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Selectmen's Meeting
May 2, 2016
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, May 2, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. in
the Selectmen Meeting Room of the Town Office Building. Chairman Pato, Mr. Kelley, Mr.
Cohen, Ms. Ciccolo and Ms. Barry; Mr. Valente, Town Manager; and Ms. Chabot, Assistant to
the Executive Clerk, were present.
Selectmen Concerns and Liaison Reports
Mr. Pato attended the Arbor Day celebrations last Friday, a wonderful event put on by the
Lexington Field and Garden Club. It was held at Lincoln Field and there were two trees planted.
Town Manager Report
Mr. Valente reported that on Thursday May 5, our Police Department will receive their full
accreditation certification from the Massachusetts Police Accreditation Commission. This is a
significant accomplishment that has involved numerous officers and staff at all levels.
Mr. Valente also reported that this week is designated by Congress as Public Service
Recognition Week and will be sending a letter to all our employees thanking them for their
remarkable contributions and achievements.
Lexington Housing Authority — Change in Membership
Mr. Santosuosso, chair of the Lexington Housing Authority called their meeting to order. He
explained that at their meeting on March 30, 2016 the Housing Authority voted 4 -0 to have
Richard Perry join their Board to fill the vacancy of Leo McSweeney and they seek the
Selectmen's approval of this nomination.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, the Board of Selectmen voted by roll call 5 -0 and the
Lexington Housing Authority voted by roll call 3 -0 that Richard Perry be appointed to the
Lexington Housing Authority to fill the vacancy left by the resignation of Leo McSweeney until
the Town Election in March 2017.
Water /Sewer Abatement Appeals
Mr. Valente briefly described the procedure established by the Board of Selectmen about four
years ago, for water /sewer customers who believe their bills are incorrect to give them an
opportunity to file an appeal. Mr. Valente introduced Cynthia Petterson of 6 -8 Hill Street and
Ruth Budd of 24 Percy Road who have questioned their water /sewer bill and are not in
agreement with the abatements that the Water /Sewer Abatement Board has recommended. He
explained that they are here to present their cases to the Selectmen and that the Assistant Town
Manager for Finance recommends that the Board hear both appeals and take them under
advisement for a subsequent analysis and Board determination.
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Selectmen's Meeting — May 2, 2016
Ms. Petterson gave highpoints of the letter that she sent to the Board of Selectmen regarding the
water bill for the duplex house where her mother lived and the other side was a rental property.
She explained that at her meeting with the Abatement Board, the members indicated that
abatements are granted in part because the town recognizes that scheduling meter readings every
six months may amount to a large bill when there are undetected problems. She asked that the
Board make a discretionary recommendation to further reduce the bill.
Ms. Budd also summarized her letter to the Selectmen. She had no evidence of water leakage in
her home. After the abatement her bill is still over 4 times what she has paid in this past. She
requested a further abatement in an amount of at least $1,000.
Mr. Kelley and Mr. Pato would like to understand the difference between the wholesale rate and
the tier one rate. Mr. Valente can get this information to the Board in a day or two. Mr. Pato
stated that the Board should be able to take this up again no later than June 6, 2016.
Center Trial Traffic Safety Discussion
Mr. Pato explained that there was a public meeting presentation on April 7, 2016 for the field
testing of Mass Ave traffic reconfiguration trials in Lexington Center. The public comment
period concludes as of tonight's meeting and the public is invited to comment during the
discussion session on this topic. The Board will make a decision on Monday May 9, 2016, but
that meeting will not include public comment.
Mr. Livsey, Town Engineer reported that a number of people were concerned that there would
not be access to the First Parish Church from the Mass Ave side, but the engineers were able to
make some changes to the plan that will allow access under both the one way and closure
scenarios. Mr. Livsey is evaluating an email from Mr. Fortmann of Harrington Road and will
have an answer prior to the next Board meeting.
Ms. Ciccolo wanted to know if there would be monitoring of the alternate routes that people
might be taking instead of Harrington Road.
Ms. Counts - Klebe, 8 Hancock Ave, asked what kind of signage will be installed coming out of
the church driveway. Ms. Counts pointed out that signage at the church is important. Mr.
