HomeMy WebLinkAbout2017-01-10-CEC-min Minutes of the Lexington Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC) Meeting January 10, 2017 (Open Session) Location and Time: Town Offices Building, Reed Room; 7:30 .. AM Members Present: Jill Hai, ChairDavid Kanter, Vice-Chair & Clerk; Rod Cole; ; Charles Lamb; Wendy Manz Members Absent: None Others Present: Carl Valente, Town Manager; Rob Addelson, Assistant Town Manager for Finance; Carolyn Kosnoff, pending Assistant Town Manager for Finance Documents Presented : Notice/Agenda of CEC Public Meeting, January 10, 2017 FY2018ÎFY2022 Capital Improvement Projects (CIPs) Draft CEC Review of FY2018 Town ManagerÓs Preliminary Budget & Financing Plan (ÐWhite BookÑ) (January 8, 2017; prepared and distributed that date to this Committee member by Mr. Kanter) Packet Showing Disconnect Between Project Identification in Town Warrant/Reports to Town Meeting and in Town Meeting Motions (January 10, 2017; prepared by Mr. Kanter) Extract from Enrollment Update Presentation to Lexington School Committee, January 3, 2017 (Pages 3-4, 6-7, 13, 15, 17, 19-20, 22, 24, 28) Draft #3 Minutes of CEC meeting, December 12, 2016, Morning Draft Minutes of CEC meeting, December 12, 2016, Summit Draft #3 Minutes of CEC meeting, December 13, 2016 Call to Order: At 7:30 .., Ms. Hai called the meeting to order. AM Ms. Hai declared that an Executive Session is warranted under the Open Meeting Law Exemption 6 to consider the purchase, exchange, lease or value of real property as the discussion in an Open Meeting may have a detrimental effect on the negotiating position of the Town. She moved to go into Executive Session with the others present with the intention to reconvene in an Open Session to continue with other business of the Committee, It was seconded, the members of this Committee were individually polled (Vote: 5-0 ), and Ms. Hai declared the Committee is now in Executive Session. See the separate Minutes for the Executive Session. Return to Open Session: At 8:23 .., the Committee returned to Open Session. AM Prepare for Budget Summit IV, January 12, 2017: Using the Draft Review product, the Committee reviewed each of the listed projects and discussed whether the CommitteeÓs preliminary positions taken at its December 12, 2016, meeting had changed based on additional information since that meeting. (Although each project was considered if in the Five-Year Capital Plan, the primary emphasis of this review was on those projects now included in the ÐWhite BookÑ with proposed FY2018 funding.) The following (identification includes the CIP number) are those for which a change was made in the CommitteeÓs preliminary position. (An asterisk indicates a conditional basis to the position.) #980 Bedford St at Eldred St Safety Improvements: Removed the asterisk. Page 1 of 4 Minutes of the Lexington Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC) Meeting January 10, 2017 (Open Session) #1019 Hartwell Area TMOD Plan Update: Removed the asterisk. #1032 Stone Building Analysis Feasibility Study: Removed the asterisk. #1039 Hill Street New Sidewalk Project: Now to be determined (ÐTBDÑ) as design estimate has increased 50% and no information has been provided to the Committee on the projected construction estimate. #708 Municipal Technology Improvement Program: The inclusion, or lack thereof, of an emergency generator at the Lexington Community Center (LexCC) could impact Mr. KanterÓs position. #967 Police Outdoor/Indoor Firing RangeÏHartwell Avenue: Added an asterisk as this Committee maintains its expectations as to the scope and functional purposes of the new range. #1020 Public Safety Radio Console Replacement: Removed the asterisk. #564 LHS Air Conditioning Teacher Planning & Library: Preliminary position now 50. #835 Visitors Center: Preliminary position now 5-0 for deferring this project, consistent with the proposal in the White Book; however, with an asterisk as this Committee continues to support the Board of Selectmen authorizing now the use of previously appropriated funds for critically reviewing the conceptual design and programmatic objectives of the building with the goal of reducing the currently projected construction estimate. #870 Hastings School Renovation/ReplacementÏDesign: Mr. Addelson noted this CommitteeÓs request regarding the need to ensure the FY2018 Recommended Budget & Financing Plan (ÐBrown BookÑ) clarifies that Town Meeting must approve the gross dollar amounts while the other amounts shown in the White BookÏwhich are net of the contemplated reimbursement (30%) by the Massachusetts Schools Building Authority (MSBA)Ïreflect the amounts expect to be financed. #989 LHS Security Evaluation and Upgrade: Preliminary position now 1Î4, thus opposing the