJ PROP PED PBN&R10-25 � �OP PEQ PB�&R� ������ �, HMA HOT M IX ASPHALT ��" ��� �o�� (LOCATION AT APEX] �� L' �>� A�A, ��. � \\ ��" � �� ��'' �` �` � � .�� ��.,. ��\\ ;� �� � � A ~ �\\ : ���. �. =I PBN PUSH BUTTON � �\„_ �: \.. F ti.\�. N � � ' ` &1�XIST"NIE�RIAM ST"TC) IS�P-5 POST °� PED PEDESTRIAN � �� � '� R&R EXIST R1-1 TO EXIST -OST � PROP PROPOSED �\ t ��' R&R E?�IST R5-3 TO E�€������'�'Q��� _\ � REM REMOVE � R&R EXIST W11-15 TO RRFB ��; � � �,� \ �\ @ R&R EXIST W16-7pL TO RRFB RET BIKEWAY SIGN(Lt�1�Ft ON'P��T) � R&R REMOVE AND RESET R&R EXIST'BIKEWAY'TO RRFB m � R&S REMOVE AND STACK `� � RRFB RECTANGULAR RAPID FLASHING BEACON R&S WQO�EN POST �' ��,.��� 3 SL STOP LINE ` � ��� � ST STREET �� � SW SIDEWALK �� � � `��\'�\\\�;. ����`\��\\�� v �\\\� ��� RET E��sr R1 1 �� �\�\�\� � � < � \ ,,. TYP TYPICAL F�E�EXIST R5-3 � �\������� /� UP UTILITY POLE \ � .� MINUTE/��� � � �: � ��. � \� �\� �// � \��: �� ,����� COIV� NOTES: �, �� �\��\ �rl�T.F\� � � � �� ���. � ��� ��\\-��\�� ��� s,- �,,.,��� �`, �` �������,.����� � ��,�.���� `,ti"�"����:���' � ��.. _.� \����� ��; � :�: �����\�., ��\�...\ 1. RRFB F NDAT N HALL BE P T NED AT THE MMED ATE ED E F B KEWAY T MA NTA N ���� ���\�:-\��������\, \ OU 10 S S OSI 10 I I G O I O I I .� ��\�_�\�\ ��� � � �� � ��..��� � � � \�`� �`� �� ' , �_ � ,, \����\�\\��������� �� �_`. ����:����\��������������,��,. 10-INCH ADA REACH FROM THE BIKEWAY TO THE PUSH BUTTON. � � �,��� ����� � �.. , 2. THE RRFB INDICATIONS SHALL BE ROTATED AS NECESSARY TO BE VIEWED IN THE CENTER OF THE LANE UPSTREAM. �� � :� 3. ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE THERMOPLASTIC. �� � - � ,�� � 4. ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS DAMAGED BY SAWCUT OR WORK SHALL BE REPLACED IN FULL BY THE �� CONTRACTOR. �_ ti 5. LIMIT OF GRADING/AREAS OF LOAM&SEED NOT SHOWN.ASSUME XX SF BASED ON LOCATIONS ; � � OF RRFB AND CONDUIT. � � � � � � � � \ � �� \ \ � \\ � �\ �\ � � \ �� :� � _ � \' � \� � \� \:\ \ � �� \ �� �;� � �� �: �� � � � �;\ � \ \� � �,� � � ` � \ \` \ �� � � i � \` \ - � � �\��\ \ �\����o�: \ ` '�� � ��c \�� �. �\ \ �.�_ � RET EXIST W11-15 �� W/PROP W16-9p � � (125 FT SOUTH OF CW OFF PAGE] ��_ �� 0 20 50 100 ; SCALE: 1"=20' GENERAL SYMBOLS �\ , EXISTING PROPOSED DESCRIPTION � �� LEXINGTON , � � MINUTEMAN BIKEWAY CROSSMGS � POST CIRCULAR ; � RRFB AT REVERE STREET � �;i= � HYDRANT \ \ ` SHEET 8 OF 10 0 „ _- —�— UTILITY POLE � � TREE RET EXIST W'11-15 �806.� �� v W/PROP UU16-9p \ `V Q TRASH BIN j200-FT NOi?TH OF CW OF�PAGE) � ` � O❑ WATER FOUNTAIN W/CEMENT CONCRETE FOUNDATION m o; � � ; � o m , TRAFFIC SYMBOLS '� `\��~\ �' EXISTWG PROPOSED DESCRIPTION m ` \\ o �� � a \\ \\\� N � PRC3P SAI�(CUT{TY � �� \ �� �: � � ��� RRFB FLASHERASSEMBLY � � \���; � � \� �; ��� � O �\ � � SIGN AND POST \ � � ��`�� �`'�����\�� �''� \ ` � \` ��\�: o::: ��\��� , y ��\.\. �\ \ �� PULL BOX 12"x12"OR AS NOTED , ;�� �� � � � � � � `� ����� � � ;�� ; � � :�s� \ \.. — — — = 3"SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT �`~\��� � � \ \ - - - �o.` � �:i� ° \������\; � � �� 3 ��\� �' ���� � �����\.. � .\� \� ��\ �'� ���\\> \�. � �. � \�� \��`\�' RET EXIST[JP' ��. , ` �" ���` �\"� PROP SERUICE CQ{��CT��*1 � ��` �� � � ���� \����,.. � ABBREVIATIONS ` �� _���`�;�� � � , ca \ ����� �� � � W/RIS€R,WEAT}iERH��,&DISCONNECT �����° a �\�� ����`.. ��,; ��� �� s���i��� ��. .� ..� :,�� ��r��� �� . ��0���� c \� ��\\� \' \\�� GENERAL � � �, �\; ��\ � o R&R EXIST W11-15 T�R;f2FB, :. \� , ' � �� �� \�\ ���. �\�\�� .0 ���\.\'\\\\a ' \��� �� �` .' ��, L _' �_ CEM CEMENT R&R EXIST W16-7pL TO RRFB;��\`� � �\� �\� �� = P�OP 12"�1�PB �� � � � �i\ �� `�`_ ��. � � i��. ..��.: . �.\:�..: :i:....� ,.��\ ' �\\ ;���. �.:����� .. \����� �� . ��. �.;., ����' in CONC CONCRETE R&R E�CIST BIKEWAY TO RRFB ���..; ��� `� �., ;� �.� ;\� `� �,� o ���� �� ��� � `� ,,\ o� � ���\�, �\ �, �. ��; \ ,. � �. � �:. �. ��\��\...:� �\ :� :�,�; ..��� ti. y��ROE'3 5CH 8Q I��fC CUNDUIT TYP �. ����o\� �? CW CROSSWALK �,��,� � \� `���� �: " { ) �� \�� � � N \:� �\.: �'�\ .,�� �:.�,� ��\ 3 c \: ��.: + \� \ '� �:�_ \\.. �: \�s EXIST EXISTING � PROP A/C PUWERED RRFB�;.,, >�\� ;�� ,\�; ���.�:, ���; ,�_ ':��� � �: ��\ ,��\� \�o� �\�, �:\ �\\ _ _ � < :���`\ �� ��� \ �� W/R&R W11 15,W16-7 L,&'BIKE � FND FOUNDATION p ;.�:' ' �: �� �� �'� \\�.; �`—���`ti,`: ' � . ��Y ��.... . ��� `\ ;�\ � � � \ :.�\�� ; `� , �\ \ � �\\�\ TEMP'F2ELOCATE EXIST TRASI-�����?l��\\ ,; m PBN PUSH BUTTON W/PROPW� „\ � � _�„° �:: �������\;::; � �: ��� o ` � �\ �\. �\� � �� � � �� i:\�. �\\\��:. � \ �. � � \��� �\�. ��..�o� �\\ ,,�� �.i.��: .:\�\ \ ��z _.� W/PROP�1�-7 R �� �., � � , :\. ��� � ,.� {� �� �� � �� �� \�..a �\`:��., \:. �\ �� a' PED PEDESTRIAN \� " ,�� v �\. �� � ;���. �\ .. �..�. ��' �\�\; �: �� �\: :�:.�� �� �� \\ - �� :.� � �� �\..���:, ����� �UUf PROP PED P �R1tl 25 � .�\ ,� < �: ��. ; �� �����,� >, � �l � �\ �� �„� R�S EXIST R1.� \ � �v��\ � PROP PROPOSED �. `,O:�� ��� ;t. �::::: \\... �� � , m : ,�%` \`� �":: . \ �, �: ��\�.... \ .��. ��. 3 REM REMOVE {�l BACK CORNER OF R,4ArtPj ���. �\ ,� � \\RET EXI�T F��`-3 `\\ ;\� � �:� \� �`� /",�a �' `�\ \ ���\�\� ��� ;\ � ��� W���OP R1-1 �� \\'= Y RET RETAW ����\�\� �,� \� � \� ` �\ \\���� m R&R REMOVE AND RESET "'�'-%i�f \\�� �����°�~ �\�\\\ ° /i��.,+"- �\ `�� ti.� `\. ��\\... R&S REMOVE AND STACK � -�' � ���i \= ���,�� �����\�,, : � � RRFB RECTANGULAR RAPID FLASHING BEACON •+> SL STOP LINE \\ �`� c �\~ \����,� , � ST STREET 1 �I � �VIINUTEMAN COMMUTER BIKEINAY � TYP TYPICAL , � UP UTILITY POLE \°\ \ \ ;`: NOTES: \ ���`� \\ �' `�; ����� PROP A!C POWERED RRFB \\\ \� \ 1. RRFB FOUNDATIONS SHALL BE POSITIONED AT THE IMMEDIATE EDGE OF BIKEWAY TO MAINTAIN � `. ; � W/R&R W11-15,W16-7pL,&'BIKEWAY' 10-WCH ADA REACH FROM THE BIKEWAY TO THE PUSH BUTTON. � R&S EXIST R1-2 \ �� ���\ W/PROP W11-5 \; �� � � ;:\ � � � �.� - �� �;RET E�lST R5-3 ��\ �\ �:��, Wl PROP W 16 7pR �� �` ��, ���\ ' W/PROP PED PBN&R10-25 2. THE RRFB INDICATIONS SHALL BE ROTATED AS NECESSARY TO BE VIEWED IN THE CENTER OF �,T EXIST"REUERE ST"SIGN ����,. ��� THE LANE UPSTREAM. �\\� ��\. �� AT BACK CORNER OF RAMP � \ UUI PROP R1-1 \�\.� �\ � � �. �\� � \�\= �`< ��.. ��\��� \ : 3. ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE THERMOPLASTIC. ����\�\ �: � ��:\ � R&R EXIST 1/#�1-15 TO RRFB ��\�\�, ��\�� �� R&R EXIST W16-7pL TO RRFB o� � 4. ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS DAMAGED BY SAWCUT OR WORK SHALL BE REPLACED IN FULL BY THE \�.�;: �\ �: � ��;. , `�\\, , ,, ��.�.� .� � �:. ' R&R EXIST'BIKEWAY'TO R B � CONTRACTOR. ��\\�� \ ��'`� ��...,, \�, �e RF �, \ �\��� ��; �<,.���� �� �� �\ ��\. �.�� � \�: � ��� � �,�� �. �\\\\\: ; \ � �;�, 5. LIMIT OF GRADING/AREAS OF LOAM&SEED NOT SHOWN.ASSUME XX SF BASED ON LOCATIONS � ���: � , �\\� �� �,� �; ��� \�� �. . , � OF RRFB AND CONDUIT. �\\ \ \ ��\\\ � \ �\\ \ \ \\``' ` �\� \�: \ � ��" � � �� \� ��\ � o� \ �.... �\�..,. ���� .�\\\ � �� \�:`��'.:\��� �\�� \`' ' �o���\� \� '-::�� � ���� �\ �� �o� �� \ �� \: \� � ;�\\\�\�� ��� �' �����\ \ � � �� �,� �, �\ � � \�.. ' �\� �\ ���:� \ � \ \ \� �\� � �,���\\ �����\ s \�\�\S\ ���� �:' � \ �: \���� � \ ��� ����� �� i ��\� .....�, ..��\. �.' ,s= ���� � �� �.. � �.�,':_\\� .� ��\:� .�\�\� �� ����� .,\: .��. ':�.�\\\\• .;�.� � .,:\ .��;��..i .�:�: .�,��.: :-���\\.�\ ��� �.\: �� ,..��;�\\�. .�o\�\ .y\. �. \ \� \ \ � .o�:.�. �.�\�\. :��\�j\�� .::..�: �� �:\��\� \\� \�.. ��c\�..�c.�.: ::e �� �\��.. ��\�.� ... \ .. \�.,;� ��\��� ��.. ���.-\�` �\ �\��. �\\��•�\�. ::\\ �,�; :�\�������\�.�\�\'��.,.�:�\�:.\:� �� �,\.`� \,:'\���; �' \\ \ O\ � �; � � \.�\\ � ��::��� ���\�,.\ � \� ����� �\�� _��� \� \\\\. ��; o� ���; ��,.� �,:��\ ��,�\\, �.��.� .��, � � � .��,\.�\\ y,\\, � �. �\��. ��\\.�� �\\\ �� _: ��� ��\� ��\��:��:.� �����`�:.���� � �\\\� � ,� \��\�O����\\�.���� �\\\�� � � �: ���<' �, , ���;�������� �\\����� � ��\ �' �_ Q�� ���\.. �\�O\\\ ��� � `\�,:i�:\����\� �\\\,\ �.. ����� \�.. `�\ ��:. ��� �\\ \�\��' ��. \�\�. ���\� �\�. �\�� �.�,: � \ �\:. �,� �\�:� ��.��\\�.; > ���� �  �; � ��� �;:� ��:�. ,�\ �,,..\�::: \��.� � � �, ��..\ �.; ���� .�. � ,\� �.�\.\��:::: �..�� °�, <.��� �� �� �� \,\� o: �\�,��� ,:�.\� _. :� � � ���, ti�, �\� ,\ \��� ��,. �:\. \\� �> �.; �, �.,: \::. � ���� -- \� > \�\�. \ �.: �� .. �\��.\ � ��`��� 's � \\' ��' ��� \\ ���' �'' �\������ � ,� � " \\` �� � \ �� \\�\� � � ��,.� \�����. .�. ��. � ;�' �\ �::.;��;��� ,. . \ .\� \. �\�. \� ��O �������\�yy�\ � ��\. �..����...� � \�x': �\�\ �` \' \� \�\ ` � \: i \��\ �` y�\��\�\��� o�� � \ �� � \� � � \�� �;i �_ . �.. ii:� .:e�\\\ � . .,�o��ti`�s..�����\� ��,�\ � ,� \�.� ��::.:� '\� �� \�. \ � ������\�.:t � :\ �' � \\\,`.�. `\� \\:i: \\���'�\�:�\\\���.. ,\ � .\: p\ :�� \\\." \\��� \�� . \�\ 3��\� �,\�\\.� \ � ,�.. � �. \\� ��� �. . ��.o\��� �c�\\,�.::��.•\�•�\ O �� �. \.. ;�\\. �' � ..\ �\...\�� .�\: ���� �� �\ :.\ t:�' ::'.� \..\ .\ . `� �\\� .��� :\�� �:\,��� � ��\ �. �� � �� \\ \ ��\ �� \;� ��� ; \' � ��. � � � �\.\ �� \ ��. \ � ,��:., �� � ��� �, � \: � �, ,... � \ ��,,. � �� � ,, ,, �� �� � ,,� .,, � , � - - � � �, � � �' �� \ � .��. \ � ,�� �� � � 0 20 50 100 �„ �� �\� \ , � � �:� ,.:. \��� \�;� �� ,� \\ � �� ��� ` �; � �� ; _-�\ � � ��.� \,, �, \�..; ,� � � �. \\.�., � , �\. �., \. �.. ,, �� , .� �_ \� ,.. \ � \.. � � . � �� �..,\ �.���,. �. �. � �:.. ��\�.., �� °\~ .o�� �� :��<\\ �\\��:: SCALE: 1"=20' ABBREVIATIONS � LEXINGTON �. GENERAL \ _` MINUTEMAN BIKEWAY CROSSMGS CEM CEMENT � �\ � = RRFB AT HANCOCK STREET � � �� �. CONC CONCRETE ��� "� \� , SHEET 7 OF 10 0 CW CROSSWALK \\\ ��"` �� � EXIST EXISTWG R&R W11,15 \� � \ � PROP W�6-9„ '�� _� � N �� �� ����. 8�b FND FOUNDATION �18f�FTN�,R��OFCWOFFP� ��� HMA HOT MIX ASPHALT \ \\ � � NORTf���`�XIST UP] �\�� � �\~' � ���`��>, � PBN PUSH BUTTON �� \� \����\��� ,�{ o PED PEDESTRIAN � \ \ ��� "� -6 PROP PROPOSED \ \ �� ��\�� � ��' y� � �° _ �I�j `' � REM REMOVE \\��\\ \ �\��\� �o` � 0 \ �� a RET RETAIN ���\�� � � \ R&R REMOVE AND RESET \�\ � "� �` �; � � \� R&S REMOVE AND STACK \' �\\�. ` �� �� �; RRFB RECTANGULAR RAPID FLASHING BEACON \��� ��\ '`� � �\ �� � ��� \\ 'A�, ^ SL STOP LINE ��� ���� � a �� ST STREET ���� �� � SW SIDEWALK ' � ` � � a �� �� TYP TYPICAL \ ��� a UP UTILITY POLE \� � , �� <PROP SOLAR POWERED RRFB � �� 2 � ,� RET EXIST UP W/R&R W11-15,W16-7pL,&'BIKEWAY' \ �� \ W/PROP W11-15 0 NOTES: � ' �?� �� W/PROP W16-7pR v � N �� \, ` W/PROP PE[.�PBN&R10-25 � `' LOCATION AT APEX � i 1. RRFB FOUNDATIONS SHALL BE POSITIONED AT THE IMMEDIATE EDGE R&E��IST W11 15 Tt'3��FB � � �' ,. OF BIKEWAY TO MAINTAIN 10-INCH ADA REACH FROM THE BIKEWAY TO �-`�� \ ` m � �� � 13&R I�ST W16-7pL TO R �,�� �� ,��� �\ _����: � ��� a� � \ \� \ \ ��o�� �� � THE PUSH BUTTON. �� �� „`�IKEWAY'�C3 R �� `� � �`� ��� \�����: � �. � ��� � \ a �, \ \ �. ��� �� `�\\` 3 2. THE RRFB INDICATIONS SHALL BE ROTATED AS NECESSARY TO BE �� \�' � ��` Y �� PRt'�P, POWERED RRFB' � \,� 13�F2 EXIST R1-1 < �:� �� .- VIEWED IN THE CENTER OF THE LANE UPSTREAM. �: , , ��. �� �� ��� m \ �� �I �` ���,:W'��-�pL�&BIF�WAY ��,�: ;��� R&R EXIST�t5-3 TO R�PO���: � �� �����..� �� , � m Wf PRbP W1�='f5 ��,�� ' � 3. ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE THERMOPLASTIC. �~�,�\�� � \ < W/PROP W16-7p��-��\�� ,�:' �� � �� ;������ � �� 1�1 PROP PED PBN&R10-2 ,�\. �; _ � \ . 4. ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS DAMAGED BY SAWCUT OR WORK SHALL BE ' �`, �- \` � REPLACED IN FULL BYTHE CONTRACTOR. � �LOCATIONATAPE . ���\��, � �i ���,�: R&R EXIST W11-15 TO RRFB � 5. LIMIT OF GRADING/AREAS OF LOAM&SEED NOT SHOWN.ASSUME XX m� ; R&R EXIST W16-7pL TO RRFB � SF BASED ON LOCATIONS OF RRFB AND CONDUIT. \ \ � ' \' � R&R EXIST'BIKEWAY'TC]RRFB , � \ � MINiJT��IIAN; �� �&R R�-3 Cl'�MMUi`fR BIKEWAY,,, RET EXIST R1-1�J � ��`° �� RET EXIST R5-3 ��. �' ���` � \ ��: �: �. �oo\ � � ? � �' � � ,.. �.� : � � �� ' �. \ �\\- GENERAL SYMBOLS � ���' ` � � EXISTWG PROPOSED DESCRIPTION � ti � �� \�' � POST CIRCULAR � � �, �` ,���� � � HYDRANT �' ` \\` `� -� UTILITY POLE ��� �� �� ; ��\�\ � �� � \\ �_ �o`.. � � ��\�������: TREE �� ������ � �\���\���, Q TRASH BIN �\ ` ���\� �\``,���\� . �� �\ �� � ��\�� � \,; ` ��\ ❑O WATER FOUNTAIN W/CEMENT CONCRETE FOUNDATION ��� �� ��� ���� \_ \�\\ ` \ _'�' \�_ \�\�:. �� \ \.� � � ��'' �;' �� ��� � � \ � TRAFFIC SYMBOLS � ����~ ` \, \\� �\ EXISTING PROPOSED DESCRIPTION �� � �. ���' � � � � �._ �{�}� RRFB FLASHER ASSEMBLY � � � �s. � SIGN AND POST � RET RECENTLY CONSTRUCTED SW; � PULL BOX 12"x12"(OR AS NOTED) ; `\ _ - 3"SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT � \ - - � - - - �. \�o' I�E\/A��TE W11-1�FOLLt3WING FINAL ROUNDABOUT PLACEMENT �� ` � ��`' W/PROP W16-9p c � \\ � ��� � � .�` ���� ��� � �: �' 0 20 50 100 ����� fi��� ��,��,-. ��� ,� � � ���� n � \\ ���� '�, � ;,�`° SCALE: 1 =20 ,; ��� � � , � � � \�\.� �$'. � � � ��-.. ���::.: \�\ �° � LEXMGTON GENERAL SYMBOLS � ��� \ MINUTEMAN BIKEWAY CROSSINGS \�\ \ \ �� ���\ RRFB AT WESNIEW STREET � EXISTING PROPOSED DESCRIPTION �������,N � � `�� � d POST CIRCULAR ` � � �� SHEET 9 OF 10 0 � \" � \\ \ \ � � � � � � � F• • HYDRANT ��� `, � ; � � � � � � \��.: > � =� � ��\ ; ��� \� � �� � �� �,� ; �� �` N UTILITY POLE `� ` � � �� \� �`� � -� TREE \ � ��. ` `�` \ � � � Q TRASH BW � �` ��Q� �' �' o� � �� � � � �� ; �\ � \. c RET EXIST W11-15 �� ���� \ : �\� � � O WATER FOUNTAIN W/CEMENT CONCRETE FOUNDATION �_ �� �-���� � . \��; �\ . �� � � � W/PROP W16-9 � . � �� \\ � ; P � ` �� �� "\�� ���;; �' � �. � �.. � � �� �� � � `�,� ��:�: ; , : (30 E�f�T OF CW t�FF PAGE] �' � � �� ���..�: �\�� �;\ � o ��� ���� ���� ���:: o\;���� ��\��� \ ���. \���� �\ � �:�� � \;� �:� � a <\� \ �;�`\�.'��� ��:� ���:�� �\� \� \ � ` : \ � � \ti �� �. � �� .\�. ... .::�o... �\������..� ��� _ � ''� : \\�� �\\;.: ��a. '.�� .�: ,\����. TRAFFIC SYMBOLS � � �. �.�� ��\ o; �� ���: , � �, � � � � �\� � � � �. o � � \� � � \ �� �: \.� � � \ �;: � �_ \\\���.: , � .: �..\. .�\..:o: .i ..ti �� �.. .\���.\\...: .�� �� ' .:. ...� �..'� � \\O. m�..�. � ��� \ \���..\��.... � � �" � � �' �� �\ ..� ���.. �.:...�, ��; .._� � �� ;�\\<.. \\\\��:�.\��\\...:.. ...\. \\����� ...� : ,�.:� :��� ���.:� \.� ;\: �...a. \: � � � ����� \:\��\�\�::: ,\. �\; �:\' � ,: �\ \�� �. � .�� �� � �,:: �: �� �, \ � .��\ ���.:\ �� � � � �1�� ��.�. � � ,��� _\~�\; � EXISTING PROPOSED DESCRIPTION �. ��.: ���� � � � � \� \ � � � �� � � ��\� ����\ \ ` \\� � \ \\ \ \ �}� RRFB FLASHER ASSEMBLY �� �\ � ��� � � ;�\ ��� ��\, � � �`-���` ��� � ��� �\�. � �Y� �� (/� �� \ �. \ �� T SIGN AND POST ;y� �� ���� �� � \ � � ` � ����� � �..: � � �� � PULL BOX 12"x12"(OR AS NOTED) \\�`�\ \ � ��� ` �; �\ \:�� �.� .� ❑ `\�.��\ � �'� "' \� �.:� �� \�,\ ����\��� �� :�. �� � �. �: \ � �� _ - - - - 3"SCHEDULE 80 PVC CONDUIT �;��\�.:� � �;; � �� � � ` �� � - - - - �` �� �, �� � \ � �:: ����\,�, �\ � ,. ���� � �.. �� ��' �` \ �: �: �� �\\ �. \ \:.�� � � \; � �i \�� �o\\\�\,•� �, \: � �t. \ \ ��.� ..\ \. \ ��� \\:'�\� ����::` ���� � \, �\. \.. \,:�. �. ��..:.,�. \.:� \, � \` �::\ \\��\�� � ��. �� \ � \ � �,.� ��'�: ABBREVIATIONS ������ ����� PRC�P 3" �(T PUC CONDUI7 Tl�P � ��\ �' � \ \ � � \\ ��.,.� � �. �. \ � � � � �� � 3 GENERAL _ �o��: � �� .�.. � � �� \\ �\ �a �;� �\. � � � ; �\\: :���� �� � -a �:�:' � ��' �:.. :� �; ;; � ���� ��� �� CEM CEMENT � \' � � ���.. .:� \, �. � ;' c ��, � \� � �.:����; �.;' �����; ��`. m \ �. ��: �� . �� �\. �\ c \���� \� ���\�. � ����.��. CONC CONCRETE �: �; � � �����. a\�\� ���:.;�. � a ��' ,� �; �. �\. ��' ��\�� `\\\\\ �� � � R&R EXIST W�, �;;� �: \.\���� �' \\ � �. ��� �, \\ ���� \ � CW CROSSWALK � ��� � �\�� .���: ;;; \� ��\���. �,. ,� o , � � \ �\ �.. � \ O �� R R I T 1` \ , , �: �<, \.��� ����\O. � �:: - � � & EX S W����. `,.. ;:� \���`�� � \�� � , � \�. ,.,\,,\\ � � �� �� EXIST EXISTING \ ` � �, �� �����\� ;\� ����R EXIST'BIKEVIW;�`�'�IGI�ITt�RRFf�� � �.� �\.���� �: \ �� �\ ��\����\��:` .� ` ..� ��� ��:� � � \�\ �\�.: \: � '�; in FND FOUNDATION ,� � � �\ �� , ��, ��\ � � � \ �� ' � �; � � �� ��\\� �\\� �� �\\�. � �` �� .:\ \. � � o ���\\ �\ � � s:�� \ PBN PUSH BUTTON �� ` ��� � :�� ti ���� \; ��' _\' \ v PED PEDESTRIAN °\ �� \ � �\��\ \\ �" \;, ���\��\ , \\ �: �\ ��� PROP PROPOSED :��\ ���. � \�� ���' ` ` R&R EXIST R1-1 � � ��\: \�\�� \� ���� � o �,o; ����,��\ , PROP A/C F?OWERED RRFB ;��` �,�� ��:�� R&R EXIST R5-�: �� REM REMOVE � \� \\,, \. , ����, ;��; �� m RET RETAIN � \�� . R W 11-15,W'16-7pL,&BIKEWAY' \' �;; jT0 OPPOSII�fG S]DE�}�WC30�FEfVCEf R&R REMOVE AND RESET �� � �o�� � lNl PROF��/11-15 \,. ° � � � � � ���\�\:�����.� W/PROR�:��PR � ` \� � R&S REMOVE AND STACK ��;������� �~�� �� � � .c � �' 3 �` :. \ \��� , \PROP PE�PB -25 � <� � RRFB RECTANGULAR RAPID FLASHING BEACON � �, ���; '���� \ � ~ ;;, Y �' �\ ���\�����.:. ,. e � m SL STOP LINE �� ;� � : y��� �� �\ PRUPAl��?WERED RRFB: <' ,;�� � ; �� \ _ ` __ � ���., , , \� � ST STREET ;��i � ��� �=�.i= = ! �\ y° WJ R&�W\���,�N16�pL,.�BIKEWAY' �. � � �� �\' �\ � --_` �\� ��1�/1� ���11 1? �� j TYP TYPICAL �� � �� ��� �\ �� � ��; �,����� M/N MAN �,��\,� �����R „��� � � � _ UP UTILITY POLE \�„ �� \ UTE � ��\ � P�„ �� � � � ������°�IIMUTER B � \\ , \\ \�� „\� � �� �_ � \�. , �����. ��`�., �. /KEWAY I - ��� ��:, r�r����� r�-ow000F�n�c�' ;�._ ' �, � �\��� � \ � ��\ �� ;\ o� ,,, � ;��� ���;�: I �; �:: � , � \\\� �: ��,.����������\ ��.\�� ��� ��. \�� \� � � NOTES. ����...�� ��~\ �\�.:�� � \\:: _ \���� � \ \ � \��.. \� I' �� � \\\\\ �S �+ ; ���o�. ��� � �'�� ���� \�\\: � ���:,�. ,.� ::�i�\I�`:, _� ����� .�\���, � � �.\\\� � �,� �. :���.� ���.�. ��;..:..: ��,��_: \ �. �� ���::�.��� ��. ::. "���\...,: < ��� �-- ��. � �\\ �:.:. �..�..�.._:. ��. ..... �\�..\... '' 1. RRFB FOUNDATIONS SHALL BE POSITIONED AT THE IMMEDIATE EDGE OF BIKEWAY TO : � ��. _.,\ ���. O��o.. ,�. ,. \�.,\,., �\�� � � \\��� � \�\ �\ � ��� �\�: �.o���.�.� ��\�,:, ��\. � �: �� � \�C��\.�\:��� �\.\�, � ����:: . \ ,. �,�\\\,\� ,\\�\ � ,,,,��. _ �\\,,��\ ,�,�� � ,,.�,�,. MAINTAIN 10 INCH ADA REACH FROM THE BIKEWAY TO THE PUSH BUTTON. ���, .�.; �\,:,.s �\\ �... ��,_.�� � � ,�� � � � P ���L\ �� \\ \ \ � \� \, � ; �\�\� � � � \,: � ��_ �..��� -�� ����: �: � \ ���: :\:�. � �\�� �� � ; `< �......\ � !��, �.. _ �.� \ � \ < \ � �\....�:. : ,� \��..: -_. �:�. � : 2. THE RRFB INDICATIONS SHALL BE ROTATED AS NECESSARY TO BE VIEWED IN THE CENTER OF � _ ' :\�� ,� � \, ; � R&R EXIST R5 3 � �\� � \ ��� y\\` � THE LANE UPSTREAM. � RE7 E�I�T�� \ �` ��� ������ \ R&R EXIST R1� \ � ;��\ �, �; �.,;';; R$�R EXIST"WESTVIEW ST"SIG�*1' PR�P SER� \ ECTI��� \�\���; ���' � \� � �� ;�> W/RISER.:� �D��ISCQNNE��� \� ` 3. ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS SHALL BE THERMOPLASTIC. � ; � ���; �� ;�, �,� ��.;.�, �� � ; ° �: �;, \ �:���� � � � � \� o. �. \� ��` �'�-`�� ��\� "�\\: �� � �:' \��'`i.\�� \\. �\ \� 4. ALL PAVEMENT MARKINGS DAMAGED BY SAWCUT OR WORK SHALL BE REPLACED IN FULL BY � � ��\, � � � � � ` \� \����� � \ :���� �� THE CONRACTOR. ` ��� � �� ��`�\ � \.,�\\ � \�` \� � � �� \ \\ � � \� ',R&R�XIST W11-15 TO RRFB \ �`:.` �~ _�� ' ��.� ��� ;\\�� ; � \ � � \�\; \\�� �� 5. LIMIT OF GRADING/AREAS OF LOAM&SEED NOT SHOWN.ASSUME XX SF BASED ON �'\�: `' � "� ����� \ �� p ��` �\ � \,�� \, R;�EXIST W16-7 L TO RRFB„. � � ' LOCATIONS OF RRFB AND CONDUIT. ��: �� � ` �'�� � \ � " \ � R&R EXI=\�BIKEWAY'SIGN TO RRFB` ��� � � �� \.. �� ��� ; �\ � � � � � �::.. � �. � � � � �. \'��\�\��`�\ \���\.\� \ ���\�� � ���� \��� .. c���. :�.��\���\��. \'\� � \\���.. ��, \. .. �.�` ��\��'`.����\���~... .� � :�\\��:. \:. �: � ��\\���.�`�\�: � ����\\� c� � �� \\��.\��`\ ` �\�� �; \ � � ` � � ��\ �\, � ���, � �\ �` � , � ���o:....\� �� �� \\��. � �� ��� ��. � \�, �\����. \ �� � � � �\ ��\\� � � ��: ,��� � .� �\ � ��� � � i \ �.�' ��\ �' \� \ \� � � ���� \ � \� � ��� \: \\ � �\���\\ �� � \�\� �� . � \� ��� � �\ � . �\� \\ � �� \ \:� \�� ��: ��� .. �� \ \� : �� '`�: �� ��� RET EXIST W11-15 � \�: �; \\ � \ '�� `�,� ,� V�PRE)P W,16-9 '���\\\'; \�: �� � ; p � ��` � �� �� �\\ .; \�: � � � ���� \ � � ; ' \\ �� � �:� ��� � �. ��� \.� �\ ���\\ '\�\ \ \ \ � �� � 0 20 50 100 ~\ ���` �� � �`��\ � �� ; , , �,�o� , , ��� ; ����� �� O�, ; �� ��� � , �,� \. � �\ ' �a` � `����� \\ ; �������� `�� � �\�\ SCALE: 1"=20' � �� = \ LEXW GTON TRAFFIC SIGN SUMMARY MINUTEMAN BIKEWAY CROSSINGS � SIZE OF SIGN(in) TEXT DIMENSIONS(in) NUMBER COLOR NUMBER OF SIGN SUMMARY&CONSTRUCTION DETAILS m IDENTIFICATION UNIT AREA TOTAL AREA a NUMBER LETTER VERTICAL ARROW OF SIGNS gACK- POSTS (SF) (SF) SHEET 10 OF 10 N WIDTH HEIGHT LEGEND HEIGHT SPACING RTE.MKR REQUIRED GROUND LEGEND BORDER REQUIRED N `m 3 � R1-1 30 30 �� 1 8 RED WHITE WHITE (5 ON EXIST 6.25 50.00 NOTES: � POST) o 1�. SEE 2009 MANUAL ON UNIFORM TRAFFIC CONTROL DEVICES FOR STREETS AND HIGHWAYS FOR TEXT AND LEGEND � � 0 DIMENSIONS. " R10-25 9 12 �T� 16 WHITE BLACK BLACK (16 MOUNT W/ 0.75 12.00 � a �mc RRFB) 2. THE MINIMUM MOUNTING HEIGHT OF POST-MOUNTED SIGNS,MEASURED VERTICALLY FROM THE BOTTOM OF THE SIGN TO u�,s THE TOP OF CURB OR SIDEWALK,OR THE ELEVATION OF THE NEAR EDGE OF TRAVEL WAY,SHALL BE 7 FEET UNLESS � OTHERWISE SPECIFIED. W11-15 30 30 � �� FLUORESCENT gLACK BLACK (16 MOUNT W/ 6.25 106.25 � YELLOW-GREEN RRFB) °' 3. A MINIMUM OF 3'-0"PATH OF TRAVEL CLEARANCE,EXCLUDING CURB,IS REQUIRED WHEN PLACWG SIGNS. a �, 0 �@ W16-7pR 24 12 � 16 FLUORESCENT BLACK BLACK (16 MOUNT W/ 2.00 32.00 a� YELLOW-GREEN RRFB) DEPTH AND SURFACE a 1 TREATMENT VARIES(SEE � W16-9p 24 12 AHEAD 16 FLUORESCENT gLACK BLACK �14 W/EXIST 2.00 32.00 PLANS) ` YELLOW-GREEN W11-15&1 W/ EXIST SURFACE a PROP W11-15) U M � ���� ���� I SOLAR PANEL ORIENTED FOR OPTIMAL � � SUNLIGHT CAPTURE EXIST SURFACE � T 3 � � NEMA ENCLOSURE FOR CONTROLLER(SIZE MAY , 07 VARY) EXISTWG MATERIAL SUITABLE FOR � REUSE� � � � W11-15 SIGN(TYP.SEE SPECIAL PROVISIONS � 2'(MIN)TO FACE (FACING EACH DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC) o rn� M � � OF CURB 6"DETECTABLE METALLIC WARNING � � DUAL RECTANGULAR YELLOW LED BEACONS IN NEMA � o 0o TAPE CONFORMING TO CURRENT � ENCLOSURE • � APWA STANDARDS � (FACING EACH DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC) � SEE DETAIL A 3"SCH 80 PVC CONDUIT � W16-7P SIG � � � (FACING EACH DIRECTION OF TRAFFIC) � � � � � O SAND BEDDING(M1.04.0) 6'(RECOMMENDED) R10-25 SIG - <10'(MAX)TO FACE OF CURB APS PUSHBUTTO � (SEE NOTE 5) � z _ � �10"(MAX)FOR SIDE REACH TRAFFIC SIGNAL POST& � �� � �� ��.� � PEDESTAL ��$„ 1.5%* I 1"(MAX)x 45°CHAMFER(TYP) �M,qX� COMPACTED SUBGRADE�� � NOTES: *EXISTING MATERIAL OBTAINED FROM EXCAVATION THAT IS DETERMINED TO BE SUITABLE, AND APPROVED BY THE ENGINEER SHALL BE USED.BACKFILL SHALL BE PLACED IN LAYERS � TRAVEL WAY CUR ADA COMPLIANT SURFACE NO MORE THAN 6"IN DEPTH AND THOROUGHLY COMPACTED.BACKFILLING TO A POINT 2' OVER THE PIPE SHALL CONTAIN NO STONES LARGER THAN 3". DETAIL A:DUAL YELLOW BEACON EMENT CONCRETE **SOFT OR UNSUITABLE MATERIAL EXISTING BELOW THE REQUIRED BEDDING GRADE SHALL 1'-8" FOUNDATION BE REMOVED AS DIRECTED AND REPLACED WITH SAND,GRAVEL,CRUSHED STONE OR OTHER 2"(MIN NOTES: SUITABLE MATERIAL AND THOROUGHLY COMPACTED. ILOT LIGHT 1. RFFB MUST PROVIDE RADIO ANTENNA FOR DUAL ACTIVATION. 2. CROSSWALK AND ADA-COMPLIANT RAMPS NOT SHOWN. CO N D U I T TRE N C H - � � SEE PLANS FOR LOCATIONS. 3. ACCESS TO ALL PEDESTRIAN ACTUATED CONTROLS SHALL BE N.T.S. ADA/AAB COMPLIANT 5°(MIN) 5"(MIN) 4. "0.5%CONSTRUCTION TOLERANCE FOR CROSS-SLOPE. 7"(MIN) RECTANGULAR RAPID FLASHING BEACON (RRFB) N.T.S. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Discuss Police Station Project Budget for Solar Canopy/Batteries PRESENTER: ITEM NUMBER: Mike Cronin, Director of Public F acilities I.2 S UMMARY: Category:Decision-Making Attac hed p leas e find the p re s entatio n materials fro m the las t S elec t B o ard meeting when this was d is c us s ed. Mike Cronin, Director of Public Facilities will discuss the two options, either erecting the steel, finish the p arking areas and c o ns truc tio n o f full 22 fo o t wid e s id ewalks and re s to ratio n o f F letc her F ie ld. T he s ec o nd option is to not erect the steel, in which case the plan would be to install 8 foot wide sidewall�s (to allow for the fo o tings) and re s to ratio n o f F letc her F ield and the remaining wo rk(erec t s te el, lighting, finis h s id ewalks)wo uld take p lac e at a later date. SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo ve to autho rize To Wn s taff to erec t the frame and c o mp lete as muc h s o lar ins tallatio n as financ ially p o s s ib le at this time and to include a Town Meeting article on the F all Town Meeting to fund the remaining balance to finish the project, including batteries. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 4/24/2024 6:OOpm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � ]q��:r����������m �ar���,,���.��r�����:���������Fl��i�����:����������:�����,'��I:�����c:� IC�.��:n��:�:m�� �:�����:r� IC�:n���r��� � ���M�������,��;��:����M�:���7i�,,,,,����,�����:��M��. IC�,��f����� �:..������. IC�,f�7i�i�:� � m�.��:������������i�:�����������M ���:�������� �::::����� IC�n���i�:� ��d.. :"A..A +� f µ J � � ���`���`�����m����������...������ �..�`����,�� IC�����.� Police Station Solar Canopy Summary Presented in 2023: Project Cost: $ 3,400,000 Investment Tax Credit: $ 1,020,000 Net Debt Issuance: $ 2,380,000 Net Payback Period (Yrs): 11 Cumulative Payback Period (Yrs): 14 Tota I 30 Yea r Savi ngs: $ 4,298,198 2024 Estimates: 520 KWH 1040 KWH 10 Year Debt Issuance Project Cost: $ 4,626,530 $ 4,257,530 Investment Tax Credit: $ 1,387,959 $ 1,277,259 Net Debt Issuance: $ 3,238,571 $ 3,238,571 Net Payback Period (Yrs): 11 11 Cumulative Payback Period (Yrs): 15 13 Tota I 30 Yea r Savi ngs: $ 5,903,344 $ 6,494,478 20 Year Debt Issuance Project Cost: $ 4,626,530 $ 4,257,530 Investment Tax Credit: $ 1,387,959 $ 1,277,259 Net Debt Issuance: $ 3,238,571 $ 3,238,571 Net Payback Period (Yrs): 6 2 Cumulative Payback Period (Yrs): 11 3 Tota I 30 Yea r Savi ngs: $ 4,855,630 $ 5,898,424 2023 Analysis ���� �►������t��� ������t�� Peal�[�emand �mart S+�lar Stc�r��e Ener�y S�lutic�ns Tc�tal Sa�rin�s Annual Net Cumulative � � � Year Debt Sc�lar�a�rings ���rin�� [nc�nti�e� Inc�nti�res �rec�its Re�r�nu� anc�Credits Cost Net Cost � 1 $ 333,200 � 4��17{� � �7,4�� � ���1�8 �1�,��� $ 5�1�� $ 33���� $ ��{��1�4 $ 143,076 $ 143,076 �� � 2 $ 323,680 � 5�?,147 � 5��7�� � 31,�78 �12��71 $ 5,225 $ �3,3�� $ 1��,�75 $ 130,405 $ 273,482 r� ;� 3 $ 314,160 � 5�.,�.44 � f���.t�9 $ ����18 ��.�,8�7 $ 5�32� � ��,3�3 $ ����54�. $ 117,619 $ 391,101 4 $ 304,640 $ 5�,1�� � ��,5:�3 � �1,�59 �1��743 $ 5,4�f $ ��,3�� $ 19�,9�5 $ 104,715 $ 495,816 . , 5 $ 295,120 $ 5��1�7 � �7�177 $ 3�,5t�t� �1���79 $ 5��45 � �3�333 $ �{�3�4�� $ 91,688 $ 587,504 r , 6 $ 285,600 � 5���55 � ��,�3�� $ �1�343 �1���1� $ 5��5� $ �3,��3 � 2�7���� $ 78,534 $ 666,038 , � 7 $ 276,080 � �5�3?� � 72,�5�3 � �31,18� ��.�,553 $ 5,7�� $ �3,��3 $ 2�.�,�33� $ 65,247 $ 731,286 .� 8 $ 266,560 $ 5��43� $ 75,5,�5 � 31,{?�� ���,��� � 5,��4 � ��,�33 � 21�,7�5 $ 51,825 $ 783,110 •�: 9 $ 257,040 � 57,554 � 7��5�7 � 3t���75 �12�4�� $ ��{?t�� � �3,3�3 $ �1�,78{� $ 38,260 $ 821,371 � � 10 $ 247,520 � 5��f9� � 81�731 $ �C��7�1 �1�,3�5 $ ���2� � ��,��3 $ 2����7{� $ 24,550 $ 845,920 ,� , � 11 $ - $ 5��8�5 � SS,tI{�� � ���5�7 �1�,3�4 $ ����4 � �3,33� � 2�7,��3 $ (227,313) $ 618,607 i, ;� 12 $ - � G1�Q55 � 88,��� $ �(�,��.4 �1�,�4� $ f,3�� � �3,��3 $ 2�1���4 $ (231,814) $ 386,793 ,� i 13 $ - $ ��,�f� � �1,�3� $ ������ $1�,�.81 $ f�4�7 � �3��33 � ����477 $ (236,477) $ 150,316 � �, 14 $ - � ���5t?E � �,�,�14 � ��?�311 �1�,1�{l $ �,��7 � ����33 $ �41���.{� $ (241,310) $ (90,994) � � 15 $ - � ��,7�� � ���43� $ �9,��{� ��.�,{�5�► $ �,75� � �3,33� $ 24���18 $ (246,318) $ (337,312) �, �� 16 $ - $ ��i,{�5� � 1t�3�4�.� $ ��,�11. ������� $ ��8�4 � �3,�3� $ 25��5�8 $ (251,508) $ (588,820) �� , 17 $ - � �7���� � 1{�7,552 $ ����i�� �11,��� $ 7�{�3� $ �3,3�3 $ 25����6 $ (256,886) $ (845,706) i � r 18 $ - � G8,7�7 � 11.�.�854 $ ��,51.3 $11,879 $ 7�173 � �3��3� $ ����4�{� $ (262,460) $ (1,108,166) z� � 19 $ - $ 7t��Q72 � �.1f,3:�� $ ���3�� �11�8��1 $ 7�31� � ������ � ������� $ (268,236) $ (1,376,402) :. � 20 $ - � 71,4�5 $ �.�t�,�82 � ��,�1� �11,7�i1 $ 7,4�� � ��,333 $ 274,2�� $ (274,222) $ (1,650,625) � ,, 21 $ - � 7��88� � 12���3�1 $ $� $ - $ �3,33� $ ��2,�4t� $ (232,040) $ (1,882,665) �� r� 22 $ - � 7�,��4 � 1.3{��854 � �tl $ - � �3,��3 $ Z�8,521 $ (238,521) $ (2,121,186) r �: 23 $ - � 75,81� � 1�����8 $ ��l $ - � ��,3�3 $ 245���3 $ (245,233) $ (2,366,419) ;�� 24 $ - $ 77��1� $ 141,531 � - $f� $ - $ �3�3�3 $ 2���1�� $ (252,183) $ (2,618,602) : � � 25 $ - � 7����� � 147�1�3� $ $�� � - � �3,3�3 $ ��9��81 $ (259,381) $ (2,877,983) � i�: 26 $ - $ 8(����� � �5,3,t�8� � ��1 $ - $ ������ $ 2��,8,3� $ (266,836) $ (3,144,819) � 27 $ - $ 82,Q�1 � �59;��4 � - �Q $ - $ �3,33� $ 27�,55�3 $ (274,558) $ (3,419,376) � , 28 $ - � ��,�51 � 1.�5�572 � �{l $ - � �����3 $ �8��55� $ (282,556) $ (3,701,932) �� 29 $ - $ ��,31� � 17��1�5 � $�l $ - � �3,333 � ��Q�84�: $ (290,841) $ (3,992,773) r: 30 $ - $ 87,C��}� � �.7���1�2 $ �� $ - � ��,��3 $ ����4�5 $ (299,425) $ (4,292,198) �� �� $ 2,903,600 � 1,9�Q��4� � 3���{�,5�8 � �13,133 � 24�,7�� $ 1���4f4 � �.��{�Q,{�Cl� $ 7�1��,79� $ (4,292,198) � � 2024 10-Yea r De bt 520 KW H ���� �►������t��� ������t�� Peal�[�emand �mart S+�lar Stc�r��e Ener�y S�lutic�ns Tc�tal Sa�rin�s Annual Net Cumulative � � � Year Debt Sc�lar�a�rings ���rin�� [nc�nti�e� Inc�nti�res �rec�its Re�r�nu� anc�Credits Cost Net Cost � 1 $ 453,400 � �7�81(� � F3,��7 � �5�5t�1 �1�,�54 $ 1{��F�f $ 34,�f 7 $ �35�t�7� $ 218,326 $ 218,326 � 2 $ 440,446 � f�,157 � 8��f�� � ���37� �12���� $ 11,{��� $ ��,�f7 $ ���,778 $ 200,668 $ 418,994 � � 3 $ 427,491 $� 7C�,53� � �{��{��4 $ 25��4fi ��.�,825 $ 11�284 � �4,��7 $ ��4��47 $ 182,844 $ 601,838 � � � 4 $ 414,537 $ 71,�34 � �3,��8 � ��,1�Q �1��7�Q $ �1,5{�9 $ �����7 $ 24�,��� $ 164,849 $ 766,687 � � 5 $ 401,583 $ 7����� � �7��4� $ �.4,��� �1����7 $ 11�74C� � ��,6�7 $ ���,��17 $ 146,676 $ 913,363 � � 6 $ 388,629 � 74���1 � �.Q1�3�� $ 24��3�� �1���3� $ 11�97� $ �4,��7 � 2���3t7� $ 128,320 $ 1,041,682 . � 7 $ 375,674 � 7����8 $ �{��,3�8 � 2�,745 ��.�,57� $ ��,�14 $ �4,��7 $ 2�5��4� $ 109,772 $ 1,151,455 : � 8 $ 362,720 $ 77���5 � �.�9,��.4 $ ��,��1 ���,5{�7 $� �.��45� � 34,�fi7 $� 271,��2 $ 91,028 $ 1,242,483 : � � 9 $ 349,766 � 7�3,37� � 1�:����8 � �4,498 �12�445 $ 12�7�7 � �4,��7 $ �77,��7 $ 72,079 $ 1,314,562 � 10 $ 336,811 � 8�?,�4� $ �.18�55� $ �4��7f �1�,3�� $ 1����1 � �4,�f 7 $ 28���94 $ 52,918 $ 1,367,479 �� � 11 $ - $ �3��,�5� � 123,�Q� � 24,�54 �1�,32� $ 13��21 � �4,�f7 � 2��,32{� $ (290,320) $ 1,077,159 ; � 12 $ - � �4�19� � 1�8,��� $ �4��.�3 �1�,�59 $ 13���5 � ��,��� $ 2���975 $ (296,975) $ 780,184 i 13 $ - $ 8,�,�7� � 1�3�3�� $ �4�{�1� $1�,�.�8 $ �3�755 � �4���7 � �Q����S $ (303,865) $ 476,319 � , 14 $ - � �7�57� $ 1�8,�"�� � ���8�� �1�,1�7 $ �.4��?�t� � �4,�fi7 $ ��.1���1 $ (311,001) $ 165,318 . � 15 $ - � �9,32�J $ 1��,244 $ ��,77� ��.�,{�7� $ �4��11 � �4,��7 $ 31�,��Q $ (318,390) $ (153,071) �, 16 $ - $ 9�,t�95 � 15{��{��.4 $ ��,��4 �����15 $ �.4�5�7 � �4,�f7 $ ����U4� $ (326,041) $ (479,113) � � 17 $ - � ����QG � 15��{�14 $ �3,5�� �11,�55 $ 14�8�� $ �4,��i7 $ 333�9�� $ (333,966) $ (813,079) ,� � 18 $ - � ��,75� � 1f���5� $ ��,�1.� $11,89� $ T5�18� � �4,��7 $ �4�,�.7� $ (342,174) $ (1,155,253) 19 $ - $ 9f��35 � �.�8,745 $ ���3�1 �11�$3� $ 15���� � �4,��7 � �5���7� $ (350,674) $ (1,505,927) , � 20 $ - � 9�,55� $ �.75,4�5� � �3,1�4 �11,77? $ 15,�{�C� � ��,�f 7 $ �5�,479 $ (359,479) $ (1,865,405) , 21 $ - � 1�{?�515 � 1���5�:5 $ $� $ - $ �4,��7 $ 317,��� $ (317,696) $ (2,183,102) � 22 $ - � 1��,5�.3 � 1.�3��815 � �tl $ - � �4,�f7 $ ��f,�95 $ (326,995) $ (2,510,096) � : 23 $ - $ �.�4,55�? � 1�7����3 $ ��l $ - � �4,��i7 $ 3����25 $ (336,625) $ (2,846,721) � • : 24 $ - $ 1�6��28 $ �t�5,3�4 � - $f� $ - $ �4,��7 $ 34��59� $ (346,599) $ (3,193,320) � 25 $ - � �:(���747 � ��:��5�:� $ $�� � - � ��,6�7 $ 3���93(� $ (356,930) $ (3,550,250) �� 26 $ - � 11Q���8 � ��2,t�57 � ��1 $ - $ ��,�fi7 $ ��7���� $ (367,632) $ (3,917,882) ��� 27 $ - $ 11���.1� � �3U,93� � - �Q $ - $ ��,�f7 $ �7�,7�9 $ (378,719) $ (4,296,601) �, � 28 $ - � 115,3�1. � �4��177 � �{l $ - � �4���7 $ ������5 $ (390,205) $ (4,686,806) � � 29 $ - � 117,�54 � ����7�34 � $�l $ - � ����f7 � �{����.�4 $ (402,104) $ (5,088,910) � i : 30 $ - $ 1�.9,�9� � 25��775 $ �� $ - � ��,�f7 $ �14�434 $ (414,434) $ (5,503,344) � � $ 3,951,057 � �,745�525 � 4,�7�,7�7 � 4���49� � 247,1�t� $ 2���519 � �.��4{�,{�Cl� $ 9�45�,�U1 $ (5,503,344) , 10-Year Debt 1040 KWH �mart Alt�rnati�re Cc�nn��ted ����R+��I���t�a�d ��� 5�art�Sa�l�r ���� S��a�r��e ��� �� E��r�y� ��� �a�lutia��s Ta�al�a����� � Annual Net Cumulative � • � Year Debt �c�lar�5a�i��� �a�ri���� � �� I�r�c�nti�r�� ����� lr�r��n���res ���� Credits�� ��� �e�re��re ����a�d Cr��dit��� ��� Cost Net Cost - � 1 $ 417,238 ��� ���� �7�81{� � �� ���74� �$ 25�5���. �� �1����4 � $� 1C}��4� ������ 5�,t��t�� $ ����7,7�� �� $ 159,456 $ 159,456 2 $ 405,317 ���� ��� �9���7 � �� �8��.3� ���$ �5��7� ��� $1��79�9 $��� 11�Q�� � ��� ,��,��(�� $� ������5�� ���� $ 142,793 $ 302,249 �. 3 $ 393,396 $� ���� 7t����� � ��� 91,��7 ��� ��,���4� ����� ����715� �� $�� �1��8� � ������ ��� �����7,43� ��� $ 125,961 $ 428,210 � �' 4 $ 381,475 $�� ��� 7����1���4 � � 9��3�� ��$ �5,1����� ����� ���,��2 ��� �� 11,5�?�� � ��� 5�,t��� $ �����2,5�� ��� $ 108,9 5 6 $ 53 7,167 � S $ 369,554 �� ���� 73,3�� � �� �9�,1.3� ��$ ��� �4,��94 �1�►,5�� ��� $��� 11�74C? ��� ��� 5�,t�fl{�� $� ������7,782 ����� $ 91,771 $ 628,938 r� 6 $ 357,633 � ��� 74,���. ��� �.���,1.�2 ����$ �����9 �1��4C� ��� � 1�.�97� ���$ �� 5�,�Q�� �� ������8�,��� ���� $ 74,400 $ 703,338 � 7 $ 345,711 ��� ��� 7���t�� ���� �� 1{�7,���2�i $ � �4,7�5 ����� �1�,��4 � $�� �����1�,214 ���� ���� 5�,t��t�� $ �����8,�77 ���� $ 5 6,83 5 $ 760,17 2 : , 8 $ 3 3 3,790 ����� ���� 77���5 ��� ��� �11,5�����15� ���$ � �4���� ����� �1�,�U� ����� 1��45� ������ ��� ��,��� $�� �����4�7�� ����� $ 3 9,069 $ 799,241 �� � � 9 $ 321,869 $��� ���� 79��7� ������ � �15,�75 ���$ � ���4�8 �1��2��� �� $�� ���7�7 � ��� 5�,��(� $���� ����Q�,77� � $ 21,096 $ 820,337 � , 10 $ 309,948 $���� ���� BC���49� �$ ��� ���,614 ���� �� �4,3�7� ����� �1����� � $ �2,��� ���� ���� ����fl� $��� ����{�7,U4Q �� $ 2,908 $ 823,245 � �, 11 $ - 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�Cl $ � ���t��4 $ �88��317 $ (388,817) $ (4,822,673) � a 27 $ - � 13���13 $ ��4,945 � - �� � - $ ��,��� � 4�Q��,58 $ (400,058) $ (5,222,731) � � � � 28 $ - � 115���1 � �44,�4� � - �� � - � �����1� � 411,7Q� $ (411,704) $ (5,634,435) � �, 29 $ - $ �17,�54 � �54���7 � - �� $ - � S���Q� � �23�77� $ (423,770) $ (6,058,205) r 30 $ - $� 119��92 $ 2�4����: � - �� $ $ 5����1fl $ 4��,�7� $ (436,273) $ (6,494,478) :, $ 3,635,931 � �,745�5�5 � 4,75�,75� � 4�����9 � ���,1�8 � �6�,�1� � 1�5�i�,Q�� � �:��13Q�4C?'� $ (6,494,478) ,�� � 20-Year Debt 520 KWH �mar�t Alternati�re C�nne�ted F�e�k[3ema�rd ��� �mart S�I�� �� S���a�� �� ���Err���� �� ����I��i��s T���I�a�in�s���� Annual Net Cumulative Year Debt ��la��a�in�� ���in���� ���� tn��r�ti��s ���� l���nti�r�� ��� �redits ��� ����R���n�� ar�d�r��dits ��� Cost Net Cost � � � � 1 $ 291,471 $ � ����� �7,�1� � �� ��,��7 ��$ �� �5,5Q1 ����� �1��95� � 1(?�f�4� � �4,f�7 � ��� ��5,Q74 ���� $ 56,398 $ 56,398 � 2 $ 284,994 $ �� ���� ����57 � � ��i��i29 ���$ � �5,373 �1�,8�� � � ���t?��� � 3�,��7 $ � ��9�77� ��� $ 45,216 $ 101,614 � � 3 $ 278,517 $ 7�,53� � 9fl,��� � ��,�4f ���,��5 � �1���� � �4,f�7 $ 244��i47 $ 33,870 $ 135,484 � , � 4 $ 272,040 $ �1,93� � 9�,��� $ �5,1��1 ���,7�i{� � 11�5t�� � �4,��7 � �49,��� $ 22,352 $ 157,836 � � 5 $ 265,563 $ 7���f� � �7,A�4� $ �4,�94 �1�,��7 � 11.�74C? $ �4,��7 $ ��4��3�7 $ 10,656 $ 168,492 � � 6 $ 259,086 � 7�,8�1. � 1t�1�344 � 24,��� �1�,f33 $ 11,�74 � �4���7 $ ��C�,��9 $ (1,223) $ 167,268 � � 7 $ 252,609 $ 7�,�t�8 � 1{�5,��� $ �4�745 �1�,57� � �.����.� � �4,E�7 $ �fi5�9{�2 $ (13,293) $ 153,975 : , 8 $ 246,131 $ 77���5 � 1�9,��4 $ �4,��1 �1��5�7 � 1��45� � ��,��7 � 271���� $ (25,561) $ 128,414 : � � 9 $ 239,654 $ 7�,�72 � 1��,�9� $ �4,4�� �1��4�5 � ��,7t�? � ��,��7 $ �77��87 $ (38,033) $ 90,382 • 10 $ 233,177 � 8�,�4� � 1��,558 � ���37� $1�,38� � ��,��1 � ��,��7 � �8�,8'�4 $ (50,717) $ 39,665 •� � 11 $ 226,700 $ ��,5�� $ 1���3�1{� � �4,254 �1��3�U � 13��2�: $ �4���7 � ��{���2� $ (63,620) $ (23,955) � � 12 $ 220,223 � �4,�.�� $ 1������ � 24��:�3 �1�,�5� � 13,4�� � �4���7 � �9�,�75 $ (76,752) $ (100,707) , 13 $ 213,746 � 85,�7� � 13�,��� � �4��1.2 �1�,19� � 13�755 $ �4,��7 � ����8�►5 $ (90,120) $ (190,827) � , 14 $ 207,269 � �7�57� � ���,C�� � �3,8�� �1��1�7 $ 14��?3C� � �4,�f7 $ �11,�t�1 $ (103,732) $ (294,559) , , 15 $ 200,791 $ ���3�t� � 14���44 � ���77� �1�,�17� � �.4,��.1 � ���C�7 $ 31�,�9Q $ (117,598) $ (412,157) �, 16 $ 194,314 � ��,U�� � 15Q�Q�4 � ���f54 �1�,Q15 � �4�5�7 � �����7 $ 3��,�4�. $ (131,727) $ (543,884) , � 17 $ 187,837 � �2,�{��i � �.5��Q14 $ ��,5�5 �11�955 � 1����9 $ �����7 � 3������ $ (146,129) $ (690,013) ,; � 18 $ 181,360 $ 94�75� � 1����55 � ��,418 �1�.,89E � 15�1�� � �����7 � 34�,�:74 $ (160,814) $ (850,827) 19 $ 174,883 $ ��,��5 $ 1��,7�5 � �3�3�1. �1�.,��� � 15���C� � �4,��7 � ���,�i74 $ (175,791) $ (1,026,618) . m 20 $ 168,406 � �8�55C � �7�,��5 � �3,�84 �11,777 � �5,�3C�C� $ �4,��7 � �5�,47� $ (191,073) $ (1,217,691) � 21 $ - 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Construction Changes, site utilites, Footing drop, etc. Transfer to constr for CO 7 -$102,663.85 Misc Construction, street utility unforseens, costs due to delayed elec equipment, etc. Transfer to constr for CO 8 -$257,475.01 Site Electric Utility revisons, add High Density shelving, added Fiber pathway to street, etc. Transfer to FFE for Furniture -$58,002.29 Transfer for Furniture bid over budgeted line Transfet to Building Technology for expenses -$101,193.64 Building Tech costs, largely new AV package to align with Townwide improvements Transfer to professional costs -$5,445.00 Add Service scope to A/E team Transfer to professional costs storm water revision -$5,000.00 Add Sery scope to A/E team Transfer for CO 9 and 10 -$100,913.82 Misc Construction changes, solar canopy site utility mods, Fire alarm changes after inspection and soil unit price quantitiy reconciliation, etc. Transfer for OPM added time feb mar apr -$7,600.00 transfer to supplement extension of contract term Transfer to Communications equipment Line -$107,668.00 Transfer for Dispatch costs Lexi n on Pol ice Pro'ect 6ud et u date Genera I Su m ma r of esti mated costs to com letion � � p y p Un-Encumbered dollars as of 3/29/2024 $ 1,s1s,9�o� Anticipated Minimum Expenses to Close Police Project - � � _ _ �� � ����� �.__��—��_�� =�-� =� t _ = oa n Change Order 11 Pending Change Order $44,100 Encumbered Known pco's pending Identified costs in negotiation $526,530 d o I I a rs f ro m page 1 GC's&GR's Expected Added costs due to Delays $200,000 Forecasted to Completion Budget for potentional unknown change order co $400,000 Projected close out costs Anticipated final cost $100,000 � -�=�- _�=_�__ ����� _�_��= ��-8 �a�a= Tecton add service for CA Anticipated additional fee not negotied yet $25,000 _ =-�_-� �� �����-�� ������������������ =� �� ��� Interior Furnishings and Loose Equip. Misc Metal Shelving Anticipated Cost-Quote not in $25,000 Tota I p ro j ected Vehicle Lift Anticipated Cost-Quote not in $40,000 Gym Equipment Anticipated Cost-Quote not in $75,000 expenses to complete fingerprint machine Anticipated Cost-Quote not in $10,000 b u i I d i n appliances Anticipated Cost-Quote not in $25,000 � Building Technology IT Installs Anticipated cost for unknowns $5,000 = -- ---=�=---=-- --=-�--=- �-=�- - --- = �=-� ����----�-� _-�-�-� OPM Fees $60,000 Envelope Commissioning Envelope testing not under agreement yet $20,000 Kuhla Enegry BMS Cx Anticipated additional costs $25,000 Expected f u nd Materials Testing Anticipated cost $35,000 ba I a n ce at misc expenses Budget for unanticipated costs $30,000 moving Moving costs anticipated $25,000 CIOSe Total Planned but not yet encumbered expenses ��,670,630� Remaining Balance Available $ 145,340 • • • • �{ ... ._ . f�4.�iz^,TU�ER k 9 l�, - ��_� - '�' ` `_ - _ ;, f - _- - — � � �`j �' _ � � ,� ,--� ` _ � ��,�� €.�r � _ T���.� __,��_ ������ ������� : � - -- -- � _�-,� _. m � �. - � - � I �� 4��.: � .._. ._... ..... 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J 1 Pause the entire ro'ect for an indefinite eriod of time p J p 2 Erect the steel with the current General Contractor GC and com lete the p site work. Create a n RFP for the u rchase a nd i nsta I lation of the sola r a nels p p and batter y 3 Erect the steel with the cu rrent GC u rchase a nd i nsta I I the sola r a nels � p p � and ause on the batter until additional fundin is received p y � James Malloy From: Mark Sandeen Sent: Tu esd ay, Ap ri I 23, 2024 7:2 5 AM To: James Malloy; Michael Cronin Subject: FW: Rooftop Only Solar Comparison FYI - Here is how the two opfions look with the same scale � �� � � � , �� ��� � � �� ��� ��� � ��� �� � � �� �� � � � ������ i� � � ������ � � � i �� �� �i �� � � ' � � � �� �� ���� �� ��'������ ���������� � � � � i i � ��� ��� � I � � � � �� ��� � � , � � � I � �� ��� �I I� � ■'� i i � , �� ��� � � �' � ���� i � � ����� � � ��� �. � � � i , j ; � ��' , � � � , � � � � , � j � � � � � � � �� � �� � � � � ��" �' � � �� � � �� ��' �� �����I�� II����I����'���� �����I�� �� '� � ��� � � , � ���I �� ' � � � � � �� �� �� ��'������ '���'����� ���� ��� � � ����� � �� �������� � ���� ��� � � �� ������� � ��� ��� ��� � � ,� ,_ ` _� � ; � '�� , � � � '� � � � � � � ' � � � � �' � � � � �� � � �� �� �� ��' �� �� �� �� �� ���I�u� �������� ii�iiiiiiiii� �������� ���'����� ����� ������ From: Mark Sandeen <msandeen�lexingtonma.gov> Date: Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 7:16 AM To: Charles Lamb <charles.lamb�gmail.com> Subject: Re: Rooftop Only Solar Comparison I probably should give you the same format for Option B Assumptions 339.2 kW Rooftop and Canopy Solar 1,040 kWh Energy Storage (at market price) 20 Year Bond—4% Assume No Savings on Solar Canopy Steel Assume Energy Storage purchased at market price-$520K Peak Demand Savings $4.7 Million over 30 years Net Present Value = $2.4 Million ConnectedSolutions Revenue $1.56 Million over 30 years Net Present Value = $900K 2 SMART Revenue= $809K Net Present Value = $553K AEC Revenue=$10,846 $263K over 30 years Net Present Value = $174K $13,561 Cash Flow Negative First Year Cash Flow Positive in Year 3 Payback Period 3.5 years Total Cash Flow-$5.7 Million Net Present Value -$2.5 Million From: Mark Sandeen <msandeen�lexingtonma.gov> Date: Tuesday, April 23, 2024 at 6:59 AM To: Charles Lamb <charles.lamb�gmail.com> Subject: Rooftop Only Solar Comparison Charles, Here are the numbers for Rooftop Only Solar(AC's Opfion 1.5) Assumptions: 42.2 kW Rooftop Solar-$164K No Storage 10 Year Bond—4% No Peak Demand Savings Peak Demand Charges for Police Stafion will increase by$83K a year That's$4.7 Million over 30 years of additional appropriation expense Net Present Value = $2.4 Million No Connected Solutions Revenue That's$1M over 30 years for 520 kWh Battery and $1.56 Million for 1,040 kWh Battery Net Present Value = $600K for 520 kWh Battery and $900K for 1,040 kWh Battery $8,000 Less Annual AEC revenue That's$194K over 30 years Net Present Value = $129K $3,878 Negative Cash Flow Year 1 Cash Flow Positive in Year 7 Payback Period—10.7 years Total Cash Flow-$272,738 Net Present Value -$121,485 Emissions Health Benefit N et Ze ro So I a r=$703 K 3 Rooftop Only Solar= $88K Let me know if you have any questions, Mark IIWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/NAIUIU/U///!//UlUlffulU/U//l4/U/N1IWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/NAIUIU/U///!//UlUlffulU/U//l4/U/N1IWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/NAIUIU/U///!//UlUlffulU/U//l4/U/N1IWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/NAIUIU/U///!//UlUlffulU/U//l4/U/N1IWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/NAIUIU/U///!//UlUlffulU/U//l4/U/N1IWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/NAIUIU/U///!//UlUlffulU/U//l4/U/N1IWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/NAIUIU/U///!//UlUlffulU/U//l4/U/N1IWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/NAIUIU/U///!//UlUlffulU/U//l4/U/N1IWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/NAIUIU/U///!//UlUlffulU/U//l4/U/N1IWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/NAIUIU/U///!//UlUlffulU/U//l4/U/N1IWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/NAIUIU/U///!//UlUlffulU/U//l4/U/N1IWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/NAIUIU/U///!//UlUlffulU/U//l4/U/N1IWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/NAIUIU/U///!//UlUlffulU/U//l4/U/N1IWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/NAIUIU/U///!//UlUlffulU/U//l4/U/N1IWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/NAIUIU/U///!//UlUlffulU/U//l4/U/N1IWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/NAIUIU/U///!//UlUlffulU/U//l4/U/N1IWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/NAIUIU/U///!//UlUlffulU/U//l4/U/N1IWAIF/AIU/dldlffPlP/U///4/U/4I11U1ti VI/hen writing or responding, please be aware that the Massachusetts Secretary of State has determined that most email is a public record and, therefore, may not be kept confidential. 4 To: Joe Pato, Chair, Lexington Select Board From: Glenn P. Parker, Chair, Lexington Appropriation Committee Date: April 22, 2024 Subj ect: Police Station Solar Canopy Proj ect The Appropriation Committee met jointly with the Capital Expenditures Committee and the Select Board on Wednesday,April 10, at which time Mike Cronin gave a presentation discussing the budget shortfall for the proposed solar canopy proj ect at the new Police Station Headquarters. The shortfall is roughly $1.2 million,which reflects unexpectedly high prices for the solar panels and battery storage system, and the additional cost of using welded construction for the steel canopy. Mr. Cronin's presentation offered three options: (1) defer the entire proj ect, (2) erect the steel canopy and put the solar panels and battery system out to bid again, or(3) erect the steel canopy and install the solar panels without a battery system (at least for the time being). The Appropriation Committee met remotely on Thursday,April 18,to discuss this proj ect and to generate recommendations to the Select Board. Four members of the Capital Expenditures Committee also at- tended but did not participate in the discussion because their committee had not posted an agenda. While our Committee did not vote on any of the recommendations below,this memorandum summarizes our thoughts and indicates areas where We reached consensus. Our discussion focused on the financial aspects of the proj ect. The desire to set a leading example of envi- ronmentally responsible construction should be moderated by our obligation to make prudent choices for capital investment. One clear metric for evaluating investments in solar power systems is the ROI(return on investment)period,which is discussed in more detail below. Members of the committee expressed two major concerns regarding the current state of the Police Station solar canopy proj ect. First,the decision to implement the proj ect as a change order under the general con- tractor for the Police Station suggests that the ToWn received pricing that was less favorable than would result from a competitive public bidding process. This change order approach may have been the most feasible path to completing the entire project in advance of the Lex250 celebrations,but the bids received by the general contractor for both the solar panels and the battery system were much higher than estimates based on prevailing market prices. Furthermore, it is unclear whether the bid for the erection of the steel canopy is truly competitive. Our second concern is that the cost of this proj ect,which began with good intentions and clear-cut engi- neering goals,has increased quite significantly due to aesthetic changes made at the behest of the Historic Districts Commission, as well as neighborhood feedback. The added requirements to use welded con- struction with buried footings, and to relocate maj or electronic components to reduce their visibility,have added significantly to project costs compared with more typical construction techniques. The currently proposed system also has a lower generating and storage capacity than originally intended. One member of our committee asserts,based on professional experience with solar array projects,that a solar panel system proj ect should generally aim for an ROI of no more than 8 years. However,under the current pricing,the ROI for this project would be much higher, i.e., likely in the range of 12 to 14 years. Rebidding the solar array/battery storage would likely shorten the ROI,but there is no guarantee that the final ROI would satisfy all members of our committee.Nonetheless, some members of the Committee in- dicated that option(2)would be acceptable. Another possible option,Which Mr. Cronin did not propose,would be to defer the solar canopy proj ect but proceed with installing solar panels only on the rooftop, as the ToWn has done on other recently con- structed buildings. Under this option(which we nicknamed"(1.5)"),the power generating capacity would be roughly 12%of the currently proposed system,Which would help offset the cost of electricity and 1 Appropriation Committee Police Station Solar Canopy Proj ect easily satisfy our expectations for the ROI. Roughly half of our committee indicated that this option Was acceptable ahead of option(2), although it is obviously a significant downgrade to the overall proj ect. There was no support from any members for either option(1) or option(3). Finally,the Committee asserts that a battery system is not a key requirement for the function of the Police Station since it will still have to rely on generator backup during maj or power outages. Therefore, if the Town pursues option(2),the Committee suggests that the RFP should incorporate bid alternates With at least three battery storage options: (a)no battery, (b)2-hour battery, and(c)4-hour battery. If a bidder thought it Was feasible,they could also include future upgrade paths across these alternatives. This as- sumes that the electric power utility would approve a large solar array installation without battery storage. The primary criterion for evaluating the battery storage alternatives should be the impact on the ROI. The Committee is prepared to discuss this with the Select Board if requested. 2 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Review Request for Quotations Submitted by Executive Search Firms for Town Manager S earch and Vote C andidate s to Interview PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Board Discussion I.3 S UMMARY: Category:Decision-Making T he B o ard is b eing as ked to review and d is c us s the attac hed s ub mis s io ns fo r the R eque s t fo r Q ualif'ic atio ns fo r Exec utive R e c ruiting F irms fo r the To wn Manager S earc h and d etermine whic h c o ns ulting firms to interview on April 29, 2024. SUGGESTED MOTION: Mo ve to s c hedule interviews with fo r the To wn Manager's exec utive rec ruiting c o ns ultant FOLLOW-UP: S elect Board DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 4/24/2024 6:15pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �:�����:..::��.����a����������� �I��;���.�� 11�:�������=�� � �n�.� �..::���. IC���"�����:�°������� .��c����:��,��. IC���������� � l���f���'������c������ �.:���f��:�����: IC��;��������� � ���;���������m���������� ������f������ I[���������� � �:�.:�:�������`°.�1=9�,� �:����;��:��� ��.��w�����:� /, �l .. 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MELISSA ASHER Sr. Practice Leader, Products and Services , � 2450��I Pasc� R�ad,Suit�220 r , �� � � , r�ash�r�c shr,us � � � , - ��������� www.cpshr.�s Your Path to Performance »,��//////%//////////////////////////////////////�„` p,..�� �� ������: � � , �rt 41� �� �� ! ! � '�� , i ���� � � �„ � � ��� � ���IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIVium����������� April 18, 2024 Select Board Town of Lexington 1625 Massachusetts Ave Lexington, MA 02420 Submitted via email to: SelectboardC�lexingtonma.gov Subject: Executive Recruitment for Town Manager Dear Board Members: CPS HR Consulting (CPS HR) is pleased to have the opportunity to submit a proposal to assist the Town of Lexington (Town) with the recruitment of a new Town Manager. We are uniquely qualified to undertake this effort as we have vast experience in assisting public agencies with executive search, screening, and placement. We understand that each agency is unique, and our extensive experience allows us to tailor our process to specifically meet your needs. Our work with local government agencies throughout the United States gives us an in-depth understanding of government operations, programs, and services. CPS HR offers a broad spectrum of human resource services while delivering personalized, results-oriented services, utilizing best practice methods of recruitment and selection strategies from our team of recruitment experts. Each recruitment is an opportunity to shape and prepare your organization for the future. We understand how important this transition is for you and are perfectly placed to assist you in this endeavor. Once this project begins, we will work with the Town to tailor our process to highlight this exciting opportunity and attract the best possible ca nd idates. It is our commitment to work in partnership with your organization to a successful result. Thank you for the opportunity to be considered for this assignment. Should you have questions or comments about the information presented in this proposal, please contact me (916) 471- 3358 or via email at masher�cpshr.us. Sincerely, �, �� , � � Melissa Asher Senior Practice Leader, Products and Services �."....�...., .... ..:°� :.�.,�,m.„ ...�. . m. .w �....m.��..�. . .,.. ..w.... ..:.�..... ..�,..... �'�...�.��"... �..w...�.... �„ ..... ....w, . �...... . .......�...�.. �,�����III..��III If ��.��µ�III������.�����.�ii��.�.�.��� �c.���i��w�i������iir��III�..����.� �������� Ty���I���.�II���iirr��.� ���;�IIIIII...�����������"�,��� Proposal to Town of Lexinqton Executive Recrvitment for Town Manaqer a e o on en s AboutCPS H R Consu Iti ng ..............................................................................................................1 RecruitmentExperts .................................................................................................................................2 ProjectStaffing..............................................................................................................................5 ProjectManager .......................................................................................................................................5 References ....................................................................................................................................7 OurApproach................................................................................................................................8 KeyStakeholder Involvement...................................................................................................................8 Town's Needs............................................................................................................................................8 . Commitment to Communication..............................................................................................................8 Aggressive, Proactive, and Robust Recruitment.......................................................................................8 DiversityOutreach Process.......................................................................................................................9 Scopeof Services ........................................................................................................................10 Phase I - Develop Candidate Profile and Recruitment Strategy.............................................................11 Phase II -Aggressive, Proactive, and Robust Recruitment .....................................................................12 PhaseIII -Selection.................................................................................................................................14 Appendix A: Sample Position Profile Brochure............................................................................16 AppendixB: Required Forms.......................................................................................................22 Appendix C: Certificate of Insurance...........................................................................................26 ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ��'� � �����I��I�I� iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�n����������n�.. � i �� ������ � ��� '��������� iii Proposal to Town of Lexington Executive Recrvitment for Town Manaqer . ou onsu �n CPS HR Consulting has been assisting organizations with their / j talent management needs for over 35 years. We h ave u n i q u e � � � expertise in delivering HR management and consulting services � �� . ���� � . employment testing, and assessment services to government �� � agencies throughout North America. Our core competency is its � knowledge of and expertise in the public sector. CPS HR offers clients a comprehensive range of competitively priced services, all of which can be customized to meet your organization's specific needs. We are committed to supporting and developing strategic organizational leadership and human resource management in the public sector. We offer expertise in the areas of organizational strategy, recruitment and selection, training and development, and organization and workforce management. CPS HR occupies a unique position among its competitors in the field of government consulting; as a Joint Powers Authority, whose charter mandates that we serve only public sector clients, we actively serve all government sectors including Federal, State, Local, Special Districts, Higher Education, and Non-Profit Organizations. This singular position provides CPS HR with a systemic and extensive understanding of how each government sector is inter-connected to each other and to their communities. That understanding, combined with our knowledge of public and private sector best practices, translates into meaningful and practical solutions for our clients' operational and business needs. With more than 100 full-time employees as well as 200+ project consultants and technical experts nationwide, CPS HR delivers breakthrough solutions that help public sector organizations impact the communities they serve. CPS HR has worked with more than 1,200 government and public/non-profit clients throughout the United States and Canada. Our headquarters are located in Sacramento, California. We have regional offices in Texas, Colorado, and Southern California. ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ��'� � �����iI��I�I� iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�n����������n�.. �� �������� ��� ��� ��������� � Proposal to Town of Lexinqton Executive Recrvitment for Town Manaqer m�� '����� ��������m��� ��m��� ��������������'�������� ���� ������������ ��,������ ����������������� � CPS HR specializes in the recruitment and selection of key professionals for cities, counties, special districts, and non-profits. Working in partnership with the governing body or selection team, we develop customized search strategies that focus on locating and recruiting qualified candidates who match the agency's unique needs. Our wealth of recruitment experience has been gained through more than 20 years of placing top and mid-level executives in public agencies throughout the United States. ■ Unmatched Recruitment Experience for Government Agencies. CPS HR has extensive experience in recruiting executive-level professionals for public agencies across the United States. As a public agency ourselves, we understand how to work with and within government. Our understanding of public sector culture and policy uniquely sets us apart from our competitors. ■ Focus on Diversity Recruiting. In the past three years, 57% of the candidates placed by CPS HR are female, members of ethnic minorities or both. To continue this trend, CPS HR is constantly assessing the best methods for reaching the broadest network of possible candidates. To that end, we have just signed a contract with Zoom Info, a new sourcing platform, that includes a diversity sourcing filter. ■ Seasoned Executive Recruiters. Our recruiters possess a high level of expertise in recruiting and placing executive-level professionals. Our staff of experts includes an exceptional group of full-time employees as well as a full complement of subject matter experts, intermittent employees, and part-time employees with a variety of public and private sector experience. ■ Detailed Needs Assessments. We conduct a detailed needs assessment to identify 1) future organizational direction; 2) challenges facing the position; 3) the working style and organizational climate; and 4) required core and job specific competencies as well as personal and professional characteristics. ■ Success Recruiting Non-Job Seeking Talent. We recognize that the very best candidates for some types of positions may not be looking for a career change, therefore, our recruitment team takes a very aggressive approach to identify and recruit such candidates. ■ Vast Pool of Public Agency Contacts. CPS HR maintains a database of candidates and an extensive network of external resources to leverage for executive-level positions. We utilize our vast pool of public and non-profit contacts to deliver a strong list of competitive candidates who will be well prepared to assist you in the accomplishment of your specific mission and goals. � . . . ����� ��� � �w � ��� m���� Satis ied C ients. m�� � �� ���� ��� ����� m�� ��m� r�������� � ���� �� � ��� ���o ����� m���� ������ �� ���� ����������� ������ � � � �� �� m'� "'��� While many companies talk about client satisfaction, how many measure the impact of that through assessing client satisfaction by distributing written surveys and tying the results of these surveys to their performance management system? ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ��'� � �����I��I�I� iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�n����������n�.. � i �� ����� ��� �i���'����'' �ui Proposal to Town of Lexinqton Executive Recrvitment for Town Manaqer CPS HR Consulting does. A client satisfaction survey is sent at the end of every engagement requesting feedback on the quality of our staff, deliverables, and the overall consulting relationship. ■ Retention/Success Rate. Our success rate is tied to the longevity of the candidates we place, currently more than 95% of our placements are still in their position after two yea rs. ■ Partial list of recruitments. Below is a brief listing of recent similar recruitments to show ou r experience with si m i la r executive recru itments. � . . • . . City of Simi Valley, CA City Manager Current City of Arcata, CA City Manager Current City of Gillette, WY City Administrator 2023 City of Phoenix,AZ Assistant City Manager 2023 City of Phoenix,AZ Deputy City Manager 2023 City of Baytown,TX City Manager 2023 City of Littleton, CO Deputy City Manager 2023 City of Littleton, CO City Manager 2022 City of Oklahoma City, OK Assistant City Manager 2022 City of Bellaire,TX City Manager 2022 County of Trinity, CA County Administrative Officer 2022 City of Nogales,AZ City Manager 2022 County of Imperial, CA County Executive Officer 2022 City of Turlock, CA City Manager 2022 City of Dallas,TX Assistant City Manager 2022 City of Tucson, AZ Assistant City Manager/Chief Financial 2022 Off i ce r City of Piney Point Village,TX City Administrator 2022 City of Nogales,AZ City Manager 2022 City of Surprise,AZ City Manager 2021 City of Aztec, NM City Manager 2021 County of Yolo, CA County Administrative Officer 2021 City of Aurora, CO Deputy City Manager 2021 City of Dickinson,TX City Manager 2021 ,������������ ��'� � ���������� Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnu��������n�.. J I II �,�,�, ����, �� ���������� ���°����� Proposal to Town of Lexinqton Executive Recrvitment for Town Manaqer � . . . . . City of Dayton,TX City Manager 2021 County of Los Alamos, NM County Manager 2021 City of Hercules, CA City Manager 2021 City of Clayton, CA City Manager 2021 City of Marysville, CA City Manager 2021 County of Flathead, MT County Administrator 2021 County of Yolo, CA Assistant County Administrative Officer 2020 City of Greeley, CO Deputy City Manager 2020 City of Reno, NV City Manager 2020 City of Bozeman, MT City Manager 2020 City of Richmond, CA City Manager 2019 City of Columbia, MO City Manager 2019 City of Union City, CA City Manager 2019 Town of Paradise Valley,AZ Town Manager 2019 City of Carson, CA City Manager 2019 City of East Palo Alto, CA City Manager 2019 City of Woodland Park, CO City Manager 2018 City of Modesto, CA City Manager 2018 Churchill County, NV County Manager 2018 City of Sacramento, CA Assistant City Manager 2018 County of San Luis Obispo, CA City Manager 2018 City of Goodyear,AZ City Manager 2018 County of Imperial, CA County Executive Officer 2018 ,������������ ��'� � ����������� Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnui�������n�.. �,,,,�,�, �,, ,,,����� ��������, ��� Proposal to Town of Lexinqton Executive Recrvitment for Town Manaqer . . ro ec a �n Our executive recruiter will work collectively to fulfill the Town's needs in a timely and effective manner. We are committed to providing each of our clients the same level of service excellence, and we take great care not to take on more work than this commitment allows. We will not utilize subcontractors for these services. No staff inembers will be removed or replaced without the prior written concurrence of the Town. u ���� ���� �� � ��� � � � � �� m����� '� � uuuui � Executive Recruiter David Niemeyer (916)471-3366 dniemeyer@cpshr.us ���IpI� ����II��� � ����� IpI� �� ���m���������w�������IpI� I����v m����m� � m������ poi������������ � ��� I������I �������i i������� ���oi�I��� o� �i��������m David J. Niemeyer, Executive Recruiter David Niemeyer brings 40 years of local government management experience including managing 7 suburban communities. He brings an extensive practitioner's experience in government services to the CPS HR Executive Recruitment team through his roles as Village Manager, City Manager, Village Administrator, and City Administrator/Assistant to the Mayor. Human resources and senior executive recruitment are areas that he excels in and thoroughly en joys. Mr. Niemeyer led recruitments for over SO local government executive and management positions. This included preparing recruitment profiles and brochures, screening candidates and creating a list of top candidates for the elected officials, developing interview questions, managing assessment centers, conducting background checks, and negotiating employment offers. He retired as a village manager in 2021, and has been an executive recruiter with CPS=HR since the. As a city manager, he was a leader in economic and downtown redevelopment, developing strategic plans for his communities, and reorganizing service delivery to his communities to save money and better serve his residents. David has a reputation as an ethical, engaged, collaborative leader, who has excellent communication and listening skills. He has a calm, focused disposition and has worked with vocal and diverse elected boards and residents to develop a consensus on controversial issues. Additionally, he has worked in a variety of different communities in terms of wealth, demographic, political stability, culture and differing goals. A candidate that is successful in one community may not be successful in other, and so it is important that a recruiter understands the importance of candidate fit in an organization. Mr. Niemeyer's experience in diverse communities will help in screening candidates that are a good match for an organization. