HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-12-03-2020-min (Steering Committee) Meeting Notes Steering Committee – December 3, 1999 Members Present: Helen Cohen, Peter Enrich, Todd Burger, Alan Lazarus, Paul Mammola, Fred Merrill, Peggy Perry, Marjorie Platt, Fernando Quezada, Heather Sweeney Consultants Present: None Staff Present: Rick White, Candy McLaughlin, Michael Baker, Monicka Tutschka Handouts: Draft Agenda: Work Group Orientation, January 6, 2000 Draft Guidance for Lexington 20/20 Work Group Memo from Rick White regarding the Core Participants Group Work Group Missions Prospective participants list to Working Group liaisons Call to order Approval of Meeting Minutes from November 11 Meeting Report from Participants Subcommittee regarding recruitment status The prospective working group participant lists, each of which catalogue approximately 15 individuals who collectively represent a broad cross-section of the Lexington community, were By distributed. Liaisons, who have agreed to contact potential participants, have been selected. Thursday, December 9, each liaison should have made his/her telephone calls and reported back to the Participants Subcommittee. All citizens who have agreed to join a working group will be sent a confirmation letter, written by the joint effort of Fernando and Candy, informing them of the date, time and th place of the January 6 kick-off meeting. A suggestion was made to roll the “Insuring Productive Connections between Citizens and Town Government” working group, a group that is currently generating a marginal level of citizen enthusiasm, into the “Sense of Community” working group. It was agree that such a decision should not be made until all the liaisons had made their calls and submitted their information to the Participants Subcommittee. Revised “Working Group Guidance” document. The revised “Working Group Charge and Guidance” document was distributed for final review. Comments can be forwarded to Candy at or before the next meeting. January 6, 2000 Working Group Orientation Agenda was amended as follows: Introduction (5 minutes) Presentation by Town Government (20 minutes)* Overview of 20/20 Project (15 minutes) Working Group Charge and Guidance (30 minutes)** Large Group Closing (5 minutes) Breakout by Work Group (60 minutes: includes refreshment break) * The Town Government presentation will highlight the reasons why Town boards initiated the 20/20 Vision process, and recognize the limits and constraints on what government can provide and do. This will set the stage for participants to focus on the opportunities that are being made available by the Lexington 20/20 vision process and to take ownership for its results. ** This section will focus on aspects where consistency and standardization among the different groups is most important. More detailed guidance will be discussed in the separate group meetings. Generating a list of knowledgeable individuals to participate as lecturers in a “lecture series” devoted to issues such as “sprawl and land use”, “fiscal trends” and “behaviorism” was suggested. Peter Enrich and Fred Merrill said they had some suggestions for this. Rick White assured the Steering Committee that the staff will serve as resources to the working groups. He has received commitments from the Senior Management Team to provide support, Staff will provide and he will follow up with the School Department regarding their staff. technical and subject-area support; Rick said he needs to consider how many other time- sensitive and important issues are circulating through the Town’s various departments before making commitments of logistical staff support for the working groups. The Steering Committee agreed that it wanted between 35-50 Core Participant Group (CPG) members to participate in each CPG meeting. Assuming that a substantial number of individuals will not attend every CPG meeting, the Steering Committee agreed that the 60-75 individuals should be members of CPG. Since 20 people have already agreed to be members of the CPG, it was decided that an additional 70 individuals should be contacted and invited to become members, assuming that approximately two-thirds will accept the invitation. A letter, composed by the joint effort of Fernando and Candy, will be sent to 70 individuals inviting them to become members of the CPG. A follow-up phone call will be made to those individuals who do not RSVP to the letter. Another letter, also composed by the joint effort of Fernando and Candy, will be sent to those individuals who have agreed to become members of the CPG reminding them of the time and place of the January 13 th Core Participants Group meeting. Rick White outlined his vision of the Core Participants Group’s mission and charge. The Steering Committee and the staff should give the CPG structure and guidance. The CPG should be neither a voting body nor a despot; it should solely act as a sounding board that provides constructive feedback to the working groups. The Operations Subcommittee will fine-tune the Phase II work plan . It will be formalized with a schedule before the next Steering Committee meeting on December 17. Adjourned