HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-03-27 SB-min Select Board Meeting March 27, 2024 A meeting of the Lexington Select Board was called to order at 6:00p.m. on Wednesday, March 27, 2024, via a hybrid meeting platform. Mr. Pato, Chair; Ms. Barry, Mr. Lucente, Ms. Hai and Mr. Sandeen, were present, as well as Mr. Malloy, Town Manager; Ms. Axtell, Deputy Town Manager and Ms. Katzenback, Executive Clerk. PUBLIC COMMENTS None at this time. SELECT BOARD MEMBER CONCERNS AND LIAISON REPORTS 1. Select Board Member Concerns and Liaison Reports Ms. Barry noted that Lexington’s own Sal Frelik is a starting member of the Milwaukee Brewers this year and will be coming to Fenway Park on Memorial Day weekend 2024. There will likely be a future agenda item to proclaim a day around that time period Sal Frelik Day in Town. Mr. Pato noted that the High School project community meeting, which was planned for April 4th, is likely to be rescheduled for May 9th. TOWN MANAGER REPORT 1. Town Manager Weekly Update Nothing additional to report at this time. DOCUMENTS: Weekly Update 3-22-24 CONSENT AGENDA 1. Approve Select Board Meeting Minutes  February 26, 2024 Select Board  March 6, 2024 Select Board To approve and release the February 26, 2024 Select Board and March 6, 2024 Select Board meeting minutes. a DOCUMENTS: DRAFT 02262024 Select Board minutes, DRAFT 03062024 Select Board minutes 2. Approve 5-Year Contract for Historic Document Conservation in Town Clerk's Office - Northeast Document Conservation Center To award the Town Clerk's Historic Document Conservation Contract to Northeast Document Conservation Center as per their attached bid. DOCUMENTS: Non-Price Proposal, Price Proposal 3. Approve Select Board Committee Appointment - Trustees of Public Trusts - James E. Cavallo To appoint James E. Cavallo to the Trustees of Public Trusts to fill an unexpired six-year term set to expire on September 30, 2026. DOCUMENTS: 2024 Trustees of Public Trusts Application - J. Cavallo 4. Approve Discovery Day Street Fair 2024 Request – Lexington Retailers Association  Road Closures: o Massachusetts Avenue o Depot Square o Muzzey Street  Temporary Sign on Minuteman Commuter Bikeway, 1775 Massachusetts Avenue  Free Parking at Central Business District Parking Meters and Depot Lot To approve restricting vehicular access in the following areas for the 2024 Discovery Day Street Fair to be held on Saturday, May 25, 2024 from 6:00am to 5:00pm:  Massachusetts Avenue, from Waltham Street to Meriam Street (both sides); and Depot Square;  and Muzzey Street, from Massachusetts Avenue to the first private driveway;  and Massachusetts Avenue, north-side sidewalk, from Edison Way to Waltham Street. To approve permission to erect a temporary sign on the Minuteman Commuter Bikeway behind 1775 Massachusetts Avenue during the event for publicity purposes. To approve free parking at the Central Business District parking meters, and not charge for parking in the Depot Lot on Discovery Day. *and all approvals and locations are subject to modifications as may be required by Department of Public Works, Public Safety, Public Health, Engineering and/or Town Manager up to the time of the event. DOCUMENTS: 2024 Discovery Day Request 5. Approve Town Manager Committee Reappointments  Board of Assessors - Edmund Grant  Conservation Commission: o Philip Hamilton o Ruth Ladd o Ralph Bitsko  Commission on Disability - Susan Cusack To confirm the Town Manager's reappointments of Edmund Grant to the Board of Assessors with a term set to expire April 30, 2027; Phil Hamilton and Ruth Ladd to the Conservation Commission with a term set to expire March 31, 2027; Ralph Bitsko to the Conservation Commission with a term set to expire March 31, 2026 and Susan Cusack to the Commission on Disability with a term set to expire October 30, 2026. DOCUMENTS: Edmund Grant, Philip Hamilton, Ruth Ladd, Ralph Bitsko, Susan Cusack VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Select Board voted 5-0 to approve the Consent Agenda. ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. 2024 Annual Town Meeting  Select Board Article Discussion and Positions Ms. Axtell noted that there was an amendment made to Article 37: The Importance of Trees. The Board reviewed the amendment. In response to a question from Ms. Hai, Dave Pinsonneault, Public Works Director, stated that, with the proposed amendments to this Article, he believes the work items included will be able to be handled by the existing Department budget and Staff. Ms. Hai and Mr. Lucente stated that, upon hearing this information, they would change to a “yes” on Article 37. The Board discussed the proposal to IP Article 46 and a majority agreed not to IP it and allow it to move to Town Meeting floor. The Board agreed to continue discussion on this item once Town Counsel was available. 2. Discuss Town Manager Search Process Ms. Hai explained that the Board is being asked to review the RFQ for potential approval next Wednesday. The Board also reviewed the timeline and addressed scheduling additional Board meetings necessary. The Board also reviewed the Town Manager Search Screening Committee Charge. Dawn McKenna, 9 Hancock Street, urged the Board to include a meet and great as part of the search process in order to best include citizens and citizen groups in Town. Valerie Overton, Emerson Gardens, agreed with including references to the Town’s resolutions in the RFP. Another qualification that would be useful for the recruitment firm is experience developing diverse candidate pools. DOCUMENTS: DRAFT - Recruitment RFQ 2024 1.27.2024, Proposed TM search screening committee Charge.3.24.24, Proposed_2024 Town Manager Recruitment Schedule_ 1. 2024 Annual Town Meeting – The Board retook this item at this time.  Select Board Article Discussion and Positions Mr. Pato stated that Town Meeting Member Tony Galaitsis submitted two proposed amendments to the current motion for Article 33 – Authorize Select Board to Seek Affordable Housing. The Board reviewed and discussed the two amendments. Carol Kowalski, Assistant Town Manager for Development, explained that the first amendment deals with the requirement that to come back to Town Meeting would suppress Request for Proposal responses because it would be too risky for an affordable housing developer to go through the process to contemplate going through the process. Mina Makarios, Town Counsel, stated that the first amendment describes having design approval come back to Town Meeting before the Select Board is formally authorized. From his perspective, that renders this year's Article essentially a non-binding resolution. The second amendment includes language that the purpose would be for developing 100% affordable housing on conditions “consistent with Lexington’s residential zoning.” His interpretation of this is as a guiding principle to the Board, that development should look similar to residential zoning somewhere in Town, but it does not have much additional legal impact. Board members took the following positions on the Article 33 proposed amendments: Galaitsis Amendment 1 – All Board members were a “No”. Galaitsis Amendment 2 – Four Board members were a “No”; Mr. Sandeen was a “Wait” pending discussion with the Affordable Housing Trust. DOCUMENTS: Art 37 updated motion, ARt 37 explanation of revisions, Select Board Working Document - Positions 2024ATM as of, Moderators proposed schedule for ATM as of March 21, 2024 3. Update on Options for Facilitated Community Listening Session and Lexington Human Rights Committee Charge The Board agreed to table discussion on this item to a future meeting. ADJOURN VOTE: Upon a motion duly made and seconded, the Select Board voted 5-0 to adjourn the meeting at 7:06 p.m. A true record; Attest: Kristan Patenaude Recording Secretary