HomeMy WebLinkAbout1999-03-24- 2020 Vision Initiating Committee ReportLEXINGTON 2020 Vision Initiating Committee Report to the Lexington Board of Selectmen, School Committee and Planning Board March 24, 1999 Report from the Initiating Committee for the Strategic Goal Setting Process Introduction The Initiating Committee, a jointly appointed committee of the Board of Selectmen, in consultation with the School Committee and Planning Board, has successfully completed its charge. The Initiating Committee's work represents the first steps of Lexington's strategic goal- setting process which will ultimately yield a set of action plans and strategies intended to engage citizens in creating a vision for the direction of Lexington over the next twenty years. The initiation of the Strategic Goal Setting Process in Lexington builds upon past efforts that laid the groundwork for strategic goal setting. Four or so years ago, the town conducted a series of focus groups, community conversations and a survey to involve residents in a dialogue about Lexington. While the town had not developed a mechanism to take strategic planning beyond these early stages at that time, those efforts represent critical building blocks in the Strategic Goal Setting Process. Strategic goal- setting refers to a comprehensive community -wide long -range planning effort. The strategies and action plans produced from this process will be the result of engaging individuals who represent all segments of the community and gathering input from them on a variety of town - related issues such as financial policies, land use, school matters, capital investment, economic development, infrastructure investment, senior citizen program involvement, service delivery issues, and other issues. The process specifically targets inclusion of those individuals who are not regularly active in the governance of the town. Once these discussions have occurred, the opinions, dreams, goals and visions of Lexington's residents identified through the process will be transformed into plans, programs, and projects to be implemented by the professional staff and town boards and committees. Charge to the Initiating Committee The Initiating Committee's responsibility was to review past efforts and incorporate them, as necessary, to develop the foundation for the community -based strategic goal- setting process. There are four basic objectives to the Charge: 1. to develop a work plan and present public progress reports; 2. to frame and provide context to the strategic planning effort, including the preliminary identification of the key planning components and issues to be explored and analyzed; 3. to develop criteria and process for selecting members of the Steering Committee and Stakeholders Group; and 4. to develop the methodology for the strategic planning process, and a detailed step by step description of the process for approval by the Board of Selectmen. Committee procedure and principal decisions. The Initiating Committee consisted of a combination of eleven community leaders and individuals from the community who add value to the strategic planning process (Attachment A). They met an average of two times per month during the period between October 16, 1998 to March 5, 1999. The Initiating Committee split into two subcommittees: the Citizen Participation Subcommittee and the Process Design Subcommittee. Each of these Subcommittees met outside of normal committee meeting times, in the early morning, evenings, and weekends. A third subcommittee was later formed to oversee a Request for Proposal process for the recruitment of qualified consultant candidates. On one occasion, the Director of Planning for Lexington, Robert Bowyer, presented the Initiating Committee with an overview of informational resources available through the planning office. The principal decisions made by the committee during that period are reported below: Name of the effort. The Initiating Committee decided to name the strategic goal- setting effort "Lexington 20/20 Vision ". Community participation. The goal of the Citizen Participation Subcommittee was to inform and invite participation from a broad group of residents who adequately reflect the community's interests and perspectives. The Initiating Committee agreed that the primary form of citizen recruitment would