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ��'� � �����iI��I�I� iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�n����������n�.. �� �������� ��� � �������� ��� Proposal to Town of Lexinqton Executive Recrvitment for Town Manaqer Employment History ■ Village Manager, Village of Tinley Park, IL ■ Village Manager, Village of Oak Brook, IL ■ Village Manager, Village of Homewood, IL ■ City Manager, City of Des Plaines, IL ■ Village Manager, Village of Richton Park, IL ■ Village Administrator, Village of Orland Hills, IL ■ City Administrator/Assistant to the Mayor, City of Harvard, IL Education ■ Master's in Public Administration, Northern Illinois University, DeKalb, IL 1985 ■ Bachelor of Science in Political Science, Northern Illinois University, 1983 ■ Minors: International Relations, Journalism ■ ICMA Credentialed Manager and member of ICMA International Committee Activities ■ Member of ICMA, ILCMA, Metro Managers (past president) ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ��'� � �����iI��I�I� �� � ��� iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�n����������n�.. ����������������� � Proposal to Town of Lexinqton Executive Recrvitment for Town Manager e erences Provided below is a partial list of clients we have recently worked with in providing similar executive recruitment services. We are confident that these public-sector clients will tout our responsiveness and ability to successfully place candidates that were a good fit for their organization's needs. ' • • • � City of Gillette,WY Deca Wasson, Human Resources Director 201 E 5t"St decaw�gillettewy.gov Gillette, WY 82716 (307) 686-5227 City Manager Search (2023) City of Cincinnati,OH Angela Wright, Chief of Staff 805 Central Ave angela.wright�cincinnati-oh.gov Cincinnati, OH 45202 (513) 352-5335 Fire Chief Search (2023) Master Contract (2021-2022) Frederick County, MD Emily Fiftal, Human Resources Division Director 12 E Church St efiftal@frederickcountymd.gov Frederick, M D 21701 (301) 600-1148 City Administrative Officer Search (2023) Master Contract (2023-Present) ,������������ ���� � iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�n����������n��"����I��I�I �� � �� �� ��������� ��� � Proposal to Town of Lexinqton Executive Recrvitment for Town Manaqer ur roac �� � � ������� � �� �' � ����������� u �������m� mmi�l �wmmm � ��������� �mm��o�l �mm �����������������I�������mum��uu�l������������� �uu The Select Board on behalf of the Town of Lexington must be intimately involved in the search for a new Town Manager. Our approach assumes their direct participation in key phases of the search process. At the discretion of the Board, other key stakeholders may also be invited to provide input for the development of the candidate profile. ��������������� ���m�������� ����� ,�� ���� ������ A critical first step in a successful executive search is for the Board to define the professional and personal qualities required of the Town Manager. CPS HR has developed a very effective process that will permit the Board to clarify the preferred future direction for the Town; the specific challenges the Town is likely to face in achieving this future direction; the working style and organizational climate the Board wishes to establish with the Town Manager; and ultimately, the professional and personal qualities required of the Town Manager. ���m�������. I� i�nu� �� �imm�muum�l ii�l ���������� ��I����,�,,,,,,,�,I„�I�w�mmo�l� ����� ��� i�nuu�� Y�u�uum��imu�muum�l�lii��" �w� i����' � ���������� m�� �u�l I Throughout the recruitment process, we are strongly committed to keeping you fully informed of our progress. We will collaborate with you to provide updates on the status of the recruitment via your preferred method of communication (phone conference, email, etc.). We place the highest level of importance on customer service and responding in a timely manner to a I I cl ient a nd ca nd idate i nq u i ries. Ou r previous cl ients a nd ca nd idates have expressed a si ncere appreciation for our level of service and responsiveness to the management of the recruitment process. As a result, we have many long-term relationships with clients that have led to opportunities to assist them with multiple recruitments. CPS HR's communication continues once you have selected the new Town Manager. We will contact the Board and the newly appointed Town Manager within six months of appointment to ensure an effective transition has occurred. � ���������� ���, � � � ��������� �� ����� � ���, ����� �� ,�� ���� �� � � ��������������� ���m��� ��� ��� � ����������� ���� � � ���m�� �����m�� � , ���� � �����m �� We take an aggressive approach in identifying and recruiting the best available candidates. There are those candidates who would gladly rise to the professional challenge and apply for this position; however, some of the best candidates are often not actively seeking a new position and may only consider a change once we present them with your opportunity. Evoking the sense of vision and opportunity in qualified persons is among the responsibilities of CPS HR, and we pride ourselves in our efforts to reach the best available potential candidates. We use advertisements, directly email the outreach brochure, post messages and connect with potential candidates on business media such as Linkedln, and of course, pick up the phone and call qualified individuals and referral sources. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ��'� � �����I��I�I� iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�nn��������n����.. � i ���,�� � ��� ���� ��� II�i������ �'�ul �� Proposal to Town of Lexinqton Executive Recrvitment for Town Manaqer uuuuuimi � ���������i�"�o,�,ul�� iou uiuioiw � ����������f,�ww m�������� M�muu��I�I �uu��U� I�� m����������uuury� � ( u� m IIIII� iiiiiiiiiii � iiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiii ��� i uuuum CPS HR strives to attract the most highly qualified, diverse candidate pool possible. We are pleased that our diligent efforts have resulted in more than 57°0 of our executive level placements being people of color and/or female candidates within the past three years. We accomplished this by advertising with organizations like the National Forum for Black Public Administrators and the Local Government Hispanic Network in order to reach these specific population groups. We also seek candidate referrals from local subject matter experts and the national leadership of groups like Women Leading Government. By taking the time to directly contact these influential industry experts, we ensure that we capture the maximum number of distinguished candidates — particularly those who are well-known in their industries, but who may not be actively looking for a new job. The result is incredibly diverse candidate pools. Our clients have been quite pleased with our process and end results. ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ��'� � �����I��I�I� � i � iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�n����������n�.. �� �������� ��� ����� �������� ���� Proposal to Town of Lexinqton Executive Recrvitment for Town Manager . co e o erv�ces ����o�ww�` iu�w�°"�uuu���m�"������������I��m���w�l����um��'wlm�m�`�I����������� Im���,,,,���� I,�� i�miwi � �wi� om�m�mi ����������IW, oi�mm poi� poi�m��o oi� ''�ni��� Our proposed executive search process is designed to provide the Town with the full range of services required to ensure the ultimate selection of a new Town Manager is uniquely suited to the Town's needs. CPS HR can perform Outreach Only or Partial Recruitment services if a Full Recruitment is not currently needed by the Town. �oo�������� ' ' Deve I o p ��������������� � � ����������� ���� ����������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� � ������� � A ressive � Candidate gg ' Profile and Proactive, Selection ������� ������ Recruitment and Robust Strate Recruitment JY Phase I: Our consultant will meet with the Board to ascertain the Town's needs and ideal candidate attributes, to target our search efforts, and maximize candidate fit with the Town. �'����'������������������ �°����� The recruitment process is tailored to fit the Town's specific wants and needs, with targeted advertising, combined with contacts with qualified individuals from our extensive database. �'����� ���� ����The selection process is custom ized for the Town. CPS H R wi I I work with the Boa rd to determine the process best suited to the Town of Lexington. Below is a breakdown of the services included in each recruitment option. . � - . . • - . ' . . IIIIUU mmuu �iiuimm ���� � � IIIIIW �, m �iimmm ,�, � IIIIII� � .,. ��� �i' �I II � �'i��i IIIII� �' �I� � � uu Iliw w�� �um�� 1 Finalize Schedule X X 2 Hold Key Stakeholder Meetings X X X 3 Develop Candidate Profile X X X 4 Develop Recruitment Brochure X X X ������ �� �� �, �, ������� ���� ������ ������ �� ���� � � � �������w������ ����� ��� � ����������� � � � � �������� 1 Place Ads X X X 2 Identify and Contact Potential Candidates X X X 3 Review Application Materials X X 4 Conduct Screening Interviews X X 5 Submit Client Report X X ,������������ ���� � iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�n����������n��"����I��I�I �� ���������,�� ������� � Proposal to Town of Lexinqton Executive Recrvitment for Town Manaqer 6 Client Meeting to Select Semifinalists X X 7 Notify Candidates X X ����� ��� � �� � ����.� 1 Prepare Assessment X 2 Schedule Candidates; Coordinate Travel X 3 Prepare Evaluation manuals X 4 Facilitate Finalist Selection Process X 5 Conduct Reference and Background X Checks 6 Assist in Negotiation (if requested) X ����������I � � ���������������� ������ ���������� � �� m�����, m�����, � ����� ���������� ���m� ��w� ��������� ����� ��������� ��������� ��w' � ��������� �� � ��� ��m��m� � � ��� �W��� ����� ��� � �� ���m � � ���� �� ������ � � ��������� ��������� ���� ��� ��m Task 1 - Review and Finalize Executive Search Process and Schedule Task 2- Key Stakeholder Meetings Task 3 - Candidate Profile and Recruitment Strategy Development Task 4- Develop Recruitment Brochure The first step in this engagement is a thorough review of the Town's needs, culture and goals; the executive search process; and the schedule. CPS HR is prepared to meet with key stakeholders to obtain input in developing the ideal candidate profile and to assist us in understanding key issues and challenges that will face a new Town Manager. Activities will include: ■ Identifying key priorities for the new Town Manager and the conditions and challenges likely to be encountered in achieving these priorities. ■ Describing the type of working relationship the Board wishes to establish with the Town Manager. ■ Generating lists of specific competencies, experiences, and personal attributes needed by the new Town Manager in light of the discussions above. ■ Discussing recruitment and selection strategies for the Board's consideration to best produce the intended results. CPS HR will provide a summary to the Town stemming from these activities as an additional source of information for developing the candidate profile and selection criteria. ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ���� � iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�n����������n��"����I��I�I �� ul�°��'���'' ���� ��I Proposal to Town of Lexinqton Executive Recrvitment for Town Manaqer Following the completion of the workshop session, CPS HR will work with a professional graphic artist to design a recruitment brochure and present it to the Town for review. Please refer to Appendix A for a sample brochure. Additional brochure examples are available on our website at www.cpshr.us/recruitment-solutions/executive-search. MU 4fS �°m��� �� � , ����� �� ���� �� �°��� ����� ����� ��� �M �'� �� � ��� � ������ �� � ������,�������m��������,����� Task 1 - Place Advertisements Task 2- Identify and Contact Potential Candidates Task 3 - Resume Review and Screening Interviews Task 4- Board Selects Finalists The recruitment process is tailored to fit the Town's specific wants and needs, with targeted advertising, combined with personal contacts with qualified individuals from our extensive database. CPS HR will prepare, submit for your approval, and publish advertisements on professional and affiliate websites to attract candidates on a nationwide, regional, local or targeted basis based on the recruitment strategy. Examples may include: . � _ � � _ Town's website National League of Cities CPS HR website National Association of Counties Careers in Government Governmentjobs.com Linkedln ICMA MMA Municipal Career � Public CEO Opportunities As a consulting firm that interacts with hundreds of public sector executives during engagements, we have a cadre of individuals who we inform of recruitments, both to increase the visibility of the opening and to attract appropriate individuals who fit the special needs of our client. Communication with these professionals ensures that an accurate picture of the requirements of the job is apparent and proliferated throughout their professional networks. ���������� �������� ����� ����� �� � � � � � � � � � � ������� ��� � ����������� ����� � a n d w o u I d r e c o m m e n d ��� � �� �� ��������� � �������� � ���� � publications/websites that are targeted to minority and female candidates. In addition to placing ads on websites aimed at minority candidates, we will contact leaders within appropriate associations to gain their insight and referrals of possible candidates. Within the past three years, more than 57°0 of our executive level placements have been minority and/or female candidates. ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ���� � iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�n����������n��"����I��I�I �� u°����� ��� ���� '�� �u�ll'' �� Proposal to Town of Lexinqton Executive Recrvitment for Town Manaqer CPS HR will prepare an email distribution list containing prospective candidates and referral sources. These individuals will receive a link to the Town Manager brochure along with a personal invitation to contact CPS HR should they have any questions about the position. CPS HR maintains a comprehensive, up-to-date database of industry leaders and experienced professionals; however, we do not rely solely upon our current database. We also conduct research to target individuals relevant to your specific needs and expectations to ensure that we are thorough in our efforts to market this position to the appropriate audience and to garner a diverse and quality pool of candidates. We wi I I• ■ Convey a strong sense of the purpose and strategy of the Town. For many talented individuals, understanding these aspects is one of the key motivators to compete in such an environment. ■ Provide guidance and resources to candidates regarding the area's cost of living, mean and median housing prices, higher education opportunities, K-12 education information, and other aspects of interest to those who are considering relocating to the area. ■ Actively seek highly qualified candidates who may be attracted by the prospect of collaboration with other departments, providing exceptional leadership to the Town or continuing to ensure the public confidence in the integrity of the Town. CPS HR will directly receive and initially screen all resumes. This screening process is specifically designed to assess the personal and professional attributes the Town is seeking and will include a thorough review of each candidate's resume, and if applicable, supplemental questionnaire responses and other supporting materials. CPS HR will personally speak to selected candidates during a preliminary screening interview and will spend extensive time ascertaining each candidate's long-term career goals and reasons why the candidate is seeking this opportunity, as well as gaining a solid understanding of the candidate's technical competence and management philosophy. We will gather data on any other unique aspects specific to this recruitment based upon the candidate profile, as well as conduct internet research on each candidate interviewed. CPS HR will prepare a written report that summarizes the results of the recruitment process and recommends candidates for further consideration by the Board. Typically, the report will recommend five to eight highly qualified candidates and will include resumes and a profile on each interviewee's background. CPS HR will meet with the Board to review this report and to assist them in selecting a group of finalists for further evaluation. ,,,,,,,,,,,,, ��'� � �����i I��I�I �� ��� �� iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�n����������n�.. �I u��������' ������� Proposal to Town of Lexinqton Executive Recrvitment for Town Manaqer � �����u �� �` �� ��� �� � � �� � �� � � � �� ��� ��� � ��� �� Task 1 - Design Selection Process Task 2-Administer Selection Process Task 3 - Final Preparation for Appointment Task 4- Contract Negotiation (if requested) CPS HR will design a draft selection process based on information gathered in Phase I. We will meet with the Town to review this process and discuss the Town's preferred approach in assessing the final candidates. The selection process will typically include an in-depth interview with each candidate but may also include other selection assessments such as an oral presentation, preparation of written materials, and/or problem-solving exercises. We will coordinate all aspects of the selection process for the Town. This includes preparing appropriate materials such as interview questions, evaluation manuals, and other assessment exercises; facilitating the interviews; assisting the Town with deliberation of the results; and contacting both successful and unsuccessful candidates. Following the completion of the selection process, CPS HR will be available to complete the following components: ■ Arrange Follow-up Interviews/Final Assessment Process: Should the Town wish to arrange follow-up interviews and/or conduct a final assessment in order to make a selection, CPS HR will coordinate this effort. ■ Conduct In-Depth Reference Checks:The in-depth reference checks are a comprehensive 360-degree evaluation process whereby we speak with current and previous supervisors, peers, and direct reports. (It is our policy to not contact current supervisors until a job offer is made, contingent upon that reference being successfully completed, so as not to jeopardize the candidates' current employment situation.) Candidates are requested to provide a minimum of five references. CPS HR is able to ascertain significant, detailed information from reference sources due to our commitment to each individual of confidentiality, which leads to a willingness to have an open and candid discussion and results in the best appointment for the Town. A written (anonymous) summary of the reference checks is provided to the Town. ■ Conduct Background Checks: Upon a conditional job offer, we will arrange for a background check of a candidate's records on driving, criminal and civil court, credit history, education, published news, and other sensitive items. Should any negative or questionable content appear during these checks, CPS HR will have a thorough discussion with the finalist(s) and will present a full picture of the situation to the Town for further review. ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ���� � iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii�n����������n��"����I��I�I �� "�Ili'��������' ����'� Proposal to Town of Lexinqton Executive Recrvitment for Town Manaqer ■ Contract Negotiation (if requestedJ:Successful negotiations are critically important, and we are available to serve as your representative in this process. With our expertise, we can advise you regarding current approaches to various components of an employment package. We can represent your interests with regards to salary, benefits, employment agreements, housing, relocation, and other aspects, with the ultimate goal of securing your chosen candidate. ����������������� ;���„��' ���I �������'m�' The project team CPS HR has selected is prepared to begin work upon receipt of a fully-executed contractual agreement. All search activities up to and including the selection of a new Town Manager can be completed in 12 to 14 weeks for a Full Recruitment. A Partial Recruitment can be completed in approximately 10 to 12 weeks, and an Outreach Only in about 4 to 6 weeks. The precise schedule will depend on the placement of advertising on appropriate professional and affiliate websites, and the ability to schedule, as quickly as possible, the initial meeting. A proposed schedule of major milestones is presented below. . . . . � � ��������� � ��������� � �� � � � � ���w���w ��� � � � �� ��� � ��iii �� � � �iii ��iii � � -- • ➢ � ' - ➢ . . . : • - � •• • -• � � '• � � . ' � • � .. - - '- � � . � �. • ➢ � - -- • � � . . . � . � . � . • •. ' • • • ➢ . �� � � � ■ � �. 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It is situated on the rolling plains of the Powder River Basin between the Black Hills of South Dakota and the Big Horn Mountains of Wyoming.The current population is estimated at 34,267,which is the third largest city in Wyoming. Gillette is a family-oriented community with excellent schools and has a two-year community college,which includes technical education and nursing education, as well as a technical training school. Gillette is also home to the reputable Western Weld i ng Academy. Gillette is centrally located in an area involved with the development of vast quantities of American coal,oil, and gas.Wyoming provides nearly 35%of the nation's coal, and Gillette calls itself the"Energy Capital of the Nation" It is also the county seat and a major economic hub for the State of Wyoming. It is also a regional center for media, education, health, and arts. Northeast Wyoming Regional Airport in Gillette is served by United Airlines/Skywest Airlines. Mineral extraction industries have long been the driving force behind Gillette's efForts to create a family-friendly environment and also to pursue higher education and develop a career. As the world transitions away from coal as a primary power generation source, Gillette and Campbell County have begun an ambitious efFort to diversify their economy while still utilizing the abundant natural resources in the Powder River Basin. Gillette entertains visitors who are enroute to some of the nation's most famous national monuments, including Devils Tower National Monument,the Big Horn Mountain Range, and Mount Rushmore National Memorial. Gillette visitors can also experience Gillette's historic downtown, coal mine tours, buffalo ranch, museums, and more. Arts, culture, and recreation are prominent in Gillette. Avenues of the Arts features sculptures by various artists in the region.The 9000 seat Wyoming Center at the CAM-PLEX hosts events from Broadway productions to PRCA rodeos. Campbell County has several recreational facilities, including a 190,000 square foot recreation center. The City is hosting for the first time the International Pathfinders Camporee,which will bring 55,000 people from around the world to Gillette in 2024, as well as the National High School Finals Rodeo. Outside, pronghorn antelope hunting is some of the country's best, and residents and visitors also enjoy hiking and fishing.The City also has an abundance of parks and miles of bicycle/walking paths.The Energy Capital Outdoor Sports Complex hosts many sports tournaments and will soon be home to the multimillion-dollar Aquatic Center facility. Sports tourism is a growing industry in Gillette. �������°�����,, ����,,;,,,�� m,�w � The City of Gillette is a Home Rule City.The City is a Mayor/Council /Administrator form of local government. Gillette is governed by an elected mayor and a city council of six members. Gillette is split into three wards, each represented by two council members.The mayor and council members serve four-year terms. The City Administrator is appointed by the Mayor and Council and has overall responsibility for all City departments and provides leadership, supervision,and general direction for the City Management team. City departments include Human Resources, Finance, Public AfFairs, Police, Development Services, Public Works,and Uti I ities. The City's 2022-23 budget was $153 million.The City has 275 full-time employees.The City Council and the residents are supportive of staff, and there are not major internal employee issues facing the next administrator. The City has a strong collaborative relationship with the county, schools, and other local governments in the region. As with many growing communities, infrastructure projects will be one of the next administrator's priorities.The City recently approved the completion of a master plan for the city's network of pathways for pedestrians and cyclists that connect parts of the city. The community and the Council are united on many issues, but as can be expected in a growing community, there are issues that divide the community and the Council that will require the use of consensus building skills by t h e n ext Ad m i n i st ra to r. To I ea rn m o re,vi s it,,,,,,,,,, � .............................................e... ii �.�.�� ��s��� IIVI� IIIIIU IIIII� uiiiiiiiii � uiiiiiiiii � IIIffI � uiiiiiiiii uiiiiiiiii IIIIIIIIIIII� IIIIIIIIIIII III�" IIIIIIIIIII IIIIIIIIIIII� � � � � � � � � oou � � �Iw � � IIIIII� ���, � g�I � � m II� [ Ilwu � 4W� oi ilmol o Iloi o o io�...iolllll � Iplw a� � � � � � � a� V4w Ipllu uuo � � � Wuu ��u � � � � � Oiim � � � � � � � � � � �� II� � � � � � �4U � � � � � � � � � iiui� � �� � � � � � � � � � � � �� � � �� � � � � � ���i���'�� ���'' ���'�� The ideal candidate will: ��� Have a high respect and understanding of ��� Be engaged and respected by employees. Wyoming and Gillette qualities. �� Have a stron back round in communit g g Y �� Seek a long-term home and commitment to the development and real estate. City of Gillette. ����� Be an innovative solution orientated administrator , ��� Exhibit the attributes of a top-notch leader, who brings a sense of urgency to moving the including integrity,transparency, resiliency, organization and community forward. visionary,team builder, approachable,thick skinned. �� Have ood written and oral communication g ��� Follow through on issues in a timely and decisive skills, including being an active listener. Can manner; understands that many issues are not black communicate with people with diverse and white. backgrounds. �� Be skilled in public relations and active in the ���� Be professional and non-political. community. ����� Understand and know how to navi ate le islative g g ��� Keep all elected officials equally informed of issues issues. in the organization and the community. �� Have stron financial skills. g A Bachelor's degree from an accredited four-year college or university required. A Master's degree in Public/ Business Administration is highly desirable. Proven executive-level municipal management experience as either a chief administrative officer, assistant CAO or senior department head level experience desired.. ICMA accreditation desired. The City Administrator will be required to be a resident of Gillette. , , ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,, , , ,, , � , , , , . ,, „ ,,,_. ,,, ,, , . � , , , _ „� � ,, ,, � , ,,,,,,, , . � , , , , _ , � > > „ r ,,,,,,,, o i, i �� _ oii � i ,. ii � ii � �000 � �� / �� i _� I / � _ J .. l , 1 f l %% , I , � / J / I / / I � / , / /, � � �� / . , _ // % /. _ � ��� / � � / J � _,. , �� � / _ � / / � , ,, � � � i/ / o / /� �, / J � ��i � � J , � � � � � � ��� � � �� ,, � � J ,� i J � � � i / / , / � i � � � � � � � � � % i � � i �� „ �� � � �� � � ,,, � , � � �. , �� „ / � , // f � , �f� � ,,,,,,,,,, � i ��, � ���, � _ �f J �� �f �� �� � l� � f�� � , � , � � , . ,. � ,. ,� � ,. , ,.. , ,, , � . � . , , .... , , .. , _ .. , , , , � � ,,, .... ..�..,,,,,, ,, � � � , � , � , � _ � / � i������������ � / , / ,; i / � / � � � / / � . � ,,,,,,,, � i ��i , ,, ,,, „ i� .,, ,,, , . „ ,, w i/ ii%/ „ � / iiiioi ,✓ /. „ � / , �,,.. i,.._ �,.. �/ > � / � /_ iii�������i // /��/ � � � � � � / � �. � , , ,,,,,,,,,, , � , . � , , . i , . � , . , . , „ �� ,,, „ ,,,, ,,, ,,,,, ,,,,, , „ ,,,,,,,,, „. , „, �� / , , / � � � / i/ , , , , , , , ,u � , ,,� � , , / , , � , ,,,, � , � , , , , ,,,,, , ��� , i , i , , i , iiiiiiiii///. ,. ,,,/ ,. � ,. ,. ,,,,, ,. , ry. ,. ,,, ,. ,,. ,.. „i/ ,. ,/ ,,, , ,,,�����iia�, , , „ ������, , „ /,. „ ����i �. / i. „ �ii. � „ � � / O,, ���, , „ i _ � ///�� ii /aiii�i%////.� ii � i / � o„ ii � i ���i �/ / � ii i , i , , i i i %////,,,, ����iiiii,, / / � / „ _._, � � � „. ��� � � � � iii/� �iiii � � � � ,�� a �o , � �������� �„� a /// i�. ////, // „ � / % i.,, ���,,aii<>/ � / ,, / /% �_. ,, , ���%,,,,,,,;„ , / /. , /. ,. /.. ,. ii// /i � �, � � i � �. o �. � , i �. �. �. �% �. , �. � �. � �. � �. � �. � �. � �. � � �. � �. � � �. � �. i �c. �. i �. i �. �. �j �. �. �. iii/ �. /, , �. / �. %/// ,.. / ,/,. /._ i/ i � w ���� v�iiiii/% �i��/ � � � ii/ iiiiiiiii „ ///%//,/- ;,,,,, / y �, / � � a r �� �� � � ,,,a,,,,ii i ,.. /,,,, % � , i. ry. �% / , � %%. %. / _ � / �� _ � � ����� /. � � , i a �/ i � � "�, ��. < ��� � ��� � / �, i / � i. , < „ . . ..... / ii�.. ������. ,.... .. w .. � .- ,,�,,..i.m.r. . ., . 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N � � , / , , ,. / �, � � , � / � �� �, , � ,,,,,� , � �. � � / � � , �� � ,. � , i ,. �i,,. � � i � , �, � / , i r � �� � f//�� ,� � „1 i/ � ��, %/,, , �� � , t // � ;� �. � ///i� ��� %/,,,, � , �jiiiii,,, f �1� �,;; %°; ;; %/,,;: � ��/��, �/� . . • ��I �% .� i�l D///O////,,,,,,, � 11 TOWN OF LEXINGTON TAX COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION Pursuant to M.G.L. c.62C, §49A, I certify under the penalties of perjury that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the below named business is in compliance with all laws of the Commonwealth relating to taxes, reporting of employees and contractors, and withholding and remitting child support. (Date) (Signature of individual submitting bid or proposal) (Printed name of person signing bid or proposal) (Name of business) (Business address) (Business phone number) MUST BE COMPLETED AND INCLUDED WITH SUBMISSION Cooperative Personnel Services (dba CPS HR Consulting) is a governmental entity; therefore, this document does not apply. m TOWN OF LEXINGTON CERTIFICATE OF CORPORATE AUTHORITY The principal, officer or person to sign below pledges under penalties of perjury, that he or she has been designated by the owner(s) or the Board of Directors of the below named firm as an authorized representative. (Date) (Signature of individual submitting bid or proposal) (Printed name and title of person signing bid or proposal) (Name of business) (Business address) (Business phone number) MUST BE COMPLETED AND INCLUDED WITH SUBMISSION Cooperative Personnel Services (dba CPS HR Consulting) is a governmental entity; therefore, this document does not apply. m TOWN OF LEXINGTON NON -COLLUSION STATEMENT CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION IN BID/PROPOSAL TO BE ATTACHED TO CONTRACT Any person submitting a Bid or Proposal for the procurement or disposal of supplies and services to any governmental body shall certify in writing, on the Bid or Proposal, as follows: "The undersigned certifies under penalties of perjury that this Bid or Proposal has been made and submitted in good faith and without collusion or fraud with any other person. As used in this certification, the word "person" shall mean any natural person, business, partnership, corporation, union, committee, club, or other organization, entity or group of individuals." 4/ 15/2024 4*'O� (Date) (Signature of person signing bid or proposal) Melissa Asher (Printed name of person signing bid or proposal) Sr. Practice Leader, Products and Services (Title) Cooperative Personnel Services (Name of Business) 2450 Del Paso Rd, Ste 220, Sacramento, CA 95834 (Business address) 916-263-3600 (Business Phone Number) MUST BE COMPLETED AND INCLUDED WITH SUBMISSION SIGNATURE PAGE The applicant hereby certifies that: 1. The applicant has not given, offered, or agreed to give any gift, contribution, or offer of employment as an inducement for, or in connection with, the award of contract for these services. 2. No consultant to, or subcontractor for the applicant has given, offered, or agreed to give any gift, contribution or offer of employment to the applicant, or to any other person, corporation, or entity as an inducement for, or in connection with, the award to the consultant or subcontractor of a contract by the applicant. 3. That no person, corporation, or, other entity other than a bona fide full-time employee of the applicant has been retained or hired to solicit for, or in any way assist the applicant in obtaining the contract for services upon an agreement or understanding that such person, corporation, or entity be paid a fee or other compensation contingent upon the award of the contract to the applicant. I hereby attest with full knowledge of the penalties for perjury, as in accordance with Massachusetts G.L. C.7, S.38E that all information provided in this application for services is correct. Cooperative Personnel Services Firm _17�0 46.k� Signee (written) Melissa Asher Signee (typed/printed) Sr. Practice Leader, Products and Services Title 4/15/2024 Date MUST BE COMPLETED AND INCLUDED WITH SUBMISSION m � Or CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE �,,,,,,�.- DATE (MM/DD/YYYY) 6/22/2023 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER Edgewood Partners Ins. Center 10877 White Rock Road Suite 300 Sacramento - P&C Lic #01329370 CONTACT Brianna Orchekowski PHONE FAX A/C No Ext : A/C No): ADDRESS: brianna.orchekowski@epicbrokers.com INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # Rancho Cordova CA 95670 INSURER A: Lloyds of London 85202 INSURED COOPPERS Cooperative Personnel Services DBA: CPS HR Consulting INSURER B: The Continental Insurance Company 35289 INSURERC: American Casualty Co of Reading, PA 20427 INSURER D : Continental Casualty Company 20443 2450 Del Paso Rd., Ste. 220 INSURER E : National Fire Insurance Co of Hartford 20478 Sacramento CA 95834 INSURER F : COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER:900547662 REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. INSR LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE ADDL INSD SUBR WVD POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF MM/DD/YYYY POLICY EXP MM/DD/YYYY LIMITS B X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY Y Y 6072390517 7/1/2023 7/1/2024 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 CLAIMS -MADE X OCCUR DAMAGE TO RENTED PREMISES Ea occurrence $ 1,000,000 MED EXP (Any one person) $ 15,000 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ 1,000,000 GEN'L AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 POLICY � E � LOC PRODUCTS -COMP/OP AGG $ 2,000,000 $ OTHER: C AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY Y Y 6072390548 7/1/2023 7/1/2024 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT Ea accident $ 1,000,000 BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ ANY AUTO OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS ONLY AUTOS BODILY INJURY (Per accident) $ X PROPERTY DAMAGE Per accident $ HIRED X NON -OWNED AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONLY B X UMBRELLA LIAB X OCCUR 6072390551 7/1/2023 7/1/2024 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 6,000,000 AGGREGATE $ 6,000,000 EXCESS LIAB CLAIMS -MADE DED X RETENTION $ $1 n.nnn $ D E WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY Y / N ANYPROPRIETOR/PARTNER/EXECUTIVE N Y 6072390534 6072390520 7/1/2023 7/1/2023 7/1/2024 7/1/2024 X PER STATUTE ER Stop Gap Applies E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $ 1,000,000 OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? N / A E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $ 1,000,000 (Mandatory in NH) If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L. DISEASE - POLICY LIMIT $ 1,000,000 A Errors & Omissions PSM0139689064 7/1/2023 7/1/2024 Per Claim/Agg $3,000,000 Claims Made/Retro Date 10/13/1989 SIR Per Claim $50,000 DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS / LOCATIONS / VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, may be attached if more space is required) Re: Evidence of Coverage. CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. "Evidence of Coverage" AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE For Insureds Use ' IIII idWWl'm fi. wWlh . p4u11 WIL, ,Id I�I�I�WI. 'flL,lllu^.'4I�ul WP � �i Ydl I� dlllr ©1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (2016/03) The ACORD name and logo are registered marks of ACORD l off" 2m CNA CNA PARAMOUNT General Liability Extension Endorsement 1. ADDITIONAL INSUREDS a. WHO IS AN INSURED is amended to include as an Insured any person or organization described in paragraphs A. through K. below whom a Named Insured is required to add as an additional insured on this Coverage Part under a written contract or written agreement, provided such contract or agreement: (1) is currently in effect or becomes effective during the term of this Coverage Part; and (2) was executed prior to: (a) the bodily injury or property damage; or (b) the offense that caused the personal and advertising injury, for which such additional insured seeks coverage. b. However, subject always to the terms and conditions of this policy, including the limits of insurance, the Insurer will not provide such additional insured with: (1) a higher limit of insurance than required by such contract or agreement; or (2) coverage broader than required by such contract or agreement, and in no event broader than that described by the applicable paragraph A. through K. below. Any coverage granted by this endorsement shall apply only to the extent permissible by law. A. Controlling Interest Any person or organization with a controlling interest in a Named Insured, but only with respect to such person or organization's liability for bodily injury, property damage or personal and advertising injury arising out of: 1. such person or organization's financial control of a Named Insured; or 2. premises such person or organization owns, maintains or controls while a Named Insured leases or occupies such premises; provided that the coverage granted by this paragraph does not apply to structural alterations, new construction or demolition operations performed by, on behalf of, or for such additional insured. B. Co-owner of Insured Premises A co-owner of a premises co -owned by a Named Insured and covered under this insurance but only with respect to such co -owner's liability for bodily injury, property damage or personal and advertising injury as co-owner of such premises. C. Grantor of Franchise Any person or organization that has granted a franchise to a Named Insured, but only with respect to such person or organization's liability for bodily injury, property damage or personal and advertising injury as grantor of a franchise to the Named Insured. D. Lessor of Equipment Any person or organization from whom a Named Insured leases equipment, but only with respect to liability for bodily injury, property damage or personal and advertising injury caused, in whole or in part, by the Named Insured's maintenance, operation or use of such equipment, provided that the occurrence giving rise to such bodily injury, property damage or the offense giving rise to such personal and advertising injury takes place prior to the termination of such lease. CNA74879XX (1 - 15) Policy No: 6072390517 Page 2 of 13 CONTINENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY Insured Name: COOPERATIVE PERSONNEL SERVICES Effective Date: 07/01/2023 Copyright CNA All Rights Reserved. Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. CNA CNA PARAMOUNT General Liability Extension Endorsement E. Lessor of Land Any person or organization from whom a Named Insured leases land but only with respect to liability for bodily injury, property damage or personal and advertising injury arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of such land, provided that the occurrence giving rise to such bodily injury or property damage, or the offense giving rise to such personal and advertising injury, takes place prior to the termination of such lease. The coverage granted by this paragraph does not apply to structural alterations, new construction or demolition operations performed by, on behalf of, or for such additional insured. F. Lessor of Premises An owner or lessor of premises leased to the Named Insured, or such owner or lessor's real estate manager, but only with respect to liability for bodily injury, property damage or personal and advertising injury arising out of the ownership, maintenance or use of such part of the premises leased to the Named Insured, and provided that the occurrence giving rise to such bodily injury, property damage or the offense giving rise to such personal and advertising injury takes place prior to the termination of such lease. The coverage granted by this paragraph does not apply to structural alterations, new construction or demolition operations performed by, on behalf of, or for such additional insured. G. Mortgagee, Assignee or Receiver A mortgagee, assignee or receiver of premises but only with respect to such mortgagee, assignee or receiver's liability for bodily injury, property damage or personal and advertising injury arising out of the Named Insured's ownership, maintenance, or use of a premises by a Named Insured. The coverage granted by this paragraph does not apply to structural alterations, new construction or demolition operations performed by, on behalf of, or for such additional insured. H. State or Governmental Agency or Subdivision or Political Subdivisions — Permits A state or governmental agency or subdivision or political subdivision that has issued a permit or authorization, but only with respect to such state or governmental agency or subdivision or political subdivision's liability for bodily injury, property damage or personal and advertising injury arising out of: 1. the following hazards in connection with premises a Named Insured owns, rents, or controls and to which this insurance applies: (D 00 00 a. the existence, maintenance, repair, construction, erection, or removal of advertising signs, awnings, LO C) canopies, cellar entrances, coal holes, driveways, manholes, marquees, hoistaway openings, sidewalk M co C*-J vaults, street banners, or decorations and similar exposures; or 1- C) C) b. the construction, erection, or removal of elevators; or 0 C) C11J C) C) c. the ownership, maintenance or use of any elevators covered by this insurance; or 2. the permitted or authorized operations performed by a Named Insured or on a Named Insured's behalf. The coverage granted by this paragraph does not apply to: a. Bodily injury, property damage or personal and advertising injury arising out of operations performed for the state or governmental agency or subdivision or political subdivision; or b. Bodily injury or property damage included within the products -completed operations hazard. With respect to this provision's requirement that additional insured status must be requested under a written contract or agreement, the Insurer will treat as a written contract any governmental permit that requires the Named Insured to add the governmental entity as an additional insured. CNA74879XX (1 - 15) Page 3 of 13 CONTINENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY Policy No: 6072390517 Insured Name: COOPERATIVE PERSONNEL SERVICES Effective Date: 07 / 01 / 2 023 Copyright CNA All Rights Reserved. Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Flage ��� 28 CNA CNA PARAMOUNT General Liability Extension Endorsement I. Trade Show Event Lessor 1. With respect to a Named Insured's participation in a trade show event as an exhibitor, presenter or displayer, any person or organization whom the Named Insured is required to include as an additional insured, but only with respect to such person or organization's liability for bodily injury, property damage or personal and advertising injury caused by: a. the Named Insured's acts or omissions; or b. the acts or omissions of those acting on the Named Insured's behalf, in the performance of the Named Insured's ongoing operations at the trade show event premises during the trade show event. 2. The coverage granted by this paragraph does not apply to bodily injury or property damage included within the products -completed operations hazard. J. Vendor Any person or organization but only with respect to such person or organization's liability for bodily injury or property damage arising out of your products which are distributed or sold in the regular course of such person or organization's business, provided that: 1. The coverage granted by this paragraph does not apply to: a. bodily injury or property damage for which such person or organization is obligated to pay damages by reason of the assumption of liability in a contract or agreement unless such liability exists in the absence of the contract or agreement; b. any express warranty unauthorized by the Named Insured; c. any physical or chemical change in any product made intentionally by such person or organization; d. repackaging, except when unpacked solely for the purpose of inspection, demonstration, testing, or the substitution of parts under instructions from the manufacturer, and then repackaged in the original container; e. any failure to make any inspections, adjustments, tests or servicing that such person or organization has agreed to make or normally undertakes to make in the usual course of business, in connection with the distribution or sale of the products; f. demonstration, installation, servicing or repair operations, except such operations performed at the such person or organization's premises in connection with the sale of a product; g. products which, after distribution or sale by the Named Insured, have been labeled or relabeled or used as a container, part or ingredient of any other thing or substance by or for such person or organization; or h. bodily injury or property damage arising out of the sole negligence of such person or organization for its own acts or omissions or those of its employees or anyone else acting on its behalf. However, this exclusion does not apply to: (1) the exceptions contained in Subparagraphs d. or f. above; or (2) such inspections, adjustments, tests or servicing as such person or organization has agreed with the Named Insured to make or normally undertakes to make in the usual course of business, in connection with the distribution or sale of the products. 2. This Paragraph J. does not apply to any insured person or organization, from whom the Named Insured has acquired such products, nor to any ingredient, part or container, entering into, accompanying or containing such products. CNA74879XX (1 - 15) Page 4 of 13 CONTINENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY Policy No: 6072390517 Insured Name: COOPERATIVE PERSONNEL SERVICES Effective Date: 07 / 01 / 2 023 Copyright CNA All Rights Reserved. Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Flage ��� 29 CNA CNA PARAMOUNT General Liability Extension Endorsement 3. This Paragraph J. also does not apply: a. to any vendor specifically scheduled as an additional insured by endorsement to this Coverage Part; b. to any of your products for which coverage is excluded by endorsement to this Coverage Part; nor c. if bodily injury or property damage included within the products -completed operations hazard is excluded by endorsement to this Coverage Part. K. Other Person Or Organization Any person or organization who is not an additional insured under Paragraphs A. through J. above. Such additional insured is an Insured solely for bodily injury, property damage or personal and advertising injury for which such additional insured is liable because of the Named Insured's acts or omissions. The coverage granted by this paragraph does not apply to any person or organization: 1. for bodily injury, property damage, or personal and advertising injury arising out of the rendering or failure to render any professional service; 2. for bodily injury or property damage included within the products -completed operations hazard; nor 3. who is specifically scheduled as an additional insured on another endorsement to this Coverage Part. 2. ADDITIONAL INSURED - PRIMARY AND NON-CONTRIBUTORY TO ADDITIONAL INSURED'S INSURANCE A. The Other Insurance Condition in the COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY CONDITIONS Section is amended to add the following paragraph: If the Named Insured has agreed in writing in a contract or agreement that this insurance is primary and non- contributory relative to an additional insured's own insurance, then this insurance is primary, and the Insurer will not seek contribution from that other insurance. For the purpose of this Provision 2., the additional insured's own insurance means insurance on which the additional insured is a named insured. B. With respect to persons or organizations that qualify as additional insureds pursuant to paragraph 1-K. of this endorsement, the following sentence is added to the paragraph above: Otherwise, and notwithstanding anything to the contrary elsewhere in this Condition, the insurance provided to such person or organization is excess of any other insurance available to such person or organization. 00 00 3. BODILY INJURY — EXPANDED DEFINITION C) C*_J I- Under DEFINITIONS the definition of bodily injury is deleted and replaced by the following: C) C) C) Bodily injury means physical injury, sickness or disease sustained by a person, including death, humiliation, shock, C) C) C*_J C) mental anguish or mental injury sustained by that person at any time which results as a consequence of the physical injury, sickness or disease. 4. BROAD KNOWLEDGE OF OCCURRENCE/ NOTICE OF OCCURRENCE Under CONDITIONS, the condition entitled Duties in The Event of Occurrence, Offense, Claim or Suit is amended to add the following: A. BROAD KNOWLEDGE OF OCCURRENCE The Named Insured must give the Insurer or the Insurer's authorized representative notice of an occurrence, offense or claim only when the occurrence, offense or claim is known to a natural person Named Insured, to a partner, executive officer, manager or member of a Named Insured, or to an employee designated by any of the above to give such notice. B. NOTICE OF OCCURRENCE CNA74879XX (1 - 15) Policy No: 6072390517 Page 5 of 13 CONTINENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY Insured Name: COOPERATIVE PERSONNEL SERVICES Effective Date: 07/01/2023 Copyright CNA All Rights Reserved. Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. CNA CNA PARAMOUNT General Liability Extension Endorsement not be deemed to be damages for personal and advertising injury and will not reduce the limits of insurance. D. This PERSONAL AND ADVERTISING INJURY - LIMITED CONTRACTUAL LIABILITY Provision does not apply if Coverage B —Personal and Advertising Injury Liability is excluded by another endorsement attached to this Coverage Part. 17. PROPERTY DAMAGE —ELEVATORS A. Under COVERAGES, Coverage A — Bodily Injury and Property Damage Liability, the paragraph entitled Exclusions is amended such that the Damage to Your Product Exclusion and subparagraphs (3), (4) and (6) of the Damage to Property Exclusion do not apply to property damage that results from the use of elevators. B. Solely for the purpose of the coverage provided by this PROPERTY DAMAGE — ELEVATORS Provision, the Other Insurance conditions is amended to add the following paragraph: This insurance is excess over any of the other insurance, whether primary, excess, contingent or on any other basis that is Property insurance covering property of others damaged from the use of elevators. 18. SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS The section entitled SUPPLEMENTARY PAYMENTS — COVERAGES A AND B is amended as follows: A. Paragraph 1 b. is amended to delete the $250 limit shown for the cost of bail bonds and replace it with a $5,000. limit; and B. Paragraph 1-d- is amended to delete the limit of $250 shown for daily loss of earnings and replace it with a $1,000. limit. 19. UNINTENTIONAL FAILURE TO DISCLOSE HAZARDS If the Named Insured unintentionally fails to disclose all existing hazards at the inception date of the Named Insured's Coverage Part, the Insurer will not deny coverage under this Coverage Part because of such failure. 20. WAIVER OF SUBROGATION - BLANKET Under CONDITIONS, the Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against Others To Us Condition is amended to add the following: The Insurer waives any right of recovery the Insurer may have against any person or organization because of M payments the Insurer makes for injury or damage arising out of: 00 LO C) M 1. the Named Insured's ongoing operations; or co C*_J I- C) (D 2. your work included in the products -completed operations hazard. C) C) C) C*_J However, this waiver applies only when the Named Insured has agreed in writing to waive such rights of recovery in C) C) a written contract or written agreement, and only if such contract or agreement: 1. is in effect or becomes effective during the term of this Coverage Part; and 2. was executed prior to the bodily injury, property damage or personal and advertising injury giving rise to the claim. All other terms and conditions of the Policy remain unchanged. This endorsement, which forms a part of and is for attachment to the Policy issued by the designated Insurers, takes effect on the effective date of said Policy at the hour stated in said Policy, unless another effective date is shown below, and expires concurrently with said Policy. CNA74879XX (1 - 15) Policy No: 6072390517 Page 13 of 13 CONTINENTAL INSURANCE COMPANY Insured Name: COOPERATIVE PERSONNEL SERVICES Effective Date: 07/01/2023 Copyright CNA All Rights Reserved. Includes copyrighted material of Insurance Services Office, Inc., with its permission. Policy #6072390598 CNA83700XX civa (Ed 10_15) EXTENDED COVERAGE - BA PLUS - FOR HIRED AND NON -OWNED AUTOS It is understood and agreed that this endorsement amends the BUSINESS AUTO COVERAGE FORM as follows. If any other endorsement attached to this policy amends any provision also amended by this endorsement, then that other endorsement controls with respect to such provision, and the changes made by this endorsement to such provision do not apply. TABLE OF CONTENTS I. AMENDMENTS TO LIABILITY COVERAGE A. Who Is An Insured 1. Majority Owned Corporations 2. Newly Acquired Organizations 3. Additional Insureds Required By Written Contracts 4. Employee -Hired Autos B. Increased Loss of Earnings Allowance C. Fellow Employee Coverage II. AMENDMENTS TO PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE A. Increased Loss of Use Expense B. Broadened Electronic Equipment Coverage III. AMENDMENTS TO BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS A. Knowledge of Accident or Loss B. Knowledge of Documents C. Waiver of Subrogation D. Unintentional Failure To Disclose Hazards E. Primary and Non -Contributory When Required By Contract IV. AMENDMENTS TO DEFINITIONS A. Broadened Bodily Injury I. AMENDMENTS TO LIABILITY COVERAGE A. Amendments to Who Is An Insured Under SECTION II — COVERED AUTOS LIABILITY COVERAGE, the paragraph entitled Who Is An Insured is amended to add the following: 1. Majority Owned Corporations Any incorporated entity in which you own a majority of the voting stock on the inception date of this Coverage Form is an "insured", but only if such entity is not an "insured" under any other liability "policy" that provides "auto" coverage. 2. Newly Acquired Organizations Any organization you newly acquire or form during the policy period, other than a limited liability company, partnership or joint venture, and in which you maintain majority ownership interest is an "insured", but only if such organization is not an "insured" under any other liability "policy" that provides "auto" coverage. The insurance afforded by this provision: CNA83700XX (Ed. 10-15) Page 1 of 3 Copyright, CNA All Rights Reserved. 312 CNA83700XX (Ed. 10-15) a. Is effective on the date of acquisition or formation of the organization, and applies until: (1) The end of the policy period of this Coverage Form; or (2) The next anniversary of this Coverage Form's inception date, whichever is earlier; and b. Does not apply to "bodily injury" or "property damage" caused by an "accident" that occurred before you acquired or formed the organization. 3. Additional Insureds Required By Written Contract Any person or organization that you are required by written contract to make an additional insured under this insurance is an "insured", but only with respect to that person or organization's legal liability for acts or omissions of a person who qualifies as an "insured" for Liability Coverage under Section II — Who Is An Insured of this Coverage Form. 4. Employee -Hired Autos Any "employee" of yours is an "insured" while operating with your permission an "auto" hired or rented under a contract in that "employee's" name, while performing duties related to the conduct of your business. With respect to provisions A.1. and A.2. above, "policy" includes those policies that were in force on the inception date of this Coverage Form, but: i. Which are no longer in force; or ii. Whose limits have been exhausted. B. Increased Loss of Earnings Allowance Under SECTION II — COVERED AUTOS LIABILITY COVERAGE, the paragraph entitled Coverage Extensions is amended under Supplementary Payment subparagraph (4) to delete the $250 a day limit for loss of earnings and replace it with a $500 a day limit. C. Fellow Employee Coverage Under SECTION II — COVERED AUTOS LIABILITY COVERAGE, the paragraph entitled Exclusions is amended to delete the exclusion entitled Fellow Employee. II. AMENDMENTS TO PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE A. Increased Loss of Use Expense Under SECTION III — PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, the paragraph entitled Coverage Extensions is amended under Loss of Use Expenses to delete the maximum of $600, and replace it with a maximum of $800. B. Broadened Electronic Equipment Coverage Under SECTION III — PHYSICAL DAMAGE COVERAGE, the paragraph entitled Exclusions is amended to delete paragraphs 5.a through 5.d. in their entirety, and replace them with the following: 5. Exclusions 4.c. and 4.d. above do not apply to "loss" to any electronic equipment that at the time of "loss" is: a. Permanently installed in or upon a covered "auto", nor to such equipment's antennas or other accessories used with such equipment. A $100 deductible applies to this provision, and supersedes any otherwise applicable deductible; or b. Designed to be operated solely by use of the power from the "auto's" electrical system and is: (1) Removable from a housing unit which is permanently installed in or upon the covered "auto"; (2) An integral part of the same unit housing any electronic equipment described in paragraphs a. or b.(1) above; or (3) Necessary for the normal operation of the covered "auto" or the monitoring of the covered "auto's" operating system. CNA83700XX (Ed. 10-15) Page 2 of 3 Copyright, CNA All Rights Reserved. 33 civa III. AMENDMENTS TO BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS A. Knowledge of Accident or Loss CNA83700XX (Ed. 10-15) Under BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS, the Loss Condition entitled Duties In the Event of Accident, Claims, Suit, or Loss is amended to add the following subparagraph a.(4): (4) If your "employees" know of an "accident" or "loss", this will not mean that you have such knowledge until such "accident" or "loss" is known to a natural person Named Insured, to a partner, executive officer, manager or member of a Named Insured, or to an "employee" designated by any of the above to be your insurance manager. B. Knowledge of Documents Under BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS, the Loss Condition entitled Duties In the Event of Accident, Claims, Suit, or Loss is amended to add the following subparagraph b.(6): (6) If your "employees" know of documents concerning a claim or "suit", this will not mean that you have such knowledge until such documents are known to a natural person Named Insured, to a partner, executive officer, manager or member of a Named Insured, or to an "employee" designated by any of the above to be your insurance manager. C. Waiver of Subrogation Under BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS, the Loss Condition entitled Transfer Of Rights Of Recovery Against Others To Us is amended to add the following: We waive any right of recovery we may have, because of payments we make for injury or damage, against any person or organization for whom or which you are required by written contract or agreement to obtain this waiver from us. This injury or damage must arise out of your activities under a contract with that person or organization. You must agree to that requirement prior to an "accident" or "loss." D. Unintentional Failure To Disclose Hazards Under BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS, the General Condition entitled Concealment, Misrepresentation or Fraud is amended to add the following: Your failure to disclose all hazards existing on the inception date of this Coverage Form shall not prejudice you with respect to the coverage provided by this insurance, provided such failure or omission is not intentional. E. Primary and Non -Contributory When Required By Contract Under BUSINESS AUTO CONDITIONS, the General Condition entitled Other Insurance is amended to add the following: Notwithstanding provisions 5.a. through 5.d. above, the coverage provided by this Coverage Form shall be on a primary and non-contributory basis when required to be so by a written contract entered into prior to "accident" or "loss." IV. AMENDMENTS TO DEFINITIONS A. Broadened Bodily Injury Under DEFINITIONS, the definition of "bodily injury" is deleted and replaced by the following: "Bodily injury" means physical injury, sickness or disease sustained by a person, including death, mental anguish or mental injury sustained by that person which results as a consequence of the physical injury, sickness or disease. All other terms and conditions of the Policy remain unchanged. CNA83700XX (Ed. 10-15) Copyright, CNA All Rights Reserved. Page 3 of 3 °L 3 CNAWorkers Compensation And Employers Liability Insuranu; 1 llllliullu illl I i �I I °iioll p � III il;l ervnnnuuwiiiiiiuuu This endorsement changes the policy to which it is attached. It is agreed that Part One - Workers' Compensation Insurance G. Recovery From Others and Part Two - Employers' Liability Insurance H. Recovery From Others are amended by adding the following: We will not enforce our right to recover against persons or organizations. (This agreement applies only to the extent that you perform work under a written contract that requires you to obtain this agreement from us.) PREMIUM CHARGE - Refer to the Schedule of Operations The charge will be an amount to which you and we agree that is a percentage of the total standard premium for California exposure. The amount is 2%. All other terms and conditions of the policy remain unchanged. This endorsement, which forms a part of and is for attachment to the policy issued by the designated Insurers, takes effect on the Policy Effective Date of said policy at the hour stated in said policy, unless another effective date (the Endorsement Effective Date) is shown below, and expires concurrently with said policy unless another expiration date is shown below. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Form No: G-19160-B (1 1-1997) Policy No: WC 6072390520 Endorsement Effective Date: Endorsement Expiration Date: Policy Effective Date: Endorsement No: 2; Page: 1 of 1 07/01 /2023 Underwriting Company: American Casualty Company of Reading, Pennsylvania ° Copyright CNA All Rights Reserved. 5 m CNAWorkers Compensation And Employers Liability Insurance 1 IVuuuuNn ;; " We have the right to recover our payments from anyone liable for an injury covered by this policy. We will not enforce our right against the person or organization named in the Schedule. This agreement shall not operate directly or indirectly to benefit anyone not named in the Schedule. Any person or organization for which the employer has agreed by written contract, executed prior to loss, may execute a waiver of subrogation. However, for purposes of work performed by the employer in Missouri, this waiver of subrogation does not apply to any construction group of classifications as designated by the waiver of right to recover from others (subrogation) rule in our manual. Schedule Any Person or Organization on whose behalf you are required to obtain this waiver of our right to recover from under a written contract or agreement. The premium charge for the endorsement is reflected in the Schedule of Operations. All other terms and conditions of the policy remain unchanged. This endorsement, which forms a part of and is for attachment to the policy issued by the designated Insurers, takes effect on the Policy Effective Date of said policy at the hour stated in said policy, unless another effective date (the Endorsement Effective Date) is shown below, and expires concurrently with said policy unless another expiration date is shown below. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Form No: WC 00 03 13 (04-1984) Policy No: WC 6072390534 Endorsement Effective Date: Endorsement Expiration Date: Policy Effective Date: Endorsement No: 4; Page: 1 of 1 07/01 /2023 Underwriting Company: Continental Casualty Company Copyright 1983 National Council on Compensation Insurance. m CMAWorkers Compensation And Employers Liability Insurance This endorsement applies only to the insurance provided by the policy because Texas is shown in Item 3.A. of the Information Page. We have the right to recover our payments from anyone liable for an injury covered by this policy. We will not enforce our right against the person or organization named in the Schedule, but this waiver applies only with respect to bodily injury arising out of the operations described in the Schedule where you are required by a written contract to obtain this waiver from us. This endorsement shall not operate directly or indirectly to benefit anyone not named in the Schedule. The premium for this endorsement is shown in the Schedule. Schedule 1. F-] Specific Waiver Name of person or organization X Blanket Waiver Any person or organization for whom the Named Insured has agreed by written contract to furnish this waiver. 2. Operations: All Texas Operations 3. Premium: The premium charge for this endorsement shall be 2% percent of the premium developed on payroll in connection with work performed for the above person(s) or organization(s) arising out of the operations described. 4. Advance Premium: Refer to Schedule of Operations All other terms and conditions of the policy remain unchanged. This endorsement, which forms a part of and is for attachment to the policy issued by the designated Insurers, takes effect on the Policy Effective Date of said policy at the hour stated in said policy, unless another effective date (the Endorsement Effective Date) is shown below, and expires concurrently with said policy unless another expiration date is shown below. .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. Form No: WC 42 03 04 B (06-2014) Policy No: WC 6072390534 Endorsement Effective Date: Endorsement Expiration Date: Policy Effective Date: 07/01 /2023 Endorsement No: 89; Page: 1 of 1 Underwriting Company: Continental Casualty Company ° Copyright 2014 National Council on Compensation Insurance, Inc. All Rights Reserved. I,II 3 7 Proposal to Town of Lexington Executive Recruitment for Town Manager Professional Fees and Guarantee ro le s s ilb C1 1 ���. E;l [ vi�ices [�r") Our professional fixed fee covers all CPS HR services and deliverables associated with a Full Recruitment (Phases 1, 11, and III) process. We are also providing the fees associated for Partial (Phases 1 and 11) and Outreach only services. Travel expenses for candidates who are invited forward in the interview process are not included. Professional Services for Outreach Only $10,000 I Professional Services for Partial Recruitment I $20,000 I I Professional Services for Full Recruitment 1 $30,000 1 *Professional fees for a Partial and Full recruitment would be billed and paid monthly. Professional fees for an Outreach/Advertising project will be billed and paid in full after the completion of the project. L) a rl*a r'lli� �t` E!s Ell 0 r1i le a r S le ry i�� c e C'17 1100 1; If the employment of the candidate selected and appointed by the Town as a result of a full executive recruitment (Phases 1, 11, and 111) comes to an end before the completion of the first year of service, CPS HR will provide the Town with professional services to appoint a replacement. Professional consulting services will be provided at no cost. The Town would be responsible only for expenses such as re -advertising, consultant travel, additional background checks, etc. This guarantee does not apply to situations in which the successful candidate is promoted or re- assigned within the organization during the one-year period. Additionally, should the initial recruitment efforts not result in a successful appointment, CPS HR will extend the aggressive recruiting efforts and screen qualified candidates until an offer is made and accepted. CPS HR does not provide a guarantee for candidates placed as a result of a partial or an outreach only recruitment effort. CPS H R As=` CO �N S, U LTI �N G We thank you for your consideration of our proposal. We are committed to providing high quality and expert solutions and look forward to partnering with the Town of Lexington in this important endeavor. CPS Illllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllnu���lll��n�:. l I III I igei III i �I� f„ j U�D1N4hS�S�DUDCV(D1Vl�DI�CDINIINIUINUIVU�fDUDDDbn�l➢I�UU➢�II��IWn)➢)�uluuuw�»�yiuiu»yuyyiwuiw�iyy r Ills P Executive Recruiting Consultant awn or Lexiingic TOWN OF LEXINGTON R 1,,,,,. Q241 —1,,, EEU-r ]E REM J Il l,,,,, IHNG CONSUL 71 N ,,,, 1)11 1 IIII �.. �8 , 2 ( 2,4 "'I'll'ab 1 e of Co",n te",,"n'ts COVERLETTER.....................................................................................................................1 FIRMPROFILE......................................................................................................................2 [: 1;;;;; �,,, �,,,,,,,. ,,, I ,,, NC E S&Ili.....III......IONS ... .......... ., ., ., a a a a .. ., ., , , ... , , ............. ., ., ., , a a a a a a a a a w, IIY Cl 100 S ; IIG l,,,,,, ,; I,,,,,,,,I l,,, w.......................................................................................... . OURTEAM........................................................................................................................... 