HomeMy WebLinkAbout1862-1863 ExpendituresSELECTMEN'S REPORT OF THE EXPENDITURES OF THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON, FOR THE YEAR, 1862-3, WITH A LIST OF THE TOWN OFFICERS, THE MARRIAGES, BIRTHS, AND DEATHS, AND THE LIST OF THE VOLUN- TEERS FROM THE TOWN. BOSTON: PRESS OF T. R. MARVIN & SON, 42 CONGRESS STREET. 1863. SELECTMEN'S REPORT OF THE EXPENDITURES OF THE TOWN OF LEXINGTON, FOR THE YEAR 1862-3, WITH A LIST OF THE TOWN OFFICERS, THE MARRIAGES, BIRTHS, AND DEATHS, AND THE LIST OF THE VOLUN- TEERS FROM THE TOWN. BOSTON: PRESS OF T. R. MARVIN & SON, 42 CONGRESS STREET. 1863. • REPORT. THE Selectmen, to enable the citizens to judge of the Expenditures of the Town, for the year ending with the 31st of March, have classified the disbursements, and submit the following as the Expenses of the past year, and the present condition of the Treasury. SETTLEMENT WITH THE TREASURER. LEXINGTON, MARCH 26, 1863. The Selectmen have this day settled with Charles Nunn, Town Treasurer for the past year, and find that he charges himself witli receipts as follows : Balance on hand, April 1, 1862, . . $ 2,458 59 Loans for Bounties, &c. . . 10,650 00 Receipts from Collector for 1861, • 864 21 44 " 441862, 14,800 89 " " the State for aid to soldier• s' families, • 603 39 " " School Fund, 78 36 44 Hay -scales and other sources, 65 28 $ 29,520 72 And credits himself with the following dis- bursements : Paid on Town Orders, . . $ 18,573 44 Interest on Notes, . 892 84 On Notes taken up, . 2,500 00 State Tax, . . . . 3,636 00 County Tax, . 1,494 06 $ 27,096 34 Leaving a balance of . . $ 2,424 38 The discrepancy between the Treasurer's account and the Selectmen's, arises from the fact that orders drawn by the Selectmen are frequently not presented to the Treasurer till some time after their date. Consequently, an order drawn at or near the close of the fiscal year, may not be presented till after the com- mencement of the next year. 4 AMOUNT GRANTED FOR EXPENSES FOR 1862-3. For support of the schools, . " repairs of highways, GGsupport of the poor, GGdiscount on prompt payment of • taxes, " interest on town debt, . " abatement of taxes, " support of families of volu• nteers, payment of School Committee, " GGthe Assessors, GG GG Town Clerk, GG CGConstable, . GG GGSexton, GG 44ringing bells, support of the fire''department, Collector and Treasurer, contingencies, repairs of Raudall's ▪ bridge, GG '' '' GG GG . $ 3,400 00 1,200 00 1,400 00 1,600 00 • 900 00 300 00 1,300 00 • 130 00 200 00 45 00 . 50 00 40 00 . • 70 00 . • 225 00 • . • 120 00 • • 800 00 50 00 5 Paid William H. Smith, 2d— For 11 days' services as Selectman, @ 2.00, " 36 evening meetings, @ 50 cents, 22 00 18 00 1 40 00 eR $ 11,830 00 At a subsequent meeting, bounties were voted to those who should volunteer in the service of the United States, but no tax was assessed for that purpose. The sum assessed and committed for collection, was $17,243 93. $ 140 87 _Assessors. WILLIAM CHANDLER, A. W. CROWNINSHIELD, N. FESSENDEN, JR. Paid William Chandler— For 35i days' services as Assessor, (cl 2.00, $ 71 00 blank book and stationery, . 5 00 " use of room for Assessors, . 2 17 Paid A. W. Crowninshield— For 24 days' services as Assessor, @ 2.00, . " 2 days' use of horse and buggy, Paid Nathan Fessenden, Jr.