HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-04-01 SB Packet - Released SELECT BOARD MEETING Monday,April 1, 2024 Select Board Meeting Room, 1625 Massachusetts Avenue, Lexington, MA 02420 - Hybrid Participation* 6:00 P M AGENDA CONSENT AGENDA 1. Application: One-Day Liquor License - First Parish in Lexington, 7 Harrington Road • Voices on the Green Storytelling and Live Music Event 2. Approve Request for Event S igns on Minuteman Bikeway- Estabrook S chool PTO • Run of the Mill Sk& Jim Banks Kids Fun Run Registration 3. Approve Lexington Housing Assistance Board (LexHAB) Purchase of Property- 50 Valleyfield S treet ITEMS FOR INDIVIDUAL CONSIDERATION 1. 2024 Annual Town Meeting 6:OSpm • Select Board Article Discussion and Positions 2. Discuss Concerns Raised at February 12, 2024 Select Board Meeting by Abutter of 6:15pm Battle Green Streetscape Project 3. P re s ent P lan o f Ac tio n and T imeline fo r Amend ing the L exingto n Human R ights 6:3 Sp m C ommittee C harge 4. Review Request for Quotation/Proposal Document Regarding Executive S earch 6:40pm C onsultants for Town Manager S earch ADJOURN 1. Anticipated Adjournment 6:SOpm Meeting Packet:https://lexington.novusagenda.com/agendapublic/ �Membe�s of the public can attend the meetz'ng f�om thei�compute�o�tablet by clicking on the following link at the tz'me of the meetz'ng: https://zoom.us/j/99739813810?pwd=bEZZNE9HK3MyY lAvcWc SdONsQOJIQ T 09 iP ho ne o ne-tap: +13092053325„99739813810#,,,,*153496# US +13126266799„99739813810#,,,,*153496# US (Chicago) Telephone: • +1 309 205 3325 US • +1 312 626 6799 US (Chicago) • +1 646 931 3 860 U S � +1 929 205 6099 US (New York) Meeting ID: 997 3981 3810 Passcode: 153496 An Act Relative to Extending C ertain S tate o f Emergency Ac c ommo dations:http s://www.mas s.gov/the-op en-meeting-law T he next regularly s c heduled me eting o f the S elec t B o ard will b e held p rio r to 2024 Annual To wn Meeting on Wednesday,April 3, 2024 at 6:OOpm via hybrid participation. Hea�ing Assistance Devices Available on Request � All agenda time and the o�de�of items a�e app�ximate and � � �,�,,, subject to change. Recarded by LexMedia AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Application: One-Day Liquor License - First Parish in Lexington, 7 Harrington Road PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Joe Pato, Select Board Chair C.1 S UMMARY: Category:Decision-Making First Parish in Lexin�ton: First Parish in Lexington has requested a One-Day Liquor License to serve beer and wine inside the Parish Hall at F irst P arish in Lexington, 7 Harrington Road, for the purpo s e o f the Voic es on the Green S to rytelling and L ive Mus ic Event o n F rid ay,Ap ril 12, 2 024 fro m 6:3 Op m to 9:3 Op m. SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve a One-Day Liquor License for First Parish in Lexington to serve beer and wine inside the Parish Hall at F irst P arish in Lexington, 7 Harrington Road, for the purpo s e o f Voic es on the Green S torytelling and Live Music Event on Friday,April 12, 2024 from 6:30pm to 9:30pm. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: S elect Board O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 4/1/2024 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Approve Request for Event Signs on Minutema.n Bikeway - Estabrook School PTO PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Joe Pato, Select Board Chair C.2 S UMMARY: Category:Decision-Making T he E s tab ro o k S c ho 01 P T O is reque s ting p ermis s io n fro m the S e lec t B o ard to p lac e two s igns o n the Minuteman Bikeway advertising the registration for their upcoming event called Run of the Mill Sk& Jim B anks Kid s F un Run o n S und ay, M ay 19, 2024 s tarting at 9:3 Oam. T he P T O wo uld like to p lac e the s igns on either end of the Le�ngton Center portion of the the Bikeway ahead of the event to encourage registration. T he L exingto n B ic yc le Advis o ry C o mmitte e s up p o rts tWo s igns o n the B ikeWay fo r this event fo r a limited time p er the general guidelines. SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve the Estabrook S chool P TO's placement of two signs on either end of the Le��ington Center portion of the Minuteman Bikeway for the purpose of advertising the registration for their upcoming event called Run of the Mill Sk& Jim Banks Kids Fun Run on Sunday, May 19, 2024 starting at 9:30am and to further require that the two signs be removed immediately from the B ikeway following the conclusion of the event. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: S elect Board O ffic e DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 4/1/2024 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �����,��a,m��c.�������;�f������]�"�J���)���������:����m���������+�������I��:����.:�fi��� IC������� �,�IICii��� �������aa��� C�:�.������� .�������.�d����.����:� .,.�" '�������i � AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Approve Lexington Housing Assistance Board (LexHAB) Purcha.se of Property - 50 Valleyfield Street PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Joe Pato, Select Board Chair C.3 S UMMARY: Category:Decision-Making At the S elect Board's meeting on March 11, 2024, in Executive S ession, the Board discussed and was in favor of LexHAB's request to purchase 50 Valleyfield Street for affordable housing purposes. In accordance with the Special Acts, at tonight's meeting the S elect Board is publicly voting their approval of LexHAB purchase o f 50 Valleyfield S treet. Chapter 521 of 1983, the (LexHAB Special Act)requires that the S elect Board approve the acquisition of real p ro p erty, the wo rd ing o f the Ac t is as fo llo ws: "W ith the ap p ro val o f the b o ard o f s e lec tmen, to ac quire o r leas e, b y p urc has e o r o therwis e, and to own, hold and use, on such terms and conditions and in such manner as it may deem proper, and to exc hange, grant o p tio ns o n, s ell, trans fer, c o nvey, as s ign, leas e, p led ge, mo rtgage, enc umb er, grant liens on and security interests in, or otherwise dispose of, on such terms and conditions as it may deem p ro p er, real, p ers o nal o r rrii��ed real and p ers o nal p ro p erty o r any intere s t, eas ements o r rights therein, and any as s ets o r revenue s o f s aid b o ard, as may b e nec e s s ary o r ap p ro p riate to c arry o ut its purposes." T he Ac t als o require s that To wn C o uns el reviews all do c uments as to fo rm as fo llo ws: W ith the ap p ro val o f the b o ard o f s e lec tmen, to make and exec ute all c o ntrac ts and all o ther ins truments nec es sary or convenient for the exercis e o f its p ower and functions, subject to approval o f the town counsel of the town of Lexington as to form." SUGGESTED MOTION: To approve Le�IAB's acquisition of 50 Ualleyfield Street for affordable housing purposes for the purchase price of$760,000 plus closing costs, and subject to any comments f�om Town Counsel on the closing documents being satisfacto�i ly add�essed. Move to approve the consent. FOLLOW-UP: LexHAB DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 4/1/2024 ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �����c���:������:�,�r�����;�,��.��,�.�������������; �:.W�:�����. 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SELLER vv�11 not initiate any such pr�ceedin�s and v�ll prornptly x�otify BU�ER if SELLER receives notice of any such proceeding commenced by third parties. C. There i�,ta the best of�he SELLER's knowledge and belief,no notice, suit, order,decree,claim, v�r�t,inj ur�ction or j udgment relating to material violatians of any 1av�s,ordinances,codes, regulations or ather requirements with respect to the premises in,of or by any court or gavernmental authority having jurisdict�on aver the premises. D. T�here are no suits, actians ar proceedings pending or threatened against SELLER materially affecting the premises or SELLER�s r�ght or�avver to consummate the transactian car�templated by this Agreement before any court or administrative agency or off ice that will not be remaved simultaneously wit�i the delivery of the deed. E. There is no pending SELLER bankru�tcy that would inhibxt this conveyance.The SELLER is nat applying for a shor�sale nor v�ou�d be short funds to closing. The SELLER states that SELLER has not filed a voluratary or involuntary proceeding in the United States Bankruptcy Court with competent jurisdictian in the precedin�one year and that t�e praperty that is the subject of the Agreement hereir�is not subject to any approval,re�iev�r or coritrol of any bankruptcy trustee whatsoe�er to the best of SELLER's kriowledge. F. �e SELLER has receiv�ed no w�-itten r�otice of eminent domain ta1'ng,�ondemnatian,betterm�nt or special assessment,actua�or prapased,with respect to the premises, and the SELLER shali ha�e an affirmative obligation ta notify the BUYER of any change in circumstance�from the date ofthis Agreement to the date af clasing, G. The SELLER has no knav�ledge and has receY�ed no natice of any violations of ar�y envirarunental law respecting t11e premises and has no 1�now�edge of the existence of any underground fuel ar oti storage tanks an t�e premises. H. The SELLER is the ov�mer of aIl fixtures and persanal property conveyed hereunder and tl�ere are no conditianal sales or retail installment sal�agreements applicable to any such fixtures and personal property conveyed hereunder. 2. Titie Cont�in�encv: Notwithstand�ng anything herein contained the premises shall not be considered to be in compliance with the pro�isian af this agreement with respect to tit�e t�less, and to the hest of the SELLER's knowledge that: dotloop signature verification.�irl����,r'°I V fi;i�������.w`t��������'<<f{ ` ` A. a�l structures and impro�ements, including but not limi�ed to an� driveway(s�, garage�s� and a11 means of access to the premises shall be whol�y within the 1at Iines of�he premises and sha11 not encroach upon or under any property r�ot within such lot lines; B. the property abuts a public vvay, dul� Ia�d out ar accepted as such by the tov�rri or c�ty in which the property is Iocated, ar abuts a pr��ate v�ay o�er which there is direct access by motor vehicle to a pub�ic v�ray; C. no building, structure, impravernent ar property of any kind encroaches upon ar under the property from other premises; D. title to the premises is insurable, for the benefit of the BUYER, by a natianal title insurance company, in a fee owner's policy of title insurance at normal premium rates, xn the American Lar�d Title Association form�urrently i�use, subject on1�to those printed exceptions to title normally included in the"j acket" and schedule to such form or policy, and exceptions permitted pursuant to paragraph 4 of the Purchase and Sale Agreement; E. Al� impravements located an the premises have been canstructed in accordance v�ith any covenants or order of conditions governing same,ar�d if required by said co�enants or conditians, a recordable certificate of compl�ance is ta be delivered at closing unless previously recorded in the applicable Registry af Deeds; F. A1I existir�g utilities ser�icing the premises are pra�ided directly frorn a publxc str�et or private way or v�a�alidly recarded easement with perpetual right of use. G. The S�ller has not been required to purchase flood insurance. H. SELLER agrees that it sha1� be a condition to the closing hereunder that title to the property shall 1�e ir�surab�e under a lenders arid ovtimer's form of title insurance palicy issued at staridard rates to BUYER's lender and BUYER by a natianal title insurance company on the standard Alta Farm v�ithout taking exception for any encumbrance (other than preprinted exception or those allovved far in paragraph 4). It is agreed that in the event of a title matter for which a title insurance compan� is v�illing to issue a so- cal�ed "clean"policy or provide "aff�rmative co�erage" over a knov�m defect or problem, BUYER rriay elect to acc�pt same but shall nat be required ta do sa, and sha11 have the right, at the aption of their counsel, to deem title to the prem�ses ur�insurab�e and unmarketable and to terrninate this Agreement. � 3. Executian of Deed and Homestead Release: The SELLERs sha11 execute the Deed personally; �t�s agreed that a Deed executed under a Pov�er of Attorney shall nat canstitute a sat�sfactor� Deed under the terms af this Agreement. The Deed submitted to BUYER shal�be signed by all ov�mers and contain a provision indicating that either the ovvners are married, ar the property is not SELLER's primary residence or SELLER is unmarried, and therefore no other pers�n has any Homestead r�ghts, or in the alternative SELLER's nan�avwner spouse shall release herlhis Rights of Hamestead by executing the Deed or a rec�rdable Release of Homestead. dotloop signature verification:��rl��,�.���i°�f�fi ti�,��<<,'���f������'��r{�� 4. SELLER Notification Re ard�n Statements: E�cept as otherwise hereir�pro�ided, the representations pravided in this Agreement shall survive the C�asing and refer to the date of execution of this Agreement. It shall be a candition of BUYER's obligatian to perform uxider this Agreement that a11 represer�tations made by SELLER hereur�der shall b�true as of the time of C�osing(subj ect to exceptions thereto approved by BLJYER in writing, such approval to be in BUYER's sole discretion}. SELLER will promptly notify BUYER of ar�y rnaterial change in facts vvhich arise prior to the ��osing vvhich would make such representati�n untrue if such state of facts had exist�d on the date o�exe�utian of thxs Agreement �"SELL�ER Noti�e"} and unless SELI�ER shal� rectify the cause of su�h change by the original or extended time for C�osing hereunder, BUYER shall have the opt�or�of cance�ing this Agreement by notifying the SELLER thereof in vvriting ir�which e�ent a11 deposits made by the BUYER hereunder,together with the accrued interest, shall b�forth�ith refunded to BUYER and this Agreement shall be null and �oid and without recourse to the Parties hereto. 