6 PROJECT APPROACH & METHODOLOGY............................................................................7 ,' „ ,. Ra, ..... , ............... , f11'.') S" :1'. 0 1`I [:) I,,,,,,.AN .............. , ,................................................................................ . I:: � ,.J E F,. ,,,,,III,,,,,, III � II E1,,,,1 N E... , , ., ., , , , , , ... , , .......... , , ..., , , , , , , , , a a a a , ............ , , .., ., ., , , , , , a a a , ............ c� ,,,,,I,,,,,. II III N 1,,,,,, ,II,,,,,. 0 DU I;;;;;;;o If F,II,,,,,. ,;;: I l & I IK l�)&ION IN E C U F". I II I;;;;;;; N.,,,,F" ........ , , , , , m n ............ a a . , , , , m m .......... , , . , , , , , n .......... ...... OUR GUARANTEE — FULL SCOPE RECRUITMENT.............................................................13 LITIGATION STATEMENT...................................................................................................13 INSURANCE CERTIFICATE..................................................................................................14 REFERENCES......................................................................................................................15 APPENDIX A. CONSULTANT BIOGRAPHY..........................................................................16 APPENDIX B. CLIENT LIST..................................................................................................19 APPENDIX C. REQUIRED FORMS.......................................................................................24 APPENDIXD. SAMPLES......................................................................................................29 °°) lu s,�%,44toto, MGT MGTCONSULTING.COM / GOVHRUSA.COM Illllllllllliuiiiillluppp0�iuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuui �������� IIIIVu�� ��� illllu��� 4 r o v e r e e April 18, 2024 Kim Katzenback, Executive Clerk Select Board Office Lexington Town Office Building 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, MA 02420 G10V EMIPS U15A M G T RE: PROPOSAL FOR EXECUTIVE RECRUITING CONSULTANT Dear Ms. Katzenback, Thank you for the opportunity to provide you with a proposal for the Town Manager's recruitment and selection process for the Town of Lexington ("Town"). Our proposal provides the Town with firm qualifications, key experience, a detailed work plan and timeline, and associated fees to provide services that exceed expectations. We provide a tailored, personal approach to executive recruitment and selection and can adapt to your specific requirements for the position. We have some very exciting news to share. GovHR USA (GovHR) has recently been acquired by MGT of America Consulting, LLC (MGT). MGT is a nationally respected leader in public sector management consulting and technology services with a long track record supporting state, local, and education clients. GovHR and MGT are joining forces to take the next step in offering integrated solutions that can accelerate our most important shared goal: dramatically improving lives by advancing and lifting up the communities we serve. Our consultants have worked in all areas of local government leadership, including city/county management, human resources, public safety, finance, public works, parks and recreation, and utilities. This combined hands-on knowledge and experience has made MGT and GovHR proven leaders in public sector consulting. MGT CONTACT INFORMATION MGT of America Consulting, LLC 4320 West Kennedy Boulevard I Tampa, Florida 33609 P: 813.327.4717 1 www.mgtconsulting.com FEIN: 81-0890071 Michele Morawski, Assistant Director, Client Services 630 Dundee Road, Suite 225 1 Northbrook, Illinois 60062 224.415.3791 1 mmorawski@govhrusa.com Thank you for the opportunity to submit a proposal to the Town of Lexington. Should you have questions on any aspect of this proposal, please contact Michele Morawski at 224.415.3791 or mmorawski@govhrusa.com. Regards, *Patrik-11.r, Vice President, Authorized to bind the firm IU ,,, U I E o IU U,,, U P IU L.1„ " PAGE 1 I�" I, u Gicn, �'i iMIPSI S��, � n„ U �f 4 61 EX EU III E 11 E C IR LJ U III FI ," NSU I,,,,I „NI,,, i i uuuuuuuuuuumiiiiiii IIIII Illllliuiiiillluuuu 01111111111111111111111111111 uiuuilllu�i I uiuuuuuuuu iiuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuiiiluau uuiuuuu i rmr 1 11,11111 ��o e a & we impact the mmiiou omm unities we serve —for good. MGT began operations in 1974 as a public -sector research firm. Since then, we have significantly expanded our consulting capabilities and client offerings. Today, we are a national consulting firm specializing in assisting clients to operate more efficiently and effectively. MGT has acquired a keen understanding of the structures, operations, and issues facing public entities. This understanding comes from nearly 50 years of experience providing innovative yet practical solutions to public sector clients. We provide objective, creative, expert services in the areas of human capital, finance, technology, programming, and planning. We draw on the expertise of our highly qualified staff, most of whom have had prior careers at city-, county-, and state -level government offices. This insider's knowledge of government operations and structure gives MGT a competitive advantage and an ability to hit the ground running from the very start of a project. R M I RAT A, M,G� r G LA C C Name: MGT of America Consulting, LLC (MGT) Founded: 1974 Locations: Headquarters in Tampa, Florida; branch offices nationwide Staff: 600+ consultants across the country Structure: Privately held and client -driven Cooperative Contracts: Allied States Cooperative (ASC) #23-7449 The Interlocal Purchasing System (TIPS) #220601 Lines of Business: Government Consulting; Education and Financial Solutions; Diversity and Inclusion; Human Capital; Cybersecurity and Technology MGT has successfully worked with clients on more than 30,000 projects to help them adapt to change while maintaining the vision and direction toward their short- and long-term goals. With the recent combination of GovHR, our firm includes more than 600 professionals and administrative staff to support our clients' success. Our Commitment MGT embraces the most complex challenges with deep commitment, agility, and local expertise to make a measurable and profound social impact. Simply stated, our promise is: tntproz)e tives �d a� # �,,,i a d 1 °ip yatir This purpose reflects the company's strong social conscience and service ethic that forms the core of the MGT "Why." MGT models this philosophy by systematically seeking out the highest -impact projects and relationships, encouraging community involvement, and investing in a collaborative and rewarding world -class work environment for employees. Part of our success is based on our promise to be flexible and responsive. We are acutely aware of the political, economic, social, and technological factors that impact today's public sector clients. MGT is structured into several primary consulting divisions to support these needs. We are pleased to have the Government Consulting Experts within the MGT Performance Solutions Group responsible for leading the completion of this project. _ � � eau°�� �������� � � � o °� flI1 1812024 PAGE 2 G �w� �'i iMIP IUSA, # ol'o, I Ff ,,, �;�; �, a�„�. o ���,,,,. 11,,,� �,,;o �.,,,,o C` U ,,,�II�� II �,,,, I �.�;,,,, I LJ I III �I I ; � �;. III � 1,,,J �I,,,,,�I,,,� „ I I FIRM PROFILE ,"Pet,iorni''ta n ce Sol, u,:t'111,0n1,S The MGT Performance Solutions team has an impressive track record of providing customized solutions, objective research, creative recommendations, and quality products that respond to each client's unique needs and time requirements. GovHR is now a part of MGT's Performance Solutions Team. GovHR USA GovHR was originally formed as Voorhees Associates in 2009, changed its name to GovHR USA in 2013, and joined MGT (the nation's leading social impact firm) in 2023. GovHR provides public management consulting services to local government clients and other public -sector entities nationwide. GovHR offers customized executive recruitment services, management studies, and consulting projects for local government and organizations that work with local government. Additionally, GovHR's GovTempsUSA division provides interim staffing solutions to keep operations moving during recruitment. GovHR's consultants are experienced executive recruiters who have conducted over 1,250 recruitments working with cities, counties, special districts, and other governmental entities of all sizes throughout the country. They have held leadership positions within local government, giving them an understanding of the complexities and challenges facing today's public sector leaders. GOVHWS LEADERSHIP Heidi Voorhees (847) 380-3240 iiiiIllh llll IIII j sa . c iii.................................... J�11111��g� 11,11111,G""""",'ll""I'll""I'll",'ll""I'll""I'll",,'ll""I'll,'ll""I'll""I'll",'ll""I'll""I'll",'ll""I'll""I'll",'ll""I'll,'ll""I'll""I'll",'ll""I'll""I'll",'ll""I'll""I'll",'ll""I'll,'ll""I'll""I'll",'ll""I'll'I Ms. Voorhees has conducted more than 400 recruitments in her management consulting career, with many of her clients being repeat clients, attesting to the high quality of work performed for them. In addition to her 22 years of executive recruitment and management consulting experience, Ms. Voorhees has 19 years of local government leadership and management service, including 10 years as Village Manager for the Village of Wilmette, Illinois. Joellen Cademartori (847) 380-3238 Ms. Cademartori is a seasoned manager with expertise in public -sector human resources management. She has held positions from Human Resources Director and Administrative Services Director to Assistant Town Manager and Assistant County Manager. Ms. Cademartori has worked informs of government ranging from Open Town Meetings to Council -Manager. She has supervised all municipal and county departments ranging from Public Safety and Public Works to Mental Health and Social Services. � ��� I ON AF)RR 11 PAGE 3 i, u G �w� �'i iMIP IU A, MGT ^ n° �� III III ,,, .), #2 41 61 II,,,,,o P EI,,,J 11111 V E 1E C III LJ III III FING CONS( J 1I,,,,,1 „ III I,,, FIRM PROFILE The Social Impact of MGT's Work Impacting Communities. Defined by Our Impact We understand the goals of the Town of Lexington and how this search process will ensure a diverse pool of highly qualified candidates for the Town. The MGT team empowers organizations to enhance their teams through innovations in people, processes, and technology to lift and strengthen their human resources solutions. Recruiting a skilled Town Manager is important for Lexington's continued success and growth. This leader will provide strategic vision and leadership in crucial areas such as economic development, infrastructure, and public services. A qualified manager will ensure that the Select Board's vision is translated into concrete plans, leading to efficient operations and a prosperous community. The ideal candidate will also foster a collaborative and inclusive environment, leveraging the collective wisdom of residents, businesses, and town departments to tackle challenges and seize opportunities. They will ensure financial stability and sustainability by navigating complex financial landscapes and prioritizing investments aligned with Lexington's goals. The Town Manager will play a vital role in building upon Lexington's rich legacy while embracing innovation and progress that benefits all residents. MGT's Primary Consulting Divisions Our firm includes more than 600 professionals and administrative staff to support our clients' success. MGT is structured into the following primary consulting divisions and various internal infrastructure groups to support our operations and growth. Performarice, S(,,)1u,t1()ns + Our PerformanceSolutions provides worldI-class financial, human capital,and equity valuablesolutions which enable clients to fu�lly realize the pot�enitial of their most Our ,e am excels at fiscal management and operational assessments that help clients make Mu decisions, anticipate workforceand integrate technologies to empower our clients to generate critical income and elevate enterprise . 6 objectives. U' . a.o. S(ALIfilo'llis EducationOur r o commitmentin our educationthat', every student has access to a as they discover and realize their potential.profound From . partnereducation, we agencies,schools, districts, state collegesand V1 universities to deliver improvement an . oFu transformation and implementation. Our Technology Solutions business supports education, and private companies as they seek to improve and protect their network infrastructure and data o resiliency. We offer world -class infrastructure management, cyber security, and strategic professional staffing. Our dee engineering foundational technology solutions. PAGE 4 iSuGicn,JEMIPSIUSA, % � n,� III III „ ),, #Zl 61 II,,,,,o ` EC (,,,J „III,,, I1 E 1E C IR I J III III III IIIG CONS( J I ,,, III I,,, FIRM PROFILE Why Choose MGT/GocHR? ✓ Unparalleled Expertise and Level of Service. With executive recruitment experience in 44 states and communities ranging in population from 1,000 to 3,000,000, we are a leader in the field of local government recruitment and selection. More than 40% of our clients are repeat clients, and 94% of surveys show our overall performance rating as Outstanding — indicating a plan to use our services and/or highly recommend us in the future. ✓ Delivering the Best. We conduct comprehensive due diligence on candidates. Our state-of- the-art process includes extensive use of social media for candidate outreach and video interviews with potential finalist candidates, ensuring successful recruitment for the Town. We will provide important information to potential candidates by developing a high -quality, thorough Recruitment Brochure reflecting the knowledge we will have about your community and your organization. Before we recommend a candidate to you, we ask probing questions that will verify their expertise during video interviews, reference calls, and news and social media searches. ✓ A Partner from Start to Finish. We are your partners in this important process. We welcome you to review all the resumes we receive, and we will share our honest assessment of the candidates. Our goal is your complete satisfaction. We can strategize with you on various approaches for meeting your recruiting needs, including evaluating internal candidates, identifying non-traditional candidates who meet your recruitment requirements, succession planning, and mentoring options. We are committed to working with you until you find the best candidate for your position. ✓ Services for Any Budget and Any Search. We strive to meet the specific needs of our clients by offering several options for recruitment services to meet your budget. Our services range from Full Executive Recruitments to Virtual Recruitments and even simply Professional Outreach for those who want to reach a broader network. In the following proposal, we have provided the scope we believe best fits your needs. % PAGE 5 G �w� �'i iMIP IU A, � n,� III III ,,, .), ��� 41 �,,,,,� 61,,,� III,,,,,o P �,,,o I,,,J � III' I1 �,,,,o 1�,,,. III 1 J III III 11HING CONS( J 1I,,,,,1 ,,, III I,,, Illllllllllliuiiiilllluppp0Iiuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuiu°°uui ♦ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Illllu��� 11111 IIIIIIIIIII���0p0j" Illuuuiiilllpi�ii°uuuuuuuui I,ulllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuuuuuuuuuuuu uuiu°uuuuuuuuuuu iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuuuuiu OurTeam The succes" s of a miom ulting engagernent i's founded on the tructured mud qua rications of the project te 'am and the way in which it Is and managed. MGT employs a team of professionals with backgrounds in local government and the not -for -profit sector. With the Town's staffing needs in mind and due to the significance of this recruitment, we have assigned our highly knowledgeable and experienced consultant, Mike Jaillet. He will act as your project manager and primary point of contact for this project. His biography is attached as Appendix A. Project Manager & Main Point of Contact Proposal Inquiries MICHAEL A. JAILLET Vice President 847-380-3240 x137 IIII iiii i i I'l sa c o III Mr. Jaillet is currently working on the recruitment for the Executive Director of the Northeastern Connecticut Council of Governments and has the time necessary to devote to the Town's search process for its next Town Manager. Mr. Jaillet will be assisted by a GovHR home office Recruitment Coordinator and a Reference Specialist. MICHELE MORAWSKI Assistant Director Client Services 224.415.3791 � IIII IIII �°" � IIII��� IIII I ,,,: � 1 � o II,, �� I F I� � .1„ , 2 PAGE 6 I�" G n,JE IP IU ��, � n„ III ��. 20 4I „� �� 1,,,� �,,,,o E(J III III E IIECIRUI III FI G (I ;: NSL YII ,I N....IIL.... ct Approach & Methodology A detailed plan specifically designed for youf P'"roject ,,J"nd,,,,e"ll�i",I,qs,ta,,,,,�ln,,,d, mig Lexington, Massachusetts, is an historic town with a population of over 34,000. It features excellent schools and a focus on sustainability. Beyond its rich Revolutionary War history, Lexington offers a diverse and welcoming community with a mix of residential areas, commerce, and industry. Our comprehensive scope of work includes collaborating with the Select Board to define the ideal candidate profile, crafting a compelling Town description, and developing a strategic advertising plan. We will facilitate community engagement to understand the desired qualities of the new leader and leverage our network to attract a diverse pool of highly qualified applicants. Our services extend to screening applications, conducting interviews, and facilitating reference checks to ensure a smooth and successful hiring process. A typical recruitment and selection process takes approximately 175 hours to conduct. At least 50 hours of this time is administrative, including advertisement placement, reference interviews, and due diligence on candidates. We believe our experience and ability to professionally administer your recruitment will provide you with a diverse pool of highly qualified candidates for your position search. Our clients are informed of the progress of their recruitment throughout the entire process. We are always available by mobile phone or email should you have a question or need information about the recruitment. M C"! G t Sia,,�t�1111,,s""fact�""I'lon Coi��lit�:)o,���ln,e�,��ii��lts Respansive and Initial Project Planning IFAIds �iiblle to Cheni°t II .. n of Quality staff r r Recruitment Process Evaluation Screening .1 # oto, M G T 1 f f ::: ������� 20 4I �,,,,,� 1 EE (.1 U III IE I EC RIJ I III FING (":; NSU I „I ,,,,, NI,,, PAGE 7 PROJECT APPROACH & METHODOLOGY ',,,"Proposed Woi,,,`k P''1111 an Activities MGT treats each executive recruitment as a transparent partnership with our client. We believe in engaging with stakeholders early in each recruitment process to fully understand the challenges and opportunities inherent in the position. Understanding the organizational culture is critical to successful recruitment. We gain this insight and information through meetings (one-on-one and in small groups), surveys, and a review of relevant information. This information is reflected in a polished marketing piece that showcases the organization and the area it serves. INFORMATION GATHERING • One-on-one or group interviews with stakeholders identified by the Town. • Community forums (in -person or via video) can be used to gather input and feedback. • Surveys can be used for department personnel and/or the community to gather feedback. • Conversations/interviews with department heads. A combination of the items listed above can be used to fully understand community and organizational needs and expectations for the position (this proposal includes 12 hours of meetings —additional meetings can be added for a fee of $150/hour plus actual expenses if incurred). One organizational survey is included. A Community Survey can be conducted for $2,500. Community Forums are conducted as an optional service. Development of a POSITION ANNOUNCEMENT to be placed on websites and social media. Development of a thorough RECRUITMENT BROCHURE for the Town's review and approval. Agreement on a detailed RECRUITMENT TIMETABLE — a typical recruitment takes between 90 to 120 days from the time you sign the contract to the appointment of the finalist candidate. Activities We make extensive use of social media as well as traditional outreach methods to ensure a diverse and highly qualified pool of candidates. Our website is well known in the local government industry — we typically have 17,000+ visits monthly to our website and career center. Additionally, our weekly jobs listings are sent to over 8,000 subscribers. Phase 2 will include the following: • MGT consultants will personally identify and contact potential candidates. • Develop a database of potential candidates from across the country unique to the position and to the Town, focusing on: Gu,,),vH R u s,�%, I OWN Of::::: I EKIING I ON � AF)RR 11 812024, PAGE 8 44 ^o �� III III ,,, .), #, 41 61,,� III,,,,,o P EI,,,J 11111 V E 1E C III LJ III III FI G CONS( J 1I,,,,,1 „ III I,,, PROJECT APPROACH & METHODOLOGY Leadership and management skills. Size of organization. Experience in addressing challenges and opportunities also outlined in Phase 1. The database will range from several hundred to thousands of names. An email campaign will be sent to each potential candidate. • Placement of the Position Announcement: — Public sector online Career Centers. — Social media: Linkedln (posted on MGT Executives Linkedln news feeds to reach over 50,000 connections), Facebook, and Instagram. — MGT will provide the Town with a list of advertising options for approval. Activities Phase 3 will include the following steps: • Review and evaluation of candidates' credentials with consideration to the criteria outlined in the Recruitment Brochure. • Candidates will be narrowed down to those that meet the qualification criteria. Candidate evaluation process: — Completion of a questionnaire explaining prior work experience. — Live Video Interview (45 minutes to 1 hour) conducted by consultant with each finalist candidate. — References provided by the candidate are contacted. — Internet/Social Media search conducted on each finalist candidate. All resumes will be acknowledged and inquiries from candidates will be personally handled by MGT, ensuring the Town's process is professional and well regarded by all who participate. Activities Phase 4 will include the following steps: • MGT will prepare a Recruitment Report presenting the credentials of those candidates most qualified for the position. • MGT will provide an electronic recruitment portfolio which contains the candidates' materials along with a "mini" resume for each candidate so that credentials are presented in a uniform way. • The Town will receive a log of all applicants and may review resumes if requested. • Report will arrive in advance of the Recruitment Report Presentation. I OWN Of::::: I EKIING I ON � AF)RR 11 812024, PAGE 9 iSuGicn,JEMIPSIUSA, 44 ^o o, MGT III III ,,, .), #, 41 61 II,,,,,o P EI,,,J 111 11 V E 1E C III LJ III III FI G CONS( J II,,,,,I „ III I,,, PROJECT APPROACH & METHODOLOGY MGT will meet with the Town to review the recruitment report and provide additional information on the candidates. Activities Phase 5 will include MGT completing the following steps: • Develop the first and second round interview questions for the Town's review and comment. • Coordinate candidate travel and accommodations. • Provide the Town with an electronic file that includes: — Candidates' credentials. — Set of questions with room for interviewers to make notes. — Evaluation sheets to assist interviewers in assessing the candidate's skills and abilities. Background screening will be conducted along with additional references contacted: ✓ Social Security Trace & Verification ✓ US Federal Criminal Search ✓ Enhanced Verified National Criminal — National Sex Offender Registry — Most Wanted Lists: Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), Drug Enforcement Agency (DEA), Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), Interpol — Office of Foreign Assets Control (OFAC) Terrorist Database Search — Office of the Inspector General (OIG), General Services Administration (GSA), System for Award Management (SAM), Food and Drug Administration (FDA) — All felonies and misdemeanors reported to the National Database ✓ County/Statewide Criminal ✓ Civil Search ✓ Bankruptcy, Leans, and Judgements ✓ Motor Vehicle Record ✓ Education Verification —All Degrees Earned Optional: Credit Report — Transunion with score (based on position and state laws) Optional: — Professional License Verification — Drug Screen — Employment Verification MGT will work with you to develop an interview schedule for the candidates and coordinate travel and accommodations. MGT consultants will be present for all the interviews, serving as a resource and facilitator. MGT will coordinate a 2-Step Interview process. The first -round interviews will include four to five candidates. The second -round interviews will include two or three candidates. MGT will supply interview questions and an evaluation form. In addition to a structured interview, the schedule can incorporate: • Tour of the Towns facilities. • Interviews with senior staff. IIICMNI E IU °��� I,,,ON �,) I� � �„ 0 PAGE 10 i, u Gicn, �'i iMIPS I �� A, # ��,n,� � , � III 1 III �, ��� 4.�,,,,,� � 1 III ,;;; �,,,o ; I,,,J � III' I1 �.,,,,o 1E � III �,,,J III III III III ,� ,� ��,; � �S t J 11 ....111 „ II I,,, PROJECT APPROACH & METHODOLOGY Activities • MGT will assist you as much as requested with the salary and benefit negotiations and drafting of an employment agreement, if appropriate. MGT will notify all applicants of the final appointment, providing professional background information on the successful candidate. F oj ei , .� I'll, I'll, i iln e_i ""It e i 11 r Ct'I Based on our experience in conducting similar projects, we anticipate the proposed project can be completed within 14 weeks of project initiation as illustrated in Exhibit 1. Conunitm.en,Ine," i,,on i nl,,, i, tn"Itents MGT is a leader in diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) consulting services, strategic planning, and organization transformation. MGT's experience working in diverse communities across the United States and working with organizations seeking to change organization culture is critical to the success of all our projects. We have a track record of building awareness, solutions, and direction for systemic change by generating transformative ideas and solutions, information, and practices into operational strategies, which help us stand out in all our projects. MGT is also one of the original and premier disparity research firms in the country. Disparity studies were the first instance of bringing principles of diversity, equity, and inclusion into the public sector, through the procurement process, and since 1990, MGT has conducted more than 230 public sector disparity studies. These studies are designed to improve procurement departments, promote and advance equity, and improve economic outcomes for diverse communities that have been historically marginalized by analyzing policies, practices, and programs to increase the utilization of minority- and women -owned businesses. Clients that have conducted a disparity study are in the unique position to 812024, PAGE 11 iSuGicn,JEMIPSIUSA, 44 on o, MGT T III III ,,, ��� .), , 41 61 II,,,,,o P EI,,,J 111 11 E 1E C III LJ III III FI G CONS( J II,,,,,I „ III I,,, PROJECT APPROACH & METHODOLOGY increase and improve systematic equity through procurement and contracting, which can ultimately promote economic empowerment by creating strong business and employment pipelines in communities of color. MGT's GovHR also has a long-standing commitment to DEI. Since the firm's inception they have supported, with their time and financial resources, organizations that advance underrepresented populations in local government. These include the National Forum for Black Public Administrators, the Local Government Hispanic Network, The League of Women in Government, and CivicPride. Our Team Members have moderated and spoken on DEI topics at the International City and County Management Association conference and state conferences. Our employees and consultants have undergone Implicit Bias Training, and we are frequent speakers on incorporating equity and inclusion into all levels of local government. Additionally, we provide a list of DEI resources on the homepage of the website at GovHRusa.com. MGT's GovHR has formally partnered with the National Forum for Black Public Administrators' consulting arm, i4x, and in several recruitment and selection processes throughout the country including Toledo, OH; Fort Collins, CO; Ann Arbor, MI; Oakland, MI; and Arlington, TX. Our partnership reflects our mutual commitment to advancing DEI values and increasing the diversity of local government leaders at the highest levels of local government organizations. MGT/GovHR's Recommendations to RECRUIT and Retain Top Talent RESPONSIVE: ROLL OUT THE WELCOME MAT! Candidates may struggle with relocating for a new position as well as being concerned about the "fit" with a new team. It is important to include costs for your top candidate(s) to travel to your location for the final interview process. Our team will work with you to create a welcoming, informative experience for both you and the candidate(s). ENCOURAGING: Employee development is a must -have in today's market. Candidates appreciate their employer investing in them as much as they are investing themselves in the job. Consider "up and coming" candidates who may lack one or two preferred skills and assign a mentor or invest in a course to encourage their professional development. A mentor/training program will also help establish a peer - to -peer connection and make them feel more comfortable about the transition to a new job. COMPETITIVE: Our team will guide you in offering a competitive market rate compensation and competitive benefits package attractive to today's candidates. Competitive employers must include relocation expenses and should consider signing bonuses and temporary housing. RESOURCEFUL: Review your job description — do you need public sector experience? Are the years' experience you list essential, or can that be preferred? Consider a more resourceful approach when reviewing candidates' experience. Carefully assess requirements such as Certified Public Accountant (CPA), Professional Engineer, and others that will limit your talent pool — consider using the word "ideally" or "preferably." UNDERSTANDING: These past few years have, without a doubt, changed the work environment. Competitive employers have recognized this and are offering flexible/hybrid/remote work options. Those positions that offer this type of flexibility consistently receive a better candidate response rate. i � n � II I PAGE 12, �G ���MIP IUS�a G I ,,, .), #41 61Io EI,J 111 E 1E ILJ II III I G CONS( J 1I,,,,,1 „ III I,,, OUR GUARANTEE — FULL SCOPE RECRUITMENT INNOVATIVE: Think about what is unique and attractive about your community and organization and highlight that in your recruitment efforts. Talk about organizational culture and what your values are with respect to your employees. MGT will assist you in being as innovative as possible in your outreach. TRANSPARENT: Some states now mandate listing salary ranges in any job advertisements or postings. More and more companies are showing at least a salary range in their postings to promote pay transparency and equity. Post the salary range you will use for hiring — it is public information. If we make it too difficult for candidates to find out the salary, they will move on to the next opportunity. Our Guarantee -Full Scope Recruitment MGT is committed to assisting our clients until a candidate is appointed to the position. Therefore, no additional professional fee will be incurred if the client does not select from the initial group of recommended candidates and requests additional candidates be developed for interview consideration. If additional advertising beyond Phase I advertising is requested, the Town will be billed for actual advertising charges. Reimbursable expenses may be incurred should the recruitment process require consultant travel to the Town. Upon appointment of a candidate, MGT provides the following guarantee: should the selected and appointed candidate, at the request of the Town or the employee's own determination, leave the employ of the Town within the first 12 months of appointment, we will, if desired, conduct one additional recruitment for the cost of expenses and announcements only. This request must be made within six months of the employee's departure. Litigation Statement There has been no litigation, major disputes, contract defaults or non -ordinary course of business liens against or involving MGT of America Consulting, LLC. Further, MGT of America Consulting, LLC is not aware of any potential or contemplated actions, disputes, defaults, or liens. Gu,,),vH R u s,�%, � � � ,,,,, PAGE 13 44 oto, III III ,,, .), ��� , 41 �,,,,,� 61,,,� III,,,,,o P �,,,o I,,,J �111� � I1 �.,,,,o 1�,,,, ro III LJ III III 1I II G CONS( J 1I,,,,,1 „ III I,,, Dance Certificate AC CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE CDATE(MMiDDIYYYY) /1 /202 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO BIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE' AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOE'S NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSUIRER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER., IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL (INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject tothe terms, and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer rights to thecertificate holder in lieu of such endorsemnent(s). PRODUCER CCINITACT n�MEeaga n a Allialnt Insurance Services, Inc. I E-MAIL PHONE FAX 3 Old Slip A/C No E:xt : AIc No): New York 1000 AD DRESS: ,E I ESS: Meagan.Rago alliant.corn INwSU!R E"R:_(S)) AFFORDING COVER,A ,E I+AI Lin n #: 12008 INSURERA: Hartford Fire Insurance Com an 19682 INSURED MGTCONS-01 INSURER B3 Trumbull Insurance Company.... 27120 TVG MGT Holdings, LP MGT of Americas Consulting, LLC INSURERS`: II-lartford Casualty Insurance Co 29424 ,4320 West Kennedy Blvd INSURER D : Hanford Insurance Group 914 Tampa FL 33609 INSURER, E : Houston Speciality Ins Co 12936 INSURED F : Westfield Specialtv Insurance 16992 COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMSER:315493793 (REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT TIME POLICIES OF IIN URANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED ('~,NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICE' IIPEIRIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, iUIIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT CIS OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO WHICH THIS CERTIFICATE, MAY BE II,SGUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE. POLICIES DESCRIBED ED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY RAID CLAIMS. INSR ADDL SUIER POLICY EFFPOLICY E XP LTR TYPE 0F INEURANG E POLICY NUMBER MM11DI]EYY) MMIDDIYYY LIMIT A X CCaMMERC[AL cENERAL LIABILITY 1 OUUNC 8 2 5/1212,023 511212024 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1,000,000 CE A_WA E TCi RENTED CLAIMS MADE OCCUR PREMISES_LIj� �ccurr�nce)! $ 00,001 MED EXP (Any one person) S 10,00o PERSONAL & ADV INJURY' $ 1,E300,000 CEC~~ 1 AGGREGATE IJIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AG REOATE $ 2,IC 00,000 .. ..., PRO- POLICiY JECT LOC .... .. .. PRODUCT - COIMPIOP AGG ... ... S 2„COO,000 OTHER" R AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY 1OUENO 74 /12/202 /12/2024 COMBINED: SlINGLELIMIT (E. accident) 1,000,I300. ANY AUTO BODILY INJURY (Pear person) $ ,OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS ONLY AUTOS BODILY INJURY (Per accident).. 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I G1rntTi i 1P 1U Aa MGT � � n � III Q #20 I- 1 II,,,,,o E(.J III IIE FIII,,,,,, 0II III III III IN G .) N S LJ 111,,,,,1 ,,,,, III III,,,, PAGE 14 Fences A leader in local government recruftment and selection. More than one-third of the organizations served by MGT's GovHR have contracted for multiple projects; we feel repeat business is the greatest testament to our commitment to customer service and client satisfaction. We encourage you to contact any of our references to learn of our professionalism, ability to meet timelines, and the expertise of our staff. BROO KLI N E, MA MELISSA GOFF, DEPUTY TOWN ADMINISTRATOR 333 WASHINGTON STREET, BROOKLINE, MA 02445 617-730-2000 1 MGOFF@BROOKLINEMA.GOV MGT's GovHR provided recruitment and selection services for the following positions: • Finance Director, 2022 - Mike Jaillet • Assistant Town Administrator - Finance - Virtual, 2022 - Mike Jaillet MEMM WAYLAN D, MA JOHN BUGBEE, ASSISTANT TOWN MANAGER 41 COCHITUATE ROAD, WAYLAND, MA 01778 781-960-5200 1 Jl3UGl3EE@WAYLAND.MA.US MGT's GovHR provided recruitment and selection services for the following position: • Town Manager, 2022 - Mike Jaillet El= W I LLIAMSTOW N, MA HUGH DALEY, CHAIR TOWN MANAGER SEARCH COMMITTEE 31 NORTH STREET, WILLIAMSTOWN, MA 01267 413-652-1788 1 HMD1618033@GMAIL.COM MGT's GovHR provided recruitment and selection services for the following positions • Town Manager, 2022 - Lee Szymborski & Mike Jaillet • Town Manager, 2015 EEM 1 OWN I II II o u ,',) s%, ► I PAGE 15��t GII�2_,1 I,�(J III �[ ,�IIII III III � �LJ II,1 III Illllllllllliuiiiillluppp0Iiuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuiu°°uui ♦ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 11111 Illllu��� IIIIIIIIIII���0p0j" Illuuuiiilllpi�ii°uuuuuuuui I,ulllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuuuuuuuuuuuu Consultanti*ography Appendix The biography of our proposed consultant is provided on the following page. I [, I ON AF)IIRR ,,,,,,,, PAGE 16 a �°:up�Wit�"I�I'w�ifP�^�.1�^"ii�a ��i�i, ��hp � � G o u T' III III �,,,, � 20 ,,,,, 1 I II,,,,,o �.,,,,o (.J III II�.,,,,o III',,,,,, �,�. III III III III III ,� ,,, � LJ III,,,,,1 „ � III APPENDIX A. CONSULTANT BIOGRAPHY �� ��u USA Michael A Jaillet ��Illl�n4 m W? "" "-'a � )n r t Michael A Jaillet is a Vice President with extensive experience in local governance, operations, staffing, and management both domestic and international. Since joining GovHR in 2019, Mr. Jaillet has recruited city and town managers and administrators in Maine, Vermont, Massachusetts, Connecticut, and Maryland; and several department heads including chief financial officer, public works director, treasurer/collector, and human resource director. Prior to joining GovHR, Mr. Jaillet had experience filling senior management position multiple times over his 34-year career as a Town Administrator. In retirement, Mr. Jaillet only takes on a couple recruitments at a time, which allows him to be dedicated to each engagement until the position of filled. Working for GovTemps as an Interim Town Manager, Mr. Jaillet was tasked with encouraging, planning, and overseeing the permitting of an affordable housing project, which proposed to develop a senior living facility where 100% of the units were deemed affordable for households earning between 30% and 80% of the area median income. Mr. Jaillet has over 36 years of local government management experience working in four municipalities in the Boston metropolitan area. He spent most of his career in Westwood, MA, an affluent suburban community where he served as the Town Administrator for 32 years. During his tenure, Mr. Jaillet's range of accomplishments included continuing expansion and updating of services, hiring key executive staff, facility management and maintenance, expanding affordable housing opportunities, fostering economic development, enhancing fiscal stability, and promoting transparent and ethical governance. Mr. Jaillet also served as Administrator for Bellingham, MA for two years; manager and consultant for the City of Boston Assessing Department for over five years; and Planning Analyst for Clinton, MA for one year. Mr. Jaillet has extensive international experience and interest. After graduating from college, Mr. Jaillet started his career as a Peace Corps Volunteer in Tougan Sous -Prefecture in Burkina Faso, West Africa, where he was a Rural Development Planner and Grantsman for two years. Mr. Jaillet has continued his interest in international development as a member, chair, and vice chair of the International City/County Management Association's (ICMA) International Committee for 20 years. Examples of Mr. Jaillet's International work includes leader of the Advance Team Montenegro Resource City Program; Economic Development Expert volunteer for the Engine ICMA Program in Kyela, Tanzania; CLAIR Fellowship Exchange Delegate representing the ICMA in Japan; Massachusetts Municipal Association Exchange Delegate in Pakistan; Rotary International District 7910 Delegate in KwaZulu Natal, South Africa; and presenter on Citizen Participation in Sweden and Slovakia, on Economic Development in Jamaica, and on Ethics in Mexico. Mr. Jaillet earned a Master of Arts degree in Economics and a Master of Science in Urban Affairs and Policy Analysis from Southern Illinois University in Edwardsville, Illinois, where he served as a Research Assistant and Marketing Analyst and was awarded the Leo Cohen Award in Urban Management. He earned a Bachelor of Arts degree in Political Science from Southeastern Massachusetts University in Dartmouth, Massachusetts. Mr. Jaillet taught a graduate course in Administrative Strategies for Local Government at the Sawyer School of Management at Suffolk University in Boston, and courses in Economics at Framingham State College, Blackburn College, and Southern Illinois University, where he was nominated for the Teaching Excellence Award. ..t:. I: .. s� 4 E. t � .t: n M t it ii I t� ��.111 is-s 1 1" s f i .:1 t1.o: �. Master of Arts in Economics from Southern Illinois University International City/County Management Association Master of Science in Urban Affairs and Policy Analysis from Massachusetts Municipal Management Association Southern Illinois University Massachusetts Municipal Association Bachelor of Arts in Political Science from Southeastern Massachusetts University :rolessioiial Develollnient & Speaking En m en 11's Administrative Strategies for Local Government, Suffolk University, Boston, MA (Instructor) Economics, Framingham State College, (Instructor) Economics, Blackburn College, Carlinville (Instructor) lr� r ,,. �II�„ C N �w I�,,,,� QI,,,,,,II:::::; III"N �,,. w� „N ,P III �I,,,,, 1.8;,,,, 024 � �, � PAGE 17 4 , M G T �f I � M .�„# 41 61,,, � 1L,,,, IIG,,,..b, U III III I�,,,o I I�,,,, ," I U III III III N .b, ��� N u�, LJ III..... III AN III APPENDIX A. CONSULTANT BIOGRAPHY GavH R I JSA Michael A Jaillet G�u��WTEMPS USA 4.11 1 V ' 1 Impact Solutions 0 Economics, Southern Illinois University, Edwardsville, IL (Instructor/Analyst) Prafessia'nal Backgroutid 0 Town Administrator., Westwood, MA, 1987-2019 Town Administrator., Bellingham, MA., 1985-1987 Manager and Consultant, City of Boston Assessing Department., Boston, MA, 1983-1988 I C'.)WN OF I I:::::X1NGT`0NAPRIII 1 J... 8; 202 4. PAGE 18 4 04',Iltol, M G T #241-61 � 1EXIII III II V E IR E C" fl LJ II III II IN G C 0 IN S LJ I III AN I Illllllllllliuiiiillluppp0Iiuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuiu°°uui ♦ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 11111 Illllu��� IIIIIIIIIII���0p0j" Illuuuiiilllpi�ii°uuuuuuuui I,ulllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuuuuuuuuuuuu uuiu°uuuuuuuuuuu iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuuuuiu n lC11*ente A list of the clients we have had the pleasure of partnering with that complements the Town's recruitment request is provided on the following page. I [, I ON AF)IIRR ,,,,,,,, PAGE 19 u �°:up�Wi��"I�I'w�ifP�^�.1�^"ii�a ��i�i, ��hp � � i o u T' III III �,,,, � 20 ,,,,, 1 I II,,,,,o �.,,,,o (.J III II�.,,,,o III',,,,,, �,�. III III III III III ,� ,,, � LJ III,,,,,1 „ � III City Management Client List 2018 to Present Alaska Bethel City Manager 2019 6,500 Bethel City Manager 2023 6,500 Homer City Manager (Professional Outreach) 2019 51300 Seward City Manager 2019 203 Arizona Buckeye City Manager 2021 69,744 Kingman City Manager 2023 34,669 California Antioch City Manager 2024 115,264 Colorado Dacono City Manager 2024 6494 Englewood City Manager 2019 345957 Connecticut Bloomfield Town Manager 2024 21,301 East Hampton Town Manager 2019 137000 Enfield Town Manager 2018 45,246 Enfield Town Manager 2022 45,246 Granby Town Manager 2023 115375 Manchester General Manager 2021 59,710 Meriden City Manager 2018 60,838 Simsbury Town Manager 2023 25,517 Delaware Newark City Manager 2018 33,398 Florida Apopka City Administrator 2024 557496 Lakeland City Manager 2020 1107000 Ponce Inlet Town Manager 2022 3,411 Georgia Albany City Manager 2021 775434 Decatur City Manager 2018 25,000 Illinois Barrington Village Manager 2018 105455 Bloomington City Manager 2018 78,005 Centralia City Manager 2020 131000 Crest Hill City Administrator 2021 217169 Crest Hill City Administrator 2024 217169 Decatur City Manager 2018 767178 Decatur Deputy City Manager 2019 76,178 DeKalb City Manager 2018 431849 Effingham City Administrator 2018 125577 Forsyth Village Administrator 2021 3,490 Fox Lake Village Administrator 2021 10,550 Galesburg City Manager 2022 337706 Galesburg City Manager 2023 337706 Geneseo City Administrator (Virtual) 2019 65500 Greenville City Manager 2021 7,000 La Grange Village Manager 2022 155610 Lake Barrington Village Administrator 2022 45879 Lake Forest City Manager 2018 191375 Long Grove Village Manager 2023 85153 McHenry City Administrator 2023 271135 Morton Grove Village Administrator 2024 23,500 Mundelein Village Administrator 2020 311385 Niles Village Manager 2021 30,001 North Chicago Chief of Staff 2021 301020 Northbrook Village Manager 2021 355000 Northfield Village Manager 2023 5,400 Oak Brook Village Manager 2021 81058 Oak Park Village Manager 2021 52,000 Oak Park Township Township Manager 2023 511774 Orland Park Village Manager 2019 605000 Palos Heights City Administrator (Virtual) 2021 125480 Pingree Grove Village Manager 2020 10,000 Pingree Grove Village Manager 2023 10,000 Plainfield Village Administrator 2021 415734 Princeton City Manager 2019 7,700 River Forest Village Administrator 2021 11,635 Rock Island City Manager 2021 391684 Savoy Village Administrator (Virtual) 2020 8,607 Schaumburg Township Township Administrator (Virtual) 2021 1401000 Shorewood Village Administrator 2018 175495 Sycamore City Manager (Professional Outreach) 2021 18,557 Vernon Hills Village Manager 2021 251911 Villa Park Village Manager 2022 22,038 Washington City Administrator 2021 151700 Wauconda Village Administrator 2021 145125 Willowbrook Village Administrator 2019 8,967 Indiana St. John Town Manager (Professional Outreach) 2020 181047 Iowa Indianola City Manager 2022 15,833 Knoxville City Manager 2021 7,300 Muscatine City Administrator 2020 23,819 Windsor Heights City Administrator 2023 4,860 Windsor Heights City Administrator 2019 41860 Kentucky Paducah City Manager 2021 24,850 Paris City Manager 2021 91846 Maine Bangor City Manager 2021 33,039 Maryland Sykesville Town Manager 2019 31941 Takoma Park City Manager 2023 175629 Westminster City Administrator 2021 18,522 Massachusetts Wayland Town Manager 2022 131882 Williamstown Town Manager 2021 89400 Michigan Adrian City Administrator 2018 209676 Adrian City Administrator 2020 201676 Albany City Manager 2018 8,337 Charlotte City Manager 2020 91100 Clawson City Manager 2021 11,946 Eastpointe City Manager 2019 325673 Ferndale City Manager 2019 205428 Lincoln Park City Manager 2019 365665 Oakland Township Township Manager 2018 19,132 Rochester City Manager 2022 13,017 Royal Oak City Manager 2020 59,112 Troy City Manager 2018 83,181 Troy City Manager 2024 835181 Minnesota Becker City Administrator 2021 4,874 Blaine Director of Administrative Services 2024 677939 Fairmont City Administrator 2024 10,477 Hibbing City Administrator 2021 15,855 Lindstrom City Administrator 2023 45888 Minnetonka City Manager 2022 53,953 Scandia City Administrator 2023 4,149 St. Joseph City Administrator 2022 7,342 St. Louis Park City Manager 2021 48,662 Waconia City Administrator 2021 13,500 Missouri Ballwin City Administrator 2020 30,181 Cape Girardeau City Manager 2020 38,000 Ozark City Administrator 2024 215284 South Lyon City Manager 2018 11,327 Warrensburg City Manager 2021 205200 Webster Groves City Manager 2020 22,800 Wildwood City Manager 2019 35,524 Nebraska Nebraska City City Administrator 2022 7,200 Nevada Boulder City City Manager 2021 161207 New Hampshire Portsmouth City Manager 2019 21,796 New York Mamaroneck (Town) Town Administrator 2021 29,156 Mamaroneck (Village) Village Manager 2018 19,426 New Rochelle City Manager 2022 79,067 Scarsdale Village Manager 2021 17,837 North Carolina Albemarle City Manager 2024 165404 Ayden Town Manager 2023 5,000 North Dakota Minot City Manager 2020 457700 Pennsylvania Ferguson Township Township Manager 2022 185300 Patton Township Township Manager 2022 15,801 South Fayette Township Township Manager 2018 145416 Tennessee Oak Ridge City Manager 2023 31,402 Texas Burleson City Manager 2018 43,960 Missouri City City Manager 2022 745139 Vermont Winooski City Manager 2022 7,997 Virginia Chesapeake City Manager 2019 2455000 Newport News City Manager 2023 181,958 Portsmouth City Manager 2020 96,000 Salem City Manager 2019 255643 Virginia Beach City Manager 2019 442,707 Washington Burien City Manager 2022 52,066 Duvall City Administrator (Professional Outreach) 2021 85090 West Virginia Bridgeport City Manager 2019 81582 Bridgeport City Manager 2021 89582 Wisconsin Baraboo City Administrator 2019 12,048 Beaver Dam City Administrator 2021 161291 Bellevue Village Administrator 2018 159524 Beloit (Town) Town Administrator 2020 71083 Franklin Director of Administration 2019 369155 Harrison Village Manager 2021 13,185 Monroe City Administrator 2020 101827 Plymouth City Administrator/Utilities Manager 2020 89540 Rhinelander City Administrator 2018 71800 Sheboygan City Administrator 2023 489327 Waukesha City Administrator 2023 719158 Whitewater City Manager 2022 145300 Illllllllllliuiiiillllli�uppp0iuuuuuui uuuuuuuuuuuiu°°uui ♦ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 11111 Illllu��� IIIIIIIIIII���0p0j" Illuuuiiilllpi�ii°uuuuuuuui I,ulllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuuuuuuuuuuuu n l ir ed u e e The required forms are on the following pages. I [, I ON AF)IIRR ,,,,,,,, PAGE 24 u �°:up�Wi��"I�I'w�ifP�^�.1�^"ii�a ��i�i, ��hp � � G o u T' III III �,,,, � 20 ,,,,, 1 I II,,,,,o �.,,,,o (.J III II�.,,,,o III',,,,,, �,�. III III III III III ,� ,,, � LJ III,,,,,1 „ � III TOWN OF LEXINGTON TAX COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION Pursuant to M.G.L. c.62C, §49A, I certify under the penalties of perjury that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the below named business is in compliance with all laws of the Commonwealth relating to taxes, reporting of employees and contractors, and withholding and remitting child suppo . 4/ 18/24 (Date) (Signature o idual submitting bid or proposal) Robert Holloway (Printed name of person signing bid or proposal) MGT of America Consulting, LLC (Name of business) 4320 W. Kennedy Blvd., Suite 200 Tampa, FI 33609 (Business address) 888-302-0899 (Business phone number) MUST BE COMPLETED AND INCLUDED WITH SUBMISSION 10 IIII i g e TOWN OF LEXINGTON CERTIFICATE OF CORPORATE AUTHORITY The principal, officer or person to sign below pledges under penalties of perjury, that he or she has been designated by the owner(s) or the Board of Directors of the below named firm as an authorized r esrtive. 4/18/24 (Date) (Signit-dr`e f individual submitting bid or proposal) Robert Holloway, Senior Vice President (Printed name and title of person signing bid or proposal) MGT of America Consulting, LLC (Name of business) 4320 W. Kennedy Blvd., Suite 200 Tampa, FI 33609 (Business address) 888-302-0899 (Business phone number) MUST BE COMPLETED AND INCLUDED WITH SUBMISSION 11 IIII i g e TOWN OF LEXINGTON NON -COLLUSION STATEMENT CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION IN BID/PROPOSAL TO BE ATTACHED TO CONTRACT Any person submitting a Bid or Proposal for the procurement or disposal of supplies and services to any governmental body shall certify in writing, on the Bid or Proposal, as follows: "The undersigned certifies under penalties of perjury that this Bid or Proposal has been made and submitted in good faith and without collusion or fraud with any other person. As used in this certification, the word "person" shall mean any natural person, business, partnership, corporation ni , committee, club, or other organization, entity or group of individuals." 4/ 18/24 (Date) (§ig/ ��eof person signing bid or proposal) Robert Holloway (Printed name of person signing bid or proposal) Senior Vice President (Title) MGT of America Consulting, LLC (Name of Business) 4320 W. Kennedy Blvd., Suite 200 Tampa, FI 33609 (Business address) 888-302-0899 (Business Phone Number) MUST BE COMPLETED AND INCLUDED WITH SUBMISSION 12 IIII i g e SIGNATURE PAGE The applicant hereby certifies that: 1. The applicant has not given, offered, or agreed to give any gift, contribution, or offer of employment as an inducement for, or in connection with, the award of contract for these services. 2. No consultant to, or subcontractor for the applicant has given, offered, or agreed to give any gift, contribution or offer of employment to the applicant, or to any other person, corporation, or entity as an inducement for, or in connection with, the award to the consultant or subcontractor of a contract by the applicant. 3. That no person, corporation, or, other entity other than a bona fide full-time employee of the applicant has been retained or hired to solicit for, or in any way assist the applicant in obtaining the contract for services upon an agreement or understanding that such person, corporation, or entity be paid a fee or other compensation contingent upon the award of the contract to the applicant. I hereby attest with full knowledge of the penalties for perjury, as in accordance with Massachusetts G.L. C.7, S.38E that all information provided in this application for services is correct. MGT of America Consulting, LLC Fi i written) Robert Holloway Signee (typed/printed) Senior Vice President Title 4/ 18/24 Date MUST BE COMPLETED AND INCLUDED WITH SUBMISSION 13 IIII i g e Illllllllllliiuiiilllluppp0Iiuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuiu°°uui ♦ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 11111 Illllu��� IIIIIIIIIII���0p0j" Illuuuiiilllpi�ii°uuuuuuuui I,ulllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuuuuuuuuuuuu x n 1 Samples e I [, I ON AFIfiR ,,,,,,,, PAGE 29 u �°:up�Wit�"I�I'w�ifP�^�.1�^"ii�a ��i�i, ��hp � � G o u T' III III �,,,, � 20 ,,,,, 1 I II,,,,,o �.,,,,o (.J III II�.,,,,o III,,,,,, �,�. III III III II III ,� ,,, � LJ III,,,,,1 „ � III �Y��IIIIIII�I�Jlllll�f�/lll WIN IIIIIIII TOWN OF WAYLAND, MASSACHUSETTS TOWN MANAGER GovHR USA, LLC is pleased to announce the recruitment and selection process for the inaugural Town Manager for the Town of Wayland, MA ("Wayland" or the "Town"). This brochure provides background information on the Town, as well as the requirements and expected qualifications for the Town Manager position. Additional information about Wayland can be found on the Town's website:....t.t.I ................ www�.Wa�.!..aind.ima...us/- ............................ ...................................._. Wayland seeks its inaugural Town Manager after transitioning in 2022 from a Town Administrator to Town Manager form of municipal government. The Town strives to hire a collaborative, experienced, and passionate professional for the position. Located in Middlesex County just north of the Massachusetts Turnpike (17 miles from Boston and 28 miles from Worcester), Wayland's total area is 15.9 square miles and contains 6,239 housing units (91% owner occupied and 9% rented). Widely regarded as one of the best places to raise a family in Massachusetts, Wayland offers residents a safe environment, a suburban feel (with about one third of the area devoted to conservation), and an excellent school system (consistently ranked in the top ten in the Commonwealth). LZ TOWN OF MASSACHUSETTS - TOWN MANAGER e Wayland modified its government structure from a Board of Selectman/Town Administrator form to a Select Board/ Town Manager composition by and through Governor Baker signing Chapter 33 of the Acts of 2022, "An act creating Select Board -Town Manager form of government in the Town of Wayland" (the "TM/SB Act"). The five -member Select Board, elected to staggered three-year terms, serves as the Chief Executive Officer and chief policy making body. In accordance with Town Code, the Select Board appoints the Town Manager, Town Counsel, and independent auditor, as well as volunteers serving on various committees, boards and commissions. The Select Board develops and promulgates policy directives and regulations for the conduct of Town government. Additional boards in Wayland possess independent authority that is not under the purview of the Select Board. Elected Boards by Voter Moderator School Commissioners Housing Town lard of Planning l ibrar aid of commission hard rtif Board y R+ecre of ,rVar isinIaI Mere Committee of Trust Funds Author" Clerk. Assessors Board � Trustees Public , u Works Public Superintend -a Executive Director of Town Library Weir Town Ceremonies Director Assessing Planner Director Director Manager Minuteman Tech Rep )ble Advisory Committee EYouthdv%ory rllttee Wastewater lClstrict Zoning l�oarri of ApP"is Registrar of ► ratsrs Personnel Board Historic District Commission Historical Commission Finance Committee Council on Aging conservation Commission Auarr Committee I own manager Commission of a A Tarn A stTA I Treasurer public Build. Bullding Town Finance l COA Conservation Police Flre C PW Recreation Counsel HR Director Collector Director Commissioner Surveyor Director Manager Co -Directors Administrator Chief Chlef ©!rector Director (with School upt) Open Town Meeting acts as the legislative branch and is comprised of all registered voters of the community in attendance. Town Meeting occurs at least once each year to approve and amend the operating and capital budgets, adopt ordinances and bylaws, amend zoning bylaws, and authorize the purchase or sale of assets and real estate, among other similar articles. Wayland was the first community in Massachusetts to use electronic voting devices at its Town Meeting, which allows for a more accurate and efficient Town Meeting while also preserving a voter's confidentiality. r rJI111r r r The Town Manager serves in the role of Chief Administrative, Operating, and Financial Officer. The Town Manager also acts as the Town's Chief Procurement Officer and Public Records Access Manager. The Town Manager is a contract position that requires appointment by a vote of at least four members of the Select Board. The contractual three-year term for the Town Manager may be renewed or extended with the agreement of both parties. The Town Manager in turn appoints the following department heads based on merit and fitness, with ratification of at least a majority vote of the Select Board: • Police Chief • Fire Chief • Finance Director, and • Town Clerk The Town Manager, after consulting with the relevant Town committees, boards, and commissions, appoints all remaining municipal department heads, except the Library Director and Superintendent of Schools, and working with the appropriate department heads appoints or delegates the appointment of all subordinate municipal staff. Wayland's municipal budget provides funding for a full range of services including police, fire and ALS, public safety dispatching, public works including water, finance, library, recreation, health, planning, conservation, town counsel, and senior and youth services, among other standard municipal support services. The Total General Fund operating budget appropriation for FY23 is $92.7 million (with $47.1 million dedicated to education and $45.6 million for municipal services, including regional vocational schools). The increase in the FY23 Total General Fund Budgeted from the prior fiscal year is 5.4%. [:::::isca1 Year 2023 13ud.0 iirn it As Wayland's inaugural Town Manager, this individual will lead the Town's transition to its new form of government. The Town Manager will also establish an organizational culture that values both personal growth and service to the Town. Moreover, the Town seeks a Town Manager who will promote collaboration and synergy among Town departments and Wayland's volunteer -staffed boards, committees, and commissions. Additional information is provided below on some of these goals. The InauguraL Town Manager The TM/SB Act was just implemented in 2022, so the appointed individual will be the first Town Manager to ever serve in Wayland. This provides an excellent opportunity to establish how Wayland's municipal government functions going forward. For an innovative, knowledgeable, and creative individual, this is an excellent opportunity to leave one's legacy on a community for years to come. The Select Board, staff, and residents are all supportive and hopeful of the change in the structure of governance and the financial stability of the community means it has the resources to fund the necessary changes. • Finance Wayland most recently restructured its Finance Department and will develop and approve the budget in accordance with the new processes associated with the SB/TM Act. The Board recently approved the review of Townwide financial policies. Collins Center Report —Financial Management Structure. AffordabLe Housing Wayland has demonstrated a commitment to providing affordable housing and is close to achieving the ten percent affordable housing requirement imposed on every municipality pursuant to Chapter 40B of the Massachusetts General Laws. In June 2022, Wayland obtained state approval of its Housing Production Plan. The safe harbor granted to the Town (from so-called "unfriendly" projects) is set to expire in May 2023. The safe harbor can be extended if the Town completes permitting on a housing plan to produce the units needed to close the gap. TOWN OF WAYLAND, MASSACHUSETTS - TOWN MANAGER Wayland is a relatively affluent and financially stable community. The community has supported efforts to set aside reserves and taken head-on some of the more costly issues faced by municipalities. The annual free cash certification is around $10 million, and the Town has built up $11 million in stabilization reserves. Beginning in FY23, Wayland began contributing annually to a newly created capital stabilization reserve fund reserve. The Town has also been extremely proactive in its contributory funding of its Other Post -Employment Benefits (OPEB) projected .ii .::.......::. iir..........:::::.... it ,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,, . . . . liability and has earned M oody's highest credit rating o Aa a........................................ii.air......................................... .... ............ ii in in iii � iii iii ����� Communications The Town recently engaged the services of a public relations firm to assist with informing and engaging the residents and town officials in the community. The community and town leadership expressed a desire to improve communications between the town management and residents. The public relations firm will assist the Town Manager and the leadership team to remain informative and transparent as changes in the governance structure and staffing are being contemplated and implemented. Diversity, Equity and IncLusion Wayland is becoming increasingly diverse. Residents and Town officials are aware of and committed to the need to understand and pursue a more equitable and inclusive approach to the provision of services and the adoption of policies and procedures. The community is hopeful that the new Town Manager will be able to provide leadership and guidance on the issue of belonging, including the addition of more diversity in the town's workforce. The Board supported the development and formal adoption of the Climate Action Mobilization Plan to reduce community -wide greenhouse gas emissions by 50% from 1990 baseline levels by the year 2030. Wayland budgeted for the hiring of a sustainability manager beginning in FY23. Wayland, like many other employers in the public and private sectors, presently faces obstacles with respect to recruiting and team building. Town staff also consistently strives to improve communication with residents. The 90 approved and funded, yet outstanding, projects also require prioritization and completion while managing the day-to-day roles and responsibilities of municipal government. Additional challenges presently faced by Wayland are discussed in more detail below. Recruiting Staff Recruiting and hiring individuals to fill certain positions has been challenging in the short run. The next Town Manager will need to find creative ways to attract and/ or develop individuals to fill the staffing vacancies and to find creative ways to retain their services into the future. The Town does have afull-time Human Resources Manager and is working to further streamline numerous approaches to how Wayland adjusts to a post-COVID workplace. Team BuiLding Like so many public and private operations, Wayland has experienced a significant turnover in its municipal staff before and after the pandemic. Staff is now made up primarily of individuals either long tenured or new to Wayland. This provides an opportunity to hire and train individuals to work together as a cohesive team to provide services to the community and to resolve cross - functional issues. . Approved and Funded Projects There are presently about 90 approved and funded projects in various stages of progress and completion. A well -organized individual can score immediate success by moving the projects forward on a prioritized basis. Projects that require assistance getting across the finish line include, but are not limited to: 1. Resolving the PFAS Water Contamination Issue; 2. Renovations to Fire Station 2; 3. Construction of the Council on Aging/ Community Center; 4. Construction of the Loker Grass Athletic Field; 5. Supporting the Massachusetts School Building Assistance (MSBA) invitation to Submit a Statement of Interest; and b. Implementation of Energy Efficiency Programs. Water Levels of PFAS (per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances) wells have been above regulatory limits. The Board of Public Works that serves as the Town's Water Commissioners has been exploring possible resolutions, including joining the Massachusetts Water Resources Authority system. BuiLdming Maintenance Municipal and School buildings require improved maintenance and investment and upgrades that have been appropriated. The Town will ultimately need an updated plan. VoLunteer Adjustment to SB/TM Act Wayland is very fortunate to have many involved citizens serving the community as volunteers on board, commissions. and committees. With the passage of the SB/TM Act comes new roles and responsibilities for many town personnel, including Wayland's volunteers on boards and committees. Committee members will need time to adjust to a different set of roles and responsibilities. Consequently, the next Town Manager is encouraged to be a patient listener and willing to find compromise rather than having a rigid, inflexible approach to problem solving. Remote Participation Like the leadership Wayland exhibited in its implementation of electronic voting at Town Meeting, the Town is now pursuing a new initiative of remote voting at Town Meeting. The Town is working with its Legislators on the introduction and consideration of a bill to allow communities to incorporate remote participation and voting at Town Meetings. r rJI111r r r EDUCATION, SKI LLS AN D ABI LITI ES The successful candidate will have a combination of education and experience that demonstrates an ability to perform the duties and responsibilities of the position, including the following: • Demonstrated leadership qualities and the ability to establish strong working relationships with staff at all levels of the organization. A leader who is accessible, approachable, and empathetic, and able to motivate staff and who truly understands and takes active interest in the work that is being performed. • Public sector management experience, preferably as a manager or administrator; municipal experience in an organization of comparable size and complexity; and at least five years of leadership experience. • Experience with long-range capital improvement planning and financing, and state and federal programs to assist in infrastructure improvements. • Experience with capital project management, housing affordability, intergovernmental and nonprofit partnerships, and environmentally and financially sustainable development. • A strong public sector financial background, understanding municipal revenue sources and their impact on municipal budgets and taxpayers. The job requires strong data presentation and business strategy skills, knowledge of internal controls, multiyear budgeting, and understanding trends in technology. • Commitment and proven ability to attract and retain high -performing, diverse staff at all levels. • Strong written and oral communication skills necessary to communicate with the entire community using a variety of social media and local media tools. • A proven record of working collaboratively and effectively with an elected governing body, community leaders, the staff, and residents to move projects forward and achieve goals established by the Town's budget and other planning documents. • Experience working in a similar full -service town with community relations, financial management, public safety, public works, human resources management (including collective bargaining), community planning, library, recreation management, senior and youth issues, and other support services. • A bachelor's degree with major course work in public or business administration, finance, economics, political science, public policy, or a related field. A MPA and designation as an ICMA-Credentialed Manager, or completion of the MMA - Suffolk Certificate in Local Government Leadership & Management or the MMA Suffolk Municipal Finance Management Programs is preferred. • The Town will consider a combination of education and experience that allows for successful performance in this role. The Town's goals include hiring the candidate who is best able to meet the objectives of the position. r rJI111r r r The Town is seeking candidates that have the following qualities and traits: • A reputation of personal and professional integrity, trustworthiness, and open-mindedness. Leading an organization by example and conducting all personal and professional interactions honestly, fairly, ethically, humbly, and a willingness to admit when wrong. • Politically savvy, not political, with the maturity, self- confidence, and strength of professional convictions to communicate administrative insights to the Town's boards, committees, staff and other stakeholders. Ability to firmly and diplomatically present professional views and carry out administrative decisions in a timely, and impartial manner. • Commitment to create a collaborative environment dedicated to teamwork, accountability, and empowerment of department heads through professional input and recommendations, establishing a course to follow with clear expectations, and supporting continuous improvement. • Ability to identify evolving issues and develop responses, articulate a vision for the organization and to work with a diverse group of stakeholders. Willing to actively listen to new ideas; be innovative and creative when incorporating those ideas into solutions and projects; and be able to communicate effectively with the public. • Possesses a sense of humor, a positive attitude, and the ability to be flexible with the Town's stakeholders. Someone who follows through and does the right thing for the right reasons. The Town of Wayland offers competitive compensation and a comprehensive benefits package for the Town Manager position. Starting annual salary for the position is $175,000 to $225,000 +/- DOQ. Please submit resume, cover, letter, and contact information for five professional references by October 28, 2022, online to Michael Jaillet, Vice President, GovHR USA, LLC — . ii . iirn. Questions may be ............... ................ ................ . .............. .......... ................ ..................... director to Michael Jaillet at 781-760-3658 or ii................ ii ggybirusasoim. The Town of Wayland is an Equal Opportunity Employer. (1111111111111111111UN 11111111111111111 ( 11111111111 V %N5,1111111twI111111, H R i SA GovTEMPS USA f„ j U�D1N4hS�S�DUDCV(D1Vl�DI�CDINIINIUINUIVU�fDUDDDbn�l➢I�UU➢�II��IWn)➢)�uluuuw�»�yiuiu»yuyyiwuiw�iyy r Ills P Executive Recruiting Consultant ...,.� awn or Lexingic XINGTON EC L YriVE REC RI„J i ,,,,r III II CONS(J 1I,,,,,,I,,,,,AN r Ta,,,b',""I,,,,e all"ll,'',"ll Contents COSTPROPOSAL..................................................................................................................2 III::::::: L J �,,,,,,.I,,,,,,. ;;� ,,, 1' E R E C If,,, L.J III M E N -]................................................ v ... ........................... ................ . OPTIONAL ASSESSMENT CENTER.......................................................................................3 OPTIONALSERVICES............................................................................................................4 III OWN 01::::: 1 EKIING I ON , � I�LJ III ,�1111 � )flll l„ " 2' I. PAGE 1 # oto, �� III � � ,1III�� �,,,,,�61 ,,� I II,;;;;o �.,,,,o IIE f III,,,,,, CII III III III IIN G CON S LJ I11 1,,,AN III Illllllllllliuiiiillluppp0Iiuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuiu°°uui ♦ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 11111 Illllu��� IIIIIIIIIII���0p0j" Illuuuiiilllpi�ii°uuuuuuuui I,ulllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuuuuuuuuuuuu i uuui�uuuuuuuuuuui iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii1iuuiuuuu Cost Defined by Impact., Driven by People. Dedicated to the Community. We take pride in customizing our client's needs and will work with you to ensure our fees align with your expectations and budget. Full Scope Recruitment "If the consultant is requested to travel to the client, we estimate travel costs to be approximately $100 per trip. Only actual expenses will be billed to the Town for reimbursement. Possible in -person meetings could include: • Recruitment brochure interview process • Presentation of recommended candidate • Interview Process Any additional consultant visits requested by the Town (beyond the three visits listed above) will be billed at $150/hour. The additional visits may also result in an increase in the travel expenses billed. *This fee does not include travel and accommodation for candidates interviewed. Payment for Fees & Services • 15t Invoice: Contract Award (40% of the Recruitment Fee). • 2nd Invoice: Presentation of Candidates (40% of the Recruitment Fee & expenses incurred to date). • Final Invoice: Completion of Recruitment (20% of the Recruitment Fee plus all remaining expenses). Payment of invoices is due within thirty (30) days of receipt. SuGicn,JEMIPSIUSA, MGT [ ,, � �� ,,,� ,,,,� I ON � ) � I� �; �„ "�' I. PAGE 2 "� �' III �I_,,,,, 1 I II,,,,,o �.,,,,o (.J III II�.,,,,o III,,,,,, �,�.III III III II IIN G CON S LJ III,,,,,1 AN III Illllllllllliuiiiillluppp0Iiuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuiu°°uui ♦ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 11111 Illllu��� IIIIIIIIIII���0p0j" Illuuuiiilllpi�ii°uuuuuuuui I,ulllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuuuuuuuuuuuu uuiu°uuuuuuuuuuu iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuuuuiu OptionalAssessment Quall"fied Assessors Vdur Needs'. If requested, as part of the selection process, MGT will perform an Assessment Center for candidates selected for interview. An Assessment Center is a useful tool for identifying and evaluating the strengths, areas for improvement, skills, and abilities of the candidates. MGT consultants will prepare all the related documents and scoring sheets for any three of the following exercises to be completed on the day of the Assessment Center: • In -Basket Exercise • Written/Oral Presentation Exercise • Leaderless Group Exercise • Structured Interview Optional Assessment Center Fee: $8,500* • Budget Analysis Exercise • Personnel Issues Exercise • Other exercise of the Town's choosing *The fee assumes the Assessment Center will be held on one day and be limited to no more than five candidates. For each additional candidate, the fee will increase by $750. The fee includes the preparation of the Assessment Center material and a written report outlining the findings of the Assessment Center as reported by the Assessors. We will assist the Town in selecting three professionals from outside the organization to serve as Assessors in evaluating each candidate's strengths and weaknesses. The Town will be responsible for paying a $750 stipend to each Assessor (and possible mileage or other transportation costs for the assessors). The fee does not include lodging, travel, and meal expenses for the MGT facilitator(s) to be on -site for the Assessment Center. Actual expenses will be billed in addition to the fee. If the Town chooses to add the Assessment Center option, the fees and expenses for this will be billed separately. SuGicn,JEMIPSIUSA, MGT [ ,, � �� ,,,� ,,,,� I ON � ) � I� �; �„ "�' I. PAGE 3 "� �' III �I_,,,,, 1 I II,,,,,o �.,,,,o (.J III II�.,,,,o III,,,,,, �,�.III III III II IIN G CON S LJ III,,,,,1 AN III Illllllllllliuiiiilllluppp0Iiuuuuuuu uuuuuuuuuuuiu°°uui ♦ iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii 11111 Illllu��� IIIIIIIIIII���0p0j" Illuuuiiilllpi�ii°uuuuuuuui I,ulllliiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuuuuuuuuuuuu uuiu°uuuuuuuuuuu iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuuuuuiu n 1Services a o The Nation's Recruitment leader. Having a solid plan in place is the only way to reach your long-term vision and goals, and we want to see you thrive. Our variety of services can be personalized to make the most of your strengths and give you an extra layer of support where you need it. We offer the following additional service offerings: GOVTEMPSUSA Need an Interim? GovTempsUSA, a division of MGT, specializes in the temporary placement of positions in local government. The firm offers short-term assignments in addition to long-term and outsourced arrangements. Our placement professionals at GovTempsUSA have typically enjoyed distinguished careers in local government and displayed a commitment to public service throughout their careers. RECORDED ONE-WAY VIDEO INTERVIEW OF CANDIDATES Candidates we recommend for your consideration can complete a one-way video interview with three to five questions that will be recorded and which you can review electronically at your convenience. This can occur prior to making your decision on which candidates to invite for an interview at a cost of $100 per candidate. LEADERSHIP/PERSONALITY TESTING MGT has experience working with various leadership and personality assessment tools, depending on the qualities and experiences the Town is seeking in their candidates. These include but are not limited to Luminaspark, Caliper, DISC, and others. Depending on the evaluation type, selected fees can range between $100 to $500 per candidate. 3600 EVALUATION As a service to the Town, we offer the option of providing you with a proposal for a 360' performance evaluation for the appointed position six months into their employment. This evaluation will include seeking feedback from elected officials, department directors, and any other stakeholder the Town feels would be relevant and beneficial. This input will be obtained on a confidential basis, with comments known only to the consultant. If you are interested in this option, MGT will prepare a proposal for this service. I I PAGE 4 u G n,JE IP IU n� III III �,,,, , �� 20 1,,,� III,;;;;o �,,,,o (.J III II�,,,,o [ III,,,,,, �,�. III III III III IIN G CON S LJ III,,,,,1 AN RESPONSE TO REQUEST FOR QUOTE TOWN OF LEXINGTON, MASSACHUSETTS TOWN MANAGER RECRUITMENT APRIL 2024 Prepared by: Municipal Resources, Inc. 66 Main Street, Suite B Plymouth, NH 03264 603-279-0352 all@mrigov.com TABLE OF CONTENTS Letterof Interest....................................................................................................................1 Unique Services in Public Sector Recruitment.......................................................................2 About Municipal Resources...................................................................................................4 CorporateStructure...............................................................................................................4 TheProject Team...................................................................................................................5 Approach& Process...............................................................................................................8 Timeline..................................................................................................................................11 ProposedTimeline.................................................................................................................12 TenureGuarantee..................................................................................................................13 References and Recent Contracts..........................................................................................13 Attachments Promotional Materials................................................................................................Attachment A References/Client List.................................................................................................Attachment B Required Documents..................................................................................................Attachment C LETTER OF INTEREST April 18, 2024 Select Board Office Lexington Town Office Building 1625 Massachusetts avenue Lexington, MA 02420 Toll Free: (866) 501-0352 Municipal Resources, Inc. ("MRI") is pleased to submit this response to your request for a quote to work with the Town of Lexington, MA in the recruitment and selection of an exceptional candidate for the position of Town Manager. We had the pleasure of assisting the Town in its recruitment and selection of Mr. Malloy in 2018 and we'd be honored to assist the Town of Lexington once again in the recruitment process. With more than 30 years of experience with public sector executive recruitments, our record for helping municipalities identify and select candidates with the right "fit" is impressive. By investing time and energy to learn about the specific challenges of the job and understand the personality of the community, we can identify candidates with the right blend of management skill, leadership style, values, philosophy, and approach to ensure a "fit" for success and long tenure. Because the scope of services offered by MRI across the region and our many contacts, particularly in New England, MRI can leverage those contacts to directly recruit quality candidates. Although a full client list is attached, the following are a number of communities that you'll be sure to recognize: ➢ Berlin, MA —Town Manager ➢ ➢ Blackstone, MA —Town Administrator ➢ ➢ Middleton, MA —Town Administrator ➢ ➢ North Andover, MA —Town Manager ➢ ➢ Northborough, MA —Town Administrator ➢ Town of Lexington, MA: Response to RFQ Town Manager Recruitment Prepared by Municipal Resources, Inc. April 2024 Sherborn, MA —Town Administrator Somerset, MA —Town Administrator Southwick, MA —Chief Administrator Officer Westborough, MA —Town Manager Westford, MA —Town Manager Page 1 UNIQUE SERVICES IN PUBLIC SECTOR RECRUITMENT MRI has been serving municipalities for more than 30 years. Although our focus is New England, we have provided services to more than 500 municipalities throughout New England and beyond. We use this "reach" to benefit our clients. In conducting recruitment and selection services, we endeavor to do more than merely match candidates to job openings: • We profile your community in a way that highlights the unique attributes that make it a desirable opportunity for potential candidates. • We work closely with you to understand the leadership and management aspects of the position that may be unique to your community in order to establish and clarify job expectations. • We actively seek out and recruit candidates that we believe would be a good potential match for your community. • We work closely with each applicant to help them understand the position requirements and the expectations you have for the successful candidate while keeping them abreast of their status at each step in the selection process. • We recognize that the client is not only hiring a senior executive but may very well be bringing an entire family into the community. Consequently, we work with the applicants to enable them to learn as much as possible about the region as well as the client community, and we help the client prepare to support the assimilation of the new Manager. We are also careful to ensure that economic expectations and family needs or special circumstances are clearly understood early in the selection process. • We stay actively involved through the final selection and formal appointment. Our objective is to initiate and establish long-term, successful relationships between the individuals we help place and our clients. Alan Gould, President, will act as the Principal -In -Charge and Project Manager for this project and will oversee all aspects of the recruitment process. The proposed project team is outlined in our response to the RFP; members assigned to this team are veterans of similar projects and have specialized in Massachusetts recruitments. We understand that every community is different; therefore, every search is different. MRI works hard to understand the intricacies and uniqueness of each client's organization and then tailors the process to meet their specific needs and expectations. Town of Lexington, MA: Response to RFQ Town Manager Recruitment Prepared by Municipal Resources, Inc. Ap ri 1 2024 Page 2 We look forward to the possibility of working with the Town of Lexington again on this project. Please feel free to contact us if you have any questions or need additional information. Respectfully submitted, MUNICIPAL RESOURCES, INC. i Alan S. Gould, President Municipal Resources, Inc. 66 Main Street, Suite 6, Plymouth NH 03264 119 International Drive, Portsmouth, NH 03801 (603) 279-0352 (603) 765-5998 Cell agould@mrigov.com Town of Lexington, MA: Response to RFQ Town Manager Recruitment Prepared by Municipal Resources, Inc. Ap ri 1 2024 Page 3 ABOUT MUNICIPAL RESOURCES All Principal Consultants affiliated with the firm have substantial experience in government service, a background which proves beneficial to our clients, as we are able to fully understand and address the issues and concerns of the officials and decision -makers with whom we do business. We believe that Municipal Resources has the best collection of talent that any consultant can produce at any price. Generally, our affiliates are current or recently retired practitioners in their field. They have held or hold positions at or near the top in their respective fields. All consultants assigned to this team are veterans of similar projects and have specialized in Massachusetts recruitments. In order to provide a higher level of service to our clients, a team of MRI consultants will be assigned to this project. This approach gives us a wider outreach to actively recruit the best candidates and to provide a higher level of screening for the candidate pool. The team of consultants assigned to this recruitment would be as follows: CORPORATE STRUCTURE MRI is an S Corporation registered in New Hampshire, with the following officers: Alan S. Gould, President and Chief Operating Officer Christian Pearsall, Treasurer John Deachman, Esquire, Secretary Justin Van Etten, Chairman, Board of Directors, Co -Owner Donald R. Jutton, Sr., Founder and Member, Board of Directors, Co -Owner PRINCIPAL -IN -CHARGE and PROJECT MANAGER Alan S. Gould, President and Chief Operating Officer, is a graduate of Saint Anselm College with a BS degree in Criminal Justice. He is certified as a Public Manager by the American Academy of Certified Public Managers and has completed numerous management and leadership programs including the Babson Command Training Institute and the FBI's LEEDS program. He is recognized for his creativity in community policing and his leadership in promoting ethics in the law enforcement community. Mr. Gould began his public sector career with the Salem, NH, Police Department where, during 21 years, he served at all ranks of the Department. He served as Chief of Police in Rye, NH, where, upon retirement from law enforcement, he was appointed and served as Town Administrator until joining MRI in 2008. Mr. Gould served as the Ethics Instructor at the New Hampshire Police Academy for 15years and has been an instructor of college courses in Criminal Code, Criminal Investigation, Report Writing, Constitutional Law, and Juvenile Town of Lexington, MA: Response to RFQ Town Manager Recruitment Prepared by Municipal Resources, Inc. Ap ri 1 2024 Page 4 Delinquency. Among his many community involvements, Alan served as an initial incorporator of two non-profit organizations; one addressing family violence and visitation issues, and the other established to help seniors remain in their homes as they age. He continues to serve as Deputy Emergency Management Director in the coastal community of Rye, NH, located within the Seabrook Nuclear Power Plant's Emergency Planning Zone. In addition to his responsibilities as MRI's Chief Operating Officer, Mr. Gould manages most of the company's public safety projects including operational studies and "internal" investigations. Mr. Gould also specializes in recruitment/selection processes for executive -level municipal positions and has completed hundreds of processes for top management positions throughout New England. PROJECT TEAM MEMBERS Reginald (Buzz) S. Stapczynski, ICMA-CM, has 40 years of public sector management experience at the local, county, and state levels of government. He served as Town Manager of Andover, MA, for 25 years. As Chief Executive Officer, he was responsible for the administration and management of a full -service municipality. He was responsible for a $170 million operating budget for municipal/school departments; maintenance and construction of municipal/school infrastructures, managing millions in capital projects; and economic development/planning of the Town's industrial/commercial base. During his tenure, the rating agencies recognized his administration for outstanding fiscal management by awarding Andover with the AAA bond rating. He also served as Town Manager in Wilmington, MA, for many years. Buzz worked for the Commonwealth of Massachusetts in the Department of Mental Health as a Budget Manager. Prior to coming to Massachusetts, Stapczynski worked for Fairfax County, VA, as a Budget Analyst in the Office of Management and Budget. Buzz is the former President of the Massachusetts Municipal Association (MMA) and the Massachusetts Municipal Management Association (MMMA). He served on the Massachusetts Interlocal Insurance Association, Inc. (MIIA) Board of Directors. He was on the Governor's Advisory Council during the Dukakis and Weld Administrations. More recently, he participated on Lieutenant Governor Polito's Special Municipal Focus Group. He is the former Chair of the MMMA's Future Managers Committee. Buzz received his B.A. in Politics from The Catholic University of America in Washington D.C., and Master's in Public Administration from the University of Kansas. He attended the Harvard University, J.F.K. School of Government Program, for Senior Executives in Local Government. Buzz brings a wealth of knowledge to MRI in all areas of government administration, as well as experience with public/private partnerships. Robert Mercier is a senior -level executive manager with over 35 years in both the private and public sectors. He has direct experience managing public budgets in excess of $100 million, and in developing policy and implementing programs that promote positive, smart business growth. Most recently he served as the Town Administrator for Burlington, Massachusetts from 1999 to 2012, returning to the community after serving as the Town's first Town Administrator from 1980 to 1986. From 1986 to 1991 he served as President and Chief Executive of the Regional North Suburban Chamber of Commerce, serving 13 communities along Route 128. Bob was Town Town of Lexington, MA: Response to RFQ Town Manager Recruitment Prepared by Municipal Resources, Inc. Ap ri 1 2024 Page 5 Manager in Billerica, MA, from 1991 through 1998. He served as Interim Administrator in Boxborough in 1999 and Interim Town Administrator in Wayland in 2013. He received his BA in Education and History from the University of Lowell and earned his Masters' Degree in American Government from Salem State University. Mr. Mercier has also received a Post Graduate Certificate in Leadership and Organizational Management from Notre Dame University. Mr. Mercier is a former member of the MBTA Advisory Board and has served on the Route 3 Advisory Committee that contributed to the successful, on time, and on budget expansion of the Route 3 corridor. He joined MRI in 2014 and serves as a municipal management consultant specializing in executive recruitments. Carol M. Granfield, ICMA-CM, has a master's in administration from Central Michigan University and is one of 1266 ICMA Credentialed Managers in the country. Ms. Granfield is also a graduate of the Senior Executive Institute at the University of Virginia, Harvard JF Kennedy School of Government summer program, Leadership New Hampshire, and Fairfax, and one year of law school at Massachusetts School of Law. She is an adjunct professor at Granite State College where she teaches Human Resources and Public Administration. She possesses over 38 years of public sector management experience and 9 years of private sector experience. Ms. Granfield, a native of Pittsfield, Massachusetts, has broad public service experience at the town, city, and county levels of government. Ms. Granfield has served in Town Manager/Town Manager positions in large and small communities in New Hampshire (Derry, Meredith, Hooksett, Moultonborough), and as County Manager in Cumberland County, Maine; Town Manager in Dixfield and Kittery, Maine; Director of Administration in Herndon, Virginia; and Personnel Director in Fairfax, Virginia. Ms. Granfield's expertise in Human Resources and Labor Relations includes the establishment of personnel policies; organizational studies; wage, classification, and benefit studies along with union negotiations to include the interest -based model. Ms. Granfield is co-author of the ICMA e-book, Performance Appraisal Fundamentals: A Quick Guide to Fair, Consistent, and Useful Performance Appraisals. Ms. Granfield has participated in many successful public sector executive recruitment projects and has also conducted strategic planning, goal setting, and team building programs in NH, ME, and VA communities. She has also developed and implemented positive career development and training programs for employees of a number of municipal organizations. Ms. Granfield has given presentations at national conferences of the ICMA, the International Public Management Association for Human Resources, and at state conferences in VA, MA, ME, and NH. Ms. Granfield has served on many professional and civic boards to include the Public Employee Labor Relations Committee; ICMA Credentialing Board; NH Local Government Board, Maine Municipal Association Advisory Board, Belknap County Economic Development Commission, Derry Planning Board, and is Past President of the NH Management Association, IPMA-Virginia„ Dixfield Economic Development Organization, and the Derry Village Rotary. Ms. Granfield is also appointed by the Governor to the NH Public Employee Labor Relations Board. Town of Lexington, MA: Response to RFQ Town Manager Recruitment Prepared by Municipal Resources, Inc. Ap ri 1 2024 Page 6 Elizabeth Mensinger, Recruitment Coordinator, graduated from Providence College with a Bachelor of Arts degree in Social Work and attained her Master of Social Work degree at the University of Central Florida. She has experience in business management as well as program development and implementation and has served in leadership positions in public, private, and non-profit settings. Elizabeth has proven success in bringing together teams and creating effective and efficient processes to achieve goals. As MRI's Recruitment Coordinator Elizabeth is responsible for establishing and maintaining professional relationships with candidates and for identifying candidates with the attributes sought for the various recruitment positions. Elizabeth also provides Job Task Analysis services and data collection and analysis for MRI's Public Safety studies. Town of Lexington, MA: Response to RFQ Town Manager Recruitment Prepared by Municipal Resources, Inc. Ap ri 1 2024 Page 7 APPROACH & PROCESS The following describes the activities we propose to undertake in a comprehensive executive recruitment process; typically, we customize the process by adding or deleting steps in order to address specific needs of your community: 1. Meet with the Select Board and Screening Committee to review the recruitment process and work toward developing a Community Profile and Challenge Statement (see attached sample in Attachment A). This Community Profile and Challenge Statement helps to: a. Promote the "place" of your community and highlight those special qualities and unique characteristics that will separate your community from others that may be seeking to fill similar positions. b. Identify critical organizational issues and challenges; C. Clarify roles, responsibilities, and expectations for the position; d. Understand the qualities, strengths, and characteristics of candidates envisioned for the position; e. Characterize the most desirable management strengths, behavioral styles, personal attributes, and motivating values needed in the ideal candidate to increase the probability of success in the role; and f. Identify the likely issues and opportunities that the next Administrator must be prepared to address. To gain input from the community and other stakeholders, MRI will interview other key officials, as identified by the Select Board and/or Town designees, and will open an e-mail address for this specific recruitment that will provide for community input. If desired by the client, we can design and facilitate a public engagement exercise as well as interviews with department heads and other key stakeholders. Once approved by the client, the Ideal Community Profile and Challenge Statement will be posted on MRI's recruitment website for potential candidates to review. 2. Review and make recommendations to the current job description based on a review of the Home Rule Charter and information gathered from discussions with key personnel. Town of Lexington, MA: Response to RFQ Town Manager Recruitment Prepared by Municipal Resources, Inc. Ap ri 1 2024 Page 8 3. We will work to develop a timeline for the recruitment process so that the Client and all candidates can plan accordingly. 4. We will develop ad copy, recommend advertising venues, and coordinate placement of the ads. All postings will include salary range as determined by the Select Board. Resumes are typically received for at least 30 days. 5. Produce an agreed upon screening and assessment tool to conduct an initial screening of applicants to determine their suitability for the position and their willingness to live in the Town. This initial screening process will be done in consultation with the Selectboard and/or Screening Committee. Produce a list of finalists to be interviewed by the Select Board 6. We will research MRI's database and contact potential candidates from other similar recruitments we have conducted. Leveraging our significant contacts in local government management across New England we will actively pursue potential candidates that we believe will be a good fit for your community. It should be noted that MRI's advertising is targeted at venues that are most likely to engage candidates with the professional training and experience desired by the client. We are also proud of our ability to recognize and recruit high -quality "non- traditional" candidates who have succeeded in their roles as Chief Executive/Administrative Officers. Since some of these advertising venues will be viewed nationally and even internationally, we expect to have approximately 17 states represented in the candidate pool. MRI's recruitment efforts go well beyond the team identified in this quote as we leverage our entire consulting group for the benefit of the client. 7. We will canvass MRI's professional network to identify and reach out to promising potential candidates to invite their applications. 8. We will receive, acknowledge, and hold all resumes in confidence. We have found that assured confidentiality will increase the number and quality of applicants rather significantly. We acknowledge receipt of all resumes and keep candidates apprised of their status at each selection point throughout the process. 9. We will provide you with an overview of relevant information about the candidate pool, answer questions, and review selection criterion at each decision point throughout the process. 10. Our team of professional consultants will screen and review all resumes for minimum qualifications before ranking them against the Ideal Candidate Profile. Town of Lexington, MA: Response to RFQ Town Manager Recruitment Prepared by Municipal Resources, Inc. Ap ri 1 2024 Page 9 11. MRI's assessment of candidates is based upon the qualities, skills, and experience identified in the cover letter and resumes, in the response to essay questions, the preliminary background screening, and the phone interviews with the MRI team. 12. We will work with the Select Board and/or Screening Committee to develop a written essay questionnaire to be sent to the top -tier candidates, focusing the questions on matters of special relevance to the client's needs or current situation. Candidates will have a specified amount of time to respond (typically 10 days), after which our team of consultants will review and rank the responses. 13. After essay responses have been returned, and reviewed, we conduct a web search of the top remaining candidates and canvass our consultants, to identify potential issues or controversies in other jurisdictions. 14. Coordinated with the Select Board, two members of our team will conduct telephone interviews with these candidates, placing the focus on their current position and reasons for leaving; career history of successes and failures; future personal and professional goals; and their understanding of best practices and contemporary professional thinking in the field. In addition to screening the candidates, this interview provides for a follow-up to the essay responses and information found in the web searches. It also assists us in determining the verbal communication skills of the candidate and his/her ability to answer questions spontaneously. 15. We will provide the Select Board, and/or Screening Committee with the submittals of the top -tier candidates and meet to discuss these candidates and determine which candidates they would like to interview (normally 5 to 6). Those candidates chosen by the Select Board or Screening Committee will move forward to interviews. MRI will prepare the Select Board and/or Town designees for those interviews and facilitate the interviews. All interviews will be facilitated by an MRI consultant. All meetings will be in conformance with the Massachusetts Open Meeting Law. 16. Following interviews with the finalists, the Select Board or Town designees, in consultation with our lead consultant, will determine what if any, additional steps are needed to arrive at a final selection. 17. We will assist the Town with the development of terms and conditions of employment, preparation of a conditional offer of employment, and creation of a draft of an employment agreement. Town of Lexington, MA: Response to RFQ Town Manager Recruitment Prepared by Municipal Resources, Inc. Ap ri 1 2024 Page 10 18. If the final candidate will be relocating to the community from a significant distance, we may recommend and can coordinate a family visit to the community prior to making a conditional offer of employment. 19. Provide a bi-weekly written update to the Select Board on the status of the recruitment process. If a suitable candidate cannot be found within 120 days of contract execution, the contract will be re-evaluated. 20. We will complete a comprehensive background investigation (included in lump sum price) on the selected candidate which shall include, but not be limited to, previous employment, criminal and motor vehicle records checks, finances, references (including those independently developed by MRI), and interviews with previous employers. These backgrounds are handled by our Law enforcement specialists and are extensive. In addition to the "checks" completed by our competitors, we interview a significant number of developed resources that will provide valuable insight into a candidate's ethics, judgment, personality and work product. We are recognized as leaders in the area of providing comprehensive backgrounds and have been relied upon, even by police chiefs, to provide the backgrounds critical to hiring quality employees. 21. In order to protect the client, MRI will typically not complete a comprehensive background on a candidate before a conditional offer of employment is accepted, unless the Town provides a waiver. TIMFIINF The following schedule represents the typical timeline MRI would like to meet in the recruitment and selection process. As you will see, the approximate 30-day run time for resume submission is the longest period of time over which we have no control. During this period, resumes are being received, acknowledged, and scored, while we are gathering information that will help us to narrow the field and develop essay questions. Once the resumes have been scored, things will move along pretty quickly. Since there is little room for "compression" of this schedule, any delays will need to be added to the end of the process. The background investigation on the selected candidate will likely take about two weeks. During that two -week period, we will be assisting the Client with contract negotiations. We normally expect a two- or four -week delay between the signing of a final contract with the start date of the chosen candidate since he or she likely has a contractual obligation to a current employer. Town of Lexington, MA: Response to RFQ Town Manager Recruitment Prepared by Municipal Resources, Inc. Ap ri 1 2024 Page 11 TASK T T mommomom ME MENOMONEE m mmmmmmmmmmmm Emmmmmmmmmmm TENURE GUARANTEE To the extent that Municipal Resources is engaged to conduct a comprehensive recruitment as described above, we will guarantee to undertake a recruitment and selection process at no expense to the community should the employment relationship, after it is negotiated and documented by an executed employment agreement, be terminated by either party within 12 months. However, no such guarantee shall exist if said termination occurred due to death or catastrophic illness of the selected candidate, or due to the actions of, or encouragement to the selected candidate by a majority of a newly elected Board or Council. There shall be no cost for MRI's recruitment services; however, the Client shall cover the costs associated with advertising and interviews. REFERENCES and RECENT CONTRACTS Berlin, MA Town Manager 2019, 2022 Kristin Rubin, Town Administrator 23 Linden Street Berlin, MA 01503 (978) 310-5919 Middleton, MA Town Administrator 2023 Brian Cresta, Select Board Kosta Prentakis, Select Board (978) 777-3617 Northborough, MA Town Administrator Recruitment 2023 Mitch Cohen, Chair, Select Board Tim McInerney, Town Administrator (508) 393-5040 North Andover, MA Town Manager 2019 Denise Casey, Deputy Town Manager 120 Main Street North Andover, MA 01845 (978) 688-9510 Somerset, MA Town Administrator, 2022 Alan Smith, Chair of the Board (508)922-1457 Mark Ullucci, Town Administrator (781) 264-0500 Southwick, MA Chief Administrative Officer 2023 Doug Moglin Chairperson Southwick, MA 01077 (413) 569-5995 Westborough, MA Town Manager 2019 Kristi Williams, Town Manager Westborough, MA 01581 (508) 366-3030 Westford, MA Town Manager 2022 Andrea Peraner-Sweet, Select Board, Chair Kristen Las, Town Manager Westford, MA 01886 978-692-5501 See Attachment B for additional references/full client list. Town of Lexington, MA: Response to RFQ Town Manager Recruitment Prepared by Municipal Resources, Inc. Ap ri 1 2024 Page 13 PROMOTIONAL MATERIAL See Attachment A for a sample Community Profile. REFERENCES See Attachment B for a full list of References REQUIRED DOCUMENTS See Attachment C for required documents: Tax Compliance Certificate of Corporate Authority Non -Collusion Statement Signature Page Sample Certificate of Insurance Respectfully submitted, MUNICIPAL RESOURCES, INC. ba By: � , Alan S. Gould, President Municipal Resources, Inc. 66 Main Street, Suite B, Plymouth NH 03264 119 International Drive, Portsmouth, NH 03801 (603) 279-0352 (603) 765-5998 Cell agold@mrigov.com Town of Lexington, MA: Response to RFQ Town Manager Recruitment Prepared by Municipal Resources, Inc. Ap ri 1 2024 Page 14 �\ G��;>� %�>� �\ ���<« » �� � . . / / /± �£ ?� �> �: � «; ; j. � � \ / / � % ` / \ \ � � / � ^ \ \\ \ � \ � \ / � � / , <; % � / `y . � % «� J } / � `z � d « / 2 / / / \ � i \ / d i ƒ ~ / � « / y � / 2 : % Z � . � / «^ \ � � a � » a� / / � ; � \ � \ / 7 ' �\ / � ( / � « % � a; :g \ \ � ± � y: , \ \ \ /� \ \ y^ \ y: z , \ / 2 \ � > / \ / �f ��� � � � / \ % z 2 \ \ � 6 ' ° . 2 » z � \ � % a + Invitation to Qualified Candidates INTRODUCTION Westford, MA (24,700 pop.) The Town of Westford seeks a proactive, seasoned community leader committed to excellence to serve as its next Town Manager. The current manager is retiring after fourteen years of dedicated service to the community. The residents of Westford take great pride in being a welcoming community that respects and honors its history and its diversity. This charming New England town is known for its outstanding public services and award winning schools. Westford was originally settled in the 1600's and incorporated as the Town of Westford in 1729. The community has a rich history and a strong commitment to preserving its heritage, and boasts a quality of life that makes it a destination community for any public manager. The Town is ideally located on the 1-495/ Route 3 highway network, just 35 miles north of Boston and near the New Hampshire border. In addition, Westford has numerous natural and recreational amenities and offers easy access to Boston, Cape Cod and New Hampshire's White Mountains. This full -service municipality is led by a five member Select Board and Town Manager with an Open Town Meeting form of government. With the assistance of an Assistant Town Manager and an excellent department head team, the Manager oversees an operating budget for FY 2023 of $126.6M and a capital budget of $6.7M (School and Town) with 203 full-time and 166 part-time Town employees, not including School Department employees. The Town is financially stable, boasts substantial reserves, has an AAA bond rating by S&P Global and is recognized as a desirable community for its planning initiatives and smart growth business development that has resulted in a strong commercial, industrial and residential tax base. The ideal candidate will have a Master's in Public Administration or related field and 7 to 10 years of senior level experience in public administration, or other related professional fields with demonstrated executive responsibilities in a quasi -public, business or government entity. The Town will consider a combination of education and professional experience to meet the minimum requirements for the position. The Town has established a total compensation range of $210,000 to $230,000 with a competitive benefits package commensurate with qualifications and experience. The Town is an affirmative action/equal opportunity employer and is committed to diversity, equity and inclusion hiring goals to create a diverse workforce within the community. Women, minorities and persons with disabilities are encouraged to apply. For additional information contact Alan Gould, President, Municipal Resources Inc., at 603-279-0352 x320. ADDITIONAL INFORMATION: www.mrigov.com/career Cover letter and resume in confidence as PDF attachment to: recruitment@mrigov.com ,111 IT- 0=4 n M Th le Ide,al Ca n did ate, fo r t h e po s it i o n of We stford To w n M a n a ge r w i I I h a ve ��- Agraduate degree 11 j I n public administration or sirnilarly related fie,ld is requ 11 j I red. At least,,, 7-10 years of demonstrated senior level leadership inacommunity, public management position or similar re,levant 1- ransferable, expe, ience at an executive levelnot for profit organization, higher education institution or, other governmental position. ,A career record of creative and innovative financial and bludget management with an emphasis on short/ long, 'term strate,gic capital planning. A collaborative, and de,liberative style, of managemen'tthat aliows-for, and romotes comrnunity involvement ��by an engaged, caring and diverse citizertry and understands the, importance of diAIMity, and inclusion in . 1. community relations, and municipal op,eratiorts. Leadership, by exam, , le andwho empowersand trust managers and staff to �run their organization. Avoilds being a micromanager, but someone who holds senior managers accountable. Ap p r,e,ci a ti o n fo r t h e ha �rd wo rk �m u n j I cipal employeesare engaged inand supports their efforts by, recognizing .and ap�preciating their professionalism. Avisible NMIs,, out ofthe office and engages with staff d the community at large. .1 1 The fityto �be intellectually challenged in so' ing. co=lex issues by resear d Tho v understanding the matte�r before the community.. Identify innovative, bold and IIItive solutions to, build consensus while understanding and allowing for divergent opinions from al] affected parties. A de,monstrated history of effectivej and persuasive public speaking while using the latest, technology to erthance o al/,visual presentations beforje Town officials and the general public:. Extensive krilowledge and eVerjence in negotiations in a collective bargaining environment WLhile also I :re riships, with union and non-unio maintaining the, abilityto establish fair, respectful and harmonious, latio leadership. I 1- fity,tollist,e�n.,e��mp,owe,and supportwith st,ar,esource�st�hev,,arious,c�onstit�ue��n,tsiinWestfor,d's gover,nment particularly the mzny volunteer bloards and committee mernbers,who provide, the highest leveil of custorner slervice and profe-ssilional resultsto the community. L- Demo nstrate,dabil ity to provide, professional, unbiased guidiance to all electe,d and appointed olfficialsaswell aisthe communiltyalt large., A commitment -to continuous improvement and knowledgeable of the, best practices and next practices in municipal management and administration., ,2, Skills in working collabloratively, cooperatively and building consensus with a strong emphasis, on maintaining a plositive, productive relationship between'the school and munici, al administrations. Demo nstrated c:a reer long foundation of impeccable, professional and personal ethical standards, i ntegrity, re s pe ct , hi,o n, est y' a n d a cco u nta b i I ity. T; Of 9 Because, of its ideal location along 1-4,95, close, to Rioute 3 ,and in the Greater Boston'technologgy belt, Westford is honleto numerous larger businesses and em, ployers, including, but not limited to:. Red Hat, NETSCOUT, Juniper, Networks, UTC Aerospace Systems, Kadant, Mack Technologies-Sonus Networks, Seagate Technology, Synacor, Inc., Iris Associates, MA.T. Linco,ln Laboratory/Haystack Observatory, Cynosure, Abbott Medical,, Al catel -Lucent Enterprise, Kimball Farm, and Nashoba'Valley, S,ki Area,. 0 The Westford Public Schools are amongst,the, best in the Commonwealth w,ith an enrollment of 4,,668, students., Westford Academy, founded in 1792, is,, the oldest coed ucational high school inthe state and one of the oldest, in the country. U.S. News, & World Report recently, ranked Westford Acaderriyas the 25, th best high school in Massachusetts. Westford Public Schools also has eight other schools, two middle schools andneighb,orhood elementa y schoo[s. i�Kqj IT, I ff rt will, I to have been exploring North America. No one knows, ��but that's whialt legends are made, of. 111 Via A I i A , I - I Ib , I V M mi N ............. ............ .... e Article - The Town FY 23 Budget can be viewed at.- h�tt��ps,,:,,,""/w,ww,.,we,st,ford��ma��,.,g.�o /DoculmentClent Bud�ig.e,�t�-,0427202,2,'.?b,i,d,��,ld,��i= The Challenges Ahead A boards, committees andcommissions that make up the Town family.i The following are, some of the challenges and op,portunifies the lay, ahead for the next Manager. COVID 19 and its, Aftermiaith: - Asthe, community approaches 't h e ad ve nt, of 2,02 31 it fi n a[ I y, a p pe,a rst, I a t t he sense, of normalcy is returning to the Town and the workplace., A challenge for the new Manager will be to plan for that �retur'n and to implernent,a workable transition for the communit,y to whatever, variztion of the new normal is appropriate, for elected and appointed officials, staff and residentsere is no establis' 'led model forthis challenge and the new Manager will be operating in an unknown n environrne, t, with no scriipt on howto lead the community, thruthe, next phase of this pandemic�. Clearly a key corrtponent will be looking atthe best practices and next I practices in muni I d I pal qperations,. Proiect Manaegment.:next Town Manager will need to plossess the necessary building con,structionand project management skills and experiience, to guide two signific:ant buildin,g projects. The, projects area proposed $32M pia� ionreno"vat,ion project of theFletcher Libraryand a prop,osed $12M New Center Building construction project at 51 Main Strelet, 'the, site, of the Old Center Fire Station, Whichwill add much needed space for, Town operations,. Both projects have been well vetted in the corn rn un ilty and fu nding ap,proval is anticipated in 20,22/23. Clean Enierev and Susta,'Inln,abhillipL Westford is a leader in municipal clean eriergy', environmental sustainabifity I a n d c I i rn a te cha ngle. The C I ea n E, n e rgy a n d S u sta i n a bi I ity (Co rn rn ee p rod u cle d a rie po rt-t hat out I i in e s �h owt h e com m u n ity ca n re d u ce its 9 re e n h o u s e ga ses by 20,50., T I I e co rn m ittee was i n stru ��m e n't a I i n t, he ��h i ri n glof a Su,st a i n a bil ity, Co o rd i n ato r wh ose j o b i t i s t o d r ive th is effo rt., Th e i n co, rn i n g M a n a ge r's ch a I I enge w i I I be, �to b on this momentum and ensure thie Town Meeting's and the ,Select Board"s goals and policy directives arle carried out in munidpal planning, purchasing and administration. 0, T Succession PlIann'101n, Managerj will' e tasked with filling a number of major de�partrrient head and key, staff posons overAhe next 11-3 years., The Town has a strong organizational Aructurej in piace, however rep,la,cing skilled manager"s inijmp�ortant municipal positions is always challenging itoday-s recruitment and selection 5� env'', j I ronment. The new Manager will need to extensivety'vet eligib,le, candidates and manage the transitionand on -boarding process wn the varJ,o�us departments. Or AT HOW-1411OR 1:4111 lnlfrast�ructur Ell 0 Wil iln pe a " lI- Manager, will need to be cogniiziilant of the pioliciIes and practices, of workiing with Mass DOT'on maj I or construcUon prqject,s as well as the input and parficipation of the community in'this process. ",15 L III mill � al dA IN a R Westford is a charming New �England community, thiat cele6rates its rich ��hiis,tory, and cultural and ethnic diversity. Th iis Tow n h a s greatp u b] i c s e rvice s, a wa rd w i n nij n g sic h o o I s a n d a �n i d e a I tocalt ion, a I I of w'h kfi m a kes it a des community to live, raise a family, recreate and work. The next Town Manager will bean approachable leader, who briings llence I energy, and a commiltm�ent' to exceto th,is outstanding Massachusetts community'.1 N FrI B M AT, I TJ Ex on,AIM MRI provides iniformation about Westford in this docume,nt, however candidates are encouraged to, le,ar'n morg ab,out the Town and the position by, visiting Municipal Resources" website www.mrijglov.com and the Town's websitewwwmestfordma.gov Candii1ateIontac,Alao!ulda,ta�lg�,�ouldm�rov,.ciINN by�phoneat, 603-279-0,352, ext. 320., \yy < \ � \ �\ d J � � / 2 « \ / >� \ 2 :; .v ,� /� � . �/ .,\ ��°y � � \� / , ( z � � x / y � , \ / � y / \ �\/ / z� s § z � 2 \ . z, . :� /, : � \ \ . . y / � \ r� y § , \> � , / y 2 � / / % � ` ^ 2 / $ i / j « ( / \� � y, » « � i 9 \ / i / l , ..� / / � / » \ � 7 � « � r �a w/, % / ` \ ƒ. / / z> � �, a \ ,y \ / d � � � > / / / � � / / y ) » %/ 2 / « » « / � � ` / « / ® \ y \ \ �» °\> « d , . r \ / / :\ » d � ; � » \ \ 2 y y > � / e \ j � >� < y yz, » , 6 » « % / w � «. i 9 » � « ., «/ « � � i i ° a > » 2 MANAGEMENT RECRUITMENT REFERENCES MASSACH USETTS Acton, MA Berlin, MA Concord, MA Town Manager 2018 Town Manager 2019, 2022 Town Manager 2019 Land Use & Econ. Dev. Director 2015 Kristin Rubin Town Administrator Parks & Rec Director 2016 Steven Ledoux, Town Manager Fire Chief Recruitment 2019, 2022 Christopher Whelan, Town Manager 472 Main Street R. Scott Hawkins PO Box 535 Acton, MA 01720 Selectboard, Chair 22 Monument Square (978) 929-6611 23 Linden Street Concord, MA 01742 Berlin, MA 01503 (978) 318-3000 Amesbury, MA (978) 310-5919 CFO Recruitment Assistance 2019 Danvers, MA Ken Gray, Mayor Blackstone, MA Town Manager 2014 62 Friend Street Town Administrator Recruitment 2021, 2023 Steve Bartha Amesbury, MA 01913 Ryan Chamberland Town Manager (978) 388-8121 Board of Selectmen, Chairman One Sylvan Street 15 St. Paul Street Danvers, MA 01923 Andover, MA Blackstone, MA 01504 (978) 777-0001 Finance Director 2011 Police Chief Recruitment 2013 Boxborough, MA Dartmouth, MA Steven Bucuzzo, Asst. Town Manager CFP/Accountant Recruitment 2023 Town Administrator 2017 36 Bartlet Street Michael Johns Town Administrator Executive Administrator 2009 Andover, MA 01810 29 Middle Road Police Chief 2009 (978) 632-8220 Boxborough, MA 01719 David Cressman, Town Adm. (978-264-3127 400 Slocum Road Ashland, MA Dartmouth, MA 02747 Town Manager 2012 Boxford, MA (508) 910-1820 Steven Mitchell, Chairman Town Administrator 2021 Board of Selectmen Tim Feeny, Chair Dighton, MA 101 Main Street 7A Spofford Road Town Administrator 2017 Ashland, MA 01721 Boxford, MA 01921 John P. Taylor, Chairman (508) 881-0100 Dighton Board of Selectmen Boylston, MA 979 Somerset Avenue Assumption College Town Administrator 2008 Dighton, MA 02715 Public Safety Director 2013 Kenneth Sydow, Selectman (508) 669-6431 Christian McCarthy 221 Main Street Executive Vice President & Treasurer Boylston, MA 01505 Duxbury, MA Assumption College, Finance Office (617) 654-3697 Police Chief Recruitment 2023 500 Salisbury Street Rene Read, Town Manager Worcester, MA 01609 Brookfield, MA 878 Tremont Street (508) 767-7424 Highway Superintendent Duxbury, MA 02332 Kelli Robbins, Town Administrator (781) 934-1100 Avon, MA 6 Central Street Deputy Police Chief Recruitment 2022 Brookfield, MA 01506 Everett, MA Jeffrey J. Bukunt, Chief of Police (508) 867-2930 Chief Financial Officer 2015 Avon Police Department Kevin O'Donnell 86 Fagan Dr. Canton, MA Human Resource Director Avon, MA 02322 Town Administrator 2016 City of Everett (508) 583-6677 Jody Middleton 484 Broadway, Everett MA 02149 Human Resources Director (617) 394-2282 Barre, MA 801 Washington Street Georgetown, MA Town Administrator 2023 Canton, MA 02021 Town Administrator 2021 Maureen Marshall, Select Board Chair (781) 821-2936 Town of Georgetown 40 West Street Barre, MA 01005 Carver MA 1 Library Street (978) 355-2504 x135 Town Administrator Recruitment 2022 Georgetown, MA 01833 Select Board Bedford, MA 108 Main Street Hanover, MA Director of Comm Dev & Planning 2018 Town Manager 2018 Carver, MA 02330 Town Manager Recruitment 2017 Richard T. Reed (508) 866-3401 Brian Barthelmes, Selectman 10 Mudge Way 550 Hanover Street Bedford, MA 01730 Hanover, MA 02339 (781) 275-1111 (781) 826-5000 Munidpal Resources, Inc. MASSACHUSETTS CONTINUED Hadley, MA Town Administrator 2020 Christian Stanley, Selectboard Chair 100 Middle Street Hadley, MA 01035 (413) 586-0221 Hanson, MA Town Administrator 2020 Laura Fitzgerald-Kemmett Chair, Board of Selectmen 542 Liberty Street Hanson, MA 02341 (781) 293-5186 Hubbardston, MA Town Administrator 2022 Jeff Williams, Chair, Select Board 7 Main Street # 12 Hubbardston, MA 01452 (978) 928-5244 Kingston, MA Town Administrator 2013 Nancy M. Howlett Acting Town Administrator/ Chief Procurement Officer 26 Evergreen Street Kingston, MA 02364 (781) 585-0500 Lakeville, MA Town Administrator 2021 Board of Selectmen 346 Bedford Street Lakeville, MA 02347 (508) 946-8803 Leicester, MA Town Administrator 2013 Doug Belanger, Chairman Leicester Board of Selectmen 3 Washburn Square Leicester, MA 01524 (508) 892-7000 Lenox, MA Town Manager Recruitment 2013 David Roche, Chairman Lenox Board of Selectmen Town Hall 6 Walker Street Lenox, MA 01240 (413) 637-5500, x-7 Lexington, MA Town Manager 2018 James Malloy Town Manager 2nd Floor, Town Office Building 1625 Massachusetts Ave Lexington, MA 02420 (781) 698-4581 Manchester -by -the -Sea, MA Police Chief Recruitment & Assessment Center 2016 Fire Chief Recruitment & Assessment Center 2016 Police/Fire/EMS Studies 2015 DPW Director Recruitment 2014 Dispatch Study 2014 Town Admin Recruitment 2012 Police Chief Recruitment 2007 Gregory Federspiel, Town Administrator Manchester -by -the -Sea, MA 01944 (978) 526-2000 Marblehead, MA Town Administrator Recruitment 2011 Anthony M. Sasso, Town Administrator Abbot Hall 188 Washington Street Marblehead, MA 01945 (781) 631-0000 Mendon, MA Town Administrator 2013 Fire Chief 2018 Diane Willoughby, Admin. Asst. 20 Main Street Mendon, MA 01756 (508) 473-2312 Middleton, MA Town Administrator 2023 Brian Cresta, Select Board Kosta Prentakis, Select Board (978) 777-3617 Town Administrator 2015 Christine Lindberg, Chair Selectmen 48 South Main Street Middleton, MA 01949 (978) 774-3589 Monson, MA Town Administrator 2013 Edward A. Maia, Chairman Monson Board of Selectmen 29 Thompson Street Monson, MA (413) 267-4100 Nahant, MA Town Administrator 2015 Mary Ellen Schumann Administrative Assistant 334 Nahant Road Mahant, MA 01908 (781) 581-0088 Newton, MA HR Director 2016 Mary O'Neill Human Resources Recruiting Manager City of Newton 1000 Commonwealth Ave. Newton Center, MA 02459 (617) 796-1265 North Andover, MA Town Manager 2019 Denise Casey, Deputy Town Manager Town of North Andover 120 Main Street North Andover, MA 01845 Northborough, MA Town Administrator Recruitment 2023 Mitch Cohen, Chair, Select Board Tim McInerney, Town Administrator 63 Main Street Northborough, MA 01532 (508) 393-5040 Plainville, MA Town Administrator 2015 Plainville Board of Selectmen PO Box 1717 142 South Street Plainville, MA 02762 (508) 695-3142 Princeton, MA Police Chief Recruitment 2023 Sherry Patch, Town Administrator 6 Town Hall Drive Princeton, MA 01541 (978-464-2102 Rutland, MA Police Lieutenant Recruit/Assessment 2023 Austin Cyganiewicz, Town Administrator 250 Main Street Rutland, MA 01543 (508) 886-4100 Seekonk, MA Town Administrator 2013 Nelson Almeida, Chairperson Seekonk Board of Selectmen 100 Peck Street Seekonk, MA 02771 (508) 336-2910 Sherborn, MA Town Administrator 2022 Select Board 19 Washington Street Sherborn, MA 01770 Munidpal Resources, Inc. MASSACHUSETTS CONTINUED NEW HAMPSHIRE Somerset, MA Wenham, MA Allenstown, NH Town Administrator 2022 Town Administrator 2019 Town Administrator 2018 Alan Smith, Chair, Board of Selectman Police Captain 2017 Town Administrator 2010 Mark Ullucci , Town Administrator Finance Director/Town Accountant 2016 Board of Selectmen 140 Wood Street Town Administrator 2015 16 School Street Somerset, MA 02726 Jack Wilhelm, Chairman Allenstown, NH 03275 (508) 646-2800 138 Main Street (603) 485-4276 Wenham, MA 01984 Southborough, MA (978) 468-5520 Amherst, NH Fire Chief 2018 Town Administrator 2018 Mark J. Purple, Town Administrator Westborough, MA Finance Director 2016, 2021 Town of Southborough Town Manager 2019 James O'Mara, Town Administrator 17 Common Street Kristi Williams, Town Manager 2 Main Street Southborough, MA 01772 Board of Selectmen PO Box 960 Southbridge, MA Town of Westborough Amherst, NH 03031-0960 Town Manager 2015 34 West Main Street (603) 673-6041 Town Manager's Office Westborough, MA 01581 41 Elm Street (508) 366-3030 Ashland, NH Southbridge, MA 01550 Town Manager Recruitment 2021 (508) 764-5405 Westford, MA Board of Selectmen Town Manager 2022 PO Box 517 Southwick, MA Andrea Peraner-Sweet, Select Board, Chair Ashland, NH 03217 Chief Administrative Officer 2023 Kristen Las, Town Manager Doug Moglin Chairperson 55 Main Street Atkinson, NH 445 College Highway Westford, MA 01886 Town Administrator 2021 Southwick, MA 01077 978-692-5501 Town Administrator 2019 (413) 569-5995 Board of Selectmen Town of Atkinson Sudbury, MA 21 Academy Avenue Director of Public Works 2016 Atkinson, NH 03811 Town Manager 2015 Patty Golden, Senior Administrative Assistant Auburn, NH to the Town Manager Town Administrator 2022 Board of Selectmen's Office Library Director 2012 278 Old Sudbury Road Library Board of Trustees Sudbury, MA 01776 Griffin Free Public Library (978) 639-3382 22 Hooksett Road Auburn, NH 03032 Upton, MA Town Manager 2017 Barrington, NH James Brochu, Chairman Finance/HR Director 2016 Upton Board of Selectmen John Scruton, Town Administrator One Main Street PO Box 660 Upton, MA 01568 333 Calef Highway (Route 125) (508) 529-6901 Barrington, NH 03825 (603) 664-7395 Uxbridge, MA Police Chief Recruitment 2018 Bedford, NH Angie Ellison, Town Manager Finance Director 2015 21 South Main Street Town Manager 2013 Uxbridge, MA 01569 Town Manager 2012 (508) 278-8600 Police Chief 2011 Town Manager Wayland, MA 24 North Amherst Road Town Administrator 2013 Bedford, NH 03110 Board of Selectmen (603) 472-5242, x-300 41 Cochituate Road Wayland, MA 01778 (508) 358-7710 Munidpal Resources, Inc. NEW HAMPSHIRE CONTINUED Belmont, NH Deering, NH Greenland, NH Town Planner Recruitment 2021 Fire Chief Recruitment 2016 Town Administrator Recruitment 2018 Interim DPW Director 2017 Town Administrator 2021-2022 Vaughan Morgan, Chairperson Alicia Jipson, Town Administrator Peter Flynn, Town Administrator Town of Greenland 143 Main Street 762 Deering Center Road 100 Town Square, PO Box 100 Belmont, NH 03220 Deering, NH 03244 Greenland, NH 03840 (603) 267-8300 (603) 464-3248 Hampstead, NH Berlin, NH Derry, NH DPW Director Recruitment 2023 Interim DPW Director 2021 Town Administrator 2016 Sally Theriault, Board of Selectmen Philip Warren, City Manager Town Administrator 2010 11 Main Street 168 Main Street Larry Budreau, Human Resources Dir. Hampstead, NH 03841 Berlin, NH 03570 14 Manning Street (603) 329-4100 Derry, NH 03038 Bradford, NH (603) 845-5403 Hampton, NH PT Fire Chief Recruitment 2019 Interim Building Inspector 2019, 2021 Karen Hambleton, Town Administrator Dover, NH DPW Assessment 2011 Bradford Area Community Center Interim City Clerk 2023 Jamie Sullivan, Town Manager 134 East Main Street Michael Joyal City Manager 100 Winnacunnet Road PO Box 6 288 Central Avenue Hampton, NH 03842 Bradford, NH 03221 Dover, NH 03820 (603) 926-6766 (603) 516-6000 Brookline, NH Hanover, NH Town Administrator 2022 East Kingston, NH Sergeant Assessment Center 2023 Town of Brookline Clerk 2011 Charlie Dennis Chief of Police Attn: Drew Kellner Matthew Dworman, Chairman 46 Lyme Road (Route 10N ) 1 Main Street Board of Selectmen Hanover, NH 03755 Brookline, NH 03033-0360 24 Depot Road (603) 643-2222 East Kingston, NH 03827 Hinsdale, NH Campton, NH (603) 642-8406 Interim Town Administrator, 2023 Town Administrator 2015, 2021 Water & Sewer Supt Recruitment 2018 Sharon Davis, Chairman Enfield, NH Jill Collins, Town Administrator Campton Board of Selectmen Town Manager 2017, 2021 Town of Hinsdale 10 Gearty Way Town Administrator 2005 Campton, NH 03223 Police Chief Recruitment 2018 Main Street (603) 726-3223 Enfield Board of Selectman Hi Hinsdale, NH 03451 PO Box 373 Hollis, NH Canaan, NH Enfield, NH 03748 Building Inspector/Code Officer 2017 Town Administrator Recruitment 2023 (603) 632-7389 DPW Director 2018 Stephen Freese, Select Board - Chair Town Administrator 2018 1169 US Route 4 Farmington, NH Interim Town Administrator 2018 Canaan, NH 03741 Town Administrator 2022 Board of Selectmen (603) 523-4501 Town Administrator 2012 7 Monument Square Board of Selectmen Hollis, NH 03049 Carroll County, NH 356 Main Street (603) 465-3701 HR Director Recruitment 2019 Farmington, NH 03835 County Commissioners Office (603) 755-2208 Hooksett, NH 95 Water Village Road Town Administrator 2009, 2019 Ossipee, NH 03864 Gilmanton, NH Police Chief Recruitment 1999 Town Administrator 2018 Hooksett Town Council Claremont, NH Board of Selectmen 35 Main Street DPW Professional Development 2022 PO Box 550 Hooksett, NH 03106 City Manager Recruitment 2021-2022 Gilmanton, NH 03237 (603) 485-8472 City Manager Recruitment 2016 (603) 267-6700 x 12 Charlene Lovett, Mayor Hudson, NH City of Claremont Gorham, NH Town Hall Staffing Study 2022 58 Opera House Square Fire Chief Recruitment 2016 Finance Director Recruitment 2020 Claremont, NH 03743 Police Lieutenant Recruitment 2018 Land Use Director 2017, 2018 (603) 542-7002 Robin Frost, Town Manager Stephen Malizia, Town Adm. 20 Park Street 12 School Street Gorham, NH 03581 Hudson, NH 03051 (603) 466-3322 (603) 886-6024 Munidpal Resources, Inc. NEW HAMPSHIRE CONTINUED Jaffrey, NH Meredith, NH Northfield, NH Interim Utility Manager 2020 Town Manager 2003 Town Administrator Recruitment 2019 Public Works Study 2019 Assessor 2005 Board of Selectmen Town Manager 2016 Frank Michel, Esquire Town of Northfield Jon Frederick, Town Manager 66 NH Route 25 21 Summer Street 10 Goodnow Street Meredith, NH 03253 Northfield, NH 03276 Jaffrey, NH 03452 (603) 279-6100 (603) 532-7880 North Hampton, NH Merrimack, NH Police Chief Recruitment 2023 Laconia, NH Public Works Director Recruitment 2022 Michael Tully, Town Administrator City Manager 2011 Paul Micali, Town Manager 237A Atlantic Avenue City Council 6 Baboosic Lake Road North Hampton, NH 03862 45 Beacon Street East Merrimack, NH 03054 (603) 964-1514 Laconia, NH 03246 (603) 424-2331 (603) 527-1270 Northwood, NH Milton, NH Town Administrator Recruitment 2023 Lakes Region Planning Commission Town Administrator 2019 Hal Kreider, Board of Selectmen -Chair Meredith, NH Board of Selectmen 818 1st New Hampshire turnpike Executive Director 2013 Town of Milton Northwood, NH 03261 Warren Hutchins 424 White Mountain Hwy (603) 942-5586 103 Main Street, #3 PO Box 310 Meredith, NH 03253 Milton, NH 03851 Nottingham, NH (603) 279-8171 Town Administrator 2022 Moultonborough, NH Donna Danis, Chair Lebanon, NH Town Administrator Recruitment 2015 139 Stage Road Finance Director 2019 Carol Granfield, Interim TA Nottingham, NH 03290 DPW Director 2018 PO Box 139 (603) 679-5022 City Manager 2017 Moultonborough, NH 03254 Shaun Mulholland, City Manager (603) 476-2347 Pelham, NH City of Lebanon NH Community Development Town Administrator Recruitment 2014 51 North Park Street Finance Authority Library Director Recruit/Interim 2014 Lebanon, NH 03766 Executive Director 2004 Joseph Roark, Town Administrator (603) 448-1071 Michael Long 6 Village Green Former Chairman of the Board Pelham, NH 03076 Lincoln, NH Community Guaranty Saving Bank Town Manager 2021 Plymouth, NH Pittsfield, NH Board of Selectmen (603) 536-0001 Town Administrator 2007 Town of Lincoln Board of Selectmen PO Box 25 New Boston, NH PO Box 98 Lincoln, NH 03251 Town Administrator 2023 Pittsfield, NH 03263 Donna Mombourquette, Selectboard Chair (603) 435-6291 Litchfield, NH 7 Meetinghouse Hill Road Police Chief Recruitment 2023 New Boston, NH 03070 Plaistow, NH F. Robert Leary, Board of Selectmen -Chair (603) 487-2500 Fire Chief Recruitment 2019 2 Liberty Way, Suite 2 Town Manager 2006 Litchfield, NH 03052 New Hampton, NH Board of Selectmen (603) 424-4046 Town Administrator Recruitment 2023 145 Main Street Michael A. Drake, Board of Selectmen -Chair Plaistow, NH 03865 Littleton, NH 6 Pinnacle Hill Road (603) 382-8469 Finance Director Recruitment 2020 New Hampton, NH 03256 Staffing Review 2020 (603) 744-3559 Portsmouth, NH James Gleason, Town Manager Kelly A. Harper, PHR Town of Littleton Newton NH City of Portsmouth 125 Main Street, Suite 200 Police Chief Recruitment 2023 1 Junkins Avenue Littleton, NH 03561 Robert Marchand, Chair Selectmen Portsmouth, NH 03801 Finance Specialist 2023 McGregor Memorial EMS Mark Andrews, Town Administrator Raymond, NH Executive Director 2018 2 Town Hall Road DPW Planning Director Recruitment 2023 Matthew Willett, Chair Newton, NH 03858 Town Manager 2007 47 College Avenue (603) 382-9140 Board of Selectmen Durham, NH 03824 4 Epping Street Raymond, NH 03077 (603) 895-4735 Munidpal Resources, Inc. NEW HAMPSHIRE CONTINUED MAINE Richmond, NH Thornton, NH Berwick, ME Police Chief Recruitment 2018 Town Administrator 2022 Town Manager & Board of Selectmen Town Administrator 2017 Interim Town Manager 2015 105 Old Homestead Highway John Paul Hilliard, Chairman Bryan O'Connor, Chairman Richmond, NH 03470 Board of Selectmen Berwick Selectmen (603) 239-4232 16 Merrill Access Road 11 Sullivan Street Thornton, NH 03285 Berwick, ME 03901 Rochester, NH (603) 726-8168 (207) 698-1101 Commission of Public Works 2015 Fire Chief Recruitment 2021 Wilton, NH Brunswick, ME Daniel Fitzpatrick Town Administrator 2018 Town Manager 2009 City Manager Board of Selectmen Fran Smith, Town Clerk 31 Wakefield Street PO Box 83 28 Federal Street Rochester, NH 03867 42 Main Street Brunswick, ME 04011 (603) 332-1167 Wilton, NH 03086 (207) 725-6659 (603) 654-9451 Rollinsford, NH Kittery, ME Town Administrator Recruitment 2021 Wakefield School District, SAU 101 Town Manager Recruitment 2013 Selectboard Superintendent Search 2016 p George V. Dow, Chairperson 667 Main Street Norma Joy, Chairperson Kittery Town Council Rollinsford, NH 03869 Wakefield School Board 200 Rogers Road Extension 18 Commerce Way Kittery, ME 03904 Rye, NH Milton, NH 03851 (207) 475-1329 Police Corporal Assessment Center 2023 (603) 534-1864 Police Sergeant Assessment Center 2022 Portland, ME Town Administrator Recruitment 2022 Warner, NH DPW Director Recruitment 2021 Town Administrator 2013, 2023 City Manager Recruitment 2015 Finance Admin. Recruitment 2021 Board of Selectmen Gina Tapp, HR Director Matt Scruton Town Administrator PO Box 265 City of Portland 10 Central Road 5 East Main St. 389 Congress Street Rye, NH 03870 Warner, NH 03278 Portland, ME 04101 (603) 456-2298 (207) 874-8300 Salem, NH Town Manager 2010 Weare, NH Presque Isle, ME Michael J. Lyons, Chairman Police Chief 2019 City Manager Recruitment 2023 Board of Selectmen Board of Selectmen Martin Puckett, City Manager 33 Geremonty Drive Town of Weare City Hall Salem, NH 03079 15 Flanders Memorial Road 12 Second Street (603) 890-2128 Weare, NH 03281 Presque Isle, ME 04769 Somersworth, NH Windham, NH Sabattus, ME Police Chief Assessment Center 2016 Town Administrator 2021 Interim Town Manager & Director Dept. of Public Works 2013 Finance Director Recruitment 2015 Community Development 2011 Economic Development Mgr. 2012 Brian McCarthy, Town Administrator Town Manager 2009 Fire Chief Recruitment 2011, 2019 3 North Lowell Road Board of Selectmen Robert M. Belmore, City Manager Windham, NH 03087 Town of Sabattus City of Somersworth (603) 432-7732 190 Middle Road One Government Way Sabattus, ME 04280 Somersworth, New Hampshire 03878 Wolfeboro, NH (207) 375-4331 (603) 692-9503 Interim Building Inspector 2020 Finance Director Background 2019 Somerset County, ME Stoddard, NH Town Manager 2015, 2017 County Administrator 2013 Town Administrator Recruitment 2020 Fire Chief 2016 Earla J. Haggerty Board of Selectmen David Owen, Town Manager Interim County Administrator Town of Stoddard 84 South Main Street Somerset County 1450 Route 123 North Wolfeboro, NH 03894 41 Court Street Stoddard, NH 03464-4153 (603) 569-8161 Skowhegan, ME 04976 Stratham, NH Police Chief Recruitment 2018 Town Administrator 2018 Board of Selectmen 10 Bunker Hill Avenue Stratham, NH 03885 (603) 772-7391 x187 Munidpal Resources, Inc. VERMONT Essex & Junction of Essex Williston, VT Windsor, CT Municipal Manager 2017 Town Manager Recruitment 2020 Public Works Ops Manager 2016 Town of Essex and Village of Essex Jct. Town of Williston Peter Souza, Town Manager 81 Main Street 7900 Williston Road 275 Broad Street Essex Junction, VT 05452 Williston, VT 05495 Windsor, CT 06095 (860) 285-1800 Hartford, Vermont CONNECTICUT Town Manager 2018, 2020 171 Bridge Street Bloomfield, CT RHODE ISLAND White River Junction, VT 05001 Town Manager 2021 (802) 295-9353 Mayor Danielle Wong East Greenwich, RI Town of Bloomfield Fire Chief Recruitment 2018 Johnson, VT 800 Bloomfield Avenue Gayle Corrigan, Town Manager Town Administrator Recruitment 2023 Bloomfield, CT 06002 Town of East Greenwich Duncan Hastings, Town Administrator (860) 769-3500 125 Main Street 293 Lower Main West East Greenwich, RI 02818 Johnson, VT 05656 Cromwell, CT (844) 287-6709 Town Manager 2013 & 2015 Middletown, RI Public Works Director 2014 Fire Chief Recruitment 2021 Johnson, VT — Village of Enzo Faienca, Mayor Police Chief 2018 Village Manager Recruitment 2022 Town of Cromwell Shawn J. Brown, Town Administrator Steven Hatfield, Trustee Chair 41 West Street Town of Middletown 293 Lower Main Street West Town Hall, 1st Floor 350 East Main Road Johnson, VT Cromwell, CT 06416 Middletown, RI 02842 (802) 635-2611 (860) 632-3410 Portsmouth, RI Newport, VT Killingly, CT Town Administrator 2011 & 2015 City Manager Recruitment 2023 Town Manager 2013 Police Chief 2013 Laura Dolgin, City Manager 172 Main Street Fire Chief 2012 222 Main Street PO Box 6000 Richard A. Rainer, Jr. Newport, VT 05855 Danielson, CT 06239 Town Administrator (802) 334-2112 (860) 779-5334 2200 East Main Road Portsmouth, RI 02871 Shelburne, VT Marlborough, CT (401) 683-3255 Town Manager 2018 Town Manager Recruitment 2023 Jerry Storey, Chair of the Selectboard David Porter, Town Manager South Kingstown, RI Town of Shelburne Amy J. Traversa, Board Member Town Manager 2021 PO Box 88 26 North Main Street Town of South Kingstown 5420 Shelburne Road Marlborough, CT 06447 Julie A. Mason, Finance Department Shelburne, VT 05482 (860) 295-6200 180 High Street (207) 474-9861, X-232 Wakefield, RI 02879 Simsbury, CT St. Albans, VT Town Manager 2017 Westerly, RI Staffing/Management Study 2021 Lisa Heavner, First Selectwoman Town Manager 2015, 2018 Dominic Cloud, City Manager 933 Hopmeadow Street 45 Broad Street St. Albans, VT Simsbury, CT 06070 Town Hall (802) 524-1500, Ext. 254 (860) 658-3230 Westerly, RI 02891 (401) 348-2500 Thetford, VT Tolland, CT Town Manager Recruitment 2023 DPW Study 2023 Sharon Harkay, Selectboard-Chair Brian Foley, Town Manager 3910 Route 113 21 Tolland Green Thetford, VT 05075 Tolland, CT 06084 (802) 785-2922 (860) 871-3600 Westminster, VT Town Manager Recruitment 2023 Katrina Hamilton, Selectboard, Chair 3651 U.S. Route 5 Westminster, VT 05158 (802) 722-4255 Winchester, CT Town Manager 2023 Bob Geiger, Interim, Town Manager 338 Main Street Winsted, CT 06098 (860) 738-6962 Munidpal Resources, Inc. � \ % � �� »� � � ; > � \ � � �� e / / � \ � \; � � � � \ , � � m � z:' > d © �� � « \ « / \ / ( � \ / } � � � 2 / ƒ © � / « � \ � ( / \ « } � i � \ \ j \ .