— For 17 days' services as Assessor, @ 2.00, . 78 17 48 00 4 00 52 00 34 00 $164 17 TOWN OFFICERS. Town Clerk.—ALBERT W. BRYANT. Paid A. W. Bryant— For services as Town Clerk, " recording 77 births, . "" "" 41 deaths, . " `" 16 marriages, " postage and stationery, " expressage, . $20 00 . 15 40 6 10 • 1 60 • 2 75 1 93 $ 47 78 Selectmen. CHARLES HUDSON, WEBSTER SMITH, WILLIAM H. SMITH, 2D. Paid Charles Hudson— For 16 days' services as Selectman, @ 2.00, $ 32 00 " 36 evening meetings, @ 50 cents, . • 18 00 " services as Clerk in keeping the books, recording bills, &c.. 14 00 " stationery, postage and expre▪ ssage, 87 Paid Webster Smith— • For 9 days' services as Selectman, @ 2.00, " 36 evening meetings, (& 50 cents) School Committee. LEONARD J. LIVERMORE, CALEB STETSON, JONAS GAMMELL. Paid Leonard J. Livermore— For 1 day examining, 1.50 ; visiting schools, 23 half days, 17.25 ; examining schools, 9i days, 14.25 ; horse hire, and services as Prudential Committee, 1.25 ; 7 com- mittee meetings, 3.50 ; writing report, supervision of printing, and expressing, 5.25, $ 43 00 Paid Caleb Stetson— For visiting schools, attending committee meetings, &c., 24 days, 36 00 Paid Jonas Gammell— For services as Committee and acting as Clerk, . 41 00 $120 00 Treasurer and Collector. Paid Charles Nunn, as Treasurer and Collector, . $ 120 00 64 87 18 00 18 00 $36 00 • Auditor. Paid Charles Hudson, for auditing and super- vising the printing of Report, 14.00 ; sta- tionery and expressage, 25 cents, . . $1425 6 Sexton. Paid O. W. Kendall, for attending 39 funerals, 39.00 ; for returning 44 deaths to the Town Clerk, 4.40, . Constable. Paid O. W. Kendall, for warning eight town meetings, and performing other duties as Constable, . . $43 40 . $ 65 25 Liquor Agent. Paid I. B. Smith, as balance of cost of Agency, . $ 20 47 HANCOCK SCHOOL. Instruction. Paid Galen Allen, (Grammar School,) . " Lucretia M. Hoyt, " • . Elizabeth S. Parker, (Primary School,) . $ 45 00 280 00 200 00 52500 Fuel, and Care of Rooms. Paid I. N. Damon, for 6 tons of coal, H. Holmes, 1 cord wood, Sawing, splitting and housing sa• me, Care of rooms, • $37 50 • 5 50 2 33 40 00 Expenses of Town Clerk, 44 of Selectmen, of School Committee, of Assessors, . of Treasurer and Collector, of Auditor, . of Sexton, . of Constable, . of Liquor Agent, LL LL Recapitulation. Total, . 85 33 $47 78 140 87 120 00 164 17 • 120 00 • 14 25 43 40 65 25 20 47 Incidentals. Paid for repairing and cleansing stoves, and cleansing rooms, and setting glass ; for wire screens for cellar windows, and mak- ing divers repairs on house, furnishing ink, dusters, crayons, key, &c., Total expense of the school, 14 07 $ 624 40 $73619 SUPPORT OF SCHOOLS. ADAMS SCHOOL. Instruction. Paid John D. Marston, (Grammar school,) . $ 410 00 " Mary B. Howe, (Primary school,) . 200 00 HIGH SCHOOL. Instruction. Paid A. E. Scott, Principal, . Abbie C. Stetson, Assistant, Susanna P. Damon, " GG cc $ 610 00 . $ 800 00 75 00 40 00 $915 00 Fuel, and Care of Rooms. Paid I. N. Darnon, for 8 tons coal, . . $ 50 00 William Cashman, taking care of rooms, . 40 00 L. J. Livermore, for charcoal, 6 00 44 Fuel, and Care of Rooms. Paid W. Wellington, 3 tons coal, . " kindlings and charcoal, . " J. D. Marston, for care of rooms, . $24 00 . 