Kanter, Precinct 7 Town Meeting Member, is against both of the right turn eliminations. Ms.
Enders, chair of the Bicycle Advisory Committee, suggested that a 4 way stop may be the
solution and urged that complete street principles be applied to all trials. Ms. McKenna, 9
Hancock St, is concerned about access to her property. Mr. Friedlich, Precinct 5, asked that we
not close the right lane by Rancatore's. Mr. Fries, 11 Grant Place, Executive Director of
Massachusetts Bike Coalition, asked that we think in a more comprehensive way and not just
cars first then everyone else. Ms. McKenna, as chair of Tourism Committee, is concerned that
the pilot is in July which is the busiest month for visitors.
Selectmen's Meeting — May 2, 2016
In response to Ms. Enders, Mr. Livsey will look into whether a bike box is realistic to do under a
trial. Mr. Pato explained why a 4 way stop is not really feasible in this case.
In response to Ms. Barry's concern, Mr. Livsey will look in to whether something can be done
on Grant Street to lead vehicles farther out on to Mass Ave as they turn so that they are not
turning in to the parking spaces / parked cars.
Article Presentations /Discussion/Positions
Article 45 of Annual Town Meeting
Mr. Cohen recused himself and left the room because he is a board member at Brookhaven. Mr.
Valente reported that the negotiating team met the Brookhaven representatives this past Friday.
From the Board of Selectmen Mr. Pato and Ms. Barry were there. The Brookhaven team
continued to express their concern about whether their property will be considered as taxable
property, as opposed to right now it is exempt from property taxes but it pays a payment in lieu
of tax. They feel that issue needs to be resolved before they can move forward. The Board of
Assessors is not scheduled to take up the matter of the taxability of their parcel until their
meeting on May 19, 2016. Brookhaven is reevaluating whether they should go forward at this
Town Meeting or defer to a later time. Mr. Pato's expectation is that they will come back and
Article 2 of Special Town Meeting 2016 — 2
Ms. Ciccolo recused herself and left the meeting because her parents are abutters to 20 Pelham
Road. Mr. Cohen rejoined the meeting. Mr. Pato reported that the Finance Committees have
asked for access to documents that were discussed in executive session to use for source material
for their reports. The Board will need to vote to release those documents. Mr. Valente reported
that two documents were the engineering studies: one was an engineering analysis from Pelham
Road to Marrett Road and the second was an engineering study and cost estimates from the
Pelham Property to the Community Center parking lot, the third document was the analysis that
DiNisco did for us as an evaluation of the property and the last document was DiNisco also
looked at how the Pelham School site could be reconfigured.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -0 to release these four documents from the
Executive Session regarding the Pelham Road property for use by the Finance Committees.
Mr. Pato discussed the form of the motion for this article to authorize borrowing and purchase,
however the Board needs to decide whether this motion includes a contingency on a debt
exclusion. Mr. Pato recommended that we do not include a contingency on this particular
motion given the timing The Board agreed. The Board cancelled the Executive Session
scheduled for Wednesday, May 4, 2016 at 6:00 p.m.
Ms. Ciccolo rejoined the meeting.
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Selectmen's Meeting - May 2, 2016
Board Meeting Schedule
The Selectmen scheduled meetings for June 27, July 25 and August 15, 2016. The Selectmen
will do the Reorganization of the Board on May 9, 2016 after the dissolution of Town Meeting.
Water & Sewer Adjustments and Commitments
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5 -0 to approve the following Water and
Sewer adjustments contingent on Town Manager review:
Adjustments to Water & Sewer charges as recommended by WSAB 3/17/16 ($104,493.65)
Musket Fire - Chamber of Commerce Revolutionary Walk
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5 -0 to approve Musket Fire on Depot Square
between 11:00 a.m. and 2:00 p.m. on Saturday, June 13, 2016 as part of a Revolutionary Walk
with History.
Approve One -Day Liquor Licenses - Spectacle Management
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5 -0 to approve the request of Spectacle
Management for two (2) one -day liquor licenses to serve beer and wine in the lobby of the Cary
Memorial Building, 1605 Massachusetts at each of the May concerts as follows:
Thursday, May 5, 2016, John Hiatt Concert, 7:00 p.m. to 11:30 p.m.
