HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016.07.25 EC MIN CARY MEMORIAL LIBRARY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES July 25, 2016 Attendees: Norman Cohen, Kate Ekrem, Joe Pato and Jessie Steigerwald Trustees; Koren Stembridge, Library Director, Emily Smith, Assistant Library Director and Kevin Grocki, Webmaster. Call to Order: Norman called the meeting to order at 11:06 am Secretary’s Minutes Vote: Jessie made a motion to approve the Minutes of the June 25, 2016 meeting, Joe seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Financial Update Koren reported on the Municipal budget. At year end it appears we have a surplus however there is one more pay period that extends in to FY 17. Overall we are where we expected. On the Trustees side we added few line items in the report to capture the Indian American, Named Endowment Fund materials and the construction project. She detailed the new categories tracking income and expenses related to the project. We transferred $30,000 from our contingency funds to the Town for additional carpeting expense. We expect to fully expend our State Aid. Of $108,000 in available Foundation funds, approximately $28,000 is small gifts The Friends account has a surplus which we may ask to purchase a new microfilm reader. Administration Update Norman asked if we received the last Shire installment. Koren will check with the Foundation. He also noted that Foundation has already started to payback the Endowment. Koren added that the Friends had an unexpected overage and she suggested they use the funds to pay their pledge toward the Transforming Spaces Project. The Foundation seems pleased the way the year ended. Building Update Koren reported that Sergio DeMango is doing a great job spearheading the project. We expect the Reference Workroom and Study Rooms to be completed by the end of the week. Koren detailed closure plans for the next two weeks reporting so far the public has been very supportive. The Foundation is planning a major donor event on October 14 in the evening. The library will host a community open house on October 15 from 9:30 am – 11:30 am. New Business Meeting Room Policy Update Emily reviewed the proposed changes which were sent to Trustees in advance of the meeting, highlighting major changes: Groups can reserve meetings for one three hour time block. Limit use of the large meeting room to once per month/per group In an effort to make the room self-service, we will no longer offer the DVD player and document camera as a regular service. We will register sub groups separately. Expanded the language regarding room capacity. Groups are responsible for monitoring attendance. Koren explained the processes we will use to re-register groups. She answered questions on the changes in the three hour meeting room time frame. Joe inquired about the three day window for room reservations and changes. Koren explained that we ask for a three day notice on reservation requests and changes since Friday is the last day of the week that we fulfill reservations; it allows for weekend changes. She further clarified that for example if a request is made for the next day and the room is available we fulfill the request, we do not require three days’ notice. Joe asked for clarification on candidates using the Commons Area. Koren will check with Town counsel and report back to Trustees. After discussion, Kate made a motion to approve the updated Meeting Room Policy as presented with the addition of “informative nature” to the language and “or issues” to the first paragraph after # 4. Joe seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. Bulletin Board Policy Emily noted that there are two small changes to the Bulletin Board Policy; removing the language that we have a table available. The end result is that we have only bulletin boards available, no table or carts. The rest of the policy is unchanged. The lobby looks so much better without the clutter of the flyers on the carts and table. Jessie made a motion to approve the policy which was seconded by Joe. The motion passed unanimously. Study Room Policy Emily explained that during the construction we moved to a first come first serve reservation system using a daily sign up with a two hour limit. It seems to be working. Koren noted that this is a huge change. Koren detailed the process, patron phoning in reservation for a study room, staff time checking people in, opening the rooms etc. The dilemma with the reservation software is that it is not suitable for this application. Since the pilot seems to be working we would like to move ahead with this system when all the study rooms are completed. Trustees discussed the impact of the change on tutors who heavily use the room. They would like to be kept posted about feedback once the rooms are back on line. Jessie made a motion to approve the Study Room Policy, Joe seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Social Media Policy Emily highlighted major points of the policy. The Town is working on their policy however we differ in that we encourage feedback and want to engage the public. We currently have a presence on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, U-Tube, Flicker and a Podcast. She reviewed the social media working group and the guidelines for content. Trustees discussed the draft policy. Joe expressed concern over who can post officially. Emily confirmed that only staff can post from the Library's accounts, however the public can freely comment on our posts. We reserve the right to delete any of the comments that violate our policy (are offensive or inappropriate, for example).  Jessie confirmed that we will be archiving Facebook postings. Koren confirmed that we will follow the same public records protocol. Jessie approved the Social Media Policy as presented, Kate seconded. The motion passed unanimously. New Business Koren asked that trustees consider waiving fines and fees but not waive lost book fees during the use of the temporary desk. The trustees consensus is to OK the waiving of fines. Koren updated the Trustees regarding the sidewalks. The issue is not on the HDC agenda for their meeting next week. Carl Valente is looking at the matter with Town Counsel. Trustee discussed the condition of the current sidewalks and the safety conditions they present for patrons with walkers, strollers and handicaps. Trustee’s preference is concrete. Norman added that the library board needs to nominate as associate member for the HDC vacated seat. We need to add this to the agenda for the next meeting. . He will also be in touch with Donna Hooper in advance of that meeting. Andrea will poll members to schedule an early August meeting. Adjournment Joe made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Kate. The motion passed unanimously.