5. Perm�ts: SELLER represents,to the best of SELLER' s actual krio�ledge and belief,that any repair, upgrade, or like work SELLER has �aused to be undertal�en at the Premises, such vvork has been performed pursuant to bu��ding permits, if so required by the �ifiy or Town Codes, w�th said permit�s) having �eer�"closed" ar�d received f�na� sign off by the Building Inspector of the said Cit�r or Town�"Inspector"} if so requ�r�d. 6. Pro�ertv Maintenance: Betv�een the date of the signing af th�is A�reement and the C�asing, SELLER shall maintain andlor service the Premises and its appurtenances at substantially the same 1eve1 of effart and expens�as the SELLER has maintained and/or ser�iced the Prernises for the SELLER's ovvn ac�ount prior to the date of t�is Agreemer�t and v�ithout any deferral af maintenance or repairs. 7. Mechanic's Lien: The SELLER states that there are r�o outstanding c�ntracts or�ork done on the premises v��thi.n the Iast n�nety �9�}.days after the date of execution of this Agreement�vh�ch could give r�se to liens under Massachusetts General La�s, �hapter 254. Seller agrees that if any mechanic's ar mater�almen's liens v�ith respect ta wark done on the Premises an Se1ler's behalf are recorded after the delivery af the Deed, Se1ler v�il� prompt�y cause such �iens to be duly discharged of re�ord. Seller agrees to indemnify and hold Bu�er harrx��ess from and against any cost, loss, damage or expense, including reasanable attorneys' fees, if any, �'1S1I1� aut of ar relat�ng ta any such liens being placed on the Premises. The provis�ans of this Paragraph shall survi�e de�ivery of the Deed S. Recordin�: The clasing attaY-r�ey sha11 use its best reasonable efforts to record the appropriate elosing dacurnentation at the Regxstry af Deeds on the Clasing date. The Parties understand, however,that depending on the time and locatian of the Closing,the documents ma�not be recorded unt�l the follawing business day. If this accurs, BUYER shall not be considered to be in default with the terms of this Agreement. 9. Sale�roceeds: Notwithstanding anything contair�ed herein, SELLER ackno�vledges and agrees that the issuance of the net proce�ds to SELLER at th�time of clasing hereunder shal� be in the form of either an Attorney's I�LTA check, or a wire transfer to SELLER's caunsel's Attarney IaLTA account. In the e�ent that SELLER requests a v�ire transfer to hislher/their counsel's I�LTA account, it is hereby agreed by SELLER tha�neither Law Offices of Marian P. Abra,ham, P.C., acting as Sett�ernent Agent at the tirne of Clasing,nor BUYER, sha11 be he�d dotloop signature verification.��'rl�w���,���'"�V fi�r��,«J�`����,�f� F��r responsibie, liable or deemed ta be in default hereurider, for ar�� delays in the subsequer�t receipt of SELLER's funds, so long as Lavv�ffices of Marian P. Abraharn, P.C. utilizes reasonab�e efforts to initiate the v�ire transfer upon written notification of recording af the deed at the appli�able Registr� of I�eeds, 1�. Errors and �missions on C�osin�StatementlDisclosure: If any errors ar omiss�ans are found to have occurred in atzy calculations or fgures used in the settlement statement signed by the parties (or would have been included if r�ot for any such err�r ar omission} and notice�ereof is gi�en within sixty (60} days of the date of deli�ery of the deed to the party ta be charged,then such part,y agrees to make such payment as may be necessary to correct the error or amission, ur�less such error or omission xs disputed in good faith. 11. SEI.��ER Mor� a e Pa vff Statem�nts: SELLER will,prior to closing,provide the BUYER's or BUYER's lender's attorneys with the name,te�ephone number and account number of any entity v�hich, as of the date of this Agreement, holds a rnortgage or other security interest in the Fremises. 12, Clos�n�Locat�an: Notw�thstariding the provisions of Paragraph 8 ("Tirr�e far Performance/Delivery of Deed"�, the clos�ng sha�l be held at the Lexington office af La�Office of Mar�an P. Abraham, P�,�nless other�vvise specified in v�rriting. I3. Real Estate Braker Indemnif�catian and Information: BUYER and SELLER warrant and represent each ta the other that neither has dealt v�ith an� broker, realtar ar finder in connection v�ith the purchase of the premises covered by this Agreement except for the brokers named herein (if any), and each agrees ta hold harmless and indemn�fy the ather from an� �ass or damage, includ�ng attarne�'s fees, incurred by reason of a claim against the parties herein for a commissiari or f nder's fees, as a result af the purchase of the premises or in connectivn with this Agreement, The pro�isions af this paragraph shall survive de�ivery of the deed. 14. SEIILER Extension of Clasin�Date: Paragraph I� of the Purchase and Sa1e Agreement shall . be construed to apply only to rnatters affecting titie, the physicai condition of the Premises and compliar�ce of the Premises with mu.nicipal, caunt�, state ar federal codes, ordinances, statutes or regulations concerning the Prernises and to which�the Fremises are subject under the terms of this Agreement. Said Paragraph shall nat be construed to excuse SELLER from vacating the Premises as prov�ded herein far reasans such as the unavailabilit� of movers, incon�enience or ather such delays 1 S. Substantia�Dama e: In the event that the Premises sha11 be substantially damaged in excess of $I 5,000.4�by fire or other casualty priar to deli�ery of the deed herein,the BUYER may elect ta cancel t1�is a�reemerit by written notice to SELLER at�hich po�nt all deposits shall be forthv�rith refiinded and this agreement sha11 be nu11 and vaid without re�aurse ta t�he parties hereto. 1 d. �room C�ean: The SELLER shall deliver the Premises at the time of delivery of the SELLER's deed,as determined hereunder, in a broom clean conditian, removing all of the SELLER's possessians, including, without limitatior�, a11 debris, trash and items stored at the Preamises. A1I appliances and systems shall be in the same aperating eondition at Closing as they v�ere at the time of the BUYER's submission of the �ffer to Furchase, reasonable wear and tear excepted. dotloo si nature verification. Irl�;�����''' ' �� P g �,�r f V�i,r;<<,Y;����.�<<�C� 17. Non-Forei n Status: SELLER is not nor will it be a person or entity wi�h whom U.S. �ersons or entities are restricted fram doing business under regulations of the �ffice of Fore�gn Asset Control �"�FAC"} of the Depar�ment of the Treasury (including those named on�FAC's Specially Designated and Blo�ked Fersons List) or under any statut� �including the Uriiting and Strengthenin�Arnerica by Pro�iding Appropriate Tools Required to Intercept and �bstruct Terrorism Act of 2�01, H.R. 3162, Public Law 1�7-56, cornmonly referred to as the"USA Patriot Act"}, execut�ve order(including the September 24, 2��Z, Executi�e 4rder Blocking Property and Prohibiting Transactions�ith Persans '�Vha �om.mit, Threaten to Commit, ar Suppor�t Terrorism�, or other governmer�tal actian. �S. Del�ve of Ke s to BUYER: At C�osing, or short�y after the record�ng of the deed by BUYER, the SELLER shall deli�er to the BUYER an� and a�� keys in SELLER's possession ta the prem�ses inc�uding, but not I�rnited to, door, garage, shed, if any, upan recording af the deed and payment of the fu�1 purchase price. 19. SELLER Documents for Closin : S�LLER agrees to sign all documents customarixy required by BUYER's lender�n connectian v��th obta�ning mort�age financing, inc�uding but�imited to, the Settlement Statement, ��99 Farm, UFFI Agreement, Smoke Detector Certificati�n, Title Insurarice Affidavit, Agreemer�t to Reapportion Taxes, Mechanics Lien Aff�davit, etc. 20. Final�aterlSewer: SELLER shall provide the BU�ER's lender at�orney w�th a paid recei t p �or any fina� �ater and sewer charges an the premises at or before the clos�ng. 21. Titie Insurance: In addit�an ta the foregoing, b� s�gning be�ow BUYER also ack.r�o�v�ed e that . , � 1n the caurse of our representatlon of BUYER and BCJYER's Lender, it is anticipated than an owner's and lender's title insurance palicy v�ill be �ssued by Lender's counsel as an agent far a I�censed t�tle irisu.rance company. In this capacity, the author�zed issuing agent recei�es a portion of the one-time insurance premium. The prerriium amount is calculated on the Furchase Friee and Iaan amount�as applicable) and has been Iisted on your Loan Estimate from our , , , , , . Y Iender, and again on the Clas�ng Dlsclasure prior to and at Closing. BL]YER may w�sh ta seek the advice af independent counsel as to the purchase of the �ptiona� awner's title insurance polic�. If BUYER's attorney simultaneously represents BUYER's Iender for purposes af the �losing, then BLTYER shall be required to purchase a Iender's title �nsurance palic� for their benefit. 22. Sco�e of�Vork: The scope of the legal services rendered by Lav� �ffices of Marian 1'. Abraham ta the BUYER does not include a,n�verificatYon of zoning ar suitability af the subject ro ert � � y for the use(s} stated herein. By signing belovv, BUYER hereby represents, warrants, and a rees , . . . � that BUYER understands that the role of their attorriey as named 1n this Agreement �s mere� to . , . , , . Y negot�ate thls A�reement on the�r behaif, �nd sha11 NaT include research ar due dil�gence related to building code, zor�ing �av�s, Iand use, federal or state �nco�ne t�,x ramifcations, estate planning ar di�orce related matters, or revie�of condominium doeuments beyond com liax�ce . p wxth Massachus�tts Creneral Laws Chapter 183A, The provisions of this paragraph shall surv�ve the recording of t�e deed ar lavvfu�termination of this Agreement. 23. Re ist Recardin : Due to the c�rcumstances stated herein in this clause, in the event the Registr�af Deeds off ee andlor locatiari is clased to the public and requires recordings to be subm�ited anl�ne (a�so sometimes referred to as eiectronic recording or E-Fi1e},the Farties dot oop signature verification.��'r�i?;��''�r 31�i�;�`.�.1`�,��������'�,'h�b acknowiedge that there may be a delay in the recording of the deed due to �ralume andlor document rejec�ions. The Faxties ur�derstand and ackr�ovvledge that the attorney fvr the BUYERS' �hereinafter referred to as the "Clos�ng Attarne�"} shall use their best efforts to ensure prompt and s�ift reeord�ng of the deed, ho�ever, the BUYER shall not be held in default if the recording af the deed occurs v�ithin 24 hours af the �losing date set forth in Paragraph 8 herein due to e-filing�olume andlor dacurnent rej ections. 24. EasementslRestrictions of Record: In the event this Agreernent contains any pro��sior�that the BL7YER shall accept the title af the SELLER subject to easernents a.nd restrictions of record, if ar�y,then such acceptanee of title subject to easements and restr�ctions shali be limited to those of record, �f any, �nsofar as the� may be in force a.r�d effect, v�hich do not adversely affect the Premises for use as a sir�gle family dv�elling by the BUYER and which: �a) give no rights to anyane to enter upan, cross or use any portion of the Premises other than standard utility easements; (b} ha�e beer�duly satisfied of record at or prior to the Closing ir�the everit consent(s} or approvals are needed; and (c� have been duly complied with of recard (without limitatian, a certificate of compiiance} at or prior to the C�os�ng in the event any order of cond�tion or any other state, county, or municipa� �or any subdivisions thereo�requirements in con.nection with the Premises. 25. Termination and Return of BUYER Depasit: In the event of any termination of this Agreement l�ecause of any default by SELLER, then the de�osit made under this Agreement shal� be forthwith refunded, and BUYER shall be entitled ta pursue aIl remedies a�ailable to it �n law and inequity, inc�uding v�ithaut �im�tation specific performance, 2�. Unipue Pro�erty: Notvvithstanding anything set forth herein to the contrary, BUYER's obligations hereunder are expressly subj ect to and cantingency upon its comp�etion of the notificati�n process for unique real property acquisitions that is described in Massachusetts �eneral La�vs Chapter 3�B, Sectian 16�e}�2} to the BUYER's reasanable satisfactior�. BUYER has submitted the Uniqueness Determination to the Central Registrar as of March 2�, 2�24 as r�quired under Massachusetts General Laws Chapter 3�B, Section 16�2�(2}. Such publicatYon will occur on March 27, 2�24 and wi11 run for thirty �3Q}days before the closing can occur, A copy of the confirmatian of said submission shall be pro�ided by Fr�day, March, 22, 2024. 27. Select Baard A��rova�: The Parties acknowledge that,per the requirements�f its Char�er, any purchase or mortgage af property by LexHAB requires appro�a� of the Select Board of the Tawn of Lexir�gtor�. Such approval to oceur t�rent� �2�� caler�dar da�s after the �elect Board meet�ng which is currently scheduled for no lat�r than sixty ���} days after the ea�ecution by all parties of this Purchase and Sale Agreement. In the event such approvai has not been obtair�ed on or before the sixty �6�} day time periad, LexHAB shall ha�e the right to terminate this agreement by �ritten notice to SELLER and all deposits t$3�,���.