HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-01-23-HATS-min HATS Meeting Jan. 23, 2014 DRAFT Meeting Minutes Attending: HATS Selectmen Mike Rosenberg, Bedford, HATS Chair; Peter Braun, Lincoln; Deb Mauger, Lexington, Elise Woodward, Concord Planning Board representatives. Bob Domnitz, Lincoln, Lisa Mustapich, Bedford Other HATS representatives Andy Friedlich, Lexington and Maggie Debbie, Bedford, at-large, Stewart Kennedy, Lexington Conservation Commission. Others in attendance: Anna West Winter and Kati Winchell, Save Our Heritage; Amber Goodspeed, Massachu- setts Port Authority; Mark Siegenthaler, Bedford Selectman; Margaret Coppe, Lexington; Jane Huba- cher, Lincoln;Nancy Nelson, superintendent, Minute Man National Historical Park. State Sens. Mike Barrett, D-Lexington and Ken Donnelly, D-Arlington, State Reps Jay Kaufman, D-Lexington, Ken Gordon, D-Bedford and Cory Atkins, D-Concord Conversation with state senators and representatives Sen. Barrett gave introductions and began by talking about the governor's 2015 budget. Typically the House and Senate enact their own versions He mentioned the proposed$25 per student increase in Chapter 70 spending Unrestricted local aid is level funded There is a proposed increase in Chapter 90 funding for roads and bridges. A major focus is the military bond bill, which will provide funding for improvements to infrastructure for the six Massachusetts military installations. It is hoped this will help keep Hanscom Air Force Base open as an economic engine,but also has implications for potential land use. Sen. Barrett said Hanscom should remain a focus for research and development as part of an appropriately sized military Sen Donnelly noted that it is important to advocate for the bond bill, as any cuts in the military bases would mean a reduction in Massachusetts's economic impact Rep Kaufman said the House voted on this and it may be on its way to the governor's office. He said there was criticism about how little Chapter 70 funding was increased but said we need to deal with stresses on public education not at the expense of others. This is not a revenue problem but an issue of priori- ties. He discussed funding increases as well as decision-making and coordination, saying a generic joint powers act might be passed to allow communities to form a decision-making body to promote regional collaboration Rep Gordon said he will continue to advocate state supports for the education of Hanscom children at Bedford High School. There was a discussion regarding the role Mass Devel- opment played in the discussion and decision about the military bond bill. The discussion includes co- operation and integrated efforts more than money. There was broad support and it passed unanimously in the House without amendments or significant policy changes. Lexington received a notice from the Air Force to see if the Historical Commission would object to the razing of buildings on base. The land would be leased for commercial development. There was discus- sion regarding the taxation of a building no longer providing a government function. Mr. Braun said that the state ceded jurisdiction to the federal government regarding a property, which is in"enclave" status, so it is not taxable Adjustments would be necessary so the base no longer includes that portion Rep Kaufman suggested this be researched Senator Barrett agreed to research this but encourages co- operation with the Department of Defense to achieve its mission here. Ms. Woodward asked about any Military Asset Task Force updates pertinent to the towns. The expec- tation is the passage of the bond bill will be well received. Mr. Braun thanked everyone for their sup- port and efforts State and congressional legislators have been working to achieve agreement on the scope of Hanscom AFB and to balance the needs with surrounding natural resources. Rep. Kaufman said he is not aware of attempts to revitalize the interagency task force. Nancy Nelson said the Federal Aviation Admin- istration is looking to reconvene the group. Rep. Kaufman met with the state secretary of transporta- tion but since there has been quite a bit of turnover asked if there is an advantage to requesting a meet- ing to go over this with the incoming secretary Ms Woodward said a focus has been to improve and replicate existing roadways instead of looking at future needs, which is critical to land use planning. It was suggested to wait until the outgoing secretary is replaced. There was a discussion regarding scheduling challenges involving regional transportation group meet- ings such as Middlesex 3 and the Route 128 Corridor The legislators asked that they be kept apprised of the issues so they can observe and advise as needed, letting grassroots efforts succeed without add- ing another layer. The option of light rail as an alternative was briefly discussed as well as the need for economic development. Also addressed were the prospects for raising the gas tax,prioritizing pro- jects, support in different parts of the state, and other taxes. Mr Braun said gubernatorial candidates spoke in Lincoln last week and he had the opportunity to talk about support for the military task force and other base supportive efforts The candidates seemed to understand the issues at the federal, state, regional and local levels, he said. Three said they would back the effort to preserve the base and would support federal and state funds so as to mitigate a nega- tive impact on the local towns if closed. Jane Herlacher of Lincoln said she is aware of what is happening on Route 2 and the base (her husband works there) She has been to meetings regarding watershed areas in Massachusetts She wanted to know about mediation for communities and federal agencies regarding coordination and facilita- tion. Senator Barrett said MAPC has an important role to play and he reviewed project needs but said the governor has had 50 years of regional planning. Strengths and weaknesses need to be assessed along with why there has been no ability to realize plans. There was discussion regarding region- al decisions along with competing interests, fragmentation of vision, and harnessing business interests instead of being driven by businesses and not planners It was recommended to put one specific issue in front of the governor to decide, for example, to solve the transport issues in the state. Ms. Wood- ward appreciated this conversation, pointing out there is no decision tree but