� , ƒ � �; � � ; } /�� \ � } : � °z« \ \ \ </� � �i�� ««� / °� \° /z� « \ � � 2 �± ` ` \ : : : » S \ 2 d « ? 2 : ° \ « ® : : ° � »� � \ / \ j :� j ? » \ / � , � /\ 2 � »; 2 , » MWMKWOJZA���W � iw�,�cKSIL9iWeRwYNoEN X19%r1acopavrcR] Pursuant "to M.G,,.,,L.,c,.,,62C, §49A, I cerdfy,underthe pena,lfieso,f peq'urytliat, to "the, besf ofmy lui,owled ge andbellief the belown,amedbusiness, is incomphance, with, all laws of the, C14 ,011U1101iWeaIth, relatilig to taxes,, repoiling of einploye,es and contractors,11.1 and witliholding and remi-tting, child suPport Aprill 18 2024 (Date) (Signature of fildividlial subinitting bid, Or pro osa]) y Alan Gotil"Id, (Printed mmine, of person signing, md or proposa]") Millucipal Resources, hic. ( I 'Naine, of bus,lness) 66 Malin Stre,eit Su,,,ite; B PlyinoiathNH 03264 (Bui,siness, address) (603) 279052 (Bu-3 ,siness,Phone, iiiunber) TOWN OF LEXINGTON CERTIFICATE OF CORPORATE AUTHORITY The principal, officer or person to sign below pledges under penalties of perjury, that he or she has been designated by the owner(s) or the Board of Directors of the below named firm as an authorized representative. April 18 2024,m (Date) (Signature of individual submitting bid or proposal) Alan Gould, President (Printed name and title of person signing bid or proposal) Municipal Resources Inc. (Name of business) 66 Main Street Suite B Plymouth, NH 03264 (Business address) (603) 279-0352 (Business phone number) MUST BE COMPLETED AND INCLUDED WITH SUBMISSION 11 IIII i g e TOWN OF LEXINGTON NON -COLLUSION STATEMENT CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION IN BID/PROPOSAL TO BE ATTACHED TO CONTRACT Any person submitting a Bid or Proposal for the procurement or disposal of supplies and services to any governmental body shall certify in writing, on the Bid or Proposal, as follows: "The undersigned certifies under penalties of perjury that this Bid or Proposal has been made and submitted in good faith and without collusion or fraud with any other person. As used in this certification, the word "person" shall mean any natural person, business, partnership, corporation, union, committee, club, or other organization, entity or group of individuals." zn April 18 2024�._ (Date) (Signature of person signing bid or proposal) Alan Gould (Printed name of person signing bid or proposal) President (Title) Municipal Resources Inc. (Name of Business) 66 Main Street Suite B Plymouth, NH 03264 (Business address) (603) 279-0352 (Business Phone Number) MUST BE COMPLETED AND INCLUDED WITH SUBMISSION 12 IIII i g e SIGNATURE PAGE The applicant hereby certifies that: 1. The applicant has not given, offered, or agreed to give any gift, contribution, or offer of employment as an inducement for, or in connection with, the award of contract for these services. 2. No consultant to, or subcontractor for the applicant has given, offered, or agreed to give any gift, contribution or offer of employment to the applicant, or to any other person, corporation, or entity as an inducement for, or in connection with, the award to the consultant or subcontractor of a contract by the applicant. 3. That no person, corporation, or, other entity other than a bona fide full-time employee of the applicant has been retained or hired to solicit for, or in any way assist the applicant in obtaining the contract for services upon an agreement or understanding that such person, corporation, or entity be paid a fee or other compensation contingent upon the award of the contract to the applicant. I hereby attest with full knowledge of the penalties for perjury, as in accordance with Massachusetts G.L. C.7, S.38E that all information provided in this application for services is correct. Municipal Resources Inc. Firm Alan Gould Signee (written) Signee (typed/printed) President Title April 18, 2024 Date MUST BE COMPLETED AND INCLUDED WITH SUBMISSION 13 IIII i g e Glient#., 1401962 MUINICRES ----- --- DATE (VII41101101yyy,y) ACORD CERT FICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE 3/20/2024, - ---- ----------------- -- -- ---- ------- . . . . . . . . . . . WCT Tina Jones PRO,DUCER VHQ � �E Starkweother & Shepley A) 4 1 435-3600 PO SoX 549 E-VAIL oIne,s@starshe,p,,C0M ADDIRESS� .......... -- - ------------------ . ............................... ............. Providence, RJ 02901-015,149 INSURER($) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # .... ................. . ...................................... . 4,01435-3,6010 INISUR ER A Ha nove r Insurance C o — ------------ ................................... .. . .......... . 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L .......... __ ------- — ---------- - . ..... -------- i. B, Prof'essional Likab VE2,H'723120,930 0112612,01214 01126/2,02 $2,000,000 Aggregate Retro, Date: $2,10I0�0,000 Per Cla,'Inll 0,61(2:197 $20.000 Ded�uctlble DESCRIPTION Of OPERAT, IONS I LOCATIONS VEHICLES (ACOIRD 1101 1, Additional RemairksScheidule, irray be, attnhed it moiris irc,inquire d), Additionall Insluredand Walver of' Subrogatlon apply-, 1pe,r piolicyterms and conditions. RME Municipal Resources Inc. 66 Main St,, Suite B, Plymouth, NHI 03264 SHOULD ANY Of T"HE,ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE, EXPIRATtON 'DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POILICY PROVISIONS,, ----------- AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATWE .. . ... . ........ . 1988-,2015, ACORD CORPORATION, All rights, rezvdrve, ACORD 25,(2 016103) 1 of 11 The ACORD namp logo are registeted marks of ACORD TLJ #S23318,91JIM2302306 66 Main Street, Suite B Plymouth, NH 03264 Telephone: (603) 279-0352 Toll Free: (866) 501-0352 EXECUTIVE SEARCH CONSULTANTS FOR THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON, MA April 18, 2024 Select Board Office Lexington Town Office Building 1625 Massachusetts avenue Lexington, MA 02420 TOWN MANAGER RECRUITMENT FEE PROPOSAL FEES AND CHARGES The services outlined in the proposal are offered at a lump sum price of $16,800 and are subject to negotiation with the Select Board. We work with every client to establish an effective, affordable program of recruitment and selection that is designed to provide the best possible pool of candidates and ensure that the talents, experience, and management style are the best possible fit for your community. This fee does not include the cost of advertising. In addition, the Client is responsible for providing food and interview rooms for the interview panel(s). We suggest an advertising budget of $1,500.00. Advertising venues will be selected upon consultation with and approval by the client. Advertising fees are typically paid by MRI and then invoiced to the client. We look forward to the possibility of working with the Town of Lexington on this project. Respectfully submitted, MUNICIPAL RESOURCES, INC. u Mrs I Y. Alan S. Gould, President Municipal Resources, Inc. 66 Main Street, Suite B. Plymouth NH 03264 119 International Drive, Portsmouth, NH 03801 (603) 279-0352 (603) 765-5998 Cell agold@mrigov.com MONI ISIMMIN III 11 VVIVVIVVIVVV lIIIVIVIVVIVVIVI I',.. s Town of Lexington AS Ill R�� NiR�WOV NuuuuumWi of S April 18, 2024 Select Board Office Town of Lexington, Lexington Town Office Building, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA 02420 Subject: Quote for Executive Recruiting Consultant —Town Manager (RFQ #24-61) Dear Members of the Selection Committee: We are pleased to submit this proposal for executive search services. Our focus has always been to help local government and utility clients solve their financial, organizational, and technology challenges. We are dedicated to providing management consulting services, including executive search, to local governments and the utility industry. The Novak Consulting Group (TNCG) and Raftelis have always shared a focus on delivering lasting solutions for local government agencies. In January 2020, TNCG joined Raftelis. Today, we provide our clients with wide- ranging capabilities and resources in financial, management, technology, and communications consulting for all areas of local government. Our clients now have the expertise of more than 170 of the country's leading local government consultants. We know that our combined capabilities and resources will provide added value to our clients. Our project team for the Town of Lexington (Town) comprises skilled professionals, seasoned in local government management with search experience across the country. Our team has completed over 350 searches, and we have had significant success in identifying and retaining ideal candidates who meet each organization's unique set of needs and expectations. Our recruitment strategy includes outreach to women, people of color, and other underrepresented groups through professional organizations such as the League of Women in Government, National Forum of Black Public Administrators, and the Local Government Hispanic Network, as well as through LinkedIn, with the goal of building a diverse candidate pool. Approximately 39% of our recruitments have resulted in the hiring of women and 21 % of our recruitments have resulted in the hiring of people of color. We are confident our approach will result in a successful leader for the organization. Our mission is to strengthen communities, and we do this by helping them find the best leaders to help move their organizations forward. We look forward to the opportunity to serve the Town of Lexington. If you have any questions, please contact Catherine Tuck Parrish, our executive search practice leader, using the following contact information: Catherine Tuck Parrish, Vice President Phone: 240.832.1778 /Email: ctuckparrish@raftelis.com Sincerely, Julia Novak, Executive Vice President ; �tyIIIII$If1l.0I Nt 0 r 00R4 SE 41w Christine McIntyre, Chief Financial Officer (Secretary) 19G iiirfl &W II IIII aiii i liii °tqNj 5100, 1115202 III wwwaa Ft e IIII liii s C 0 u111I Table of Contents Recruitment Team...................................1 References ............................................... 8 Project Approach..................................11 'r� � �����E L �� S Statement of Any Legal or � � Administrative Proceedings 16T N ................. °�� ��� i�ll�aa »»» � 1��1;����� 111U �� ,;,�f� ;� �� rl� � GGGG� r �1�1 II>> � lfJ ter Certificate of Insurance 17 The Raftelis Charitable Gift Fund allocates Firm Brochure ........................................ 18 profits, encourages employee contributions, and recognizes time to charitable Completion of the Forms ...................... 20 organizations that support: • Access to clean water and Exceptions 24 conservation • Affordability Appendix A: Executive Search • Science, technology, and leadership Experience ............................................. 25 Raftelis is investing in improved telecommunication technologies to reduce Appendix B: Work Samples ................. 31 the firm's number one source of carbon emissions —travel. /a/m/ U 1samerron fir iv � IU �11 r are an Ill Ulll Ull; III„ ll� �� °n, �V;U/1 � ,ll, lU�� 111 )aIIIU@ t Of fl1% r� / „ /+ i�,,,, � .,, , �, ,r/ fOO�Op /,r Y%//fi»�(OD �� i V � �'//Or //� bG � rlll 111� 1111� III1 � . ,,,,,� � � V rrr JJ, �IJI %� � rr (I'((f 0 I i((ff d IIII J ,,,, fir„ 1J/ � 11J � 11 U11, I�rr "' r � 11 'IIII� � �,,,,,,. �� r?%,'�f , , ,r,,,, V �, 4. We are committed to doing our part to fight prejudice, racism, and discrimination by becoming more informed, disengaging with business partners that do not share this commitment, and encouraging our employees to use their skills to work toward a more just society that has no barriers to opportunity. Illll f: IlllIVA �;'�� Illlll''�Jf �)„JJJ� Illlll'°""11111"' IIII" Ill Illlllll;>; IIIII''' J °""'lll""" °""'lll""' Illlllll;>; /'%,,, IIIII'1/Ifl Recruitment Team ��%������������� ������������ ���D � �������������f er��������������� ���������������, �� � � 11111111111� �r �1111111111111 �111111111111111 �W � i S ��������������� c OI ��������������� „��r r, �,,,,,,firC"l� „��r ��������������� �������������� ��������������� ������ ��������������� i ii� r iiiiii% �� ��, S r r. i ���� �������������� �������������� rr�/r �1 r ,l ��������� ��������������� �� �������������� ,,,,»� iiiiii% 111111111111111 S C D �11111111111111 � f ,, ql� err� Our team includes senior -level professionals to provide experienced project leadership with support from talented consultant staff. This close-knit group has frequently collaborated on similar successful recruitments, providing the Town with confidence in our capabilities. On the following pages, we have included resumes for each of our recruiting team members. Name: Raftelis Financial Consultant, Inc. Address: 19 Garfield Place, Suite 500, Cincinnati, OH 45202 Telephone Number: 513.221.0500 / Fax Number: 828.484.2442 Email Address: info@raftelis.com Lead Consultant: Catherine Tuck Parrish Experience with Similar Recruitments: Each search requires approximately three months to complete, depending on the client's needs and recruitment environment. Client Position Year Diversity Profile of Applicant Pool (Percentage of Applicant Pool) • White or Caucasian: 73.6% • Two or more races: 10.5% Town of Hanover, NH Town Manager 2022 • American Indian or Alaskan Native: 5.3% • Unspecified:10.5% • White or Caucasian: 73.0% • Black or African American: 13.5% Town of St. Michaels, MD Town Administrator 2021 • Two or more races: 10.8% • Hispanic or Latino: 2.7% • White or Caucasian: 52.52% • Black or African American: 25.25% • Asian:7.07% Assistant County Loudoun Count VA 2023 y' 0 Two or more races: 7.07% Administrator • Hispanic or Latino: 3.03% • American Indian or Alaska Native: 1.01 % 0 Unspecified:4.04% IIIIIII'IIIIIII"""'"""IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIII����������IIIIIII "°°���!"' , rl � �, e ocir e f/ Uii� � ����„ � � ��ar �ia� s l li i o f oi. r r , � . III ���1„ ���lllll,� ���llll�, rlllll� ������� ,,,. , �� r � I� �,r. IIIIIIIII,. , � �llllllt �lllllll� ��t,,,,,,,,rrr, lr J,,,, �,r„ rrrr � r,,,,,,, 1,,, �„ PROJECT DIRECTOR/LEAD RECRUITER Vice President — Executive Search �rrrrr ,»»» YIJJr »,� ,»» Catherine has 30 years of management experience working for local governments of all sizes, nonprofit organizations, and associations. She leads the firm's executive search practice and has conducted over 170 searches for manager/administrator; police chief; fire chief; directors of public works, planning, economic development, finance, human resources, and human services; and other key positions in local governments across the country. In addition to executive recruitment, she has facilitated numerous governing body workshops, staff retreats, and strategic planning sessions. Her work as a consultant includes project management and contributions to several local government projects such as process improvement studies, departmental assessments, planning and permitting process reviews, and policy development. Catherine's most recent local government experience was as deputy city manager in Rockville, Maryland, where she oversaw parks and recreation, human resources, information technology, finance, neighborhood resources (citizen engagement), communications, customer service, and intergovernmental functions. She also served as acting city manager in Rockville for nearly a year. Before joining Rockville, Catherine served as assistant to the county executive in Fairfax County, Virginia, working on change management issues, including a new pay system, employee surveys, implementation plans, and internal communication improvements. Catherine has served as an ethics advisor at the International City/County Management Association (ICMA), counseling elected officials and citizen groups regarding employment agreements, form of government issues, and recruitment. She also worked for the City of Denton, Texas. She chaired the ICMA's Acting Manager Task Force, which produced a handbook for interim managers. She also led the Maryland City/County Management Association (MCCMA) as president and vice president. She served as president, vice president, and secretary of the Metropolitan Association of Local Government Assistants in the Washington, D.C. metro Specialties a; Executive search Strategic planning Facilitation 3 Strategy development and implementation eo, Community engagement Employee engagement Professional History orb, Raftelis: Vice President (2021- present); Senior Manager (2020- 2021); Executive Search Practice Leader, The Novak Consulting Group (2010-2020) Management Partners: Senior Manager (2009-2010) a� City of Rockville, Maryland: Deputy City Manager/Acting City Manager/ Assistant City Manager (2001-2009) arFairfax County, Virginia: Assistant to the County Executive (1998 -2001) all, ICMA: Ethics Advisor/ Senior Local Government Programs Manager (1994-1998) o� City of Denton, Texas: Administrative Assistant to the City Manager (1990-1994) Education di, Master of Public Administration - University of Kansas (1990) ma, Bachelor of Arts in Communication Studies/Personnel Administration - University of Kansas (1988) Professional Memberships at, International City/County Management Association (ICMA) ero Engaging Local Government Leaders (ELGL) Maryland City/County Management Association (MCCMA) area. Catherine has spoken at national and state conferences on a variety of topics, including recruitment trends, civility, effective councils, ethics, forms of government, human resources, long-term financial planning, budget strategies, developing high performing organizations, and leadership. She has also spoken at the National League of Cities' Leadership Training Institute on recruiting and evaluating the CEO. She is a certified instructor of the Myers -Briggs Type Indicator instrument. IIIIIIIIIIIIII """'"""IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII a „r,ifi., �e �rJJJ �,� ����� � rr � � RECRUITER Senior Manager Specialties Pamela has over 25 years of experience in leading local government teams, � Executive Level Management ono, Hiring and Recruitment with the last 10 years in executive leadership with the City of Charlotte. She is ol Affordable Housing Expertise adept at forging creative solutions to government and community issues at the (m Community Development Policy and local level, with service to the community as the foundation of her leadership Program Development style. She is known for her thoroughness as well as engendering trusting �Team Development &Leadership Consensus Building relationships with elected officials, executive leadership across public, private, all, Engagement and non-profit organizations, and residents, all while providing exceptional re Budget Management customer service throughout the process. Professional History oler Raftelis: Manager (2021 — Present) Pamela most recently served as the Director of the City of Charlotte's %, City of charlotte: Director of Housing & Neighborhood Services Department, leading a team of over 200 Housing & Neighborhood Services (2017 2021) staff across five key divisions. Pamela shaped Charlotte's affordable housing City of Charlotte: Housing & landscape and managed the oversight of millions of public dollars. She helped Neighborhood Services Deputy create and preserve over 5,000 affordable housing units, created and Director (2008 — 2016) % City of Charlotte: Housing & successfully deployed COVID-19 Pandemic relief programs for rent, Neighborhood Services Supervisor mortgage, utility, and deposit assistance to keep vulnerable residents housed (2006 - 2008) during the pandemic, developed a new local rental subsidy program, and �City of Charlotte: Budget Analyst(2003 — 2006) managed over $68 million in homelessness support and prevention. Education During her work there, Pamela hired numerous staff members for her al Harvard Kennedy School -Senior Executives in State and Local Department and participated on executive search panels for positions both Government (2015) with the City of Charlotte as well as with other municipalities and UNC-Chapel Hill -MunicipalAdministration (2007) organizations. Pamela is a highly sought after speaker for her expertise in University of North Carolina at affordable housing and has spoken on numerous panels across the country. Charlotte- Master's in Public Pamela strongly believes that "service is the rent we pay for living on this Administration (2006) Belmont Abbey College -Bachelor of earth" and is often asked to share her public sector experiences with students, Arts in Business Administration professional trade organizations, and local municipalities. (1999) Professional Memberships Pamela has a passion for developing and implementing solutions that serve International City/County Managers the community. She served as an early Advisory Member for the Greenlight Association Fund in Charlotte, and on the Mayors and CEOs Committee for U.S. � Urban Land Institute r1, National Forum for Black Public Housing Investment. Pamela was awarded the Master of Public Administrators Administration Alumna of the Year and received a Leadership in Black Excellence from her alma mater, the University of North Carolina - Charlotte. She was also recognized as a Women's In Leadership Champion by the Charlotte Chapter of the Urban Land Institute. Additionally, she was recognized as one of the top 10 "Behind the Scenes" newsmakers by the Charlotte Business Journal in both 2017 and 2020. She currently serves on the Board of Directors for the United Way of Greater Charlotte and the Children and Family Services Center. She is a member of the International City/County Management Association and the National Forum for Black Public Administrators. IIIIIII'IIIIIII"""'"""IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIII����������IIIIIII �III�����'�'�� / "...,,,,,� �u pd � lllllllllr� RECRUITER Senior Manager liiillflr� wl//i /11111 D�����, IIIIIIIIII. luuuml Heather has over 20 years of leadership experience in recruiting, talent acquisition, and executive search, with the last 15 years focused on local government. She leads executive searches for the firm, where she is known for her thoroughness as well as engendering trusting relationships with both the client and candidate while providing exceptional customer service throughout the process. Heather has conducted over 75 searches in the public sector. She has delivered positive search outcomes for dozens of high profile public organizations and is an expert at guiding strategy and tailoring outreach to find even the most niche candidates. Heather has successfully recruited for city and county managers and administrators, deputy and assistant managers, human resources, finance, community and economic development, public safety, parks and recreation, public works, and many more local government professionals. In addition, she has led numerous executive -level searches in the social/nonprofit sector and recruited leadership positions for technology, creative, accounting, and finance professionals in the private sector. Specialties ol® Executive Search Leadership Development air Employee Growth and Development a�1 Innovation f� Facilitation re, Project Management ell, Community Engagement �, Diversity of Thought Professional History foo Raftelis: Senior Manager (2022- present); Manager (2020 — 2021) eo, Waldron: Director (2007-2020) ror Private Sector Recruiter (1996- 2007) Education mo, Bachelor of Arts in Business Management - University of Phoenix (2000 ) Professional Memberships re, Engaging Local Government Leaders (ELGL) In addition to executive recruitment, Heather has experience supporting organizational effectiveness. She is known for providing effective leadership development and contributing to employee growth and development initiatives. Heather has advised individuals and small groups on career transition and job search strategies. Topics include knowledge and skill assessment, resume development, LinkedIn, networking, interview preparation, and salary and offer negotiation. Heather has also completed several leadership evaluations and performance reviews for local government leaders. Heather has a passion for supporting diversity and innovation in the public sector. She served as an early Advisory Board Member for ELGL and remains an active and involved member in support of their mission of engaging the brightest minds in local government. In addition, Heather has served as a recurring speaker and presenter at the Northwest Women's Leadership Academy (NWWLA) in support of advancing women into leadership roles from a variety of backgrounds in local government. IIIIIII""'"Y�IIIIIII"""'"""IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIII����������IIIIIII r0I f �Il f IJJ l �� �» �,��������i»,m ll�in,,,,m ��� RECRUITMENT SPECIALIST Senior Consultant �l ///" 9 uuuml Robert has over ten years in full lifecycle recruiting, sourcing, interviewing, and professional coaching. As a recruiter Robert has engaged in searches within both the public and social sector. He has successfully worked on recruitments for city and county managers and administrators, deputy and assistant managers, and various director and managerial roles in human resources, finance, community and economic development, public safety, parks and recreation, and public works. In addition to executive recruiting, Robert has over eight years of combined experience in professional development, career coaching, and career transition management. With over 500 clients served leading and coaching them through complicated organizational change ranging from individual executive employees transitions to large reductions in force. Work with these clients often included one-on-one coaching over the course of multiple months. Robert additionally hosted and development multiple large group workshops for companies. He further has extensive and diverse project management experience including technology changes and implementations. Robert has a Master of Business Administration degree with an emphasis in organizational behavior and a Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with dual concentrations in operational management and marketing with a minor in economics. Specialties • Executive search • Project management or Facilitation fr Employee growth and development of Data analysis Professional History Raftelis: Senior Consultant (2023- present); Consultant (2021-2022) Waldron: Senior Consultant and Coach (2013-2021) d Portland State University: Graduate Teaching Assistant (2010-2012) »» Private Sector Consultant: Strategic Planning and Marketing Development (2008-2012) »Skanska USA: Project and Client Relations Coordinator (2006-2008) Education d Master of Business Administration in Organizational Behavior - Portland State University, School of Business (2012) »�Bachelor of Science in Business Administration - University of Oregon, Lundquist College of Business (2006) Certifications * SHRM-CP Professional Memberships dl�, Society for Human Resource Management (SHRM) IIIIIIIIIIIIII """'"""IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII "" RECRUITMENT SPECIALIST Consultant rr; 0 Kelsey joined Raftelis in 2021, helping to facilitate executive level recruitments for local governments across the county. As a strong cross-cultural communicator, Kelsey utilizes her skills and background in professional writing to serve as a launchpad for all her endeavors. Kelsey graduated from the Honors College at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Indiana where she earned a bachelor's in both Professional Writing and Creative Writing, as well as a Minor in Italian. During her time as a student, Kelsey worked diligently at the world-renowned Purdue OWL Writing Lab, pairing with over 1,000 undergraduate and graduate students to help develop positive relationships with both writing and the English language. She also competed on the women's Division I Track and Field and Cross -Country teams while at Purdue, earning six Academic All -Conference Honors from the Big Ten. She has previously worked as a copywriter at Sweetwater Sound where she developed the company's first Copy Style Guide and proposed several researched marketing strategies, focusing on inclusion amidst gender inequality in the music industry. Her ideas can be seen implemented throughout their current sales website and internally. Kelsey also has experience in marketing from her time at SDI Innovations where she produced and edited social media and blog content. Specialties Executive search Recruiting or Editing Professional History dRaftelis: Consultant (2024-present); Associate Consultant (2021-2023) The Purdue Writing Lab & Purdue OWL (2017-2021) Education d Bachelor of Arts, School of Liberal Arts — Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN (2021) IIIIIII IIIIIII """'""" IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIS "17 X a,,,,,,, Or „» ;,,�r�f RECRUITMENT SPECIALIST Consultant uolr��/' uu��l�%%� ///iiiii%�f//r uuuiul uuuuu �uuuuml In May 2022, Alexa joined Raftelis as a recruitment specialist, having completed an internship with the firm's Executive Recruitment Team where she supported numerous search activities. Prior to Raftelis, Alexa worked as a Talent Generalist Intern at Textron Specialized Vehicles, where she developed a comprehensive leave process guide to ensure more consistent application of the company's policies; researched human resource procedures, policies, and applicable employment laws; and marketed and facilitated an informational event for employees to set up banking needs. Through her prior work as a Receptionist/HR Assistant, Alexa developed her interviewing and recruiting skills and gained experience in redesigning training manuals for various roles to enhance training processes for future hires. During her time as a student, Alexa served as recruitment chair of her sorority, where she recruited a new incoming class of over 30 members while also developing positive relationships with the new class and the established members in the chapter. She also assisted with facilitating monthly business development events as a member coordinator for the Advancing Women in Entrepreneurship Business Club. Alexa earned her bachelor's degree in Sociology and Human Capital Leadership and Management from Miami University in Oxford, Ohio. Specialties Executive search Recruiting e; Relationship building Professional History dal Raftelis: Consultant (2024-present); Associate Consultant (2022-2023) elTextron Specialized Vehicles: Talent Generalist (2021-2021) Education Bachelor of Arts, School of Liberal Arts — Miami University, Oxford, OH (2021) IIIIIIIIIIIIII """'"""IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII Experience & References Raftelis is uniquely positioned to perform this recruitment because of our knowledge of local government and our extensive network across the nation. Our clients tell us we are more than just consultants we are trusted advisors. The following table lists a few comparable recruitments we have conducted and references for each of them. Each search requires approximately three months to complete, depending on the client's needs and recruitment environment. Please see Appendix A for a full list of our successful recruitments. Client Reference City of Boulder, Colorado • City Attorney (202 1) • Chief Building Official (2023) • City Manager (2020) • Chief Human Resources Officer (2022) • Division Chief, Logistics (2024) • HRIS Manager (2020) • Human Resources Senior Manager (2020) • Human Resources Director (2017) • Independent Police Monitor (2020, 2023) • Director of Planning and Development Services (2020, 2022) • Total Rewards Senior Manager (2020) • Utilities Engineering Manager (2021) City of Fairfax, Virginia • City Manager (2018, 2024) • Deputy City Manager (2023) • Police Chief (2018) Nuria Rivera-Vandermyde, City Manager P: 303.441.3090 E: rivera-vandermyden@bouldercolorado.gov Chris Meschuk, Deputy City Manager P: 303.441.3388 E: meschukc@bouldercolorado.gov Aimee Kane, Equity Program Manager P: 303.441.4235 E: kanea@bouldercolorado.gov 1777 Broadway Boulder, CO 80302 Robert Stalzer, City Manager City Hall, Room 316 P: 703.385.7850 E: rob.stalzer@fairfaxva.gov Sara Greer, Director of Human Resources City Hall, Room 331 P: 703.385.7835 E: sara.greergfairfaxva.gov 10455 Armstrong Street Fairfax, VA 22030 IIIIIII IIIIIII """'""" IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIS 9 City of Gaithersburg, Maryland • City Manager (2020) • Director of Finance and Administration (2019) • Engineering Services Division Chief (2019) • Finance Director (2020, 2022) • IT Director (2022) • Public Works Director (2013, 2020) Town of Leesburg, Virginia • Town Attorney (2020) • Director of Planning and Zoning (2021) Loudoun County, Virginia • Assistant County Administrator (2014, 2017, 2018, 2020)2022, 2023) • Assistant Director of Human Resources (2018) • Building and Development Director (2023) • Chief Financial Officer (2020) • Community Corrections Director (2021) • County Attorney (2014) • Director of Animal Services (2015) • Director of Economic Development (2013) • Director of Family Services (2016, 2020) • Director of Information Technology (2020) • Director of Mapping and Geographic Information (2017) • Director of Parks, Recreation and Community Services (2014) • Director of Planning and Zoning (2014) • Finance Director (2016) • Housing and Community Development Director (2022) • Mental Health, Substance Abuse, and Developmental Services Director (2015) • Planning and Zoning Director (2018) • Systemwide Fire Chief (2018) Tanisha Briley, City Manager P: 301.258.6300 E: tanisha.briley@gaithersburgmd.gov Dennis Enslinger, Deputy City Manager P: 301.258.6310 E: dennis.enslinger@gaithersburgmd.gov 31 S. Summit Avenue Gaithersburg, MD 20877 Kaj H. Dentler, Town Manager P: 703.771.2700 E: kdentler@leesburgva.gov Josh Didawick, HR Director P: 703.771.2707 E: jdidawickgleesburgva.gov 25 West Market Street Leesburg, VA 20176 Tim Hemstreet, County Administrator P: 703.777.0200 E: tim.hemstreet@loudoun.gov Valmarie Turner Assistant County Manager P: 703.777.0502 E: valmarie.turner@loudoun.gov Ronda Allen, Assistant Director, Workforce Staffing, Compensation and Analytics P: 703.777.0213 E: ronda. allen@loudoun.gov Jeanette Green, Human Resources Director P: 703.777.0213 E: jeanette.greengloudoun.gov 1 Harrison Street, S.E. P.O. Box 7000 Leesburg, VA 20175 703.777.0200 City of Winston-Salem, North Carolina • Police Chief (2023) Patrice Toney, Assistant City Manager P.O. Box 2511 Winston-Salem, NC 27101 P: 336.747.7424 E: patricetgcityofws.org 0J1PwIV»II C m/% /t I14 Executive Search Strategy III », r,;; IIII; ' ',na „rur m m r na., ,rrr va uu : ,rrr.: Id w uu' a no aio ;,o... r u r „ir. 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III-. r � mr� 11. 11 III r rvi/f ria )�r n9// ri �// mdl rvi/ll' riia/ /v/!� rrr) 11i au � , r� 11;. i/// nin, �. ri /// Ili I,.,, md( rnid/ �G,,. ,rrn(( trll rn, ))(r rim 11;. �l aunll brrr/m.. 11i ¢rl IIII "�irraf anid,+': 11i �� 11,. rerJ// rmll ,iao.' i/ ad� 11. II(� III uAll 11 11i ,ii/i/ m/L� ,iii/f /i., ) 11 on„ rrr///" ,. G. ni!!! odGil. ria/ irll rrrrrll 'nllbm///," ro/bii i�' V Inquiring, Understanding, and Defining Each of our clients has a unique culture and set of objectives. Because selecting the right individual is critical to success, we begin our relationship by conducting a needs assessment to identify the specific benchmarks the search must accomplish. We will identify qualifications and requirements as well as map out the new hire's first -year goals, so both our client and the employee remain on the same track for success. We will build an accurate position profile, thus ensuring we attract the right people for the position. Candidate Search and Evaluation To reach the right candidates, Raftelis customizes each search process to fit the client's needs. Often, the professionals who best fit an open position are already employed and not searching for a traditional job posting. So, we leverage our extensive, diverse professional network to attract the best talent nationwide. We have been successful in identifying a candidate pool that is racially, ethnically, and gender diverse. We are committed to helping local government leadership positions reflect the communities they serve. We work closely with several organizations that support this goal, and we advertise in national publications that target people of color and women, including the National Forum of Black Public Administrators (NFBPA), Local Government Hispanic Network, and the League of Women in Government. We intentionally seek well -qualified women and people of color, so our clients have excellent choices. Once the right candidates are found, we help manage the hiring process from interviews to background checks. Our in-depth service empowers clients to achieve their goals at every step. Supporting Success !!I 39% ///ioi u�JJ�1i ///Nruii�/( %rrArr // rj, !nr IIII a(��D, Oim r / r Ouuraf(l/ rr„�rrrrry1IIII ��iiiie%rJr�/»rrrr))� IIII�rrrf �rri/rr 11 �,,/))� 11 U11!„r 11 �� ���I �,,,,,, r 11 ��� ,rrrrrll 11" 'garl, U; ;O//%, e 'err//r%'l 11r IIII'i If e Prr m��„ IIII IIIII"IIII ''da��.: �//rlrrl�� "rlOrll/m III �(U2 �� �,,rrrrr,,Ill�,. rrrrrr, (rrrr, �r„r� ��� �,r„� �)„rrr))�� IIII:. �1/ ,r/ IIII IIII:. IIII /���� rrrr, Ill ,»» �,rrrr���� cif »r I %,rrr! ��/�/%�� IIIIIIII �"��Illlll�,,;, �!I////// . ��fl//U%%�� r ((ffJff!` U1D111111"/ llllllllllllllll? "%%////////// UIJJJJJ���Ir %llal%//%ll»° 'i///%//////r �������II� "�//%%//////%%/i'' �d%/fY %0///%///%IIIII We support the top candidate's long-term success by creating a goals -driven work plan actionable from day one. Many firms focus solely on finding qualified applicants, leaving the client on their own once the position is filled. Our team, however, uses the objectives gathered during the inquiry stage to prepare new hires for their first year. We take a tailored, goals -based approach to each recruitment. By looking beyond the hiring process, our holistic view ensures that each candidate will fit the role as well as the organization. In the end, we are not just looking for a successful professional; we are finding the right employee to be successful in their new position long after they are hired. IIIIIII IIIIIII """' """IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIIIS 11111112 Work Plan r l r o d 0 / /- I I ( I r ! I , U l r 11 a 1l tl I r i i r I l 1 , / i J r I � r J / � // / r 1 1 r I� I o r 1 yJJ 111 l r �J 1J r � , I r ) l o , i, r r � r o, ��� n �' ` ��,llll� ��f/ JJJ IIIIIII luuuuuu rardlll uuuuuu uuuuuu ra%% ���a✓% �/ rinriilli i�„ rarall �il umi� uuuuum ra��r� �� �; uuu� uuuuum �� �i„ huuuur uuuuum umi� umi� uuuuum �a��dl� rnmlll �, raadll �lll, rrrrrrlll aa�//// aai�)))) �„ l�l �%%u aiii%% a„ ��,,, i uu uuuuum uuuu uuuu aver i rlr»»� uuuuuu uum uum, muuuuu va,oi umu, uuuu uuui r ;; uuuuum uuuu uuui ,✓ � , 11 ! I � li ii /,/i „J ai,, � � a u1 ,r I uum pu uuuu� ; luuuum t � �lyJ/ � U1J um puuuuu mi %jG um %jG puuuuu m» �Ir 9uuuu» Illb r b a Gr �/ ,, /rJJJJ IIIIII � �� �l9��� ll)l � lI�( mvy//l � , %uu�// , � I � "y/// r ; �. �i 11nn�/%/���//�� v% IIIIIII luuuuuu /Oiiii��llll,- rllll � �/ �IIII �/ �i�, �//, �l �. aiRrrrrrrJ��i uuuuuuu �„ ��„ uuuuuuu oimn%%%/ ��, �iiiii�////�� �9 IIIIII iuuuumu �� IIIIIII'. Activity 1 - Develop Candidate Profile We will begin this engagement by developing a clear picture of the ideal candidate for this position. We will first meet with the Select Board, Screening Committee, and Executive Clerk to discuss the recruitment timeline and process. We will also gather input from the current Town Manager. We will assist the Screening Committee with developing a process for soliciting community input through listening and discussion sessions with Town Boards and Committees, Town employees, and citizens and other community stakeholders in order to solicit input on the qualities, strengths, and management style desired in the new Town Manager. We will summarize the input received and present our findings and recommendations based upon all input received to the Select Board. We will discuss not just the technical skills needed for the position, but what makes for the right organizational fit in terms of traits and experiences. All meetings will be virtual, except for the final interviews, which will be in person. An additional fee will be charged for any additional in -person meetings added beyond this scope. We will also review the Board of Selectmen -Town Manager Act. Based on the information learned from our meetings, we will develop a recruitment plan that includes Massachusetts and the nation. We will prepare a position profile that is unique to the Town of Lexington. The profile will identify the organization's needs, the strategic challenges of the position, and the personal and professional characteristics of the ideal candidate. The profile will reflect the qualities and attributes that the Select Board has identified for the new Town Manager, including that the new Town Manager shall comply with the Code of Ethics of the ICMA or the Massachusetts Municipal Management Association. This document drives the recruitment. It focuses our efforts on the most capable candidates, and it helps us to persuade candidates to pursue the position. We will develop a recruitment brochure for advertising the position which includes the position profile, as well as information on the organization; the Town, including demographics and economic stability; and the community, including the Town's strong sense of volunteerism. We will work with the Town to eliminate barriers to underrepresented groups, including years of service, levels of education, and other strict requirements that might eliminate someone who can do the job. We will also develop first -year organizational goals for the successful candidate. These goals will ensure that the applicants know what will be expected of them should they be hired, the Town has thought about what it wants the person to accomplish in the first year, and the successful candidate can hit the ground running with a work plan. Once drafted, we will review the recruitment plan, position profile, and first -year goals with the hiring manager. Modifications will be made as necessary before recruitment begins. A Detailed recruitment process documents, including recruitment plan, position profile, recruitment brochure, and first -year goals IIIIIII'IIIIIII"""'"""IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIII����������IIIIIII °°"�N �' Activity 2 - Conduct Outreach and Initial Screening As part of the recruitment plan, we will identify key states and metro areas to focus our targeted recruitment. We will prepare and place advertisements in state and national publications and websites to attract candidates from throughout the United States. While this will be a national search, we will target our efforts to those key areas identified in the recruitment plan. We understand the importance of having a diverse applicant pool, so our recruitment strategy includes a robust outreach strategy to identify and attract well -qualified individuals from underrepresented groups and encouraging them to apply. In our outreach, we ensure we place job postings in places that target women, minorities, and other underrepresented groups. We also utilize our networks across the country to find and attract well -qualified candidates from a variety of backgrounds to apply and be considered. In addition, our recruiters have participated in conferences like NFBPA and Engaging Local Government Leaders (ELGL) for networking, a Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion cohort through International City/County Management Association (ICMA), and several leadership academies for women in local government in different states. We will place job postings with Massachusetts Municipal Association, Govtjobs.com, ELGL, NFBPA, League of Women in Government, International Network of Asian Public Administrators (I-NAPA), Local Government Hispanic Network, and other places as identified in the recruitment plan. We will also reach out to historically black colleges and universities and other targeted alumni networks that have graduates from diverse backgrounds and ask them to share our postings. As soon as the advertisements are completed, we will begin the process of actively and aggressively marketing the position and identifying qualified candidates for assessment. We will pinpoint individuals and jurisdictions to reach out to directly through phone and email. We will also utilize social media (LinkedIn, Twitter, and Facebook) to broaden our reach. We have found that this combination of outreach is an effective way to reach top applicants, especially those who are not currently in the job market but may be willing to consider a move to an excellent organization like the Town of Lexington. We will reach out to the applicants in our extensive database as well as the prospective candidates we have targeted in previous recruitments for similar jurisdictions. We will also develop a list of additional candidates to pursue based on the Town's unique needs. Our outreach includes seeking well -qualified women, people of color, and individuals from other underrepresented groups and encouraging them to apply. As applications are received, we will acknowledge each one and keep applicants aware of the status of the process. We will screen each applicant against the position profile and first -year goals. We will conduct interviews via phone or videoconference with those who most closely meet the profile to learn more about their interest, qualifications, and experience for this position. A written summary of these candidates will be prepared and shared with the Town. We will then meet with the Screening Committee to review the entire list (if desired) as well as the most qualified candidates who have the requisite skills, experiences, and traits needed for success in the position. Based on the Town's direction, we will finalize a list of candidates to invite for in -person interviews. lu'ow ff uuuuuu uuuuu/ luuuuw uuu illll„ �/ luuuoplll✓ uuuuw uuuu 11 �l/iuMH/In uu wu�y1fr/ �� �� � uu �iaii l mr • Placement of ads and job postings • Targeted outreach to passive candidates • Candidate review materials including screening results and internet search IIIIIII'tlllllll"""'"""IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIII����������IIIIIII ����� °°"�N °""'�� Activity 3 - Support Interviews and Selection Each person you wish to interview will then be contacted again by our recruitment team. We will plan and facilitate a multi -step interview process specific to the position. The process could include writing exercises, presentations, panel interviews, tours, and a department director or key staff meet -and -greet. A book that contains customized interview questions and information about each of the candidates invited to interview will be provided to those involved in the interview process. We will assist the Select Board and any resident or staff panel to prepare for interviews in executive session and in open session in compliance with the Massachusetts Open Meeting law, as appropriate. We will also facilitate pre- and post -interview briefings. We will facilitate a public meet and greet session with the finalists. We will coordinate the logistics of the process and provide the candidates with the details along with any travel policy requirements or other information. We will also work with a Town contact to ensure a suitable venue is arranged for the interviews. Expenses for the candidates will be borne and reimbursed directly by the Town. The Town will select the top candidate. We can help make a well-informed choice by framing what we have learned about the candidates in the context of the position and its requirements. We will speak with candidates' references to confirm the strength of their credentials. We will also conduct a media check to review published information found in search engines, online publications, and social media. Reference and background checks will be performed on the top candidates, including but not limited to education, credentials, employment history, criminal background check, civil litigation check, and credit history. We also can assist in negotiating the employment offer. We will provide information about best practices in salary and total compensation, and we will have obtained information on the candidate's salary preferences. We can also assist in the hiring process. We will keep candidates apprised of their status and release them at the appropriate time. I�Ii/ff uuuum V uuuu° uillil � �� muuum. JgiiinallU � uumfrrr' uuuuuu uuuum uuuum °�op�,,, �vvv uumrlrr uuuum iuuuuuuiioiii/�/ mr • Interview book materials including references and background checks Similar Projects We customize every recruitment process to the needs of the client and the position. However, the following are recruitments for which we utilized a similar methodology. Client Position Diversity Profile of Applicant Pool (Percentage of Applicant Pool) • White or Caucasian: 57.14% • Black or African American: 26.98% City of Gaithersburg, MD City Manager • Hispanic or Latino: 3.17% • Asian, Hawaiian, or Other Pacific Islander: 1.59% • Unspecified:7.94% • White or Caucasian: 52.52% • Black or African American: 25.25% • Asian:7.07% Loudoun County, VA Assistant County . Two or more races: 7.07% Administrator . Hispanic or Latino: 3.03% • American Indian or Alaska Native: 1.01 % • Unspecified:4.04% IIIIIII"'�IIIIIII"""'"""IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIII����������IIIIIII � °°"�N • White or Caucasian: 51.5% • Black or African American: 27.3% City of Winston-Salem, NC Police Chief 0 Hispanic or Latino: 9.1% • Two or more races: 6.1 % • Unspecified: 6.1 % • White or Caucasian: 48.1 % • Asian (Not Hispanic or Latino): 24.1 % Town of Leesburg, VA Finance Director • Black or African American: 11.1 • Hispanic or Latino: 7.4% • Two or more races: 1.9% • Unspecified:7.4% Recruitment Timeline Included below is a draft timeline. We expect to review this with the Town during Activity 1 and adjust it as necessary as we develop the recruitment plan. Activity 1 - Develop Candidate Profile Activity 2 - Conduct Outreach and Initial Screening Activity 3 - Support Interviews and Selection ell In -Person Meetings Web Meetings Deliverables MAY JUN GW7) JUL AUG SEP ""' IIIIIII"""'"""IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIII����������IIIIIII � °°"�N r r, l l l l/ r, r, l / ,,, � r, l l r r r r r J / l � I / 1 J J I / l r / I � I , r / l G l r/ r r/ , / � / � I � r 1 / �,/ I / 1 / � I I , pa / / 1 moil 1 / I i i /, I o 1 /p iu , / / ui li'�i ii �. 1111 i ,o! 1. 1 1 t/ uu / 1/ P iJII / i. l/ � / r/ uu !! ! / 11 ! � � 1 /� / J / D � �, l f 1 1 f i 1 � rr /r / J ), /,, J l ) a / l ) l,, ,,,� I I I� I/I I� I ), I ,,,ll /,I J � I�, I� „/,/,I, ,,,ll, /Ill 11 I JI ,�/ I I,//, I I // I� I I,,,,,/,,,,I� I� I�III I J ,,. „ ,,,,, (Il ///% ,, (1111 Illll��,»» IIl �(� Illll��,»» Illl )); (Il ,,,J Illl / ,,, Illl J� � Illl���,», Illl���,»» ,,,.lr 110,, Illll��,», ,,,J Illll /,, Illll�� IIl �IIJI Illll Illl J� Illll ,,,, (Il Illl ,, /;; �,,. (1111 Illll //, Illll��,»» Illl Illll ,, ,,,� ,,,r Illl���,»» Illl���,»» Illl��� r Illll Illl J, ,,.,. ,,,rr Statement of Any Legal or Administrative Proceedings Raftelis has been joined as a third -party defendant in a lawsuit filed by local developers against the Town of Fuquay-Varina, North Carolina. The subject of this currently pending litigation is development impact fees assessed by the town and developed by Raftelis. This is the only legal case in which Raftelis has been joined as a party in the history of our firm. Raftelis intends to vigorously defend the allegations and claim. IIIIIII'�IIIIIII'�������"""t"""IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIII����������IIIIIII °°"iN ""'� /i%v, mm iu�l� IP1Ul IVI, muu' ��//°pi,. �% IP1Ul IIl lmu�l f�%oil wuu.°, �� '... Jfipi/ �uJJf �% �J�JJ r/aid:.. mJAW /,ir II/,I, " �lllll �11 �11 ° �11 � ��/> �„/,, �1llll ����Illll ,,,1 ���� ����� �1��'%�1 „�„��i% 1�„��� ���� , ��i%„ ���� %� �,,,, Client#- 17224R3 RAFTFFIN ACORDT. CERTIFICATE OF LIABILITY INSURANCE DATE(MMJDD/YYYY) 111112024 THIS CERTIFICATE IS ISSUED AS A MATTER OF INFORMATION ONLY AND CONFERS NO RIGHTS UPON THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. THIS CERTIFICATE DOES NOT AFFIRMATIVELY OR NEGATIVELY AMEND, EXTEND OR ALTER THE COVERAGE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES BELOW. THIS CERTIFICATE OF INSURANCE DOES NOT CONSTITUTE A CONTRACT BETWEEN THE ISSUING INSURER(S), AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE OR PRODUCER, AND THE CERTIFICATE HOLDER. IMPORTANT: If the certificate holder is an ADDITIONAL INSURED, the policy(ies) must have ADDITIONAL INSURED provisions or be endorsed. If SUBROGATION IS WAIVED, subject to the terms and conditions of the policy, certain policies may require an endorsement. A statement on this certificate does not confer any rights to the certificate holder in lieu of such endorsement(s). PRODUCER CONTACT Brad Christensen NAME: USI Insurance Svcs, Charlotte PHONE _ FAX 8100 Fairview Road Ste 1400 A/C No Ext : A/C No): DRESS. brad.christensen@usi.com Charlotte, NC 28210 800 858-8834 INSURER(S) AFFORDING COVERAGE NAIC # INSURER ANational Fire Insurance Co. of Hartford 20478 INSURED INSURER B : Continental Insurance Company 35289 Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. American Casualty Coma of Reading PA INSURER C : Y Company 9 20427 227 West Trade Street, Ste. 1400 Beazle Insurance Company, Inc. INSURER D : � 37540 Charlotte, NC 28202 INSURER E : Travelers Casualty Tly & Surety Co. of Amer 31194 INSURER F : Continental Casualty Company 20443 COVERAGES CERTIFICATE NUMBER: REVISION NUMBER: THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE POLICIES OF INSURANCE LISTED BELOW HAVE BEEN ISSUED TO THE INSURED NAMED ABOVE FOR THE POLICY PERIOD INDICATED. NOTWITHSTANDING ANY REQUIREMENT, TERM OR CONDITION OF ANY CONTRACT OR OTHER DOCUMENT WITH RESPECT TO VVHICH THIS CERTIFICATE MAY BE ISSUED OR MAY PERTAIN, THE INSURANCE AFFORDED BY THE POLICIES DESCRIBED HEREIN IS SUBJECT TO ALL THE TERMS, EXCLUSIONS AND CONDITIONS OF SUCH POLICIES. LIMITS SHOWN MAY HAVE BEEN REDUCED BY PAID CLAIMS. LTR TYPE OF INSURANCE INSRL BR VWD POLICY NUMBER POLICY EFF (MMfDDlYYYY) POLICY EXP (MMIDDIYYYY) LIMITS A X COMMERCIAL GENERAL LIABILITY 6076000011 0112112024 01/2112025 EACH OCCURRENCE $ 1 000 000 CLAIMS -MADE I X] OCCUR PREMISES (Ea lD occurrence)$ 500,000 MED EXP (Any one person) $ 1 5,000 PERSONAL & ADV INJURY $ 1 ,OOO,OOO AGGREGATE LIMIT APPLIES PER: GENERAL AGGREGATE $ 2,000,000 GEN'L ❑ PRO- FXU POLICY JECT LOC PRODUCTS - COMPIOP AGG $ 2 000 000 � a $ OTHER: F AUTOMOBILE LIABILITY BUA6076000025 0112112024 0112112025 COMBINED SINGLE LIMIT Ea accident 1 000 000 � p BODILY INJURY (Per person) $ ANY AUTO OWNED SCHEDULED AUTOS ONLY AUTOS BODILY INJURY (Per accident) $ PROPERTY DAMAGE Per accident)$ HIRED NON -OWNED AUTOS ONLY AUTOS ONLY $ B X UMBRELLA LIAR X OCCUR CUE6076000039 0112112024 01/2112025 EACH OCCURRENCE $5 O 000 AGGREGATE $5 000 000 EXCESS LIAR CLAIMS -MADE DED RETENTION $1 0000 $ C WORKERS COMPENSATION AND EMPLOYERS' LIABILITY ANY PROPRIETOP PARTNER/EXECUTIVE Y f N OFFICER/MEMBER EXCLUDED? N f A WCfiO753O5637 WC6076000042 112112024 112112024 01 #21 I202 011211202 XPER OTH- E.L. EACH ACCIDENT $1 ,000,000 E.L. DISEASE - EA EMPLOYEE $1 OOO OOO (Mandatory in NH) If yes, describe under DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS below E.L. DISEASE -POLICY LIMIT $1,000,000 D Cyber W314D8240201 0112112024 0112112025 $5,000,000 Limit E Crime 107207373 0112112024 0112112025 $1,000,000 Limit F Professional 1 652071235 P1I21I2024 01#21I202 $5,000,000 Limit DESCRIPTION OF OPERATIONS I LOCATIONS I VEHICLES (ACORD 101, Additional Remarks Schedule, maybe attached if more space is required) Certificate Holder is included as an Additional Insured With respect to General Liability, Automobile and Umbrella Will follow form as per written contract. The coverage afforded to the Additional Insured is on a Primary and Non -Contributory basis for General Liability, Automobile and Umbrella if required b written contract. Waiver of Subrogation applies to General Liability, Automobile, Workers Compensation and Umbrella policies in favor of the above listed Additional Insured per written contract. A 30 day notice of (See Attached Descriptions) CERTIFICATE HOLDER CANCELLATION To Whom it May Concern SHOULD ANY OF THE ABOVE DESCRIBED POLICIES BE CANCELLED BEFORE THE EXPIRATION DATE THEREOF, NOTICE WILL BE DELIVERED IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE POLICY PROVISIONS. AUTHORIZED REPRESENTATIVE 400'.'L 9 @ 1988-2015 ACORD CORPORATION. All rights reserved. ACORD 25 (201 Gf93) 1 of 2 #S43320554#M43288918 The ACORD name and Ingo are registered marks of ACORD SG SZ R IIIIIII'IIIIIII"""'"""IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIII����������IIIIIII °°"�N "'""'" IIIII °"Illlll IIIII' ' IIIII'/IIII Illllli;' Illlll"J;; C 1111111 J,,,,J)JJl Illlll" ;; PIVA Who We Are III � � III ��� ///�i.,, /% 11 OVA / CG��"% SU G G rl , I I 1I� //I 1 l /I I / J ))j rI r r r / i J J /l � a I IIIIIIIIIIIII � »»»» I ofl »»»»� I J � J» J1J'1of ,l it 1 l /�� lr 11mmffr I /,,,,,,� r rrrrrr�i � � � ll � �U «�� i�(ff ri/ �� �i/,, uuuuuuu �uuuuuui o �� ��, ��� uui ������� huuuuuui �� ��,,, �l �uuuuuui � ��, o � ///� r�ii� rrr S //� / / ///� Illlll� r � ��lr /di// /rrfi » V /r /r r1 1 uuuuu uuuul uuuuu uuuul uuuuu uuuul 1 uuuuu uuuuu / // /r I r 1Ia/ air � I0 I I / I 1 I I l )) r r / r I r U r J r r "IIIIIIIIIIIII J uuuuuul /ai � "IIIIIIIIIIIII I i 1 cull1 / uuu J J IJ G rrrrrr�!/ 1 � � rrrrrr�i.a I,r to I �l oil a ill a�� � i �I � ull a/ � /�Ji uuuuuul aiJlll�imlll �� �i/„uuuuuul oirail�ll of%%� Ul�� illlllllllllllll �,,,�% ��IIIII illllllllllllll� irrrr//�f �� �llu; �% illlu a%%� uuuuuul illllllllllllll �������( illllllllllllll Local government and utility leaders partner with Raftelis to transform their organizations by enhancing performance, planning for the future, identifying top talent, improving their financial condition, and telling their story. We've helped more than 700 organizations in the last year alone. We provide trusted advice, and our experts include former municipal and utility leaders with decades of hands-on experience running successful organizations. People who lead local governments and utilities are innovators constantly seeking ways to provide better service to the communities that rely on them. Raftelis provides management consulting expertise and insights that help bring about the change that our clients seek. TNCG is Now Raftelis The Novak Consulting Group (TNCG) and Raftelis have always shared a focus on delivering lasting solutions for local government agencies. In January 2020, TNCG joined Raftelis. Today, we provide our clients with wide- ranging capabilities and resources in financial, management, technology, and communications consulting for all areas of local government. Our clients now have the expertise of more than 170 of the country's leading local government and utility consultants, who have decades of experience. We know that our combined capabilities and resources will provide added value to our clients, and we're excited about what we can accomplish together. We believe that Raftelis is the ,6f,,r1,,,,, l ' / Ifi I for this project. We provide several key factors that will benefit the Town and help to make this project a success. uuuu , uuuuu «arriaie prrriq I wu»>/ . /moi; uuuuu lri»rii„ �r�� , uuumu ,orp ip muy/" puuuu; uuu 1, uum um, r��n�m uuuuu,, uU1 �` uuuuu. «/9////// p J w1J1IIll � uuum ///111111 . /�� uuuuu /� iioli'(I/ uuum;. wg flG �///a/G/ uuum;. Illlll IIrrd ,,,,, This engagement well require the resources necessary to effectively recruit for your unique position and the skillsets to complete all of the required components. With more than 170 consultants, Raftelis has one of the largest local government management and financial consulting practices in the nation. Our depth of resources will allow us to provide the Town with the technical expertise necessary to meet your objectives. In addition to having many of the industry's leading management and financial consultants, we also have experts in key related areas, like stakeholder engagement and data analytics, to provide additional insights as needed. ,,, IIIIII� ����� , ����� ������ ,,,,, i� G.