��� shail be returned to L��HAB and this agreement sha11 be of no furt.her force and effect. 2S. Disclosure of Beneficial Interest: SELLER agrees to complete the disclosure af beneficial interest farm that is attached hereta as Exhibit A as required by Massachusetts �eneral La�vs Chapter 7�, Seetion 3 8. BUYER v�ill f�e such completed form vvith the Division of Asset Management and Maintenance. dotloop signature verification.�lrl����,'�f fi,lr�°�.�`��Jt�'����i'�;�I�a ��.��.��������.� ��.�.������ � Im���������� �.��.���� �"������� ��„������������:�� ��w.w:������.�i�.�� ��������������� ����:������ �������� ��� dotloop verified �- �����•�p j�/���� �T 03/21/24 6:15 PM EDT ,,,��'� �' 4FI D-YP54-KCRN-AJ LE �� ,� ` �+ �,'�1M�Fw��'��, , , w �����,.�1���'�����.,� ������9�k���I��"�' �w ��''t���.,'"��, ���� ���M�,������.._�''M�w�'� ������N�A������.�� w,� � n u_ ,� i �, �„y ���� �...������ � ������ �������������� dotloop signature verification.�Irl������,���°'�V fi�r��:�,����'���''�����;�f�F�� ����������� �'�;'����'�r�,���J���,�� ���..� �"��"���.��_� * ����� �����������;��� ����������������� �� �� ��� ���������:�� ������ ���������.������ i����� ���� ����� ����::��� ����.����������.������,� � r �r w w w u � �""' �, ;� ^� w' +^h �,,. �'�"�Y ,�"kh �y„��, ,p �„_r��' w, , ,� � �u^�y; �. �, '� ��, � .;�"" � *„�;�a,+�" ^�b""� I, �'� � �������������.����.� ������ ����...���� ���.����������������,�� ��..�������������. ���� ���1� ������� ��� ���C� ������ 'r'°,rMl...,. ,,�..: .,� ....,,"..�.,.m �r�.,.,�,�.� ...,,. uM':�. ..,...�,' �,�.,�,r"..,,. �".�.�.,� , M�: .,.,.;.:�. �,�.". ,e�: „�,ri,.. .i,,,, �„ .,�... �.� ��:, ...�.,� �����,�. ..,..,.., ,�,� . �..,�,.�..... ....,... ,���,�'. ,�. �,�,�.w,���.w �.�.y�..� �.,�'..�.,�. ., ��; i �* :"M� �r �� � �^�fi 1, "� :'N� I�� � �u �r �y ,, �w�v,. 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NUMBER: Board Discussion I.1 S UMMARY: C ategory: Informing 2024 Annual Town Meeting The S elect Board will discuss articles and take positions for 2024 Annual Town Meeting. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 4/1/2024 6:OSpm ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � �������,������.�,��°�� �:��°���������������c��m���,,,,��c�����������������-"�l�' ���G�������� I[��,��������� I[�:����uw������°°�������:���������-����„�����c�����,n�°���� �°�� �������I ���°�����:�,��.�,(.�:�,� ���������, ��,�,;���:�� � � �����;������������m��w���������� �I��;���.���� II���,��~��-�� � ��������c����,�r��'��.�v�:������������,� .��c;���:��,��. IC�:�,�����i��,� � �.�Fl��i�:n��fm���r��n���������..r���A������� ]q::������:�����: I[�����;������ � ������������������������w� ���������.��;�r������ .����������. ���T����� � �:�v��"���c�����,�.�d`��,��m�y�����;��,ii���m���������,�.����m����� ������:���� ��,�����°���.� Select Board Positions as of March 27,2024 Working Document ARTICLE # UPDATE AT SELECT SELECT BOARD Article Name BOARD MTG PRSNTR CONSENT IP JP SB DL JH MS 1 Notice of Election - Financial Articles 4 Appropriate Fy2025 Operating Budget Jp � � � � � � � 5 Appropriate Fy2025 Enterprise Funds Budgets DL Y � � � � - SB C 7 Sustainable Capital Proj ects MS � � � � Y 8 Accept Tucker Ave(Westernmost Portion) DL � � � � � 9 Establish And Continue Departmental Revolving Funds DL � � � � Y Appropriate The Fy2025 Community Preservation Committee Operating Budget And CPA Proj ects C 10 1/22/2024 MS i.Affordable Housing Trust Funding—$3,200,000 � � Y � � C C 11 Appropriate For Recreation Capital Proj ects SB C � � Y � � IVote:As Articles are voted on at Town Meeting they are removed from the working document list Select Board Positions as of March 27,2024 Working Document ARTICLE # UPDATE AT SELECT SELECT BOARD Article Name BOARD MTG PRSNTR CONSENT IP JP SB DL JH MS Appropriate For Municipal Capital Proj ects And Equipment C b)Heavy Vehicle Extrication Equipment � � � � � C C C C C C 12 MS i)Cemetery Columbarium-Design � � � � � j)Public Parking Lot Improvement Program � � � � � C C C C C p)Election Equipment Upgrade � � � � � C - MS C - MS C - DL C IVote:As Articles are voted on at Town Meeting they are removed from the working document list Select Board Positions as of March 27,2024 Working Document ARTICLE # UPDATE AT SELECT SELECT BOARD Article Name BOARD MTG PRSNTR CONSENT IP JP SB DL JH MS Appropriate For Public Facilities Capital Proj ects C - MS C C C - DL C 18 Rescind Prior Borrowing Authorizations JH Y � � � � 19 Establish,Amend,Dissolve And Appropriate To And From SB � � � � � Specified Stabilization Funds - SB C 21 Amend Fy2024 Operating,Enterprise And CPA Budgets JH � � � Y Y - DL C 23 Appropriate Opiod Settlement MS � � � Y � 24 Appropriate Funding For Semiquincentennial Commission 2/5/2024 SB � � � � � 25 Pine Meadows Clubhouse Renovation SB � � � � � 26 Appropriate for Design Funds for Lexington High School Jp � � � � Construction Proj ect � 27 Appropriate for Renovation of 173 Bedford Street JP Y � � � � General Articles - DL C - JH C IVote:As Articles are voted on at Town Meeting they are removed from the working document list Select Board Positions as of March 27,2024 Working Document ARTICLE # UPDATE AT SELECT SELECT BOARD Article Name BOARD MTG PRSNTR CONSENT IP JP SB DL JH MS 31 prohibit Single-Serve Plastic Water Bottles(Citizen's 2�12/2024 JH Petition) 33 Authorize Affordable Housing Trust To Seek Affordable 2/5/2024 MS � � � Y Y Housing -Galaitsis Amendment 1 -Galaitsis Amendment 2 34 Amend General Bylaws-Tree Bylaw-Tree Protection 1/22/2024 JP Y Y � Y � Plan 35 Amend General Bylaws-Tree Bylaw-Require Mitigation 1/22/2024 JP Y � Y � Planting In Certain Instances 36 Amend General Bylaws-Tree Bylaw-Exemptions 1/22/2024 JP � � ��� ���� � � ���� � ��� 37 Importance Of Trees Resolution(Citizen Petition) 1/22/2024 JP � ���� `� � ���� � ��� Amend Regulation Of Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Bylaw- 38 Meet Department Of Energy Resources(Doer)Requested JH Y Y � � Chan es 39 Home Rule Petition To Adjust The Number Of On-Premise DL � Y � Y Y Wine And Malt Alcohol Licenses 40 Integrated Pest Management Resolution(Citizen Petition) 2/12/2024 MS � � � � � 41 Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority 3/4/2024 JH � � � � � 43 Voting Rights 16 And Older(Citizen Petition) � ; � � 2/12/2024 DL SB C 45 Indigenous Peoples Day(Citizen Petition) � � Y � � � 2/12/2024 JH 46 Royal Family Invitation To 250th Celebration DL � � � Zoning Articles 47 Amend Zoning Bylaw-Signs Y � 2/26/2024 JP 48 Amend Zoning Bylaw-Short Term Rentals 2/26/2024 DL � � � _ IVote:As Articles are voted on at Town Meeting they are removed from the working document list Select Board Positions as of March 27,2024 Working Document ARTICLE # UPDATE AT SELECT SELECT BOARD Article Name BOARD MTG PRSNTR CONSENT IP JP SB DL JH MS 49 Amend Zoning Bylaw-Permitted Uses and Development � � Standards 2/26/2024 MS 50 Amend Zoning Bylaw-Inclusionary Housing For Village � � � And Multi-Famil Overla Districts 2/26/2024 JH 51 Amend Zoning Bylaw—Maximum Height For Village � � � � Overla District 2/26/2024 JH 52 Amend Zoning Bylaw And Map-Technical Corrections 2/26/2024 SB � � � � � JH C _ JH C IVote:As Articles are voted on at Town Meeting they are removed from the working document list Updated schedule for ATM 2024-published March 28, 2024 Monday April 1, 2024 (Deadline has passed for proposed amendments/division requests) •Article 25 - Pine Meadows Clubhouse Renovation •Article 26 - Appropriate for Design Funds for LHS Project (DATE CERTAIN) •Article 27 - Appropriate for Renovation of 173 Bedford Street (DATE CERTAIN) •Article 12 - Appropriate for Municipal Capital Projects and Equipment- items not on consent agenda: 012b - Heavy Vehicle Extrication Equipment 012i - Cemetery Columbarium - Design 012j - Public Parking Lot Improvements (removed from Consent Agenda) 012p - Election Equipment Upgrade •Time permitting, continue unfinished business from previous sessions: oArticle 38 - Amend Regulation of Fossil Fuel Infrastructure Bylaw oArticle 39 - Home Rule Petition to Adjust the Number of On-Premise Wine and Malt Alcohol Licenses oArticle 41 - Massachusetts Bay Transportation Authority oArticle 18 - Rescind Prior Borrowing Authorizations oArticle 19 - Establish, Amend, Dissolve and Appropriate.... Specified Stabilization Funds o Article 23 - Appropriate Opioid Settlement Wed. Apri I 3, 2024 (Deadline has passed for proposed amendments/division requests) •Town Meeting member memorials •TMMA 30-year pins •Article 10i - Affordable Housing Trust Funding •Article 33 - Authorize the Select Board to Seek Affordable Housing (DATE CERTAIN) •Continue unfinished business from previous sessions Monday, April 8, 2024 (Proposed amendments/division requests due: 5pm Mon. 4/1) •Zoning Articles; Amend Zoning Bylaw re: oArticle 47 - Signs o Article 48 - Short Term Rentals oArticle 49 - Permitted Uses and Development Standards oArticle 50 - Inclusionary Housing for Village and Multi-Family Overlay Districts oArticle 51 - Maximum Height for Village Overlay District oArticle 52 - Technical Corrections Wednesday, April 10, 2024 (Proposed amendments/division requests due: 5pm Mon. 4/1) •Article 24 - Appropriate Funding for Semiquincentennial Commission •Article 46 - Royal Family Invitation to 250th Celebration •Continue any unfinished Zoning Articles •Time permitting, continue unfinished business from previous sessions NO SESSIONS school vacation week: Monday April 15 and Wednesday April 17 Monday, April 22, 2024 - NO SESSION (1 st night Passover) Wed. Apri I 24, 2024 (Proposed amendments/division requests due: 5pm Wed. 4/10) •Article 31 - Prohibit Single-Serve Plastic Water Bottles (Citizen Petition) •Article 34 - Amend General Bylaws - Tree Bylaw - Tree Protection Plan •Article 35 - Amend General Bylaws - Tree Bylaw - Mitigation Planning •Article 36 - Amend General Bylaws - Tree Bylaw - Exemptions •Article 37 - Importance of Trees Resolution (Citizen Petition) •Time permitting: Unfinished business from previous sessions Monday April 29, 2024 (Proposed amendments/division requests due: 5pm Wed. 4/24) •Article 21 - Amend FY2024 Operating, Enterprise and CPA Budgets •Article 40 - I ntegrated Pest Management Resolution (Citizen Petition) •Article 43 - Voting Rights 16 and Older (Citizen Petition) •Article 45 - Indigenous Peoples Day (Citizen Petition) • Unfinished business from previous sessions Hold for schedule slippage: • Wednesday, May 1 st • Monday, May 6th • Wednesday, May 8th LEXINGTOIV TOWN MEETING AMENDMENT FORM ARTICLE N U M BER: 48 DATE: 03/28/2024 � Steven Kaufman, TMM Precinct 5, , move to Amend the Motion Move to amend the motion under Article 48 by adding the following Section 13. A short-term rental shall not be used for large indoor or outdoor group events such as luncheons, banquets, parties, weddings, meetings, or seminars. The number of individuals permitted in or at a short-term rental at any time for gatherings shall not exceed the 10 person dwelling limit of the STR. Examples of text for amendments may include statements such as: By striking the words... By adding the By striking in its entirety Section ( ) Paragraph ( ) ... Following... And by substituting the words... And by substituting in its place the following Secfion ( ) Paragraph ( ) ... Acfi'on Taken: Pass Fail Unanimous Majority Other LEXINGTOIV TOWN MEETING AMENDMENT FORM ARTICLE N U M BER: 48 DATE: 03/28/2024 � Steven Kaufman, TMM Precinct 5, , move to Amend the Motion Move to amend the motion under Article 48 by adding the following Section 13. A short-term rental shall not be used for large indoor or outdoor group events such as luncheons, banquets, parties, weddings, meetings, or seminars. The number of individuals permitted in or at a short-term rental at any time for gatherings shall not exceed the 10 person dwelling limit of the STR. Examples of text for amendments may include statements such as: By striking the words... By adding the By striking in its entirety Section ( ) Paragraph ( ) ... Following... And by substituting the words... And by substituting in its place the following Secfion ( ) Paragraph ( ) ... Acfi'on Taken: Pass Fail Unanimous Majority Other LEXINGTOIV TOWN MEETING AMENDMENT FORM ARTICLE NUMBER: 48 DATE: 03/31/2024 � Tom Shiple, TMM Precinct 9 , move to Amend the Motion Move to amend Section 135- under the motion under Article 48 by striking the words "the 10 person dwelling limit of the STR" and adding the words "15 persons" as follows: A short-term rental shall not be used for large indoor or outdoor group events such as luncheons, banquets, parties, weddings, meetings, or seminars. The number of individuals permitted in or at a short-term rental at any time for gatherings shall not exceed 15 persons. Examples of text for amendments may include statements such as: By striking the words... By adding the By striking in its entirety Section ( ) Paragraph ( ) ... Following... And by substituting the words... And by substituting in its place the following Secfion ( ) Paragraph ( ) ... Acfi'on Taken: Pass Fail Unanimous Majority Other Town of Lexington Motion 2024 Annual Town Meeting ARTICLE 46 ROYAL FAMILY INVITATION TO 250TH CELEBRATION MOTION: That this article will be indefinitely postponed. (04/O 1/2024) 1 ei�i""� w����m�� '`�w ��;��'"�j��'tl�,���ri����`uw� � �A�������N�r�m � U��si���'m���y�rrr�(� wm�i�un�ii6���m�r�� I� ������,�yiu`�" u i �`°'i�i��G�m � 4��ivi�i �ud�^ yr, u� � ��� �i ��Y� �VI°�'�( ����aWY���� M������ own o exin on ��,�� ����. � �� ���-����� �� wk� , i�:f� ��� ��� �II�� ���� �M� � }��`" • � �,�"'" �` �Nw14�lo� �����e����WY�If���I����r�'� ��Pu ���� O�� �� �� �n���t;;��������y�y�y�yyy�'�'��w������� ''^��r���u���n�����,���rr ���'�ll:Yll(!