lots of potential plans. She has not seen success in regional solutions in the past 20 years. The region needs an inte- grated solution that addresses regional issues. Anna West Winter, executive director of Save Our Heritage, asked about the federal interagency work- ing group that President Clinton put into place in 2001. The MOU had language to involve local towns as a part of conversation and protection of resources. A working group was to be instituted to include non-federal stakeholders. The Obama administration wants to re-institute this working group. She suggested it was advantageous for legislators and towns to write to the FAA administrator to have a seat at the table again OPEB was brought up and addressed regarding long term obligations for local towns. Sen. Donnelly is sitting on a public service committee oversight hearing panel that will look at liability for OPEB. Some communities have done well and some are not, they want to know why. This will also include a review regarding those vested part time (those not having a full 32 years for benefits) They will consider what changes are proposed and how they will impact others The goal is to make insurance affordable and accessible Rep Kaufman mentioned that any fix will be expensive with an already large OPEB liability. There may be no additional funding available for this. Mr. Rosenberg said switching to the state GIC health plan saved Bedford about 37 percent of OPEB liability Mr Braun said Lincoln made Medicare primary and worked it through in a congenial way with labor unions --this has worked well for the town Lincoln is also putting some money in an OPEB trust but it is challenging with such a large liability. There was a discussion about the transpar- ency needed with the GASB rules. Rep. Cory Atkins arrived. She said her priorities include local aid, Chapter 70 funding, transportation for regional schools and special education She is chair of the House Tourism Arts and Cultural Devel- opment Committee and she noted that tourism is the third largest revenue-generator in the state There is a major focus on the creative economy in Massachusetts as opposed to the innovative my. Businesses have suffered huge cuts during the recession but every dollar that gets invested in this regard returns $5. She said the Magna Carta is coming to Concord at the end of June before its 800th anniversary; it is the essence of all of our legal principles. It will go onto the Museum of Fine Arts and the Clark Museum in the Berkshires and then to the Library of Congress They are also working to generate youth involvement and with legislators to adding an A to their STEM program to include Arts and not just Math. She reiterated that our integrated economy has a demand for the arts and brings in revenue to the state, along with so much joy and creativity. Regional transportation updates The Route 2 project is proceeding on schedule with state transportation and construction manager meetings twice a month. There is a meeting tomorrow with the district office to present an enhanced landscape fencing proposal to mitigate impact on affected areas. Political representatives are aware of the requests. The project does impact commuters at this point. During the next season there will be work on Bedford Road and Crosby Corner, where a flyover bridge will emerge as a limited access clo- verleaf Abutters are no longer using Route 2 to access their homes so it is already safer There is hope that everyone will remain patient and the end result will be better Completion date is slated for May 2016 but it will be more functional long before that. Construction along the Route 2 overpass over Route 128 may begin in the spring. Other regional updates The Hanscom Field Advisory Commission met this week Mr Friedlich rpeorted that Massport is drafting alternative designs for the Route 2A signage. It will be reviewed by Superintendent Nelson. It is anticipated that release to Massport of the former Navy hangars on the Bedford side of the runway will happen this year. The first draft of the Environmental Status and Planning Report(ESPR)was re- viewed by Massport staff and consultants during December 2013 It was filed with MEPA on Dec 31 There are five meetings scheduled on the ESPR The first technical meeting to review facilities, operations, planning, regional transportation context, was scheduled for Jan. 29 at the Civil Air Terminal. On Feb. 5 the second technical meeting to discuss noise and air quality will be at the terminal. There also will be a third technical meeting to discuss cul- tural wetlands and ground transportation There will be two overview and highlight meetings as follows Feb 27 at 7 p m during the HATS meeting in Concord, and March 3 for the MEPA scoping session at 5 p.m. on the first floor of the Civil Air Terminal Mr Braun received a disc and e-mail giving notice of the March session All meetings are designed to seek public comment during that period HATS had declined to participate in the ESPR development work. The compact disc is the completed draft filed for public comment. The Environmental Sub- committee should sit on these meetings and Ms. Mauger will ask Mr. Canale if he can participate. Rectrix Aviation has paved the north side of its ramp. Jet Aviation's proposal that was out for public comment(period ended Nov 25 2013) has been submitted to the FAA and is currently under review The board approved the contract with Exelis Corp for the HAFB/Massport website There will be work with local officials to update these. Future agenda items Agenda items will include an overview of the ESPR and the transition to the new chair, which will be reelected and rotated after March 31 Mr Braun reported that he arranged a meeting with the Massa- chusetts staff of U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, to be sure staff is aware of the area towns' interest in the preservation of Hanscom . He set up a similar meeting next week with staff members of Sen. Edward Markey's office. He is waiting to set one up with U.S. Rep. Katherine Clark's office. Ms. Woodward thanked him for the leadership he has taken in this. Ms Mauger moved to approve the minutes of Oct 23, 2013 Mr Braun seconded the motion Vote: pproved 4-0-0. Mr. Braun moved to approve the minutes of Nov. 14, 2013. Ms. Mauger se- conded the motion. Vote: Approved 4-0-0. Ms. Mauger moved to adjourn. Mr. Braun seconded the motion. Vote: Approved 4-0-0. The meeting adjourned at 9 13 p m