HomeMy WebLinkAbout1982-04-13-CRC-min.pdf • April 13 , 1982 minutes of CBD Revitalization Committee Page 1 The CBD Revitalization Committee held a luncheon meeting at noon on April 13 , 1982 in the Selectmen' s meeting room of the Town Office Building. The following members of the committee were present: Margery Battin, Chairman (Mn) Robert Sacco (RS) Laura rE EcumEN Karsten1chols SorensenN(KS) inr Jacquelyn Smith (JS) I '1°- Joseph Trani (JT) Also present were Robert Bowyer (RB) , Planning Director, and Walter Tunaszuck (WT) , DPW Director. Observing were Don Olson (DO) and Angela Frick (AF) . The meeting began at noon with the members supplying their own lunch and the town supplying hot water for instant coffee and tea. Discussion of Article on Parking Improvements The opening discussion concerned the events at the session of the Town Meeting held on the previous evening. Of most concern was the fate of the parking lot improvement plan that the committee had presented in an article. Seemingly out of nowhere came a great deal of I neighborhood opposition to the expansion of the parking lot next to F the school administration building with the result that that is where F the parking lot proposal went-nowhere. RS said that the article was not totally supported by the business community and that a number of people had been called so they could be at Town Meeting for the article but that they did not attend. Future Proposals for Parking Improvements — E JS proposed that the committee should consider proposing an article for next year' s Town Meeting for parking requirements for new development in the Center. JS also suggested that the financial aspects of some kind of parking structure be investigated. RS and JT were appointed as a subcommittee to look into the financial aspects of such a parking structure in order to determine under what conditions it would be feasible. LN suggested that the town would benefit from having air rights over the old B&M RR right of way and that the area in the Meriam Street lot be considered as the location for a parking garage. Traffic Survey MB said that due to the budget crunch, the Board of Selectmen had decided to reduce the money available for a traffic survey of the Center from the original 515,000 to 53,000. MB, RB and JS felt uncomfortable with the $3,000 figure as it might not produce worthwhile results and it would be difficult to justify to Town Meeting. RB felt that the town would be getting a worthwhile service in the form of intuitive observations from a very experienced traffic engineer and that these observations might produce a number of I worthwhile suggestions that could be implemented at very little cost April 13 , 1982 Minutes of CBD Revitalization Committee Page 2 such as modifying the timing of traffic signals and the rerouting of traffic patterns in the municipal parking lots. RR also said that the Town might be able to perform a traffic count at the intersection of Waltham Street and Massachusetts Avenue. RB emphasized that in the end the $3, 000 were buying experience judgement. WT said that there was trouble defining what the results of the traffic survey were going to he. RB pointed out that private industry uses consultants regularly as part of defining appropriate actions of the business. JT wanted to know just how relevant were the old studies. RB said that the most recent studies were from 14 to 16 years old and might not be relevant today and that the new study was necessary. WT. added that the suggestions might enable the Town to "milk" some more capacity from the existing network of streets and parking areas. DO added that many factors had changed and the consultant could identify areas of improvements. MB suggested that the study could define new studies and I capital improvements. 41 RS wanted to know were the money was coming from for the study. RB said it was from the general fund and not the parking meter fund. Present Parking Program The committee then went on to discuss the present parking program. JT brought up the problem of unused spaces in the permit areas. FT answered that the problem was being investigated and corrective measures would be considered including slight overselling of permits with respect to the number of spaces and the repurchase of permits from people who were not using them. JT wanted to see more of a permit review. There was then some discussion of the response of the merchants to the program. RS read a letter from the 1776 Bottle Shop which said that business in January of this year was about 5% above last January and that February was about 12% below the same time last year and that the drop was attributed by the owner to the parking program. JT said that the condition of the economy could also explain the drop. WT. said that space was generally available except during the lunch hour and that Bel Canto was very pleased. Letters to the Committee Several letters were received from residents. One suggested moving the Post Office from the present site to the site of the former Rowe Chevrolet where NS bought his car and can no longer bring it for I service. Another letter suggested that parking meters for the library parking lot be considered. Signs LN said that the sign in the Meriam Street lot was not clear enough. The HDC sent a letter saying they were unhappy with the proliferation of signs. WT gave the opinion that the HDC has no control over . . I April 13, 1982 Minutes of CBD Revitalization Committee Page 3 regulatory signs. MB said that Town Counsel was of the opinion that the IiDC had no control over signs. WT said that the signs in the Meriam Street lot would be changed to guide motorists past the ticket I machine. Meter Feeding MB wanted to know if meter feeding was still a problem. RS said yes and that some people were simply parking without bothering to deposit any money. RS also knows of an individual who parks at meters illegally in spite of having a permit. Changes to Parking Plan — I WT outlined the changes to the Parking Plan including the removal of some of the No Parking signs in areas where the parking was working well without too many complaints from residents. JS said that people I who paid for a permit were not going to be happy driving past free spaces to park in permit spaces. DO complained that the main problem in the residential areas was people who parked on the grass in front of peoples' houses. Citizen Survey MB reported that the citizen survey was a great success with some 680 forms or about 30% of the total sent received and they were still coming in. The responses were being tabulated at T.K. Dyer by I keypunching (didn' t think anyone did that anymore) the results into a computer. JS said that several of the answers could not be keypunched. Someone wanted to know what was happening with the MAPC survey of the merchants in town. Someone else want to know if there still was an MAPC. Bob Costello, the Town' s contact, has left MAPC. onward Mn said that the charge of the committee would be reviewed at the next meeting to be held on May 11 at the same time and place. KS pointed out that this would conflict with his 8: 30 AM to 5 : 30 PM meetings that I his boss expects him to attend weekdays except certain holidays. LN said the committee should be considering a transition area around the Center. Adjournment The committee adjournedat about 2 30 PM. KS finished his tuna fish on bulkie roll sandwich and his notes and went back to work . respectfully submitted, Karsten Sorensen May 6 , 1982