HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-10-23-HATS-min Hanscom Area Towns Committee (HATS) Meeting Minutes October 23, 2014 HATS Members. Peter Braun, HATS Chair and Lincoln Selectmen, Carmin Reiss, Concord Selectmen, Michael Rosenberg, Bedford Selectmen, Joseph Pato, Lexington Selectmen. Other HATS Representatives: Elise Woodward, Concord Selectmen; Lisa Mustapich, Bedford Planning Board, Maggie Debbie, Bedford; Dee Ortner, Concord. Others in attendance. Amber Goodspeed, MassPort; Andy Friedlich, Lexington Town Meeting Member; Kati Winchell, Save Our Heritage; Jim Meadors, Co-Chair, Lincoln Conservation Commission, Meryl Schwartz, Concord COA; John Ritz, Chair, Lincoln Disabilities Commission; Victoria Buckley, Chair, Lexington Commission on Disability; Nancy Nelson, Superintendent, Minuteman National Park; Jennifer Green-Lanchoney, HAFB Public Affairs; Colonel Michael Vogel, Commander, 66th Air Base Group, HAFB; Lt. Colonel David Dunklee, Deputy Commander, 66th Air Base Group, HAFB. Mr Braun opened the meeting at 7.30 p m. with welcome and introductions at the Lincoln Town Offices. Air Force Base — Presentation By Colonel Vogel and Lt. Col. Dunklee: Mr. Braun welcomed Colonel Vogel and Lt. Colonel Dunklee, and thanked them for their service to the country and the Base, as well as for their participation in the HATS meeting. Overview: Col. Vogel gave an overview. New commanders have been there since July and he was glad to be here talk about HAFB. He explained Hanscom is not a flying base (it has been this way for over 40 years) and consists of Global Strike Command (missile mission), Air Education and Training Command, and Space Command (for satellites and domes). They support transit aircraft that come in and out but it is mostly an acquisition base. Space and Missiles is in LA, the Air Armament Center is at Eglin AFB, Wright Patterson has the planes, and HAFB in Massachusetts has a mission not at the other 3 centers to include radar, communication systems, Intel systems, and command and control Explained the acquisition process as well as their support roles to include medical, legal and security forces for the 7-state region (New England and New York). HAFB includes MIT Lincoln Labs and the National Guard and supports them with infrastructure and security Community: HAFB is a community for work and living, with only half of on base housing occupied by active duty Air Force personnel. They work to provide for social, infrastructure and living needs for those on base and works with HATS communities to meet these needs. Gen. Moore was the first commander of the Life Cycle Management Center (LCMC) and support from the new commander was discussed. Construction proiects: These include the current middle school replacement, which will improve education and morale, and the single-person dorm, which is proposed. Partnerships/Funding. HAFB has received its first $2.9m check from the MA Military Task Force to improve the CEIF facility improvements. The new name will be the Hanscom Collaboration and Innovation Center. Workforce Training initiative: There is collaboration between the State, UMass Lowell and HAFB to provide education to 33 engineers and scientists, who are taking courses at no cost to the government in order to enhance leadership. Vandenberg gate land swap- This is proceeding through necessary approvals prior to funding Financial outlook: The outlook is uncertain at this point in time. Shrinking budgets have an impact but reduction in forces may be ending. There will be no early retirement at the colonel level at this time as a result of activities going on around the world. HAFB could be viable for many decades as the programs are vital and cannot be easily moved. Col Vogel closed by saying that HATS involvement makes for a better team. Jet Aviation Wetlands Permitting Process — Update on DEP Decision from Jim Meadors, Lincoln Conservation Comm. Co-Chair: Handouts were distributed. The Lincoln Conservation Commission issued an Order of Conditions and DEP issued a superseding order of conditions, with a few minor changes. A group of residents appealed this decision and the case is referred to Office of Appeals and Dispute Resolution. OADR issued a scheduling order setting hearing dates for 11/18/14 and 2/10/15 The goal is to encourage parties to come to an agreement. Parts of the order were read. MA DEP Commissioner will review the recommended final decision for approval. Parties and process were discussed Parties include the applicant, Jet Aviation, the petitioners group made up of 11 residents, DEP, and the Conservation Commission. The project will be on hold until this is resolved. The DEP decision was about the State's wetlands permitting standards (not about the applicability of the Lincoln bylaw) and the appeal raises this issue again. Mr. Meadors will return when there is more information to share. Disabilities Commissions— Roundtable Discussion - Meryl Schwartz (Concord COA): Chairs of existing Disabilities and Commissions (John Ritz, Lincoln: Victoria Buckley, Lexington): Ms. Reiss led the discussion and gave introductions. A Disability Commission is not legally required, but an optional statute allows communities to create one for the purpose of including and integrating people with disabilities in the community The Town of Concord Board of Selectmen has approved the creation of this committee and want to have a discussion with the other towns. The State Office of Disabilities offers support through training and assessments. They were invited but not able to attend. Discussion was about when commissions were created in other communities and membership. Lincoln- Commission began in 1999 Through advocacy an elevator was installed in the Council on Aging building (former Town Hall). ADA matters, such as services for blind and wheelchair bound were discussed, along with universal access issues and numbers of those disabled on the commission. Lincoln has 5 now and would like to have 8, to include an architect and more people with disabilities. Attracting members and outreach has been a challenge. Lexington: Commission began after ADA in 1990 -- next summer is the 25th anniversary. There are 8 people and they started as the Enablement Committee, changing in 2003 to a commission (roles include advise and assist with compliance, coordinate programs, recommend policies, provide technical assistance). The Commission includes 4 disabled people, 1 visually disabled person, 1 hearing impaired person, 1 parent of a disabled child, and 1 hearing impaired person who is also a caretaker. Having a quorum is an issue and members include the town ADA coordinator, Building