HomeMy WebLinkAboutAd Hoc Tree By-Law Committee, November 2, 2000 MASON & FREY TEL No 617-863-1712 Nov 6 , 00 9 24 No 001 P 02 Minutes of Meeting Ad floc Tree By-law Committee November 2,2000 7:30 AM - 10 AM+in Room(115,Town Office Building Present: Stacey Bridge-Denzak(Chair),John Frey(Scribe),Matthew Foti,Brian Gilbert, ' Patrick Mehr,David Pinsonneault, Susan Solomon,Jim Wood,Nell Walker,Gerri Whiting Chair Stacey Bridge-1)enzak called the meeting to order at 7:40 AM. Policy Subcommittee Report: Stacey reported on meeting with Town Manager,Rick White and Town Counsel,Norman Cohen,she told them that we were at a standstill in developing specifics of a by-law and that more input was needed, Rick was concerned that Town Meeting time is approaching and that no solid by-law proposal was ready. There was thought that perhaps we were biting off too much too soon by covering control of trees on private land and that we should start with public tree by-law. Protection of trees on"teardown"sites was discussed. Rick said that it would require a lot of work and suggested tying tree protection to demolition permits. Patrick suggested that people then could merely cut down the trees before they filed for the permit, Rick would like us to consult and inform him more. Norm Cohen will talk to the Attorney General Stacey said that the Conservation Law Foundation is interested in new Tree by-laws in Towns and may offer help in their development. Patrick Mehr obtained Weston's 1997 Zoning By-Law,which he said was very restrictive and required site review for trees in the permitting process. Discussion regarding including tree protection in Lexington's zoning by-law, like Weston. Rick concerned about staff to implement it,perhaps a full time person. According to Jim Wood,Richard Metro of Newton said that they need a full time person at a salary cost range of S40,000 or more. Discussion ensued that a Tree Commission could do some of the work,but it may be too time consuming for volunteers. Rick suggested a tree advisory committee instead Brian Gilbert and David Pinsonneault agreed to work on a likely time budget required to for staff to perform this work,both for public trees and private trees. This would be good backup for justifying a new single full time position, implementation, Standards,Public Awareness and Funding Subcommittee: Jim Wood presented his typed slide agenda proposal for the November 91h informational meeting,which proved toe a very helpful basis for developing a program. Stacey suggested that the detail in Jim's outline might be a good approach for the Town Meeting presentation next Spring,but that maybe for the Nov 9th meeting we should use something closer to that used for the Selectmen presentation last May. Page 1 o12 MASON & FREY TEL No 617-863-1712 Nov 5 .00 20 28 No 002 P 02 .. i Implementation, Subcommittee continued: For the presentation on the 9th it was decided to omit Items 8,9, 10 and 11 from Jim's format,thus no slides needed for them. Matt, who had been out of the country for several weeks,questioned dropping Item 8(the lot setback diagram). Others explained that we had perhaps stepped back a bit and were thinking about other options such as tying tree removal permits to building permit or other such approach. Jim warned that we must be careful regarding property rights. Patrick felt that Item 6 is needed for the 9th,but it was agreed that we did not need a slide for it. Gerri Whiting stressed that we should make whatever we decide very clear and straightforward to the people. She asked,who prepares the slides and who writes it up? Scenario 1. Stacey will do the introduction(Items 1,2 and 3) with one or two slides,and moderate the meeting(with Ginna or John as backup in case her baby arrives early). Perhaps Brian might do Items 4 and 5. Jim volunteered to prepare all the slides on his computer. Scenario 2. might be to have Stacey start with the Intro,then China do something like her presentation to the Selectmen last May,and Jim cover some of the issues like fee amount, what's a"protected"tree(8"DBH=25"circumference),funding,etc. Jim will put together an issues list to be reviewed by Patrick,Nell and Stacey before the meeting. Genii suggested that we have a sign-in sheet and that we ask people to put their suggestions in writing and send to(who?). It was agreed that all concerned would meet at the Selectmen's meeting room for a Dry Run at 6:30 I'M before the Public Meeting. The next committee meeting will be jyovember li5tp at$AM in Room G-15 if available and then: November 3Wi at 8 AM in Room G-15 December 7th at 8 AM in Room G-15 December 14th at 8 AM in Room G-15 December 21st at 8 AM in Room G-15 Meeting adjourned around 9:45 AM, but discussion of issues continued beyond 10 AM after a number of people left. Pap;2 of 2