Saturday, May 15, 2016, Justin Haywood Concert, 6:00 p.m. to 10:00 p.m.
Vote to Release Executive Session Minutes from 2010
Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted 5 -0 to approve releasing the following
Executive Session minutes from 2010 with minor clarifying corrections: January 19, January 25,
February 1, February 8, February 22, March 2, March 15, March 23 (both Sessions), April 14,
April 28, April 29, May 3, May 10, May 17, June 7, June 21, July 12, August 2, August 25,
August 31, September 13, September 20, October 4, November 8, November 22, December 20,
and December 21, 2010.
Vote to Approve Filing Executive Clerk Performance and Compensation Review
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5 -0 to approve Lynne Pease's annual
performance review as Executive Clerk dated April 8, 2016 and to approve a $1,500
performance bonus.
Vote to Appoint Acting Executive Clerk
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5 -0 to appoint Diana Chabot as Acting
Executive Clerk while Ms. Pease is on extended medical leave.
Approve and Sign Eagle Congratulation Letter - David Amirault
Selectmen's Meeting — May 2, 2016
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5 -0 to sign a letter of commendation
congratulating David Amirault for attaining the highest rank of Eagle in Boy Scouting.
Executive Session
Ms. Barry recused herself because her husband is an employee of the Town.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -0 by roll call to go into Executive Session
at 8:29 p.m. to discuss strategy with respect to collective bargaining related to the Police
Superior Union, Public Safety Dispatcher Union, and Building Maintenance Union and to
reconvene in open session only to adjourn. Further, the Chairman declares that an open meeting
discussion may have a detrimental effect on the bargaining position of the Town.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5 -0 to adjourn at 9:00 p.m.
A true record; Attest:
Diana B. Chabot
Acting Executive Clerk
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Selectmen's Meeting
May 9, 2016
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, May 9, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. in
the Selectmen Meeting Room of the Town Office Building. Chairman Pato, Mr. Kelley, Mr.
Cohen, Ms. Ciccolo and Ms. Barry; Mr. Valente, Town Manager; and Ms. Chabot, Acting
Executive Clerk, were present.
Public Comment
Ms. McKenna chairman of the Tourism Committee noted that Bike Walk and Bus Week in
Lexington which is starting May 14, 2016 is part of Revolutionary Revelry. She highlighted
some of the other events during Revolutionary Revelry.
Selectmen Concerns and Liaison Reports
Ms. Ciccolo reported that on Saturday she attended the MassPort Community Advisory
Committee's training session and was given a behind the scenes tour of Logan Airport.
Town Manager Report
Mr. Valente reported that Bike, Walk and Bus week in Lexington includes 23 events over an 8
day period. He gave a summary of events all of which is on the Town's website.
Reorganization of the Board
The Chairman of the Board of Selectmen is elected annually after the dissolution of the Annual
Town Meeting. Due to travel schedules, the Board will select a new chair before the end of
Town Meeting to be effective after the conclusion of the currently open Annual and Special
Town Meetings. Mr. Pato announced that he is stepping down as he is completing the second
year of the typical two year term.
Mr. Kelley nominated Ms. Barry and there were no further nominations.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -0 -1 (Barry abstained) to appoint Ms. Barry
as Chairman of the Board of Selectmen effective after the conclusion of the currently open
Annual and Special Town Meetings.
Presentation of the Richard Bechtel Design Award for ACROSS Lexington
Keith Ohmart, chair of the Greenways Corridor Committee, requested the opportunity to present
their recently received 2016 Richard Bechtel Design Award for outstanding community design in
honor of ACROSS Lexington the Rick Abrams Memorial Trail system. The Richard Bechtel
Design Award is given annually by the local architecture firm of Bechtel Frank Erickson to
recognize outstanding examples of built design in the Lexington community. The award
recognizing the ACROSS Lexington system is the first for a project that is not a building.
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Selectmen's Meeting — May 9, 2016
Mr. Pato extended the Board's appreciation for all the work that has gone in to building this
network of trails and honoring Rick Abrams in the naming of the trail system.