Inspector, Council on Aging liaison and Selectmen. They were involved with initial transition plan but Town Meeting hired out for review. Final package began with school safety and access as well as universal access and design. They are working toward full inclusion as a solution Programs, Historic District Commissions, challenges and liaisons were discussed as well as the possibility of a regional approach. Bedford: Mr. Rosenberg said Bedford had a committee at one time and may revisit establishing one. Concord: There was discussion regarding Concord considering being more access friendly for disabled pedestrians Architectural training was discussed as well as including Planning Board members and Capital Expenditure committee members. Questions: Mr Friedlich asked about (1 ) outreach - this is done through League of Women's Voters, tables at events, Town Meeting, and word of mouth, and (2) ramp installation -- these are now automatically installed when there are new sidewalks. Concluding remarks included consideration of the rising needs of the aging population in this regard. Everyone was thanked for the opportunity to involve the community in public awareness. MassPort/Air Field - Community Advisory Committee — Town Appointments: How To Proceed: Mr. Braun reviewed the background. In July, the towns and HATS first learned that the legislature had authorized an Advisory Committee in 2009, with refinements in 2013, that has the following powers and rights: 1 . review Massport budgets and reports 2 make recommendations to Massport 3. make reports and recommendations to the legislature 4. hold public hearings 5. received $250k for staff and expenses 6 appoint Massport Board member The committee is still in the formation process and will consist of 31 people total (6 from Boston, 1 from Worcester, 1 from each of the HATS towns (4 total), and 20 others from other cities and towns) The Legislation is modeled after the MWRA Advisory Board The Logan advisory committee was discussed along with goals, funding and responsibilities. Mr. Braun suggested that HATS receive updates once the Committee has established itself and begun to function. HFAC Update: Ms. Woodward reported that the committee met Tuesday evening. There was no usual monthly noise report, since an animal ate through a sensor. Data will be manually input and reported on in 45 days. September numbers should be available at the November meeting. October and November numbers should be available at the December meeting. The Retrix Aviation project is completed. Massport is working with the Bedford Conservation Commission on the Vegetation Management Plan, to decrease vegetation as a potential obstruction. Two citizens from Ayer attended regarding noise and flight activity concerns from HAFB flight schools, an issue for over 15 years. The airspace map was discussed. It was suggested that the residents contact their State legislators. HATS Web Site - Review Updated Version. Status of Accessing Past Minutes For Posting, Status of Links Into HATS Town Web Sites: Mr Braun asked for the website to be reviewed and edited to include errors, omissions, additions. Links were added for some schools and hopefully soon for the Joint National Guard. The website was reviewed. Two goals include: (1) the towns' online calendars will have the HATS agenda posted, and (2) each town website will have a link to the HATS website. Town websites in this regard were discussed along with the Air Force base page. Access to the Association of Defense Communities was free and highly valuable -- there will be a membership charge in the future and Mr. Braun advocated for participation from HATS for this. Cost is $240 a year and could be split between the towns. Selectmen to talk to their respective boards for the next meeting. Nancy Nelson had a question regarding adding a link to the National Park and will send Mr. Braun an e-mail regarding this. Mr Braun was thanked for developing this important resource Discussed adding a link when appropriate for the MassPort Community Advisory Committee. Kati Winchell suggested differentiating on the home page between HAFB and the civil airport. Regional Transportation - Rt. 2 Updates (Crosby Corner and 1-95 Bridge Projects), Letter To MBTA Re Schedule Revisions, 128, CC/Business Council/Corporate Alliance: Mr Braun reported the flyover bridge support structure is up and concrete is being poured. There has been clearing for traffic as well as lane closures. Town officials still meeting with construction staff and they are remarkably responsive and still resolving the landscaping plan. Regarding the lack of notice of the recent MBTA transportation schedule changes, Ms. Reiss drafted a letter to the current CEO and distributed copies for review. Selectmen will take the letter back to their respective boards for approval and this was discussed Electronic copies will be sent to everyone and they will report back at the November HATS meeting Mr. Braun sent everyone a notice of the 128 Corridor update from the 128 Corporate Alliance Mr Pato reported that a Lexington Selectmen participates and he has inquired about the status of this. Prior meetings of the 128 CCC were focused on the former Polaroid site. Regional transportation and Rt. 2 are important matters for the HATS communities. Mr Pato reported that there has been an issue with their local bus service in regards to federal transit funding fees -- the base fare for bus service cannot be less than 1/2 the paratransit fee. MBTA provides paratransit service in Lexington and Lexington is in the process of negotiating a change. Mr. Pato inquired if other towns have these services Bedford is not a fixed route Mr Pato will send everyone more information regarding this. Ms. Woodward asked if MAGIC could assist and Mr. Pato with check with Mr. Canale. This will be on a future agenda. Meeting Dates and Tentative Agenda Items — November 20 (MASS Task Force Update); January 22 (MassPort Strategic Plan?); February 26; March 26: 11/20/14: The next meeting is scheduled to include Adam Freudburg and Anne Marie Dowd 1/22/15: The first 2015 meeting. HATS can review the Massport Strategic Plan if it is ready If it is not, possibly at the 2/26 meeting Future Acienda Items: There is nothing currently on the schedule for the US Representatives at this time. Mr. Braun asked for topics and suggested media and public relations which was briefly discussed. Minutes — September 18: Motion: Mr Rosenberg moved that the minutes of 9/18/14 be approved Mr. Pato seconded the motion. Vote. Approved 4-0-0. Adjourn: Motion: Mr. Rosenberg moved to adjourn. Ms. Reiss seconded the motion. The meeting was adjourned at 9:28pm.