// uuum, uuum, � mifllli uuuuu uq f%( uuum, ;ill I uuum;. uuu r / o /// � � « /III �J r � �, o � J,l IIII�� IIIIIIIIII. „r,,,dll, ll � Illl�i IIIIIIIIII. ,,,,,,r� ,,,,,,y ,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,� IIIIIIIII. IIIIIIIII. IIIIIIIIII. ,rrr,,,, «/// IIIIIIIIII. IIIIIIIIIII/�,. IIIIIIIIIII � IIIIIIIIII:.. �� ,,,rrr,,,,, IIIIIIIIII:.Illlll Our associates and subject matter experts have decades of experience in strengthening local municipalities and nonprofit organizations. They've served in a wide range of positions, from city manager to public works director to chief of police. o I / r II II r l r r uul. a yy� uuum. , I ri uuuu. uuuuu. o uuum. "I umm- uuuu 1 r r mdi'1' mi ao r " 1 /io i ui JJ uum. im � ii " 1 , mi i �✓. i n9 0 b/ Gr o r J G„ IIIIIIIIIII �%% IIIIIIIIII �r,,, rr,,,� IIIII You appreciate It when deadlines are met, phone calls are returned, and your challenges are given in-depth, out -of -the -box thinking. While other firms may assign your business to junior -level people, our approach provides exceptional service from senior -level consultants. Our expertise lies in strengthening public -sector organizations. We're consulting specialists rather than generalists, focusing our strengths to do a highly effective job for a specific group of clients. IIIIIII """'""" IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII liiiiiiiiiu 11i11�f r�l IJ � �(( W ���ra�l�,. %��� lumfff��lf �/�� Imidi�� IIIIIIIII IIIIIIII[I luuuuulu �/llI//////G�/a� IIIIIIIIIIIIII l/liii/ox f jj fj/rpu ���ulprurII12� uum y1Jp.II ���. )J. �/YI//rrri�„ Dllllllll; J/1 J r 1// P� luuum Illllf � �,, JJJ, r,,,�„ IIIIIIIIIILIIIIII Meet your goals while maintaining a financially sustainable organization r�Rate, charge, and fee studies ltl Financial and capital planning wo, Cost of service and cost allocation sem Customer assistance programs a» Affordability analysis omo Utility valuation (emo Budget development re, Financial condition assessments sm, Debt issuance support em Economic feasibility and analysis tia 1 " "',/���i °�/J''���f ��,,,,,,JJJ� ��1�,� %;;%;,IIIIIII i»»» ;°% °)1,,,,�JJJ, Communicate strategically to build an informed, supportive community P� Strategic communication planning em Public involvement and community outreach am Public meeting facilitation U�1to Graphic design and marketing materials wel Media and spokesperson training �Risk and crisis communication Social media strategy Visual facilitation roo Virtual engagement �i"!l11�1f a Of p�i///ai, IIIIIII IIIIII a �� ri,/,/%/lr� IIIIIII IIIIII il�l�l�l�l�l�l�l�l�, piimDi, rrrrrrr�,,, y»ur q%; ��mrriG,,: Set the direction for the future of your organization and community rm Organization, department, and community -based strategic planning rrao Effective Board / Commission / Council governance am, Retreat planning and facilitation 9�Q / r '�I oi1Q psi i Miirl�,u nuivuPir/P+�Ourd.: Plan for long-term sustainability and operate with maximum efficiency der, Organizational and operational assessments so Stormwater utility development and implementation support ce Performance measurement oloo Staffing analysis ro% Organizational climate and culture ea Asset management and operations seo Regional collaboration and service sharing �, Process improvement )Il�u��' wr�of'11r 0 Use your data and technology to improve experience and gain valuable insights Billing, permitting, and customer information audits �, Business process development Data management, analytics, and visualization Performance measurement and dashboarding er Software solutions �/a% Website development as Information technology assessments and strategic planning �� Customer management assessments and optimization so, CIS selection and implementation so AMR/AMI feasibility studies co, Mobile workforce management s� Meter data management mo CMMS selection and implementation cell GIS optimization services co, Fleet management systems ��)&:::7l !H 0 /� lfl/u»�i�, r �+rr ��d� �Gn Und/�f m00, 4i/gl r" u mavrrr/lrr, m» uuuuul ,ll//iipr,, p»ui J / Vuuuuu llllll Identify top talent to lead local governments and utilities rel, Executive recruitment services , Executive coaching services oil, Facilitated executive performance evaluations ii uuu uuu ��iumuIIP00 i V, uuuum uuuuu a. //%//%v,. II I//� I�//,. lillff!i% IumuIP1Ul IV1, //�/�Ol ��1J/ '1�%o/I imu J „r 1 „% �1 ����1 ����� �����II,»/,; �����Il/,ll �lllll ����� 1�,� ����� �,,,�1 TOWN OF LEXINGTON TAX COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION Pursuant to M.G. I . c.6 2 C, § 49A, I certify under the penalties of perjury that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the below named business is in compliance with all laws of the Commonwealth relating to taxes, reporting of employees and contractors, and withholding and remitting child support. 04/15/2024 , (Date) (Signature of individual submitting bid or proposal) Julia Novak, Executive Vice President (Printed name of person signing bid or proposal) Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. (Name of business) 19 Garfield Place, Suite 500, Cincinnati, OH 45202 (Business address) 513-221-0500 (Business phone number) MUST BE COMPLETED AND INCLUDED WITH SUBMISSION 10 1 : g e IIIIIII """'"""IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII ° 2 `"'1 TOWN OF LE INGT N CERTIFICATE OF CORPORATE AUTHORITY The principal, officer or person to sign below pledges under penalties of perjury, that he or she has been designated by the owner(s) or the Board of Directors of the below named firm as an authorized representative. 04/15/2024 " . (Date) (Sign tune of individual submitting bid or proposal) Julia Novak, Executive Vice President (Printed name and title of person signing bid or proposal) Faftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. Name of business) 19 Garfield Place, Suite 500, Cincinnati, OH 45202 (Business address) 513-221-0500 (Business phone number) MUST BE COMPLETED AND INCLUDED WITH SUBMISSION ii uuu uuu ��ium22 �uIIP°° V, uuuum uuuuu 2 TOWN OF LEXINGTON NON -COLLUSION STATEMENT CONTRACTOR'S ERTIFI ATION IN BID/PROPOSAL To BE ATTACHED To CONTRACT Any person submitting a Bid or Proposal for the procurement or disposal of supplies and services to any governmental body shall certify in writing, on the Bid or Proposal, as follows: "The undersigned certifies under penalties of perjury that this Bid or Proposal has been made and submitted in good faith and without collusion or fraud with any other person. As used in this certification, the word "person" shall mean any natural person, business, partnership, corporation, union. co mittee, club, or other organization, entity or group of individuals." 04/15/2024 h . (Date) i nature of person signing bid or proposal) Julia Novak (Printed name of person signing bid or proposal) Executive Vice President (Title) Raftelis Financial Consultants, Inc. (Name of Business) 19 Garfield Place, Suite 500, Cincinnati, OH 45202 (Business address) 513-221-0500 (Business Phone Number) ILItoo oil W41110IW11111Y11i VIII IIII 10re RN 1101 1XIM NNisman 91101RM[1]►1 121P a.e 23 SIGNATURE PAGE The applicant hereby certifies that: 1. The applicant has not given, offered, or agreed to give any gift, contribution, or offer of employment as an inducement for, or in connection with, the award of contract for these services. 2. No consultant to,) or subcontractor forte applicant has given, offered, or agreed to give any gift, contribution or offer of employment to the applicant, or to any other person, corporation, or entity as an inducement for, or in connection with, the award to the consultant orsubcontractor of a contract by the applicant. 3. That no person, corporation, or, other entity other than a bona fide full-time employee of the applicant has been retained or hired to solicit for, or in any way assist the applicant in obtaining the contract for services -upon an agreement or understanding that such person, corporation., or entity be paid a fee or other compensation contingent upon the award of the contract to the applicant. I hereby attest with full knowledge of the penalties for perjury, as in accordance with 11 .1 1 , I I Massachusetts G.L. C.7, S.38E that all information provided in this app . lication for services is correct. Raftelis Financial Consultants. Inc. F117M elig�)�Inlee (written) Julia Novak Signee (typed/printed) Executive Vice President Title 04/15/2024 Date 11111i)IV ' % C Illlll!PIVA I1r''° 11" lllll 0 IIIII %JJJ '; Exceptions We request that the Town consider making the following modifications, shown in red below, to the Insurance and Indemnification language. Please contact us if you have any questions or concerns about these modifications. Indemnification: The successful applicant shall agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Town of Lexington and its officers, boards and employees, and the Select Board, from and against all claims, causes of action, suits, damages and liability of any kind w- 4 st the extentthe negligence or willful misconduct of the successful applicant or its officers, employees, agents and representatives regarding the project manager services performed. IIIIIII """' """IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII IIIIIII IIIIIII 2 /. u,Cf6 mr�l' iuu,u 11) / uuii, /. iPIV �! uuui raG// uuii. iu �,. ))" w,ii, ul(li w,ii, i, uuuu Ji i uuur G /oa/ 0 � � � ,, ,. rli�//l % � r r f1 % � � of lllrl ,, IIIJJ IIIJJI IIIJJI��,,»,,, IIIJJ JJJ,,111JJ,��,11 IIIJJI %/G,,,. /G/ � ���» IIIJJ,��,,»,,, %/, r,,, IIIJJI��,,»,,, ,,,, � ), J t11111 IIIJJI � IIIJJI��,,»,,, ,,�/ IIIJJ,��,,»,,, //// a,, IIIJJI ,, ,,,,��, IIIJJ. IIIII IIIJJ,��,,,,,, /�,, IIIJJ. IIIJJ,��,,»IIIJJI , IIIJJI IIIJJI��,,»,,, IIIJJ JJJJ, IIIJJI�),,»,,, Appendix A,.* Executive Search Experience S 26 SearchExperience Recent xecutive Client Position Client Position AZ 'Central Arizona Project General Manager CO Fort Collins Community Services Director AZ Clarkdaile Town Manager CO Fort, Collins, Community Development and Neighborhood Services Director AZ Cottonwood City Manager CO Fort Collins, Environmental Services Director AZ ur V illey Chief Financial Officer, CO Fort Collins, Natural Areas, Director ,AZ Oro Valley Police Chief CO Fort C+ lllins Recreation Director AZ Payson Town Manager CO Fort, Collins, Utilities Executive Director Health District of AZ Peoria Human Resources Director CO Northern Larimer Executive Director County AZ Scottsdale Economic Development Director CO Lafayette, City Administrator AZ Yuma City Administrator CO Louisville City Manager AZ Yuma Engineering Director CO Louisville Director of Perks and Recreation AZ Yuma Finance Director CO Louisville Director ofPlanning and Building Safety AZ Yurna Planning and Neighborhood Services Director CO Louisville Human Resources Director CO Aspen Community Development Director CO Loveland Budget Manager* CO Boulder Chief Human Resources Officer CO Lovell and Chief Financial Officer* CO Boulder City Attorney CO Loveland City Clerk* CO Boulder, City Manager CO Loveland Economic Development Director* CO Boulder Fire Division Chief CO Northg4enn Human Resources Director CO Boulder, HRIS Manager co Pueblo West District Manager Metropolitan District ,CO Boulder Human Resources Director CO Westminster Parks, Recreation, and Library Director CO Boulder Human Resources Senior Manager CT Greenwich Town Administrator, CO Boulder, Independent Police Monitor CT Mansfield Town Manager ,CO Boulder Municipal Court Judge CT Meriden City Manager CO Boulder Planning and Development Services Director CT Windsor Police Chief CO Boulder Total Rewards Senior Manager DE Kent, County County Engineer/Plublic Works Director CO Boulder Utilities, Engineering Manager DE Lewes Municipal Planning and Development Officer CO Denver Independent Monitor DE Milford City Manager CO Fort Collins Cultural Services Director DE Milton Town Manager CO Fort Collins Deputy City Manager DE Rehoboth Beach City Manager 2 7 Client Position Client Position 11 A Cedar Rapids Utilities, Director MID Garrett Park Town Manager 1A Cedar Rapids City Attorney MD La IPlataa Planning Director 1A Cedar Rapids Public'Works Director MID La Plata Police Chief IL Peoria County Director, Animal Protection Services MD La Plata Town Manager Ill Bloomington T'raffiic and Transportation Engineer MID La Plata Town Treasurer KS Baldwin City City Administrative Officer MD Maryland Municipal League Executive Director/CE.0 KS Edgerton Building Inspector MID Mount rainier City Manager, KS Edgerton Community Development Director MD New Carrollton City Administrative Officer KS Johnson County Human Resources Director MID Ocean Pines Association General Manalger KS Merriam Finance Director MD Riverdale Park Town Manager KS Olathe Director of Economy M D Riverdale Park Police Chief KS Ton ganoxie City Manager MD Rockville City Attorney LA Orleans Parish School Board Chief Operations, Officer MID Rockville City Manager MD Aberdeen Director of APG Privatization MD Rockville Community Planning and Development, Services Director MID Aberdeen Police Chief MID St. Michaels Town, Administrator MID Aberdeen Public Works Director MD Sykesville Town, Manager MD Berwyn Heights, Code Supervisor MID Takorna Park City Manager MD Berwyn Heights Town Administrator MD Takoima Park Deputy City Manager* MID Cambridge City Manager MD Westminster Finance Director MID Charles County Director of Community Services* MD Westminster Human Resources Director MID Charles County Engineer 1V* Ml Novi Assistant City Manager MD Gaithersburg City Manager M I Nov,i Finance Director MID Gaithersburg Director of Finance and Administration Ml Rochester, Hills Chief' Financial Officer MD Gaithersburg Engineering Services Division Chief MIO Chesterfield City Administrator MID Gaithersburg Finance Director MO, Clayton City Manager MID Gaithersburg Public Works Director IMIO Lee's Summit, Human Resources Director MID Gaithersburg Public Works and Engineering Director MIT Helena, City Manager MID Gaithersburg Director of Information'Techniology NC Guilford County Assistant County Manager, for Strong Communities 28 Client Position Client Position NC Gluilford County Assistant County, Manager OH Hilliard City Manager for S,uccessfu] People NC Guilford County County Attorney OH Hudson City Manager, NC Guilford County Communicationndl Public Relations Director, OH Jackson Township Township Administrator NC Guilford County Deputy Finance Director OH Miami Township Town.ship Administrator NC Guilford County Equity and Inclusion Manager OH Moraine City Manager NC Guilford County Public Relations Director OH Oberlin Fire Chief NC High Point Assistant City Manager OH Oberlin Police Chief NC High Point Planning, Director H Portsmouth City Manager �NC Matthews Assistant Town Manager OH Prairie, Township Township Administrator NC Rolesville Human Resources Director, OH Sandusky City Manager Solid Waste Authority NH Keene City Manageir OH of Central Ohio Director of Administration I(SWACO) NH Hanover, Town Manager, OH The Port - an Ohio General Counsel Port Authority NM Las, Cruces City Manager OH The Port - an Ohio Industrial Development Manager Port Authority NY Batavia City Manager OH The Port - an Ohio Vice President of Communications Port Authority and Marketing Livingston County, The Port - an Ohio NY Water and Sewer Executive Director OH Port Authority Vice President of Economic Equity Authority (LCWSA) NY Oneonta City Manager OH Union County County Administrator OH Centerville City Manager OH Upper Arlington Assistant City Manager* OH Delaware County Director of Economic Development OH Upper Arlington Police Chief 0H Delaware County Transit District Executive Director 101-1 Washington Township Assistant Fire Chief OH Hilliard Deputy Police Chief OH Washington Township Township Administrator OH Hilliard Police Chief OH West Chester Township Township Administrator OH Hudson City Manager OH Westerville City Manager OH Cleveland Height's City Manager OH Westerville, Deputy, Director of Planningand Development ,OH Cleveland Heights Finance Director OH Westerville Finance Director 0H Dayton Financial Officer OH Worthington Assistant Fire Chief OH Dublin Director of Public Service OH Wyoming City Manager OH Duibl'in Deputy, City Manager/ OR Beaverton City Manager Chief Operations, Officer OH Granville Village Manager OR Beaverton Finance Director 29 Client Position OR Beaverton Interim City, Manager OR Beaverton Police Chief OR Beaverton Public Works Director, OR Clean Water Services Chief of Staff OR Clean Water Services Chief Utility Operations Officer OR Clean Water Services General Counsel and Chief Compliance Officer OR Gresham City Manager ,OR Gresham Police Chief OR Hillsboro Employee and Labor Relations Manager OR Hillsboro Library Director OR Lake Oswego City Attorney OR Lane County Public Works Director OR Newberg Assistant City Manager OR Newburg Police Chief OR Newberg Public Works Director OR Salem City Manager OR Scappoose, Finance Administrator OR Sunrise Water Finance Director Authority OR Tigard Assistant City Manager OR Tigard Finance Director OR Tigard Human Resources Director OR Tualatin City Attorney OR Tualatin Hills Park & Chief' Financial Officer Recreation District OR Tualatin Hills Park & City Attorney Recreation District 'OR Tualatin Hills Park & District Finance Director Recreation District OR Washington County County Administrator OR Washington County Interim County Administrator OR Washington County Chief Financial Officer OR Washington County County Counsel Client Position OR Washington County Assistant County Administrators PA Breakneck Creek Manager Regional Authority PA r Carlisle Borough Police Chief PA F'arrelll City Manager SC Mount Pleasant General Manager Waterworks TX Abilene City Engineer TX Abilene Library Director TX Lancaster Assistant City Manager TX Lancaster Finance Director T'X University Park Human Resources, Director VA Albemarle County Chlef Financial Officer VA Albemarle County County Attorney VA Albemarle County Deputy Director of Community, Development VA Albemarle County Police Chief VA Albemarle County DEI Director VA Albemarle County Deputy Chief Financial Officer VA Albemarle County Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion If VA Albemarle County, Human Resources Director VA Alexandria Controller VA Arlington County Central Library Services Division Chief* VA Arlington County Housing Director* VA Ashland Town, Manager VA Bedford County County Administrator VA Bedford County Deputy Fire Chief* VA Bedford County Finance Director VA Chesapeake Chief Financial Officer VA Chesapeake Chilef Information Officer VA Chesapeake City Auditor VA Fairfax City Manager, Client Position VA Fairfax Police Chief VA Fairfax County County Executive 'VA Fairfax County Deputy County Executive 'VA Fairfax Water, Customer Service Manager VA Fairfax Water Human Resources Manager VA Fredericksburg Public Works Director 'VA Harrisonburg City Manager VA Harrisonburg Human Resources Director VA Harrisonburg Police Chief Harrisonburg - VA Rockingham Pegional Executive Director Sewer Authority (HRRSA) VA Leesburg Finance Director VA Leesburg Town Attorney 'VA Leesburg Planning and Zoning Director VA Loudoun County Animal Services Director VA Loudoun County, Assistant CountyAdministrafor VA Loudoun County Assistant Director of: Human Resources VA Loudoun County Chief Financial Officer VA Loudoun County County Attorney VA Loudoun County, Director of Building and Development VA Loudoun County Deputy County Administrator VA Loudoun County Economic Development Director VA Loudoun County Family Services Director 'VA Loudoun County Finance Director VA Loudoun County Housing and Community Development Director VA Loudoun County Information Technology Director VA Loudoun County Mapping and! Geographic Information Director VA Loudoun County Mental Health, Sul stance and Dev,elopm,ental Services Director VA Loudoun County, Parks, Recreation, and Community Services Director Client Position VA Loudoun Cunty, Planning and Zoning Director VA Loudoun County Systemwide Fire Chief VA Loudoun County Community Corrections Director VA Newport New Engineering Director VA Newport News Waterworks Director VA Newport News Human Resources Director VA Prince William County Deputy County Executive for Public Safety VA Virgiinia Retirement Human Resources Director Systern VA Warrenton Town Manager WA Bellevue Assistant Director, Financial and Resource Management WA Bellevue Deputy City Manager WA Bellevue Utilities Deputy Director 'W,A Bothell, City Manager WA Bothell Community Development Director WA Bothell Finance Director WA Carnal City Administrator, WA Central Pierce Fire Fire Chief and Rescue WA Sammarnish, Public Works Director WA Shoreline, Administrative Services Director WA Shoreline, City Manager, WA Shoreline Human Resources, and Organizational! Development Director, WA Shoreline Human Resources Director, WA Spokane Regional Health District Community Health Director WA Spokane li egional Deputy Administrative Officer Health, District WA Spokane Regional Health Officer Health District WA Spokane Regional Human Resources Manager Health District W1 Central Brown County Manager Water Authority WI Mequon City Administrator WV Morgantown City Manager JAW) I X, 13 :,,, W 0 K S A IU1/1/Al 1. I)PIUM S Work le Appendix B Samples 1'j �»»iiiiia» ima�»»» i�»itiiic loua�»»iiiii�a= S i»IIII>n NON iiiii1� JJJJJJJ 0/5 ��Jl ,,,� �iiii���, ,,,��1JI G' 0011, IIIIII �,. �i� �tllo v»>� j �, tt FIRST -YEAR GOALS FOR THE TOWN MANAGER 1. Build strong, positive relationships with the Selectboard. Listen and learn what is important to the Selectboard members and identify the best way to communicate with each member and the board as a whole. 2. Spend time learning the Town's operations and meet with department directors and with staff members. Implement one-on-one meetings with direct reports and attend staff meetings and visit worksites to encourage communication and share information throughout the organization. Identify ways to continue welcoming culture and enhance training and development. 3. Be accessible to residents and businesses in the community. Seek opportunities to attend and speak and listen during community events and community organization meetings. Build relationships with key stakeholders, including the Upper Valley Business Alliance, large employers, Dartmouth College, Dartmouth -Hitchcock Medical Center, and chairs of the Town's boards and committees. 4. Maintain strong fiscal integrity and ensure financial sustainability. Learn, understand, and manage the budget and identify funding needs throughout the organization. Work with department directors, Selectboard, and the Finance Committee to ensure a smooth Town Meeting and budgeting process. 5. Prioritize continued sustainable economic growth and business development. Focus on downtown vitality and a post -pandemic recovery plan by working with key stakeholder groups and continuing to provide excellent town services. 6. Participate in the Sustainable Master Planning effort through attending focus group meetings, collaborating with stakeholders, and providing feedback and ideas. Utilize these meetings as a way to engage and learn the community and meet residents and other stakeholders. 7. Collaborate with department directors to develop a technology needs assessment for the Town to review short- and long-term technology needs to better serve customers. Identify top priorities and determine the appropriate funding plan and timeline. 8. Engage with community leaders, Town staff, and regional players, to focus on top community issues of housing affordability, renewable energy, and climate change resiliency. Learn what the Town and other stakeholders are currently working on and support this work. 9. Prepare the Town to utilize federal resources for Community Power Plan, which includes infrastructure and broadband to ensure equitable access for all Town residents. 10. Continue historically strong partnership with Dartmouth. Participate in discussions around expansion planning for their land bank. Ai:fiiii liii o iiirs ����� iii � iiii � °Illf' lilt iii ° liii iiii ������ ( I au �1 iiu tj iin liil )PI/,., F 'T E I .......... Date: Miarch 2022, 'Tlo: Town S&Iectboaird From: Catheri�ine Tuck Pari6sh, Vice President �Re: Town of'Ranoveir, Town Mainager Update Memo 1. "The purpose of this memo, is -to provide an update on the, Town Manager, reciiiitinent process and iiifoimi,tion regarding -the applicants,., Off", J 0 'P () S t i i'lli, g 1 1/1,111 U!" a� . .. . . . . 1. 'The position. was posted in nunierous nationd.1 publications and on websites, and social media- In addition, Raftelis shaxetlthe job almouncement "with several university alumni networks a,c-rossthe country and t an 8,57 tailo- led applicant's through a, comb.niation of ta,- ted. emails and phoneca1ls, .reached out to more h r rge .re Ultnig m a total of 24 applicants,., ,l''�G % �� , ,�l' ll ���� 1, �t� � II11 �����ll ����� JJ�) ��;;;,,,, 'The applicalion process required, candidda,tes 'to complete an online a,ppl,lafi',qiiestion,na'ire,. 'The inforrmi,tion contained in -this memo reflectsthose responses,. "The applicants indicated being well uca,ted,with 100%, of the applicantshavm" " g a,ba,chelor's de " gree or .hi&er., ,Of the applicants, over 84%,(.21).'have a, inaster's degree orhioier. The tablebelo,w ill'Ustrates the highestlevel of education co,Mpleted,. Bacbelor"s degree 4, 16%, Master's degree 17' 68% Higher than, a master's degree 4, 16%, "To &te, the "Town of Hanover has received applications from 19 different states, with thelax,gest number of applicants coming from'New Hanipshire (4) and. Connecticut (2). According to the ap,plica,lits' self - reported. iref onnation: .1 0 Applicants have an avera,ge of 16.9 years of local governmentexperience. 0 Applicants culrently supervise, an average, of 165 employees. 19 f !� el III dr II u,,I �� te, 5 0 (), C I,Iiztt k, 11452 I0, 2 v,nimm �"'a tte I ��� s. c c��, rn Illlown ic�f a g e, 2 o W, r1l NA a rl e ��r "I 0 76.,0% (19 - )'.have experlence woIrking in a, college or universi I ty''town. 0 84%,(21) have experiience, working with, ,Labor Unions. t pplicarle . ., gender Antware, e, a,s.ked o complete a voluntaty de.nioggaphic survey, galdingra,t ce, ehificity veteran stat-us and, disability status to which 19 of the, 25 applica'nts -responded., Of those who, -responded,, 10.,,5% (2) identified, as females 79. 0%, (15) identified, as male, and 10. 51%, (2) chose not to self identify. Six (6) applicants, identified, as "veterans and 'three (3 indica,ted, having disability statusi., 'T.he table 'below illustrates the demograPhic breakdown: Whiteor Caucasian Two or miore razes Unspecified Amierilean Indian or Alaskan Native Number I Percenta 14 73.6% 2 10.5% 2 10.5% 1 5.3% 0 e S 'T.he top candidates preselited fbryour considerfatio'naare listed in. -the following table. C>rgi,anjzatibni M M M M M M We are happy t,o, provide,, application ma,tehi als upon request 'for those, not 'Included as one of 'the top candidates. A-e will,, review t e applica,ilt pool -to determine whom to ilivite, -to participate in the t our Meetinw .g, h ,interview process alid finalize -that process,. AdvIII sill irs ["N"Idhng III N�I III IIII III Illlown ic�f o W, r1l NA a rl e ��r a g e, 3, 0 e ],,,.I 'To Protect 'the integi* of the re,ci-ifitment process and, to obtain a, better applicant of, all. applicant inatenals and -the list of na,mes will be kept confidential -throughout the process -At no point will candidate inforrmition or names be released,,. oudy -the top applicant's name will be released upon acceptance, of the position., Sjit l.-ii e ]iile "The remainder of 'the schedule is as follows., IMarch 8 Candidate Review IlMeeting wMith, SeJecthoard CandJdate Il i + Il tini� Aflappficant list and resumes, "to be sent, along with candidate review (VJrtual) filthl Selectillboard in matertals, Non,-PuibIJc Session,, 0 Determine whorn to invite to virtual interviews, (serni-finalists) 5:00 pm — 8 a. 00 pm 0 Discuss, intenfiew process, logistics, March 23, — WrtuaIl IntervIews with Seleictboard in Non - Public Sessilon 8:001 am — 8:00 Pm Aprill 7-8 Finalis't Jnt:e;,,rvIiIews In -Person in, Non -Public Session 8:00 am — 8:00 pm After in'tervilews Virtual liiilnterviews, Determinewhom to invite for ln�-person interviews, 0 One-on-one conversatJon"w7fth the Town Manager 0 "Tour, with, two Department Directors, 0 Informal (reverse interview) with Department, Directors 0 "Three individuallsfrornfocus groups 0 Finallist in -person intervie Ath theSe"Jecthoard, may, also have jinforrma] meefing"Wfth Selectboard members 0 Finalists tc) provide"wriffing sarnpIle 0 Conduct reference and background checks 0 Negotiation With thetop candidate 0 Selectboard approves 'the employment agreement on futureagenda li f f�(� ...I erk VII, II/I , R . ....... . .... ..... . F, jpil� 11 1111 iq�1111 111111111�= Virtual Interviews - The, first -round, of intel-views with serni-finalists -to detern-fine who"M -to invite, for in- person.i ntet-views is expected, to include the fbIlowing'.1, 9 Non-IlUblic Session In -Pelson. Intei'vilews - The, finalist round, of the process is expected, to include, the, following: One- on- onecoliversation. with -the, Town Manager 'Tour" with two DepaArnelit Directors Inffi n'lial (reverse, interview) with Depaltment Directo-rs 'Three individuals from f6cus groups 1. Finalist mi-person i I ntetviews with Selectboard- rnay also have, hiforlmll meetniigs Finalists to provide writg saniple, Adam dvIII sQuill irs [Ildhng III N�I III IIII III It is essential that all members of the Selectboard are present throughout the entire interview process for the interviews. The Selectboard will determine who is offered the position and the terms of the employment offer/contract. The consultant will convey deal points to the top finalist and provide those to the Town's attorney, who will draft the employment agreement. Candidate Travel Reimbursement Travel expenses will be reimbursed by the Town for the candidates who are interviewed (this includes transportation, meals, and lodging). 40 y,»»llllrlil r � � i r ; �r � �� i� �!�/ .,,� � �% G/% � ii /1� � r a » � » i y� i i� lull„� �//i „� i «a L, Jl J1 ll i o //J a 1„ o tf�, 1l i �/ i 1 ffffff , l l i l l 0// i / l� � r l��>�, , r / », ,, rr �i�� ���� �, ,,� „, � � � �iii� ����1� ,,� �, » > > �iiii� �tll �i���� �iiii� ���. �i��� ,��1� �iiii� ���� ������ ,,,,,,� �, � soli ��� (110 ;� "'U/ �.,,. ��ooq ii�mo anmp r,,,, � , �nroi/ 4 ° �a// %/ lYYl�I� „ l �moj / ,,,,pry 1 „ i III � GG J ,,, 1 � «ao; «lrr �/ oa/r ,, � � � � �ioao� is � Plfl�li � ii»i G, W f ii 1 r llll i ��. �111���I �� ,, m��� �w 111111� „ �� �i ��� �� ��1� 1111111 ��� �� ���» �w�� t The Town will not accept applications online or in any other form — applicants will apply directly through Raftelis. Communication with applicants or potential applicants should be directed to Raftelis. If anyone is contacted about the position, please direct the person to the online application process at llw e]is :1���ii:t I ..., to apply or to Catherine Tuck Parrish at � � .: � :� .:,.� .: or 240-832- 1778 to answer any questions. iiir iit,l slIl ecl Aitiiid�oirs 0u1 U ii liii ° :lili 11w:) -------------- r OVE R VIP • The Town of Hanover presents an excellent opportunity for someone who loves local government and wants to lead in a town where residents, businesses, students, and Dartmouth College all appreciate the Town and want it to continue to be an exceptional place to live and learn. The Town Manager serves as the Chief Executive Officer of the Town and reports directly to the five -member Selectboard. The Town Manager oversees day-to-day operations, manages all departments, prepares the agenda and policy recommendations for consideration by the Selectboard, and ensures that all Town operations respond to the needs of local citizens as effectively as possible. The Town Manager oversees 11 direct reports, including the Administrative Assistant, Administrative Services Director, Assessing Director, Fire Chief, Howe Library Director, Human Resources Director, IT Director, Parks and Recreation Director, Planning, Zoning, and Codes Director, Police Chief, and Public Works Director. The position will be open when the Town Manager retires in the spring of 2022, after over 25 years of outstanding service to the Town of Hanover. The Town has a tradition and values its civil and solid political leadership with a Selectboard focused on high-level issues, residents and businesses who want to participate in solving problems and bring resources and expertise to the table, and where innovation and creativity are possible. The Selectboard has identified the following priorities as some of the top priorities for the Town: • Sustainable Master Planning Process • Post-Covid recovery for the Town and continued downtown vibrancy • Develop a technology needs assessment for the Town in concert with department directors • Engage with regional partners and state initiatives that support housing affordability, renewable energy, and climate change resiliency • Prepare the Town to utilize federal resources for infrastructure and broadband The Selectboard's priorities are in sync with a recent community input survey where community members identified the following five priorities for the next Town Manager: • Affordable Housing • Economic and Business Development • Budget and Financial Sustainability • Climate Change • Environmental Sustainability R'' The ideal candidate for Hanover's next Town Manager will be an ethical and experienced local government management professional passionate about leading a collaborative, engaged staff team working toward common goals with the Selectboard and the community. The Town Manager will be an effective listener and communicator, comfortable speaking with all audiences and using various tools to reach residents, businesses, and Dartmouth College. The Town Manager will be an approachable leader with a track record of utilizing great ideas generated from robust community engagement and skilled at building partnerships with government, educational, private, and nonprofit organizations. The ideal candidate will be a strong, confident leader who can balance conflicting interests and priorities and build consensus with the Selectboard, staff, College, and the community. The next Town Manager will be an effective leader, comfortable empowering staff to be creative problem -solvers to ensure the long-term success of the Town. The next Town Manager will be both a visionary and able to translate that vision into an actionable plan to implement and make progress on the most challenging issues local governments face. The Town Manager will be technologically and politically savvy and embrace the community's expectation for innovation and creative approaches to complex community issues, such as workforce housing affordability, climate change resiliency, and downtown and business vibrancy. In addition, the Town Manager will be responsive and accessible yet stay focused on the top priorities for the Town and say no when necessary. The ideal candidate will fit into a caring, progressive, fiscally conscious culture focused on a sustainable future. Hanover's next Town Manager will have proven planning and zoning experience and be able to work with partners in the business and nonprofit communities, as well as the College, to ensure the continued vitality of the downtown and the College, as well as retain the high quality of life for residents. The next Town Manager will partner with K-12 and higher education institutions and nonprofits to focus on workforce and pandemic recovery and chart the future for the Town's continued vitality. The successful candidate will be energetic, personally invested in Hanover, and active and visible in the community. The Town Manager will work to bring the residents, businesses, students, college, and other key stakeholders together and find common ground on quality of life issues that impact all of Hanover. Based on a recent survey, community members think the next Town Manager should: • Be Accountable (34.82%,) • Be Ethical/Moral (33.04%) • Be an Active Listener (32.14%) • Value Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (31.03%) • Be Accessible (29.02%) Minimum requirements are a bachelor's degree and at least seven years' progressively responsible experience in a local government, including supervision and executive level management (manager/administrator, assistant manager/ administrator, or department director). Strong communication skills and demonstrated expertise with community engagement, budget/financial management, and collaboration with key stakeholders are required. Preferred qualifications include tenure in a full -service local government, with demonstrated experience in land use, sustainability, downtown and business vibrancy, and housing affordability. Experience managing a high -performing staff and collaborating with a college, medical center, and/or other large institutions is also preferred. A master's degree in public administration and ICMA-CM are also preferred. While not required, it is hoped that the next Town Manager will choose to live within the community. =* I � � � I i i � ':1111 ", I-. IN#,..... The Town has operated under a charter since 1963 and amended the charter to enable a Selectboard- Town Manager form of local government in 1973. The Hanover Selectboard consists of five members elected to staggered three-year terms. The Board holds some legislative powers not typically granted to Town Selectboards in New Hampshire. Town Meetings serve as the legislative body for adopting the annual budget, issuing bonds, and amendments of the Zoning Ordinance. The Hanover Selectboard has a reputation for being very stable, non -partisan, and professional, working exceptionally well together as a group and providing quiet, thoughtful, forward -looking leadership for the community. The Town Manager is appointed for an indefinite term and is responsible for the administrative and financial affairs of the Town and implementing policies adopted by the Hanover Selectboard. The Town Manager serves at the pleasure of the Hanover Selectboard and is the Chief Administrative Official of the Town. Hanover is a quintessential "college" town and functions much like a city in town clothing based on the service demands placed upon it by a prestigious Ivy League institution. The Town has experienced moderate tax base growth of more than 15% in the past ten years, attributable primarily to the expansion of Dartmouth College dormitories and dining halls (which are taxable). The annual growth in new construction (brick and mortar) is between .75% and 1.5%. It is expected that Dartmouth College will be undertaking an aggressive housing initiative that could boost those numbers. The Town of Hanover is a full -service community, providing police and fire protection with full-time departments, a full range of public works services, water filtration, secondary wastewater treatment, two public libraries, recreation services, and a full range of administrative services. The Town operates on a fiscal year basis, July 1 through June 30. The budget process begins in November of each year when the Hanover Selectboard sets a property tax rate target for use by Town staff in building the proposed budget. Department budget requests are submitted to the Town Manager, who then works with staff to develop a proposed budget reviewed by the Hanover Selectboard in three public hearings held in late February and early March. The Board adopts the budget and then brings it to the Town Meeting for approval in early May for July 1 implementation. The Town of Hanover is in a very financially sound position, despite a worldwide pandemic and the impact it has had on New Hampshire municipalities. In general, fund balances all meet or exceed the 10% target set by the Hanover Selectboard, capital reserves are managed carefully to ensure that the Town is setting aside sufficient funds for future capital purchases, the Town's bonding capacity far exceeds its very modest outstanding debt, and the various department operating budgets, while managed very carefully, are sufficiently funded. Given New Hampshire's dependence on property tax, local municipal managers must focus very clearly on managing the local property tax burden, which is the primary source of revenue for municipalities. Hanover is all about managing carefully and as frugally as possible and is continually looking at ways to control costs and implement innovative service delivery. Dartmouth College and Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center exert a stabilizing influence on the local economy in that both institutions have been somewhat insulated from the impact of economic downturns. As a result of the pandemic, Town staff managed reductions in some revenue areas by freezing a small handful of vacant positions and throttling back expenditures to focus on essential purchases and projects with room to spare. Because of the institutional influences, overall property values have remained steady, with more rapid increases evident due to COVID. There is an upward pressure to increasing values due not only to those desiring a safer environment but also to climate change affecting other areas of the country. This area has historically been absent of those types of negative influences. A comprehensive revaluation was completed for all commercial and residential properties in 2021. The overall increase was about 16%. Approximately 25% of the tax base is from commercial/income producing type properties, and 75% is residential in nature. Residents have supported modest tax rate increases each year to maintain service levels. Hanover residents support a well -run local government, and the Town's operating departments enjoy good support from the Hanover Selectboard and the voters. Hanover is a scenic, upscale New England community located in west -central New Hampshire on the Vermont border. Nestled along the beautiful Connecticut River, the Town is home to Dartmouth College. Hanover is centrally located in northern New England, an area offering the best that New England has to offer. Many residents have made a conscious decision to settle in Hanover because of the region's high quality of life - beautiful countryside, ample recreational opportunities, excellent public schools, a college town feel, a safe place to live and to raise children, cultural and intellectual richness, sophisticated but casual and unassuming, and within easy driving distance of key Northeast metropolitan centers. The community was recently named one of the top ten places to live and retire by Money magazine. Boston, MA is just two hours to the southeast; New York City five hours to the southwest; Quebec City four hours north; and Montreal three hours northwest. The beautiful White Mountains are less than an hour's drive to the north, and the beaches of New Hampshire and Maine are less than two hours due east. The Town of Hanover is located in Grafton County in west -central New Hampshire. The Town has a population of 11,500 and occupies 50.3 square miles. State routes 10 and 120 bisect the Town; both 1-89 connecting Boston, MA to Burlington, VT and 1-91 connecting southern Connecticut to Canada border the Town and are immediately accessible. Hanover's landscape is characterized by hillsides and valleys, granite ledges, farm fields, brooks, and streams. The Town consists of a largely rural landscape beyond the immediate downtown and in -town residential areas. Served by 164 miles of paved and gravel roads, many residents enjoy the rural tranquility to be found just beyond the downtown area. Deer, moose, bear, wild turkey, red fox, coyotes, hawks, and eagles abound, and residents of this community happily live in close harmony with wildlife. The Town of Hanover offers a great deal to attract people on a personal level, starting with Dartmouth College. The College is an intellectual and cultural center. Its Hopkins Center and Hood Museum offer wonderful theater, music, and art opportunities for local residents and the area's many visitors. Dartmouth lectures, symposia, and workshops are regularly open to the public. Dartmouth College sports teams attract a loyal following of local residents. Dartmouth students are active community members, volunteering in the local schools, the Town's Recreation Department, and a host of local social service agencies. For the outdoor lover, Hanover is a New England paradise. There are ample opportunities for rowing and boating on a beautiful, flood -controlled stretch of the Connecticut River or on nearby Goose Pond, Mascoma Lake, Crystal Lake, Grafton Pond, or Lake Sunapee. For snow sports lovers, the Dartmouth Skiway is located just 15 minutes away in the adjacent Town of Lyme, while truly first-class New England skiing and snowboarding can be found less than 45 minutes by car in all directions. Hiking, mountain bike, and snowmobile trails dot the landscape, the Appalachian Trail bisects the community on its way to Maine, and there are a plethora of parks and recreational centers in the area as well. Joggers and bicyclists share the road in large numbers. Organized sports teams for adults and youth are plentiful, ranging from low-key clubs to highly competitive teams. Fishing, camping, rock climbing, and rowing are all popular activities. Local farms dot the landscape, and residents enjoy buying and eating locally grown and produced food. Healthy living is the name of the game, and the region makes it easy to stay active and well. Hanover's residents are warm, friendly, and down-to-earth. The community is small enough to provide that small-town feel but not so small that it feels insular. The general movement in and out of faculty and staff associated with the region's two largest employers, Dartmouth College and Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center, helps to maintain a sense of openness in the community and the institutions' strong international connections make for a highly multicultural population. Many of the Town's citizens are associated with the College or Dartmouth Hitchcock Medical Center and are highly educated. They believe in excellence in all they do, and they are willing to achieve it. In turn, Hanover residents expect high -quality service and recognize Hanover staff for their expertise and community commitment. Hanover housing costs are on the higher end, although less expensive housing can be found in some outlying communities. A smaller three-bedroom/two-bath home starts in the $500,000 price range, depending on location and amenities, and a selection of higher -cost housing is available as well. Due to the strong influence of highly educated people in the community, schooling is a priority, and, as a result, the Hanover public school system is of the highest quality. Rankings consistently reveal that Hanover's schools are among the best in the bi-state region. The community is a very safe place to work and to raise a family. Crime rates are low, and community policing is a priority of the Hanover Police Department. The primary settlement in Hanover is defined as in -town Hanover which includes the Downtown area, the Dartmouth College campus, and the many neighborhoods surrounding the campus. Hanover borders the towns of Lyme, Canaan, and Enfield, and Lebanon, New Hampshire, and Norwich, Vermont. Hanover also includes the small rural villages of Etna and Hanover Center, which were formerly independent villages to the east and north of the in -town area. The highest point in Hanover is the north peak of Moose Mountain, standing at 2,313 feet above sea level. Hanover lies entirely within the Connecticut River watershed. Granted in 1761, the Town was named for Hanover Parish, the home parish of settlers from Lisbon, Connecticut. In 1769, Reverend Eleazar Wheelock received a charter for a college to educate Native Americans, an expansion of the Charity School he had established in Connecticut. The College was named for William Legge, Second Earl of Dartmouth, a supporter of the Reverend's efforts. In 1771, Governor John Wentworth, upon petition from Reverend Wheelock, chartered 300 acres between Hanover and Lebanon for Dartmouth College. The land chartered to the College was for a time known as Dresden, one of 16 towns involved in a border dispute with Vermont. Today, the name Dresden is that of the local school district, a bi-state district involving towns from both sides of the Connecticut River, Norwich, Vermont, and the Town of Hanover. go Compensation The expected hiring range is $150,000 - $175,000, depending on qualifications, with excellent benefits. A relocation package that may include relocation and housing assistance and other amenities may also be part of total compensation in an employment agreement. The Town participates in the state retirement system. The Town Manager may participate in that or negotiate a different retirement option in lieu of this, such as ICMA-RC. The Town's "flex benefits" are excellent. They include health, dental, and prescription plans, short and long- term disability, life insurance, plus supplemental coverage options. Most candidates will find the benefits package comprehensive and generous by public sector standards. How to Apply Applications will be accepted electronically by Raftelis at . Applicants complete a brief online form and are prompted to provide a cover letter and resume. We will commence review of applications on February 16, 2022. Questions Please direct questions to Catherine Tuck Parrish at and Carly Trimboli at IIIIIII'�IIIIIII"""'"""IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII�IIIIIII����������IIIIIII llll" llll!;;;» llll!i;;;> llll°'rr III° .%f llll rr'1 S A I. Fee Proposal The total fixed fee to complete the Town Manager recruitment, as outlined in this proposal, is $36,600. This includes all Raftelis' professional fees and expenses. All meetings will be virtual, except for the final interviews, which will be in person. An additional fee will be charged for any additional in -person meetings added beyond this scope. We estimate the following additional costs to the Town, which would be billed at cost. Within six (6) months of the final interview process, should an additional candidate be hired by the Town from the pool of candidates presented by Raftelis for this project, the additional fee shall be $15, 000. REQUEST FOR QUOTATIONS #24-61 EXECUTIVE RECRUITING CONSULTANT For the Town of Lexington Town Manager April 5, 2024 Response Due Date: Thursday, April 18, 2024 at 4:00 p.m. In -Person Consultant Interviews Tentatively Scheduled for Monday, April 29, 2024 beginning at 9 a.m. EXECUTIVE RECRUITING CONSULTANT - TOWN OF LEXINGTON 1 IIII i g e TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION & PROJECT DESCRIPTION SUBMISSION DEADLINE AND INSTRUCTIONS INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION QUESTIONS, ADDENDUM, OR PROPOSAL MODIFICATION SCOPE OF WORK TIMELINE MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS/QUALIFICATIONS FEE FORMS Tax Compliance Certification Certificate of Corporate Authority Certificate of Non -Collusion Signature Page SELECTMEN -TOWN MANAGER ACT Page 3 Page 5 Page 6 Page 6 Page 7 Page 8 Page 9 Page 9 Page 10 Page 11 Page 12 Page 13 Attachment 1 2 IIII i g e INTRODUCTION & PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Town of Lexington Select Board is seeking quotes from qualified executive search consultants to work with the Board and the Town in the recruitment and selection of an exceptional candidate for the position of Town Manager for the Town of Lexington. ABOUT THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON Current statistics about Lexington: *Lexington's land area is 16.6 square miles. *Approximately 63 % of the land in town is in private ownership; •Approximately 12% of the land is publicly held conservation land. •A population of 34,074. •Lexington has 12,385 households. •Lexington has 6,805 public school children •Lexington has 7,155 senior citizens. •Per Capital Income $102,776 *Equalized Valuation per capita: $441,222 *Bond Rating: Aaa *Business Tax Base: BioPharm Cluster of 31 companies and a visitor -based retail -based Center •Commercial property taxes make up 23.2% of property tax base •FY25 budget -all funds: $290,052,759 Commitment to an aggressive capital plan — recently completed state of the art Fire Headquarters, two net -zero schools, new virtually net -zero police station nearing completion, in process with MSBA for new or renovated high school as well as two major streetscape plans in the town center. •Semiquincentennial Celebration- local, regional and state planning underway for April 19, 2025 for the 250th anniversary of the Battle of Lexington, the first battle of the American Revolution. Lexington provides a multitude of public resources for its residents: Cary Memorial Library, providing resources and programming for residents of all ages •A variety of public transportation options, including a local bus system and MBTA bus service • Lexington public schools have a reputation for excellence and consistently rank among the top public schools in Massachusetts. *Cary Memorial Building, featuring Battin Hall, is home to the Lexington Symphony and many other shows and events •Lexington Community Center, with its dining room, fitness center, game rooms and meeting rooms for community groups •Town Human Services Department, providing Senior, Veteran, and Youth and Family resources and services •Town Recreation and Community Programs Department, managing the Town pool and beach, and providing sports and leisure programming for children, teens and adults 3 IIII i g e A Snapshot of Lexington Lexington was first settled in 1642 as a farming community that was part of Cambridge. It became the parish of Cambridge Farms in 1691, and was incorporated as a separate town in 1713. The town experienced rapid housing development after World War II with the growth of the Boston urban area and the decline of agriculture. While the town is primarily residential, a number of industries and commercial establishments employ more than 16,000 people in Lexington. Services and manufacturing are the two largest employment sectors. The major shopping area is the central business district. Lexington Center is a well -maintained area with retail stores, professional offices, banks, and restaurants. Lexington is a diverse/welcoming community with a growing and engaged multicultural population. The Town has always been blessed with active individuals, and participation of new as well as long-term residents is always welcome. Town government provides a variety of opportunities for public involvement. We are committed to fostering a diverse, inclusive, and equitable community that thrives on the principles of respect, dignity, and fairness. We recognize that diversity enriches our community, brings together unique perspectives, and strengthens our ability to effectively serve our residents. We aim for full inclusion by: increasing and broadening diverse participation in our professional ranks and civic activities; welcoming all people in Lexington; considering health in all decisions; and providing recreation facilities for all. We honor our rich historic traditions and take pride in Lex250th celebration events. We strive to diversify the commercial tax base to reduce financial burdens on residents allowing more to remain and lower the barriers for new residents to call Lexington home. We are committed to being a sustainable and resilient community for all, where we strive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, create cleaner indoor and outdoor environments, and ensure all members of our community have access to the tools they need to be resilient in a changing climate. ABOUT THE POSITION: See Attachment 1 — Board of Selectmen -Town Manager Act. SCHEDULE AND TIME LINE The Select Board will vote to award the executive search consultant contract on April 29, 2024, following consultant interviews and prefers to select a new Town Manager 16 weeks after the Executive Recruiting Consultant is engaged by the Town. SUBMISSION DEADLINE AND INSTRUCTIONS Responses are due no later than 4:00 on Thursday, April 18, 2024 to: Select Board Office Lexington Town Office Building 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, MA 02420 Or via email: Selectboard@lexingtonma.gov The following information is specifically required: 1. Name and address of applicant, telephone/fax numbers and e-mail address. 2. Brief resume of principals and of the staff to be assigned to the Project. 3. List of completed projects that would best illustrate qualifications for the Project, including full project timeline from inception to completion. 4. Three references for projects of a similar or larger scope, size and complexity, with contact name, title and telephone number of the person who can speak to the quality of services provided for similar Town Manager /Town Administrator recruitment processes. 5. Names and qualifications of any outside vendors that may be used for the Project. 6. Statement of the scope and type of services proposed for the Proj ect. Based on the guidelines and information in this RFQ, the applicant should describe the process and methodology to be used in the completion of services with specific reference to examples of similar projects in which this methodology has been used and diversity of applicant pool recruited. 7. Statement of any legal or administrative proceedings, pending or concluded adversely, to the applicant within the past five (5) years which relate to the applicant's performance of this type of work. 8. Appropriate certifications of insurance. 9. Provide samples of work, such as reports, a sample position profile, evaluation forms and other decision -making tools 10. Summary of expected costs, including estimated consulting fees, advertisement costs, travel expenses (including expected number of trips) and other miscellaneous costs 11. A current firm brochure maybe submitted with the proposal. 12. Completion of the forms located at the end of this RFQ package. Note: For other governmental entities that maybe responding to this RFQ: • Tax Compliance Certification: Indicate on this document that as a governmental entity, this does not apply. • Certificate of Corporate Authority: Indicate on this document that as a governmental entity, this does not apply. • Non Collusion: Head of governmental office responding to the RFQ can sign this form. 13. Fee Proposal: The Select Board expects that while the final fee will be negotiated (largely based on the number of stakeholder meetings it requests) proposals should include a separate fee proposal based on the scope of work outlined. 5 IIII i g e INSURANCE AND IDEMNIFICATION The selected firm shall obtain and maintain at its own expense, general liability/property and motor vehicle liability insurance policies protecting the Town of Lexington in connection with any operations included in this contract, and shall have the Town of Lexington listed as additionally insured on the policies. General liability coverage shall be in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate for general liability and property damage. Workers' compensation insurance and motor vehicle liability insurance shall be in the amounts that are in accordance with the requirements of Massachusetts law, unless otherwise waived by the Town. Indemnification: The successful applicant shall agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Town of Lexington and its officers, boards and employees, and the Select Board, from and against all claims, causes of action, suits, damages and liability of any kind which arise out of the negligence or willful misconduct of the successful applicant or its officers, employees, agents and representatives regarding the project manager services performed. Proposals must be signed as follows: 1. If the proposer is an individual, by her/him personally. 2. If the proposer is a partnership, by the name of the partnership, followed by the signature of each general partner. 3. If the proposer is a corporation, by the authorized officer, whose signature must be attested to by the Clerk/Secretary of the corporation and corporate seal affixed. The Lexington Select Board, as the awarding authority, reserves the right to accept any proposal in whole, and to reject any and all proposals if it shall be deemed in the best interests of the Town of Lexington to do so. QUESTIONS, ADDENDUM, OR PROPOSAL MODIFICATION Questions concerning this request must be submitted via email to Kim Katzenback :....:.....:.....:......:...... tze.n:.........................:....:......:... . .... t n . . -fay. Inquiries must e receive no later than PM on Wednesday, April 10, 2024 in order to be considered. Responses to inquiries that affect all bidders or modifications to the RFQ will be issued as an addendum via email to all applicants on record as having received the RFQ. All proposals submitted in response to this RFQ shall remain firm for ninety (90) days following the response deadline. It is the Town's intent to award the contract within 30 days after the response deadline. The time for award maybe extended for up to 45 additional days by mutual agreement between the Select Board and the highest ranked applicant, on the basis of the responses to the Scope of Work stated below. 6 IIII i g e After the response deadline, an applicant may not change any provision of the proposal in a manner prejudicial to the interests of the Town of Lexington or fair competition. Minor informalities may be waived or the applicant may be allowed to correct them. SCOPE OF WORK The consultant shall: 1. Meet with the Select Board and Screening Committee as frequently and for such time as may be necessary to carry out their work; 2. Prepare, in consultation with and approval by the Select Board, a plan for the search, recruitment and selection of a qualified candidate for the position of Town Manager; 3. Assist in establishing a profile of the desired candidate, reflecting the qualities and attributes the Select Board believes the Town Manager should possess. The Select Board believes that the successful candidate will comply with the Code of Ethics of the ICMA or Massachusetts Municipal Management Association; 4. Create a profile for the Town of Lexington that encompasses the uniqueness of the community, demographics, economic stability, strong sense of volunteerism, and form of government; 5. Review the Board of Selectmen -Town Manager Act (Attachment 1); 6. Develop and conduct a plan to advertise the position, including preparation of advertisements for publication and listing of professional recruiting avenues. 7. Oversee and guide the screening committee in soliciting community input through listening and discussion sessions with Town Boards and Committees, Town employees, citizens and other community stakeholders, as outlined in the timeline, to help inform the Select Board and Screening Committee on the qualities, strengths and management style desired in a new Town Manager. This shall include assistance in developing the process for soliciting opinions, creating vehicles for eliciting stakeholder feedback, compiling results and reporting conclusions. Consultant(s) to present findings and recommendations from stakeholders and information gathering process to Select Board. 8. Assist the Select board in establishing selection criteria for evaluating Town Manager candidates 9. Utilize the consultant's network of local government professionals and other search activities to recruit a diverse pool of qualified applicants that match the established candidate profile of this position; 7 IIII i g e 10. Identify potential candidates suitable for position and motivate them to apply; 11. Directly receive all applications/resumes. Prepare a recruitment report of all candidates meeting the requirements of the position profile from the submitted applications with recommendations of possible candidates for review; Specify disqualifying reason for any candidates not recommended; 12. Provide appropriate training and guidance to Screening Committee and Select Board; 13. Assist the Screening Committee in reviewing applications, including provision of preliminary background screening for any candidates to be interviewed; 14. Assist the Screening Committee in vetting and interviewing of candidates, including development of questions, essays, and scenarios, and handling of all scheduling and logistics. Interviews may include initial virtual screenings, but strong preference for semi-final interviews to be in person; 15. Assist the Select Board, collectively and individually, as well as any resident or staff panel, in preparing for interviews in executive session and in open session under the Massachusetts Open Meeting law as appropriate; 16. Conduct a full reference and background check (including social media) of the finalists prior to any interview by the Select Board; 17. Organize and moderate a public "meet and greet" session for the finalists; 18. Assist in negotiating and drafting of employment agreement and terms and conditions with the finalist, generally assist in hiring process up to and including acceptance of an Employment Agreement by the selected candidate as requested by Select Board and/or Town's Human Resources department; 19. Make every effort to successfully complete the requirements of this Contract within 16 weeks from the date of the signed contract; 20. Conduct other related tasks as may be requested by the Select Board. TIMELINE: In -person interviews of consultants for this project are tentatively scheduled for Monday, April 29, 2024 at 9 a.m. The Town intends to offer interviews to no more than the top three ranked consultants meeting the minimum qualifications as set forth in this RFQ, as determined by the Select Board. Proposed dates to develop ideal candidate profile (tentative). The Select Board understands that this is an aggressive schedule and may need to be flexible in meeting dates. • May 6-7: Consultant meets individually with Select Board Members and Executive Clerk May 8-17: Consultant meets for community input with: o Screening Committee (also to discuss roles and meeting timeline) o Senior Management Team o boards/committees o employees o interested community members May 20: Consultants meets with Select Board to review profile of ideal candidate The Town desires that the consultant make every effort to bring this process to completion within 16 weeks from the signed contract for services but recognizes that scheduling of various meetings may extend this timeline. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS/QUALIFICATIONS Consultants shall have been in the business of providing recruitment services for a minimum of (3) three years. The Lead consultant shall have successfully completed a similar process presenting a diverse pool of candidate applicants in a similar timeframe for the selection of at least (3) three similar positions such as Town Manager or Town Administrator for comparable communities within the past thirty-six months. Consultant shall provide diversity profile of applicants for each such position and timeline of completed process FEE The proposed fee for this project should be included as part of the quote response and will be negotiated upon selection and agreed upon workplan. The fee will include all expenses, direct and indirect, for this project. All proposals shall belong to the Town of Lexington. The successful applicant shall agree to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws in its performance of its contract with the Town of Lexington. M�� TOWN OF LEXINGTON TAX COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION Pursuant to M.G.L. c.62C, §49A, I certify under the penalties of perjury that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the below named business is in compliance with all laws of the Commonwealth relating to taxes, reporting of employees and contractors, and withholding and remitting child support. (Date) (Signature of individual submitting bid or proposal) (Printed name of person signing bid or proposal) (Name of business) (Business address) (Business phone number) MUST BE COMPLETED AND INCLUDED WITH SUBMISSION 10 IIII i g e TOWN OF LEXINGTON CERTIFICATE OF CORPORATE AUTHORITY The principal, officer or person to sign below pledges under penalties of perjury, that he or she has been designated by the owner(s) or the Board of Directors of the below named firm as an authorized representative. (Date) (Signature of individual submitting bid or proposal) (Printed name and title of person signing bid or proposal) (Name of business) (Business address) (Business phone number) MUST BE COMPLETED AND INCLUDED WITH SUBMISSION 11 IIII i g e TOWN OF LEXINGTON NON -COLLUSION STATEMENT CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION IN BID/PROPOSAL TO BE ATTACHED TO CONTRACT Any person submitting a Bid or Proposal for the procurement or disposal of supplies and services to any governmental body shall certify in writing, on the Bid or Proposal, as follows: "The undersigned certifies under penalties of perjury that this Bid or Proposal has been made and submitted in good faith and without collusion or fraud with any other person. As used in this certification, the word "person" shall mean any natural person, business, partnership, corporation, union, committee, club, or other organization, entity or group of individuals." (Date) (Signature of person signing bid or proposal) (Printed name of person signing bid or proposal) (Title) (Name of Business) (Business address) (Business Phone Number) MUST BE COMPLETED AND INCLUDED WITH SUBMISSION 12 IIII i g e SIGNATURE PAGE The applicant hereby certifies that: 1. The applicant has not given, offered, or agreed to give any gift, contribution, or offer of employment as an inducement for, or in connection with, the award of contract for these services. 2. No consultant to, or subcontractor for the applicant has given, offered, or agreed to give any gift, contribution or offer of employment to the applicant, or to any other person, corporation, or entity as an inducement for, or in connection with, the award to the consultant or subcontractor of a contract by the applicant. 