HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016.05.04. ECMIN CARY MEMORIAL LIBRARY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES Wednesday, May 4, 2016 Attendees: Kate Ekrem, Norman Cohen, Howard Jaffe, Joe Pato, Jessie Steigerwald, Trustees; Koren Stembridge, Library Director, Emily Smith, Assistant Library Director, Cathie Ghorbani, Alissa Lauzon, Jen Forgit, library staff, Jeri Zeder, Foundation and Sergio DeMango, Department of Public Facilities. Call to Order: Howard called the meeting to order at 4:00 PM Secretary’s Minutes Vote: Kate made a motion to approve the Minutes of the April 7, 2016, meeting, Jessie seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Financial Update Koren reported us where we expect to be at this point in the year on both the Municipal and Trustees side. Old Business Collection Development Policy Howard asked in summary what we need to know about the proposed changes. Koren noted the proposed policy update adds the “Special Collections” which includes Lexington Authors, Local History Collection and World Language Collection. After discussion, Jessie made a moved to accept the Collection Development Policy Update, Kate seconded the motion. The motion passed unanimously. Koren noted the challenge in cataloging foreign language materials since we cannot do them in house. The ISPN numbers need to be sent to a vendor to catalog. We will discuss with various language groups as the collection grows. Jessie noted that we should use the term KoLex since they are a recognized town organization. Endowment Transfer for IAL Koren presented the letter from the Indian American League authorizing releasing of $10,000 from the Restricted Indian American Endowment Fund to purchase materials. Koren noted that we will strive to have six languages materials spoken buy Indians in town. Howard motioned to approve the transfer of $10,000 from the Restricted Endowment Fund from the Indian American Fund, Joe Pato seconded, the motion passed. Building Update – Transformative Spaces Bid Status – Funding options Koren reviewed the construction budget verses the actual based on the bids. There is a large difference between what we expected and where the bids came in. Contributing factors are: We increased the lighting scope in the Reference and Main Desk area. The number came in $45,000 over what we expected. We received only one bidder. Colin Smith estimated moving to come in at $6,000; the actual is $30,000 We overlooked the contingency which is 10% of the bid in this case $68,000. Sergio noted there is an added cost when any project is phased. He explained that there were only two bids received; the low bidder was disqualified. Norman asked if the bid was challenged. Sergio explained that the low bidder did not acknowledge the addendum which means they automatically will be disqualified. Lindsay Dahlberg, Director of Procurement contacted the Attorney General’s office to verify disqualification. Sergio explained that the winning contractor has a list of very good references. The Foundation is $26,000 from their goal and is not committed to raising any additional funds. Our plan was to withdraw $410, 000 from the Endowment which will be reimbursed by the Foundation over the next five years. We have a shortfall of $223,000 based on the bid. Koren reviewed the sources of funding detailing each category. We did not get the Dana Home grant which would have supported our “living room” AV equipment. State Aid funds are an option but we were hoping to earmark those funds for the Idea Wall and Library of Things. Other possibility are to apply for grants. In order to move the project forward we can consider taking a distribution from the Endowment. We have Shire Funds that will be coming early in FY 17 that could be a source as well although since this is our last installment. Sergio expressed that the bid does seem high, some of the reasons are the contractor has to provide a “clean” space daily, air cleaners must be used, the carpets need to be covered. Overall working in an open public building can be challenging and costly. Other options are to push the project forward to the fall or even January, not phasing the project but closing the library for 4 – 5 weeks. Howard expressed that no time good to close and that this is a community resource that we need to have available even if the cost is greater by phasing the project. Our fiduciary duty is not only financial but to take into consideration the needs of the community. Koren detailed the dates that we estimate we will be closed for moving. Trustees discussed the options and the consensus is the summer is the best time since we cannot close for 4 – 5 weeks at any time during the year. We would be taking a chance by putting the job out to bid. Joe expressed that this is why we have an Endowment for such projects and suggests using the funds to move ahead with the project. Howard asked about Children Programming and the impact of the construction. Alissa explained the theme this year is “Get in the Game”, doing lot of outside programming and planning no more than a week at a time. After discussion, Howard made a motion to approve a distribution from the unrestricted Endowment fund of $223,000 to fund the Transformative Spaces Project. Kate seconded the motion, which passed unanimously. FY 16 Trustees Budget Koren detailed the proposed FY 17 Trustee Budget including Friends and Foundation donations. Kate made a motion to accept the budget as presented, Joe seconded the motion, the motion passed unanimously. Koren distributed the FY 17 Trustees meeting dates. Koren noted that she will bring the Food and Teen Space Policies to the full board at the upcoming meeting. Kate made a motion to adjourn the meeting, Joe seconded the motion, which passed unanimously.