HomeMy WebLinkAbout2000-04-14-2020-min (Steering Committee) Meeting Notes Steering Committee – April 14, 2000 Steering Committee Members Present: Helen Cohen, Peter Enrich, Paul Mammola, Marjorie Platt, Fernando Quezada, Peggy Perry, Alan Lazarus, Working Group Members Present: Consultants Present: Wendy Rundle Staff Present: Candy McLaughlin, Rick White, Monicka Tutschka Call to order Minutes The April 31, 2000 Steering Committee minutes were approved and it was agreed that all future Steering Committee minutes will be emailed to the Work Group chairs. Work Group Updates Peter Enrich visited the Fiscal Stability Work Group to learn more about their process and their concerns. The Fiscal Stability Work Group has decided not to go back and revise their Environmental Scan. They are making real progress in the vision and goal matrix component of the 2020 Vision process. They initially had 18 goals identified and they are now consolidating these goals and identifying conflicts amongst goals. Their outreach will be limited to the Town’s financial committees, the Lexington Coalition and the Citizens for Responsible Spending. Peggy Perry indicated that the group very much appreciated Wendy Rundle’s participation in their last meeting. Ms. Rundle helped motivate the group. They have created subcommittees, there will be an extra meeting in April and a co-chair has been nominated. They are charging ahead with a more limited scope and with tangible goals. Their schedule has been changed to accommodate for school staff members. The superintendent has come to a meeting and Ms. Perry believes that it would be a good idea if a school administrator came to Thursday meetings. Peggy Perry thanked Ms. Rundle for her help and guidance. Helen Cohen stated that the Sense of Community work group was well on their way to completing their goal matrix on time. They are brainstorming about possible action items and assignments have been given. Alan Lazarus thanked Ms. Orenstein for coming to the Productive Connections between Citizens and Town Government meeting. There are 5 people in the group and Mr. Lazarus believed that many of the topics that were addressed by Ms. Orenstein had already been addressed by the group. Members agreed that the Environmental Scan was just a skeletal sketch of what they had previously discussed and they agreed to expand their scan to fill in the gaps. Mr. Lazarus stated that he needed help from the Town Clerk to gather information about the age of Town Meeting Members and to learn more about the political process in the town. New comers need information relating to Town policies and procedures delivered to them in some form. Fernando Quezada asked whether the group had considered user friendliness and the use of public services in general. Mr. Lazarus stated that the group had discussed these matters and added that both the citizens and the Town need to understand their rights and responsibilities. Ms. Wendy Rundle reopened the discussion about the Educational Excellence Work Group. She stated that the group has come a long way and she understands how difficult it is to develop a process around such a large issue. Because there is so much material available, getting a hold of it and reading all of it is a colossal project. The group has divided into subcommittees and they are focused on having something prepared for May 1 st. Ms. Rundle has agreed to call or check up with Elli, who is a member of the group, once a week. At present, there is still no formal th plan to have a school administrator or staff person attend each meeting. Their next meetings are April 24 and the th 27. They plan to outreach to the PTO and distribute information to the school libraries. They know that the state audit exists but they have yet to get a copy of it. They will attempt to make better use of the resources available. Sense of Community Participants List 3 individuals who began as members of the Sense of Community Work Group are not active members and the Work Group has asked that they be eliminated from the contact list. It was agreed that these members (Alla Fedus, Muriel Taylor, and Moly Rath Sim) be promoted to the Core Participants Group. Meeting Postings Alan Lazarus would like to ask all Steering Committee and staff members to reinforce to all working group members the need to post accurate meeting dates and locations to the Town Clerk. In previous weeks, the information on the bulletin board and in the newspaper has been incorrect. Managing Transportation Public Outreach Forum The Managing Transportation Public Outreach meeting took place on April 13, 2000. They presented the 2020 Vision Question and Answer sheet, a one page vision and 5 goals to a small audience. Eva Heeney from the Minuteman paper came to the meeting and the Managing Transportation group hopes that an article will be written for the Minuteman. Candy McLaughlin indicated that the Managing Transportation Work Group seems to have completed its mission. May 15 th and Scheduling in General th It is clear that by May 15, some groups will be finished with their goal matrix while others will be turning in rough st drafts of their product. Mr. Enrich suggested that there be two waves of exchange and discussion. On May 1 Work th Groups will exchange some kind of draft vision and goals. On May 9 the Work Groups will exchange this th information with each other. On May 15, the Steering Committee will hope that all the draft reports are submitted. rd On May 23, the CPG will review 3 of the Work Group reports and it will provide feedback to these Work Groups by May 30 th. On June 8 th, the CPG will review the other 3 Work Group reports (this will give some of the Work Groups till May 25 th or so to submit their draft report, leaving time to send the reports to the CPG and leaving time for the CPG to read the report). The first wave should submit their final reports by June 12 th. The second wave may not have enough time to revise their draft and submit their report by June 12 th. It was suggested that the June 12 th deadline be pushed back. Candy McLaughlin reminded the Steering Committee that we had promised the Work Groups that they would be completed with the bulk of their work by early June. Pushing back the deadline might infringe upon the cherished summer. Wendy Rundle thought it would be prudent to keep to the deadline and hope that all the information comes in on time. If it doesn’t, then the Steering Committee will have to make the appropriate accommodations. CPG Update Wendy Rundle summarized the last CPG meeting for the Steering Committee. The second draft of the CPG Vision Statement was completed at their last meeting. The CPG asked an important question about the last statement of their draft vision: is this process “owned” by the Town government and its employees oris this process a vehicle for the residents? Future discussion around this issue is sure to come up in an upcoming meeting. The CPG listened to the Work Group members as they presented their outreach proposals. The Productive Connections work group and the Educational Excellence work group did not attend the meeting. Candy McLaughlin gave some statistics to the Steering Committee regarding membership. There are 47 card-carrying members. 17 of those 47 have not attended a single meeting since the orientation. Therefore there are about 25 core members. Fernando Quezada noted that different groups have different needs and are reaching out to the public in different ways. He stressed the importance of identifying these differences and respecting the variety of approaches. Work Group Chairs Should Receive Certain Information The Work Group Chairs should now receive the Steering Committee meeting minutes. They should receive the CPG meeting recap sheet. Work Group Final Meeting Some kind of meeting ought to be scheduled to provide closure to this aspect of the process to and inform Work Group members about ways to become participants in the Implementation process. Rick White stressed the importance of giving work group members the opportunity to continue to participate in the 2020 Vision process. th This “congratulations and thank you” meeting could take place on June 15. Peter Enrich thought that the Museum of Our National Heritage might be a nice place for such a closing meeting. Adjourn