HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-02-25-HATS-min Hanscom Area Towns Committee (HATS) DRAFT Meeting Minutes February 25, 2016 HATS Members. Peter Braun, HATS Chair and Lincoln Select, Steve Ng, Concord Select, Michael Rosenberg, Bedford Select, Joe Pato, Lexington Select Other HATS Representatives. Amber Goodspeed and Sharon Williams, Mass port; Others in attendance: Lt. Governor Karyn Polito; Chris Willenborg, Head of Military Assets Task Force; Rep Gordon; Mayor Cahill; Tim Higgins, Lincoln; Rep Jay Kaufman; Michelle Ciccolo, Lexington Select; Jennifer Burney, Lincoln Land Use Director, Michael Lawson and Jane Hotchkiss, Select Board members of Concord, MA Introductions and Announcements Mr. Braun opened the meeting at the Lincoln Town Offices at 7.30pm. Lt. Governor Karyn Polito Chair Braun introduced and welcomed Lt. Governor Karyn Polito as well as Chris Willenborg to this evening's meeting Lt. Governor's Introductory Remarks: Lt. Gov. Polito was thankful for the introduction and that Chris Willenborg could be in attendance. She served in House of Representatives for 10 years with Rep. Jay Kauffman who is great at representing local issues and finding a common ground to make progress Rep Gordon was also in attendance The Lt Governor provided the meeting with a history of public service. The Lt Governor wanted to discuss the community work she is involved in but also wanted to hear HATS perspective Their campaign was based on making Massachusetts great everywhere with the priorities including schools to provide an excellent education, safe neighborhoods to live and work in, and provision of economic opportunity to bring security to people's lives. These are the essence of the priorities for the 351 cities and towns in Massachusetts A team was built to include Jay Ash, former Manager of the City of Chelsea, and Stephanie Pollock, who has a conservation law background and experience in transportation The goal is to develop policies to help communities with leadership and for future success and opportunity. The first realization was that the Community Compact Program could not be an unfunded mandate - it is a voluntary program communities can choose to be a part of to determine best practices and is funded by a budget line item. This program was announced last July and was signed today as the 155th Community Impact Discussed examples of best practices used to create cohesiveness and solve problems. There are incentives for good decision making and bonus points received when a community becomes a member community of a Compact as well as assistance through qualified aid Streamlining is a priority and can help the budget process by focusing funding where it is best serving the community Survey responses were taken into consideration and included suggestion regarding changes in procurement, revolving fund flexibility, and evaluation tools, and included in a Municipal modernization bill that will give more tools and control to the communities to ensure a successful future The HATS community is a great way to communicate current happenings and issues that come up and she expressed thankfulness for their role. The task force ensures the 6 bases contribute to the discussion and keep abreast of what is expected in the future. The airstrip at HAFB is critical to activity in the area and this is why such an investment has been made to the airstrip and the tower — it protects the asset to be leveraged for more economic activity in the future. It is amazing that HAFB is a $6B enterprise providing over 16,000 jobs in the four HATS communities and the reason for its success is largely to do with community support. MA is #1 in the country as the most innovative state and we are proud of this status, having taken many years to get to this point. A lot has to do with the workforce, people with the right skills in the local communities Mr. Willenborg thanked everyone for their kinds words. Several months ago he visited HATS and provided an overview of priorities. A lot has been accomplished with support of legislation $2 9m has been invested in communications tower to help HAFB and collaborative partnerships with academic and private entities that are working toward cyber security. A goal is to connect bases as well as NEMA to improve communication; this benefits the military and the Commonwealth One effort through the P4 Community Partnership is the co-generation plant which will lower energy costs at the base and surrounding communities. A proposal will be brought to the Air Force in the near future. It was recently announced that local representatives (Tsongas, Molton, Markey, Warren, Gov. Baker) have included funding for the 1st phase of a recapitalization effort for MIT Lincoln Labs at over $450M total but the first phase is $40M to get the design phase underway. In December, they hosted 30 public defense CIO's to view their innovation ecosystem and meet with private sector partners and gov't partners. They hosted an incredible AF/Army business innovation day with over 275 attendees at Ft Devens They are hosting a smaller event in March on the Cape and in Western MA in June. Mr. Braun thanked Mr. Willenborg for serving, stating HATS has a great relationship with the Task Force. He was thankful to see all who were in attendance this evening Mr. Pato is joined by Michele Ciccolo, fellow selectmen and member of planning board. There are two issues he wanted to mention as follows: 1 . HATS had a session for sustainability committees to talk about plans to move forward There has been effective freezing of solar and PV deployments as they reach metering caps from providers. Current projects are a 1 megawatt rooftop system and 2 megawatts at the landfill that are under evaluation now but understands that similar projects have been cancelled in the past He encouraged support of sustainable energy projects as economically viable opportunities; and 2 A more regional issue is for community compacts to come together regarding the need for enrollment shrinkage due to demographic changes. Growing areas are facing the opposite problem as enrollment growth in Lexington has been 5% for the last 6 years and are at capacity Lexington is undergoing tremendous fiscal challenges and needs assistance to accommodate this pressure. He was thankful for the Municipal Modernization Act. Lt Gov Polito said the solar program is important and they are looking to strengthen it and continue it in a manner supportive of communities. There are a number of ideas around bringing more energy support to the Commonwealth. They are also supportive of water, wind, and hydroelectric proposals to supply the Commonwealth A combination of these would be a great portfolio of energy diversity to present to legislature. The enrollment growth being experienced