project over the concern that the scope of the proposed project has not been shown to be appropriate with the unspecified goal. #1009 Munroe School Window Restoration: Removed the asterisk. #1022 Lexington Children's Place (LCP)ÏDesign: Revised the condition to be that the design scope and funding be sufficient fully to address a roadway connecting the 20 Pelham Road property to the LexCC and at least conceptual design and estimated funding for renovating the gymnasium and kitchen/cafeteria inside the existing 20 Pelham Road building. #1022 LCPÏConstruction: Same scope condition as above for the design, but not necessarily including the final design and construction funding for the gymnasium and kitchen/cafeteria at the same time as for the other elements in the scope of the project. #1034 Purchase Parking Lot for Community Center: Preliminary position now 5Î0. Page 2 of 4 Minutes of the Lexington Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC) Meeting January 10, 2017 (Open Session) #528 Hydrant Replacement Program: It was noted that a recent letter from the Fire Chief did not answer the questions that had been presented. Preliminary position now 3Î1Î1. #554 Street Acceptance: Preliminary position now 4-1. #644 Sidewalk Improvement: Removed the asterisk, but Comment added about the smaller identified extent of the sidewalk work contemplated under the increased funding versus that contemplated for FY2017. #672 Battle Green Master PlanÏPhase 3: Position now 0Î5 as additional information confirmed there are still previously approved projects (with funding) that remain to be accomplished such that additional funding is not expected to be needed in FY2019. #883 Bikeway Bridge Renovations: Mr. Addelson reported that Town Counsel has reaffirmed that this projectÏwhich is principally painting-relatedÏcannot be CPA funded; and it is not structural maintenance, according to the TownÓs agreement with the MBTA. Mr. Addelson identified it as extraordinary maintenance, to be funded by debt. After discussion about the validity of this being a capital project, and noting that the bridge work is not an on-going program, preliminary position now 4Î1. #940 Westview Cemetery Building Assessment: Removed the asterisk. #1002 Staging for Special Events: Preliminary position now 4Î1 to support deferring this project, consistent with the proposal in the White Book. #1040 Westview Cemetery Irrigation: Removed the asterisk. #1043 Highway Sign Machine: Preliminary position now 4Î1. #732 Center Track and Field Reconstruction: Preliminary position now 5Î0. Ms. Hai identified the items she expects to highlight at Thursday eveningÓs Budget Summit and will distribute a draft outline of her presentation. She asked Committee members to provide comments back to her as soon as possible, thereafter. Review of the 2016 Annual Town Meeting Process: Mr. Kanter explained his handout showing the Motions at that Town Meeting had some item references revised so as no longer to be the same as cited in the Town Warrant and the reports to the Town Meeting by both Finance CommitteeÓs. He proposed to work with Town Staff to avoid that in the future and the Committee supported his taking that action. Member Concerns and Liaison Reports: Mr. Cole advised the Committee that his handout regarding the school-enrollment update provided no information that indicates the already projected demand for additional school-building capacities is moderating. In addition, he said it remains that the currently planned additional space may well be less than needed to meet the School CommitteeÓs educational objectives. Approval of Minutes: A Motion was made and seconded to approve the Draft #3 Minutes of the CEC morning Vote: 5–0 meeting, December 12, 2016, as presented: A Motion was made and seconded to approve the Draft Minutes of the CEC Summit Vote: 5–0 meeting, December 12, 2016, as presented. Page 3 of 4 Minutes of the Lexington Capital Expenditures Committee (CEC) Meeting January 10, 2017 (Open Session) A Motion was made and seconded to approve the Draft #3 Minutes of the CEC meeting, Vote: 5–0 December 13, 2016, as presented: Next Meeting: th It was agreed to discuss at the next meeting (the 17) further details related to preparing this CommitteeÓs report to the 2017 Annual Town Meeting (ATM) and the th anticipated concurrent Special Town Meeting. As that ATM begins on March 20 and our th goal is to have this CommitteeÓs report distributed one week earlierÏthatÓs by the 13Ï members should expect more than just the one routine meeting during the previous week thth (March 6 through the 10). Adjourn: Vote: 5–0 A Motion was made and seconded at 9:30 .. to adjourn. AM These Minutes were approved by the CEC at its meeting on January 17, 2017. Page 4 of 4