be via letter and survey, newspaper advertisements and the direct solicitation of volunteers. This Subcommittee's letter and survey was distributed to every household in Lexington (Attachment E). The response to this town -wide mailing was extremely positive. Members of this Subcommittee also met to study and analyze over 200 responses received (Attachment F). The Initiating Committee continued its community participation recruitment with two successive announcements in the Lexington Minuteman newspaper inviting all interested persons. Process design. The Initiating Committee agreed that the goal- setting process would follow a determined sequence of activities based on a specific process. The Process Design Subcommittee was charged with the task of designing a process of concrete steps that will reach the desired outcome of the community effort. The Initiating Committee approved the process design flow chart included in the attachments to this report (Attachment C). It provides a recommended schedule that specifically details each phase of the process. The Initiating Committee expects that the process will be complete within the period of 12 — 18 months (Attachment D). Consultant services. The Initiating Committee agreed that the hiring of a consultant would be essential to the success of the strategic goal setting effort. The consultant will provide expert insights and guidance to the process and time frame. A Request for Proposals was sent to fourteen consultants, five of whom submitted proposals on or before the March 12, 1999 deadline. The Initiating Committee expects to conduct interviews on Saturday, March 27 and initiate consultant services in early April. Project Manager. The Initiating Committee agreed that there would be a Project Manager to facilitate the ongoing operations of the effort. The Town Manager has assigned Ms. Candy McLaughlin to serve as the manager of this process. Among other responsibilities, Ms. McLaughlin will provide administrative management and resource referral, act as point person for information, work directly with the Steering Committee and the consultant, and oversee project finances. Steering Committee. The Initiating Committee recommends that the Steering Committee be composed of the existing members of the Initiating Committee who indicated a willingness to continue to serve and 3 -5 additional persons who represent Lexington's business and other interests (Attachment G). The basic charge of the Steering Committee is to make the process work (Attachment H). The Initiating Committee agreed to create two layers of visioning groups: the Stakeholders Group and a series of "Expert" Subcommittees. The Steering Committee, with the assistance of both the Consultant and the Project Manager, will provide guidance for both of these visioning groups (Attachment K). Stakeholder Group. The Initiating Committee agreed that the Stakeholder Group would work throughout the life of the process. The size and formation of the group will not occur until after the consultant has been hired. Participation will primarily be drawn from those who filled out response forms to the town -wide mailing. Additional candidates may be recruited from existing community groups with identifiable interests. This Committee will exist throughout the life of the project and is responsible for providing feedback on the issue -based task force "green papers" (an environmental scan, profile and vision statement for a particular issue), and for formulating these papers into the final vision report or "white paper ". This Committee is responsible for analyzing the issue -based task force "green papers" and for formulating the papers into the final vision report. "Expert" Subcommittees. The Initiating Committee agreed that these expert subcommittees or issue -based task forces would meet for short periods to discuss a specific topic. Each group will produce a "Green Paper" which the Stakeholder Committee must approve for use in the final visioning document. The papers will focus on Lexington's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and challenges as they pertain to each subcommittee's respective issue. After the group's complete discussion of an issue, the Steering Committee will have the opportunity to re- categorize the groups to reflect new or changing issues. Attachments