HomeMy WebLinkAbout2024-02-08-TREE-min
Lexington Tree Commi?ee
1. Mee?ng called to order at 7:36 AM by Mark Connor.
2. Present: Mark Connor, co-chair, Pat Moyer, co-chair and minutes, Gerry
Paul, Barbara Tarrh, Nancy Sofen, James Wood, Gavin Grant, all members,
Jim Pato, ex-officio member from Select Board, Ingrid Klimoff, Kate
McCarey, Charlie Wyman, Mark Lang, Todd Rhodes.
3. Minutes of 1.11.24 were approved with the reminder to the scribe that all
votes taken need to be recorded in the minutes.
4. Nancy Sofen presented the current wording of our bylaw revisions
proposed for Town Mee?ng--#34, 35, and36. We voted 6-0-1 (absten?on) to
keep wording in the bylaw which states that the Tree Warden may issue, to
a builder, a stop-work order if tree protec?ons are faulty/lacking. A?er
consulta?on with Town Counsel, we understand that the stop-work order
may only apply to work affec?ng the tree(s) on the property-not the en?re
project. We agree 7-0 to keep #35 as it is, understanding that the Tree
Commi?ee needs to revise the Tree Manual to make this maximally
effec?ve. We le? the wording of In #36, a?er much discussion, we voted to
leave item B, which allows the Tree Warden to declare a tree a hazard,
intact, by a vote of 5-1-1.
5. Barbara Tarrh reviewed items discussed at the mid=mee?ng, whose
members included Mark Connor, Dave Pinsonneault, Pat Moyer, and
Barbara Tarrh. Those minutes are a?ached below. Items of discussion
a. Fliers on the setback program have been produced by the Field and
Garden Club. Jim will ask Julie La Flamme to send some to each
commi?ee member for local distribu?on and canvassing. The 70
setback trees will represent the spring plan?ng effort. Some members
were disappointed that for this spring plan?ng, there would be no trees
planted in the ROW.
b. Jim will work with Chris and Ma? Fo? on species for the fall plan?ng (the
spring plan?ng order is in.)
c. We need to update the large shade tree, and the desirable species lists in
the Tree Manual
d. It would behoove us to be part of the Arbor Day Tree Giveaway—50-100
trees purchased from Arbor Day sources by the town.
e. Dave has begun the process of applying for a grant to produce an Urban
Forest Master Plan. He will request $50-60K to meet the fall deadline with
Mass Forestry. Barbara to clarify ?ming on budget request. Members
expressed the need for the Commi?ee to see a dra? of the applica?on and
eventual RFP.
f. Dave has told us he cannot create a list of preferred tree care companies
to put on line.
g. Pat asked Dave for a report on how the Tree Fund has been spent. He
agree to provide regularly; someone pointed out this item is available in the
quarterly public finance report.
h.. Mark Connor had to leave the mee?ng during discussion on item 5; Pat
took over shepherding the mee?ng.
6. Elaine Tung, chair of the Affordable Housing Trust, sent us an email
outlining the Trust’s hope to direct the Select Board (at upcoming March
Town Mee?ng) to designate a 3 acre parcel of wooded land at the corner of
Lowell and North Streets for affordable housing, and recrui?ng our support.
We felt that we did not know enough about the plans, and were not
inclined to interfere in plans for affordable housing, given the great need.
Pat will speak with Elaine Tung to find out for all of us more of what is
7. There is development planned at 28 Merriam/32 Edgewood Rd—10 units
planned, of which one is a 4 bedroom “affordable” unit. A?er reviewing
plans, we agreed unanimously to request that planned Zelkovas be replaced
with New England na?ves, and to ask for arborist interven?on to provide
protec?on plans for oaks which appear too close to planned structures.
Nancy Sofen will write a le?er to involved par?es.