7 00 . 51 25 82 25 Incidentals. Paid for cleansing rooms, entry mats, repairing house, glass and funnel, books for poor chil- dren, &c. 42 54 96 00 Total for school, . $ 734 79 Incidentals. Paid for cleansing rooms, repairing clock, fur- nishing duster, thermometer, ink, &c. &c., . Total expense of the school, FRANKLIN SCHOOL. Instruction. Paid Frances M. Parker,• 7 55 $ 1,018 55 $ 240 00 8 Fuel, and Care of Room. Paid W. Wellington, 2 tons coal, . " care of room, . . $16 00 . 20 62 36 62 Incidentals. Paid for cleansing room, brushes, ink, &c. 6 22 Total for school, . WARREN SCIIOOL. Instruction. Paid Isabella Cutler, Fuel, and Care of Room. Paid E. A. Mulliken, 1 tons coal, . ";i wood and sawing same, . " care of room, . $1388 ▪ 6 75 15 25 $ 282 84 $ 240 00 35 88 Incidentals. Paid for cleansing room, ink, crayons, &c. 10 02 Total for school, . $ 385 90 BOWDITCH SCHOOL. Instruction. Paid Annie M. Knight, . Fuel, and Care of Room. Paid for wood and preparing the same, . ▪ $ 23 25 " care of room, • 13 50 $ 200 00 36 75 Incidentals. Paid for cleansing room, ink, &c. 2 58 Total for school, . HOWARD SCHOOL. Instruction. Paid Clara Winning, Fuel, and Care of Room. Paid for three tons of coal, . " wood and preparing same, . " care of room, . . $23 25 . 6 25 26 50 $ 239 33 $ 200 00 56 00 Ya 9 Incidentals. Paid for repairs of house, furnace and fence, and providing towels, wash -stand, &c. 8 48 Total for school, . $ 264 48 RECAPITULATION. Fuel and Name of School. Instruction. care of rooms. Incidentals. Totals. High School, . . . $ 915 00 $ 96 00 $ 7 55 $ 1,018 55 Hancock " . . . 525 00 85 33 14 07 624 40 Adams " . . . 610 00 82 25 42 54 734 79 Franklin " . . . 240 00 36 62 6 22 282 84 Warren " . . . 240 00 35 88 10 02 285 90 Bowditch " . . . 200 00 36 75 2 58 239 33 Howard " . . . 200 00 56 00 8 48 264 48 $ 2,930 00 $ 428 83 $ 91 46 $ 3,450 29 EXPENSE OF FIRE DEPARTMENT. Paid Samuel Chandler, for expenses as follows: For Foster, Weeks & Co., for oil, . $ 3 38 For A. Goddard, as per bill rendered, ▪ 17 83 For Wm. I -I. Smith, 2d, " " . 6 72 For rent of Hall, for Adams Co., . 42 00 For Oliver Brown, for taking care of Adams Engine, 30 00 For cleansing Hancock Engine, and for oil and tur- pentine, . . • 5 83 For taking care of Hancock Engine, . . 10 00 For compensation of Samuel Chandler, A. Goddard, and Jos. F. Simonds, Engineers, $6 each, 18 00 Paid F. M. Harrington, hauling Engine, 1 00 " J. F. Fiske, for firemen's poll tax, . 48 00 Total, . $ 182 76 SUPPORT OF THE POOR. The Selectmen have drawn Orders for the Overseers of the Poor, to the amount of • . $1,143 17 The expenditure of which may be seen in their Report, to which reference is made. 2 r 10 11 EXPENSES OF HIGHWAYS. The Surveyors show by their Report, to which refer- ence is here made, that they have drawn from the Treasury the sum of $ 1,200 00 REPAIR OF RANDALL'S BRIDGE. The Surveyors of Highways, to whom this subject was committed, have made their Report to the Selectmen, who have examined and allowed the account, amount- ing to $ 54 97 MILITARY EXPENDITURES. The following bounties were paid, agreeably to the vote of the Town, to twenty soldiers, who entered the service of the United States, being the quota of the Town under the call for three years' men. William P. Briggs, . $100 00 William De Coty, . Benjamin M. Marchant, Nahum B. Chamberlain, George A. Trull, . . Charles M. Parker, . William W. Jones, . John Manley, . Charles Flagg, . John W. Hudson, . Samuel E. Chandler, . 