HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-01-05-PB-min
A meeting of the Lexington Planning Board, held in Estabrook Hall, Cary Memorial Building was
called to order 6:00 p.m. by Chair Richard Canale, with members Charles Hornig, Nancy Corcoran-
Ronchetti, and Ginna Johnson and planning staff Aaron Henry, David Fields, David Kucharsky,
and Lori Kaufman present. Mr. Dunn was absent.
************************DEVELOPMENT ADMINISTRATION*********************
8 Adams Street, Site Sensitive Development, Sketch Plan 2:
Ms. Elaine Hiller, applicant, Patricia Nelson, attorney, Rick Waitt, project manager, Gary Larson,
landscape architect were present.
Mr. Larson presented the plan and explained the site is in the RS zone and the plan is to construct
one additional home on the site. The proof plan shows two buildable lots that meet the required
standards and a 40 foot wide minor road. Many trees will be retained and more will be added.
There will be a garage addition to the existing home. The applicant is asking for a waiver for the
site coverage to allow the new house, which will only be 1.5 stories in height.
Board Comments:
The carriage house being replaced by a house is too large and since they did not approve
the neighbors plan in the past the waiver should not be permitted.
Remove the third bay for the garage to reduce the site coverage amount. What is the
amount of site coverage for each garage bay? Each garage bay is approximately 250 square
Audience comments:
The applicant met with the abutters and the preference was for the lower 1.5 story profile.
Having a taller but smaller footprint would be less desirable.
The abutters notice said two lots off a new street, but will it still be just the current driveway
in the same location.
Board Comments:
This site coverage is pretty high consider reducing the site coverage, but like the low profile
of the house.
This needs more detail, but no objection except to reduce the site coverage.
Like the circular drive, but consider making the drive pervious.
Page 2 Minutes for the Meeting of January 5, 2017
Like the plan, but adding a third bay garage does not really seem to justify the increased
site coverage being requested.
The applicant has an idea what the Board is looking for on the next plan you submit.
85 Pleasant Street, Site Sensitive Development, Sketch Plan:
Frank Andruauskas, applicant, John Farrington, attorney, Rick Waitt, project manager, Gary
Larson, landscape architect were present.
Mr. Farrington said this is the first time before the Board on this project. This is a three plus acre
site in the RS district and has a proof plan showing four lots.
Mr. Larson presented the plan. The adjacent land is residential except for the Moon Hill pool. The
grading plan has been included. The Town is proposing a sidewalk on Pleasant Street and the
applicant will work with the Town regarding the sidewalk. Paths have been requested and there
have been several meetings with abutters to make sure neighbors understand what this is about.
Board Comments:
On the proof plan where is the access for 85A? It will be in the same place. The grading
shown is unclear.
Why the SSD as opposed to the proof plan? The cul-de-sac would create 15 feet of cut and
the site would be made unrecognizable. The grading would be less since it is a winding
Was this to be a common drive or a private road? Common driveway. Consider making it
a road to provide services for 6 houses and consider providing access to the pool and
common areas.
Audience Comments:
While this is going on how do we access our house?
We have a legal easement and are concerned about overburdening the easement.
Our basement has to heavy jacks since house is leaning down the hill. What guarantees
and recourse do we have for any damages? These are premature for now since this plan is
so early, but will be plenty of opportunity to address this.
The attorney for 85A Pleasant Street said they need to see regulations for GFA on projects
and have more clarity on the steepness of the drive, easements, and the historical concern
about construction there.
Concern with the elevation of the property and concerned about our pool with the blasting
and pounding.
Please send comments to the planning staff or drop by the office. There will be more meetings and
hearings regarding this project. Staff will send comments to the applicant’s attorney.
Minutes for the Meeting of January 5, 2017 Page 3
On a motion duly made and seconded, it was voted, 4-0, adjourn at 7:00 p.m.
The meeting was recorded by LexMedia.
The following documents used at the meeting can be found on file with the Planning Department:
Application for 85 Pleasant Street (8 pages).
85 Pleasant Street Sketch Subdivision Plan Set (5 pages).
Application and cover letter for 8 Adams Street (9 pages).
8 Adams Street Sketch Subdivision Plan Set (9 pages).
Ginna Johnson, Clerk