is a credit to the strength of the Massachusetts education system and what its community is providing to families. Local formulas can be evaluated that determine enrollment and impacts on budgets and there has been much collaboration between municipal and school leaders Unrestricted aid can also assist in these regards. Mr. Braun asked if this would include special education and needs were discussed. Mr Ng was thankful for the presentation and during his time on HATS there have been great topics, discussions and work toward increased participation and today the Lt. Gov. is draw and he thanked everyone for attending. He is joined today by Concord Select Board members Michael Lawson and Jane Hotchkiss. Communities are very interested in sustainability and solar energy and Concord has been successful with a large array at the landfill (5 megawatt system) and work on an RFP for another large scale facility in town. He expressed concern about resolving the SRECS as part of this process. He attended an affordable housing ground breaking recently and wanted to know if tax credits will be increased for these projects in the State. The Lt. Gov. reiterated they are all in agreement regarding the importance of sustainability and energy efficiency programs. Regarding housing, communities can decide the right mix of housing and tax credits are helpful in many ways and can apply to affordable as well as workforce housing The Economic Development Bill has a lot of key components around community housing and development, to include capital and operating funds. Mr Rosenberg stated that efforts have been a breath of fresh air and he appreciates sensitivity to grass roots efforts especially during a time of nationwide polarization. Bedford's issues are being addressed locally but he expressed concern that they did not raise gas tax as it is an obvious source of revenue The Lt Gov discussed infrastructure at a statewide level using a statewide strategy The T was discussed and the need for it to progress to current technological levels, i.e. no exhange of currency, stating that 3M paid for it and 1M ride it but there needs to be a private sector plan to move people around and connect with other transportation systems. Tolls were discussed as well as funding requests for bridge repairs ($50M for the next 4 years) There was $350M added last year to Chapter 90 funding (was at $1 M) and another $200M was requested for this year. Mr Braun brought up T communications and recent schedule changes and its negative impacts on the communities. Delegation stepped in and pushed for communication. The Lt.Governor thanked legislature for handling that and will emphasize its significance for the future. Mr. Braun referred to a van pool discussion at a previous meeting and asked for assistance enhancing these services. Mr. Braun introduced Jessica ?? from HAFB, and Sharon Williams and Amber Goodspeed from Mass port as frequent attendees sharing that Tom Glynn will be coming to the meeting in May and was here last year. OPEB GASB relief was discussed and efforts are underway to make this a priority to address as a community Tim Higgins, Lincoln Town Administrator, was introduced and stated his appreciation for leadership in the Modernization Bill and that the Lincoln Selectmen commented it makes things easier (this supports their goals of working with for local communities and continuing their trust). He also is thankful for the support of the military installations and the partnerships and support around the Commonwealth in this regard. The Lt. Governor said they assessed what works well and what does not; they did more of what was working well Superintendent Nancy Nelson was introduced as a big part of the HATS community. Mr. Braun did not want to leave anyone out and thanked everyone else for attending, opening the meeting up for public questions Rep Kaufman is proud of their role in the revenue elements of the Modernization Bill and embarrassed by legislative inaction in regards to solar issue. He suggested asking Sec. Pollack to attend a future meeting and become involved. The Lt. Governor said the team in the room this evening is a testament to the success of past conversations and she would be happy to return in the future Air Force Base, MassPort Community Advisory Committee, Hanscom Field Advisory Commission - Updates AFB Some attended the pinning/promotion ceremony for Col Dunklee, the new commander of the 66th Air Base Group, and hope to have him visit HATS in the Fall. Michelle ?? of Lexington reported that a mission is needed for the new group as there is uncertainty of focus and interests Vision and combined voice was discussed Jennifer Burney was introduced as the new Land Use Director and representative for Lincoln. The Executive Committee can share meeting minutes with HATS as appropriate as well as bylaws. The mission statement is being developed which can also be shared when finalized. Mr. Braun suggested a quarterly report HFAC. Mr. Rosenberg reported that there was no quorum at the last meeting. A state of Hanscom report is planned from Sharon Williams at the March 15 meeting and Mr Braun will try to attend It was the last meeting for the Secretary of the Port Authority. Rt. 2 and 128 Projects - Updates, if any Projects have been dormant but expected to begin again as weather has been good, flow has been good and no complaints. Bridge project over 128 is progressing well and rolling road blocks set up this week Mr Pato will continue to forward announcements to HATS Committee Rt 3/4/225 area has no new reports. Mr. Rosenberg said that there has been a benefit for those entering Bedford from the west side Appointment of Next HATS Chair Mr. Braun asked for a motion to officially move the Chair position to Mr. Ng as of the end of the meeting Mr Braun will plan to meet with Mr Ng to transition website and responsibilities. Motion: Mr Pato so moved Second: Mr. Rosenberg seconded the motion. Discussion: There was no discussion of them motion. Vote. Approved 4-0-0 Future Meetings and Main Agenda Items March -- No meeting April 28 — MBTA Advisory Board Exec. Dir. Paul Regan May 26 -- MassPort CEO Thomas Glynn Future meetings will be at the Concord Town House unless otherwise notified Minutes — January 28, 2016 Meeting Motion: Mr Rosenberg moved to approve the January 28, 2016 meeting minutes as is Second. Mr. Ng seconded the motion. Discussion: There was no discussion on the motion. Vote. Approved 4-0-0 Mr. Rosenberg thanked Mr. Braun for his creative and emphatical leadership, which is beyond recognition stating it has been a privilege to work alongside him in this context. Mr. Braun thanked everyone and said HATS has huge potential. Adjourn Mr. Ng moved to adjourn. Mr. Pato seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 8.37 pm