HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-07-28-HATS-min Hanscom Are Towns Committee DRAFT Meeting Minutes July 28, 2016 HATS Selectmen: Peter Braun, Lincoln; Steven Ng, chair, Concord; Joe Pato, Lexington, Mike Rosenberg, Bedford Other HATS members: Lisa Mustapich, Bedford Planning Board Others in attendance: Jennifer Burney, Lincoln planning director; Tim Dunn, Lexington Planning Board; Alison Felix, Metropolitan Area Planning Council; Doug Halley, Acton planning coordinator, Amber Goodspeed, Massachusetts Port Authority, Russell Pandres, office of U S Rep Niki Tsongas, Marcia Rasmussen, Concord planning director; Alyssa Sandoval, Bedford economic development director; Scott Zudakis, Crosstown Connect. Round table discussion of regional transportation issues Mr Rosenberg asked about the status of vanpools Mr Zudakis said the effort has been challenged by the loss of some state subsidies Mr Braun mentioned the importance of encouragement from state government. Mr. Halley said some transportation management associates receive up to $50,000 a year. Ms. Sandoval said the Middlesex 3 TMA received a state subsidy. It has experienced some success with shuttles to major employers Mr Halley talked about the Crosstown Connect transportation service He said financial support from the state is crucial It also requires investment from businesses and the communities Mr. Braun expressed frustration that there appears to be few prospects for innovative solutions to regional transportation problems. Ms. Rasmussen expressed interest in her town's participation in Crosstown Connect Part of the process is identifying resources Ms Felix said regionally there is some overlap among transportation programs A challenge for planners is maximization of resour4ces and elimination of duplication Mr. Halley said a program's success attracts more riders from a wide range. Ms. Sandoval commented that an upcoming Middlesex 3 TMA study will address inter-town issues Ms Felix stressed the importance of informing the public about services, including signage and information Ms Sandoval said technology is helping facilitate and inform Mr Halley said Crosstown Connect is partnering with Uber and Lyft with a system of supplementing fares. It is important to use every available transportation resource, he said. Ms Rasmussen noted that local issues are multi-tiered, affecting not just commuting but how residents live their lives These are especially important in communities where the average age is increasing Mr Zudakis said there are a lot of meaningful efforts going on at the local level. Other business • Mr Braun acknowledged the recent Hanscom Air Force base change of command • Ms. Goodspeed said the public comment period for the Hangar 24 historical display planned for the Civil Air Terminal at Hanscom Field is available on the Mass port website. • Mr Rosenberg cited the annual noise report presented at the recent meeting of the Hanscom Field Advisory Commission, which indicated that 2015 was the quietest year at the airfield since measurements began. • The minutes of the meeting on Feb. 26, 2016 were approved. Future meetings • The next meeting, Sept. 22, will focus on the four towns' approaches to local traffic management. It is hoped that this will be an opportunity to share ideas on topics like safety and handling complaints • The January 2017 meeting may be an opportunity to meet with John Beatty, recently named executive director of the Massachusetts Military Asset and Security Strategy Task Force. Mr. Braun said Ann Marie Dowd of Mass Development could be invited as well. • Municipal energy issues may be the focus of the February 2017 meeting