Selectmen Appointments
Center Streetscape Design Review Ad Hoc Committee
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5 -0 to appoint Jonathan Himmel to the
Center Streetscape Design Review Ad Hoc Committee representing the Tourism Committee.
Town Celebrations Subcommittee
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5 -0 to appoint June Baer and Richard
Crogan to the Town Celebrations Committee, as members of the Sub - committee for a term to
expire June 30, 2017.
Increase Facilities Department FY16 Rental Revolving Fund
Mr. Addelson explained that the purpose of this item is to seek the approval of the Board of
Selectmen to increase the FY16 spending ceiling of the Building Rental Revolving Fund. Article
7 of the 2015 Annual Town Meeting established the FY16 spending ceiling for the Building
Rental Revolving Fund at $425,000 pursuant to MGL Chapter 44, Section 53 E 1/2. This
revolving fund accounts for expenditures incurred in providing space in municipal and school
buildings for use by private entities. The expenditures are financed from fees charged to those
entities for use of town facilities.
Mr. Addelson went on to say that a recent analysis by the Department of Public Facilities of
spending year -to -date in the Building Rental Revolving Fund and of projected spending through
the remainder of the fiscal year indicates that the current ceiling of $425,000 will be exceeded
attributable to two factors: increased costs to support the rental of Baffin Hall for performances
and the expanded space allotted to the Indian School at the Lexington High School. It is
projected that total FY16 spending in the Building Rental Revolving Fund will be $461,000.
Further, it is projected that the fund will generate revenue adequate to cover this projected
spending. MGL Chapter 44, Section 53 E 1/2 provides for an increase in the spending ceiling of a
revolving fund established by town meeting upon approval by the Appropriation Committee and
the Board of Selectmen. At its meeting on May 2, 2016 the Appropriation Committee approved
an increase in the FY16 spending ceiling of the Building Rental Revolving Fund to $461,000.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5 -0 to increase the FY16 spending ceiling of
the Building Rental Revolving Fund from $425,000 to $461,000.
Center Trial Traffic Safety Decision
Mr. Pato explained that at our last meeting the Board entertained public discussion on the various
trial options and tonight the Board will finish their discussion and make a determination on how
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Selectmen's Meeting — May 9, 2016
to proceed. Mr. Livsey, Town Engineer and Mr. Pinsonneault, Director of Public Works
reviewed questions that were raised at the Board's last meeting and responses.
The Board agreed that the trials would start sometime between August 1 and August 15, 2016.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5 -0 to approve the trial traffic program at
Massachusetts Avenue and Edison Way, as proposed.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 5 -0 to approve the trial traffic program at
Massachusetts Avenue eastbound and Waltham Street as amended with two additional parking
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -1 (Kelley opposed) to approve the trial
traffic program on Harrington Road, between Bedford Street and Massachusetts Avenue as
amended to allow access to the abutters in both directions.
Mr. Kelley is opposed to anything but two -way traffic on Harrington Road. He would like to
keep a close eye on this trial and maybe stop early. Ms. Ciccolo and Ms. Barry are reluctantly
supporting the trial.
Article Presentations /Discussion/Positions
Mr. Pato explained that this is an opportunity for the Board to discuss any issues relative to
Articles remaining on the Annual Town Meeting and the Special Town Meetings. The Board
received a presentation on Article 2: Land Purchase — 20 Pelham Road. This has been posted on
the Special Town Meeting web page.
Ms. Ciccolo recused herself from the discussion because her parents own property that abuts 20
Pelham Road.
The Board had no comments or questions on the presentation.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -0 to adjourn at 7:01 p.m.
A true record; Attest:
Diana B. Chabot
Acting Executive Clerk
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Selectmen's Meeting
Natural Gas Leaks Hearing
May 17, 2016
A public meeting was held on Tuesday, May 17, 2016, at 7:00 p.m. in Baffin Hall in the Cary
Memorial Building. Chairman Barry, Mr. Pato and Ms. Ciccolo were present. Co -hosts of the
meeting were State Legislators: Senator Kenneth Donnelly, Senator Michael Barrett and
Representative Jay Kaufman.
