HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016.11.02 EC MIN CARY MEMORIAL LIBRARY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES November 2, 2016 Attendees: Norman Cohen, Howard Jaffe, Kate Ekrem, Jessie Steigerwald,Joe Pato Trustees; Koren Stembridge, Library Director, Emily Smith, Assistant Library Director, Susan Bennett, and Richard Padgett, Lexington Historical Society and Sergio DeMango, Department of Public Facilities. Call to Order: Norman called the meeting to order at 4:00 PM Secretary’s Minutes Kate made a motion to approve the minutes of the October 5, 2016 meeting. Joe seconded the motion which passed unanimously Building Update Sergio De Mango, Project Manager for the Transformative Spaces Project detailed the small punch lists items than remain. The Facilities Department will archive all of our construction records in their system in the event we need them in the future. The Trustees recognized Sergio for his dedication to the project and support to library staff. Koren noted during the project as issues arose that required updating they are being addressed by DPF. The Town Building Envelope Fund is supporting these items such as upgrading our key/lock system. During the project, areas of carpeting were upgraded. Koren reported that we have been approved to change the single staff rest rooms to gender neutral. The architect filed on our behalf for a variance from the Commonwealth which was approved. As soon as we obtain signage, we will make the change. Financial Update We are on target on the Municipal side. The Trustees budget reflects a decline of 70% in fines due to forgiveness during three months of construction. We may have to make some cuts in our projected spending in some areas. We do not yet have an October Endowment figure. Administrative Update Koren reminded trustees of the Friends annual Meeting which will be Sunday, November 6. Library staff will be making a presentation; Heather Vandermillen, Cathie Ghorbani and Rosa Tsai. The topic will be accessibility in the building. In January we will assess where we are. Koren reported that the walkway project will be soon completed. Norman asked about closing the parking lot and entrances. Koren detailed the potential closures. New Business Historic District Appointment Norm explained that the Executive Committee is required to nominate two individuals for consideration to the Historic District Commissions associate positions. A few weeks ago, we submitted Donna Hopper for nomination. Joe added that although the library nominates individuals, they do not represent the interest of the library but of the Town. Norman detailed the procedure. The library submits two names for considerations does the Arts and Crafts Society and The Historical Society. Jessie suggested that next time we publicize the opportunity since there may be interested residents who are not known to the board. Joe added this is an unusual role for trustees. We are among the group of organizations that is asked to submit candidates. Next time we have to nominate individuals, we will get the word out. Joe added that it is useful to have a list of potential interested people. Trustees discussed the process. Howard made a motion to nominate Donna Hoper and LeeNoel Chase to HDC. Joe seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Koren will inform the Board of Selectman. Library of Things and Collection Development Policy. We will not be discussing since we did not have sufficient time to finalize the policy. We will add these items to the next meeting agenda. Annual Action Plan, Major Project List Some highlights: Expansion of the World Language Collection Expanded Readers advisory Started a podcast Established 1,000 books before Kindergarten Evaluate services for patrons with special needs Koren noted that having our plan on file allows us to apply for grants. After a discussion, Jessie made a motion to approve the Annual Action Plan as presented. Kate seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. New Business Emily requested guidance regarding a room reservation request from an MIT researcher. After discussion, Trustees decided against the request. Koren asked Trustees to consider changing the meeting time of the Full Board to 3 or 3:30 PM based on a requested from Claire Feingold Thoryn. She would like to be more involved but is unable to do so due to the meeting time. The consensus is to change he time for the January 18th meeting. Jessie made a motion to adjourn the meeting. Kate seconded the motion. The motion passed.