((((IkRll'IIIINE�" Article 4 6: Ro al F amil Invitatio n to 2 5 Oth Y Y C eleb ratio n Statement on Inde znite Post onement Presenter: Dou Lucente g The Select Board has elected to indefinitely postpone Article 46, reflecting our commitment to ensuring the Lex250 celebrations encompass a wide array of cultural and international representations. Extending an invitation exclusively to the United Kingdom at this juncture is premature, as the scope of Lex250 planning is anticipated to extend beyond inviting a single entity from one nation. Our commitment to the Lex250 celebrations is anchored in two core principles: honoring the past and preserving the future. Our celebrations of American Liberty not only honor our collective heritage and cherished principles like freedom and democracy but also acknowledge the enduring bonds of unity and friendship that have formed over 250 years, spanning beyond the U.S. and the U.K. to include a global community. While we anticipate engaging in numerous discussions in the coming months, it remains clear that our shared goal is to highlight Lexington's distinguished history and its vibrant, ongoing role in shaping the future. We invite the community to join a discussion on evening of June 12th at the Community Center to further explore our approach to invitations for the event. The Select Board is unanimously supports indefinite postponement of this Article. AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Discuss Concerns Raised at February 12, 2024 Select Board Meeting by Abutter of Battle Green Streetscape Proj ect PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: John Livsey, Town Engineer I.2 S UMMARY: Category:Decision-Making Attached please find recommendations based on the S elect Board's previous discussion with the abutter at 9 H anc o c k re lated to c o nc erns the ab utter rais ed with the d e s ign and o ther fe ature s o f the B attle G re en S treetscape. J o hn L ivs ey, To wn Engine er and D ave P ins o nneault, D P W D irec to r will b e availab le to p re s ent and ans wer questions. SUGGESTED MOTION: Move to approve the actions recommended by the Town Engineer and DP W Director in relation to the Battle Green Master P lan. FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 4/1/2024 6:15p m ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � ���°����c�����,���;����� �::������ ��a��r7�� � �,�,��:����;�������au�s��c�°�,,,,�d�s]q:�v ICc„f���w�:���. �:����;��:��� ��.��w�����:� },_��,������� ' ,'{� ���������`�` f .� .. � .s�_ >� ��. , � � � � � � � � � �� �� � � �,� �� � ,�,�r � �� ; � � � ,: � � ' , � -� � '� ��; � s � � _ � � � � � � � �,�; �� � � s � �� �,� .��. � ��� � .,, � � � � , ., � 3 .��, '� �� ��� � � . � , � ._ ��<, � , ��_ .� i -..__�.... -......_._..:: : ,, ��. - ,�� ��F= _ � ��f s�����������t' ky',, q' �} �.� � j � � � � � � � � � � _ � � ` � � � • • n rn i F r r 1 B r m in o ce s scusse at e ua e ect oa eet � 1. Can the type A (pedestrian level) and Type B (street level-tall) that are in front of#9 Hancock street be moved and/or be dimmed`? 2. Can the type A light in front of#1 Harrington Road be moved? 3. Can the rear side of the type A lighting near #9 Hancock and the Masons Building be screened`? 4. Can the detectable warning panels on the bike ramps be eliminated? 5. Can the crosswalk on the Hancock Street leg of the roundabout be eliminated`? 6. Can the walkway from the Visitors center be better lined up with the Bedford Street . crossing`? 7. Can the town support the fee (if not waived) for the HDC application for extending and painting the fence at #9 Hancock Street`? 8. Can a grass strip be added along the Bedford Street side of the Battle Green? 0 ow-u on oncerns 1. Can the type A (pedestrian level) and Type B (street level-tall) that a�e in front of#9 Hancock street be moved and/or be dimmed? • MOVING — (not recommended) • Light will not be properly cast on roadway or sidewalk reducing safety • Significant infrastructure work to relocate including removing sidewalk, installing conduit and pull boxes, pulling wire, removing and installing foundations, remove and resetting of granite, and replacing of concrete sidewalk • DIMMING • Dimming is an option • Actively working with manufacturer / supplier on various scenarios • Field testing is pending 0 ow-u on oncerns 2. Can th e type A light in fron t of#1 Harrington road be m oved? • MOVING (not recommended) • Light will not be properly cast on roadway or sidewalk reducing safety • Significant infrastructure work to relocate including removing sidewalk, installing conduit and pull boxes, pulling wire, removing and installing foundations, remove and resetting of granite, and replacing of concrete sidewalk 3. Can the rear side of the typeA lighting near #9 Hancock St�eet and at the Masons Building be shielded? • Yes, the shields have been ordered 0 ow-u on oncerns 4. Can the detectable warning panels on the bike ramps be eliminated? • State and Federal guidance leads to the need for the panels on these ramps • Guidance documents include; • NCHRP research report 834 entitled `Crossing Solutions at Roundabouts and Channelized Turn Lanes for Pedestrians with Vision Disabilities' • MassDOT guidelines for the Planning and Design of Roundabouts 2020 • NCHRP research report 672 entitled `Roundabouts and Informational Guide' • The Bicycle Advisory Committee reconfirmed the need for the ramps at the 3-14-24 meeting 0 ow-u on oncerns S. Can the crosswalk on the Hancock St�eet leg of the roundabout be eliminated? • We do not recommend • Lengthens the travel time for pedestrians by over a minute • Decreases connectivity and accessibility • Eliminates the protected island one-lane crossing • The Commission on Disability met on 2-20-24 and 3-19-24 and voted to keep the crosswalk • The Bicycle Advisory Committee met on 3-14-24 and voted to keep the crosswalk ALTERNATIVE SOLUTION; • We can install a new walkway from the driveway at #9 Hancock to the entrance of the home with potential locations as; • Replacement existing walkway or; • Go directly behind new sidewalk which would entail fence and landscape relocation Various material options may be discussed including stabilized crushed granite/stone dust, concrete or brick and we would support the HDC application as needed 0 ow-u on oncerns 6. Can the walkway from the Vsitors Cente� be better lined up with the Bedford Street crossing? • Yes, we will be adjusting the gravel path to better line up with the crossing this spring 7. Can the town support the fee (if not waived) for the HDC application for extending and painting the fence at #9 Hancock Street • Yes 8. Can a grass strip be added along the Bedford Street side of the Battle Green? • We have maintenance concerns but will follow the guidance of the Select Board. At the 11-28-22 Select Board meeting the Select Board voted 2 in favor of the grass strip and 2 opposed (one recused) • onc uslon • A light dimming plan is in progress • Screening from the rear of the lights has been ordered • The bike ramp detectable warning panels cannot be removed and we recommend leaving the ramps • We do not recommend eliminating the crosswalk but alternatively will install a new walkway if de s ired by home owner • The visitors center path will be lined up with the road crossing • We will extend the fence and paint entirety of fence (existing and new) to match • We will support the HDC application and fee for the fence extension and painting and the walkway • We will follow the direction of the SB for the Battle Green grass strip. P�eviously agreed upon items include; • Removal of severely distressed tree on property (complete) • Planting of a MacIntosh Apple tree on property (pending) • Adjusting the design plan to move the driveway as west as possible (complete) • Regrading yard in area of tree removal (pending) • S o dding yard in are a o f di sturb anc e (p ending) � ���;�;� � ` �,, ,, . � , , � �' �<� �� �� � ��� _�� � _ = �, \ \, - Thank You � � � � ;. _ � . � _ � o .n � _ � _ W, � �� � _, ��� �- _� - �,, _� �� _ -�\�� ��\���_ ���. ;� - � 3 . ,�.� � \�� John Livse PE, Town En ineer �� �° � � - y g � � _ � „ � \��,,, �� �� � ,�"� �, � �. �� �� �, �� ��� _ � - �;� < _ : �� ;��- ��� �� � t���`� ������ �\\� \,. - ������ �\�� ������� � ��� , \\,�\ - _ ����,�:.,.. �-z��\� � �; �� �:: ��. � �lii ' f \\� �� �.�. �����\\\�o���: Ii �� �= �� �� a� �'�y0�-�\ �� \' �:��o\ � \�����\� l�\�� '\\� \\�\\ \ �\\\�\\\� ���.�- \\�\��� ��� p�� ��\� ��� \\� ���\ -,�� �� �� ��� � �\�� ��\�@\ ` �� \\���\ .\�\� ��_', \ QO\\�\\�`� '\ `s�f' ;� � ��-� �� \� � \, \ \ � � ����, r � � �. � �.�•!. ��� � =��� � ` ���\o� �,. c - �� ������ _.`.� ..:\� \`�\\ ��� �� -... .�.� ..�� ,,. �.��\� . . - ��� � • • an or iscusslon ur oses as nee e �. -�. _ __ _ r�, � � �£ 3_� E.�.� ��� _ . � �_ � __ � � � _ _ _ _ � _ _^� _ _ � � �__ � � e_ __ ��� = m � _ � _ �� � ,,� � � r t� �. _ a t � . � ._ ��- �,�, � _ � __ _ �— e a= _ - � �� � �� -- .- � _ — - _-. � a _� _ ,�.; � ' .,.-,. __� q �� ,, Z. �p � _ � � a � � „ .,z ? - .. - _ � �-��' � . �'� � _ � - - ., ....., ., . ...� � ..- ,....._� . � . � � � - - � _ ....._ . ._,. � �. .� .� � �i'�-�'� _��� ��£-,��� e j s ..,� < .. s. �c - . _ ` _ �� - � '�., � �� _�t x� � � � I. � ; � � �_ � , j; �_ �� q� � .�1��L��l��#�t��l#������I� ���`��I�����a������I� � __ � - __. . __ � � -� - � , � �:re�o� �E"���� � � � ; ,, ��� , �� � _- ��_ � � _ �� ��. s � ,�. � � _�. -_ - ,. - ° �� �, s ; �� _- , _ - �: �- , , ' �� � -� ° � - < _, � _ _ _ � z � � ° ; _ �� --- _r g , _ - _ , ' -�q��_ � � � _ � � � �. � _ �� ���� � �. :A �c" __ -- � .�P• �_'. � -<. 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Ultimately, the Board are the stewards of the National Historic Landmarks that encompass our property. While you have heard all the arguments as to why changes should not be made, we ask you, as our landlords and partners to take reasonable steps to protect our safety and honor the joint obligation not to negatively impact our property or landscape. The overarching questions are: 1. Does the roundabout and all the components thereof ineet the Secretary of the Interior standards? There are two abutting National Historic Landmarks that have had their relationship disturbed — Lexington Green, and Buckman Tavern (includes our leased land), Here is the quote I read of actions that are not recommended: "Altering the relationship between the buildings and landscape features in the setting by widening existing streets, changing landscape materials, or locating new streets or parking areas where they may negatively impact the historic character of the setting. Removing or relocating historic buildings or landscape features, thereby destroying the historic relationship between buildings and the landscape in the setting." Secretary of the Interior's Standards for the Treatment of Historic Properties with guidelines for preserving,rehabilitating,restoring&reconstructing historic buildings as Revised by Anne E. Grimmer in 2017 2. Why did we separate this Battle Green Streetscape from the Center Streetscape, if we were not going to make the accommodations necessary to preserve this historic area and essentially treat them the same? 3. Given the unintended consequences, what can be done to mitigate the impacts for us in both the short- and long-term? To address the situation in the long-term we ask that the Board consider: Our number one priority to remove the roundabout. It is an urban solution inappropriate for a National Historic Landmark. While it may move traffic around, there are a number of unsafe occurrences happening daily which include: speed of traffic heading into the roundabout, and an inadequate turning radius has for some users resulted in driving up onto the Battle Green, up onto our leased land, and the side islands. Vehicles of all sizes have also driven along Bedford Street, up and over the center of the roundabout and continued down Bedford Street, as if it didn't exist. Getting in and out of our driveway is an accident waiting to happen. When traffic tries to pull over, there is insufficient clearance to allow emergency vehicles to move through the roundabout, taking precious time from their response to crisis. Multiple vehicles approaching the roundabout from Hancock or Bedford Street try to take a left turn (witnessed just yesterday by a DPW crew). As a direct result of the installation of the roundabout we are now subject to the daily blaring of horns up to 30 times per day from as early as 6:30 am to as late as11:30pm, as well as headlights shining into our home as drivers navigate the roundabout. Towards this end, the Board should discuss a process for determining "whether or not the roundabout is working" within a reasonable timeframe, that reviews all the criteria appropriate for the historic area 1 in which it sits as well as the impact on the historic buildings at this intersection. As part of that, we ask the Board to allow us to help develop the evaluation criteria and process. Additionally, Police, Fire, DPW and others should document and report every incident related to the roundabout since it opened in fall of 2023 through calendar 2024 to be used in the evaluation. In response to comments made by Board members and to consolidate the various prior documents, this summary lists all actions to mitigate the impacts in the short-term specific to 9 Hancock Street and anticipate that the Board will vote on each of these items: 1. Authorize the removal of the crosswalk between our fence and the Masonic Temple which is a safety hazard. (Coming home from Town Meeting last night, Dawn had to catch her fall on the fence along the tip-down.) 2. Authorize the removal of the two Type B (tall street lights) on the side of Bedford/Hancock Street coming from the Center and the moving of the type A1 (decorative) light back to the position in front of the 9 Hancock Street gate. (The overall increased lighting, and these in particular, affect our ability to sleep and do not preserve the "dark sky"for the Flagpole lighting as called for in the BGMP). 