HomeMy WebLinkAbout1984-03-01-CRC-min C MINUTES OF CENTER REVITALIZATION MEETING March 1, 1984 Attendees Committee Members Marge Battin, chairman; Bob Sacco, Jack Powell ; Karsten Sorenson, Laura Nichols, Jacqui Bateson, Dave Wells Staff Bob Hutchinson, Town Manager, Wally Tonaszuck, Captain Jim Lima; Bob Bowyer Chairman Battin called the meeting to order at 12 15 p.m. The minutes for the previous meeting were amended and accepted. I. ATTENDANT PARKING John Oberteuffer reported on his investigations (with Jack Powell ) into attendant parking for the Meriam Street Parking lot as follows A. Poll of potential vendors indicate attendant parking would be feasible at Meriam Street Lot. B. Vendors would be interested in entire lot - NOT partial . C. Suggest 1 entrance only, 1 entrance/exit. Exit would be manned at all times . D. All companies felt merchant participation would be no problem. E. Two options feasible 1. Town pays fee to a company (estimated $30K to $60K) . Town receives all revenues. 2. Town leases lot to a company. They manage lot, pay a fixed fee to town, and receive all revenues. F. Operating Costs - Estimated $150 - $200/ Day. G. Capital Costs 1. Entrance gates, booth, gate machines, exit machine, Esti- mated $30,000 Wally Tonaszuck reported the Meriam Street Lot now generates $54,000.00 per year in revenues. - 1 - r Captain Lima reported $3K to $8K is generated in revenue from parking violations. he also pointed out that the present machine is protected 24 hours a day. This includes the cash in the machine. Captain Lima stated concern over vehicles cueing into Depot Square or Meriam Street during morning peak hours. In addition, safety/protection issues were raised, i .e. stacking cars, fire equipment access, theft of cars and contents. Dave Wells stated that he feels there will be a need to balance the park- ing fees throughout the town if attendant parking is implemented. A general discussion ensued and the following was resolved 1. Keep present fee schedule. 2. Keep permits system. 3. Town manager will review safety/protection issues with staff and send recommendation to CRC by 3/15/84. 4. CRC recommendations will be forwarded to Board of Selectmen by 3/19/84. II. Discussion on Park Drive A. Wally Tonaszuck stated that parallel parking using permits could take place with Selectmen approval . B. Wally suggested parallel parking without any improvements. C. Laura Nichols reported that the Land-Use Subcommittee voted NOT to use Park Drive for parking. D. Captain Lima proposed an entrance to High School parking lot from Worthen Road to alleviate traffic from Muzzey Street. Staff will investigate and report. E. Mrs. Bussgang and Mr. Olsen suggested using Parking funds to install Granite curbing on Forest Street. Mr. Tonaszuck said in his opinion it would be inappropriate to use parking fund, and agreed to check with Dick Perry, Comptroller. Motion by Dave Wells to defer decision on Park Drive Parallel Parking pending resolution of Attendant Park- ing seconded by Jacqui Bateson and VOTED in the affirmative. III. Brubeck & Lidman Letters Chairman Battin read the letters of 2 residents regarding a traffic signal and rerouting traffic at the Grant Street-Mass. Ave. intersection. Wally Tonaszuck and Captain Lima were not in favor of the proposed changes. Captain Lima agreed to report to the CRC with a presentation on Center bypasses. IV. Other A. Laura Nichols and Bob Bowyer presented the Land-Use Report from the Land- Use Subcommittee. It was agreed that the CRC members would comment on the report at a later meeting. - 2 - Wally Tonaszuck reported that the state DPW has denied a request to install 15 additional 10-hour meters on Edison Way. It was voted to table a motion to move the all day meters along the Craft Cleaners Building. The meeting was adjourned at 2 10 p.m. Submitted by Bob Sacco - 3 - i