3. That no person, corporation, or, other entity other than a bona fide full-time employee of the applicant has been retained or hired to solicit for, or in any way assist the applicant in obtaining the contract for services upon an agreement or understanding that such person, corporation, or entity be paid a fee or other compensation contingent upon the award of the contract to the applicant. I hereby attest with full knowledge of the penalties for perjury, as in accordance with Massachusetts G.L. C.7, S.38E that all information provided in this application for services is correct. Firm Signee (written) Signee (typed/printed) Title Date MUST BE COMPLETED AND INCLUDED WITH SUBMISSION 13 IIII i g e ATTACHMENT BOARD OF SELECTMEN -TOWN MANAGER ACT 14 IIII i g e SPECIAL ACTS A201 Chapter A201 SPECIAL ACTS This chapter contains the text of the following acts: A. Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America: Public Law 89-335, An Act to provide that the flag of the United States of America may be flown for twenty-four hours of each day in Lexington, Massachusetts B. Enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts: Chapter 107, Acts of 1910, An Act To Authorize the Town of Lexington To Borrow Money To Repay or Reimburse Its Trust Funds and To Provide for the Custody and Management of Its Trust Property Chapter 147, Acts of 1914, An Act to Authorize the Park Commissioners of Lexington to Lease a Part of Buckman Tavern Park to the Lexington Historical Society Chapter 215, Acts of 1929, An Act to Establish in the Town of Lexington Representative Town Government by Limited Town Meetings Chapter 777, Acts of 1965, An Act Establishing the Office of Comptroller in the Town of Lexington Chapter 753, Acts of 1968, An Act Establishing the Selectmen -Town Manager Form of Government in the Town of Lexington Chapter 447, Acts of 1956, An Act Establishing an Historic Districts Commission for the Town of Lexington and Defining its Powers and Duties, and Establishing Historic Districts in the Town of Lexington Chapter 374, Acts of 1982, An Act Authorizing the Town of Lexington to Sell and Convey Certain Buildings and to Lease a Certain Parcel of Park Land in Said Town Chapter 521, Acts of 1983, An Act Establishing a Nonprofit Housing Corporation for the Town of Lexington Chapter 558, Acts of 1985, An Act Authorizing the Chief of Police of the Town of Lexington to Hear Complaints Relating to Dogs Chapter 412, Acts of 2000, An Act Relative to the Conservation Commission of the Town of Lexington A201:1 Publication, Aug 2021 LEXINGTON CODE Chapter 424, Acts of 2000, An Act Relative to Utility Lines in the Town of Lexington Chapter 317, Acts of 2002, An Act Authorizing the Town of Lexington to Establish a Post Retirement Insurance Liability Fund Chapter 7, Acts of 2004, An Act Authorizing a Ballot Question in the Town of Lexington Relative to the Granting of Certain Alcoholic Beverage Licenses Chapter 345, Acts of 2006, An Act Designating in the Towns of Arlington, Lexington, Lincoln and Concord a Scenic Byway To Be Known as the Battle Road: the Road to Revolutions Chapter 190, Acts of 2008, An Act Relative to Real Property Tax Deferrals in the Town of Lexington Chapter 202, Acts of 2008, An Act Authorizing the Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintenance to Transfer Control of a Certain Parcel of Land in the Town of Lexington Chapter 203, Acts of 2009, An Act Authorizing the Abatement of Certain Property Tax Assessments in the Town of Lexington A201:2 Publication, Aug 2021 SPECIAL ACTS Public Law 89-335 AN ACT To provide that the flag of the United States of America may be flown for twenty-four hours of each day in Lexington, Massachusetts. Be it reacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled, That, notwithstanding any rule or custom pertaining to the display of the flag of the United States of America as set forth in the joint resolution entitled "Joint resolution to codify and emphasize existing rules and customs pertaining to the display and use of the flag of the United States of America", approved June 22, 1942 (36 U.S.C. 171-17 8), the flag of the United States of America may be flown for twenty-four hours of each day on the green of the town of Lexington, Massachusetts. The flag may not be flown pursuant to the authority contained in this Act during the hours from sunset to sunrise unless it is illuminated. Approved November 8, 1965. A201:3 Publication, Aug 2021 SPECIAL ACTS CHAPTER 107 OF THE ACTS OF 1910 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON TO BORROW MONEY TO REPAY OR REIMBURSE ITS TRUST FUNDS AND TO PROVIDE FOR THE CUSTODY AND MANAGEMENT OF ITS TRUST PROPERTY. SECTION 1. The town of Lexington, for the purpose of repaying or reimbursing certain trust funds received by said town and subsequently paid out and expended by it for the general expenses of the town, is hereby authorized to borrow a sum not exceeding thirty-five thousand dollars and to issue notes or bonds therefore, payable at periods not exceeding twenty-five years from the date of issue; such notes or bonds shall be signed by the treasurer and countersigned by the selectmen, shall bear interest, payable semiannually, at a rate not exceeding four and one half per cent per annum and shall be sold or disposed of in such manner, or upon such terms, as the treasurer and selectmen may determine. At the time of issuing said notes or bonds the town shall provide for the payment thereof in such annual payments as will extinguish the debt within the time prescribed in this act, and when a vote to that effect has been passed, the amount required thereby shall be raised annually by taxation in the same manner in which the other taxes are raised, without any further vote or action of the town. SECTION 2. The town may at its next annual meeting, or at a special meeting duly called for the purpose, elect by ballot in the same manner as other town officers are elected a board of three citizens who shall serve without compensation and who shall be called Trustees of Public Trusts, one of whom shall serve until the annual meeting in the year nineteen hundred and twelve, one until the annual meeting in the year nineteen hundred and fourteen, and one until the annual meeting in the year nineteen hundred and sixteen, and at the annual meeting in the year nineteen hundred and twelve and biennially thereafter the town shall elect one trustee for the term of six years and until his successor is elected and qualified. SECTION 3. Unless it shall be otherwise provided or determined by vote of the town or by the terms of the instrument creating the trust, said board shall take, hold, manage, invest, reinvest, administer and dispense all the estates and properties, real and personal, and the proceeds thereof, which have already been and which may hereafter be devised, bequeathed or otherwise given to or conferred upon said town of Lexington for public or charitable objects, including the trust funds referred to in section one, and also any properties devised, bequeathed or otherwise conferred upon said board for the benefit of said town or any public or charitable objects therein. Said board may invest and reinvest all of said estates and properties, real and personal, and the proceeds thereof, in such other estates and securities, real and personal, as it may deem safe and proper, having always in mind the security of the principal sums of said trusts. SECTION 4. A vacancy in said board shall be created by the death, the removal for cause by the supreme judicial court, the removal of his legal residence from said town, or the resignation in writing delivered to the selectmen of any member of the board, and any vacancy shall be filled by the election of a new member by ballot for the remainder of the term so vacated at a meeting of the voters duly called for the purpose. SECTION 5. Said board shall take, hold and manage all sums of money deposited with the treasurer of said town for the care and preservation of cemetery lots under the provisions of the A201:5 Publication, Aug 2021 LEXINGTON CODE laws of the commonwealth, and may invest the same in the Lexington Savings Bank or other savings banks in this commonwealth in separate accounts with each deposit and shall pay over from the income thereof to the proper persons the sums necessary to carry out the purposes of said deposits. SECTION 6. Said board shall do all acts necessary or proper to be done for the purpose of carrying into effect the provisions of this act and shall annually make a full report to said town of the amounts and investments of all property and deposits held by them hereunder and of their doings in relation thereto. SECTION 7. Nothing in this act contained shall be construed as restricting, enlarging or in any way changing the terms of the bequests or donations under which said estates are devised or given. SECTION 8. This act shall take effect upon its acceptance by said town at a legal meeting duly called for the purpose. Approved February 21, 1910 Adopted April 12, 1910 - Article 2 A201:6 Publication, Aug 2021 SPECIAL ACTS CHAPTER 147, ACTS OF 1914 AN ACT TO AUTHORIZE THE PARK COMMISSIONERS OF LEXINGTON TO LEASE A PART OF BUCKMAN TAVERN PARK TO THE LEXINGTON HISTORICAL SOCIETY SECTION 1. The park commissioners of the town of Lexington are hereby authorized to lease to the Lexington Historical Society, for the uses and purposes for which the society is incorporated, the building known as the Buckman Tavern and such part of Buckman Park in which the building stands as may be required for its proper maintenance, for such time and on such terms and conditions as the commissioners deem expedient but in accordance with the votes of the town relating thereto, passed May fifteenth, in the year nineteen hundred and thirteen. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved March 11, 1914. A201:7 Publication, Aug 2021 SPECIAL ACTS CHAPTER 215, ACTS OF 1929 AN ACT TO ESTABLISH IN THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON REPRESENTATIVE TOWN GOVERNMENT BY LIMITED TOWN MEETINGS (As amended by Ch. 381, Acts of 1954; Ch. 442, Acts of 1956; Ch. 18, Acts of 1959; Ch. 179, Acts of 1978; Ch. 132, Acts of 1989; and Ch. 158, Acts of 1992; Ch. 101, Acts of 2008; Ch. 108, Acts of 2008; Ch. 117, Acts of 2019; and Ch. 3, Acts of 2020) Section 1. Upon the acceptance of this act by the town of Lexington as hereinafter provided, the select board shall forthwith divide the territory thereof into not less than nine nor more than twelve voting precincts, each of which shall be plainly designated, and shall consist of as nearly equal population as is possible. (Amended by Chapter 3 of the Acts of 2020) The precincts shall be so established as to consist of compact and contiguous territory, to be bounded, as far as possible, by the centerline of known streets and ways or by other well defined limits. Their boundaries shall be reviewed and, if need be, wholly or partly revised or the number of precincts changed within the aforesaid limits by the selectmen in December, once in five years, or in December of any year when so directed by a vote of a representative town meeting not later than November thirtieth of that year. The select board shall, within twenty days after any establishment or revision of the precincts, but not later than January twentieth of the succeeding year, file a report of their doings with the town clerk, the registrars of voters and the assessors with a map or maps or description of the precincts and the names and residences of the registered voters therein. The select board shall also cause to be posted at the town hall a map or maps or description of the precincts as established or revised from time to time, with the names and residences of the registered voters therein. They shall also cause to be posted in at least one public place in each precinct a map or description of that precinct with the names and residences of the registered voters therein. The division of the town into voting precincts and any revision of such precincts shall take effect upon the date of the filing of the report thereof by the select board with the town clerk. Whenever the precincts are established or revised, the town clerk shall forthwith give written notice thereof to the state secretary, stating the number and designation of the precincts. Meetings of the registered voters of the several precincts for elections, for primaries, and for voting upon any question to be submitted to all the voters of the town, shall be held on the same day and at the same hour and at such place or places within the town as may from time to time be determined by vote at a representative town meeting under an appropriate article in the warrant therefor, or, in default of such determination, as the select board shall in the warrants for such meetings direct. The provisions of the general laws, relating to precinct voting at elections, so far as the same are not inconsistent with this act, shall apply to all elections and primaries in the town upon the establishment of voting precincts as herein before provided. (Amended by Chapter 3 of the Acts of 2020) Section 2. Other than the officers designated in section three as town meeting members at large, the representative town meeting membership shall in each precinct consist of the largest number divisible by three which will admit of a representation of all precincts by an equal A201:9 Publication, Aug 2021 LEXINGTON CODE number of members and which will not cause the total elected town meeting membership to exceed two hundred and four. The registered voters in every precinct shall, at the first annual town election held after the establishment thereof; or at a special town election held prior to such annual town election and at the first annual town election following any precinct revision where the number of precincts is changed, conformably to the laws relative to elections not inconsistent with this act, elect by ballot the number of registered voters in the precinct, other than the officers designated in section three as town meeting members at large, provided for in the first sentence of this section, to be town meeting members of the town. The first third in order of votes received of members so elected shall serve three years, the second third in such order shall serve two years, and the remaining third in such order shall serve one year, from the day of the annual town meeting, if elected at such election, and, if elected at a special town election, shall also serve from the date of such special town election to and including the day of the next following annual town meeting; in case of a tie vote affecting the division into thirds as aforesaid the members elected from the precinct shall by ballot determine the same; and thereafter, except as is otherwise provided herein, at each annual town election the registered voters of each precinct shall, in like manner, elect one third of the number of town meeting members to which that precinct is entitled for the term of three years, and shall at such election fill for the unexpired term or terms any vacancy or vacancies then existing in the number of town meeting members in their respective precincts. Such vacancy or vacancies shall be filled, in the order of votes received at each annual town election, from among those candidates in their respective precincts who fail of election to a term of three years, and in the case of a tie vote affecting the division between those elected for three year or other terms and those elected for shorter terms, the members elected from the precinct shall by ballot determine the same. Meetings of members elected from the precinct shall, for the purpose of determining such ties, be called and held as set forth in section seven. Upon every revision of the precincts where the number of precincts is changed, the terms of office of all town meeting members from every precinct shall cease upon the election of their successors. The town clerk shall, after every election of town meeting members, forthwith notify each member by mail of his election. Section 3. Any representative town meeting held under the provisions of this act, except as otherwise provided herein, shall be limited to the voters elected under section two, together with the following designated as town meeting members at large; namely, any member of the general court of the commonwealth from the town, the moderator, the town clerk, the members of the select board and board of public works, the town treasurer, the town counsel, the chairman of the school committee, and chairs of the appropriation and capital expenditures committees. (Amended by Chapter 101 of the Acts of 2008; Chapter 117 of the Acts of 2019; Chapter 3 of the Acts of 2020) The town meeting members, as aforesaid, shall be the judges of the election and qualifications of their members. One hundred town meeting members shall constitute a quorum for doing business; but a less number may organize temporarily and may adjourn from time to time. All town meetings shall be public; and, subject to such conditions as may be determined from time to time by the representative town meeting, any voter of the town who is not a town meeting member may speak at any representative town meeting, but he shall not vote. A town meeting member may resign by filing a written resignation with the town clerk, and such resignation shall take effect upon the date of such filing. No elected member whose official position entitles him to be a member at large shall act as a member at large during such time as he remains an A201:10 Publication, Aug 2021 SPECIAL ACTS elected member. A town meeting member who removes from the town shall cease to be a town meeting member and an elected town meeting member who removes from one precinct to another or is so removed by a revision of precincts shall not retain membership after the next annual election as an elected member from the precinct from which he has or is removed. The town meeting members as such shall receive no compensation. Section 4. Nomination of candidates for town meeting members to be elected under this act shall be made by nomination papers signed by not less than ten voters of the precinct in which the candidate resides, and filed with the town clerk within such periods of time as may be provided for by law; provided, that any town meeting member may become a candidate for re- election by giving written notice thereof to the town clerk within such periods of time as may be provided for by law. No nomination papers shall be valid in respect to any candidate whose written acceptance is not thereon or attached thereto when filed. Section 5. The articles in the warrant for every town meeting, so far as they relate to the election of the moderator, town officers, town meeting members, and as herein before provided, to referenda and all matters to be acted upon and determined by ballot shall be acted upon and determined by the voters in the respective meetings by precinct. All other articles in the warrant for any town meeting, beginning with the town meeting at which said town meeting members are first elected, shall be acted upon and determined exclusively by town meeting members at a meeting to be held at such time and place as shall be set forth by the select board in the warrant for the meeting, subject to the referendum provided for by section eight. (Amended by Chapter 3 of the Acts of 2020) Section 6. A moderator shall be elected by ballot at each annual town meeting and shall serve as moderator of all town meetings, except as otherwise provided by law, until a successor is elected and qualified. Nominations for and election of a moderator shall be as in the case of other elective town officers, and any vacancy in the office may be filled by the town meeting members at a meeting held for that purpose. If a moderator is absent a moderator pro tempore may be elected by the town meeting members. Section 7. Any vacancy in the full number of town meeting members from any precinct, whether arising from a failure of the registered voters thereof to elect, or from any other cause, shall be filled until the next annual election by the selection by the town clerk of the person who received the highest number of votes as a defeated candidate for the office of town meeting member in the preceding election in the precinct where the vacancy occurs and the town clerk shall promptly notify such person of his election as a town meeting member. If for any reason such person cannot or does not accept such office, the next highest in recorded vote of the defeated candidates in that precinct shall be similarly selected. In the event of a tie vote of those who received the highest votes as such defeated candidates, or in the event there is no such defeated candidate available, the town clerk shall call a special meeting of the town meeting members from the precinct where the vacancy occurs for the purpose of so filling the vacancy from among those having the tie votes or, if no tie vote is involved, from among the registered voters of the precinct and shall cause to be mailed to every such town meeting A201:11 Publication, Aug 2021 LEXINGTON CODE member, not less than seven days before the time set for the meeting, a notice specifying the object, time and place of the meeting. At the said meeting a majority of the members from such precinct shall constitute a quorum, and they shall elect from their own number a chairman and a clerk. The choice to fill any vacancy shall be by written ballot and a majority of the votes cast shall be required for a choice. The chairman and clerk shall count the ballots and shall make a certificate of the choice and forthwith file the same with the town clerk, together with a written acceptance by the member or members so chosen who shall thereupon be deemed elected and qualified a town meeting member or members, subject to the right of all the town meeting members to judge of the election and qualifications of the members as set forth in section three. Section 8. A vote passed at any representative town meeting authorizing the expenditure of twenty thousand dollars or more as a special appropriation, or establishing a new board or office or abolishing an old board or office or merging two or more boards or offices, or fixing the term of office of town officers, where such term is optional, or increasing or reducing the number of members of a board, or adopting a new by-law, or amending an existing by-law, shall not be operative until after the expiration of five days, exclusive of Sundays and holidays, from the dissolution of the meeting. If, within said five days, a petition signed by not less than 3 per cent of the registered voters of the town, containing their names and addresses as they appear on the list of registered voters, is filed with the select board requesting that the question or questions involved in any such vote which has not become operative as aforesaid be submitted to the voters of the town at large, then the operation of such votes shall be further suspended pending its determination as hereinafter provided, and the select board, within 10 days after the filing of the petition, shall forthwith call a special meeting for the purpose of presenting to the voters at large the question or questions so involved. All votes upon any questions so submitted shall be taken by ballot, and the check list shall be used in the several precinct meetings in the same manner as in the election of town officers. The questions so submitted shall be determined by a majority vote of the registered voters of the town voting thereon, but no action of the representative town meeting shall be reversed unless at least twenty per cent of the registered voters shall vote to reverse the action. Each question so submitted shall be in the form of the following question, which shall be placed upon the official ballot: -"Shall the town vote to approve the action of the representative town meeting whereby it was voted (brief description of the substance of the vote)?" If such petition is not filed within the said period of five days, the vote of the representative town meeting shall become operative upon the expiration of the said period. (Amended by Chapter 108 of the Acts of 2008; Chapter 3 of the Acts of 2020) Section 9. The town of Lexington after the acceptance of this act and the first election of town meeting members thereunder, shall have the capacity to act through and be bound by its said town meeting members who shall, when convened from time to time as herein provided, constitute representative town meetings; and the representative town meeting shall exercise exclusively, so far as will conform to the provisions of this act, all powers vested in the municipal corporation. Action in conformity with all provisions of law now or hereafter applicable to the transaction of town affairs in town meetings shall, when taken by any representative town meeting in accordance with the provisions of this act, have the same force and effect as if such action had been taken in a town meeting open to all the voters of the town as heretofore organized and conducted. A201:12 Publication, Aug 2021 SPECIAL ACTS Section 10. This act shall not abridge the right of the inhabitants of Lexington to hold general meetings, as that right is secured to them by the constitution of this commonwealth; nor shall this act confer upon any representative town meeting in Lexington the power finally to commit the town to any measure affecting its municipal existence or changing its government, without action thereon by the voters of the town at large, using the ballot and the check list therefor. Section 11. This act shall be submitted to the registered voters of the town of Lexington for acceptance at any annual or special town meeting. The vote shall be taken by ballot in precincts in accordance with the provisions of the general laws, so far as the same shall be applicable, in answer to the question, which shall be placed upon the official ballot to be used for the election of town officers: "Shall an act passed by the general court in the year nineteen hundred and twenty-nine, entitled 'An Act to establish in the town of Lexington representative town government by limited town meetings' be accepted by this town?" Section 12. So much of this act as authorizes its submission to the registered voters of the town shall take effect upon its passage, and the remainder shall take effect upon its acceptance by a majority of the voters voting thereon. Section 13. If this act is rejected by the registered voters of the town of Lexington when submitted to said voters under section eleven it may be submitted for acceptance in like manner from time to time to such voters at any annual or special meeting in said town within three years thereafter. Approved April 11, 1929 Ch. 215, Acts of 1929, adopted by town - November 4, 1929 Ch. 3 81, Acts of 1954, adopted by town - March 7, 1955 Ch. 442, Acts of 1956, adopted by town - March 4, 1957 Ch. 18, Acts of 1959, adopted by town - March 2, 1959 Ch. 179, Acts of 1978, effective upon passage - May 22, 1978 Ch. 132, Acts of 1989, effective upon passage - June 13, 1989 Ch. 158, Acts of 1992, effective upon passage - August 12, 1992 Ch. 101, Acts of 2008, effective upon passage - May 13, 2008 Ch. 108, Acts of 2008, effective upon passage - May 14, 2008 Ch. 117, Acts of 2019, effective upon passage - November 21, 2019 Ch. 3, Acts of 2020, effective upon passage - January 14, 2020 A201:13 Publication, Aug 2021 SPECIAL ACTS CHAPTER 777, ACTS OF 1965 AN ACT ESTABLISHING THE OFFICE OF COMPTROLLER IN THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON SECTION 1. There shall be in the town of Lexington a comptroller to be appointed by the selectmen. The comptroller shall be a citizen of the United States and shall have had at least three years' full-time accounting experience. He shall be subject to the supervision and control of the selectmen and shall devote his entire time to the performance of his duties and the supervision of the employees of his department. He shall be appointed for a term to run for three years from the first day of April following the acceptance of this act and until the qualification of his successor; thereafter the comptroller shall be appointed in March of every third year for a three-year term from the first day of the following April. He may be removed by the selectmen for cause and the vacancy filled by appointment for the remainder of the unexpired term. SECTION 2. The comptroller shall have, in addition to the powers and duties conferred and imposed upon town accountants, the following powers and duties: (a) He shall prescribe the methods of installation and exercise supervision of all accounting records of the several officers, boards, departments, committees and commissions of the town; provided, however, that any change in the system of accounts shall first be discussed with the selectmen and the officers, boards, departments, committees and commissions affected. (b) He shall establish standard practices relating to all accounting matters and procedures and the co-ordination of systems throughout the town, including clerical and office methods, records, reports and procedures as they relate to accounting matters and shall prepare and issue rules, regulations and instructions relating thereto, which, when approved by the selectmen, shall be binding upon all officers, employees and departments of the town. (c) He shall draw all warrants upon the treasurer for the payment of bills, drafts and orders chargeable to the several appropriations and other accounts. (d) Prior to submitting any warrant to the selectmen, he shall examine and approve as not being fraudulent, unlawful or excessive, all bills, drafts and orders covered thereby; and, in connection with any such examination, he may make inspection as to the quality, quantity and condition of any materials, supplies or equipment delivered to or received by any officer, board or commission of the town, and may investigate the services or labor performed for or furnished to any such officer, board or commission. If upon examination it appears to the comptroller that any such bill, draft or order is fraudulent, unlawful or excessive, he shall immediately file with the selectmen and town treasurer a written report of the reasons for his findings. (e) He shall be in charge of all of the accounting and business machines owned by the town, other than machines used for educational or classroom purposes, and shall allocate the use thereof among the several departments. A201:15 Publication, Aug 2021 LEXINGTON CODE (f) He shall be responsible for a continuous audit of all accounts and records of the town wherever located. SECTION 3. If the comptroller is unable to perform his duties because of disability or absence, or if the office is vacant because of resignation or death, the selectmen may appoint a temporary comptroller to hold such office and exercise the powers and perform the duties thereof until the comptroller who was disabled or absent resumes his duties or until another comptroller is duly appointed. Said temporary appointment shall be in writing signed by a majority of the selectmen and shall be filed in the office of the town clerk. SECTION 4. The comptroller, with the approval of a majority of the selectmen, may appoint in writing an assistant. Unless a temporary comptroller is appointed, the assistant may, in the absence of the comptroller, perform the duties of the comptroller and when performing such duties shall have the same powers and be subject to the same requirements and penalties as the comptroller. SECTION 5. Upon the qualification of the comptroller first appointed hereunder, the town accountant shall cease to serve as such and the office of town accountant shall thereupon be abolished. SECTION 6. Nothing in this act or any action taken hereunder shall contravene the provisions of any statute or any rules or regulations issued thereunder. SECTION 7. This act shall take effect upon its acceptance by the town of Lexington within two years after the passage of this act. Approved November 30, 1965. A201:16 Publication, Aug 2021 SPECIAL ACTS CHAPTER 753 OF THE ACTS OF 1968 AN ACT ESTABLISHING THE SELECTMEN -TOWN MANAGER FORM OF GOVERNMENT IN THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON (As amended by Chapter 284 of the Acts of 1976; Chapter 120 of the Acts of 1985; Chapter 117 of the Acts of 2019; and Ch. 3 of the Acts of 2020) Section 1. Elected Officials Following the acceptance of this act, the registered voters of the town of Lexington shall, in accordance with any applicable laws, by-laws and votes of the town, continue to elect the following: (a) town meeting members, (b) moderator, (c) select board, (d) school committee, (e) Lexington housing authority, and (f) planning board. The acceptance of this act shall not affect the term of office of any such elected official or elected member of such board, committee or authority. Every other elective office, board, committee or commission of the town shall be terminated or shall become appointive as hereinafter provided, any other provision of law to the contrary notwithstanding. The term of office of any person elected to any office, board, committee or commission of the town, existing at the time of such acceptance and terminated hereunder, shall continue until the first annual town election following the acceptance of this act, and thereafter the said offices, boards, committees and commissions shall be abolished, and all powers, duties and obligations conferred or imposed thereon by law, except as provided by this act, shall be conferred and imposed upon the select board or the town manager to the extent hereinafter provided. The term of office of any person elected to any office, board, committee or commission, existing as an elected office at the time of the acceptance of this act and having become appointive hereunder, shall continue until the term for which that person was elected shall have expired, and until the appointment and qualification of his successor. When a vacancy or vacancies occur in the membership of the school committee or the select board, the select board or the remaining members of the select board shall call a special town election to fill the vacancy or vacancies for the unexpired term or terms, except that if such vacancy or vacancies occur less than one hundred days prior to the annual election and not less than three members of such committee or board remain in office, the vacancy or vacancies shall remain unfilled until such annual election. A201:17 Publication, Aug 2021 LEXINGTON CODE The powers, duties and responsibilities of elected officials shall be as now or hereafter provided by applicable provisions of general laws, special acts, by-laws, and votes of the town, except as otherwise expressly provided herein. Notwithstanding the election by the voters of the town of the officers named in this section, such officers shall be available to the manager for consultation, conference and discussion on matters relating to their respective offices. (Amended by Chapter 3 of the Acts of 2020) Section 2. Appointed Officials (a) The select board shall appoint and may remove a town manager as hereinafter provided. (b) The select board shall appoint a board of appeals, a town comptroller, a town counsel, the trustees of public trusts, the town celebrations committee, the historic districts commission in accordance with chapter four hundred and forty-seven of the acts of nineteen hundred and fifty-six, the fence viewers, election officers, registrars of voters other than the town clerk and such other offices, boards, and committees as they shall hereafter be directed to appoint by by-law or vote of the town. (c) The moderator shall appoint the appropriation committee, the capital expenditures committee and such boards, committees and officers as he may now or hereafter be directed to appoint by any applicable law, by-law or vote of the town. (Amended by Chapter 117 of the Acts of 2019) (d) The town manager shall appoint, subject to the approval of the select board: 1. a board of health, 2. a conservation commission, and 3. a recreation committee. (e) The town manager shall appoint a town clerk, a town treasurer, a tax collector, a permanent building committee, a board of assessors, constables, a chief of police, a fire chief, a director of civil defense, a planning director, with the approval of the planning board, a director of public works, a building commissioner, a cemetery superintendent and, except as provided in subparagraphs (a), (b), (c) and (d), all other officers, boards, committees, commissions and employees of the town with the exception of the elected officials specified in section one and secretarial assistants to the select board, employees of the school department and the housing authority and professional and semiprofessional employees of the library. (f) Any person so appointed under subparagraph (b), (d) and (e) who is not subject to the provisions of chapter thirty-one of the General Laws may be removed by the A201:18 Publication, Aug 2021 SPECIAL ACTS appointing authority for cause on five days notice in writing setting forth the cause of such removal; provided, however, that no removal shall be made of officers listed in subparagraph (d), except with the approval of the select board. (g) The retirement board as constituted by chapter thirty-two of the General Laws, and the membership of the board of library trustees shall not be affected by the acceptance of this act. The powers and responsibilities of the Trustees of Public Trusts, as prescribed by chapter one hundred and seven of the acts of nineteen hundred and ten, shall not be changed by acceptance of this act. (h) Any vacancy occurring in any of the offices, boards, committees or commissions referred to in this section shall be filled for the balance of the unexpired term or for a new term as the case may be by the original appointing authority. (Amended by Chapter 3 of the Acts of 2020) Section 3. Memberships, Terms, Powers, Duties and Responsibilities The number of members of boards, committees and commissions appointed as provided in the preceding section, the length of the term of each member thereof and of officials and employees so appointed, and the powers, duties and responsibilities of the same shall be as now or hereafter provided by any applicable law, by-law or vote of the town except as herein otherwise provided. The board of fire commissioners shall be abolished, and its powers, duties and responsibilities shall be assumed by and devolve upon the fire chief, except those which are herein conferred upon the town manager. The board of cemetery commissioners shall likewise be abolished, and its powers, duties and responsibilities shall be assumed by and devolve upon the cemetery superintendent except those which are herein conferred upon the town manager. Upon appointment and qualification of the various officials as provided in section two, the term of office and all powers and duties of each person theretofore holding such office shall cease and be terminated, except that the terms of office of such persons who continue shall not be interrupted and the powers and duties of the board abolished herein shall be conferred and imposed upon the town manager to the extent hereinafter provided. Officers, boards, committees and commissions appointed by the town manager shall possess all the powers and rights and shall be subj ect to all the duties and liabilities specifically conferred or imposed by any applicable provision of law upon them or upon officers, boards, committees or commissioners having corresponding powers and duties. Section 4. Multiple Offices No member of the appropriation committee, other than the town comptroller, and no member of the capital expenditures committee shall be a town officer or a town employee, other than town meeting member, nor shall he serve on any other board, committee or commission of the town or any subcommittee appointed by any other town official, board, committee or commission, except that he may serve on the joint school committee -teachers' salary advisory committee or special committees which may be created from time to time by vote of the town meeting when such vote expressly authorizes him to so serve. A201:19 Publication, Aug 2021 LEXINGTON CODE In case of vacancy, absence or disability affecting any office which he is authorized to fill by appointment, the town manager may with the approval of the select board, but without additional compensation therefor, assume the powers, duties and responsibilities of such offices, such assumption to be evidenced by and effective upon the filing with the town clerk of a written declaration of such assumption signed by the town manager, except that he shall not appoint himself as a member of any board, commission or committee. (Amended by Chapter 3 of the Acts of 2020) Section 5. Appointment of a Town Manager The select board shall appoint, as soon as practicable, for a term not to exceed three years, a town manager, who shall be a professionally qualified person of proven ability who has had substantial involvement with municipal government and is appropriately fitted by education, training, and by previous full-time paid experience in a responsible administrative position to perform the duties of the office. Upon expiration of such term, or upon the resignation or removal of the town manager or in the event of any vacancy in the office of town manager, the select board, as soon as practicable but, in any event, not later than nine months after the expiration of said term or effective date of resignation or removal or the occurrence of a vacancy, whichever is earlier, shall appoint a successor with the above specified qualifications. The town manager shall be appointed without regard to his party or political designation. He shall be a citizen of the United States of America. No person holding elective office in the town with the exception of town meeting members shall, within three years of holding such office, be eligible for appointment as town manager. The town manager shall not hold any elective office nor engage in any other business or occupation during his term except for part-time consultative or teaching duties, directly related to the profession of municipal management and with the specific consent of the select board. The town manager may be appointed for successive terms of office. Before entering upon the duties of his office, he shall be sworn in the presence of a majority of the select board, to the faithful and impartial performance thereof by the town clerk or a notary public. He shall execute a bond in favor of the town for the faithful performance of his duties in such sum and with such sureties as may be fixed or approved by the select board, the cost for which shall be borne by the town. (Amended by Chapter 3 of the Acts of 2020) Section 6. Acting Manager The town manager may designate, subject to the approval of the select board, by letter filed with the town clerk, a suitable person to perform his duties during his temporary absence or disability. If the town manager fails to make such appointment or the person so appointed fails to serve, the select board may appoint a suitable person to perform such duties. In the event of any vacancy in the office of town manager or the suspension of the town manager the select board shall, within seven days, appoint an acting manager to perform such duties. (Amended by Chapter 3 of the Acts of 2020) Section 7. Removal of the Manager A201:20 Publication, Aug 2021 SPECIAL ACTS The select board may remove the town manager by the affirmative vote of at least a majority of the full membership of the board. At least thirty days before such proposed removal shall become effective, the select board shall file a preliminary resolution with the town clerk setting forth in detail the specific reasons for his proposed removal. The town clerk shall forthwith deliver a copy of such resolution to the town manager or mail the same to him by registered mail at his last known address. The manager may file with the select board, within seven days after receipt of such copy, a written request for a public hearing as to the reasons for his removal. If the manager so requests the select board shall hold a public hearing not earlier than ten days nor later than twenty days after the filing of such request. After such public hearing, if any, otherwise at the expiration of thirty days following the filing of the preliminary resolution, and after full consideration, the select board, by affirmative vote of at least a majority of the full membership of the board, may adopt a final resolution of removal. In the preliminary resolution the select board may suspend the manager from duty, but in any case his salary shall continue to be paid until the expiration of at least one month and not more than three months after the date of the final resolution of removal, as the select board shall deem proper. (Amended by Chapter 3 of the Acts of 2020) Section 8. Compensation of the Manager The town manager shall receive such compensation for services performed by him as the select board shall determine but it shall not exceed the amount appropriated therefor by the town. (Amended by Chapter 3 of the Acts of 2020) Section 9. Powers and Duties of the Manager In addition to other powers and duties provided for in this act, the town manager shall have the following powers and duties: (a) The town manager shall supervise and be responsible for the efficient administration of all boards, committees, commissions and officers appointed by him and their respective departments. The town manager shall not, however, exercise any control over the discretionary power vested by statute in any such board, committee, commission or officer. He shall, in addition, supervise and be responsible for the efficient administration of any agency of the town not subject to his appointment and control, but only at such time and to such extent and for such period as the officials having control of such agency or activity may, with the consent of the select board, determine. (b) The town manager consistent with the provisions of this act and the General Laws, may, with the approval of the select board, reorganize, consolidate or abolish boards, departments, committees, commissions or offices under his supervision, in whole or in part; establish such new boards, departments, committees, commissions or offices as he deems necessary; and for such purpose transfer the duties and powers, and, so far as is consistent with the use for which the funds were voted by the town, transfer the appropriation of one board, department, committee, commission or office to another. A201:21 Publication, Aug 2021 LEXINGTON CODE (c) Subject to any applicable provisions of chapter thirty-one or section one hundred and eight A of chapter forty-one of the General Laws, the town manager shall, with the approval of the select board, formulate personnel practices and standards and shall fix the compensation of all town officers and employees appointed by him, within the limits of the amounts appropriated therefor by the town. (d) The town manager shall have jurisdiction over the rental and use of all town property, except schools and libraries. He shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair of all town property, but not including school buildings and grounds; except that upon request of the school committee he shall be responsible for the maintenance and repair of property under its jurisdiction but only to such extent and for such period as the school committee shall from time to time specify. He shall be responsible for the preparation of plans and the supervision of work on all construction, reconstruction, alterations, improvements and other undertakings authorized by the town unless otherwise assigned by the town meeting to the permanent building committee. Plans for the construction or improvement of school buildings or property shall be subject to the approval of the school committee. (e) The town manager shall be responsible for purchasing all supplies, materials and equipment, and shall award all contracts for all departments and activities of the town under his supervision; and he shall make all purchases for departments and activities not under his supervision but not including food for schools, school books and other instructional materials, supplies and equipment, library books and related printed and audio visual material unless otherwise specifically requested by the school committee or the library trustees and only to such extent and for such period as the school committee or the library trustees shall from time to time specify. Purchases for departments and activities not under his supervision shall be made only upon and in accordance with a requisition duly signed by the head of any such department. (f) The town manager shall be responsible for the implementation of town meeting votes and shall report annually in writing to the town meeting on the status of prior town meeting votes on which implementation is not complete. (g) The town manager shall administer, either directly or through a person or persons appointed by him in accordance with this act, all provisions of general and special laws applicable to said town and by-laws and votes of the town and all rules and regulations made by the select board. Nothing in this act shall be construed to change in any respect the provisions in the General Laws relating to the exercise of the power to take by eminent domain, or to vest such power in the town manager. (h) The town manager shall, with the approval of the select board, have the authority to prosecute, defend or compromise all litigation to which the town is party and to employ special counsel with the approval of the select board to assist the town counsel whenever in his judgment it may be necessary. A201:22 Publication, Aug 2021 SPECIAL ACTS (1) The town manager shall keep the select board fully advised as to the needs of the town and shall recommend to the select board for adoption such measures requiring action by them or by the town as he may deem necessary or expedient. (j) The town manager shall keep the select board and the appropriation committee informed as to the financial condition of the town. (k) The town manager shall have access to all town books and papers for information necessary for the proper performance of his duties, and may, without notice, cause the affairs of any department or activity under his control, or the conduct of any officer or employee thereof, to be examined. (1) The town manager shall keep full and complete records of his office and shall render as often as may be required by the select board a full report of all operations during the period reported on. (m) The town manager shall be accessible and available for consultation to chairmen of boards, committees and commissions of the town, whether appointed or elected, and shall make accessible and available to them all such data and records of his office as may be requested in connection with their official duties. (n) The town manager shall perform such other duties consistent with his office as may be required of him by the by-laws or vote of the town of by the vote of the select board. (Amended by Chapter 3 of the Acts of 2020) Section 10. Approval of Warrants Warrants for the payment of town funds prepared by the town comptroller, in accordance with the provisions of section fifty-six of chapter forty-one of the General Laws, shall be submitted to the town manager. The approval of any such warrant by the town manager, or in his absence the acting town manager, shall be sufficient authority to authorize payment by the town treasurer, but the select board shall approve all warrants in the event of the absence of the town manager or acting town manager, or a vacancy in the office of town manager. (Amended by Chapter 3 of the Acts of 2020) Section 11. Investigation of Claims. Whenever any payroll, bill or other claim against the town is presented to the town manager, he shall, if the same seems to him to be of doubtful validity, excessive in amount, or otherwise contrary to the interests of the town, immediately investigate the facts and report them to the selectmen who shall determine what, if any, payment should be made. Pending such investigation and determination by the select board, payment shall be withheld. (Amended by Chapter 3 of the Acts of 2020) A201:23 Publication, Aug 2021 LEXINGTON CODE Section 12. Estimate of Capital Expenditures All boards, departments, committees, commissions and officers of the town shall annually, at the request of the town manager, submit to him and to the capital expenditures committee in writing a detailed estimate of the capital expenditures as defined by by-law required for the efficient and proper conduct of their respective departments and offices for the next fiscal year and the ensuing four year period. The town manager shall submit in writing to the select board and to the capital expenditures committee a careful, detailed estimate of the recommended capital expenditures for the aforesaid periods, showing specifically the amount necessary to be provided for each office, department and activity and a statement of the amounts required to meet the interest and maturing bonds and notes or other indebtedness of the town. The select board shall consider the capital budget submitted by the town manager and make such recommendations relative thereto as they deem appropriate and proper in the interests of the town. The select board shall transmit a copy of the capital budget together with their recommendations relative thereto to the appropriation committee and to the capital expenditures committee. The calendar dates on or before which the budget, revenue statement and tax rate estimate are to be submitted and transmitted shall be specified by by-law. (Amended by Chapter 3 of the Acts of 2020) Section 13. Estimate of Annual Expenditures All boards, departments, committees, commissions and officers of the town, except the school committee, shall annually, at the request of the town manager, submit to him in writing a detailed estimate of the appropriations required for the efficient and proper conduct of their respective departments and offices during the next fiscal year. The school committee shall submit to the manager, at his request, a total budget estimate for the next fiscal year. The town manager shall submit to each member of the select board in writing an annual budget, which shall contain a careful, detailed estimate of the probable expenditures of the town for the ensuing fiscal year, including a statement of the amounts required to meet the interest and maturing bonds and notes or other indebtedness of the town, and showing specifically the amount necessary to be provided for each office, department and activity, together with a statement of the expenditures for the same purposes in the two preceding years and an estimate of expenditures for the current year. He shall also submit a statement showing all revenues received by the town in the two preceding years, together with an estimate of the receipts of the current year and an estimate of the amount of income from all sources of revenue exclusive of taxes upon property in the ensuing year. He shall also report to the select board the probable amount required to be levied and raised by taxation to defray all of the proposed expenditures and liabilities of the town, together with an estimate of the tax rate necessary therefor. The select board shall consider the proposed budget submitted by the town manager and make such recommendations relative thereto as they deem expedient and proper in the interest of the town. The select board shall transmit a copy of the budget together with their recommendations relative thereto to the appropriation committee and, for its information, a copy to the capital expenditures committee. The calendar dates on or before which the budget, revenue statement and tax rate estimate are to be submitted and transmitted shall be specified by by-law. (Amended by Chapter 3 of the Acts of 2020) A201:24 Publication, Aug 2021 SPECIAL ACTS Section 14. Investigation by the select board. The select board may, by majority vote, undertake an investigation of the affairs of any board, department, committee, commission or official appointed by them or by the town manager, and in so doing they shall have access to all records and other documents which they may deem necessary. For the purpose of making investigations or surveys, the select board or the town manager shall have access to all records and other documents which they may deem necessary, and may expend such sums for the employment of experts, counsel, and other assistants, and for other expenses in connection therewith, as the town may appropriate for such purpose. (Amended by Chapter 3 of the Acts of 2020) Section 15. By-laws, Rules, etc. All laws, by-laws, votes, rules and regulations, whether enacted by authority of the town or any other authority, which are in force in the town of Lexington on the effective date of this act, or any portion or portions thereof, not inconsistent with the provisions of this act, shall continue in full force and effect until otherwise provided by other laws, by-laws, votes, rules and regulations, respectively. All other laws, by-laws, votes, rules and regulations so far as they refer to the town of Lexington, are hereby suspended but such suspension shall not revive any preexisting enactment. Section 16. Contracts No contract existing and no action at law or suit in equity, or other proceeding pending at the time this act is accepted, or at the time of revocation of such acceptance, shall be affected by such acceptance or revocation, except that upon revocation any contract made by the town with the town manager then in office shall be terminated immediately upon such vote. The manager shall receive three months' compensation from the date of such vote. Section 17. Submission of Act and Time of Taking Effect This act shall be submitted for acceptance to the qualified voters of the town of Lexington at the annual town meeting to be held in the year nineteen hundred and sixty-nine in the form of the following question, which shall be placed upon the official ballot to be used for the election of town officers at said meeting: -- "Shall an act passed by the General Court in the year nineteen hundred and sixty-eight, entitled 'An Act establishing a selectmen -town manager form of government in the town of Lexington', be accepted?" If a majority of the votes in answer to said question is in the affirmative, said act shalt take effect immediately for the purpose of the next annual town meeting, and for all things relating thereto, and shall take full effect beginning with said next annual meeting. A201:25 Publication, Aug 2021 LEXINGTON CODE If this act is rejected when first submitted, it shall again be submitted at the annual town meeting in the year nineteen hundred and seventy, and if accepted shall take effect as hereinbefore provided. If this act is again rejected when so submitted for the second time, it shall thereupon become null and void. Section 18. Amendments to This Act This act may be amended by charter amendment procedure under section ten of chapter forty- three B of the General Laws or on petition to the general court approved by a town meeting of the town of Lexington. Section 19. Revocation of Acceptance At any time after the expiration of three years from the date on which this act is accepted, and not less than ninety days before the date of an annual town meeting, a petition signed by not less than ten per cent of the registered voters of the town, may be filed with the select board, requesting that the question of revoking the acceptance of this act be submitted to the voters at the next annual town meeting. Notice thereof shall be published by the select board for at least two consecutive weeks in a newspaper having general circulation in the town, the last publication to be at least thirty days prior to said annual meeting. The select board shall thereupon direct the town clerk to cause the said question to be printed on the official ballot to be used at said meeting in the following form: -- "Shall the acceptance by the town of Lexington of an act passed by the General Court in the year nineteen hundred and sixty-eight, entitled 'An Act establishing a selectmen -town manager form of government in the town of Lexington', be revoked?" If such revocation is favored by a majority of the voters voting thereon, the acceptance of this act shall be revoked and this act shall become null and void beginning with the annual town meeting next following such vote, provided all town officers holding office under this act shall continue to hold office until their successors have been duly qualified. At the first annual town election following such vote of revocation the registered voters of the town shall elect by ballot all elective officers, boards, committees and commissions whose election to office was required immediately prior to the acceptance of this act; provided, however, that the town does not vote to accept other plans which provide for a different arrangement from that existing immediately prior to the acceptance of this act. It shall be the duty of the select board and the town clerk in office and any other town official upon whom by reason of his office a duty devolves when this act is revoked, to comply with all of the requirements of this section relating to elections, to the end that all things may be done necessary for the nomination and election of the officers required to be elected following the revocation of this act. The election of members of boards, committees, and commissions shall be for staggered terms as determined by the select board so as to accomplish in the shortest possible time a return to the normal rotation in office of the members of such boards, committees and commissions which prevailed immediately prior to the adoption of this act. A201:26 Publication, Aug 2021 SPECIAL ACTS The select board shall be charged with all the powers and duties of the town manager which duties and responsibilities may be discharged by themselves or by a temporary town manager appointed by them until said election has been held. All general laws respecting town administration and town officers and any by-laws, votes, rules and regulations and special laws relative to said town, the operation of which has been suspended or superseded by acceptance of this act, shall be revived by such revocation and shall thereafter be in full force and effect. By-laws, votes, rules and regulations in force when revocation takes place which are inconsistent with such revocation shall be null and void. If such revocation is not favored by a majority of the voters voting thereon, no further petition therefor shall be fled under this section at intervals of less than three years. (Ch. 753 of 1968 approved July 24, 1968; Ch. 120 of 1985 approved July 2, 1985; Ch. 3 of the Acts of 2020) A201:27 Publication, Aug 2021 SPECIAL ACTS CHAPTER 447, ACTS OF 1956 AN ACT ESTABLISHING AN HISTORIC DISTRICTS COMMISSION FOR THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON AND DEFINING ITS POWERS AND DUTIES, AND ESTABLISHING HISTORIC DISTRICTS IN THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON (As amended by Ch. 185, Acts of 1958, Ch. 579, Acts of 1966; Ch. 268, Acts of 1978; Ch. 375, Acts of 1982; Ch. 426, Acts of 2000; Ch. 301, Acts of 2020) Section 1. Purpose. - The purpose of this act is to promote the educational, cultural, economic and general welfare of the public through the preservation and protection of historic buildings, places and districts through the development of appropriate settings for said buildings, places and districts and through the maintenance of said buildings, places and districts as landmarks of historic interest. Section 2. Creation of Districts. -There are hereby established in the town of Lexington four historic districts to be known as (1) Battle Green District, (2) Hancock -Clarke District, (3) Munroe Tavern District, and (4) East Village District, bounded as follows: -- Battle Green District: Beginning at the intersection of the northerly line of Hancock Avenue with the easterly line of the railroad right of way; thence southerly and then southeasterly along the easterly and northeasterly line of the railroad right of way to a point in said northeasterly line of the railroad right of way distant two hundred feet southeasterly from the easterly line of Hancock Street; thence northerly along a line distant two hundred feet easterly from and parallel to said easterly line of Hancock Street to the northeasterly lot line of the property now numbered 6 Meriam Street; thence southeasterly along said northeasterly lot line to the northwesterly line of Meriam Street; thence southeasterly in a straight line across Meriam Street to the intersection of the southeasterly line of Meriam Street with the southwesterly line of Oakland Street; thence southeasterly along said southwesterly line of Oakland Street to the westerly lot line of the property now numbered eleven Oakland Street; thence southerly along said westerly lot line and said westerly lot line extended to a point on the northerly line of the railroad right of way; thence easterly along said northerly line of the railroad right of way to the northwesterly line of Woburn Street; thence southwesterly along said northwesterly line of Woburn Street to the easterly line of Fletcher Avenue; thence southwesterly in a straight line across Woburn Street and Massachusetts Avenue to the intersection of the southerly line of Massachusetts Avenue with the westerly line of Winthrop Road; thence southerly and then southwesterly along said westerly and the northwesterly line of Winthrop Road to a point distant two hundred fifty feet southerly from the southerly line of Massachusetts Avenue; thence westerly along a line distant two hundred fifty feet southerly from and parallel to the southerly line of Massachusetts Avenue to a point distant two hundred feet easterly from the easterly line of Waltham. Street; thence southerly along a line distant two hundred feet easterly from and parallel to said easterly line of Waltham Street to the northerly lot line of the property now numbered eighty-two Waltham Street; thence westerly along said northerly lot line to the easterly line of Waltham Street; thence westerly in a straight line to the intersection of the northerly lot line of the property now numbered twenty-two Muzzey Street with the easterly line of Muzzey Street; thence westerly in a straight line across Muzzey Street to the intersection of the westerly line of Muzzey Street with the northerly line of Raymond Street; thence A201:29 Publication, Aug 2021 LEXINGTON CODE westerly along said northerly line of Raymond Street to the westerly line of Clarke Street; thence southerly along said westerly line of Clarke Street to the intersection of the northeasterly line of Forest Street; thence northwesterly to the easterly lot line of the property now numbered 43 Forest Street; thence northeasterly along said lot line to the southerly lot line of the property now numbered 11 Belfry Terrace; thence northeasterly along the easterly lot line of 9 Belfry Terrace to the southerly lot line of the property now numbered 11 Belfry Terrace; thence northeasterly along the easterly lot line to the northerly lot line of the property now numbered 11 Belfry Terrace; thence northwesterly along the northerly lot line of the property now numbered 9 Belfry Terrace to the southerly lot line of the property now numbered 1906 Massachusetts Avenue to a point three hundred feet southerly from the southerly line of Massachusetts Avenue; thence northwesterly and then westerly along a line distant three hundred feet southwesterly and southerly from and parallel to the southwesterly and southerly line of Massachusetts Avenue to the westerly line of Forest Street; thence northerly along said westerly line of Forest Street to a point two hundred feet southerly from the southerly line of Massachusetts Avenue; thence westerly along a line distant two hundred feet southerly from and parallel to the southerly line of Massachusetts Avenue to the southwesterly line of Parker Street; thence southwesterly by a straight line to the intersection of the westerly line of Worthen Road with the southerly line of Lincoln Street; thence westerly and then southwesterly along said southerly and the southeasterly line of Lincoln Street to a point distant four hundred and fifty feet westerly from the westerly line of Worthen Road; thence northwesterly across Lincoln Street to the intersection of the northwesterly line of Lincoln Street with the northeasterly line of Hastings Road; thence northwesterly along said northeasterly line of Hastings Road to the southeasterly line of Massachusetts