100 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 100 00 James Isherwood, Hugh O'Donnell, . Samuel Adams, . Adams Simpson, . George B. Dennett, Michael Crowley, . Thomas Cosgrove, John Sherman, . Timothy Leary, . The following bounties were Town, to the soldiers who enl Lexington quota, in the United Francis O. Kendall, David Fitch, . Sidney Butters, . Clifford Saville, . George H. Butterfield, Abraham H. Johnson, Henry E. Crouch, George W. Wright, Willis L. Wright, Walter R. Wright, Josiah Bryant, . George Simonds, . O. B. Darling, . Ira Keniston, . Isaac W. Holmes, William A. Merriam, J. F. Byron, . $ 200 00 . 200 00 . 200 00 • 200 00 . 200 00 . 200 00 . 200 00 . 200 00 . 200 00 . 200 00 . 200 00 . 200 00 . 200 00 . 200 00 . 200 00 . 200 00 . 200 00 Total paid in bounties, . 100 00 . 100 00 . 100 00 . 100 00 . 100 00 . 100 00 . 100 00 . 100 00 . 100 00 $ 2,000 00 AID TO SOLDIERS' FAMILIES. The following sums have been paid during the last year. Mrs. John Gallagher, . $113 25 to the soldiers' families Mrs. Francis O. Kendall, . 26 33 Mrs. Frances A. Kneeland, 104 00 Mrs. William A. Merriam, 46 00 Mrs. John O'Neil, . . . 156 66 Mrs. Charles H. Dean, ▪ 46 00 Mrs. John Healey, . . 144 00 Mr. Samuel H. Jones, • 40 00 Mrs. Luther H. Pushee, . 144 00 Mr. John Bannon, • 52 00 Mrs. John Gately, . 125 20 Mrs. Luke Estabrook, . 150 80 Mrs. Jeremiah Logan, . 153 25 Mrs. John K. Hanscom, . 144 00 Mrs. J. Sherman & children, 96 00 Mrs. Thomas H. Earle, . 104 00 Mrs. William W. Jones, . 105 25 Mrs. William Estabrook, . 156 88 Mrs. John Manly, . 105 25 Mrs. Isaac Kenniston, . 108 00 Mrs. Michael Crowley, • 89 20 Mrs. William Dillon, . . 147 00 Mrs. George B. Dennett, . 64 00 Mrs. Thomas Cosgrove, • 88 00 Mrs. B. M. Marchant, 41 00 Mrs. Walter R. Wright, . 53 33 Mrs. William P. Briggs, . 108 00 Mr. Nahum B. Chamberlain, 44 00 Mrs. Sidney Butters, . 73 71 Mrs. David Fitch, . 73 71 $ 2,902 82 paid, agreeably to the vote of the isted for nine months, to fill the States' service. C. H. Dean, . . John D. Bussey, . . Frank H. Capell, . . S. H. Jones, . • . Milton Nurse, . William Winning, . William W. Melvin, . Alvin W. Harding, . Frederick H. Harding, . Arthur F. Gould, . . *Sales W. Lawrence, . *J. R. Carpenter, . . *Henry W. Wheelock, . *N. W. Penniman, . *W. G. Nason, . . There has also been expended in objects connected with the raising of troops, providing for exempts, and disbursing money to soldiers' families, the following sums : Paid to Henry Angier, one of the first three months' men, by vote of the town, . . $ 30 00 to Dr. Warren, for examining 31 exempts, . • 31 00 for printing notices of meetings and posters inviting enlistments, &c., . . for horse Hire to Concord, Lincoln and • Bedford, and divers places about the town, to procure re- cruits and disburse money to soldiers' families, . 