HomeMy WebLinkAbout2018-04-26-HATS-min Hanscom Area Towns Committee DRAFT Meeting Minutes April 26, 2018 HATS Selectmen: Suzie Barry, Lexington, Jonathan Dwyer, Lincoln, Michael Lawson, Concord, Mike Rosenberg, chair, Bedford Other HATS attendees: Peter Braun, Lincoln, Margaret Coppe, Lexington, Dr. Steven Hagan, Bedford; Others in attendance: State Sen. Michael Barrett; Elizabeth Becker, Massport director of community relations; Dr. Chris Boles; Jennifer Boles; Jessica Casserly, public affairs, Hanscom Air Force Base; Edward Frem, director of aviation, Massachusetts Port Authority, Anthony Gallagher, Dr Thomas Glynn, chief executive officer, Massport, Amber Goodspeed, manager of airport operations, Hanscom Field, John Lafernere,Bedford Citizen, Sarah Lance, Todd Smith, director of aviation operations, Logan International Airport; Tosha Szabo, Signature; Sharon Williams, airport manager, Hanscom Field; Kati Winchell, Save Our Heritage. The committee elected Selectman Barry as chair for 2018-19 by a vote of 4-0-0 Dr. Glynn said Logan International Airport has experienced tremendous growth in recent years. Over the past six years, annual passenger totals have increased from 30 million to almost 40 million. International flights have almost doubled, to 55, since 2006. This not only reflects the regional economy but also impacts it. Seven gates have been added to the international terminal. Dr Glynn pointed out that the total number of flights at Logan actually has declined, as airlines have changed their business model, with aircraft now averaging 80 percent capacity Ground transportation continues as a priority. Massport is exploring a"people mover"rail system connecting the Blue Line station and the terminals. The relatively small size of Logan limits innovative transportation options. He also described interior terminal upgrades and exhibits, explaining that Massport is trying to help passengers pass the time because they arrive at the terminals much earlier than before There are new exhibits in Terminal E on innovation in Boston, vintage newspaper headlines, and Walden Pond. Selectman Barry noted that she has witnessed other terminal exhibits, and suggested an exhibit be built commemorating the upcoming 250th anniversary of the Battles of Lexington and Concord. Jet Blue has initiated daily flights from Worcester to JFK Airport in New York, departing early in the morning and returning late in the day. American Airlines will soon begin a flight to Philadelphia from Worcester. Connection opportunities are keys to these new flights.Massport has been focusing its marketing on the business community. Dr. Glynn said he recognizes that Worcester Airport is an alternative to some flights using Hanscom Rectnx has a facility at both airports He noted that the improved Medflight facilities at Hanscom are welcome Dr. Glynn also reported on Massport's maritime activities, including dredging of Boston Harbor by the Army Corps of Engineers. New cranes will accommodate an expanded container terminal; higher cranes have to be located farther from Logan Airport. Ships are now carrying 8,500 to 10,000 containers The cruise terminal had 151 vessels in 2017, up from 115 the previous year Massport hopes the six-month cruise season expands Thousands of vehicles are delivered to the auto port; Subarus are assembled at a Charlestown facility before transport. Seafood processing continues to grow. Dr, Glynn said the Massport Community Advisory Council is trying to hire an executive director. Massport is still working with the Federal Aviation Administration on Logan noise reduction Massport is also including requirements in the development of a hotel near the Convention Center that will increase diversity, not only among workers but also management and ownership. Selectman Dwyer mentioned Logan's effective response to heavy snow. Mr. Freni noted that Logan and Hanscom both were recognized for effective snow management. Selectman Dwyer asked Dr Glynn about updating the Massport strategic plan He replied that this is happening now It reflects the emphasis on growth at Worcester and the cruise terminal Use of new technology is a priority. Also, Logan hopes to be part of a regional ground transportation solution. Dr. Glynn said Hanscom excels at its mission and no changes are anticipated other than upgrades The business community and MedFlight are happy, he noted In answer from a question by Selectman Rosenberg, Dr Glynn said James Aloisi has written a book on the history of Massport. Dr. Glynn talked about parking accommodations at Logan. There has been a freeze on additional parking since 1975, and there tends to be an overflow 40 weeks of the year, he reported, adding that Massport needs to anticipate the impact of autonomous vehicles and services like Uber and Lyft Selectman Rosenberg noted that Massport did not consider the impact on Bedford streets of the ground transport connected to the August 2017 runway resurfacing. The project needed much advance communication and discussions with town official and residents. Dr. Glynn acknowledged that Massport could have done more outreach and used a long-range plan Massport learned from this experience, he said, and future projects will be handled differently Ms. Williams agreed that Massport should have been as committed to managing ground transportation during the resurfacing as it was to changes in flight patterns. Selectman Barry said Lexington also was unhappy with communication in connection with the resurfacing. She also mentioned that a proposed major change in density on and around Hartwell Avenue will be on the fall town meeting warrant Municipal updates: Selectman Dwyer said Lincoln town meeting, a Saturday affair, included a middle school theatrical performance. A new school continues to be top priority. He also said town meeting approved the first step toward rezoning a parcel near Crosby Corner for a rental development Selectman Rosenberg announced the decision by Town Manager Rick Reed to retire after 30 years A search committee will be formed Town meeting highlights included approval of an $11 million school addition and a zoning amendment that will allow higher density at a former military housing compound Selectman Barry said Lexington town meeting covered 45 articles in seven sessions. There were nine citizens' articles Town meeting approved a moratorium on retail marijuana outlets Fall town meeting is expected to last two or three nights, including zoning and density issues The Fire Department is preparing to move into temporary facilities while the main station is rebuilt. Selectman Lawson said Concord's 53-article town meeting warrant took four sessions. Town meeting voted to prohibit retail marijuana outlets. A major middle school project is pending. Ms Casserly noted the recent visit to Hansom AFB by the secretary of the Air Force This was an opportunity to demonstrate the value of the installation, she said. Ms. Goodspeed reported that the environmental assessment hearing for the proposed construction project on the so-called North Ramp at Hanscom Field was hosted at the last Hanscom Field Advisory Commission meeting. The public comment period continues through May 21. Massport also has declined to continue pursuit of the former Navy hangars Mr Gallagher said the Massport Community Advisory Committee is working with MIT engineers on noise equity issues The scheduled presenter at the May 24 meeting is B.J. Dunn, superintendent of Minute Man national Historical Park. Other 2018 meetings were scheduled for July 12, Sept. 13, Oct. 25 and Nov. 29. The meeting was adjourned at 9:15 p.m.