HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-12-07-CRC-min.pdf CENTER REVITALIZATION COMMITTEE December 7, 1982 The meeting was convened by Chairman Battin at 12.15 P.M. Attending members Marge Battin, Joe Trani, Karsten Sorensen, Bob Sacco, Jack Powell, Laura Nichols, Bill Gothorpe Attending members - Land Use Subcommittee. Jacquelyn Smith, Henry Patterson Attending in audience. Robert Bowyer, Wally Tonaszuck, Cliff Prentiss. Chairman Battin commended Mr Tonaszuck and Mr Prentiss for their handling of the two meetings held with abutters to discuss the potential impact of changes that were being considered for the Meriam Street lot The meetings helped make it clear that the abutters and their concerns were not an afterthought to the planning process, but that they were involved right at the inception of the pro- , ject. There followed a general discussion of some of the specific questions raised at these meetings such as Was the decision made in concert with a long range plan? What can be done to limit expansion of the center? What is being done about the non-use of existing permit parking? What will be the impact on the existing foot path? Mr Tonaszuck presented two schematics of possible Meriam Street expansion. He reported that funding would be available by February to pay for all expenses associated with this improvement project. It was suggested that documentation be available to answer abutters ' complaints about under utilization of existing space. Mr Prentiss presented information on the recommended screening material F to be used in the lot expansion plan. Mr Sacco suggested that the primary abut- ter, whose property contains the existing foot path, be contacted for input to the dialogue concerning this lot Upon notion duly made and seconded, it was VOTED• To issue parking permits on an annual basis Mr. Bowyer then made a presentation relative to a group of possible capital pro- jects, labeled PKG-1 through PKG-10 and PKG-A through PKG-H, copies of which were presented to members of the C.R.0 He referred to this work as a Capital Budget- ing tool used to identify eighteen specific parking projects that were broken into promising or possible projects (PKG 1-10) and those that did not seem possible (PKG A-H) There then ensued a discussion of whether the priority ordering of the ten potential promising projects was correct with a variety of suggestions being made such as moving PKG-9 to the not possible list unless it can be done on a lease basis due to the approximate $20 per square foot cost for acquisition, moving PKG 4 and PKG 5 up on the list to begin some planning design, and perhaps adding an expansion of the pool parking lot area as item PKG-11 Mr Bowyer emphasized that this material should be considered as feasibility study material rather than strategic planning Chairman Battin then introduced for discussion the question pertaining to Policy 6 and the position that the C.R.0 would take on it There followed a lengthy and lively discussion of many of the issues relative to Policy 6. It was pointed out _2- C R.0 MEETING December 7, 1982 that the ultimate objective was to strike a balance between the demand for parking in the central business district and the growth of businesses that create this demand Many alternatives were mentioned including. Adjacent zone parking Satellite parking Increased density parking (garage) as well as aesthetic, environmental and economic issues relevant to these plans The discussion mentioned the recent impact of Cory's restaurant and the impending conversion of the Colonial garage building and its impact on the parking demand in the central business district The issues pertinent to a parking garage were then discussed in some detail, especially the aesthetic and environmental concerns, as well as the question of the impact on traffic and development There was some con- cern expressed that an adoption of Policy 6 as it is currently drafted would lead automatically to a commitment to a parking garage A motion was made to defer a decision on Policy 6 to next year to allow more time for the land use subcommittee to study the issues The motion was amended to specifically direct the land use subcommittee to study the impact of a parking garage, satellite parking, and periphery parking in the residential zone prior to making a recommendation on Policy 6 There was an opinion stated that deferring action on Policy 6 could have a negative impact on business development in that there would still be no balance or check on central business development until action was taken. The motion as amended was seconded and voted with one dissenting vote The next meeting of the C R.0 was scheduled for January 18, 1983 There being no further business for discussion, the meeting adjourned at 2 20 P.M. Respectfully submitted, Bill Gothorpe