HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-04-13-LBAC-min APPROVED MEETING MINUTES Lexington Bicycle Advisory Committee Thursday, April 13, 7 pm, Room 221, Lexington Community Center Members Present: Peggy Enders (chair), Bob Hausslein (FoLB chair) John Frey, Bob Dangel, Jennifer Melot, Carolyn Levi, Jennifer Melot, Sandra Shaw (Recreation Committee Liaison), Paul Callahan (Police Department Liaison) Members Absent: Laurel Carpenter, George Gagliardi Guests: Tim and Deborah Reagan 2. The March meeting minutes were amended and approved. 3. Updates MMBW signage – The Toole-designed signs for the Lexington section of the Bikeway will be installed this season. Peggy reported that the Bedford Bike Committee had some questions about the proposed mileage markers; David Kucharsky has been keeping his counterparts in Arlington and Bedford informed about the design. Mike Tabaczynski has prepared an ARC-GIS map of all the chronic flooded areas along the Bikeway in Lexington. This will be combined with the spreadsheet already submitted to John Livsey showing the other problems along the path (e.g., divots). The DPW plan for Bikeway paving this summer is to repave the section between Meriam Street and Hancock. Town Meeting has approved the funds for bicycle pavement markings as part of the regular DPW budget. The Committee talked briefly about how decisions would be made about sharrows versus bike lanes, and the suggestion of a protected lane on Hartwell Avenue was discussed – perhaps as part of the improvements to Hartwell Avenue and Bedford Street generally. Peggy said that there has been no apparent activity in the quest to find an alternative access point to the Bikeway on Spencer Street. 4. Letter to DPW re Proposed Maple Street Ramp: Bob Dangel’s draft letter to the Town Engineers regarding the 100% design for the new Maple Street ramp was approved. 5. BWB Week Planning Forum on Bicycling – Peggy described the Bike Forum being planned for Monday, May 15 and said she could use some help with publicity and planning. The objective is to focus on the status of local and regional efforts around education, infrastructure and legislation, and get some consensus around the way forward for Lexington. A regional infrastructure person will be invited; so far Richard Fries has been lined up, along with Michelle Ciccolo. Bike Smart -- Carolyn and Sandra are on board to help on Saturday, May 13; two leaders have been hired (Pat Bibbins and Jared Powell). Sgt Callahan confirmed that two officers will be provided. A bike maintenance workshop is on the same day – Galen Mook will again run this program. 6. Liaison Reports Sandra reported that Recreation has been busy with Town Meeting issues The quarterly Transportation Forum will be held on April 28 at the Library. Sgt Callahan reported on two bike crashes in January 1) Hancock at Bikeway and 2) Hancock and Adams (“lots of issues with this one”). He said that on Patriots Day -- 5 bikes will patrol. More officers are being outfitted. 7. Guests Tim and Tim and Deborah Reagan asked the Committee for opinions on electric- assist bikes, since they hope to open an e-bike rental/sales shop in Lexington. Bob Dangel commented that the Committee has not yet recommended a formal policy about e-bikes on the Bikeway, the issue is complex. There is enthusiasm for e-bikes, in that it expands bicycling to individuals who might not otherwise ride a bike, but there are issues around speed (on the Bikeway). Mike said that, for the Bikeway, it requires expert, data-driven decision-making by the State. The Committee told the guests about the plan for a Zagster bike-share and recommended they speak with Melisa Tintocalis about their desire to rent some affordable space near the Bikeway. The meeting was adjourned. Record of the Discussions of the Friends of Lexington Bikeways/Bike Lexington 1. The Treasurer’s Report was given. The last plowing bill hasn’t been received yet. 2. Annual meeting of the Friends of Lexington Bikeways: The election officers and directors was undertaken according to Bob's slate; members unanimously approved the slate. 3. Bob said that volunteers will be needed: Bikeway cleanup: May 6 Bikeway counts -- May 13, 16 -- Peggy will be in touch Discovery Day -- May 27 (we will share table with GCC) BWB activities – Commuter Breakfast May 19 6:30-9:30 at the Depot Funds were approved to pay instructors for Bike Smart-- OK'd Recorder: Carolyn Levi Editor: Peggy Enders