HomeMy WebLinkAbout2016-02-17-LEXHAB-minLexHAB Minutes Feb, 2016 LEXHAB MINUTES Minutes of the meeting held at the offices of LexHAB at 1620 Massachusetts Avenue in Lexington on February 17, 2016 Present at the meeting were Bob Burbidge, Vice - Chairman, Gerry Howell, Bill Hays,Lester Savage, Martha Wood, Donna Leary, Bob Phelan and Henry Liu. Also present were Pat Nelson, LexHAB counsel, Norman Cohen and Suzie Barry, the Board of Selectman's liason to LexHAB and Bob Pressman. The meeting opened at 7:12 a.m. The Vice - Chairman presided. 1. Minutes The minutes for the previous meeting on January 13th were reviewed and unanimously accepted as presented. 2. Annual Meeting The Secretary (pro tem) presented the following slate of officers to serve until the next Annual Meeting: Chairman Bill Kennedy Vice - Chairman Bob Burbidge Treasurer Gerry Howell Assistant Treasurer Donna Leary Secretary Bill Hays The Vice - Chairman asked if there were any additional nominees; there being none, he called for a vote: the slate was accepted by unanimous vote. The Vice -Chair then asked if there was any further business to be taken up during this phase of the meeting; there were no suggestions. 3. Financials The Treasurer presented the customary reports, noting that receipts are in line with those for the month of January one year ago as were out -flows save for maintenance and repairs which are slightly higher reflecting roof work on several units. The financial statements were then unanimously accepted. 4. Background Information for new Members The Vice -Chair noted that several members of the Board have suggested that new members might find it useful to know how LexHAB came to be and how it has functioned. He said that Bill Hays has offered to hold a briefmg session which will happen shortly. 5. LEHAC Gerry Howell reported that although he was originally designated as LexHAB's liason to LEHAC (Lexington Emergency Housing Action Committee), he has over time become a member of LEHAC. He stated that most requests come to or through Charlotte Rogers, Lexington's Director of Human Services. He further pointed out that among Lexington's agencies available for housing assistance, LEHAC is singular in its ability to respond to crises and emergencies as they arise, usually within 2 hours. 6. Monitoring of Housing Units The Vice - Chairman noted that Bob Phelan has offered to visit each of our housing units to make sure that we have (a) captured the significant data such as expirationlof appliance warranties , likely run -out of the useful life of heating systems etc., need for roof and siding replacement and need for upgrades such as to window enclosures and (b) found a way to computerize the resulting data into schedules for action pre crisis. Bob commented that he is moving toward finish of his inventory review. Bob also complimented John Biggin for his attention to our (and our tenant's) needs 24 -7 in an organized and diligent fashion. It was noted that the result of Bob's efforts may be the construct of a schedule of replacement - upgrade work that (a) will not come as a surprise to us as the demand occurs and (b) which can be inserted in projections for budget purposes 7. Busa Farm Pat Nelson reported that the closing is in sight and that the draft deed for set -of of our housing parcel has been completed and forwarded to John Newman. Town Counsel has identified the documents that will need to be signed on our part; Pat Nelson will see to our compliance. 8. Fairview A. New Building Lester reported that framing has begun. The question was asked: is there in place an upset figure for the cost of the new 3- unit building. Lester said that an agreed figure is in place. B. Rehab of Existing House Lester reported that the house has been stripped to its studs, this being the most practical handling of the old -new match. Existing wiring has been removed. Asbestos and lead - paints have now been pulled out. Students from the program can now work at the site within the building. A proposal for the new kitchen has come in on favorable terms. 9 Keeler Farm Pat Nelson is working on the proposed deed. There will be a restriction on our title but the restriction will not appear in our deed. Instead it will be the result of an agreement between adjoining owners (or an association of and among present adjoining owners). A question was asked as to fmancing. It was reported in answer that we would try to secure as many of Home Funds as may be available and that any short-fall would be covered by CPA funding. 10. Wright Farm Pat Nelson reported that the closing between the original owners and the Town has now taken place but that the set -off of our affordable housing parcel would happen later on. In the meantime, LexHAB should expand its insurance coverage and otherwise safeguard the building as it would be difficult to determine if a loss occurred who is the insurred. It was noted that the property is treated by the Town as within the "single family residence zone ". Pat will check to see whether our affording parcel will meet the minimum area requirements for this zone. The alternative might be a friendly 40 -b application or perhaps a variance request to the Board of Appeals. 11. Task Forces A. Guideline/Rules Task Force Henry Liu reported that his group has met and identified a number of policy statements of considerable antiquity. The objective will be to republish the same in easily retrievable form and also to integrate such of the Fair Housing policies as may apply to LexHAB. B. Management Task Force The first objective should be to bring our office software into the 20th century if not the 20. The Vice Chairman made a number of suggestions which may lead toward a replacement of our office systems with something better. It was moved, seconded and unanimously voted to authorize the Task Force to replace, up to a limit of $5,000, the office equipment presently being utilized. 12. New Business None 13. Next Meeting The next meeting of LexHAB will be on the 9th day of March, 2016 at 1620 Mass. Ave. in Lexington. The Vice - Chairman then proposed that the Board go into executive session to consider tenant matters, stating that consideration of same in open session could have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of a semi- public body, namely LexHAB, and might also affect adversely the privacy rights of tenants and that the Board not return to open session at the end thereof except to adjourn. The time was then 8: 45 a.m. Respectfully Submitted Secretary