HomeMy WebLinkAbout2014-11-20-HATS-min Hanscom Area Towns Committee (HATS) Meeting Minutes November 20, 2014 HATS Members. Peter Braun, HATS Chair and Lincoln Selectman; Carmin Reiss, Concord Selectman, Michael Rosenberg, Bedford Selectman; Joseph Pato, Lexington Selectman. Other HATS Representatives: Timothy Dunn; Maggie Debbie. Others in attendance: Amber Goodspeed and Jose Masso, MassPort; Lou Sideris and Phil Lupsiewicz, Minute Man National Historical Park; Adam Freudburg, MASS Task Force; and Anne Marie Dowd, MassDevelopment Mr. Braun opened the meeting at 7.30 p.m. with welcome and introductions at the Lincoln Town Offices. Mr. Braun then offered condolences to Mr. Rosenberg, who is a senior executive at the Maimonides School in Brookline, for the loss suffered by the Maimonides community as a result of the recent murder in Jerusalem of Rabbi Twerskey, who had been a student at the School and whose family were among the founders and longtime supporters of the School. Mr. Rosenberg expressed his appreciation for the support Air Force Base Mass Development and MASS Task Force Report: Ms. Dowd and Mr. Freudberg, each a senior executive at their respective organizations, were welcomed and provided an update on their organizations' activities and plans regarding support of Hanscom Air Force Base. Highlights included reiteration of the Base's substantial economic contribution to the area and Commonwealth, as well as essential contribution to national security interests; a description of a briefing document they have sent to Governor-Elect Baker's transition team, summarizing the Task Force's activities and benefits; the status of ongoing Base- supportive efforts, such as renovations of the Hanscom Center for Collaboration and Innovation (formerly the CEIF building), which will serve as a coordinated IT systems development center for the Air Force, academia, and industry, an ongoing energy-efficiency improvements study, the State-federal land swap to enable relocation and improvement of the Vandenberg Gate, federal financing of the relocation and renovation of Lincoln Labs; and small business and workforce training initiatives Ms Dowd also described a pending conceptual proposal for an on-Base co-generation plant that could benefit the Base, Lincoln Labs, MassPort, and the National Guard headquarters with more efficient, cost- effective, and environmentally beneficial electricity, heat and cooling. Ms. Dowd emphasized MassDevelopment's commitment to support of the Base as an organizational priority Ms. Dowd said that as these projects and others progress, they will return and brief the HATS community in a timely manner and continue to work transparently and cooperatively with the local communities. Mr. Braun thanked them for their time and efforts and commented that preserving the team and missions in support of the Base is imperative. After further discussion, it was the consensus of the HATS Board to authorize Mr. Braun to draft a letter to the Baker transition team to state HATS' support of the efforts of MassDevelopment and the Task Force and HATS' willingness to provide information to the transition team. There was also discussion initiated by Mr. Rosenberg of the Governor's recent "9C" FY'15 budget reductions that included elimination of the State's approximately $500,000 supplemental financial support for Bedford High School's education of Base residents. Mr. Rosenberg emphasized, and the HATS Board agreed, that this was not only a financial setback for Bedford but seemed contrary to the State's otherwise consistent support of the Base. Mr. Freudburg said that although the Task Force had not been consulted by the Governor's financial staff regarding this reduction, he encouraged Bedford to enlist its local legislators' assistance and indicated a willingness to contact the appropriate staff if requested. Mr. Rosenberg stated his appreciation for this support. Assoc. of Defense Communities (ADC) Membership. Mr. Braun reported that HATS would need to pay $240 to become an official ADC member and that Lincoln would be willing to pay for the first year of membership It was the consensus of the HATS Board that HATS would become an ADC member and that the membership expense would rotate annually among the four towns. Ms. Reiss moved to authorize the membership and annual rotation Mr Pato seconded Vote. Approved 4-0-0 Mr. Braun said that he would research how many individuals would be eligible to receive the ADC Newsletters and report back to the Board. MassPort Community Advisory Committee (CAC): The Board acknowledged its understanding that the new CAC would begin meeting once