3. Authorize Town Counsel to work with Mr. & Mrs. McKenna to review the Land Lease and Preservation Agreement and work towards mutually agreeable modifications to mitigate the impacts and to preserve the spirit of those agreements. 4. Authorize Engineering to pay for and work with Mr. & Mrs. McKenna to apply to the HDC for changes to the driveway already made and provide required application materials, and attend hearing(s). Should Mr. & Mrs. McKenna choose to extend the fence to the new driveway, entrance, the same will apply for that application. Additionally, the Town will pay for all costs associated with the materials, staining, labor and installation of said section of fencing, and for putting a new coat of stain on the existing fence. 5. Authorize DPW to pay for and complete the following items already agreed to by Engineering: a. Installation of a tree of Mr. & Mrs. McKenna's choosing on their leased land in an acceptable location to them to replace the tree removed. b. I nstal I sod anywhere the land was d istu rbed. As envisioned in the Battle Green Master Plan and for the benefit of the hundreds of thousands of visitors expecting to see the historic Battle Green for the 250th, the Board is requested to authorize these changes: 1. Reinstall the grass strip on the Battle Green along Bedford Street consistent with the Mass Ave and Harrington Road sides and reduce the size of the sidewalk to 4' (as had been done with the Battle Green restoration work.) 2. Remove the type A1 light that was installed next to the benches at the Liberty Ride Trolley stop, never contemplated through the BGMP (that area was outside the Streetscape work). 3. Move A1 lights so that they do not block any portion of Buckman Tavern/Prince Estabrook Memorial, First Parish Church, Harrington House, and Masonic Temple. 2 4. Replace the stone dust walkways around the perimeter of the Battle Green with Stabilized Aggregate (as called for through the BGMP process, stone dust was to be eliminated as it tracks into Buckman Tavern). 5. Reduce the size of all tip downs on the Batlle Green to the size of one yellow pad (4' width). 6. Remove the concrete on the Battle Green and replace with the perimeter sidewalk materials. 7. Move or underground the utility box that was newly installed at the Mass Ave. end of Harrington Road. 8. Move or underground the utility box on the Battle Green as called for in the BGMP. 9. Review the 46 lights that replaced the original 13 in the Battle Green Master Plan area, especially on the Battle Green itself, and eliminate any that can help restore the "dark sky" called for in the BGMP. 10.Rebuild the new wall at the Belfry using the same color and style of stones to match the existing wall at the corner of and along Clarke Street. 11.Re m ove b i ke f I yove rs 12.Require low maintenance greenery in the roundabout such as miniature boxwoods and move watering spigot underground. 13.Fill in the Hancock and Bedford Street islands with stone pavers to match the roundabout and remove the water spigots. 14.DPW already agreed to complete the following: c. Changes to the area in front of the Minute Man Statue including adding grass and installation of granite. d. Remove the concrete pads at the end of the walkways on either side of Buckman Tavern (added during the Streetscape work). e. Install the Hancock-Clarke wayfinding sign in an agreed location. Thank you, Dawn and Stephen McKenna 9 Hancock Street 3 AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Present Plan of Action and Timeline for Amending the Lexington Human Rights Committee Cha.rge PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Joe Pato, Select Board Chair I.3 S UMMARY: C a te g o ry: B rains to rming Dana Bickelman, Human S ervic es Director provided the following on F acilitated C ommunity C onversation update: • S taff rec o mmend ed thre e fac ilitato rs' name s and Will vet them further to und ers tand their b ac kgro und and experience better. • S taff have fo llo w-up c o ns ultatio ns to me et with p o tential fac ilitato rs. • LHR C has agreed to take the lead in the event lo gis tic s after s taff fe edb ac k; will als o b e exp lo ring o ther c o mmunity p artners hip s fo r the event. • S taff will arrange o utreac h and marketing fo r the event o nc e a d ate, time, and fo rmat have b e en d ec id ed. • T he exp ec ted timeline is s o o ner rather than later. SUGGESTED MOTION: FOLLOW-UP: DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 4/1/2024 6:3Spm AGENDA ITEM SUMMARY LEXINGTON SELECT BOARD MEETING AGENDAITEM TITLE: Review Request for Quotation/Proposal Document Regarding Executive Search Consultants for Town Manager Search PRE E TER• ITEM S N . NUMBER: Board Discussion I.4 S UMMARY: C ate g o ry: B rains to rming As a follow up to the March 27, 2024 discussion of the Town Manager S earch Process, tonight the Board is being asked to review and discuss the proposed updates to the Draft Request for Quotation/Proposal Document Regarding Executive S earch C onsultants for Town M anager S earch B oard. SUGGESTED MOTION: N/A FOLLOW-UP: I t is targeted to have the B o ard vo te final vers io n o f the R eque s t fo r Q uo tatio n/P ro p o s al D o c ument at the Ap ril 3, 2024 meeting. DATE AND APPROXIMATE TIME ON AGENDA: 4/1/2024 6:40p m ATTACHMENTS: Description Type � ����;���������n����:�I���re�,��,���,��:�����°�;JI a,JI�a�I���(�:�'� ��;:�c.d���u�:.� IC�.��¶����� � ������������r���m��;.����'���,��.�����°���,„���C����i����c� ��������� I[��.����m���.� RE UE ST FOR UOTATIONS #24-61 EXECUTIVE RECRUITING CONSULTANT For the Town of Lexin ton g Town Mana e� g A ril 10 2024 p � Response Due Date: Thursday, April 25, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. Consultant Interviews Tentatively Scheduled for Monday, May 6, 2024 beginning at 9 a.m. EXECUTIVE RECRUITING CONSULTANT-TOWN OF LEXINGTON 1 � IIII°�� ���� ���� ����� TABLE OF C ONTENT S INTRODUCTION &PROJECT DESCRIPTION Page 3 SUBMISSION DEADLINE AND INSTRUCTIONS Page 5 INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION Page 6 QUESTIONS, ADDENDUM, OR PROPOSAL MODIFICATION Page 6 SCOPE OF WORK Page 7 TIMELINE Page 8 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS/QUALIFICATIONS Page 9 FEE Page 9 FORMS Tax Compliance Certification Page 10 Certificate of Corporate Authority Page 11 Certificate of Non-Collusion Page 12 Signature Page Page 13 SELECTMEN-TOWN MANAGER ACT Attachment 1 2 � IIII°�� ���� ���� ����� INTRODUCTION & PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Town of Lexington Select Board is seeking quotes from qualified executive search consultants to work with the Board and the Town in the recruitment and selection of an exceptional candidate for the position of Town Manager for the Town of Lexington. ABOUT THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON Current statistics about Lexington: •Lexington's land area is 16.6 square miles. •Approximately 63% of the land in town is in private ownership; •Approximately 12% of the land is publicly held conservation land. •A population of 34,074. •Lexington has 12,3 85 households. •Lexington has 6,805 public school children •Lexington has 7,155 senior citizens. •Per Capital Income $102,776 •Equalized Valuation per capita: $441,222 •Bond Rating: Aaa •Business Tax Base: BioPharm Cluster of 31 companies and a visitor-based retail-based Center •Commercial property taxes make up 13.2% of property tax base •FY25 budget-all funds: $290,052,759 �Commitment to an aggressive capital plan—recently completed state of the art Fire Headquarters, two net-zero schools, new virtually net-zero police station nearing completion, in process with MSBA for new or renovated high school as well as two maj or streetscape plans in the town center. •Semiquincentennial Celebration- local, regional and state planning underway for April 19, 2025 for the 250th anniversary of the Battle of Lexington, the first battle of the American Revolution. Lexington provides a multitude of public resources for its residents: �Cary Memorial Library, providing resources and programming for residents of all ages •Excellent public transportation, with buses providing access to the Boston area MBTA • Lexington public schools have a reputation for excellence and consistently rank among the top public schools in Massachusetts. •Cary Memorial Building, featuring Battin Hall, is home to the Lexington Symphony and many other shows and events •Lexington Community Center, with its dining room, fitness center, game rooms and meeting rooms for community groups •Town Human Services Department, providing Senior, Veteran, and Youth and Family resources and services •Town Recreation and Community Programs Department, managing the Town pool and beach, and providing sports and leisure programming for children, teens and adults 3 � IIII°�� ���� ���� ����� A Snapshot of Lexington Lexington was first settled in 1642 as a farming community that was part of Cambridge. It became the parish of Cambridge Farms in 1691, and was incorporated as a separate town in 1713. The town experienced rapid housing development after World War II with the growth of the Boston urban area and the decline of agriculture. While the town is primarily residential, a number of industries and commercial establishments employ more than 16,000 people in Lexington. Services and manufacturing are the two largest employment sectors. The maj or shopping area is the central business district. Lexington Center is a well-maintained area with retail stores, professional offices, banks, and restaurants. Lexington is a diverse/welcoming community with a growing and engaged Asian, South Asian, and other international population. The Town has always been blessed with active individuals, and participation of new as well as long-term residents is always welcome. Town government provides a variety of opportunities for public involvement. We are committed to fostering a diverse, inclusive, and equitable community that thrives on the principles of respect, dignity, and fairness. We recognize that diversity enriches our community, brings together unique perspectives, and strengthens our ability to ef f ectively serve our residents. We aim for full inclusion by: increasing and broadening diverse participation in our prof essional ranks and civic activities;welcoming all people in Lexington; considering health in all decisions; and providing recreation f acilities f or all. We honor our rich historic traditions and take pride in Lex250th celebration events.We strive to diversify the commercial tax base to reduce financial burdens on residents allowing more to remain and lower the barriers for new residents to call Lexington home. We are committed to being a sustainable and resilient community for all where we strive to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, create cleaner indoor and outdoor environments, and ensure all members of our community have access to the tools they need to bBe resilient in a changing climate. ABOUT THE POSITION: See Attachment 1 —Board of Selectmen-Town Manager Act. SCHEDULE AND TIME LINE The Select Board will vote to award the executive search consultant contract by Monday May 6 and prefer to select a new Town Manager 16 weeks after the Executive Recruiting Consultant is engaged by the Town. 4 � IIII°�� ���� ���� ����� SUBMISSION DEADLINE AND INSTRUCTIONS Responses are due no later than 4:30 on Thursday,Apri125, 2024 to: Select Board Office Lexington Town Office Building 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington, MA 02420 Or via email: Selectboard��lexingtonma.gov The following information is specifically required: 1. Name and address of applicant, telephone/fax numbers and e-mail address. 2. Brief resume of principals and of the staff to be assigned to the Proj ect. 3. List of completed proj ects that would best illustrate qualifications for the Proj ect including full proj ect timeline from inception to completion. 4. Three references for proj ects of a similar or larger scope, size and complexity, with contact name, title and telephone number of the person who can speak to the quality of services provided for similar Town Manager/Town Administrator recruitment processes. 5. Names and qualifications of any outside vendors that may be used for the Project. 6. Statement of the scope and type of services proposed for the Proj ect. Based on the guidelines and information in this RFQ, the applicant should describe the process and methodology to be used in the completion of services with specific reference to examples of similar proj ects in which this methodology has been used and diversity of applicant pool recruited. 7. Statement of any legal or administrative proceedings, pending or concluded adversely, to the applicant within the past five (5) years which relate to the applicant's performance of this type of work. 8. Appropriate certifications of insurance. 