9 00 GC '' 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 200 00 $ 6,400 00 . $ 8,400 00 • Those marked with a star enlisted for three years. GC 6 74 $ 76 74 Total expenditure connected with the follows : For bounties, " support of soldiers' fami▪ lies, other and incidental objects, . raising of soldiers is as . . $ 8,400 00 . 2,902 82 • 76 74 $11,379 56 12 MISCELLANEOUS EXPENDITURES. Paid Webster Smith, for cash paid to Belmont and Woburn, for erecting monuments on lines between the towns, cc G. F. Chapman, for error in his account, . 4C Charles Harrington, for a gravel pit, cc Marvin & Son, for printing Auditor's Repo▪ rt, . L. J. Livermore, for school books furnished indigent children, and for books for teachers' desks, . « Wilson & Son, for printing School Report, Marvin & Son, for printing posters for a feward, Bennett & Saville, for halliards for liberty pole, T. R. Greenleaf, for distributing envelopes, CC C. J. Adams, for board of Jonathan Locke and George Locke, in the House of Correction, Mudge & Son, for printing and binding hay -weighing books, 4 vols., . Charles Hudson, for MS. H▪ istory • of the To• wn, a▪ gree- ably to a contract made by Town's Committee, 0. W. Kendall, for coffin, &c., and burying a child of William Estabrook, a soldier in the service, . 0. W. Kendall, for oil for Town Hall, removing seats, and making divers repairs in Town Hall ; for lum- ber and labor in making fence in Centre School- house yard ; for materials and labor in repairing pumps in several school districts ; for printing of warrants for Town Meetings ; for distributing school and other reports and documents, and for divers other small jobs, and materials for the same, 0. W. Kendall, for opening Town Hall sixty-four times for town and other meetings, cc F. M. Harrington, for horse and carriage ▪ hir• e to Woburn twice, to fix the point for a monument be- tween the towns, A. W. Bryant, for licensing ▪ dogs, F. Ham, for ringing bell, J. Estabrook, " "" Everett S. Locke, for ringing the ▪ bell two month• s, CC CC CC GG $ 5 45 2 00 118 35 40 00 39 67 23 20 1 50 2 13 2 00 33 71 15 00 100 00 4 00 109 72 54 00 1 25 1 25 17 50 8 75 6 13 $ 585 61 RECAPITULATION. Total Expenditures for the year, and the Objects to which they were applied. Clerk, Selectmen, Assessors, School Committee, Treasurer, . Auditor, . Sexton, . Constable, . . Liquor Agent, . . $ 47 78 140 87 • 164 17 • 120 00 ▪ 120 00 ▪ 14 25 • 43 40 65 25 • 20 47 Schools, . . Fire Department, Paupers, . . Highways, Randall's Bridge, Military, . . Miscellaneous, . . 3,450 28 . 182 76 . 1,143 17 . 1,200 00 . 54 97 . 11,379 56 . 585 61 $18,732 54 14 TOWN OFFICERS FOR 1862-3. ALBERT W. BRYANT, . CHARLES HUDSON, . WEBSTER SMITH, . W. HENRY SMITH, 2n., . WILLIAM CHANDLER, . A. W. CROWNINSHIELD, NATHAN FESSENDEN, JR., I. N. DAMON, . ELI SIMONDS, . ALBERT FITCH, CHARLES NUNN, OLIVER W. KENDALL, . GEORGE W. LOCKE, ABRAM B. SMITH, . GORHAM JE WETT, . GERSHOM SWAN, . • • • • • • • • J. HASKELL REED, . COLBURN HADLOCK, NEHEMIAH M. HARRINGTON, L. J. LIVERMORE, . CALEB STETSON, JONAS GAMMELL, 0. W. KENDALL, • • • ALONZO GODDARD, PETER WELLINGTON, . WILLIAM H. SMITH, 2D, JOSEPH F. SIMONDS, . HORACE B. DAVIS, . . WILLIAM H. SMITH, 2D, CHARLES H. BENNETT, L. A. SAVILLE, . . • • • • • • • • • • • TOWN CLERK. SELECTMEN. ASSESSORS. OVERSEERS OF THE POOR AND SURVEYORS OF HIGHWAYS. TREASURER AND COLLECTOR. CONSTABLE. FIELD DRIVERS. FENCE VIEWERS. SCHOOL COMMITTEE. SEXTON. POUND KEEPER. SURVEYOR OF LUMBER. SUPERINTEND'T OF TOWN HALL. SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. } WEIGHERS OF HAY. MEASURERS OF WOOD AND BARK. SUPERINTENDENTS AND WEIGH- ERS AT THE TOWN SCALES. VALUATION OF LEXINGTON. Valuation for 1860, Real Estate, . . $ 1,318,103 45 Personal Estate, 444,042 00 Valuation for 1850, Increase in ten years, . $ 1,762,145 45 . 