Avenue; thence northwesterly in a straight line across Massachusetts Avenue to the intersection of the northwesterly line of Massachusetts Avenue with the northeasterly line of Hastings Road; thence northwesterly along said northeasterly line of Hastings Road to a point distant two hundred feet northwesterly from said northwesterly line of Massachusetts Avenue; thence northeasterly along a line distant two hundred feet northwesterly from and parallel to the northwesterly line of Massachusetts Avenue to the westerly line of Worthen Road; thence northerly and then northeasterly along said southwesterly, westerly and the northwesterly line of Worthen Road to the southwesterly line of Bedford Street; thence northeasterly in a straight line across Bedford Street to the intersection of the northeasterly line of Bedford Street with the southeasterly line of Camellia Place; thence northeasterly along said southeasterly line of Camellia Place to the southwesterly line of the railroad right of way; thence northeasterly in a straight line across said railroad right of way to the point of beginning. Hancock -Clarke District: Beginning at the intersection of the northerly line of Hancock Avenue with the easterly line of the railroad right of way; thence southerly and then southeasterly along the easterly and northeasterly line of the railroad right of way to a point in said northeasterly line of the railroad right of way distant two hundred feet southeasterly from the easterly line of Hancock Street; thence northerly along a line distant two hundred feet easterly from and parallel to said easterly line of Hancock Street to the southerly lot line of the property now numbered forty-five Hancock Street; thence westerly along said southerly lot line to the easterly line of Hancock Street; thence northwesterly in a straight line across Hancock Street to the intersection of the westerly line of Hancock Street with the southerly lot line of the property now numbered forty-six Hancock Street; thence westerly along said southerly lot line four hundred and twenty-nine feet to a point; thence southwesterly in a straight line to a point in the easterly line of the railroad right of way two hundred and forty-eight feet distant northerly from A201: 3 0 Publication, Aug 2021 SPECIAL ACTS the northerly line of Hancock Avenue; thence southerly along said easterly line of the railroad right of way to the point of beginning. Munroe Tavern District: Beginning at the intersection of the southerly line of the railroad right of way with the northwesterly line of Woburn Street; thence southwesterly along said northwesterly line of Woburn Street to the easterly line of Fletcher Avenue; thence southwesterly in a straight line across Woburn Street and Massachusetts Avenue to the intersection of the southerly line of Massachusetts Avenue with the westerly line of Winthrop Road; thence southerly and then southwesterly along said westerly and the northwesterly line of Winthrop Road to a point distant two hundred feet southerly from the southerly line of Massachusetts Avenue; thence easterly and then southeasterly along a line distant two hundred feet southerly and southwesterly from and parallel to the southerly and southwesterly line of Massachusetts Avenue to the northwesterly line of Percy Road; thence southerly by a straight line across Percy Road to a point in the southeasterly line of Percy Road distant two hundred feet southwesterly from the intersection of said southeasterly line of Percy Road with the westerly line of Tavern Lane; thence southerly and then southeasterly along a line distant two hundred feet westerly and southwesterly from and parallel to the westerly and southwesterly line of Tavern Lane and said southwesterly line extended to the southeasterly line of Eliot Road; thence easterly and then southeasterly along the southerly and southwesterly line of Eliot Road to the southeasterly line of Pelham Road; thence northeasterly along said southeasterly line of Pelham Road to a point distant two hundred feet southwesterly from the southwesterly line of Massachusetts Avenue; thence southeasterly along a line distant two hundred feet southwesterly from and parallel to the southwesterly line of Massachusetts Avenue to the northerly line of Marrett Road; thence easterly along said northerly line of Marrett Road to the southwesterly line of Massachusetts Avenue; thence northerly in a straight line across Massachusetts Avenue to the intersection of the northeasterly line of Massachusetts Avenue with the northwesterly lot line of the property now numbered eleven hundred and fifty-five Massachusetts Avenue; thence northeasterly along said northwesterly lot line to a point two hundred feet distant northeasterly from said northeasterly line of Massachusetts Avenue; thence northwesterly along a line distant two hundred feet northeasterly from and parallel to the northeasterly line of Massachusetts Avenue to the southeasterly lot line of the Muzzey Junior High School Property; thence northeasterly along said southeasterly lot line to the southwesterly lot line of the Munroe Cemetery property; thence northwesterly along said southwesterly lot line to the intersection of said southwesterly lot line with the northwesterly lot line of the Munroe Cemetery property; thence northeasterly along said northwesterly lot line to the southerly line of the railroad right of way; thence westerly along said southerly line of the railroad right of way to the point of beginning. East Village District: Beginning at the intersection of the northeasterly line of Massachusetts Avenue with the northwesterly lot line of the property now numbered eleven hundred and fifty- five Massachusetts Avenue; thence northeasterly along said northwesterly lot line to a point two hundred feet distant northeasterly from said northeasterly line of Massachusetts Avenue; thence southeasterly along a line distant two hundred feet northeasterly from and parallel to the northeasterly line of Massachusetts Avenue to a point distant two hundred feet northwesterly from the northwesterly line of Maple Street; thence northeasterly along a line distant two hundred feet northwesterly from and parallel to said northwesterly line of Maple Street to the southwesterly line of the railroad right of way; thence southeasterly along said southwesterly line of the railroad right of way to a point distant two hundred feet southeasterly from the A201:31 Publication, Aug 2021 LEXINGTON CODE southeasterly line of Maple Street; thence southwesterly along a line distant two hundred feet southeasterly from and parallel to said southeasterly line of Maple Street to a point distant two hundred feet northerly from the northeasterly line of Massachusetts Avenue; thence southeasterly and then northeasterly and easterly along a line distant two hundred feet northeasterly, northwesterly and northerly from the northeasterly, northwesterly and northerly line of Massachusetts Avenue to the westerly lot line of the property now numbered four hundred and twenty-one Massachusetts Avenue; thence southerly along said westerly lot line and said westerly lot line extended to a point distant two hundred feet southerly from the southerly line of Massachusetts Avenue; thence westerly and then southwesterly and northwesterly along a line distant two hundred feet southerly, southeasterly and southwesterly from and parallel to the southerly, southeasterly and southwesterly line of Massachusetts Avenue to the northerly line of Marrett Road; thence easterly along said northerly line of Marrett Road to the southwesterly line of Massachusetts Avenue; thence northerly in a straight line across Massachusetts Avenue to the point of beginning. The East Village Historic District shall also include an area bounded and described as follows: Beginning at a point on the easterly line of the 1966 East Village Historic District boundary said point being N 84°-43'-07" E distant 17.5+- feet from an iron pin as shown on a plan entitled, "Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass., Scale 1 "=40', January 15, 1981, Joseph W. Moore Co.," on file with the Town engineer; thence N 84°-43'-07' E distant 188+- feet to a point; thence N 85°-31'-53" E distant 18.00 feet to a point; thence S 13°-56'-31" E distant 168.86 feet to a point; thence S 74°-50'-45" W distant 36.07 feet to a point; then S 15°-09'-15" E distant 40.93 feet to a point, thence S 66°-48'-45" W distant 171+- feet to a point on the aforesaid East Village Historic District boundary; thence by said line northwesterly 272+- feet to the point of beginning. Wherever only part of any building or structure is within an historic district according to the boundary lines as heretofore defined in this section, there shall be included within the historic district the entire land area occupied, or to be occupied, by all of said building or structure so that the whole building or structure shall be considered to be within the historic district for the purposes of this act. Section 3. Definitions. - As used in this act, the following words and terms shall have the following meanings: - "Building", a combination of materials having a roof and forming a shelter for persons, animals or property. "Building inspector", the building inspector of the town of Lexington. "Commission", the historic districts commission established by section four. "Erected" the word "erected" includes the words "built" "constructed" "reconstructed" "restored", "altered", "enlarged", and "moved". A201:32 Publication, Aug 2021 SPECIAL ACTS "Exterior architectural feature", the architectural style and general arrangement of such portion of the exterior of a building or structure as is designed to be open to view from a public street, way, or place including the kind, color and texture of the building materials of such portion and the type and style of all windows, doors, lights, signs and other fixtures appurtenant to such portion. "Historic districts", the districts established by section two. "Person", the word "person" includes an individual, a corporate or unincorporated organization or association and the town of Lexington. "Structure", a combination of materials, other than a building, sign or billboard. Section 4. Creation and Organization of Historic Districts Commission. - There is hereby established in the town of Lexington an Historic Districts Commission consisting of five unpaid members who shall be residents of the town of Lexington, to be appointed by the selectmen of the town as follows: - two from four candidates nominated by the Lexington Historical Society, one from two candidates nominated by The Lexington Chamber of Commerce, one from two candidates nominated by the trustees of the Cary Memorial Library and one member selected at large by the selectmen. The members initially appointed hereunder shall serve, in the case of one member appointed upon nomination of the Lexington Historical Society, for a term expiring one year; in the case of the member appointed upon nomination of The Lexington Chamber of Commerce, for a term expiring two years, in the case of the member appointed upon nomination of the trustees of the Cary Memorial Library, for a term expiring three years, in the case of the second member appointed upon nomination of the Lexington Historical Society, for a term expiring four years, in the case of the member appointed at large by the selectmen, for a term expiring five years, from January first following the year of such appointments. The selectmen also shall appoint for terms of five years from January first following the year of such appointments four associate members of the commission selected from candidates nominated by the aforesaid organizations and trustees, each such organization and trustees to nominate two each when two or more associate members are to be appointed and to nominate one each when only one associate member is to be appointed. In case of the absence, inability to act, or interest on the part of a member of the commission his place may be taken by an associate member designated by the chairman of the commission. In case of a vacancy on said commission the chairman may designate an associate member to serve as a member of the commission until said vacancy is filled as provided in this section. As the term of any member or associate member expires, his successor shall be appointed in like manner for a term of five years. Vacancies in the commission shall be filled in the same manner for the unexpired term. Every member and associate member shall continue in office after the expiration of his term until his successor is duly appointed and qualified. Any member or associate member may be removed for cause by the appointing authority upon written charges and after a public hearing. (Amended by Chapter 301 of the Acts of 2020) The commission shall elect a chairman from its membership. In the case of absence of the chairman from any meeting, the commission shall elect a chairman pro tempore for such meeting. (Amended by Chapter 301 of the Acts of 2020) A201: 3 3 Publication, Aug 2021 LEXINGTON CODE Section 5. Limitations. - (a) No building or structure, except as provided under section six, shall be erected within the historic districts unless and until an application for a certificate of appropriateness as to exterior architectural features which are subject to view from a public street, way, or place shall have been filed with the commission and either a certificate of appropriateness, or a certificate that no exterior architectural feature is involved, shall have been issued by the commission. (b) No building or structure within the historic districts shall be changed as to exterior color features which are subject to view from a public street, way, or place unless and until an application for a certificate of appropriateness as to change in such color features shall have been filed with the commission and such certificate shall have been issued by the commission. (c) No building or structure within the historic districts, except as provided under section six, shall be demolished or removed unless and until an application for a permit to demolish or remove the same shall have been filed with the commission, and such permit shall have been issued by the commission. (d) No occupational, commercial, or other sign, except as provided under section six, and no billboard shall be erected or displayed on any lot, or the exterior of any building or structure within the historic districts unless and until an application for a certificate of appropriateness shall have been filed with the commission, and such certificate shall have been issued by the commission. In the case of any such sign or billboard erected or displayed prior to the effective date of this act, there shall be allowed a period of five years, subsequent to said effective date, in which to obtain such certificate. (See note 1) (e) Except in cases excluded by section six: - (1) No permit shall be issued by the building inspector for any building or structure to be erected within the historic districts, unless the application for said permit shall be accompanied either by a certificate of appropriateness or a certificate that no exterior architectural feature is involved, issued under section nine. (2) No permit shall be issued by the building inspector for the demolition or removal of any building or structure within the historic districts unless the application for said permit shall be accompanied by a permit issued under said section nine. Section 6. Exclusions. - (a) Nothing in this act shall be construed to prevent the ordinary maintenance or repair of any exterior architectural feature of any building or structure within the historic districts; nor shall anything in this act be construed to prevent the erection, construction, reconstruction, restoration, alteration, or demolition of any such feature which the building inspector shall certify is required by the public safety because of an unsafe or dangerous condition; nor shall anything in this act be construed to prevent the erection, construction, reconstruction, restoration, alteration, or demolition of any such feature under a permit issued by the building inspector prior to the effective date of this act. (See note 2) A201:34 Publication, Aug 2021 SPECIAL ACTS (b) The following structures and signs may be erected or displayed within the historic districts without the filing of an application for, or the issuance of, a certificate of appropriateness: - 1. Section 2, Chapter 579, Acts of 1966 provides: "In the case of any sign or billboard erected or displayed on the effective date of this act within an historic district established by this act or within any territory added by this act to an existing historic district there shall be allowed a period offive years subsequent to said effective date in which to obtain the certificate of appropriateness required by paragraph (d) of section five of chapter four hundred and forty-seven of the acts of nineteen hundred and fifty-six. " 2. Section 3, Chapter 579, Acts of 1966 provides: "The provisions of this act shall not be construed to prevent the erection, construction, reconstruction, restoration, alteration, or demolition of any exterior architectural feature, under a permit issued by the building inspector prior to the effective date of this act, within an historic district established by this act or within any territory added by this act to an existing historic district. " (1) Temporary structures or signs for use in connection with any official celebration or parade, or any charitable drive in the town, provided that any such structure or sign shall be removed within three days following the termination of the celebration, parade or charitable drive for which said structure or sign shall have been erected or displayed. Any other temporary structures or signs which the commission shall determine from time to time may be excluded from the provisions of section five without substantial derogation from the intent and purposes of this act. (2) Real estate signs of not more than three square feet in area advertising the sale or rental of the premises on which they are erected or displayed. (3) Occupational or other signs of not more than one square foot in area and not more than one such sign, irrespective of size, bearing the name, occupation or address of the occupant of the premises on which such sign is erected or displayed where such premises are located within an R-1 one family dwelling district as defined in the Zoning By -Law of the town of Lexington. (c) The exterior color of any building or structure within the historic districts may be changed to white without the filing of an application for, or the issuance of, a certificate of appropriateness. Section 7. Applications to be Filed with Commission. - Excepting cases excluded by section six, any person who desires to erect, build, construct, reconstruct, restore, alter, move, demolish, remove, or change the exterior color features of any building or structure now or hereafter within the historic districts, or to erect or display within the historic districts any sign or billboard for which a certificate of appropriateness is required under paragraph (d) of section five, shall file with the commission an application for a certificate of appropriateness or a permit for demolition or removal, A201: 3 5 Publication, Aug 2021 LEXINGTON CODE as the case may be, together with such plans, elevations, specifications, material and other information as shall be deemed necessary by the commission to enable it to make a determination on the application. Section 8. Meetings, Hearings, Time for Making Determinations. - Meetings of the commission shall be held at the call of the chairman and also when called in such other manner as the commission shall determine in its rules. Five members, including associate members, of the commission shall constitute a quorum. The commission shall determine promptly after the filing of an application for a certificate of appropriateness as to exterior architectural features, whether the application involved any such features. If the commission determines that such application involves any exterior architectural features, the commission shall hold a public hearing on such application. The commission also shall hold a public hearing on all other applications required to be filed with it under this act, except that the commission may approve an application for a change in exterior color features without holding a hearing if it determines that the color change proposed is appropriate. The commission shall fix a reasonable time for the hearing on any application and shall give public notice thereof by publishing notice of the time, place, and purpose of the hearing in a local newspaper at least fourteen days before said hearing and also, within seven days of said hearing, mail a copy of said notice to the applicant, to the owners of all property deemed by the commission to be affected thereby as they appear on the most recent local tax list, to the planning board of the town, and to such other persons as the commission shall deem entitled to notice. As soon as convenient after such public hearing but in any event within sixty days after the filing of the application, or within such further time as the applicant shall allow in writing, the commission shall make a determination on the application. If the commission shall fail to make a determination within said sixty days, or within such further time allowed by the applicant, the commission shall be deemed to have approved the application. Section 9. Powers, Functions, and Duties of Commission. - The commission shall have the following powers, functions and duties: (a) It shall pass upon: - (1) The appropriateness of exterior architectural features of buildings and structures to be erected within the historic districts wherever such features are subject to view from a public street, way, or place. (2) The appropriateness of changes in exterior color features of buildings and structures within the historic districts wherever such features are subject to view from a public street, way, or place. (3) The demolition or removal of any building or structure within the historic districts. The commission may refuse a permit for the demolition or removal of A201: 3 6 Publication, Aug 2021 SPECIAL ACTS any building or structure of architectural or historic interest, the removal of which in the opinion of the commission would be detrimental to the public interest. (4) The appropriateness of the erection or display of occupational, commercial or other signs and billboards within the historic districts wherever a certificate of appropriateness for any such sign or billboard is required under paragraph (d) of section five. In passing upon appropriateness, demolition or removal, the commission shall determine whether the features, demolition or removal, sign or billboard involved will be appropriate for the purposes of this act and, if it shall be determined to be inappropriate, shall determine whether, owing to conditions especially affecting the building, structure, sign or billboard involved, but not affecting the historic district generally, failure to approve an application will involve a substantial hardship to the applicant and whether such application may be approved without substantial detriment to the public welfare and without substantial derogation from the intent and purposes of this act. If the commission determines that the features, demolition or removal, sign or billboard involved will be appropriate or, although inappropriate, owing to conditions as aforesaid, failure to approve an application will involve substantial hardship to the applicant and approval thereof may be made without substantial detriment or derogation as aforesaid, the commission shall approve the application; but if the commission does not so determine, the application shall be disapproved. In passing upon appropriateness the commission shall consider, among other things, the historical value and significance of the building or structure, the general design, arrangement, texture, material, and color of the features, sign or billboard involved and the relation of such factors to similar factors of buildings and structures in the immediate surroundings. The commission shall not consider relative size of buildings and structures, or detailed designs, interior arrangement and other building features not subject to public view. In approving an application the commission may impose conditions which, if the certificate of appropriateness is acted upon, shall be binding upon the applicant, the owner of the property and his successors in title. The concurring vote of three members, including associate members, of the commission shall be necessary to make a determination in favor of the applicant on any matter upon which the commission is required to pass under this act. (b) In the case of an approval by the commission of an application for a certificate of appropriateness or a permit for demolition or removal, or in the event an application is deemed approved through failure to make a determination within the time specified in section eight, the commission shall cause a certificate of appropriateness or a permit for demolition or removal, as the case may be, dated and signed by its chairman or chairman pro tempore, to be issued to the applicant. A201: 3 % Publication, Aug 2021 LEXINGTON CODE (c) In the case of disapproval of an application for a certificate of appropriateness or a permit for demolition or removal, the commission shall cause a notice of its determination, dated and signed by its chairman or chairman pro tempore, to be issued to the applicant, setting forth therein the reasons for its determination, and, as to applications for a certificate of appropriateness, the commission may make recommendations to the applicant with respect to appropriateness of design, arrangement, texture, material, color, and similar factors. The commission shall not make any recommendations except for the purpose of preventing developments obviously incongruous to the purposes set forth in this act. (d) In the case of a determination by the commission that an application for a certificate of appropriateness does not involve any exterior architectural feature, the commission shall cause a certificate of such determination, dated and signed by its chairman or chairman pro tempore, to be issued forthwith to the applicant. (e) The commission shall keep a permanent record of its resolutions, transactions, and determinations, and may make such rules and regulations consistent with this act and prescribe such forms as it shall deem desirable and necessary. (f) The commission shall file with the town clerk a notice of all determinations made by it, and approvals of applications through failure of the commission to make a determination within the time allowed under section eight, except that no notice of a determination that an application for a certificate of appropriateness does not involve any exterior architectural feature shall be filed. (g) The commission may incur expenses necessary to the carrying on of its work within the amount of its appropriation. Section 10. Appeals. - Any person aggrieved by a determination of the commission or by an approval of an application through failure of the commission to make a determination within the time allowed under section eight, whether or not previously a party to the proceeding, or any officer or board of the town may, within fifteen days after the filing of a notice of such determination or approval with the town clerk, appeal to the superior court sitting in equity for the county of Middlesex. The court shall hear all pertinent evidence and determine the facts and if, upon the facts so determined, such determination or approval is found to exceed the authority of the commission, the court shall annul such determination or approval and remand the case for further action by the commission. The remedies provided by this section shall be exclusive; but the parties shall have all rights of appeal and exception as in other equity cases. Costs shall not be allowed against the commission unless it shall appear to the court that the commission acted in bad faith or with malice in the matter from which the appeal was taken. Costs shall not be allowed against the party appealing from such determination or approval of the commission unless it shall appear to the court that said party acted in bad faith or with malice in making the appeal to the court. A201: 3 8 Publication, Aug 2021 SPECIAL ACTS Section 11. Enforcement. - Any person who violates any of the provisions of this act shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and upon conviction thereof shall be fined not less than ten dollars nor more than five hundred dollars. The superior court sitting in equity for the county of Middlesex shall have jurisdiction to enforce the provisions of this act and the determinations, rulings, and regulations issued thereunder and may restrain by injunction violations thereof and issue such other orders for relief of violations as may be required. In addition to the foregoing, the town of Lexington may by by-law, not inconsistent with section 21 D of chapter 40 of the General Laws, provide for the noncriminal disposition of violations of this act and the determinations, rulings and regulations issued under this act. (Added by Chapter 426 of the Acts of 2000) Section 12. Severability of Provisions. - The provisions of this act shall be deemed to be severable; and in case any section, paragraph or part of this act shall be held unconstitutional by any court of competent jurisdiction, the decision of such court shall not affect or impair the validity of any other sections, paragraphs or parts of this act. Section 13. Effective Date of Act. - This act shall take effect upon its acceptance by the town by vote of its town meeting members at an annual town meeting or any special town meeting called for the purpose. Approved June 11, 1956. Chapter 447, Acts of 1956 accepted at a Special Town Meeting held November 19, 1956 (Article 5.). A201: 3 9 Publication, Aug 2021 SPECIAL ACTS Chapter 374 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS In the Year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty-two AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON TO SELL AND CONVEY CERTAIN BUILDINGS AND TO LEASE A CERTAIN PARCEL OF PARK LAND IN SAID TOWN. (As amended by Ch. 149, Acts of 1984) Be it enacted, by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by authority of the same, as follows: Section 1. The town of Lexington is hereby authorized to sell and convey to Roger G. Trudeau and Jane A. Trudeau, with preservation restrictions, two certain buildings located in Buckman park in said town known as the Garrity House and the Carriage House, and to lease to said Roger G. Trudeau and Jane A. Trudeau, for private residential purposes, for a term of ninety-nine years a certain parcel of park land in said Buckman park on which said buildings are located, all for such consideration and upon such terms and conditions as shall be determined by the board of selectmen of said town. Said parcel of land being situated on Hancock street in said town, and shown on a plan entitled "Compiled Plan of Land in Lexington, Mass. for Garrity House Conveyance" dated March 21, 1984 and prepared by Francis T. Fields Town Engineer, on file with the town engineer, and being bounded and described according to said plan as follows: Beginning at a point at the intersection of the easterly sideline of Hancock Street and the southwesterly sideline of land now or formerly of the Boston & Maine Railroad; Thence running Southeasterly by said land now or formerly of Boston & Maine Railroad along the arc of a curve to the left with a radius of 2875.43 a distance of 230 feet more or less to a point; Thence Westerly on a radial line to the easterly sideline of Hancock Street a distance of 165 feet more or less to a point in the sideline of Hancock Street; Thence Northerly by said sideline of Hancock Street on a curve to the right with a radius of 400.00 feet, an arc distance of 39 feet more or less to a point of tangency; Thence North 21 ° 25' East along said sideline a distance of 59 feet more or less to the point of beginning. (Amended by Ch. 149, Acts of 1984, approved July 5, 1984) A201:41 Publication, Aug 2021 SPECIAL ACTS Chapter 521 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS In the Year One Thousand Nine Hundred and Eighty-three AN ACT ESTABLISHING A NONPROFIT HOUSING CORPORATION FOR THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: SECTION 1. There is hereby established a nonprofit housing corporation to be known as the Lexington Housing Assistance Board, Inc. which shall be subject to the supervision of the board of selectmen of the town of Lexington. Said board shall consist of not less than five members, who shall be appointed by the board of selectmen for staggered three-year terms as designated by said board of selectmen, such appointments to be made annually by said board of selectmen on or before May thirty-first. Members shall serve until their successors are appointed and qualified. Continuing members may act despite a vacancy or vacancies in said board and for this purpose be deemed to constitute a full board. Any vacancy in said board, however occurring, may be filled by the board of selectmen for the unexpired portion of the term. Said board is hereby established and shall exercise its powers and perform its duties for the purpose of investigating and implementing alternatives for the provision of and providing affordable housing for persons of low, moderate and middle income, and others whose needs may be identified from time to time, in the town of Lexington. The powers and duties of said board as set forth herein are intended to be alternative and supplemental to, and not in limitation of, the powers and duties of the Lexington Housing Authority established pursuant to chapter one hundred and twenty-one B of the General Laws. The liability of said board and its members shall be limited to the same extent as the liability of a public employer and public employees as provided in section two of chapter two hundred and fifty-eight of the General Laws. SECTION 2. Said board shall have the powers and privileges conferred by the provisions of paragraphs (a) to (i), inclusive, and paragraph (k) of section nine of chapter one hundred and fifty- six B of the General Laws, and the following powers, provided that no such power shall be exercised either in a manner inconsistent with this act or any general or special law, or to carry on any activity which is not in furtherance of the purposes set forth in this act: (a) to adopt, amend and repeal by-laws for the regulation and conduct of its business including but not limited to the call and conduct of its meetings, the number of members which shall constitute a quorum and the mode of voting by proxy; (b) to elect a chairman and vice-chairman, each of whom shall be members of said board, and a secretary and a treasurer, who need not be members of said board, and who may be the same person. The treasurer shall give bond for the faithful performance of his duties in form and amount approved and fixed by the board of selectmen, the cost of which bond shall be paid from funds of said board. The chairman and in his absence the vice-chairman shall chair meetings of said board. The secretary shall be the custodian of A201:43 Publication, Aug 2021 LEXINGTON CODE all books, documents and papers filed with said board and of the minute book or journal of said board; (c) with the approval of the board of selectmen, to make and execute all contracts and all other instruments necessary or convenient for the exercise of its power and functions, subject to approval of the town counsel of the town of Lexington as to form; (d) with the approval of the board of selectmen, to acquire or lease, by purchase or otherwise, and to own, hold and use, on such terms and conditions and in such manner as it may deem proper, and to exchange, grant options on, sell, transfer, convey, assign, lease, pledge, mortgage, encumber, grant liens on and security interests in, or otherwise dispose of, on such terms and conditions as it may deem proper, real, personal or mixed real and personal property or any interest, easements or rights therein, and any assets or revenues of said board, as may be necessary or appropriate to carry out its purposes; (e) with the approval of the board of selectmen, to enter into agreements or other transactions with the commonwealth or any political subdivision or public instrumentality thereof, the United States government or any federal, state or other governmental agency; (f) with the approval of the board of selectmen, to borrow money and to execute notes therefor which shall not be deemed to be debts or obligations of the town of Lexington, to hold mortgages, and to invest any funds held in reserve funds, or any funds not required for immediate disbursement in such investments as may be lawful for fiduciaries in the commonwealth. Said board shall have no stock; (g) with the approval of the board of selectmen, to enter into contracts or agreements with, and to employ from time to time contractors, architects, engineers, consultants, attorneys, accountants, construction, financial and other experts, superintendents, managers and such other agents and employees as may be necessary in its judgment and to fix their compensation; (h) with the approval of the board of selectmen, to receive and hold funds appropriated by the town and other funds, property, labor and other things of value from any source, public or private, by gift, grant, bequest, loan or otherwise, either absolutely or in trust, and to expend or utilize the same on behalf of said board for any of its purposes or to act as an agent or conduit in administering or disbursing funds or financial or other aid from any source; provided, however, that all revenues collected or received by said board in connection with its activities, investments or transactions shall be expended only with the approval of the board of selectmen of the town of Lexington; (i) to appear in its own behalf before boards, commissions, departments or other agencies of government, municipal, state or federal; (j) to procure insurance against any loss in connection with the property or activities of said board, in such amounts, and from such insurers as it may deem necessary or desirable, and, with the approval of the board of selectmen, to indemnify its members or agents if and to the extent specified from time to time in the by-laws of said board and subject to A201:44 Publication, Aug 2021 SPECIAL ACTS and in the manner provided in section six of chapter one hundred and eighty of the General Laws; (k) to formulate and, with the approval of the board of selectmen, carry out or monitor plans for projects involving the acquisition or operation of housing facilities of any kind or nature, and to construct, reconstruct, renovate, expand, extend, improve, repair, remodel, equip, furnish, maintain, manage and operate such facilities; (1) with the approval of the board of selectmen, to fix and revise from time to time, and to charge and collect rates, fees, rentals and other charges and sales prices for or in connection with the use, occupancy or other disposition of any housing facility or other property or portion thereof under its ownership or control; (m) with the approval of the board of selectmen, to establish, impose, grant or amend, by deed, lease or any other means or method, and to hold the benefit of, monitor, exercise and enforce lawful restrictions on the rental, sale, resale, use or occupancy of housing facilities or other property under its ownership or control, or other facilities or property designated by the selectmen of the town, or restrictions with respect to the income of owners, tenants or occupants of such housing facilities or other property, or options and rights of first refusal with respect to such facilities or property, and to waive, release or discharge any such rights or restrictions; (n) with the approval of the board of selectmen, to enter into, perform or monitor agreements or other transactions with contractors, developers, brokers or other real estate professionals or any other person relating to the providing of affordable housing for persons of low and moderate income in the town; (o) to do any and all things necessary or convenient to carry out its purposes and exercise the powers conferred by this act. Said board may delegate to any committee or member of the board any action which said board is empowered to do or make. Said board may be a partner in any business enterprise which said board would have power to conduct by itself. SECTION 3. Notwithstanding the provisions of any general or special law to the contrary, the income, assets and activities of said board shall be exempt from all taxes and assessments and said board shall not be subject to any of the provisions of chapter sixty-three of the General Laws or to any taxes based upon or measured by property or income imposed by the commonwealth or by any political subdivision thereof. Said board is hereby authorized and empowered to enter into an agreement or agreements with the assessor of the town of Lexington, with the approval of the board of selectmen, wherein said board shall undertake to make to the town annual payments in lieu of taxes, in connection with any real property acquired and owned by said board, the amounts of such payments to be reasonable sums stipulated in such agreement or agreements or determined in accordance with a reasonable formula so stipulated. A201:45 Publication, Aug 2021 LEXINGTON CODE SECTION 4. Without limitation of the powers of said board set forth in section two, said board is authorized to receive and to expend and utilize for its purposes all proceeds of the sale by the town of Lexington of the land and improvements known as the Muzzey junior high school, which proceeds have been appropriated by the town for such purposes. In addition, the town may appropriate other funds for the carrying out by said board of its purposes as set forth herein. Any appropriation therefor may be raised by the town by taxation. At least annually, said board shall cause independent audits to be made of the books and records of said board, which annual audits shall be filed with the board of selectmen of the town. SECTION 5. In the event that said board shall be dissolved in accordance with law at any time, all property and interests therein, assets and rights of said board existing at such time shall be transferred to the town of Lexington by authority of this act, and title to all such property and all such rights shall vest in the town of Lexington automatically without the need for further action or instrument, and the town of Lexington shall, to the maximum extent permitted by law, and acting by and through its board of selectmen, assume, hold and exercise the powers and duties of said board set forth herein with respect to such property and rights so transferred to said town. SECTION 6. The provisions of this act are severable and if any of its provisions shall be held invalid in any circumstance, such invalidity shall not affect any other provisions or circumstances. SECTION 7. This act shall take effect upon its passage. House of Representatives, November 16, 1983. In Senate, November 16, 1983. Approved November 29, 1983. A201:46 Publication, Aug 2021 SPECIAL ACTS CHAPTER 558, ACTS OF 1985 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE CHIEF OF POLICE OF THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON TO HEAR COMPLAINTS RELATING TO DOGS SECTION I. Notwithstanding the provisions of section one hundred and fifty-seven of chapter one hundred and forty of the General Laws or any other general or special law to the contrary, the chief of police of the town of Lexington or his designee shall carry out the functions assigned to the board of selectmen under said section one hundred and fifty-seven of said chapter one hundred and forty. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved December 5, 1985. A201:47 Publication, Aug 2021 SPECIAL ACTS Chapter 412 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS In the Year Two Thousand AN ACT RELATIVE TO THE CONSERVATION COMMISSION OF THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: SECTION 1. The conservation commission of the town of Lexington may provide by rules for the imposition of reasonable fees for the employment of outside consultants and shall account for and expend such funds in accordance with section 53G of chapter 44 of the General Laws. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. House of Representatives, January 2, 2001. In Senate, January 2, 2001. Approved January 12, 2001. A201:49 Publication, Aug 2021 SPECIAL ACTS Chapter 424 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS In the Year Two Thousand AN ACT RELATIVE TO UTILITY LINES IN THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: SECTION 1. Notwithstanding section 22 of chapter 166 of the General Laws or any other general or special law to the contrary, the director of public works of the town of Lexington shall have the powers and duties under said section 22 to grant orders and act upon petitions for the construction of underground lateral wires and conduits within a public way from an existing pole or main to private property, and to take such action without notice of hearing. All other provisions of said chapter 166 shall govern such orders and petitions. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. House of Representatives, January 2, 2001. In Senate, January 2, 2001. Approved January 12, 2001. A201:51 Publication, Aug 2021 SPECIAL ACTS Chapter 317 THE COMMONWEALTH OF MASSACHUSETTS In the Year Two Thousand and Two AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON TO ESTABLISH A POST RETIREMENT INSURANCE LIABILITY FUND. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: SECTION 1. Notwithstanding any general or special law to the contrary, the town of Lexington may appropriate funds in order to offset the anticipated cost of premium payments for or direct payments to be made to retired employees of the town and to any eligible surviving spouse of or dependents of deceased employees of the town. Any such amounts so appropriated shall be credited to a special fund to be known as the Post Retirement Insurance Liability Fund. Any interest or other income earned by such fund shall be added to and become a part of the fund. The Lexington contributory retirement board shall be the custodian of such fund and may invest the monies held in the fund in accordance with the rules and regulations of the public employees retirement administration commission and in accordance with any applicable general law. Any amounts appropriated to or expended from such fund shall be so appropriated or expended by a majority vote of the town which vote must be taken in accordance with an actuarial schedule developed by the town. The actuarial schedule must be designed to reduce to zero any unfunded liability attributable to premium payments for or direct payments to be made to retired employees of the town and to any eligible surviving spouse of or the dependents of deceased employees of the town. The Lexington contributory retirement board may employ any qualified bank, trust company, corporation, firm or person to provide advice on the investment of amounts held in the Post Retirement Insurance Liability Fund and to prepare any required actuarial study and may pay for any such advice or service from amounts held in the fund. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. House of Representatives, August 29, 2002. In Senate, August 29, 2002. Approved September 12, 2002. A201:53 Publication, Aug 2021 SPECIAL ACTS CHAPTER 7 OF THE ACTS OF 2004 AN ACT AUTHORIZING A BALLOT QUESTION IN THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON RELATIVE TO THE GRANTING OF CERTAIN ALCOHOLIC BEVERAGE LICENSES Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: SECTION 1. Notwithstanding any limitations imposed by section and section of chapter of the General Laws or any other general or special law to the contrary, the board of selectmen of the town of Lexington shall cause to be submitted to the voters in the next regularly scheduled election, to be held at least days following the effective date of this act, the following question: Whereas the board of selectmen is now authorized to grant licenses in the town of Lexington for the sale of all alcoholic beverages in restaurants with seating capacities of persons or more, shall the board of selectmen also be authorized to grant licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages including, but not limited to, licenses for the sale of wines and malt beverages, to restaurants in the town of Lexington with seating capacities of less than 99 persons? Yes No If a majority of the votes cast in answer to this question is in the affirmative, the town shall be taken to have authorized the board of selectmen to issue licenses for the sale of all alcoholic beverages including, but not limited to, licenses for the sale of wines and malt beverages, to be drunk on the premises of restaurants in the town with a seating capacity of less than 99 persons, subject to all the other provisions of said chapter, and may further issue special licenses as provided in section of said chapter. SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved January 22, 2004. A201: 5 5 Publication, Aug 2021 SPECIAL ACTS CHAPTER 345 OF THE ACTS OF 2006 AN ACT DESIGNATING IN THE TOWNS OF ARLINGTON, LEXINGTON, LINCOLN AND CONCORD A SCENIC BYWAY TO BE KNOWN AS THE BATTLE ROAD: THE ROAD TO REVOLUTIONS. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same as follows: Notwithstanding section 15C of chapter 40 of the General Laws, Massachusetts avenue, a portion of Appleton street and Paul Revere road in the town of Arlington; Massachusetts avenue, Old Massachusetts avenue and portions of state highway Route 2A, Wood street and Hancock street in the town of Lexington; North Great road in the town of Lincoln; and Lexington road, portions of Monument street, Liberty street, a portion of Lowell road and a portion of Barrett's Mill road in the town of Concord shall be designated and known as the Battle Road: the Road to Revolutions scenic byway. (Ch. 12 of 2012 approved January 19, 2012) The Battle Road: the Road to Revolutions scenic byway shall begin in Arlington on Massachusetts avenue on the Cambridge city line and shall proceed generally northwest along Massachusetts avenue, continue along Massachusetts avenue and branches to Appleton street until Paul Revere road and Paul Revere road until merging back with Massachusetts avenue, and continue along Massachusetts avenue into Lexington, with a spur to the Hancock/Clarke house on Hancock street and continue on Massachusetts avenue to Marrett road and branches to Wood street, Old Massachusetts avenue and Massachusetts avenue, through the town of Lexington, where both branches shall merge with North Great road in the town of Lincoln and continue westward to Lexington street and Monument square in the town of Concord, where it turns northward to Monument street then southwestward to Liberty street to Lowell road, and shall include that portion of Lowell road from Liberty street to Barrett's Mill road and that portion of Barrett's Mill road from Lowell road to Barrett's Farm, terminating at Barrett's Farm. (Ch. 12 of 2012 approved January 19, 2012) The purpose of the Battle Road: the Road to Revolutions scenic byway designation shall be to recognize, protect and enhance the unique historic, scenic, cultural and recreational resources along the byway, including preservation of the character of the corridor, expansion of economic opportunities, development of balanced tourism and a context in which to evaluate proposed roadway changes. The towns of Arlington, Concord, Lexington and Lincoln shall work in cooperation with the National Park Service to preserve the resources and improve the experience of the byway for both residents and visitors. Approved November 8, 2006. A201:57 Publication, Aug 2021 SPECIAL ACTS CHAPTER 190 OF THE ACTS OF 2008 AN ACT RELATIVE TO REAL PROPERTY TAX DEFERRALS IN THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON. (As amended by Chapter 351 of the Acts of 2020) Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Code assembled, and by the authority of the same as follows: SECTION 1. Notwithstanding the provision of the first paragraph of clause Forty-first A of section 5 of chapter 59 of the General Laws, the town of Lexington may, by vote of its town meeting and with the approval of its board of selectmen: (1) adopt a lower minimum age of eligibility than 65; (2) adopt a higher maximum qualifying gross receipts amount than $40,000; and (3) condition eligibility for deferral of real property taxes on objective criteria of disability or other hardship for persons who would not otherwise qualify based on their age. SECTION IA. Notwithstanding the last paragraph of clause Forty-first A of section 5 of chapter 59 of the General Laws, interest on deferrals of real property taxes granted by the town of Lexington shall accrue at the rate provided in said clause Forty-first A of said section 5 until the conveyance of the property or, if there is no conveyance, one year after the death of the person or surviving spouse whose taxes have been deferred; provided, that after one year after the death of the person or surviving spouse whose taxes have been deferred, interest shall accrue at the rate provided in section 62 of chapter 60 of the General Laws. (Added by Chapter 351 of the Acts of 2020) SECTION 2. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved July 22, 2008 'Editor's Note: The maximum qualifying gross receipts amount for property tax deferrals under Clause 41A of Section 5 of Chapter 59 of the Massachusetts General Laws and Chapter 190 of the Acts of 2008 was raised to $75,000, beginning in fiscal year 2020. This provision was adopted 4-1-2019 ATM by Art. 5. A201:59 Publication, Aug 2021 SPECIAL ACTS CHAPTER 202 OF THE ACTS OF 2008 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE DIVISION OF CAPITAL ASSET MANAGEMENT AND MAINTENANCE TO TRANSFER CONTROL OF A CERTAIN PARCEL OF LAND IN THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON Whereas, The deferred operation of this act would tend to defeat its purpose, which is to provide forthwith for the transfer of the care, custody and control of certain land in the town of Lexington, therefore it is hereby declared to be an emergency law, necessary for the immediate preservation of the public convenience. Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same as follows: SECTION 1. Notwithstanding sections 40F to 40J, inclusive, of chapter 7 of the General Laws, or any other general or special law to the contrary, the commissioner of capital asset management and maintenance shall transfer care, custody and control of a parcel of state-owned land in the town of Lexington known as the Lexington portion of Lot 1 of the former Middlesex county hospital and formerly under the care, custody and control of the Middlesex county hospital described in section 2, to the commissioner of conservation and recreation for conservation, open space preservation and natural resource protection purposes. The commissioner of conservation and recreation may enter into an agreement with the town of Lexington or a private non-profit conservation organization for restoration, management and maintenance of the parcel as public open space. SECTION 2. The parcel to be transferred under section 1 consists of 47.499 acres and is the Lexington portion of Lot 1, Parcels 2 and 3 shown on "Plan of Land in Waltham & Lexington, (Middlesex Co.) Mass. Surveyed for Geraghty & Miller," by Roberge Associates Land Surveying, dated December 2, 1996 and recorded with the Middlesex county southern district registry of deeds as Plan No. 379 of 1997 in Book 27228, Page 430. Approved July 24, 2008 A201:61 Publication, Aug 2021 SPECIAL ACTS CHAPTER 203 OF THE ACTS OF 2009 AN ACT AUTHORIZING THE ABATEMENT OF CERTAIN PROPERTY TAX ASSESSMENTS IN THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled, and by the authority of the same, as follows: SECTION 1. Notwithstanding sections 2A, 2D, 18 and 38 of chapter 59 of the General Laws or any other general or special law to the contrary, the town of Lexington, acting by and through its board of assessors, shall abate or refund a portion of the taxes assessed for fiscal year 2009 on any real estate that decreased in assessed valuation by over 50 per cent as the result of fire or natural disaster that occurred during fiscal year 2009. The post -fire or post -natural disaster valuation shall be considered the assessed valuation of the property as of January 1, 2008 for purposes of assessing taxes for the fiscal year beginning on July 1, 2008. SECTION 2. Applications for an abatement or refund shall be filed with the Lexington board of assessors on or before January 1, 2011. SECTION 3. This act shall take effect upon its passage. Approved January 10, 2010 A201:63 Publication, Aug 2021 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDA ITEM TITLE: 2024 Annual Town Meeting PRESENTER: Board Discussion SUMMARY: Category: Informing 2024 Annual Town Meeting ITEM NUMBER: 1.4 The Select Board will discuss ATM 2024 Article 45: Indigenous Peoples Day (Citizen Petition) and review the attached memo from Select Board Member Doug Lucente regarding this topic. The Select Board will discuss articles and take positions for 2024 Annual Town Meeting. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 4/24/2024 6:45pm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type Memo Secon.d Monday in ktober (RE ATVI Article 45- Indigenous Cover Vlem..) Peoj,-fles (C,itizen Petition) 1.3wackIlate up Mrial Art 45 i-notlion. D SelectBoard Working.Docuixiient positions 2(.)2.,4A..'. FM 11-ickup VIlateiial Axt 31 A.ry-rn.dn,-x,,n.tl Michelson. 1-kickup VII.ateri.al D Art 3 1 motion IVIlatetial MEMORANDUM To: Select Board Members From: Doug Lucente, Select Board Member Date: April 20, 2024 Subject: Consideration for Dual Recognition of the Second Monday in October as Indigenous Peoples Day and Italian American Heritage Day Introduction As we prepare to discuss ATM 2024 Article 45, which suggests designating the second Monday of October as Indigenous Peoples Day in Lexington, I recommend a balanced approach that continues to honor our Italian American community. This approach is informed by our local history and successful precedents from other cities, striving for inclusivity that cherishes our town's diverse cultural heritage. 1. Significance of Italian American Heritage in Lexington Lexington's history is deeply connected with the contributions of Italian Americans, particularly in developing our local agriculture. In the early 20th century, Italian immigrant families helped turn Lexington into a center for truck farming, producing important crops like tomatoes, broccoli, and the well-known "Boston celery." This legacy continues with the Lexington Community Farm, a key resource for agriculture and education in our community.(https://Iexfarm.org/farm-history/) Italian Americans have made significant contributions to Lexington's culture and economy beyond just agriculture. Establishing Italian American Heritage Day would honor these historical impacts and recognize the continued efforts of Italian Americans in our community. This would deepen our cultural connections and encourage appreciation across different generations. 2. Historical Context of Italian American Immigration Italian immigrants to America faced considerable challenges, yet they demonstrated remarkable resilience throughout their journey. Many Italian immigrants arrived in our area during the late 19th and early 20th centuries. They often encountered prejudice and were forced into lower socioeconomic positions. A particularly dark chapter of their struggle includes the 1891 lynching in New Orleans, where 11 Sicilian immigrants were tragically killed, highlighting the severe discrimination they faced. This event played a crucial role in creating Columbus Day, initially aimed at recognizing and appeasing the Italian American community. Recognizing this history highlights the need to establish Italian American Heritage Day to honor their lasting contributions and address past wrongs. 3. Precedents in Other Communities Other US cities have approached the renaming of Columbus Day with solutions that embrace the history of Indigenous peoples and the heritage of Italian Americans. For instance: • Akron, Ohio, and New Haven, Connecticut, have embraced "Italian American Heritage and Culture Day," which centers on celebrating the contributions of Italian Americans while steering clear of the historical controversies tied to Columbus. • Boston, Massachusetts, Mayor Wu recognized Italian American Heritage Day to coincide with Indigenous Peoples Day in 2022, demonstrating a successful model of dual celebration that respects and honors both communities. These examples show that it is both possible and positive to recognize the richness of Italian American culture while respecting Indigenous peoples' history and resilience. 4. Proposal for Lexington Given these points, if Article 45 is approved, Lexington should adopt Indigenous Peoples Day and continue to recognize the contributions of Italian Americans of Lexington by celebrating Italian American Heritage Day. This dual recognition would serve to: • Honor the resilience and contributions of Indigenous peoples: This would align with the expanding national effort to recognize Indigenous communities' historical and cultural importance. • Celebrate Italian American heritage: This would acknowledge Italian Americans' historical and continuing contributions to Lexington, promoting a broader appreciation of their role in our town's development. 5. Recent Actions by the Select Board to Incorporate Diverse Cultures Reflecting our commitment to cultural inclusivity, the Select Board has actively incorporated symbols and celebrations from various communities into the public realm. Last year, we included a menorah in Emery Park alongside the holiday tree, honoring our Jewish residents during the holiday season. Additionally, we have adjusted the school calendar to acknowledge a broader range of cultural events, ensuring that our educational environment mirrors the diversity of our community. These steps exemplify our continued efforts to not only respect but celebrate the varied cultures that makeup Lexington. As we look to new initiatives like recognizing Indigenous Peoples Day and Italian American Heritage Day, we must keep advancing this thoughtful and inclusive recognition approach, enhancing our town's reputation as a welcoming and diverse place. Conclusion By adopting this dual recognition, Lexington can adopt a balanced approach to historical celebration, showing respect for our diverse community backgrounds while deepening our collective cultural understanding. This proposal aims to address historical oversights and celebrate all aspects of our community's heritage in a way that educates and unites us. I look forward to discussing this proposal further and exploring how we can implement these changes in a manner that genuinely reflects Lexington's values and diversity. Together, we can establish a model for careful recognition and celebration of the rich cultural fabric of our town. Sincerely, Doug Lucente Town of Lexington Motion 2024 Annual Town Meeting ARTICLE 45 INDIGENOUS PEOPLES DAY (Citizen Petition) MOTION: WHEREAS, the Town wishes to recognize the Indigenous nations of North America, their roots and their many contributions made to our community, our Commonwealth, and our country now and throughout history. WHEREAS, the Town can gain insight in dealing with environmental issues such as climate change through Indigenous environmental knowledge, respect for nature, and seventh generation thinking. WHEREAS, The Town encourages our community and our public schools to observe Indigenous Peoples Day with appropriate exercises and instruction to celebrate the thriving contemporary cultures and diversity, and acknowledge the authentic histories of Indigenous Peoples. WHEREAS, the District of Columbia; States of Alaska, Louisiana, Maine, Michigan, Minnesota, New Mexico, Oregon, South Dakota, Vermont, and Wisconsin; and MA municipalities including Bedford, Arlington, Belmont, Cambridge, Newton, Wellesley, Watertown, Boston, Salem, Somerville, Brookline, Marblehead, Northampton, Amherst, Melrose, and many more observe Indigenous Peoples Day to promote Indigenous cultures and commemorate the history of Indigenous Peoples; and WHEREAS, the Town of Lexington celebrates and welcomes all people, and is dedicated to promoting equity and justice in our Town through policies and practices that seek to end systemic racism and discrimination; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT TOWN MEETING VOTES AS FOLLOWS: The second Monday of October shall henceforth be commemorated in Lexington as Indigenous Peoples Day, in honor of the resilience and contributions of Indigenous peoples in our Town, the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and our country. (01/23/2024) 1 Q Q O c6 C. a-+ 0 C. E 0 a � 0 � o o aA m •- o cn W A >II >I h O 0 [� W N N N N N N N z N N N N N O � ,-4 4-4 N N 4-4 U A"' N -- ^ t cn O ct O cn N � U r c 4-4 -4--4 U O w a U ct Q Q bA ctcn � � a c O W 0 10 ol (9 0 o ol 4) 0 0 0 10 (D 0 0 A-1 E co OL CL 15 ca -S2 Mn A= 12 E Ch E OL 4 m m m m cn ti C2 co :5 CL Li Li Li Lli /Aera cc CP 0 L) m/j 0 OL a) 'm 12 1-4 tm w CL 15 w CL Jm W cc E cv 14= % E 4= CL ;4n, CO 0 c .I -- co +- gn E *- CD cm, E E E CP g1l, Co 7;; f `.1 M E M to tm ca CU Z3 x cp -r.3 -U 2 .ems L- 0 en cr, e co co =3 14 (D (D = 4- r- (D 0 en L- r + cc 0 cm =3 co =3 CP co 2 m Q) cz E 'o CD 15 E co en 0 en r= r— CP cl CP (z en cz OL en E cm cu t5 w 15- z cc w 45 E Z L JR -0 - 4- eo to > t 0 Cc w ::3 W V "a CF OL 9 E CD E X 4- =3 m U-1 W .52 0 OL f a W j ico 0 0 =3 cl) A2, =3 M L) cu a :Fm 4— CIO =3 CD E CD co co cu N coo w co CO CD -r,3 E2 15 w Z3 W cn i D* N L 1- cl) CL Q m ILJ TZ w r7 CN C\i cy� c\j cll� E T— cq, cm 0 c"i C\i cc 1= I= LLJit CL AS :9 3g: 39: LLi 39: cc cc cc cc LEXINGTON TOWN MEETING AMENDMENT FORM ARTICLE NUMBER: 31 DATE: 04/10/2024 I, Eric Michelson move to Amend the Motion by substituting the motion, as follows: That this article will be referred back to the Select Board. (Examples of text for amendments may include statements such as: I By striking the words... By adding the By striking in its entirety Section ( ) Paragraph Following... And by substituting the words... I I And by substituting in its place the following Section ( ) Paragraph ( ) ... Action Taken: Pass � Fail � Unanimous � Majority � Other Town of Lexington Motion 2024 Annual Town Meeting ARTICLE 31 PROHIBIT SINGLE -SERVE PLASTIC WATER BOTTLES (Citizen Petition) IUV W F That Chapter 81 of the General Bylaws be amended to add a new Article IV that would read as follows: §81-16. Sale of Drinking Water in Single -Serving PET Bottles It shall be unlawful to sell non -sparkling, unflavored drinking water in single -serving polyethylene terephthalate (PET) bottles of 1 liter (34 ounces) or less in the Town of Lexington on or after January 1, 2025. §81-17. Exemption for Emergencies Sales occurring subsequent to a declaration of an emergency adversely affecting the availability and/or quality of drinking water to Lexington residents by the Emergency Management Director or other duly - authorized Town, Commonwealth or United States official shall be exempt from this Bylaw until seven days after such declaration has ended. §81-18. Enforcement Process Enforcement of this Bylaw shall be the responsibility of the Town Manager or their designee. The Town Manager shall determine the inspection process to be followed, incorporating the process into other town duties as appropriate. Any establishment conducting sales in violation of this Bylaw shall be subject to a non- criminal disposition fine as specified in the Regulations for Enforcement of Town Bylaws under MGL c. 40, § 21D as specified in Section 1-6(B) of the Code of the Town of Lexington. Any such fines shall be paid to the Town of Lexington. §81-19. Suspension of the Bylaw If the Town Manager determines that the cost of implementing and enforcing this Bylaw has become unreasonable, then the Town Manager shall so advise the Select Board and the Select Board shall conduct a Public Hearing to inform the citizens of such costs. Subsequent to the Public Hearing, the Select Board may continue this Bylaw in force or may suspend it permanently or for such length of time as they may determine. (01/23/2024)