Staff present were: Mr. Valente, Town Manager; Mr. Pinsonneault, Director of Public Works;
Chief Wilson, Fire Department.
The panel of presenters were: Lisa Fitzgibbons, Mothers Out Front; Nathan Phillips, Professor
of Earth and Environment, Boston University; Mark Sandeen, Chair, Sustainable Lexington
Committee; John Stavrakas, P.E., Vice President of Gas Asset Management, National Grid;
Edward Woll, Jr., Conservation Chair, Energy Chair, Massachusetts Chapter of the Sierra Club.
There were many residents /business owners who spoke: Joel Adler, 22 Village Circle;
Michael Alexander, 66 Baskin Rd.; Elaine Ashton, 32 Cliffe Ave.; Gloria Bloom, 17 Loring Rd.;
Tony Clough, 89 Hancock Ave.; Norma Floyd, 16 Oxford St.; Edward Ganshirt,
48 Fletcher Ave.; Marcia Gens, 16 Dane Rd.; Elisabeth Jas, 43 Coolidge Ave.; David Kanter,
48 Fifer Lane; Jennifer McClair, 7 Frost Rd.; Patrick Mehr, 31 Woodcliffe Rd.; Ricki Pappo,
16 Blossomcrest Rd.; Alison Shaw, 109 Massachusetts Ave., (business owner); Don Voss,
10 Hancock Ave.
Other attendees who spoke: Ron Green, 12 Old Stagecoach Rd., Bedford, (previous resident);
Joe Kirylo, 59 Thorndike St., Cambridge, President Boston Gas Local 12003 Union Workers;
Materials Used at the Meeting:
• Public Meeting Notice, May 11, 2016, AGENDA
• The Story of Natural Gas and Leaky Pipes, May 17, 2016; PowerPoint prepared and
presented by Ms. Fitzgibbons, Mr. Sandeen, and Dr. Phillips
• Testimony of Mr. Stavrakas, "Before the Lexington Board of Selectmen, May 17, 2016"
Opening Remarks:
Mr. Pato welcomed those in attendance, explaining that this event was being co- hosted by
Lexington's legislators as part of Representative Kaufman's Open House Forum sessions. Over
the last nine months, the Board has held two other meetings to discuss gas leaks in Lexington.
Panelist Presentations:
Each of the panelists made a presentation and /or answered questions associated with natural gas
leaks. Comments included the following:
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Natural Gas Leaks Hearing — May 17, 2016
• Natural gas is considered the cleanest form of energy produced by fossil fuels but it still
impacts the environment.
• Gas leaks can harm our health, increase ground ozone levels, contribute to global
warming, and create a safety hazard.
• Currently the consumer is paying for leaked and /or unaccounted for gas; there is no
financial incentive for the gas company to repair pipes.
• Gas leaks are generally the result of aging infrastructure, new leaks present themselves
• There is an on -going effort to replace gas pipes, which is coordinated with road repairs
whenever possible; only emergency repairs are made during the winter months.
• Identified leaks are classified as 1) an explosion hazard, 2) a potential explosion hazard,
or 3) not an explosion hazard and are addressed sequentially based on this information.
• Some leaks are identified as super emitters or high volume leaks based on the amount of
gas that is lost, but this factor does not currently play a role in determining the sequence
for making repairs.
• Studies have been conducted to identify the prevalence of gas leaks, their environmental
impact, and the best approach to address them, but collecting data related to gas leaks is
challenging. Metering discrepancies are a complicating factor.
Members of the audience asked questions and made comments, expressing concern about the
environmental, health, and safety hazards associated with gas leaks. Mr. Stavrakas said that all
of the old pipes in Massachusetts should be repaired in less than 20 years. A more aggressive
timeline could create serious traffic issues during construction. Finding qualified gas workers is
also a challenge. Mr. Kirylo described questionable staffing practices by National Grid as
identified by his union.
In response to concerns about the high volume leaks, the legislators agreed that some regulatory
and legislative changes would be explored to determine whether they could expedite the effort to
control those leaks. In response to questions about metering discrepancies, it was noted that the
meters are calibrated, but there is more to be learned about the data that is collected from them.
