HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-10-29-2020-min (Steering Committee) Meeting Notes Steering Committee – October 29, 1999 Members Present: Todd Burger, Helen Cohen, Robin Digiammarino, Peter Enrich, Alan Lazarus, Paul Mammola, Peggy Perry, Fernando Quezada Consultants Present: Wendy Rundle, Suzanne Orenstein Staff Present: Rick White, Candy McLaughlin, Michael Baker Call to order Approval of Meeting Minutes from October 15 Meeting Meeting Handouts Agenda, Minutes from 10/15, Participant List by Category (draft 1), Working Group Participation Principles (draft 10/28/99), Working Group Topics and Sample Questions (revised), Letter to Participants (draft 10/28/99), Draft Guidance for Lexington 20/20 Working Groups (10/28/99), Steering Committee Subcommittees E: STABLISHMENT OF WORKING GROUPS Review participant database – breakdown by interest and time availability Michael handed out and described a breakdown of workshop participants into the working group categories based on their interests as indicated on the surveys or at the Fall Forum. The committee noted that the material would be helpful for the Stakeholders Subcommittee as it worked to help organize representation for the working groups. Discuss participation principles Fernando explained the participation principles to the committee, indicating that they were a set of criteria that the Operations Subcommittee developed to help select the members of the working groups. In clarifying Principle 4, members of the committee suggested that this principle not be used to exclude those individuals who may lack certain knowledge base but can offer the voice of reason and common sense.Todd suggested, among other things, that the Steering Committee leave the responsibility of identifying proper representation and balance of viewpoints to the working groups. Peter Enrich noted that it would be difficult for the Steering Committee to ascertain whether or not prospective working group participants met the set of criteria. Assignments to Steering Committee -- recruitment tasks and roles The committee continued a discussion that began at last weeks Operating Subcommittee meeting by considering how to select Steering Committee liaisons for each of the working group. Committee members agreed that it would be better to have two members assigned to each working group, thereby reducing the commitment of any individual. Members were asked to volunteer for working groups that they could assist. The following represents the current status of the working group liaison assignments. The names of possible candidates who have not agreed to the post appear in parentheses: Fostering a Sense of Community – Peter Enrich, Helen Managing Growth – Fred, (Heather) Achieving Educational Excellence – Peggy, Robin Ensuring Productive Connections between Citizens and Town Gov’t – Margie, (Alan) Managing Transportation – Todd, vacant Managing Fiscal Stability – Chuck, vacant Review letter to current participants The draft letter to participants was handed out and members of the committee were asked to take a few minutes to read the letter and react to it. A discussion ensued about how to contact and invite participants to play a role in the working groups, and whether to assign participants who have shown a particular interest into that working group, or allow them to self select. On one hand, several committee members voiced the concern that the data from the survey is 10 months old and for several participants, their situations and interests likely have changed. Others indicated that participants may be turned off by the committee’s asking for their interest preference, given that they told them at least once already.… Discuss draft guidance for working groups At the end of the meeting, Candy asked the committee to look over the document that was first handed out at last week’s Operations Subcommittee meeting and respond to her with comments. O THER ISSUES Plan report to Board of Selectmen November 8 In discussing the upcoming report to the Selectmen, members suggested a set of handouts based on materials that had been developed over the past several months. These materials could the be adapted to create the press packet that the Public Communications Subcommittee suggested. Status report on invitations to potential new Steering Committee members Those Steering Committee and staff members who suggested names of possible new Steering Committee candidates informed the group of their progress in contacting those individuals. Fernando said that he is in the process of speaking with Jamie Hoyt, Peter plans to contact Bernie Harleston, and Rick indicated that Heather Sweeney already told him that she would like to be a part of the Steering Committee. The committee agreed that all candidates who agreed to participate would be submitted to the Board of Selectmen during the November 8 report for the Board’s approval. Assignments to subcommittees for Phase II work Committee members received a recently revised handout describing the three subcommittees and their representation. Paul Mammola was asked to participate on the Stakeholders Subcommittee, but declined. He later told the committee that he would be glad to participate, but it was difficult for him to find the time on any day of the week besides Sunday or Monday. N: EXT MEETINGS Operations Subcommittee November 5 Steering Committee November 12 Adjourn