9. Provide samples of work, such as reports, a sample position profile, evaluation forms and other decision-making tools 10. Summary of expected costs, including estimated consulting fees, advertisement costs, travel expenses (including expected number of trips) and other miscellaneous costs 11. A current firm brochure may be submitted with the proposal. 12. Completion of the forms located at the end of this RFQ package. Note: For other governmental entities that may be responding to this RFQ: • Tax Compliance Certification: Indicate on this document that as a governmental entity, this does not apply. • Certificate of Corporate Authority: Indicate on this document that as a governmental entity, this does not apply. • Non Collusion: Head of governmental office responding to the RFQ can sign this form. 13. Fee Proposal: The Select Board expects that while the final fee will be negotiated 5 � IIII°�� ���� ���� ����� (largely based on the number of stakeholder meetings it requests)proposals should include a separate fee proposal based on the scope of work outlined. INSURANCE AND IDEMNIFICATION The selected firm shall obtain and maintain at its own expense, general liability/property and motor vehicle liability insurance policies protecting the Town of Lexington in connection with any operations included in this contract, and shall have the Town of Lexington listed as additionally insured on the policies. General liability coverage shall be in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence and $2,000,000 aggregate for general liability and property damage. Workers' compensation insurance and motor vehicle liability insurance shall be in the amounts that are in accordance with the requirements of Massachusetts law, unless otherwise waived by the Town. Indemnification: The successful applicant shall agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Town of Lexington and its officers, boards and employees, and the Select Board, from and against all claims, causes of action, suits, damages and liability of any kind which arise out of the negligence or willful misconduct of the successful applicant or its officers, employees, agents and representatives regarding the proj ect manager services performed. Proposals must be signed as follows: 1. If the proposer is an individual, by her/him personally. 2. If the proposer is a partnership, by the name of the partnership, followed by the signature of each general partner. 3. If the proposer is a corporation, by the authorized officer, whose signature must be attested to by the Clerk/Secretary of the corporation and corporate seal affixed. The Lexington Select Board, as the awarding authority, reserves the right to accept any proposal in whole, and to rej ect any and all proposals if it shall be deemed in the best interests of the Town of Lexington to do so. QUESTIONS, ADDENDUM, OR PROPOSAL MODIFICATION Questions concerning this request must be submitted via email to;�,,;,,,,,;,�„�Katzenback kkatzenback��lexingtonma.gov. Inquiries must be received no later than 1:00 PM on Friday, April 19, 2024 in order to be considered. Responses to inquiries that affect all bidders or modifications to the RFQ will be issued as an addendum via email to all applicants on record as having rec eived the RF Q. All proposals submitted in response to this RFQ shall remain firm for ninety (90) days following the response deadline. It is the Town's intent to award the contract within 30 days after the response deadline. The time for award may be extended for up to 45 additional days by mutual agreement between the Select Board and the highest ranked applicant, on the basis of the responses to the Scope of Work stated below. 6 � IIII°�� ���� ���� ����� After the response deadline, an applicant may not change any provision of the proposal in a manner prejudicial to the interests of the Town of Lexington or fair competition. Minor informalities may be waived or the applicant may be allowed to correct them. SCOPE OF WORK The consultant shall: 1. Meet with the Select Board and Screening Committee as frequently and for such time as may be necessary to carry out their work; 2. Prepare, in consultation with and approval by the Select Board, a plan for the search, recruitment and selection of a qualified candidate for the position of Town Manager; 3. Assist in establishing a profile of the desired candidate, reflecting the qualities and attributes the Select Board believes the Town Manager should possess. The Select Board believes that the successful candidate will comply with the Code of Ethics of the ICMA or Massachusetts Municipal Management Association; 4. Create a profile for the Town of Lexington that encompasses the uniqueness of the community, demographics, economic stability, strong sense of volunteerism, and form of government; 5. Review the Board of Selectmen-Town Manager Act(Attachment 1); 6. Develop and conduct a plan to advertise the position, including preparation of advertisements for publication and listing of professional recruiting avenues. 7. Oversee and guide the screening committee in soliciting community input through listening and discussion sessions with Town Boards and Committees, Town employees, citizens and other community stakeholders, as outlined in the timeline, to help inform the Select Board and Screening Committee on the qualities, strengths and management style desired in a new Town Manager. This shall include assistance in developing the process for soliciting opinions, creating vehicles for eliciting stakeholder feedback, compiling results and reporting conclusions. Consultant(s) to present findings and recommendations from stakeholders and information gathering process to Select Board. 8. Assist the Select board in establishing selection criteria for evaluating Town Manager candidates 9. Utilize the consultant's network of local government professionals and other search activities to recruit a diverse pool of qualified applicants that match the established candidate profile of this position; 7 � IIII°�� ���� ���� ����� 10. Identify potential candidates suitable for position and motivate them to apply; 11. Directly receive all applications/resumes. Prepare a recruitment report of all candidates meeting the requirements of the position profile from the submitted applications with recommendations of possible candidates for review; Specify d isq ua I ifyi ng reason for a ny candidates not recommended; 12. Provide appropriate training and guidance to Screening Committee and Select Board; 13. Assist the Screening Committee in reviewing applications, including provision of preliminary background screening for any candidates to be interviewed; 14. Assist the Screening Committee in vetting and interviewing of candidates, including development of questions, essays, and scenarios, and handling of all scheduling and logistics. Interviews may include initial virtual screenings, but strong preference for semi-final interviews to be in person; 15. Assist the Select Board, collectively and individually, as well as any resident or staff panel, in preparing for interviews in executive session and in open session under the Massachusetts Open Meeting law as appropriate; 16. Conduct a full reference and background check(including social media) of the finalists prior to any interview by the Select Board; 17. Organize and moderate a public "meet and greet" session for the �nalists; 18. Assist in negotiating and drafting of employment agreement and terms and conditions with the finalist, generally assist in hiring process up to and including acceptance of an Employment Agreement by the selected candidate as requested by Select Board and/or Town's Human Resources department; 19. Make every effort to successfully complete the requirements of this Contract within 16 weeks from the date of the signed contract; 20. Conduct other related tasks as may be requested by the Select Board. TIMELINE: Interviews of consultants for this project are tentatively scheduled for Monday, May 6, 2024 at 9 a.m. 8 � IIII°�� ���� ���� ����� Proposed dates to develop ideal candidate profile (tentative). The Select Board understands that this is an aggressive schedule and may need to be flexible in meeting dates. • May 8-10: Consultant meets individually with Select Board Members and Executive Clerk • May 13: Consultant meets with Screening Committee to discuss roles and meeting timeline • May 14: Consultant meets with Senior Management Team • May 15: Consultant meets with boards/committees • May 16: Consultant meets with employees • May 17: Consultant meets with interested community members • May 20: Consultants meets with Select Board to review profile of ideal candidate The Town desires that the consultant make every effort to bring this process to completion within 16 weeks from the signed contract for services but recognizes that scheduling of various meetings may extend this timeline. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS/QUALIFICATIONS Consultants shall have been in the business of providing recruitment services for a minimum of (3) three years. The Lead consultant shall have successfully completed a similar process presenting a diverse pool of candidate applicants in a similar timeframe for the selection of at least(3) three similar positions such as Town Manager or Town Administrator for comparable communities within the past thirty-six months. Consultant shall provide diversity profile of applicants for each such position and timeline of completed process FEE The proposed fee for this proj ect should be included as part of the quote response and will be negotiated upon selection and agreed upon workplan. The fee will include all expenses, direct and indirect, for this proj ect. All proposals shall belong to the Town of Lexington. The successful applicant shall agree to comply with all applicable federal, state and local laws in its performance of its contract with the Town of Lexington. 9 � IIII°�� ���� ���� ����� TO WN OF LEXINGTON TAX CUMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION Pursuant to M.G.L. c.62C, §49A, I certify under the penalties of perjury that, to the best of my knowledge and belief, the below named business is in compliance with all laws of the Commonwealth relating to taxes, reporting of employees and contractors, and withholding and remitting child support. (Date) (Signature of individual submitting bid or proposal) (Printed name of person signing bid or proposal) (Name of business) (Business address) (Business phone number) MUST BE COMPLETED AND INCLUDED WITH SUBMISSION 10 � IIII°�� ���� ���� ����� TO WN OF LEXINGTON CERTIFICATE OF CORPORATE AUTHORITY The principal, officer or person to sign below pledges under penalties of perjury, that he or she has been designated by the owner(s) or the Board of Directors of the below named firm as an authorized representative. (Date) (Signature of individual submitting bid or proposal) (Printed name and title of person signing bid or proposal) (Name of business) (Business address) (Business phone number) MUST BE COMPLETED AND INCLUDED WITH SUBMISSION 11 � IIII°�� ���� ���� ����� TO WN OF LEXINGTON NON-CULLUSION STATEMENT CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION IN BID/PROPOSAL TO BE ATTACHED TO CONTRACT Any person submitting a Bid or Proposal for the procurement or disposal of supplies and services to any governmental body shall certify in writing, on the Bid or Proposal, as follows: "The undersigned certifies under penalties of perjury that this Bid or Proposal has been made and submitted in good faith and without collusion or fraud with any other person. As used in this certification, the word"person" shall mean any natural person, business, partnership, corporation, union, committee, club, or other organization, entity or group of individuals." (Date) (Signature of person signing bid or proposal) (Printed name of person signing bid or proposal) (Title) (Name of Business) (Business address) (Business Phone Number) MUST BE COMPLETED AND INCLUDED WITH SUBMISSION 12 � IIII°�� ���� ���� ����� SIGNATURE PAGE The applicant hereby certifies that: 1. The applicant has not given, offered, or agreed to give any gift, contribution, or offer of employment as an inducement for, or in connection with, the award of contract for these services. 2. No consultant to, or subcontractor for the applicant has given, offered, or agreed to give any gift, contribution or offer of employment to the applicant, or to any other person, corporation, or entity as an inducement for, or in connection with, the award to the consultant or subcontractor of a contract by the applicant. 