Boston had appointed its members and that updates to HATS on the CAC's activities could begin after the CAC is organized. Logan Community Advisory Committee: Mr. Braun reported that he had received a letter from Rep. Jay Kaufman which he had received as the State Representative of area communities, requesting him to contact the communities regarding the Logan noise study's Phase 3 monitoring of impacts of flight path revisions and to join the Logan CAC if there were local concerns. Ms. Goodspeed confirmed that the proposed flight path revisions should have no impact on the HATS communities or Hanscom Air Field Mr. Braun will let Rep Kaufman know HATS appreciates being notified. Mr. Braun added that he remained hopeful that MassPort will present its strategic plan to the HATS Board in early 2015. HFAC Update: HFAC Chair, Ms. Woodward was not in attendance. Ms. Goodspeed reported that she had delivered the annual noise report and it has been uploaded on the MassPort website HATS Web Site: Past Minutes • Mr Braun reported that he had been in touch with former Lexington Selectman and HATS Board member Deb Mauger and that she expressed willingness to search her personal files for HATS minutes of meetings during her recent tenure as HATS Chair. Town Web Site Links, Calendar Postings and Revisions. It was reported that the HATS web site is now linked into each of the four towns' web sites and that appropriate arrangements have been made for HATS agendas to appear in each town's on-line calendar In response to Park Superintendent Nelson's prior request that the HATS web site include a link to the Park web site, Mr. Braun requested the HATS Board's opinion on the general concept of linking area organizations and how they should be characterized Mr Rosenberg reviewed the HATS mission and endorsed the concept of linking certain related organizations in addition to the Base and Air Field. Mr. Braun was authorized to add a page to the HATS web site with a "community connections" or similar title and to link the National Guard, the Park, and other organizations suggested by the Board from time to time. Announcement: Mr. Braun then acknowledged Mr. Sideris' retirement in early December, and the Board wished him well and thanked him for all he has done for the communities and the Park. Regional Transportation and Other Concerns: Rt. 2 Updates (Crosby Corner and 1-95 Bridge Projects): Mr. Braun reported on new arrangements for access to the Commons, especially heavy construction vehicles for the new Health Center, necessitated by the closure of the Commons' direct access to Rt. 2 to enable work to proceed on that side of the flyover bridge. Everyone was encouraged to voice any concerns that arise. The 1-95 bridge reconstruction is underway. Letter To MBTA Re Schedule Revisions: Ms. Reiss' draft letter was reviewed, and it was agreed that Mr Braun will sign and send the letter as HATS Chair. Ms. Reiss suggested the communication should be ongoing and they will need to consider other related transportation issues. MBTA services, local and regional needs, and an MBTA Committee would need to discussed at a future meeting Bedford's issue is more in transportation management than with the MBTA. 128 CCC/Business Council/Corporate Alliance: In mid-October there was a conference that Sara Mattes attended that was sponsored by what seemed to be a new organization focused on traffic management on Rt. 128 It was agreed that the approrpiate Lexington and Bedford personnel would be contacted and that 128 traffic would be an appropriate topic for a future HATS meeting that would include other organizations concerned with this issue. Media Relations: Mr. Braun suggested that discussion of additional HATS media relations efforts should be deferred until the new Governor and his Base-related staff are in office. Meeting Dates: Upcoming future 2015 meetings are set for January 22, February 26, and March 26. Potential Future Agenda Items: MassPort Strategic Plan: Mr. Braun will see if this can work for January. General John Thompson (AFLCMC) and the Mass High Tech Council: Mr. Braun will work on this for February. U.S. Delegation: There was a discussion regarding who to request to attend and how to work with Washington D.C. schedules -- there can be flexibility on meeting times. HATS Chair transition: Mr Braun is serving until April Minutes — October 23 Ms Reiss moved to approve the minutes. Mr Pato seconded the Motion. There was a discussion regarding a name spelling that will be corrected. Vote: Approved as amended, 4-0-0. Adjourn Ms. Reiss moved to adjourn. Mr. Pato seconded the Motion. Vote. Approved 4- 0-0.