8. We held another discussion on the replacements for the 2 elms which had
to be taken down in Depot Sq. The area is public-facing, frequently used,
and calls for a N.E. na?ve species, which Ginna Johnson (per Nancy)
specified in her original plans for the area. Jim will discuss our wishes again
with Chris and Dave. Jim was not present when the final selec?on
(Kentucky coffee vs. na?ve oak) was made. We have, since that selec?on
was made, re-iterated earlier strong feelings of the commi?ee that we want
to be part of tree species choices in any public area of the town.
9. Item 8 led to our discussing our fractured rela?onship with leadership of
the DPW. Joe Pato agreed, at the rest of the commi?ee’s request, to
discuss with the Town Manager.
10. We adjourned at 9:45 AM.
Tree Commi?ee Mid mee?ng notes 1/30/24 BT, PM, MC, DP
1-Date and ?me for IT mee?ng
IT Mee?ng has been scheduled for Feb 15 at 11am, with Tim G and Jessica ____ on Zoom.
Dave will send Zoom link.
2-Spring plan?ng and other Updates
•UVM detailed analysis
Delay caused by the unexpected death of the person who led the ini?al effort. Mark Valen? has
been in contact with staff there and expects a mee?ng the week of Feb 12 to discuss.
•Tree inventory
Forestry staff will update during remaining winter months, recording removals and plan?ngs.
Update to be completed by April 1.
•Replacement trees Depot Sq
Kentucky coffee trees. Jim W, Chris F and Ma? Fo? coordinated on this. TC requests broader
communica?on on tree plan?ng in significant public sites.
•Hartwell Ave businesses/tree plan?ng sites
Economic Development is pu?ng together a contact list for individual businesses to approach
for poten?al tree plan?ng. Focus is on area between Bedford St and Maguire Rd.
•Flyer to solicit resident par?cipa?on in set-back program?
Jim W, Chris F and Julie ___ working with Info officer to create copy for Link to Lexington and
other publicity outlets. DPW will print addi?onal copies for TC use.
•Tree Commi?ee as a partner in Arbor Day tree giveaway?
Fairly detailed brainstorming regarding this effort. Barbara to reach out to LFGC to add to their
request from Arbor Day Founda?on this year. DPW coordinates purchase, in groups of 100.
Discussion of plan?ng instruc?ons including sugges?on to place in front area of property.
•Lexington 250 Ba?legreen celebra?on – 250 trees planted?
Discussion of coordina?ng 2024 and 2025 Arbor Day efforts to supplement seasonal plan?ngs
and more aggressive setback plan?ng outreach.
3-Water bag tes?ng program
Ma? F will order a number of watering bags and work with Forestry to id a por?on of this
spring’s plan?ngs to test their use. Combina?on of town and Fo? follow-through on watering.
4-Urban Forest Master (Management?) Plan status
Dave has downloaded applica?ons and requested examples of successful requests from MA
Forestry. Expects a $50-60K 2026 budget request to meet fall deadline. Dave expects to use
grant funding to hire consultant to construct the plan.
5-London Plane Trees installed at Diamond – planted too closely
Chris F will work with Sean Newall, Asst director of Facili?es to discuss transplan?ng a subset of
7 trees planted too closely, and to find other (school-based?) loca?ons.
6-DPW list of tree care companies, similar to approved paving companies
Dave offered to speak with Town Counsel to determine how such a list might work. Current
approved paving companies list was developed as a result of working w those companies who
met qualifica?ons for jobs involving u?lity companies. (The Town cannot make
recommenda?ons for work on private property.)
7-New sidewalk planning, TC involvement
Dave expects Engineering/John Livesey to con?nue to include the Tree Commi?ee on tree-
related issues, a?er the design process has begun. Lincoln St on-site mee?ng is an example of
how this has worked in the past.
8-Bylaw Enforcement Working Group would like info on how Tree Fund is spent
Fund is used for tree plan?ng only. (An excep?on was the Canopy Study which used Tree Fund
money a?er consulta?on with Town Counsel.) Over the past 4 years, the annual amount has
increased to $100k in 2024. Dave es?mates $200-300K remains. TC would like monthly
expenditures; Dave said money is spent seasonally and will pull some numbers together.
9-Discussion of Tree Warden/Forestry and how con?nuing educa?on happens