HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-03-13-ARTS-minLexington Council for the Arts Meeting AGENDA Pre -Meeting Tasks Review of handouts & minutes Attendance: Present: Seetha Ramnath (Chair), Faith Lin, Mark Ferri, Lynne Klemmer, Amy Crandall Kaser (Treasurer), Jean Hart, Rebecca McGowan, Laurel Smith Absent: Jessie Steigerwald, Leslie Masson Guests: Recording Secretary: Mark Ferri Meeting start time: 7:04pm called to order 1. WELCOME - Chairperson a. Introduction of members 2. REPORTS a. Secretary's Report i. Approval of December, January meeting's minutes- needs approval in February meeting; quorum not met due to last month's attendance (Dec, Jan and Feb minutes) Seetha motioned to approve minutes and Lynne seconds ii. Confirm email sent to Board of Selectman confirming Seetha as new Chair b. Treasurer's Report i. Update on reimbursements, current account balance. State $7223($1500 yet to be claimed from last year's cycle) / Local $3236 - Please update based on Amy's input. ii. Granite Forest project reimbursement process update- More info on project found on town website, $1000 for Granite forest will come from local budget iii. $220 returned to local for Artwalk that already occurred in November. iv. Process for tracking discretionary local grants if approved, To be followed by Amy V. Expect to see grant money increase account value. Not yet claimed from 2015-16 cycle; $250 Lexington Historical Society, $500 Munroe Saturday Nights, $200 Wax Wings Oedipus Cycle, $100 Pity Theater Company, c. Grants Report i. Received new reimbursements to be signed; Blue heron, Cantata Singers ii. Attendance/sign up for Grant winners performances by Council members iii. Kathleen Rowe, Watershed project? Seetha will follow up d. Communications Report i. Website: www.lexartscouncil.org - any additions/corrections? Need listing of 2016-17 approved events to post. Faith will work on post. ii. Grant reception plans - confirmed by Seetha after speaking with Elaine Ashton (President, East Lex Association President) for May 21 st at 1 pm (Stone Building, formerly East Lex Library). Seetha will send Grantee Reception details in final press release to Minuteman this week. iii. All members welcome to write reviews on art events and potentially share on personal social media accounts 3. NEW BUSINESS a. New Initiatives i. Arts Advocacy Day/Mass Creative - plan for Seetha, Amy, Lynne, Cristina, Laurel, Jean, Mark and others to attend event on March 28th in Boston. Seetha will drive in and can take 3 leaving @10am from Lexington center ii. Voices on the Green - continuing discussions with Artepreneurs concept -March 9th @10:30 with Regie in Via Lago. Potential kickoff venue space, the ALoft, for all Lexington artists. Target date July 10-14. iii. Waldorf school will apply next year for grant, we did advertise for them on our website and Facebook this 1 of 1 year b. 2016-17 Projects: i. Parade - Need 2 volunteers to walk, please contact Lynne. Mark volunteered to participate with his children. ii. Discovery Day (Memorial Day w/e) - discuss who/what needs to be there. Should we tag on to LACS again this year?May 27th, come up with ideas for favors. Seetha will volunteer time that day. Amy suggested calendar creation. Bookmark suggestion by Rebecca. c. 2016-17 Donors & Membership strategy. Social media advertising - Item tabled due to attendance Seetha reaching out to Jessie to be present for a deeper discussion Shadaj, 501-C Non profit, classical Indian music appreciation, Amy motions to make $50 donation, Lynne seconds. Rebecca suggests adding their link to the Google group OLD BUSINESS (review) d. Dimmock Award Update - planned May 2017; need quorum - suggested at $200, in the future every other year? Need to request allocation from Town Accountant e. PIR Update f. Strategic arts & culture plan Update g. ArtsOffroad - not in 2017, but hoping to be in association with the 25th anniversary of Minuteman Bikeway in 2016 (some other groups are interested in this: Arlington LCC (rumour), Arlington Arts Center, Lexington Bikeways Committee. 5. ANNOUNCEMENTS a. April 10, 2017 - Community Center Rm 237, 7pm - Will confirm b. Open Lynne suggests next grant cycle we make the minimum higher to reduce unclaimed funds. Meeting Adjourned at: 8:38pm Motioned by: Seetha Seconded by: Mark 2of1