1,469,551 30 . $ 292,594 15 1 13 TOWN DEBT. Town Debt, April 1, 1862, was . " " April 1, 1863, was . . $14,056 50 . 22,239 00 We have appended to the Report a list of the soldiers in the service from and for the Town of Lexington, with such facts as were known to us, which notices must be more or less imperfect. All which is respectfully submitted. CHARLES HUDSON, Far the Selectmen. 16 DEATHS REGISTERED IN LEXINGTON, From January 1, 1862, to January 1,1863. DATE OF DEATH. NAMES. AGE. 0 Jan. 1 if 15 ,r 31 Feb. 7 March 22 April 3 n 16 n 26 n 27 May 14 „ 15 „ 17 rr 24 June 17 ,i 23 Aug. 8 ,r 12 n 15 n 28 29 Sept. 5 ,r 8 rr 30 n 30 Oct. 2 I, 2 n 6 n 10 if 10 rr 13 it 16 r► 17 Nov. 3 rr 10 rr 14 Dec. 3 n 12 ,r 20 rr 20 n 26 n 27 William N. Sawyer, Charles Reed, . . - Brown, . Eben Pierce, . Anna Cutler, . Samuel Cooper, . - Le Barron, . Dennis Harrington, Ambrose Morrell, . Ann W. Adams, . Sabra A. Russell, . George A. Stimson, Mary Boyd Childs, . . Hobart E. Estabrooks, . Alvin T. Perkins, . . William H. Fowle, . William Foley, . Alice Sampson, William Stevens, . Charles Cutler, . Charles B. Harrington, . Mary Frances Dodge, . Sullivan Burbank, Bridgett Allen, Mary E. Davis, Patrick Crowley, Joseph Simonds, Sabra W. Russell, John Reynolds, Mary Ann Ryan, Mary Shea, James Hobbs, . Estelle A. Weeks, . Cynthia Currier, Nancy Locke, . Mary D. Johnson, . Walter Simonds, Lydia Muzzey, . Margaret McElwee, Michael Keefe, William Webb, 62 42 70 86 42 85 62 24 39 76 57 49 1 63 20 25 23 86 31 16 22 50 1 29 2 73 70 66 26 4 3 4 3 10 1 2 3 6 2 7 10 8 7 2 1 3 5 10 2 8 2 8 5 Aca DISEASE, OR CAUSE OF DEATH. PLACE OF DEATH. 7 1 3 23 6 20 5 26 1 • 8 14 20 19 19 8 7 22 10 15 1 10 23 16 Inflammation, . Consumption, . Not known, Old age, . rr Consumption, Convulsions, Old age, . • Liver complaint, Consumption, . Paralysis agitans, Not known, . Lung fever, Cancer, . Cholera infantum, Not known, . Consumption, . Diarrhoea, . . Consumption, . ff Old age, Child birth, . Disease of the brain, Teething, . . Fever, . Inflammation, . Bowel complaint, Cholera infantum, Heart complaint, Consumption, . Dropsy of the brain, Trismus, . Dropsy, . Consumption, Not known, . Dropsy, . Heart complaint, Fits, . . Not known, Lexington. Bedford. Lexington. ff if West Roxbury. Woburn. Lexington. r rr New Jersey. Lexington. Hampton Falls. Lexington. Cambridge. Lexington. New York. Lexington. r 11 r, Woburn. Lexington. 11 r, r, Whole number, 41.—Males, 23 ; females, 18. 15 17 MARRIAGES RECORDED FROM JANUARY 1, 1862, To JANUARY 1, 1863. Date of Marriage. March 16, March 23, March 27, June 5, . June 12, . August 20, August 28, September 4, October 10, . October 15, . October 19, . October 27, . November 25, November 26, November 26, November 27, Names. 5Henry A. Wellington, Angeline E. Moore, . 5Abram B. Smith, Annette A. Allen, . 