Attachment Attachment Attachment Attachment Attachment Attachment Attachment Attachment Attachment Attachment A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, List of Initiating Committee members Short -term timeline of next steps Process Design Flow Chart Task diagrams Original letter and questionnaire used for town -wide mailing Analysis of survey results Recommended list of Steering Committee membership Steering Committee Job Description Lexington Planning Resources Organizational Chart The complete list of respondents for the town -wide mailing is available for review in the Town Manager's Office, along with the minutes of Initiating Committee meetings. Initiating Committee Membership Charles Benson Helen Cohen Clark Cowen Robin DiGiammarino Peter Enrich Alan Lazarus Peter Lee Fred Merrill Peggy Perry Marjorie Platt Fernando Quezada, Chair ATTACHMENT B STRATEGIC PLANNING SHORT -TERM TENTATIVE TIMELINE WRITTEN REPORT /PRESENTATION TO SELECTMEN • Formulation of Outline for Initiating Committee (IC) Report • Development of first draft of written report • Review of draft by IC Members • Development /distribution of final draft of written report • Multi -Board meeting for presentation of report by IC members CONSULTANT SELECTION • Deadline for submission of proposals • Transitional SC review of proposals • Transitional SC narrowing of field of consultants — select for presentation • Transitional Steering Committee (SC) hears presentations /interviews and narrows field of consultants • SC evaluates and selects a consultant • Negotiation process with SC and selected consultant • Consultant officially hired SC /CONSULTANT NEXT STEPS • Formal structuring of process and events of Summer 1999 • Kickoff meeting with Stakeholder's Group (SHG) /all participants • SHG meeting to formalize Working Groups • Commencement of Working Group meetings March 5 March 8 — March 17 March 17 — March 19 March 19 — March 24 March 24, 7:00 p.m. March 12 March 13 — March 18 March 19 March 27 March 27 March 29 — April April 1 Early/Mid April Beginning of May End of May June /July 09/08/14 G:strategic planning /planning process.doc ATTACHMENT C TOWN OF LEXINGTON STRATEGIC PLANNING PROCESS (DRAFT) 0 0 � � o 0 Q L 0 0 a) w a) E a. Ei To E E Q O o m E 5 c m E o E $ 0 E Y O O a U a p U w N ti •Tow resources /staff available Task 3: Form Stakeholder Subcommittees 0 U p 0 F (q) L_ wE w gj 0 O N 0- E o 0 E `p .E O U 0 O -° 0 0l O O f/) 0 ) ax Q a ) ,a7; t%) o 0 0 0 a) 0 a) 0 O U c U 0 c C a) ( C . 0 0 0 O }' (7 0 E 0 E o U U E -6 0) 0 L0 0 U) 0 0 Ca) xt 0 o 0) 0 O o Y a) 0 a) o Q 0 -Cr) —0 Y • N Y N a •Agree on "community model" Task 1: Form Steering Committee 0 6 0) a 0 0 0 _ -0 — 0 0 O 0 0 a E > L5 E Q) o ';'f; O O O C7. Wm V-. Cp -p a) > O . O A Q C 0 E O o ° aa) m 0ate`OE N y 0 5 p N Q eL N ( U o 11 as Cp N ti O p w 0 C O gs m E C Ct 0 O a L E as a) r D w 0 Y 0 N N O 0 f/) _ a 92 L 0 p Y O W m o u) 0 0 O . o 0 a Q 0 0 Em E0 §m E U 0 '((c § c 0' Q m E'g .0 (n i� 0U F w o (4 co 0 a) 0, RS Q 0 L •1i O N 0 O L 4 N a co a) 0- j 0 0 LO 0 2 N Y o 92 m 0 m 0 V a) O 0 76 cu E 4— O .. L E- Q L. E o Q E ri, L 0 U U io N ti Q, CD CD CD Q a C Q) N N s, k 0 4) 0 Q E O O U• 0 4) 0) Cr N F--- 0 O 0 a) a) 0 0 U =— a) � O � Q o O O U O O j ) U O 0 O E O E o 8 0 (0 c U` O (0 O > 0 Xk C E O � o o Q 0 0 a) a) E � a) 0 0 F W as EL-- E o O Q MyQ E Q -° 0 E C QQ O U Q) Q J 0 0 L Q 0 m o a') C 0.- 0, g m L. '> E - Q 0 0 0 n a) T 0 U 0 ct N ti 0 O Townwide Review of Draft Lexington Vision Plan •Review with town officials and boards •Distribution townwide •Townwide Open Forum #3 (draft "Lexingt Vision Plan" review) N Task 10: Prepare Draft "Lexington Vision Plan 0) W 0 z 1. Subcommittees will be provided with a specific agenda and schedule with discrete and manageable tasks. 2. Subcommittees are comprised of "experts" in their area of concern and should be broadly representative. 3. Subcommittee chairperson will recruit membership for their subcommittee and interact with Steering Committee. 