3. That no person, corporation, or, other entity other than a bona fide full-time employee of the applicant has been retained or hired to solicit for, or in any way assist the applicant in obtaining the contract for services upon an agreement or understanding that such person, corporation, or entity be paid a fee or other compensation contingent upon the award of the contract to the applicant. I hereby attest with full knowledge of the penalties for perjury, as in accordance with Massachusetts G.L. C.7, S.38E that all information provided in this application for services is correct. Firm Signee (written) Signee (typed/printed) Title Date MUST BE COMPLETED AND INCLUDED WITH SUBMISSION 13 � IIII°�� ���� ���� ����� ATTACHMENT 1 BOARD OF SELECTMEN-TOWN MANAGER ACT 14 � IIII°�� ���� ���� ����� i REQUEST FOR QUOTATIONS #24-61 ExECUTIVE RECRUITING CONSULTANT For the Town of Lexington Town Manage� April 10, 2024 � Response Due Date. III�������:���L���;I���;(I����i����������,April���w�����'�,2024 at 11:00 a.m. Consultant Interviews Tentatively Scheduled for Monday,May 6,2024 beginning at 9 a.m. EXECUTIVE RECRUITING CONSULTANT-TOWN OF LEXINGTON 1 � III:�„���c��� i TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION&PROJECT DESCRIPTION Page 3 SUBMISSION DEADLINE AND INSTRUCTIONS Page 5 INSURANCE AND INDEMNIFICATION Page 6 QUESTIONS,ADDENDUM,OR PROPOSAL MODIFICATION Page 6 SCOPE OF WORK Page 7 TIMELINE Page 8 MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS/QUALIFICATIONS Page 9 FEE Page 9 FORMS Tax Compliance Certi�cation Page 10 Certificate of Corporate Authority Page 11 Certi�cate of Non-Collusion Page 12 Signature Page Page 13 SELECTMEN-TOWN MANAGER ACT Attachment 1 2 � III:�„���c��� i INTRODUCTION & PROJECT DESCRIPTION The Town of Lexington Select Board is seeking quotes from qualified executive search consultants to work With the Board and the Town in the recruitment and selection of an exceptional candidate for the position of ToWn Manager for the ToWn of Lexington. ABOUT THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON Current statistics about Lexington: •Lexington's land area is 16.6 square miles. •Approximately 63%of the land in town is in private ownership; •Approximately 12%of the land is publicly held conservation land. •A population of���:�����u������ry�����II����'/����I���. 1 ������������������������������������������� •Lexington has ��������'��w�'��,��,�.���'°°�households. •Lexington has"G e,,���,����������'���public school children �w���;;��'�� �'�'�°� senior citizens. . � ��/ Lexington as� ����������������������������������������������������������. . p• � � �� ���� -� Per Ca ital Income ��������� ��I��I,��, ,/��`�� •Equalized Valuation per capita $��������,������'�����������`�� ��,��, •Bond Rating: Aaa � •Business Tax Base:BioPharm Cluster of�"�����'��������w;����,, companies and a visitor-based retail-based Center •Commercial property taxes make up;����1,"�.:�,�%of property tax base �,,,y"�� ��, �,�,,,/�, budget-all funds. .�r�.rw���/�����1f!J�"���,�1""�11 �V��1����r°4�p MN��`'/p��' Il; II �,�� II �/, � •Commitment to an aggressive capital plan—recently completed state of the art Fire Headquarters,two net-zero schools,new virtually net-zero police station nearing completion,in process with MSBA for new or renovated high school�������r��ll,"�,�������,������ ��;,7���oy��� �;��;���������������"�����������»������ ��a������ ���:.��°, ���;����i���� �����»��.,��,p,�7i,�°. ............ •Semiquincentennial Celebration-local,regional and state planning underway for April 19,2025 w_.� �,u.,�� ,o�� � . .,° �,��,...,, , � ;, a�� , W �, � � � �` �� , � 1 , ��, � e�,l� ,,r, �i,�..� n ti, I„„�,� v i < <��� , .n� �., �i � .��.i� ��.n� �,1� ��r�r�r��i��������ii. �� ��.�� JI�, rr�� ��.� II,��i�r�n ���1�� ���� (�7� ��:I �a��II� ��.( ����� �����,�������.r�� I��.�-���Ilur������iir�. ������� �������� ������� ��������� ������..,j............ ��������� � �� �������� ������� t.�................ ��������� ������� ��������� �������� �������� ��������� �������� �������� ��������� Lexington provides a multitude of public resources for its residents: •Cary Memorial Library,providing resources and programming for residents of all ages •Excellent public transportation,vvith buses providing access to the Boston area MBTA j�ommented�KK��:Fo��ow�ng comment from a member: ,. . . ,� � v � ,,,,, � ,� . , ,....,. � v � ..w � . W � v., . �.,. �°-� , �, ,. ,.,, , , , . . . . ��„ �� «�o f� �„ �� � , , �, 5 , ,, �� �„ � � , ,. , �� ry Do not believe that ver man eo le in Lexin ton would :�,��,.,�q���,wf���D7i �����u������ �r��1�.�.:���,.������ �����..�,p���V��,.��������, II�i�.�,,��W�II,II�„������,��:���,����.�.�n���,�������i��.��; .��������, a��..G�n�����, �ll���, ����� v vp p g , �� �� � ° w,,,, � w , , ,��� ��� „�, „ ,,,� 1�, consider MBTA service in Lexington to be"excellent".MBTA ����.0 U,�.II.���, ��,���,��������r� 1�11���,�a��� �������[�� ����. ��������a»�� ������;��4�»�, e��,.II�����!����� •CaTy Me1710T1a1 B � g � � �� ' service is also not provided by Town of Lexington.Consider ' uilding featurin Battin Hall ���home to the Lexin ton S m hon and man g Y p Y Y removing this bullet. other shows and events •Lexington Community Center,with its dining room,fitness center,game rooms and meeting rooms for community groups •ToWn Human Services Department,providing Senior,Veteran,and Youth and Family resources and services •Town Recreation and Community Programs Department,managing the Town pool and beach, and providing sports and leisure programming for children,teens and adults A Snapshot of Lexington 3 � III:�„���c��� i Lexington was first settled in 1642 as a farming community that was part of Cambridge.It became the parish of Cambridge Farms in 1691,and was incorporated as a separate town in 1713.The town experienced rapid housing development after World War II with the growth of the Boston urban area and the decline of agriculture. While the toWn is primarily residential,a number of industries and commercial establishments employ more than 16,000 people in Lexington. Services and manufacturing are the two largest employment sectors.The major shopping area is the central business district.Lexington Center is a well-maintained area with retail stores,professional offices,banks,and restaurants. Lexington is a diverse/welcoming community with a growing and engaged `�����a�����,� �°�������II� ,�''��,,,�;�����,n;��,, w ,� , l i� n n� o fl n p ����w���� °��� f�, �"�����, ��"�� ' II• 11 ��`,,��°����;���� ��,������'�li������������ ���������F��d� 1(fi��������� �rd.����� ��h��N���a��pOpUlatlOri.T�le TOWri�laS alWayS beeri � Commented[KK2]: Amembernotedthat international blessed with�o���active�������;��Yr������,��u�����x������u�������,and participation of new as well as long-term may not be tne Word a , . residents is always vvelcome. Town government provides a variety of opportunities for���,��s����,tr� j Commented�KK3�:A member suggested perhaps using ���,�I���I Ii��1riVOlVe111erit. "volunteers"or"volunteer community" � �:� J ,�. U.., , U ,., °, , „„ � � .,.° ,�..,�,,,, , , �,� � U ,, _ � ti, . , �, ����. �������� ������v�,_.,�,� � ������,� 7��.����7� ���� _�.�. 1 , , , �_��u�.� ��ti,,,_.,� ��������� �.�..... i..,����� _.����.� �.���� �������h .������._. ,.... .�„� �� ��k,������ ��:��,;;,�p, ���� Mi�„�����.�,��.^�,�,����w� �,�.��� �,.w�,-������,� ��.r����.n�� ���i�W�,�e��,���,�.��������,���„�,`��w�,�����i���i�������„w��r'�I��.�p wR.U�w��,���1�a,.1���"�ta ,�,�r11���,�.�r�W�����..�Pi��. ��7�� W�,� :�,U.,..�, � , :�° ��.,� � v ��-, , � _ �, � ,,, � � ,, , n..0 „„� r rr,,. �. .,vi� � . ,�. �� , � o ,. t .� i„n�� �ti,,,ri;' �, �r,i.....i,,,,.� � , iu,.,,,„.,,,,,,,, � �'� ,�i,�ti„�,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, �r; �, � �r ���,���,,�i��,�NII_��,&��,'���II�.�II����-��,0���1��,��.�,��.����,�F������ �.ao����,,�N� 7������Pi,I���1lk.�`�r�� a����� ��.�������,.D�,��� �����������,N.��,��,�`���r�.���.��,���„����.���������� ������. �:����r�i����'����"��n������������,��:�,����P�'������'�r�������������������Q��',�������.II��������M`���i������i ll°°':������H�i���:����R.'��;����J�u����;���������,�7�����7�n�U������i��' ������ . ,. . ��° :, �°, ... °� ,... ��� � .�, ..° , .�� . .: . ,�.. .,. . °� �..�� � , f�. r r,�r _o �,,,, w a..� . � r r,r,.,¢..^„ v�� �� �, �� , � � � :� ,v, r, „ �'ww�,� _ro �`'�� ����_� � ����o����r��Q�.�.fl �����.����.ii_r����� ���°�r����i .h�, y�l� II,��r��� ���r�����..� iiiiif��ll.71�. ���t�y�����u�i_���r�ll. �rl����fl.OCI��r���... .��� ����... ��������� ��������� �������� ��������� ��������� �������� ��������� b._��������� ��������� �� r �������� ������ bt.............. �� ��������� ��������� ������� ������� ��������� �������� ��������������. ,,� � ..,, ��� � � �,.,. .,.w, � � ��w�,� , � ,., .�., .,��,.�� _ �,,.,� _,,. . ,, � . ..� ,�_�.�� , ,�.�. :,� �/ �, pI���w,,,,, � ��p�_w� �� �,/ � ,o,u,o,,, _n '�l'/��k�I�_" a,�,_� �G� �,� r w,,, o w¢v., � � °.,.., .II II���.`TI. �I ..v��.�� .� �.,�� �,�II ���TI.�� ����.��'1 ,��;��11����..,a.� �l`��.11., ,,�4 ���fl ,�„������Pi f �11.l�� k 11�.�� �n�II II�,�I 1.�„a�,.�rl II .'�.�II�I�I fl�I�I.��YI�11.��,,, IL ll, f a..�ti n,J ............ ...............nu.,,r .✓ .,,J M. ,.,,�,.',,' k,�„�y, -k:'d,.y ,.�,.:�°�,„ „ ..:.b� �� :��������k "':�v�.,.,,, w �, �, ..:.� ,. �,,II11Y(�.,� �.� I��..�,�,�„,��Iii.�,,,.,II ��Y["�:11��,�:�.�., ��..,II_��,��..,�..,��11���"��v�,�71�,����:�,��.`f�"„�,w,rl�I���.YI�I���'If,,,,�c.��.'��.,�YI �;��.�O�I��,��r���`,.,�����':��W�w'��11����I ;��'II"'�/c"����,;�II°° .... w y... �� .... .... �, .... � .____...�..... .... ...� .... .__. �,�.. ..__ .___ .... .�.................. .... �'.. .... ........ . 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II71�.����fl�I.r���Ilil�,+ a1llil�Il�II�r�71,11_�,,,, �..� �.,ti., ������� ��������� ��������� ��������� �������� N �������� ��������� �������������� .. .,.,.,„,. ..,,. . D, ,,,, „,„ � r ��v'�., ,.,, I�, °„,, � ,,,� ...,,,"�w G y��y. , .,,,� ,J �,,., w, , ��.� ,p,� v u„y � ° � ��" �,.7r ���rl rl �.���.,o���II �.ii x��.�����ii �G��a�«�����Y��.r�r�m��� II n��,� �n�.�.� . II��II�I w�� �����rl.x�_rl���.�����.I II���..�II � ii� ii ll_r������ ��rr��n�.II���a ii�� ��.���w �..............� � u.�� r«.,,x �,`i�.��i��a'�:�'.�a�a _ Commented[KK4]:A member suggested maybe mentioning being the first community to adopt MBTA ABOUT THE POSITION: zoning.Likely to require some significant attention from a future Town Manager. See Attachment 1—Board of Selectmen-Town Manager Act. SCHEDULE AND TIME LINE 4 � III:�„���c��� i The Select Board will vote to award the executive search consultant contract by Monday May 6 and prefer to select a new Town Manager 16 weeks after the Executive Recruiting Consultant is engaged by the Town. SUBMISSION DEADLINE AND INSTRUCTIONS Responses are due no later than 4:30 on Thursday,Apri125,2024 to: Select Board Office Lexington Town Office Building 1625 Massachusetts Avenue Lexington,MA 02420 � �;;�:��°via email: Selectboard@lexingtonma.gov The following information is specifically required: 1.Name and address of applicant,telephone/fax numbers and e-mail address. �ommented�KKS�:A member suggested to remove"/faX 2.Brief resume of principals and of the staff to be assigned to the Project. numbers�� 3.List of completed projects that would best illustrate qualifications for the Project ��7���;�������i��i��� 0��v CI� ����� �w��o a ���i�����,-���1��:���,;fii��a o�i�n�.��������������.����� �����W�,���i�i�i����II�����������• .." :: �� . �r.. � .. . �.. . . 4.Three references for proj ects of a similar or larger scope,size and complexity,with contact name,title and telephone number of the person who can speak to the quality of services provided for similar Town Manager/Town Administrator recruitment processes. 5.Names and qualifications of any outside vendors that may be used for the Project. 6. Statement of the scope and type of services proposed for the Project.Based on the guidelines and information in this RFQ,the applicant should describe the process and methodology to be used in the completion of services with specific reference to examples p J gy u,i��f��V���'���'����'��( �u�"���������ii��: o simi ar ro ects in w ic t is met o 0 o as een use ��i ,ll.l'����9� ��p°���������!I���������ll����;�1����������'���������• 7. Statement of any legal or administrative proceedings,pending or concluded adversely, to the applicant Within the past five(5)years Which relate to the applicant's performance of this type of Work. 8.Appropriate certifications of insurance. 9.Provide samples of work,such as reports,a sample position profile,evaluation forms and other decision-making tools 10. Summary of expected costs,including estimated consulting fees,advertisement costs, travel expenses(including expected number of trips)and other miscellaneous costs 11.A current firm brochure may be submitted with the proposal. 12.Completion of the forms located at the end of this RFQ package. Note:For other governmental entities that may be responding to this RFQ: • Tax Compliance Certification:Indicate on this document that as a governmental entity,this does not apply. • Certificate of Corporate Authority:Indicate on this document that as a governmental entity,this does not apply. 5 � III:�„���c��� i • Non Collusion:Head of governmental office responding to the RFQ can sign this form. 13.Fee Proposal:The Select Board expects that while the final fee will be negotiated (largely based on the number of stakeholder meetings it requests)p��7�������������������n���u fl��. i�ir�����,�������������� �������������������,;a���������9�i������������a separate fee proposal based on the scope of work outlined. INSURANCE AND IDEMNIFICATION The selected firm shall obtain and maintain at its own expense,general liability/property and motor vehicle liability insurance policies protecting the Town of Lexington in connection with any operations included in this contract,and shall have the Town of Lexington listed as additionally insured on the policies.General liability coverage shall be in the amount of $1,000,000 per occurrence and$2,000,000 aggregate for general liability and property damage. Workers'compensation insurance and motor vehicle liability insurance shall be in the amounts that are in accordance with the requirements of Massachusetts law,unless otherwise waived by the Town. Indemnification:The successful applicant shall agree to indemnify and hold harmless the Town of Lexington and its officers,boards and employees,and the Select Board,from and against all claims,causes of action,suits,damages and liability of any kind which arise out of the negligence or willful misconduct of the successful applicant or its officers,employees,agents and representatives regarding the proj ect manager services performed. Proposals must be signed as follows: 1.If the proposer is an individual,by her/him personally. 