5Charles H. Bennett, . M. Elizabeth Kendall, 1 Leonard A. Saville, . Rebecca H. Gould, . SJohn Henry Apel, . Eleanor Hobbs, . 5Charles Parker, . Amelia Jackson, fJohn Hastings, Mary Maria Cary, . 5William Wheelan, . Maria Cosgrove, 5Edward Webb, . Louisa Hickman, 5 Charles C. Goodwin, . Alice Dodge Phelps, . fThomas Marlhan, Elizabeth Hamilton, . 5 George W. Locke, . Mary E. Sanborn, 5Edward Mann, . Helen Broaders, Thomas W. Childs, Hattie P. Hildreth, 5 Henry Capell, . Angeline Hutchinson, S William H. Miller, . Caroline M. Simonds, Whole number of Marriages, Residence. ▪ Lexington. ▪ Canaan, Me. Lexington. 1/ OFFICERS, SOLDIERS, AND SEAMEN, In the Service of the United States, to sustain our Free Institutions against the Unprincipled .Rebellion. // /1 Cambridge. • Lexington. 1/ // // // 1/ 1/ A // /1 Charlestown. Lexington. /1 /1 Names. Edward T. Chandler, Samuel E. Chandler, Frank V. Butters, William W. Melvin, Royal Ramsey, Henry A. Angier, Wilbur F. Harding, E. D. Gossom, II. Johnson, 1/ • Boston. Lexington. • 16. Reg. Co. Date of Enlistment. Remarks. John Gallagher, Joseph H. P. Fiske, Charles A. Fiske, Andrew A. Harrington, Francis H. Kneeland, Charles H. Fiske, Daniel G. Fiske, John Peters, Adam Peters, George Linsey, Charles H. Puffer, Loring W. Muzzey, George E. Muzzey, A. H. Kneeland, Jam ,s A. 'Williams, 13erj»_ nin 'Thorn, Henry A. Lavewell, BIRTHS. Whole number, 77.—Males, 42 ; females, 35. The birth -place of the parents are as follows :—In Lexington, 20; in other towns in the State, 24; Maine, 3; New Hampshire, 2; Vermont, 1; Rhode Island, 1; England, 8; Ireland 82; Germany, 1; Scotland, 3; New Brunswick, 4; Nova Scotia, 2; Madeira Island, 1; not, known, 2. William De Coty, John G. Sherman, John Manly, William W. Jones, Michael W. Crowley, George B. Dennett, Samuel C. Chandler, Winford Smith, Joseph Chandler, Charles B. Harrington, George H. Smith, William Green, John Crowly, 3 C, 5 K, 5 K, 5 K, 5 K, 5 K, 5 K, 5 C, 5 G, 9 I, 11 G, 11 K, 11 G, 12 E, 12 E, 12 E, 12 E, 12 E, 12 E, 12 E, 12 E, 12 E, 12 E, 12 E, 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 12 13 B, 13 B, 13 B, 13 C, 13 B, 14 C, April, '61, 3 months' service. Re-enlisted. CDo. Wounded and taken pris- oner at Bull Run. Re-enlisted. Do. Do. Re-enlisted. Do. CDo. Wounded and taken pris- oner at Bull Run. Re-enlisted. Do. Do. Re-enlisted. Do. '' ti 4' '4 it June, '61, 3 years' service. , Do. Discharged for broken leg. Do. Do. Do. Do. Killed in battle. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Died at Alexandria, of wounds received at Freder- icksburg. Do. Q. M. Promoted to be Brigade Commissary. Do. Acting Quarter Master. Do. Do. Do. Killed in battle. Do. Discharged. Do. Died of wounds received at the second battle of Bull Run. Do. Wounded at Fredericks- burg. Do. Probably killed at Fred- ericksburg. Do. Do. Do. Do. Clerk. Do. Discharged. Do. Do. Died at home, in Septem- ber, 1862, of disease con- tracted in the service. June, '61, 66 1861, '61, Aug. Aug. '61, 1861, Do. Do. Do. 4' Names. Reg. C. McMahan, 16 A, 1861, John Howard, 16 F, Charles R. Johnson, 16 F, I. F. Kenniston, 16 F, John O'Neil, 16 F, T. Murphy, 16 F, Charles Cutler, 16 H, E. E. Hatch, 16 H, H. W. Stearns, 16 H, Isaac F. Buttrick, 16 H, Charles F. Buttrick, 16 H, Sumner Crosby, 16 H, George Flint, Jr., 16 H, William M. Locke, 16 H, E. D. Gossom, 16 H, Jonas F. Capell, 16 K, Ralph Cole, 16 K, John Bannon, 16 K, John Healey, 16 H, Jeremiah Logan, 19 Thomas Kelly, 20 A, Hugh O'Donnell, 20 Adam Simpson, 20 Samuel Adams, 20 James Isherwood, 20 William Dillon, 21 Edward T. Chandler, 22 F, C. M. Cutler, 22 F, 18 Co. Date of Enlistment. Remarks. 