4. A tangible product results from each Task in concise written form. CAPITAL PEOPLE LAND LEXINGTON 2020 VISION COMMUNITY MODEL L EDUCATION TOWN MANAGEMENT TOWN SERVICES DifflASTRUCIDRE C anzEIBT4BARmffElBusivassEslagoRsa4uPs ATTACHMENT D DNM tlm+. Needed: Key MS.LIu. Key Chamet.K.tic. Cie rocess for Green Paper Review )mm ttee )rmations Draft Position STAKE HOLDERS Issues Revised Position Comments Recommendations rrO EXINGTON Q012I0 ATTACHMENT E ISIQN January 5, 1999 Dear Lexington Citizen, How's your vision? Would you bite to help shape the future of Lexington as it confronts the changes and challenges of the new century? This is your invitation to join other residents and play an important role in a new town undertaking - a process of visioning and long range planning. Our committee was appointed by the Board of Selectmen to initiate this process. We need your help in this vital undertaking, whether or not you have been a regular participant in town affairs. Similar efforts in other communities suggest that successful goal setting comes from citizens of the town, rather than town officials. The opinions, goals, and visions of the whole community, representing different age groups, backgrounds and perspectives, must be reflected in future plans and projects, both to express our diversity and to build our shared future. The first steps in this process have already been taken. A series of focus groups, community conversations, and finally a survey identified shared values in the community, among them quality of education, public safety, preservation of open space, and affordability. The next step is to identify the key challenges facing the town over the next 20 years, and to suggest strategies, based on the shared values, for facing those challenges. We are presently recruiting individuals to play a variety of roles in this process over the next 12 -18 months. We expect to establish a number of working groups to explore such topics as land use and development, the future direction of education, the needs of an aging population, and town finances. In addition, there will be a diverse, representative stakeholders group which will meet periodically throughout the process to generate ideas, monitor progress, and serve as a sounding board. There will be opportunities for full term or short term participation in the process for everyone who responds. We anticipate that this will be an exciting and enriching endeavor. If you would lilte to participate, please return the enclosed form by January 22. We very much look forward to hearing from you. Sincerely, Fernando Quezada, Chair On behalf of the Initiating Committee viii // LEXI NGTON Q011I�� VisioN 1. NAME(S): 2. ADDRESS: 3. TELEPHONE: 4. Age group: (circle) ATTACHMENT E 14-18 19-25 5. Household makeup: (circle) Adults: One Children: Preschool 6. Number of years as a Lexington resident: 7. Occupation: 8. Lexington activities and organizations you have participated in: 9. Areas of special interest to you: 10. Are there any special skills that you could bring to the process? 26-40 Two School Age 41 -60 Three or more Adult 11. Are there ways in which you would contribute to the diverse nature of the group? 12. Would you be interested in playing a role in the entire process or would you prefer a shorter team project? (circle) 13. About how much time monthly can you devote to this process? (circle) 14. Any additional questions or comments: 1 -2 hours Thank you. Please retum this form via mail or fax by January 22, 1999. Address: Lexington 20120 Vision Town Manager's Office 1625 Mass. Ave. Lexington, MA 02420 Entire Process (12 -18 months) 5 hours 60 + None Shorter Tenn (2-3 months) 10 hours Fax: (781) 861 -2921 Attention: Initiating Committee Contacts: Beth Anne Sobieszczyk, Michael Baker Phone: (781) 862 -0500 x278, x297 E -Mail: basobie@ci.lexingtonma.us RESIDENT RESPONSES as of 1/28/98 ZIP CODE 02420 02421 95 96 AGE GROUP 26 -40 40 41-60 83 60 + 66 Not Specified 2 HOUSEHOLD MAKEUP (ADULTS) One 31 Two 146 Three + 13 Not Specified 1 HOUSEHOLD MAKEUP (CHILDREN) Preschool 17 Preschool and Sch 12 School Age 39 School Age and Ad 6 Adult 13 None 48 Not Specified 56 LENGTH OF RESIDENCE Median Length of Residence 20 Mean Length of Residence 20.21 ZIP CODE 02421 50% AGE GROUP Not Specified 1% ATTACHMENT F 02420 50% 26-40 4396 HOUSEHOLD MAKEUP (ADULTS) Two 76% Three + 7% 'Not Specified 1% One 16% HOUSEHOLD MAKEUP (CHILDREN) Preschool 25% School Age 20% School Age and Adult 3% AREAS OF INTEREST BY TOPIC Based on 210 Response Submissions Youth Issues 89 Education/School Development 4 Youth Issues 2 Activities for Kids Land Use Issues 49 Environmental Conservation/Green