HomeMy WebLinkAbout2013.12.04 EC-MIN CARY MEMORIAL LIBRARY EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE MEETING BOARD OF LIBRARY TRUSTEES Wednesday, December 4, 2013 Attendees: Deb Mauger, Mary Ann Stewart, Helen Cohen, Howard Jaffe, Trustees; Koren Stembridge, Library Director, Cynthia Johnson, Assistant Library Director. Call to Order: In the absence of Chairman Norm Cohen, Deb Mauger called the meeting to order at 5:00 PM Secretary’s Minutes Vote: Mary Ann made a motion to accept the minutes of the October 3, 2013 meeting. Helen Cohen seconded. The motion passed. Administrative Update Koren presented two staff requests for tuition reimbursement totaling approximately $4500. Although the union contract allows for the benefit, there is no municipal funding available. $10,000 is allocated for Staff Development in the Trustee budget. Trustees discussed the requests as presented and options such as an allotment and a cap for future requests. Deb Mauger made a motion to approve the two requests for the fall tuition reimbursements and to place the issue on a future agenda to establish a policy for additional requests. The motion was seconded by Mary Ann Stewart. The motion passed. Koren detailed a request on behalf of Peter Lund, LHS class of 1954. The group will be celebrating their 50 th Lexington High School reunion and are requesting to use the library on September 14, 2014 after hours. After a discussion, Trustees asked Koren to check in with the Facilities Department, obtain more details about the request and report back at the next Executive Committee Meeting in January. Historic District Appointment Deb moved the discussion of the appointee to the next Executive Committee Meeting in January. Sale of Trail Guides Koren requested Trustee permission to sell the Lexington Conservation Trail Guides. The cost is $10 which covers the printing. Cynthia added that we will have them available for sale on Holiday Night. Howard inquired about the logistics. Koren is comfortable that we can handle the sale at the Circulation Desk. Deb moved to approve the sale of the Lexington Conservation Trail Guides. Howard seconded the motion. The motion passed. Tutor Request Koren detailed a request by Joe Leva offering free Math tutoring one day a week in the library. Trustees discussed the request. The consensus is to decline. Programming Koren highlighted upcoming programs:  The library will be hosting a Science Brainstorming Session on December 19, 2013. We will be reaching out to the community to help develop topics for the year of Science. She will report back to Trustees at the January meeting.  Author of “Smarter than You Think”, Clive Thompson will be the Lexington Reads speaker.  We will host a Retro Tech Fair in 2014 Financial Update Koren summarized her conversation with Rob Adelson, Town Comptroller regarding an audit of non-municipal funds. Trustees discussed the need for a periodic audit since we do not currently have a full audit. Koren added that the Foundation is audited and Friends have their financial documents reviewed by a member. Koren distributed an article from Edwin Worthen’s book, “A History of Lexington”. The article references the history of the public private relationship. Rob will join us at the February Executive Committee Meeting to discuss his concerns. Candidate Request Koren presented a request by James Aulenti, an Independent Candidate for Congress who wishes to host a Meet and Greet Event at the library. Trustees discussed the request and determined that it is against library policy. Quarterly Report Koren reviewed the Quarterly Administration Report, pointing out the statistics for programming are lower due to the Large Meeting Room being closed for renovation. We are the fourth busiest library in our network and 5 th busiest statewide. Koren added when the Community Center opens, we may see some changes in our meeting room use. Koren will keep Trustees updated on changing trends in meeting room usage. Staff and Hiring Updates  Meagan Parker from the Brookline Public Library will be joining us in January as the Programming and Outreach Librarian.  January 26, 2014 will be Margaret Donovan’s last day.  Amanda Cabot is a new Reference Librarian for Sundays  Melissa Chase is our new Adult Page in the Children’s Room. Building Update  Koren reported that we still have a punch list form the Large Meeting Room project including relocating the cameras. She is working with the Facilities to resolve these issues.  The building temperatures continue to be too hot. Facilities is working to mitigate the problem Website Project  Koren reported that we are still experiencing issues with the calendar portion of the website. Some pieces were not delivered to our satisfaction. We are making slow progress. Adjournment Mary Ann made a motion, seconded by Helen Cohen to adjourn the meeting. The motion passed.