3 years' service. C Do. Discharged March 20th, 1862. Re-enlisted. Do. Captain. Do. Sergeant. Do. Wounded. Do. Do. Died in the service. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Promoted to be 1st Lieut. Do. Do. Do. Do. Wounded and discharged. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Died October 6, 1862, of wounds received before Rich- mond. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. 1st Lieutenant. Do. Promoted to be 2d Lieut. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Discharged. Do. Do. Do. Do. Lieutenant. Discharged. Joseph Simonds, 22 F, George D. Harrington, 22 Thomas Sawin, 22 Charles A. Gould, 23 Charles M. Parker, 24 Charles Flagg, 24 George A. Trull, 24 N. B. Chamberlain, 24 Daniel Crowly, 28 D. Conway, 28 John Callahan, 30 William P. Briggs, 32 John W. Hudson, 35 Jarvis W. Dean, 35 Benjamin M. Marchant, 35 Timothy Leary, 38 Thomas Cosgrove, 38 William B. Nason, James R. Carpenter, John K. Hanscom, 1st Cay. Thomas H. Earle, Luke Estabrook, William Estabrook, Charles Cole, George B. Hildreth, H. M. Jones, James Cody, Lucius Angier, Luther H. Pushee, Martin Welch. F, K, 66 July, '61, i{ 44 1861, 4' it 4' '4 July, '61, Mar., '62, 1861, Aug. '62, 64 it May, '62, Sept. '61, Aug. '62, A, A, D, K, D, Dec. '61, Aug. '62, M, M, M, M, M, M, M, M, M, M, M, William Gleason, 1st Sharp S., Oct. '62, it Sept. '61, ti {1 66 ti '4 1861, 19 Names. Reg. Co. Date of Enlistment. Frank W. Bryant, 1st Sharp S. 3 years' Alvin Cole, 44 Do. Nathan W. Penniman, Sharp S. Do. Sayles V. Lawrence, << Do. Henry L. Wheelock, << Do. E. R. Bullard, 3d N. Y. Do. A. Trask, 5th " Do. John Gately, it << Do. William W. Melvin, Alvin W. Harding, Fred. H. Harding, A. F. Gould, William Winning, Frank O. Kendall, Josiah Bryant, Walter R. Wright, George W. Wright, W. S. Wright, S. H. Jones, Isaac W. Holmes, Sidney Butters, George Simonds, Jr., David Fitch, George H. Butterfield, O. B. Darling, Ira Kenniston, Abraham H. Johnson, Clifford Saville, H. E. Crouch, John D. Bussey, Frank H. Capell, William A. Merriam, John Byron,q Charles H. Dean, Milton Nourse, Peter Barnum, Joseph Garmon, Joseph Gerard, Jeremiah Crowley, John Whitman, Charles Fiske, Jr. William B. Fiske, Bowen Buckley, 5 '62, 5 Sept:,< 5 44 44 45 D, 45 D, 45 D, 45 D, 45 D, 45 D, 45 D, 45 D, 45 D, 45 D, 45 D, 45 D, 45 D, 45 D, 45 D, 45 D, 45 D, 47 47 47 47 47 '' '4 '' {' {' Oct. '62, Remarks. service. Discharged. (Sickles Brigade.) (Mozart Regiment.) Discharged. 9 months' service. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Sergeant. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Wounded in N. Carolina. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. Do. In the Navy. Steamer Mississippi. In the Navy. Discharged. In the Navy. Entered the Navy in 1862. United States Ship San Jacinto. Entered the Navy. Discharged. In the Navy.