2.If the proposer is a partnership,by the name of the partnership,followed by the signature of each general partner. 3.If the proposer is a corporation,by the authorized officer,whose signature must be attested to by the Clerk/Secretary of the corporation and corporate seal affixed. The Lexington Select Board,as the awarding authority,reserves the right to accept any proposal in whole,and to reject any and all proposals if it shall be deemed in the best interests of the Town of Lexington to do so. QUESTIONS,ADDENDUM, OR PROPOSAL MODIFICATION Questions concerning this request must be submitted_via email to ��,II����������;e�:���� �����������7,����������������� � „ I� h"�d , i,�M".' Y, E ��....°v/ " .,. ��., �.i,, i �r,,7; o � . . �"��i��������� F �� ` �1;� �'� �� �� . Inquiries must be �,1�9in.4i��� I'�6,���111�����Nli��h�a�,wF��.��`�,fl.u�ln ��,���,��all�fl ��tl���,^� I��,��.��.�,��� ��V�%����'�'�.��F�.�.�;II�,����uD;�n�71���vo��m,���C received no later than 1:00 PM on Friday,April 19,2024 in order to be considered.Responses to inquiries that affect all bidders or modifications to the RFQ will be issued as an addendum via email to all applicants on record as having received the RFQ. 6 � III:�„���c��� i All proposals submitted in response to this RFQ shall remain firm for ninety(90)days following the response deadline.It is the Town's intent to award the contract within 30 days after the response deadline.The time for award may be extended for up to 45 additional days by mutual agreement between the Select Board and the highest ranked applicant,on the basis of the responses to the Scope of Work stated beloW. After the response deadline,an applicant may not change any provision of the proposal in a manner prejudicial to the interests of the Town of Lexington or fair competition.Minor informalities may be waived or the applicant may be allowed to correct them. SCOPE OF WORK The consultant shall: 1. Meet With the Select Board and Screening Committee as frequently and for such time as � may be necessary to carry out�������������������Jl���������l;�0,'°1:�;°work; 2. Prepare,in consultation with and approval by the Select Board,a plan for the search, recruitment and selection of a qualified candidate for the position of Town Manager; 3. Assist in establishing a profile of the desired candidate,reflecting the qualities and attributes the Select Board believes the Town Manager should possess. The Select Board believes that the successful candidate will comply with the Code of Ethics of the ICMA Ior Massachusetts Municipal Management Association; 4. Create a profile for the Town of Lexington that encompasses the uniqueness of the community,demographics,economic stability,strong sense of volunteerism,and form of government; 5. RevieW the Board of Selectmen-ToWn Manager Act(Attachment 1); 6. Develop and condu�t a������j��6�������������plan to advertise the position,including preparation of advertisements for publication and listing of������r�,��,,���������������professional recruiting avenues. 9 9 7. Oversee and guide e� e i c i s iLi i _ i_y i _ �����������ii�������������������������listening and discussion sessions with Town Boards and Committees,Town employees,citizens and other community stakeholders,as outlined in the timeline,to help inform the Select�c�ard and Screening Committee on the qualities,strengths�.nd; mana��rnent st� desir�d in a new� Town Manager.This sl�all include assistan�e in develo�in„ t��ro�ess for s�licitin� 7 � III�:��������:������� i o�inion�,cr�atin�vehicl�s for�licitin�stal�eholde�fe�dbacl�,�om�ilin��e�ults ar�d repc�rtin�con�lusions. �onsultant�����to�r�s�nt fir�din�s and recomm�ndations fr�m stak�holder�and info�matic�n at� h�rin��rocess to Select��arda; 8. ss�s s i ' o s i i i v i c i s 9. C�1t111z�th��or�sultarlt's�et�o�1��f 1�a�a.1��v� e�t��of�sslc��als�..r�d c�t1��r sea�°�1� �.Gt1V1t1�S tt7 C�CT 1�� 1V�TS� GJ�J CJf �,�1 1� �, 11G tS t �.t �.tC t ��St�, I1S � ca i at� �°�fi1�c�f t_is c�siti� q 10 ll����������� 1 �����,����;�����°������°�;�i������,,ti���ur�ii��ull�fl�, ������, �������������1„���1����a1y�������r,��� ����m�,��i�� ����n �,�� ��. � �������� ���������� .� ������ ������� ������ ������� ����� ������ ������ ��������. ������� a �������� �1������ ������ 11.Directly receive all applications/resumes.Prepare a recruitment report of all candidates meeting the requirements of the position profile from the submitted applications with recommendations ofpossible candidates forreview;���������i�i�����i��������r���i"��������„�������a�°�����i�����r���r�� ���l!!�1��!�������"e��!'�I��?u ���`�����!��7i!!��I����Yl���i����l�i � � � � yj II y�p� ryry � „..� � �„„, v o,�I.,„r ,�y �q o,p II n II�„ryµ �µ.,r;y�-.vII,�,,""� f��I I��eII y„ry,.,n,r�.n II�f q������ �I,:o.�n.-p y ry � l�j w;'I y,9 IIr„y,9�r r�m r�•':n a,ry,p � n'f 4,� 1� �I .�I..�,��.�I.�,�.� �,d.�.�II�1 ,I,�I..II.�U U�„F U II�U 11��I II 11 II..II..�.�!4��..��..M Il,1.I I�.IA.II°U II.II..�"a��, U't.k i.�i�.II."w�,,,.m��IA II 11 II.y� �"�.,.�,.U Q I�II 14 II...II...II.��'e�,'e„f�U II ll�� i�i�„��I."e,,,�!4 ���,,,,,�II���!I 14.�,.II.�� I .�..���,�,�. .�.�������� m�����............... �������..............,,X,�����1 � ��������� ������� �������� �������� ������ ������ „��� �������� ��������� , ������� �������� ���a1�� ..........a 13.Assist the Screening Committee in revietiving applications,including provision of Ipreliminary background screening for any candidates to be interviewed-; � 14.Assist the Screening Committee in vetting and interviewing����;�candidates,including development of questions,essays,and scenarios,and handling of all scheduling and lo istics IVi��Y��r���i������,�;�ii�n��Yr�� 1�i��Il�iii,���n iii����i���fl ��i�r���iia�Yi�� ���o�%���ri»����:� II�������G������� �������,t��������� (��.�. g � ����� w, _ ������� ������� �o� � �������� ���.�� � � �.�.......n ;� � ,r"...., II � ,U ���..1b��D ������� 'fl�ID�.��.�...����� � ������..��r� ���� ���%���a������,� 15.Assist the Select Board,collectively and individually,as well as any resident or staff panel,in preparing for intervieWs in executive session and in open session under the Massachusetts Open Meeting law as appropriate; 16.Conduct a full reference and background check(including social media)of the finalists prior to any interview by the Select Board; 17.Organize and moderate a public"meet and greet"session for the finalists; , �_ . � U ,� , � ,� � � �, � � , . � � ��������"�w �� ������'�4i��������i�I�j�������I r�����mti����.������ a b(��:�.a,�����0�������°����,'� ������r���°����,������:����.���i���`��������;�.4i����������,��I�.����.q��f���";����.�,,��7i,I��II ll��1���������Q���, a. Assist in negotiating and drafting of employment agreement and terms and .....'...�...�........................................... conditions With the finalist, ��� �rall,,, assist in hirin��roc�ss up to and including acceptance of an Employment Agreement by the selected candidate as r�c�uested bv ��1ect�oard ar�d�or T�v�n'�Human R�sources de�sartmer�t; 8 � III:�„���c��� i . .��. Make every effort to successfully complete the requirements of this Contract ...;�..�...............:-�........................................... within 16 Weeks from the date of the signed contract; ���;���������������. Conduct other related tasks as may be requested by the Select Board. TIMELINE: Interviews of consultants for this project are tentatively scheduled for Monday,May 6, j Commented�KK6�:sub�e�t to re��sed�Ssuan�e date � 2024 at 9 a.m. Proposed dates to develop ideal candidate profile(tentative).The Select Board understands that this is an aggressive schedule and may need to be flexible in meeting dates� ���°������������-���I���a�ii���l���� �����������ii��������� �:�����aii����,l��V������ ��'�f�����u,����.��������,��������ii,,���,���������� 111:�������'����.�r���m,�i.���a���r������1����w�����r�����I���������������. "��: ' ' ' ��������a��and Executive • May 8����. Consu tant meets ln ivi ua y wit Se ect Boar I���;u�........:a.�.,,�,�e". Clerk • May 13: Consultant meets with Screening Committee to discuss roles and meeting timeline • May 14: Consultant meets with Senior Management Team • May 15: Consultant meets with boards/committees • May 16: Consultant meets With employees • May 17: Consultant meets vvith interested community members • May 20: Consultants meets With Select Board to revieW profile of ideal candidate The Town desires that the consultant make every effort to bring this process to completion within 16 weeks from the signed contract for services but recognizes that scheduling of various meetings may extend this timeline. MINIMUM REQUIREMENTS/QUALIFICATIONS Consultants shall have been in the business of providing recruitment services for a minimum of (3)three years.The Lead consultant shall have successfully com�leted a similar process � �����,� ���;���������;���,° � � � � � , �J , �a ���� � � � �,��II��n�����������n��������»��n�����n�°�������for the selection of at �� ����������������a �������������iw�����b�.��� �������������e�»r��� i�i�� ������ ��r,,�������� least(3)three similar positions such as Town Manager or Town Administrator for comparable � � °;���� ������.���������m����,:���m������'��������(���;�.��° communities wlt in t e past t irty-slx mont s. � ��.��`��� �����r�� ���, � ����������������7���w,;.�����'_�;���;��II��� w„w����:��� �I"����,_�„�����������7����I ��ii�����;II�i��������0��w����q'������°����°°��p��7�������.�,�w„� FEE The proposed fee for this project should be included as part of the quote response and will be negotiated upon selection and agreed upon workplan.The fee will include all expenses,direct and indirect,for this project.All proposals shall belong to the Town of Lexington.The 9 � III:�„���c��� i successful applicant shall agree to comply with all applicable federal,state and local laws in its performance of its contract with the Town of Lexington. 10 � III:�„���c��� i TO WN OF LEXINGTON TAX COMPLIANCE CERTIFICATION Pursuant to M.G.L.c.62C, §49A,I certify under the penalties of perjury that,to the best of my knowledge and belief,the below named business is in compliance with all laws of the Commonwealth relating to taxes,reporting of employees and contractors,and withholding and remitting child support. (Date)(Signature of individual submitting bid or proposal) (Printed name of person signing bid or proposal) (Name of business) (Business address) (Business phone number) MUST BE COMPLETED AND INCLUDED WITH SUBMISSION 11 � III:�„���c��� i TO WN OF LEXINGTON CERTIFICATE OF CORPORATE AUTHORITY The principal,officer or person to sign beloW pledges under penalties of perjury,that he or she has been designated by the owner(s)or the Board of Directors of the below named firm as an authorized representative. (Date)(Signature of individual submitting bid or proposal) (Printed name and title of person signing bid or proposal) (Name of business) (Business address) (Business phone number) MUST BE COMPLETED AND INCLUDED WITH SUBMISSION 12 � III:�„���c��� i TO WN OF LEXINGTON NON-COLLUSION STATEMENT CONTRACTOR'S CERTIFICATION IN BID/PROPOSAL TO BE ATTACHED TO CONTRACT Any person submitting a Bid or Proposal for the procurement or disposal of supplies and services to any governmental body shall certify in writing,on the Bid or Proposal,as follows: "The undersigned certifies under penalties of perjury that this Bid or Proposal has been made and submitted in good faith and without collusion or fraud with any other person.As used in this certification,the word"person"shall mean any natural person,business,partnership, corporation,union,committee,club,or other organization,entity or group of individuals." (Date)(Signature of person signing bid or proposal) (Printed name of person signing bid or proposal) (Title) (Name of Business) (Business address) (Business Phone Number) MUST BE COMPLETED AND INCLUDED WITH SUBMISSION 13 � III:�„���c��� i SIGNATURE PAGE The applicant hereby certifies that: 1.The applicant has not given,offered,or agreed to give any gift,contribution,or offer of employment as an inducement for,or in connection With,the aWard of contract for these services. 2.No consultant to,or subcontractor for the applicant has given,offered,or agreed to give any gift,contribution or offer of employment to the applicant,or to any other person,corporation,or entity as an inducement for,or in connection with,the award to the consultant or subcontractor of a contract by the applicant. 3.That no person,corporation,or,other entity other than a bona fide full-time employee of the applicant has been retained or hired to solicit for,or in any way assist the applicant in obtaining the contract for services upon an agreement or understanding that such person,corporation,or entity be paid a fee or other compensation contingent upon the aWard of the contract to the applicant. I hereby attest with full knowledge of the penalties for perjury,as in accordance with Massachusetts G.L.C.7,S.38E that all information provided in this application for services is correct. Firm Signee(Written) Signee(typed/printed) Title Date MUST BE COMPLETED AND INCLUDED WITH SUBMISSION 14 � III:�„���c��� i ATTACHMENT 1 BOARD OF SELECTMEN—TOWN MANAGER ACT 15 � III:�„���c���