Representative Kaufman agreed that the question of who pays for leaking gas is one that needs to
be explored. He stressed the need for continued dialogue.
In closing the discussion Mr. Pato noted that partnering by those involved in these issues is
necessary to find solutions.
The meeting was adjourned at 9:12 p.m.
A true record; Attest:
Sara Arnold
Recording Secretary
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Selectmen's Meeting
May 23, 2016
A regular meeting of the Board of Selectmen was held on Monday, May 23, 2016, at 7:00 p.m.
in the Selectmen Meeting Room of the Town Office Building. Chairman Barry, Mr. Kelley, Mr.
Pato and Ms. Ciccolo; Mr. Valente, Town Manager; and Ms. Chabot, Acting Executive Clerk,
were present.
Public Comment
Ms. McKenna, Precinct 6 Town Meeting Member, presented the Selectmen with a Petition to
Enforce the Munroe Preservation Agreement recorded in 2010. She asked the Selectmen to first,
review the plans for the proposed addition for Munroe Tavern in light of the conditions of the
recorded Preservation Restriction Agreement and make a determination as to whether the
addition is in full compliance. And second, to take all necessary action to protect this investment
in accordance with the 2010 Preservation Restriction Agreement.
Mr. Valente has consulted Town Counsel on this matter and believes that the proposed addition
does trigger the preservation restriction and the Town's review. The Town has to apply the
Secretary of the Interior's standards and Mr. Valente is in the process of identifying people who
have expertise in that area. Mr. Valente added that under the Historic Preservation Restriction the
Town has 45 days in which to act on the request from the Historical Society, received on May
Selectmen Concerns and Liaison Reports
Mr. Pato reported on the meeting the Board held on May 17, 2016 to discuss the issue of Natural
Gas leaks in Lexington and in the Commonwealth.
Ms. Barry reminded everyone that Monday is Memorial Day and summarized the events
happening to celebrate. She extended congratulations to the Lexington High School Quiz Show
team of (4) primary members and (2) alternates: Seniors Duncan McCallum, Reggie Luo, and
Devin Shang and Juniors Colin Cantwell, Krishna Suraj, and Ravi Raghaven who won the State
Championship. Ms. Barry also had a few housekeeping reminders for her colleagues on the
Ms. Barry extended sympathy, thoughts and prayers to the Arena family on the sudden passing
of Michael while chaperoning a Boy Scout rafting trip with Troop 160 in Maine a little over a
week ago. She also extended sympathy and prayers to the Tarentino family in honor of Auburn
Police Officer Ronald Tarentino who was killed in the line of duty on Sunday, May 22, 2016.
LexPress Proposed Route and Fare Changes
Ms. Rebecchi, Transportation Coordinator, recommends increasing the headway time from 30 to
35 minutes on routes leaving the Depot from 2:35 pm through 5:00 pm to address an on -time
performance problem. Effective July 1, 2016, Ms. Rebecchi recommends an increase in the
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Selectmen's Meeting — May 23, 2016
adult Lexpress cash fare from $2.50 to $2.75 to fulfill Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA)
obligations, and eliminate the $0.25 transfer fee to improve staff efficiency and increase rider
utilization of the transfer system.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -0 to approve modifications to the Lexpress
schedule as presented.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -0 to raise the Lexpress adult cash fare
from $2.50 to $2.75, and eliminate the $0.25 transfer fee effective July 1, 2016.
The FY17 Lexpress schedule is printed and included with the July 1, 2016 tax bill. A copy of
the final schedule will be brought forward as a consent item at an upcoming Selectmen's
Presentation of Vietnam War Commemoration Certificate
Ms. Rada, Veterans' Services District Director for Lexington and Bedford explained that this
past year, the Town participated in a program to honor veterans on the 50th Anniversary of the
Vietnam War 1141 ) : / /www vie9:.namwar5O911 ,eom /. Ms. Rada has registered the Town of
Lexington as a partner and presented the Board with first, a Proclamation by the President of the
United States where he proclaims May 28, 2012 — November 11, 2025 as the commemoration of
the 50th anniversary of the Vietnam War and second, the Commemorative Partner Certificate
from the Department of Defense recognizing the Town of Lexington as a commemorative
partner. A photo was taken and Ms. Rada will keep these documents in her office.
