HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016.06.27 EC MIN CARY MEMORIAL LIBRARY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES Monday June 27, 2016 Attendees: Norman Cohen, Howard Jaffe, Joe Pato and Jessie Steigerwald Trustees; Koren Stembridge, Library Director, Emily Smith, Assistant Library Director. Sergio DeMango, Department of Public Facilities. Call to Order: Norman called the meeting to order at 11:00 am Secretary’s Minutes Vote: Howard made a motion to approve the Minutes of the June 1, 2016, meeting, Joe seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Financial Update In lieu of our regular financial reports since we are not year at year end, Koren reviewed our available streams of funding for fiscal year 17 for the project. We are expecting the last Shire check sometime early in the year, State Aid will be about $45,000- $50,000 and Foundation Funds. Koren detailed funding sources for project expense (not part of the construction contract) State Aid Funds will be used to upholster twelve additional lounge chairs, Living Room AV equipment, new end panels and redesigned pieces for the print/copy and replacement furniture for Commons Area. Cary Library Foundation funds will cover furniture, shelving, design and moving costs. Workflow Capital Article funds covered replacement furniture for the Circulation workroom, chairs, mail flow unit, under counter book cart for Circulation Desk and book cart. Norman asked if all of the funds authorized form the Endowment were received. Koren confirmed that to be accurate, she added that the Foundation is already set up to start paying back the loan. The Foundation will transfer the funds to the library and in turn we will deposit and send them to the Trustees of Public Trust. Building Update – Transformative Spaces Koren asked Trustees to consider spending an additional $25, 000 - $27,000 to extend the new carpet toward the center stair case and Commons Area. This is simple to do since we switched to carpet squares, we can absorb the installation into the time frame of the project. The goal is to completely replace the carpet building wide over the next five years. Sergio detailed how and where the installation will take place. He suggests that it is worth considering at this time. After a discussion, Howard made a motion to take funds from the contingency funds that we are holding on the Trustees side. Jessie seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Koren detailed the proposed change in the adult computer area. She has lost faith in the glass wall was that was to be installed at the top of the stair railing. After consideration, we decided we can relocate the table into two separate units in the Commons Area. Sergio will work with Colin to figure out the details of the relocation. Emily added that the cost is minimal only $600 in additional pieces. Howard asked about the tradeoffs. Koren explained that the major trade off is that there will be four tables sharing the space in the Commons Area. We think this will help calm the area and reduce the energy level. There is no impact on donor dedicated spaces. Joe added that this will redirect the total energy to the lower level. After a discussion, the consensus is to move ahead with the change. Additional Updates to Transformative Spaces We are working on creating new donor plaques for the dedicated spaces There will be two events in the fall, October 14 and 15; a Community Open House for the public and a Foundation event for donors. We will be repurposing the donor frames which will have all of the names of the donors for the project. This will be located in the Mass Ave. lobby. Upon removing the Reference Desk we found that it is not salvageable and not worth storing. After the remodel we will have six lounge chairs more that we have space or a need for. Since there chairs are not in good condition, we will be donating them. Security Cameras Koren checked with Town counsel regarding allowing access to Children Room staff to pull up three security cameras from the new teen space when the teen desk is not staffed. Koren still needs to discuss any issue with Dee Casey from Human Resources. Koren will update Trustees with her findings. New Business Meeting Room Policy Discussion Koren reviewed her recommendation for updated to our Meeting Room Usage Policy explaining the goal of the changes is to reaffirm the library meeting rooms as a public forum. The library will continue to offer meeting rooms at no cost. Under this updated policy certain groups that have been allowed to use the meeting rooms will no longer be permitted. These groups include Scout Troops, since they can now use school department buildings, condo associations, their meetings are really “closed” and groups that charge fees for programs such as OWLL, Recreation Department and Community Ed. We are proposing to limit the frequency of use to one meeting per month for three hours unless partnering with the library. Establish a formal “Partner Organization” status with groups such as the League of Women Voters, Veterans; etc. We will clearly define how a group can become a partner. We will continue our practice of not allowing for profit entities to use the meeting rooms. Reducing the booking window form six to three months Hold Tuesday and Thursday evenings in the Large Meeting Room for library pogroms. We will release the dates as we are not using them The Learning Center will be for teen use from 2:30 – 5:30 Monday – Fridays. Trustees discussed the changes and challenges with meeting room usage keeping in mind the mission of the library. Koren will make further updates to the policy based on input from Trustees. We will vote the policy at the next meeting. Norman mention that we will need to appoint a Historic District Committer person sometime in the near future. Adjournment Joe made a motion to adjourn, seconded by Jessie. The motion passed unanimously.