Space 27 Land Use/Development 10 Recreation/Parks/Playgrounds 1 Sprawl Town Government Issues 23 Town Finances/Fiscal Management 5 Economics and Finance 4 Infrastructure 3 Tax Base Preservation 1 Public Works Housing Issues 18 Affordable Housing 4 Neighborhood Development/Cluster Housing 3 Mansionization 2 Condominium Affairs 1 Real Estate Business Issues 15 Town Center Issues 8 Business Growth Needs of an Aging Population 23 Needs of an Aging Population Resident Needs Issues 12 Issues of Community 12 Issues of Diversity 3 inclusivity Technology /Communication 9 Technology 2 Communications Transportation 9 Transportation 5 Bike Path Issues Cultural Issues 7 Arts 3 Cultural Events 4 Library Services 2 Religion Aesthetic issues 9 Town Beautification/Trees 6 Design Issues Planning issues 4 Strategic Planning 311 ATTACHMENT F Regional Issues 3 Hanscom AFB Issues 2 East Lexington Issues History/ Tourism 11 Historic Preservation 2 Tourism in Lexington Health and Safety 5 Health Issues 2 Safety 1 Air Quality in Buildings Public Service 1 Charities 1 Volunteerism Other Issues 2 Wildlife 1 Cable Services 1 Energy Usage 1 Human Services 1 Immigrant Settlement 1 Intergenerational Understanding 1 lime Banking Program (154) 1 Town Newspaper citizen padidpalimAnteresl areas.xls ATTACHMENT F AREAS OF INTEREST BY PREDOMINANT CATEGORY Based on 210 Response Submissions 89 Education/School Development 49 Environmental Conservation/Green Space 27 Land Use/Development 23 Needs of an Aging Population 23 Town Finances/Fiscal Management 18 Affordable Housing 15 Town Center Issues 12 Issues of Community 12 Issues of Diversity 11 Historic Preservation 10 Recreation/Parks /Playgrounds 9 Technology 9 Town Beauti5cation/Traes 9 Transportation 8 Business Growth 7 Arts 6 Design issues 5 Bike Path Issues 5 Economics and Finance 5 Health Issues 4 Infrastructure 4 Library Services 4 Neighborhood Development/Cluster Housing, 4 Strategic Planning 4 Youth issues 3116/99 3 Cultural Events 3 Hanscom AFB Issues 3 Inclusivity 3 Mansionization 3 Tax Base Preservation 2 Activities for IGds 2 Communications 2 Condominium Affairs 2 East Lexington Issues 2 Handicapped Accessibility 2 Religion 2 Safety 2 Tourism in Lexington 2 Wildlife 1 Air Quality in Buildings 1 Cable Services 1 Charities 1 Energy Usage 1 Human Services 1 Immigrant Settlement 1 Intergenerational Understanding 1 Long Range Plan 1 Public Works 1 Real Estate 1 Sprawl 1 Time Banking Program (154) 1 Town Newspaper 1 Volunteerism citizen participation/Interest aieasxh 1�1 ATTACHMENT G Initiating Committee Recommendation for Steering Committee Membership Charles Benson Todd Burger Helen Cohen Clark Cowen Robin DiGianunarino Peter Enrich Alan Lazarus Peter Lee Paul Mammola Fred Merrill Peggy Perry Marjorie Platt Fernando Quezada Gerrie Weathers Additional members may be added following the formation of the Steering Committee. ATTACHMENT H Steering Committee Job Description Role The role of the Steering Committee is to guide and manage the visioning and goal setting process_ Duties and responsibilities Guide the plan and schedule and generally keep the effort on track Be aware of the wants of committees, staff and consultants Ensure completion of tasks between meetings "Own" the process on behalf of the community Identify consistencies and conflicts (arbitrate disagreements) Administer communication with the process participants and local residents Make key decisions Initial tasks and activities Interview and selection of a consultant Select members of stakeholders group Plan a kickoff Lead the goal setting process Hold planning/debriefing meetings for each stakeholder session Stab Project Director, Assistants Structure Chair, Vice -Chair or Co -Chair Individual members serve as liaisons to sub - committee Internal sub - committees will be formed as needed Meeting frequency Monthly and as needed Term Begins service at the kickoff and continues through implementation Selection criteria Interest Willingness to work as a team member Representativeness Size and composition Fifteen members, the core of which may carry over from the Initiating Committee r�� Fledecidc L. Merrill, D.Chamss Steven Q Cialeitsie 31eim1► P. Bridge-Dead PLANNING BOARD ATTACHMENT I Town of Lexington, Massachusetts 1625 l m F (711) 861 2741 INDEX* TO DATA, REPORTS AND OTHER DOCUMENTS October, 