DPW Project Update
Mr. Pinsonneault, Director of Public Works provided the Selectmen with a list of projects that
are on -going or planned and touched on a few of them. The Concord Ave sidewalk design and
construction is anticipated to be substantially completed this summer The 3- Intersection
Project is with Mass DOT for review and engineering is looking for feedback from them
sometime in June. Mr. Pinsonneault went over the sections of sidewalk planned for
improvements in FY17 town wide. He updated the Board on Hartwell Ave improvements, the
Gleason Road force main project, Battle Green Area Master Plan, Lincoln Park field
improvements, and Antony Park.
Mr. Pinsonneault reported that we have received the new storm water permit which our
engineering staff is going through that lengthy document right now. Some of the projects we are
currently working on are tied in to the storm water permit but there are some other things that we
have to do. The Board expressed their appreciation for the number of projects being managed.
Complete Street Project Prioritization List
Mr. Kucharsky, Assistant Planning Director and Chair, Transportation Safety Group (TSG)
provided the Selectmen with a complete street project prioritization plan. The full plan will be
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Selectmen's Meeting — May 23, 2016
submitted to the Mass DOT in early June and will include additional details including costs and
construction schedules. Once MassDOT has received and approved the prioritization plan the
Town will be eligible to submit projects for funding which can range up to $400,000. The
projects on this list are considered "shovel- ready" as funding requests for studies and designs are
not eligible during the first fiscal year of this program. Ms. Ciccolo noted that MassDOT does
allow communities to revise this prioritization list at a later date; this is a great list to start with.
Laurel Carpenter, member of Bicycle Advisory Committee commended the TSG for their
support of the striping project. Elaine Ashton voiced her support for adequate bicycle parking.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -0 to approve the Complete Streets
prioritization plan as presented.
Consider and Approve Amendment to Parking Regulations on Stetson Street
David Kucharsky, Assistant Town Planner and Chair TSG, has received a request from a resident
on Stetson Street regarding restricting parking on one side of the street, for approximately 300
feet from the intersection with Meriam Street. The proposed change has the support of the two
abutters. Due to the narrowness and steepness of the road, this change is recommended by TSG.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -0 to approve the revised Traffic Tule and
Order, Chapter 192 -18, Schedule 1 for Stetson Street.
Vote on Facilities Union Contract
Ms. Barry recused herself and left the room as her husband is an employee of the Town and Mr.
Pato served as chair for this item. Ms. Casey, Human Resources Director, presented a three -year
collective bargaining agreement between the Town and AFSCME Building Maintenance
Custodians Local 1703 for the period of FY16 -18. The Board of Selectmen approved this
agreement in executive session on May 2, 2016 and the AFCME membership has voted to accept
this contract settlement. Ms. Casey reviewed the substantive aspects of the agreement.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 3 -0 to approve and authorize the Town
Manager to sign the collective bargaining agreement between the Town and the AFSCME DPW
Local 1703 for the period of FY16 -18.
Review of 2015 and Preview of 2016 Farmers' Market
Rose Wall, Market Manager and Leslie Wilcott- Henrie Market Coordinator provided a summary
of the 2015 market and what is coming for 2016. 2015 was the eleventh season of the Lexington
Farmers' Market, going from May 27 to October 28 for a total of 23 weeks. For the sixth year, a
Thanksgiving FEASTival market was held on the Tuesday before the holiday at Seasons Four
and the LFM offered a matching program enabling SNAP shoppers to double the amount of their
purchase at the market. The market has five new vendors in 2016 and will be open from May 31
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Selectmen's Meeting — May 23, 2016
to October 25, 2016. They anticipate holding the Thanksgiving FEASTival on November 24 and
will continue to offer the matching program for SNAP shoppers. Mr. Valente recommended that
Ms. Wall continue to work with Ms. Tintocalis about parking for the Farmers' Market. Ms.
Barry commended Ms. Wall for all that she and her volunteers do for the market.
