HomeMy WebLinkAboutNORMANDY RD 43-------..,.-~~----~- / "-~""'n .._La1mti..S.nice No.6 ~----~" .~-,<./ __--""'L....-'~"___~~_~""'II""l'n:ATVl'V 'R_l"lAM _ __j ~--......$in G:i"Size of Main BI"~ APR 2119n --..ta Nor PJ'.,...J.y 7f<l .Locstillft v.:-.t -&-.._ R.epair--Ra••_~.N_S.",Ic.V*rt 1181t Location Date Materia'Amount Total Date Amount-.,..--".@~•00 .110 00 7'~1J.7//2 ~r j/A ,,;7;) 4/71 51·6-~%"&DSite Pine ,y •V"27 .1;.;~~~~:ell:\m ormandy ~.ewer sel""'ice 2-/6-~6 i Iwlo-..,.I,."'"'~~h"f ,~1~frl t.'f li ''''22,',""r,..~NS ;re. 1,.•=~~=.'1 rio"'+"~f'ov te+~"'~....1· ._. '"nt.I ",.)(i"W~P.i, of''lc1c>~e and shot a <rad..on t..I""WaS de ~ner +......~-~,'I nt.h",..."ervi '''S and t rna Intain Dr,,ver ....-4 .....~,.,'f'...nm t,o H ~~1 h",-, :rOX:-erto raise tl umbinl!a min us of 6ft But A p~~a \>.,0 1 t to .."f'f'~.~"n-t , .~.".~ ~-'t +._~'4-~..~I ".1<-'..",~n U II ! •~8'501 ~~.-~,~--_.~","""'-- JOSEPH f.BURKt SN/lerime,.dent .• <'DiJxtYltncnt of publil.:W~rk.r -TOWN OF I,EXI~e MASSACHUSETTS'; April 8,1969 PAY TO: 1 1Mr.Douglas O'Connell "45 ormandy Road ',':'1 Lex ngton,Massachusetts 02173 ",See I attached letter dated June.28,1967 signed by John J.Carroll KI·''I"and att1ched copy of bill for insUllation of connection by valeri,II::•ill '. 1·u.''''LC;c,.".~,=~CJ!P.Mr1L.t_ioP,.!=o~any,Inc.,of Arl,ington,Massachusetts..."--__'._~_.._J'.,~'-_-_,:....,.~,_·'I:_..-_._._,._,_.-,_~,~",~.::t~ Total length installed 1001.f. As per agreement,length from Normandy Road 391.f. Town Share 61 linear feet ilil, I Payment iDue -Douglas O'Connell 61 ~.f.6"Sewer Line at $5.00 per ft. lEach Cleanout Total Due Charge to -Sewer Services,Account #5750 Joseph F.Burke Supt.of Public Works $305.00 42.50 $347.50 JuM28.1967 ~a.DOU¥~ae O'COQQall 45 Nonuw4y Rolli Lexington.Maaeaohue.tta 02173 Dea~Mra,o'(;OI1M11 : Thank you fQ~your phoDlcal1 of JUDa 26,1967. ~,..'··-·_--'--r.l1l""'1'£~lIo-R1'tliW.~'ici,~u;e;~/~~;:~~~t~'~Jt~,,~:'a4I.i·'" tnatalled on Woodcliffe Road. ThLa I.e to Cle~tify that thu Tawn will P*Y the diffa~. ellClto in cMt bet_an the 0011'1;of IIrI aotua1 lewar 'arvioa trOlll tk atrut 1I.1le OIl Woodcliff.Road to')'0IIl:"boII8.aDAi the ..timated cOllt of a ._~,el:"vice fnllll the ,tre.t line on l'lorraandy Road to your houae. Tha diffe~Cle will be coaputed by multiplying the dUf'l:IMe in 1....1;h Of the two diu¥C88 by the ave:rqa coet ~l:" foot of tlla aotual ._r nrv1ee. V.ry truly youn, John J.Carroll SUpt.of Public Worx. •'tClMl.Bng1nM~ JJC/fp ..,--"-ct'i"~---' ',.......n'll (j , ,-~-:,.- V uleri Construction Co.Inc. CENERAl CONTRACTORS 50 UDINE STREET ARliNGTON 74,MA:;SACHUSETTS MI 8-1786 MI 8-752-5 MI 8-2801 ~. ~....---~- -.'-;-.~;1!~t~;"~ < -i.-" ~_. ~; Mr.~?~glas O'Connell 45 ~Tor.llandJ Road Lexi :lg t:'In,;,[as s • ------_.~..--------~--~------ 31 llarch 1969 ~.,-.-,- I% ~ -:J~--- ,:~~. .;::"li:. Installed 10)'?f 6"ocwer line at ~5.aO per it:~50Q .O'J .-.7.--~>...- I~~talled ~~le~~o~te ~8 req~ired by Town of Lcxiuzton:85.00 ••-""....."...-:"--t!l "-'..::lI a··-"""-e~.,.....,...."n·58~.10...'1,.,...:J,.-...un;,.'/U'~..:A......-~::;t::-.....u.:-~.,.'~•....v" -~. ~~f&~0­?~~hu~~-J<!c~~--£~/r,r~~ ~vyV c;£-/!...._-J 4 Ce-A'- • /GU//' .:;;:.,~ D ....TE:; TOWN OF LEXINGTON -BOA.RD OF PUBLIC WORKS SEWER DIVISION ~~ -,1-'1-'-1 I I I II I TI I llir,rIi-IJ -J I II 1 rl-rT 1-1-'-Ir-I I IlL J U .Is.!.YJ....t..lej,JZ!---I.-I-I---"++-+-tt-m'yl,.;I I I I 1 \ \ I I \ I \_I I I I I I I I J:P11 I , I I , I I ,II I 1-1·'I Sketch of Service Here 4-3 ~ 1111111111111111111!!lIlll I ~ 1111II1III11111 l--111111 I g 1 I 1 I 1 1 1 i4t14:~!\ \ \I I I I I I I I I I I I I ~,,4#~ I I I L I I I I _IL1_!I L_I I.:'I ~I__ r I I I I _I_I 1_1 J -L;TIN1'Tl-1J-II_rl-I-1-II I I I I Ir!1 1-1-1 1 U j L r II JrJT I i~-I III rTl n-I I I I J I I I I I I_Y_I U-~I lJi;;:gF1 ~J.,....j,.1 '-Iii-I IT 1-1-1 -I-\-1 -I I I i I I 1--11--1-ICI Ilf1J 1 L I~!1 I I I I I 1 I \=D J I I I I +U1_1.1 L i II 1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I r \I r _I_II_IJ Li I J I IrI I I-I1..J l_U -L rTJ Tl rT I 1 r III II I r 1-1-'-I I 1 I I I II 1 I I I I I II I Connection made in ,....................Street.Work completed _ _ __--- - - -•••.••.•••••, Remarks:..•~•••~~~~a -~.....__- -....... .. .....-.... ........................... ..... ...... ......................... ......... ................. .. .... .......... ................ .. ...... ...... .. ........- - ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••~~••~••4 •••••••••••••••_