May 10, 1984
PRESENT Margery Battin, Robert Sacco, Laura Nichols, Jacquie Bateson, Jack Powell
David Wells, Karsten Sorensen Also, John Oberteuffer, Walter Tonaszuck,
Robert Bowyer, James Lime, Tim Wege, Angela Erick.
Minutes of the meeting on March 15th approved
Wally Tonaszuck reported that he had received bids from three companies The
low bid from Mattes Management Co , Inc was as follows
I $57,000 - $4,750 more for sweeping & plowing
IA $54,600 no sweeping & plowing
Mattes was highly recommended by Mr Tonaszuck.
$12,000 was added to the bid to include entrance only on Meriam St with no
gates at Depot Square
Tickets will be stamped on entrance and exit Would provide an audit capability -
Two attendants - with three attendants at peak hours - $190/day
Hours - 8 a.m. to 6 p m.
Capt Lima asked about selection of the attendants He was informed that they
will be chosen by Lexington Town officials and will be uniformed
The contract can be terminated with one month's notice
Question arose as to whether the traffic problem created will be insurmountable
with no exit on Meriam Street It was agreed that it be given a try
Expenses were listed as follows
$10,000 purchase & installation of gate
57,000 for contract
2,000 for ticket machine & booth
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was unanimously voted to approve the
attendant parking proposal for the Meriam Street lot, as recommended by
John Oberteuffer, with the Mattes Management Co , Inc
Bob Bowyer suggested adding parking accumulation study appropriation to this
article or to the new parking proposal
Tim Wege, Chamber of Commerce, noted that the proposal was to have reviewed
the Planning Board's articles Those articles having passed, the Chamber has
1\ ,, SL_ withdrawn their financial support
C R.C. Meeting May 10, 1984
The Planning Board received the "final draft" of the Land Use Subcommittee
report, received by the C R.0 on March 15 The Final Report should be
voted by C R.0 at the next meeting Errors should be reported to the Com-
mittee Chairman
Discussion followed concerning various directions of C R.0 for the future
The meeting was adjourned at 2 00 p m
Respectfully submitted,
David Wells