1998 Location of reports and other documents: • Disk * — on this diskette under file name indicated • Town Web Page — see http:/ /www.lexijgtonma,.org under Town Government and Political Organizations and 1998 Town Meeting • Cary Library — printed copies at the Town's library — Cary Memorial Library * This index and all reports and documents on the diskette are in WORD97 for Windows. REPORT/ DOCUMENT LOCATION File Name STATISTICAL INFORMATION . Data Bases Maintained By Planning Department This is a list of databases that the Planning Department maintains with the principal data series identified Most of this data is drawn from Town departments. Disk — A -Data Base Files US Census Data Maintained by Planning Department This is a list of data series from the 1990 US Census of Population and Housing There are less complete data series from earlier US Censuses 1980 back to 1910. This is data the Planning Department has converted to electronic files for its analyses. The data includes the characteristics ofLexington residents — basic population and housing statistics and sample data on employmen4 transportation and more detailed population infi3rnwtion Disk — B-US Census Files Data from US Census — CD ROM The complete data series from the 1990 US Census of Population and Housing. This includes data that the Planning Department did not convert to f iles for its own use. The Census Bureau maintains regional library/resource centers for data from previous Censuses The nearest is at Brandeis Cary Library — in disk form Assessors' Real Estate Data Base The Assessors have extensive information about each of the 11,000 plus parcels of real estate in town: Some of the fields dealing with financial information are protected On line access from terminals within Town computer network. Reports And Other Documents ATTACHMENT 13 REPORT/ DOCUMENT LOCATION Fite Name PLANNING POLICIES, REPORTS HOUSING r Inclusionary Housing Policy This is the Planning Board policy originally adopted in the 1970s that requires that affordable housing units be included in a multi - family housing development: Disk — D- Inclusionary Housing Policy New Larger Houses in Existing Neighborhoods (July 1997) This provides anal}uis of the "tear down" of single family houses and their replacement by larger houses. It outlines choices to the Town to deal with the issue. Town Web Page Housing Element, Comprehensive Plan The State Planning Law requires that towns have a "master plan" (called comprehensive plan in Lexington] consisting of seven sections called elements. The Housing Element; adopted in 1985 is the only element that the Lexington Planning Board has completed Available in the Planning Department in printed form, it is undergoing conversion from WordPerfect Affordable Housing in a Suburban Town (November 1987) This is an analysis ofthe Town's policies, effi rts, successes and failures to provide affordable housing from the 1960: through the mid 80s. Cary Library • COMMERCIAL DLPELOFMENT -Commercial Development in the CRO, CM, and CD Zoning Districts (April 1997) This describes the factors the Planning Board considers in maldng recommendations on rezoning oflardfor commercial development It includes discussion ofthe relationship between land development and traffic demand Town Web Page 'Data from Lexington Commercial Property Data Base, July 1990 This 1990 report was an example ofthe type of information that can be obtainedfrom an integrated Town database. It has 1990 data on commercial assessed values, real estate tares paid grossjloor area and development potential remaining - town wide, by zoning district and by geographic area Some of this data will be updated in the Build Out Analysis (see above]and the rest in an update of this report: Available as a printed report and on computer disk from the Planning Department. It is scheduled to be updated. TRANSPORTATION _ Inclusionary Transportation Demand Management Policy Like the Inclusion ry Housing Policy this Policy requires that a proposed commercial development include measures to reduce the number of vehicular trips to a commercial site by single occupant automobiles. Disk - F- Transportation Demand Management Policy Draft Organizational Chart Steering Committe Sub Committee Project Manager Consultant Sub Committee 2 -71 1 Sub Committee 3 Stake Holder Group tc