Approve Farmers' Market Winery License
Coastal Vineyards has applied for a special license to sell and serve samples of wine at the
Lexington Farmers' Market for the 2016 season and on November 24, 2016 for the Thanksgiving
FEASTival at Seasons Four.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -0 to approve and sign a special license for
Coastal Vineyards to sell wine and serve samples of wine at the Lexington Farmers' Market, at 5
Fletcher Avenue, on Tuesdays from May 31 to October 25, 2016 and on November 24, 2016 at
Seasons Four, 1265 Mass Ave.
Approve Limousine License Renewals
We have received the necessary paperwork and favorable inspection report from the Police
Department to renew one (1) Limousine License each for Boyadjian Limousine Service, R &M
Ride and Back Bay Sedan Services. CORI checks for all three applicants have come back with
no information.
Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted 4 -0 to approve the application and issue one
(1) Limousine License to Boyadian Limousine Service, 447 Lowell Street.
Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted 4 -0 to approve the application and issue one
(1) Limousine License to Ronald Magembe d /b /a R &M Ride, 24 Deering Avenue.
Upon motion duly made and seconded it was voted 4 -0 to approve the application and issue one
(1) Limousine License to Fusco Enterprises, LLC d /b /a Back Bay Sedan Services, 37 Woburn St.
Selectmen Appointments /Reappointments — LexHAB
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -0 to reappoint Robert Burbidge and Henry
Liu to the Lexington Housing Assistance Board for a term to expire May 31, 2019.
Town Manager Appointments /Reappointments
Council on Aging
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -0 to approve the Town Manager's
reappointment of Marion deB. Kilson and Gerald Howell to the Council on Aging for a term to
expire May 31, 2019.
69 -406
Selectmen's Meeting — May 23, 2016
Recreation Committee
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -0 to approve the Town Manager's
reappointment of Rick DeAngelis to the Recreation Committee for a term to expire May 31,
Approve Town Comptroller's Employment Agreement
The Assistant Town Manager for Finance /Comptroller's Employment Agreement is up for
renewal. The only changes are to update the Agreement dates and reflect the current
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -0 to approve and sign the Employment
Agreement with the Town Comptroller.
Water & Sewer Commitments and Adjustments
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -0 to approve the following Water and
Sewer commitments.
Commitment of Water & Sewer charges Section 2
Commitment of Water & Sewer charges Cycle 9
Commitment of Water & Sewer charges Finals
Approve One -Day Liquor License — Community Endowment of Lexington
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -0 to approve the request of
MetroWest /Community Endowment of Lexington (CEL) for a one -day liquor license to serve
wine on June 8, 2016 from 6:00 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. at the Lexington Community Center for the
CEL Grant Celebration.
Approve One -Day Liquor License — Spectacle Management
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -0 to approve the request of Spectacle
Management for a one -day liquor license to serve beer and wine in the lobby of the Cary
Memorial Building, 1605 Massachusetts on Saturday, June 18, 2016 from 7:00 p.m. to 11:00
p.m. for the Ella Fitzgerald & Frank Sinatra Tribute Concert.
Use of the Battle Green — Flags at Memorial Plaque for Memorial Day
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -0 to allow the Town Celebrations
Committee to place small flags at the memorial plaques around the Battle Green in memory of
the six men from Lexington who perished in WWI. They would place their flags on the morning
of Friday, May 27 and remove them at the end of the day on Tuesday May 31, 2016.
Use of the Battle Green — Flag Day Ceremony
69 -407
Selectmen's Meeting — May 23, 2016
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -0 to approve the request of the Lexington
Elks to use the Battle Green for their annual Flag Day Ceremony to be held Tuesday, June 14,
2016 at 7:00 p.m.
Sign Immigrant Heritage Month Proclamation
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -0 to sign a Proclamation for National
Heritage Month in June 2016 to celebrate our country's immigrant heritage.
Approve Minutes and Executive Session Minutes
The November 2015 minutes will go on the agenda for the June 6, 2016 meeting so that Mr. Pato
has a chance to read them.
Upon motion duly made and seconded, it was voted 4 -0 to adjourn at 8:20 p.m.
A true record; Attest:
Diana B. Chabot
Acting Executive Clerk